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Sampling Techniques & Questionnaire Design Presentation

Advance Research Methodology
Assignment - 1
Prepared by Win Min Thein @ Kevin
Matrix No: 313012022020001
Management & Science University, Malaysia
Sampling Techniques
Prepared by Win Min Thein @ Kevin
Matrix No: 313012022020001
Sampling Techniques
Probability Sampling (or)
Random Sampling
1. Simple Random
2. Systemic Sampling
3. Stratified Random
4. Cluster
5. Area
6. Double
7. Multistage
Non-Probability (or)
Non-Random Sampling
1. Convenience
2. Judgmental/
3. Snowball/
4. Quota
Probability Sampling
• Identify Sampling Frame
• Sample Size
• Sampling Techniques
• Simple Random
Simple random sampling is elements or people randomly selected, like
drawing a number from a box where there is no calculation or prediction
on who the participants will be.
• Sampling Fraction
The sampling fraction is the ratio of sample size to population size
(E.g. Sample Size/ Population = 100/1000 = 1/10)
• Systematic Random Sampling
A systematic sampling method is where each nth population element will be
selected and starts randomly from between 1 and n. E.g. Total Population
• Stratified Random
Stratified random sampling is when the sample is being grouped into categories
or characteristics that fit the research. In stratified random sampling, the
population is divided into subgroups based on similar characteristics, and the
sample would be selected to represent every subgroup in the population
Split into small groups called Strata. E.g. based on Gender (Male and Female),
life cycle, Income Level.
• Cluster Sampling
The cluster sampling procedure comes from the population’s total target,
divided into clusters or category of the company or geographical area. After
that, select the sample cluster using random sampling; for every cluster that
might be chosen from all elements
• Area Sampling
The sampling will be chosen based on geographic areas or respective area
perimeters. This technique is cost-effective, but it might take a longer time
to collect data from the target area.
• Double Sampling
Double sampling is a sampling technique with two stages for an
experiment, research project or inspection where the sample is used
multiple times in the study to collect certain information. Then, this
primary subsample is used to look for more details of the problem.
Multi-stage sampling
Multi-stage sampling is a complex form of cluster sampling that involves
moving from a broad to a biased sample and using a step by step process.
The primary purpose of multi-stage sampling is to select samples that are
concentrated in several geographical regions.
For example, if the population comprises a total number of Sri Lankan
customers, the primary sampling unit. The customers are divided on a
provincial basis; this is the secondary sampling unit. Then, the customers
are divided on district wise; this is the tertiary sampling unit
• Convenience
For convenient sampling, the method sample is selected based on the
convenience of the researcher.
• Purposive/ Judgmental
judgmental sampling is a sampling method where persons or items are selected
purposefully to obtain essential and relevant information from the selected items
in the sample. E.g. The ideal persons who may be able to give accurate data are
people who have already gone up to the position of managers in organisations. .
Therefore, judgmental sampling is probably only useful for answering the
research question.
• Quota Sampling
Quota sampling is defined as a non-probability sampling method in which
researchers create a sample involving individuals that represent a population. or
example, a cigarette company wants to find out what age group prefers what
brand of cigarettes in a particular city. He/she applies quotas on the age groups
of 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, and 51+.
• Snowball
In the snowball sampling method, initial respondents in the sample will be
selected using probability or non-probability sampling. Then, other
respondents are selected based on the information collected from the
initial respondents. This method is advantageous when not all the
characteristics of the population are known.
14th November 2021
Prepared by Win Min Thein @ Kevin
Matrix No: 313012022020001
What is Questionnaire?
• A questionnaire is a research instrument consisting of questions
(items) to gather respondents’ information or data.
Instrument development
• Instrument development or questionnaire design is a process
which involves various stages and implementation cycle to
ensure the desired outcome for data collection purpose.
Items (Question)
• Items can be created by:
(Close ended Questions)
Each Variable should
have 7 to 8 Items.
(Open ended Questions)
- Structed Interview
-Unstructured Interview/
In-depth Interview
When designing Questionnaire
1. Cover Letter
• In cover letter, we should explain a type of research, and
importance of this research.
• Language of the questions should be easy and simple forthe
• The following tools can be used for online questionnaire:
Kobo toolbox
Google Forms
Survey Monkey