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TOS OF Industrial Organizational Psychology

1. Identify the steps, methods, tools in Job analysis
Steps in Job Analysis:
Identify Task Performed
Write Task Statements
Rate Task Statements
Determine Essential KSAO’s
Selecting Test to tap KASO’s
Methods in Job Analysis:
1. Observation
2. Interview
3. Questionnaire
4. Checklists
5. Critical Incidents
6. Diaries or Log Records
7. Technical Conference Method
Tools in Job Analysis:
O*NET Model
Functional Job Analysis Model
Fleishman Job Analysis System
Job Scan Model
Competency Model
Position Analysis Questionnaire
1.2 Analyze purpose of job analysis:
In selection & hiring
In training & development
In performance management
In compensation management
In job design, redesign, enrichment & enlargement
1.3 Compare the approaches to job analysis: task analysis: process analysis
Job Analysis – The process of identifying how a job is performed, the conditions under which it
is performed, and the personal requirements it takes to perform the job.
Task Analysis – the process of identifying the tasks for which employees need to be trained.
Process Analysis – is a systematic review of all steps and procedures followed to perform a
given activity.
1.4 Describe the outcomes of job analysis:
Job description
Job specifications
1.5 Examine the importance of Job Design
Jobs that are well designed are based on principles that result in a more efficient and
effective workforce.
Improving Job Design reduces employee Job Stress, Negative Health Implications, and
2.1 Recognize the importance and benefits of a strategic recruitment and selection system
2.2 Differentiate:
Core competencies vs Functional Competencies
Core competencies
Decision Making, Teamwork, Work Standards, Reliability, Motivation, Adaptability, ProblemSolving, Integrity, Communication, Planning & Organization, Stress Tolerance, and Initiative
Functional Competencies
– technical competencies
– these are the skills that professionals are required to use on a daily or regular basis.
Risk Analysis, Data Analysis, Programming, Accounting, Psychology
Job Competencies vs Position Qualifications
Job Competencies
 KSAO’s needed to perform the job
- Must have highschool diploma
- Understand Financial Documents
- Skilled in using Microsoft Excel
- Have advanced coursework in accounting and finance
Position Qualifications
2.3 Identify the different stages of the recruitment process
1. Job Analysis
2. Selection of testing methods
3. Test Validation
4. Recruitment
5. Screening
6. Testing
7. Selecting
8. Hiring / Rejecting
2.4 Compare:
Job-fit: Person-Environment Fit: Competency-Based recruitment & selection
Job fit
– the compatibility of employee’s ability and the job demands
Person-Environment Fit
- the compatibility of employee with his work environment
2.5 Analyze the major principles and issues in recruitment and employee selection (objectivity,
inclusivity, freedom from biases, stereotypes, discrimination)
National Origin
Religion (Days of Worship, Worship Practices, Religious Attire)
Vietnam Veteran Status
2.6 Develop recruitment and selection designs for specific positions and organizations.
2.7 Examine the different methods of recruitment & selection
Writing recruitment ads
Electronic Media (TV or Radio)
Situation Wanted Ads (placed by an applicant rather than by organizations)
Point-of-Purchase Methods
Campus Recruiters
Employment Agencies & Search Firms
Public Employment Agencies
Employee Referrals
Direct Mail
Employer-Based Websites
Internet Recruiters (indeed or jora)
Job Fairs
3.1 Evaluate the principles of adult learning (reinforcement, building blocks, salience, experiential
3.2 Differentiate training and development methods
Training development:
Case Studies
Role Play
Training Methods:
Classroom Training
Distance Learning
Asynchronous & Synchronous
On the job training
Learning Through Job-rotation
Coaching & Mentoring
3.3 Apply different levels of evaluation of training and development
Evaluation of Training Criteria:
Employee Reactions
Employee Learning
Application Training
Business Impact
Return of Investment
4.1 Clarify the performance management process
4.2 Identify the theories that explain work performance and productivity
1. Consistency Theory
- suggest that employees will be motivated to perform at levels consistent with their levels of selfesteem.
2. Job Characteristic Theory
- suggest that certain characteristics of a job will make the job more or less satisfying, depending on
the particular needs of the worker.
- enriched job are the most satisfying.
- involves task that have meaning or importance, allow
3. Goal-Setting Theory
- goals that are clear specific, and challenging are more motivating than vague goals or easy goals.
4. Expectancy Theory
- suggest that motivation is a function of EXPECTANCY, INSTRUMENTALITY & VALENCE.
Expectancy – if higher effort results to higher reward the motivation increase. If higher
effort results to no reward the motivation is low.
Instrumentality – the outcome of a worker’s performance, if noticed, results in a particular
Valence – the extent to which an employee values a particular consequence.
5. Equity Theory
- suggest that when an employee’s ratio is lower than those of others, he will become dissatisfied
and be motivated to make the rations equal in one or more ways.
- people with greater responsibility, greater experience, worse schedule and have a same salary with
people with less responsibilities, experience and better schedule will motivate to reduce their input.
5.1 Distributive Justice – the perceived fairness of the actual decisions made in an organization.
5.2 Procedural Justice – the perceived fairness of the methods used to arrive at the decision.
5.3 Interactional Justice – the perceived fairness of the interpersonal treatment employees
6. Social Influence Theory
- suggest that if other employees are motivated, there is an increased probability that we will model
their behavior and be motivated.
7. Discrepancy Theory
- suggest that we will remain satisfied with our job if it meets our various needs, wants,
expectations, and values.
4.3 Analyze the impact of personal factors (Halo Effect, primacy, recency, leniency, stringency,
central tendency, proximity, horn effects, stereotypes) involved in performance evaluation and
Halo Effect
- social-psychology phenomenon that causes people to be biased in their judgements by transferring
their feelings about one attribute of something to other, unrelated, attributes.
Attractive people are perceived to be smarter, funnier, and more likable than less attractive people.
Primacy Effect
- the fact that information presented early in an interview carries more weight than information
presented later.
information presented prior to the interview or early in the interview carries more weight than does
information presented later in the interview.
Recency Effect
- the tendency for supervisors to recall and place more weight on recent behaviors when they
evaluate performance.
Leniency Error
- A type of rating error in which a rater consistently gives all employees high ratings, regardless of
their actual levels of performance.
Strictness Error / Stringency
- A type of rating error in which a rater consistently gives all employees low ratings.
Central Tendency Error
- A type of rating error in which a the rater put all the employee in the middle scale of the rating.
Proximity Error
- A type of rating error in which a rating made on one dimension influences the rating made on the
dimension that immediately follows it on the rating scale.
After rating the first dimension with high score, the second dimension will also receive a high score
because it is near with the previous one.
Horn Effect
- opposite of the Halo Effect, is a form of cognitive bias that causes one’s perception of another to
be unduly influenced by a single negative trait.
4.4 Examine the impact of cultural factors (palakasan, padrino, sensitivity, personalistic) involved
performance evaluation and feedback-giving
4.5 Apply motivation theories (Goal-setting theory, Expectancy Theory, Need Theories, Equity
Theory, Reinforcement, Distributive, and Procedural Justice) to performance and rewards
1. Maslow’s need hierarchy theory
 Physical needs
 Safety needs
 Social needs
 Ego needs
 Self-actualization
2. ERG theory
 Existence
 Relatedness
 Growth
3. Two-factor theory
- There are separate sets of mutually exclusive factors in the workplace that either cause job
satisfaction or diassatisfaction.
Hygiene Factors
a) Salary
b) Working Conditions
c) Policies and rules
d) Relationship with supervisor
a) Personal Growth
b) Job Status
c) Performance and Achievement
d) Opportunities for Advancement
5.1 Examine the stages of team development
Stage 1: Forming
Stage 2: Storming
Stage 3: Norming
Stage 4: Performing
Stage 5: Termination/Ending
5.2 Identify group processes that affect team effectiveness
Group Cohesiveness
Group Homogeneity
Stability of Membership
Outside Pressure
Group Size
Group Status
Group ability and Confidence
Personality of the group members
Communication Structure
Group Roles
Social Facilitation & Social Inhibition
Social Loafing
Individual Dominance
5.3 Evaluate the effectiveness of teams
6.1 Identify the different factors affecting worker stress
1. Personal Stressors
Marital problems
Family Problems
Health Problems
Financial Problems
Daily Hassles
Residual Stress
2. Occupational Stressors
 Role Conflict
 Role Ambiguity
 Role Overload
3. Organization Stressors
 Person Fit / Organization Fit
 Work environment
 Change
 Relations with others (Coworker & Supervisor Problems, Difficult & Angry customers)
 Lack of empowerment
4. Personality/Habits Stressors
 Type A personality
 Pessimism
 Tendency to forecast
 Diet
 Exercise
6.2 Identify the different factors affecting work-life balance
6.3 Identify the symptoms of work stress
6.4 Evaluate the impact of work stress and coping strategies on employee behavior and adjustment
1. Personal Consequences
Responding to stress with anger can lead to hurt, loss of job, and trouble with law
Responding to stress with alcohol and drugs can lead to addiction, broken relationships, and
1.1 Body response to stress:
 Sweat
Headaches & Body Aches
Weaken Immune System
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Coronary Heart Disease
2. Organizational Consequence
Absenteeism & Turnover
Drug & Alcohol Abuse
Health Care Cost
6.5 Apply your knowledge about workplace mental health to address employee problems
6.6 Develop Organizational Interventions to enhance Employee Well Being
1. Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
2. wellness information
3. health screening program
4. smoking cessation program
5. stress-reduction program
6. weight loss program
7. subsidize fitness center dues
8. provide on-site fitness center
9. sponsor sports team