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Plant Parts and Functions Worksheet

1. Are all plant leaves the same?
2. What do leaves use to make food?
3. What part of the plant soaks up nutrients from the ground?
4. Name the following parts of the plant.
5. True or False. Flowers help a plant take in water and nutrients from the soil.
6. Could plants live without sunlight?
(1) Yes, because they have roots.
(2) Yes, because plants only need water and air to survive.
(3) No, because plants need sunlight to make their own food.
(4) No, because plants use sunlight to take water from the soil.
7. Which is NOT a function of a plant stem?
(1) It transports water and nutrients from the roots to other parts of a plant.
(2) It is where photosynthesis mainly occurs.
(3) Stems help the plant stand upright.
(4) It holds the leaves of the plant.
8. Why do plants need leaves?
(1) To make food (Photosynthesis) occurs in the leaves.
(2) Leaves absorbs water from the soil
(3) Leaves produce carbon dioxide for the plant.
(4) Plants need leaves to hold the soil.
9. All of these are needed by plants to make their own food EXCEPT ONE. Which one is it?
(1) sunlight
(2) candy and soup
(3) air
(4) water
10. Name the green plant parts in the photo.
11. What does the flower part of a plant do?
(1) Help the plant make seeds, fruit, and reproduce.
(2) Helps the plant make candies.
(3) Helps the plant take in water.
(4) Helps the plant to stand upright.
12. How does a plant take in air?
Through ____________ on the surface of the ___________________.
13. Alex is investigating what a plant needs to grow healthily.
He observes that only plant ________________ grows healthily.
This shows that a plant needs ______________________ to grow.
14. Cheryl is investigating what a plant needs to grow healthily.
She observes that only plant ____________ grows healthily.
This shows that a plant needs ____________________ to grow.
15. Arrange the pictures by writing numbers.
16. Cut and paste the pictures to correct group.
One seed
Few seeds
Many seeds