PRACTICAL RESEARCH PRODUCT PROPOSAL 2 ABDULKHAIR HASSAN, FEBRAIDA UNTI KUNSA, MOHANIE ANTILINO,MOHAMMAD ESMAIL UNAYAN, ROMEENA EMBA, ALEX, JULAIHA, SANDRA G. DUCO, JOHAR ABDULLAH, BENLADIN ANGKAY FIRST PRODUCT •Portable electric sensor fan ELECTRIC SENSOR FAN A portable electric sensor fan was able to recharge in both electric and solar energy power, it has a solar panel and a cable charger port for electric energy, and a light located on base, also the air freshener container at the front. SECOND PRODUCT •Three in one THREE IN ONE • This product has the ability to function into three types, which is can access the flashlight, bluetooth speaker, and it can be use as a power bank. Solar panel has to be added on its features for emergency purposes like, traveling, hiking, and also for incase of the absence of electric energy, this product was able to recharge in both electric and solar energy. THIRD PRODUCT •Mini printer MINI PRINTER • Mini printer is a small and semi version of a normal printer, but in this new version of product we add and reduce some few features, we reduce the size into (cellphone size) from its normal in order for perfectly fit in adding an SD card port feature that it ables you to listen in music. This product is designed for the people who’s obsessed and addicted with photo copies.