GROUP 3 MATCH-UP! MECHANICS Each group will receive a box of match to build a 2D design with the structure they picked, blindfolded. Each group will be given 20 minutes to build. If they want to have a handicap like getting another box of match, taking off their blindfold, or another member should help the builder, they should solve or answer the problem given in 10 seconds. If their answer is wrong, another group will be given a chance. Other members will guide the builder while the builder is blindfolded. Only one member should build. RULES If another member touches the match, other groups will take one piece of the match. If a player took off their blindfold, other groups will take one piece of the match. Interrupting other groups is prohibited. Members: Gumalaoi, Kristoffer Jean Agustin, Krizzy Athea Malapit, Karrel Agullana, Aaron Alcodia, Fiona Aguedan, Seth Curammeng, Zhae Viernes, Alexa Antalan, Micoh Airon Martines, hanzen