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Design of Everyday Things: Principles & Psychology

CMPT 481 & 811
Design of Everyday Things
Learning Objectives
• Analyze bad designs and create good ones
• Learn important concepts for designing everyday things:
• perceived affordances
• causality
• visible constraints
• mapping
• transfer effects
• idioms & population stereotypes
• conceptual models
• individual differences
• why design is hard
Psychology of Everyday Things
• Don Norman, 1988
• Affordance
• Visible constraints
• Mapping
• Feedback
• Causality (true and false
• Understandable action
• Visibility
• Conceptual models
• Other factors
• Transfer Effects
• Cultural Associations
• Individual Differences
Perceived Affordances
Perceived Affordances
Buttons are for pushing
Slots are for inserting
Handles are for turning
Chairs are for sitting
Computers are for…
Switches are for toggling
Knobs are for turning
Perceived Affordances
• The perceived and actual fundamental properties of the object
that determine how it could possibly be used (Gibson, 1977)
• Complex things may need explaining
• Simple things should not
• When simple things need pictures, labels, instructions then design has
Perceived Affordances
• Product design
• Perceived affordances:
• Design invites people to take possible actions
• Actual affordances:
• The actual actionable properties of the product
• Problems occur when
• these are not the same,
• people’s perceptions are not what the designer expects
Perceived Affordances
Mirrors for not touching
Handles for lifting
Knobs for turning
Surface for placing transparencies
Perceived Affordances
Mirrors for not touching
People don’t reposition image
Handles for lifting
Bends frame & distorts focus
Knobs for turning
focus or image position?
Surface for placing transparencies
Which way is up?
What’s This?
Perceived Affordances
• Perception only through
• Designer creates
appropriate visual
affordances via
• familiar idioms
• metaphors
Perceived Affordances - Problems
Is this a graphic
or a control?
A button is for pressing,
but what does it do?
Text is for editing, but it doesn’t do it.
Visual affordances for
window controls are missing!
IBM Real Phone http://homepage.mac.com/bradster/iarchitect/phone.htm
Perceived Affordances - Problems
• Complex things may need
explaining but simple
things should not. When
simple things need labels
& instructions, then
design has failed.
Handles are for lifting,
but these are for
Perceived Affordances
• Limitations of the actions
possible perceived from
object’s appearance
• provides people with a
range of usage possibilities
Norman Doors
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
How do These
Doors Work?
Visible Constraints
Visible Constraints: Entering a Date
• The more
constraints, the
less opportunity
for error
• Particularly
important for
managing user
Visible Constraints: Entering a Date
• The more
constraints, the
less opportunity
for error
• Particularly
important for
managing user
Visible Constraints: Entering a Date
• The more
constraints, the
less opportunity
for error
• Particularly
important for
managing user
Visible Constraints: Entering a Date
• The more
constraints, the
less opportunity
for error
• Particularly
important for
managing user
More Visual Constraints
24 possibilities
8 possibilities
1 possibility
Good Mapping
Natural vs Non-Natural Mapping
Mapping Problems
Move cabinet
is for pulling
suggests it should open
the drawer but doesn’t
Mapping Problems
• Where do you plug in the
• Mapping ambiguous
Mapping Problems
• Which space is the
correct one to fill in?
If You Have to Provide a Label…
• Well-designed
feedback lets the user
know the state of the
system, that the
system has understood
or responded to their
actions, and what the
results of their actions
• Causality: A caused B to happen
• True causality
• We usually assume that the thing that happens right after an action
was caused by that action
• Interpretation of “feedback”
• Causality: A caused B to happen
• False causality
• incorrect effect
• e.g. invoking unfamiliar function just as computer crashes
• causes “superstitious” behaviors
• invisible effect
• e.g., hitting esc or alt-ctrl-del on unresponsive system
• Commands with no apparent result often re-entered repeatedly
Causality Problems
• Effects visible only after
‘Exec’ button is pressed
• Ok does nothing!
• Awkward to find
appropriate color level
Transfer Effects
Transfer Effects
• People transfer their
learning/expectations of
similar objects to the
current objects
• positive transfer: previous
learning also applies to new
• negative transfer: previous
learning conflicts with the
new situation
Transfer Effects – Problems
Transfer Effects - Problems
Transfer Effects - Problems
Intentional Inconsistencies
Idioms & Population
Idioms and Population Stereotypes
• Interface idioms are ‘standard’
interface features we learnt, use
and remember
• Idioms may define arbitrary
Idioms and Population Stereotypes
• Idioms vary in different cultures
or locations
• Light switches
• America: down is off
• Britain: down is on
• Faucets
• America: clockwise is on
• Britain: clockwise is off
Idioms and Population Stereotypes
• Ignoring/changing idioms?
• Home handyman
• Light switches installed upside
• Calculators vs. phone number
• Which did computer keypads
follow and why?
Idioms and Population Stereotypes
• Difficulty of changing
• Qwerty keyboard:
designed to prevent
jamming of typewriters
• Dvorak keyboard (’30s):
probably faster to use
Idioms and Population Stereotypes
• Because a trashcan in some places may
look like this:
• A user might be confused by this
image popular in early Apple
• Sun found their email icon problematic
for some American urban dwellers who
are unfamiliar with rural mail boxes.
Conceptual Models
Conceptual Model
• People have “mental models” of how things work, built from:
positive transfer
population stereotypes/cultural standards
Conceptual Model
• Models allow people to mentally simulate operation of device
• Models may be wrong, particularly if the attributes they are built
from are misleading
Good Example: Scissors
• Affordances:
• holes for something to be inserted
• Constraints:
• big hole for several fingers, small hole for thumb
• Mapping:
• between holes and fingers suggested and constrained
by appearance
• Positive transfer and cultural idioms:
• learnt when young
• constant mechanism
• Conceptual model:
• implications clear of how the operating parts work
Bad Example: Watch
• Affordances:
• four push buttons to push, but not
clear what they will do
• Constraints:
• no visible relation between buttons,
possible actions and end result
• Mapping:
• little relation to analog watches
• Positive transfer and cultural idioms:
• somewhat standardized core controls
and functions, but still highly variable
• Conceptual model:
• must be learnt
Conceptual Model
• communicate model through
visual image
• visible affordances, mappings, and
• visible causality of interactions
• cultural idioms, transfer
• instructions augment visuals
• all work together to remind a
person of what can be done and
how to do it
User's model
Who do you design for?
Who do you
design for?
Who do you
design for?
Who do you design for?
• People are different
• It is rarely possible to
accommodate all people
perfectly, so design is often a
• e.g. ceiling height: 8’
• but tallest man: 8’ 11’’!
• Rule of thumb:
• cater to 95% of audience (5th or 95th
• but means 5% of population may be
(seriously!) compromised
• designing for the average a mistake
• may exclude half the audience
• Examples:
• cars and height: headroom, seat size
• computers and visibility:
• font size, line thickness, color for colorblind people?
Who do you
do for?
design for?
Who do you design for?
• walk up and use systems
• interface affords restricted set of tasks
• introductory tutorials to more complex
standard idioms
recognition (visual affordances) over recall
reference guides
interface affords basic task structure
advanced idioms
complex controls
reminders and tips
interface affords advanced tasks
• shortcuts for power use
• interface affords full task + task
kiosk &
Proverbs on Individual Differences
• You do not necessarily
represent a good average user
of equipment or systems you
• Do not expect others to think
and behave as you do, or as
you might like them to.
• People vary in thought and
behaviour just as they do
Tru tho
Why Design is Hard
Why Design is Hard
• Increasing system impact &
complexity over the last century
• Number of things to control has
increased dramatically
• E.g. car radio: AM, FM1, FM2, 5 pre-sets,
station selection, balance, fader, bass,
treble, distance, mono/stereo, dolby,
tape eject, fast forward and reverse, etc
(while driving at night!)
Why Design is Hard
• Increasing system impact &
complexity over the last century
• Display is increasingly artificial
• E.g. red lights in car indicate problems vs
flames for fire
Why Design is Hard
• Increasing system impact &
complexity over the last century
• Feedback more complex, subtle, and
less natural
• E.g. is your digital watch alarm on and
set correctly?
Why Design is Hard
• Increasing system impact &
complexity over the last century
• Errors increasingly serious and/or
• E.g. airplane crashes, losing days of
Why Design is Hard
• Marketplace pressures may not
immediately value good design
• Adding functionality (complexity) now
easy and cheap
• E.g. computers
Why Design is Hard
• Marketplace pressures may not
immediately value good design
• Adding controls/feedback expensive
• physical buttons on calculator,
microwave oven
• widgets consume screen real estate
Why Design is Hard
• Marketplace pressures may not
immediately value good design
• Design usually requires several
iterations before success
• Products pulled if not immediately
Why Design is Hard
• Consumers may not immediately
value good design
• Consumers often value cost and
appearance over usability
• Trendy appearance is visible and looks
great in the store, bad design less clear
• Notice after you take it home, then live
with it
Why Design is Hard
• Consumers may not immediately
value good design
• Consumers tend to blame themselves
when errors occur
• “I was never very good with machines”
• “I knew I should have read the manual!”
• “Look at what I did! Do I feel stupid!”
Design (Appearance) vs Design
Design (Appearance) vs Design
Adding Features is Cheap
Adding Features is Cheap
(Appearance) vs
Design (Interaction)
Design (Appearance) vs Design
Why Design is Hard
• What does this do?
• computers far more
complex to control than
everyday devices
• general purpose computer
contains no natural
conceptual model
• completely up to the
designer to craft a
conceptual model
• Many human errors are actually errors in design. Don’t blame
the user!
• Designers help by providing a good conceptual model
• Affordances, causality, constraints, mapping, positive transfer, and
population stereotypes and idioms
• Design to accommodate individual differences. Decide on the
range of users.
• Why design is hard