Uploaded by Keith Jones

Feudalism in the Middle Ages Presentation

Feudalism in the
Middle Ages
How did people live in the Middle
Invaders threatened the population of Western Europe.
• Magyars (Hungarians) invaded from the area around modern-day
Hungary. They raided into Germany, Italy, and other parts of
Western Europe.
• Muslim invaders came from the South. They conquered the area
of Spain and the island of Sicily.
• Vikings were the greatest and boldest of the invaders. They
originated in Scandinavia in Northern Europe. Vikings were
ruthless and they targeted monasteries, farms and villages. They
chose these targets because they were usually poorly defended.
• Kings were powerless against these invaders.
• The invaders were swift and the kings could not
mount a defense before the invaders had come
and gone.
• As a result, the responsibility for protection fell
to local lords. These lords promised to protect
the people and their homes in their area .
• In return the people pledged their service and
loyalty to this lord.
• This system of loyalty and protection became
known as feudalism.
• The system of organizing people in the
Middle Ages through the exchange of land
and service
– Example: A king gives a noble a piece of land in
return for loyalty and military service.
King – provides money,
recruits army on demand,
grants land to his lords.
Lords and Vassals –
protect the king and
manage the territory.
Knights – protect
both the King
and lords.
Peasants and
Serfs –work
the land.
How the Feudal System Worked
• The relationship that created the feudal system is
the lord-vassal relationship.
• A king or noble granted land to a noble or lesser
noble (less power, less money). They became the
lord. The piece of land given was called a fief
• The person receiving the land became the vassal
of the person who gave them the land. A vassal
was to promise loyalty, military service, and even
a portion of the crops from their land to their
• A manor was a large area of land with farming areas that were
built up by nobles during the medieval times.
• The manor system was where the majority of people lived
during the Middle Ages.
• Since much of Europe was devastated by war, powerful lords
and ladies built fortified castles where they could live, along
with their staff. These massive plots of land became known as
• A manor was self-sufficient, meaning that everything needed to
survive could be located on the property.
• For example, manors had housing for all the people who
worked for the lord and lady, food sources, water sources, and
specialty shops. Please look at the following diagram, which
depicts a typical medieval manor (next slide).