SIEMENS CAD Translators Installation Proprietary & Restricted Rights Notice This software and related documentation are proprietary to Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software 2 (IL) Ltd. © 2018 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software 2 (IL) Ltd. Trademarks Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. Tecnomatix is a trademark or registered trademark of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks, registered trademarks, or service marks belong to their respective holders. 2 CAD Translators Installation Contents Proprietary & Restricted Rights Notice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 CAD Translators Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 CAD Translators - Installation Components . . . . . . Licenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAD Setup Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pro/E to JT Translator Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . CATIA V5 to JT Translator Installation . . . . . . . . . . Teamcenter Visualization License Server Installation Tecnomatix/Robcad Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 1-1 1-3 1-5 1-5 1-5 1-6 1-6 CAD Translators Reference . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 CAD Translators Convertors Setup . . . . . . Versions and Releases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COJT Translators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COJT Conversion Translators . . . . . . . Application Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO Translators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CO Conversion Translators . . . . . . . . TxConvert2co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NX Config File . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TxJt2co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TxCatia2co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TxCo2Catia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Additional JT Conversion Capabilities . . . . JT Mirror . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . External ID Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Attribute Mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Defining Naming Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Appendix A: Multiple Instances of Robfacein Appendix B: Setup Features . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CAD Translators Installation . . . . . . . . 2-1 2-1 2-2 2-2 2-3 2-6 2-6 2-6 2-11 2-12 2-17 2-25 2-26 2-26 2-26 2-29 2-29 2-35 2-35 3 Chapter 1: CAD Translators Installation 1.1 CAD Translators - Installation Components The CAD Translators installation is composed of five components: • CAD Setup installation • Pro/E to JT translator installation • CATIA V5 to JT Translator Installation • Teamcenter Visualization License Server installation • Tecnomatix / Robcad installation 1.2 Licenses The following licenses are needed for running the translators: Translator TxCatia2co TxCo2catia Required Tecnomatix / Siemens PLM Software License CAT5_IN CAT5_IN Tecnomatix 14 Tecnomatix 14 Required CAD License FlexLM Access to CATIA V5 needed: Works with a CATIA V5 HD2 configuration. Not all of the licenses within this configuration are needed FlexLM Access to CATIA V5 needed: Works with a CATIA V5 HD2 configuration. Not all of the licenses within this configuration are needed CAD Translators Installation 1-1 Chapter Translators Installation Chapter 1: 1: CAD CAD Translators Installation TxConvert2co (ProE) proetojt-translator TC Visualization TxConvert2co (NX) Teamcenter Visualization Basic license forProE; please refer to proetojt-translator install guide for further instructions. NX License Server Basic license for NX NX License Server Basic license for NX TxJt2co TxNX2cojt Teamcenter Visualization Basic license for ProE; please refer to proetojt-translator install guide for further instructions. catv5tojt_sca Teamcenter Visualization FlexLM Please refer to catiatojt-translator install guide for further instructions. TxIGES2Cojt Iges _file_translator Teamcenter Visualization FlexLM TxDXF2Cojt Dxf _file_translator Teamcenter Visualization FlexLM TxSTEP2Cojt step_to_jt Teamcenter Visualization FlexLM TxProE2cojt TxCatia2cojt proetojt-translator TxJt2cojt The following import interfaces: TxCatia2co, TxConvert2co [NX/ProE], TxJt2co call Robfacein automatically. TxCo2catia calls Robfaceout automatically. The license required for Robfacein /Robfaceout on Robcad is PRD_ROBFACE. The license version is the same as that of Robcad. 1-2 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Installation 1.3 CAD Setup Installation The Setup automatically identifies and, if necessary, installs the following redistributable packages which are required for some of the translators: • MS .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 • MS Visual J# 2.0 • Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Update 4 Redistributable Package (x64) 1. From the CAD Translators folder, run setup.exe. The InstallShield Wizard Welcome window is displayed: 2. Click Next. The Destination Folder window is displayed: 3. Accept the indicated destination location or click Change to select a different location to install the CAD translator files. CAD Translators Installation 1-3 Chapter Translators Installation Chapter 1: 1: CAD CAD Translators Installation 4. Click Next. The Ready to Install window is displayed: 5. Click Install. The Installing CADTranslators window is displayed indicating the progress of the installation: When the installation is complete, the InstallShield Wizard Completed window is displayed: 1-4 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Installation 6. Click Finish. 1.4 Pro/E to JT Translator Installation The Siemens Pro/E to JT translator serves as the basis for translating Pro/E data for use in Tecnomatix/Robcad applications. The Pro/E to JT Translator setup is located in the 'JT Translator for ProE' folder of the CAD Translators section on the Tecnomatix installation DVD. 1.5 CATIA V5 to JT Translator Installation The Siemens CATIA V5 to JT translator serves as the basis for translating CATIA V5 data using TxCatia2cojt, for use in Tecnomatix applications. The CATIA to JT Translator setup is located in the 'JT Translator for CATIA' folder of the CAD Translators section on the Tecnomatix installation DVD. 1.6 Teamcenter Visualization License Server Installation The Teamcenter Visualization License Server is necessary for running the various CAD to JT translators, specifically to license the Pro/E to JT translator and CATIA V5 to JT translator. It is not required for the CATIA .CO interface (TxCatia2co, TxCo2catia). Note: Before you can set up the license server, you must receive a license file from Siemens PLM Software. Please refer to the specific installation guide of the relevant CAD to JT translator that you are installing. CAD Translators Installation 1-5 Chapter Translators Installation Chapter 1: 1: CAD CAD Translators Installation 1.7 Tecnomatix/Robcad Installation In order to work with the CAD Translators, at least either a Tecnomatix or Robcad application must exist on the machine, since running CAD Translators requires the existence of robfacein and robfaceout on the machine. Refer to the relevant installation instructions to set up Tecnomatix and Robcad applications. 1.8 Troubleshooting If for any reason TxCatia2co or TxCo2catia does not work properly after installing CAD Translators, verify that the redistributable packages were installed by checking in Start -> Control Panel -> Programs and Features. In case the redistributable packages were not installed, you must install them manually in the following order: 1. MS .NET Framework 2.0 SP1, which you can find on the Tecnomatix installation DVD at the following location: CADTranslatorsx64\ISSetupPrerequisites\Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 SP1 x64\NetFx20SP1_x64.exe 2. MS Visual J# 2.0, which you can find on the Tecnomatix installation DVD at the following location: CADTranslatorsx64\ISSetupPrerequisites\Visual JSharp .NET Redistributable Package 2.0 x64\vjredist64.exe 1-6 CAD Translators Installation Chapter 2: CAD Translators Reference 2.1 CAD Translators Convertors Setup The CAD Translators Setup contains a set of CAD converters for CO and COJT formats. It is installed independently and can be used for both Tecnomatix and Robcad PC product lines. • • • COJT Translators: o TxNx2cojt o TxJt2cojt o TxCatia2cojt o TxProE2cojt o TxSTEP2Cojt o TxIGES2Cojt o TxDXF2Cojt CO Translators: o TxConvert2co (NX and Pro/E via jt) o TxJt2co o TxCatia2co o TxCo2Catia TxNamingRules – Stand-alone GUI to set naming rules. 2.2 Versions and Releases The CAD setup supports the following Tecnomatix versions: • Tecnomatix: 11.1 to 14.1 • Robcad: 9.1, 11.0 CAD versions supported: • NX8.5, NX9.0 (from this version: 64bit only), NX10, NX11 • CATIA V5: R21 to V5-6 R2016 CAD Translators Installation 2-1 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference • CATIA V4 • ProE: WildFire5, Creo Parametric 1.0, Creo Parametric 2.0 • IGES: 5.3 • STEP: AP203/AP214/AP242 formats • DXF: up to AutoCAD 2014 • JT: up to 10.2 2.3 COJT Translators 2.3.1 COJT Conversion Translators • TxNx2cojt • TxJt2cojt • TxCatia2cojt • TxProE2cojt • TxIGES2cojt • TxSTEP2cojt • TxDXF2cojt NX, CATIA, Pro/E, DXF, IGES and STEP Translators The COJT translator applications: TxNx2cojt, TxCatia2cojt, TxProE2cojt, TxIGES2cojt, TxSTEP2cojt and TxDXF2cojt are command line applications for converting NX, CATIA, Pro/E, IGES, STEP and DXF data files to .COJT components. The applications perform this conversion by first converting the source file to a *.jt file, using the Siemens PLM Software NX, CATIA and Pro/E JT converters. The applications then create .cojt components for the generated .jt Assembly or .jt parts and create an XML allowing the hierarchy to be imported to the eMServer. Successful conversions also create log files in the destination folder. To run these applications, make sure that the relevant JT converter is installed on your computer with the appropriate license. Refer to the relevant JT converter manual for information about its settings, configurations and capabilities. Refer to the CAD Translators Installation Guide for information about installing the Siemens PLM Software converters. JT Translator 2-2 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference The TxJt2cojt application creates .COJT components for input .JT Assembly or .JT parts and creates an XML allowing the hierarchy to be imported to the eMServer. 2.3.2 Application Options The applications contain flags that enable you to select the input file, the destination location and several optional flags to customize the output according to need. Syntax TxNx2cojt|TxCatia2cojt|TxProE2cojt|TxJt2cojt |TxDXF2Cojt|TxIGES2cojt|TxSTEP2cojtfile-name [-output<output-name>] [-f<list-file>] [-dir<directory-path>] [-library<prototype_output_directory>] [-l<log-file>] [-dest<destination-path>] [-keep] [-assytree] [-hierarchyTypeoneComp|monoSubAssy] [-accumulateMatrices] [-noXml] [-extIdMod<1|2|3>] [-emsClassdefaultResource|compoundClass;prototypeClass;instanceClass] [-equipment] [-applyNamingRules] [-v<F|E|W>] [-h|-?] Parameters <fileName> Input file - for TxNx2cojt can be NX part or assembly. For TxCatia2cojt can be CATIA part or assembly. For TxProE2cojt can be Pro/E part or assembly. For TxJt2cojt can be JT part or assembly. [-output] The name of the end component, can be used only for a single input file. [-f] Specifies a text file with a list of files (not relevant for TxJt2cojt). CAD Translators Installation 2-3 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference [-dir] Name of the directory containing the parts (not relevant for TxJt2cojt). [-library] Specifies a destination folder for the prototypes. [-l] The name of the output log. [-dest] The destination for the components. [-keep] Specifies not to delete intermediate .JT files. Not relevant for TxJt2cojt. [-assytree] TxNx2cojt only: Specifies to generate the assembly XML file by using the Assytree functionality. The XML file is generated directly from the source assembly file and not from the .JT assembly file. oneComp- Create monolithic JT file for the whole assembly. [-hierarchyType] monoSubAssy- Create monolithic JT file for each sub-assembly. The default is to keep the current hierarchy. [-hierarchyOnly] TxJt2cojt only: Generates only hierarchy files, pointing to the .cojt files. [-accumulateMatrices] If the CAD has an assembly structure in which there are transformations in the subassemblies, then when this option is set, the matrices are accumulated on the leaf nodes of the JT-assembly and removed from the subassembly nodes. [-noXml] Specifies not to create XML file. [-extIdMod] Sets the method to calculate external ID. Allows you to import the hierarchy as resources or as custom classes. [-emsClass defaultResource|compoundClass; prototypeClass; instanceClass] 2-4 CAD Translators Installation By Default: The hierarchy nodes are imported as PmCompoundPart, PmPartPrototype, PmPartInstance. As Resource: Applied when using the -emsClass defaultResource option. The hierarchy nodes are imported as: PmCompoundResource, PmToolPrototype, PmToolInstance. CAD Translators Reference As Custom Classes: Applied when using the -emsClass option: CustomCompoundClass; CustomPrototypeClass; CustomInstanceClass. Add userdefined class names to the customization before performing the import. Note: You should only add classes to the customization when using the As Custom Classes option. The classes already exist for the By Default and As Resource options. [-equipment] Creates an EquipmentPrototype compound hierarchy. This option must be used in conjunction with the -emsClass option. The compoundClass parameter must be the PmEquipmentPrototype class or a class that inherits from it. The prototypeClass parameter must be the PmToolPrototype or a class that inherits from it (except PmEquipmentPrototype or inheriting classes). The instanceClass can only be PmToolInstance. Example: TxJt2cojt C:\CAD_DATA\JT\Cube.jt -emsClass PmEquipmentPrototype; PmToolPrototype; PmToolInstance -equipment -applyNamingRules Apply defined naming rules to prototypes, parts and their instances. If not supplied no naming rules will be applied and names will be preserved the same as in the JT file Sets the verbosity level for system messages to be displayed during program execution. F; only fatal severity messages are reported. [-v] E; error and fatal severity messages are reported. W; warning, error, and fatal severity messages are reported. [-h or -?] Displays extended usage. The COJT translators use intermediate JT files and therefore offer Additional JT Conversion Capabilities. CAD Translators Installation 2-5 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference 2.4 CO Translators 2.4.1 CO Conversion Translators • TxConvert2co (NX, Pro/E and IGES via jt) • TxJt2co • TxCatia2co • TxCo2Catia NX, CATIA, JT and Pro/E Translators The CO translator applications: TxConvert2co, TxJt2co and TxCatia2co are command line applications for converting NX, CATIA, Pro/E and IGES data files to .CO components. TxCo2Catia is a command line application for converting CO components to CATIA. In order to run TxCatia2co and TxCo2Catia, CATIA V5 must be installed with a valid license. 2.4.2 TxConvert2co The TxConvert2co translator is a command line application for converting NX, CATIA, Pro/E and IGES data files to Robcad component (*.co) files. TxConvert2co performs this conversion by first converting the source file to a *.jt file, using the Siemens PLM Software NX to JT, CATIA to JT or Pro/E to JT, IGES to JT converters. TxConvert2co then converts the intermediate *.jt file to a Robcad *.co file. In addition to the *.co file(s), successful conversion also creates the following files in the destination folder: jt2co.log and TxConvert2co_timeStamp.log. To run the TxConvert2co translator, make sure that the relevant converter (NX to JT, CATIA to JT or Pro/E to JT) is installed on your computer with the appropriate license. NX Converter The NX converter is part of the installation of the NX CAD system. No further installation is required. • Set the environment variable UGII_BASE_DIR to point to the NX base installation directory. Pro/E Converter 1. Install Pro/E. 2. Install the Pro/E to JT converter. Troubleshooting • Using a text editor, open one of the following batch files: proeWF3tojt.bat, proeWF2tojt.bat, proeWFtojt.bat, proe2001tojt.bat, depending on the version of Pro/E installed on your machine. • Make sure that the PROE_DIR variable is set to the correct Pro/E installation directory. For example: PROE_DIR=C:\Program Files\proeWildfire. 2-6 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference • In the PATH environment variable, the path to the installation of the Pro/E to JT converter must come before the path to the installation of Pro/E. Syntax TxConvert2cofile-name [-output<output-name>] [-f<list-file>] [-dir<directory-path>] [-library<prototype_output_directory>] [-filter<filterTypefiltername>] [-l<log-file>] [[-t<tolerance>]|[-T<tolerance>]] [-y<layer1[-layer2]>...-y<layerN[-layerM]>] [-excludepoint|line] [-noExplode] [-approx|-exact] [-dest<destination-path>] [-hierarchyType<cell|superComp|oneComp|monoSubAssy>] [-keep] [-accumulateMatrices] [-noXml] [-extIdMod<1|2|3>] [-emsClassdefaultResource|compoundClass;prototypeClass;instanceClass] [-equipment] [-v<F|E|W>] [-h|-?] Parameters TxConvert2co Converts NX, Pro/E and IGES to CO via JT format. <fileName> Input file - can be part or assembly of Pro/E or NX and IGES data files. CAD Translators Installation 2-7 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Specifies the name of the output file. [-output output-name] The name must conform to the naming conventions of Tecnomatix, otherwise naming rules are applied. By default, the output name is created from the input name by applying naming rules. Example: TxConvert2co.exe C:\CAD_DATA\NX\Cube.prt -output pedals [-dir] The name of the directory containing the parts to be converted. Destination of prototypes files. Default: the JT source directory. [-library <prototype_output_directory>] Example: TxConvert2co.exe C:\CAD_DATA\NX\Cube.prt -library c:\mylibrary [-f] Specifies text file with a list of files. [-filter] Specifies a CAD system filter - specify the type of filter and its value. Writes conversion information to the TxJt2co log file. [-l logfile] Example: TxConvert2co.exe C:\CAD_DATA\NX\Cube.prt -l c:\temp\log.log [-t] The relative tolerance value. [-T] The absolute tolerance value. [-y] For the layers option. [-approx | -exact] Determines whether to use approximate or exact geometry. [-dest] The name of the destination folder for the components. 2-8 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference cell - Keep original hierarchy and create cell file. [-hierarchyType < cell | superComp | oneComp | monoSubAssy>] superComp- Keep original hierarchy and create Super component. oneComp- Create a single component file for the whole assembly. monoSubAssy- Create a cell and component files for each sub-assembly. [-keep] Do not delete intermediate *.jt files (RF file is always deleted). F: only fatal severity messages are reported. [-v F|E|W] E: error and fatal severity messages are reported. W: warning, error, and fatal severity messages are reported. [-exclude] Specifies a type to exclude from the conversion (line or point). Converts geometry as one block instead of exploding it to blocks. [-noExplode] Example: TxConvert2co C:\CAD_DATA\NX\Cube.prt -noExplode [-accumulateMatrices] If the CAD has an assembly structure in which there are transformations in the subassemblies, then when this option is set, the matrices are accumulated on the leaf nodes of the JT-assembly and removed from the subassembly nodes. [-noXml] Prevents the creation of an XML file. CAD Translators Installation 2-9 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Chooses the behavior for generating Ext-Id in the XML: 1- Standard behavior (default) - application generates unique ID [-extIdMod <1 |2 |3...>] 2 - PDM configuration - defines a special attribute inside the JT which represents the External-Id 3 - Always unique - always generates a unique ID (which is not persistent) Example: TxConvert2co C:\CAD_DATA\NX\Cube.prt -extIdMod 2 See: External ID Options. Allows you to import the hierarchy as resources or as custom classes. By Default: The hierarchy nodes are imported as PmCompoundPart, PmPartPrototype, PmPartInstance. [-emsClass defaultResource|compoundClass; prototypeClass; instanceClass] As Resource: Applied when using the -emsClass defaultResource option. The hierarchy nodes are imported as: PmCompoundResource, PmToolPrototype, PmToolInstance. As Custom Classes: Applied when using the -emsClass option: CustomCompoundClass; CustomPrototypeClass; CustomInstanceClass. Add user-defined class names to the customization before performing the import. Note: You should only add classes to the customization when using the As Custom Classes option. The classes already exist for the By Default and As Resource options. 2-10 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference [-equipment] Creates an EquipmentPrototype compound hierarchy. This option must be used in conjunction with the -emsClassoption. The compoundClass parameter must be the PmEquipmentPrototype class or a class that inherits from it. The prototypeClass parameter must be the PmToolPrototype or a class that inherits from it (except PmEquipmentPrototype or inheriting classes). The instanceClass can only be PmToolInstance. Example: TxConvert2coC:\CAD_DATA\NX\Cube.prt -emsClass PmEquipmentPrototype; PmToolPrototype; PmToolInstance -equipment [-h or -?] Displays extended usage. The TxConvert2co translator uses intermediate JT files and therefore offers Additional JT Conversion Capabilities . 2.4.3 NX Config File The NX to JT converter that is called by TxConvert2co and TxNX2cojt has a configuration file that is stored by default in the NX installation, for example: C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\PVTRANS\tessUG.config Users can specify their own version of the config file in a location different to that of tess.UG.config file using the following methods: 1. New copy named TxUG2co.config in the current working folder. 2. New copy in C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CADTranslators\dat\TxUG2co.config 3. Environment variable UGII_PV_TESS_CONFIG_FILE that specifies the full path and file name of the configuration file. 4. Modify the file in its default location: C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0\PVTRANS\tessUG.config 5. New copy of TxUG2co.config in folder specified in environment variable Home. The location of the configuration file is searched in the above order starting from 1. Note For users of NX11, the support path is located in: C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 11.0\NXBIN. For users of previous NX versions the value remains UGII_ROOT_DIR. CAD Translators Installation 2-11 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Note: The paths listed above (C:\Program Files\Siemens\NX 9.0 and C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CADTranslators) are given as examples. Your installations may use different paths. 2.4.4 TxJt2co TxJt2co translator converts .jt Assembly or .jt Part to Tecnomatix/Robcad objects. For Assembly it creates an XML allowing the hierarchy to be imported to the eMServer. Geometry files can be copied to .COJT folder or converted to .co. The translator contains flags that enable you to select the .jt file for conversion, the destination location and several optional flags to customize the output according to need. Syntax TxJt2cojt-file [-outputoutput-name] [-dest<destination>] [-library<prototype_output_directory>] [-flistfile] [-llogfile] [-vF|E|W] [-lod[0-1]] [-keep] [-approx|-exact] [-noExplode] [-noLine] [-noPoint] [-norfi] [-noGenLod] [-hierarchyType<cell|superComp|oneComp|monoSubAssy>] [-hierarchyOnly] [-accumulateMatrices] [-noXml] [-extIdMod<1|2|3...>](seedetailsforexplanation) [-emsClassdefaultResource|compoundClass;prototypeClass;instanceClass] [-equipment] [-h|-?] 2-12 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference Parameters jt -file Specifies the .jt file to be converted. Specifies the name of the output file. [-output output-name] The name must conform to the naming conventions of Tecnomatix, otherwise naming rules are applied. By default, the output name is created from the input name by applying naming rules. Example: TxJt2co.exe C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -output pedals Specifies the output directory for hierarchy file. Used also for prototypes except when using the -library flag. [-dest <destination>] By default, it is the location of the source file. Example: TxJt2co.exe C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -dest c:\dest Destination of prototypes files. Default: the JT source directory. [-library <prototype_output_directory>] Example: TxJt2co.exe C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -library c:\mylibrary [-f listfile] Specifies a file containing the names of the input components. Writes conversion information to the TxJt2co log file. [-l logfile] Example: TxJt2co.exe C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -l c:\temp\log.log F: only fatal severity messages are reported. [-v F|E|W] E: error and fatal severity messages are reported. W: warning, error, and fatal severity messages are reported. CAD Translators Installation 2-13 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Determines the required level of details, set value between 0.0 and 1.0. Example: TxJt2co.exe C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -lod 1 [-lod [0-1] ] A JT file may contain several LODs. When converting from JT to CO using the -approx flag, the system converts only one LOD to the CO. The system determines which LOD to use based on the -lod flag. Use 1.0 to take the “best” LOD (this is the default), which results in a highly accurate CO, but also produces a larger file with a longer conversion time. Use 0.0 to take the “worst” LOD which results in a less accurate CO, but produces a smaller file and less conversion time. Use a fraction between 0.0 and 1.0 to take an LOD of corresponding accuracy, e.g., in a case of five LODs, using 0.5 takes LOD3. RF files created during the process will not be deleted. By default, Rf files are deleted. [-keep] Example: TxJt2co.exe C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -keep [-approx | -exact] Selects -approx to create .co files that contain information by approximation only. Select -exact to create .co files that contain the full geometry (converted from JT-Brep or XT-Brep formats). Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -approx TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -exact Converts geometry as one block instead of exploding it to blocks. [-noExplode] Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -noExplode 2-14 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference [-noLine] Prevents the creation of .co files with lines, in order to improve loading and Graphics performance. Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -noLine [-noPoint] Prevents the creation files with points, in order to improve loading and Graphics performance. Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -noPoint Converts the file to rf without actually generating the components. [-norfi] Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -norfi [-noGenLod] Prevents the creation of Level Of Details. Choose which hierarchy files will be created during the process: cell- Keep original hierarchy and create cell file - default behavior. supercomp- Keep original hierarchy and create Super component. [-hierarchyType < cell | superComp | oneComp | monoSubAssy>] oneComp- Create a single component file for the whole assembly. monoSubAssy- Create a cell and component files for each sub-assembly. Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -hierarchyType oneComp Generates only hierarchy files. Using this option with -cojt results in the 3D data pointing to the .cojt file. [-hierarchyOnly] Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -hierarchyOnly CAD Translators Installation 2-15 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference [-accumulateMatrices] If the CAD has an assembly structure in which there are transformations in the subassemblies, then when this option is set, the matrices are accumulated on the leaf nodes of the JT-assembly and removed from the subassembly nodes. [-noXml] Prevents the creation of an XML file. Choose the behavior for generating Ext-Id in the XML: 1- Standard behavior (default) - application generates unique ID [-extIdMod <1 |2 |3...>] 2 - PDM configuration - defines a special attribute inside the JT which represents the External-Id 3 - Always unique - always generates a unique ID (which is not persistent) Example: TxJt2co C:\ADJUSTABLE_PEDALS.jt -extIdMod 2 See: External ID Options. Allows you to import the hierarchy as resources or as custom classes. By Default: The hierarchy nodes are imported as PmCompoundPart, PmPartPrototype, PmPartInstance. [-emsClass defaultResource|compoundClass; prototypeClass; instanceClass] As Resource: Applied when using the -emsClass defaultResource option. The hierarchy nodes are imported as: PmCompoundResource, PmToolPrototype, PmToolInstance. As Custom Classes: Applied when using the -emsClassoption: CustomCompoundClass; CustomPrototypeClass; CustomInstanceClass. Add user-defined class names to the customization before performing the import. Note: You should only add classes to the customization when using the As Custom 2-16 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference Classes option. The classes already exist for the By Default and As Resource options. [-equipment] Creates an EquipmentPrototype compound hierarchy. This option must be used in conjunction with the -emsClassoption. The compoundClass parameter must be the PmEquipmentPrototype class or a class that inherits from it. The prototypeClass parameter must be the PmToolPrototype or a class that inherits from it (except PmEquipmentPrototype or inheriting classes). The instanceClass can only be PmToolInstance. Example: TxJt2co C:\Assembly.jt -emsClass PmEquipmentPrototype; PmToolPrototype; PmToolInstance -equipment [-h or -?] Displays help about the usage. The TxJt2co translator offers Additional JT Conversion Capabilities. 2.4.5 TxCatia2co TxCatia2co Import TxCatia2co imports CATProducts and their objects: CATParts, CATIA V4 models and CGR from CATIA V5 to Tecnomatix/Robcad applications. It also creates the XML allowing the hierarchy to be imported into eMServer. You are required to enter the files to import using the following syntax: Syntax TxCatia2cocatia_file1[...<catia_fileN>] [-output<output_filname1>[<output_filname2>...]] [-outdir<output_directory>] [-library<prototype_output_directory>] [-approx|exact] [-approxTolerance<tolerance_val>] [-exactTolerance<tolerance_val>] [-bodyName<body1>[<body2>...]] [-explode] [-hierarchyOnly] [-productToComp] [-oneComp] [-excludesolid|surface|curve|point|line|frame] CAD Translators Installation 2-17 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference [-emsClassdefaultResource|compoundClass;prototypeClass;instanceClass] [-nogroups] [-superComponents] [-log<logFileName>] [-vf|e|w] [-norfi] [-cacheon|off] [-includeBlankEntities] [-EntityLevel] [-h|-?] Parameters <INPUTFILE> A CATIA V5 CATProduct or one of its objects, i.e., CATParts, CATIA V4 models, CGR [-output <output_filname1> [<output_filname2> ...]] Specifies the name for the output file (Comp / Cell). In case there is more than one input file you can specify more than one output name. The name must conform to the naming conventions of Tecnomatix; otherwise naming rules are applied. By default, the output name is created from the input name by applying naming rules. [-outdir<output_directory>] Specifies the output directory. By default, it is the location of the source file. [-library <prototype_output_directory>] Specifies the prototype output directory. Hierarchy file are created in the outdir directory.The libRoot-dest must be under the lib_root folder. [-approx|exact] Imports the file using the exact geometry. By default, the system performs the import using approximations. You can convert CAD data using either Exact geometry or by Approximation. Both options use tolerance the smaller the tolerance value used, the more accurate the results of the import. However, smaller tolerances also increase the time it takes to complete the conversion and cause a dramatic increase in the size of the resulting data. The tolerance units are set according to the Catia unit setting and the default tolerance is 0.001mm. 2-18 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference [-approxTolerance<tolerance_val>] Sets the tolerance for the approximation. [-exactTolerance<tolerance_val>] Sets the tolerance for the exact geometry. [-bodyName <body1>[<body2>...]] Converts all bodies that are specified (only). [-explode] Explodes solid to faces. TxCatia2co converts solids as solids, by default. However, you can select the Explode Solid to Faces option, causing each solid to be converted as a group of faces. [-hierarchyOnly] By default, CATProduct conversion encompasses the product and all its children (CATParts). The CATIA Interface converts the Master CATProduct as a cell (.ce) and the parts as components (.co). If you select the Import Hierarchy Only option, the system only converts the CATProduct, which is useful when you only need to import the hierarchy to the eMServer, without CATParts. To import a CATProduct to the eMServer, click the XML tab, and select the Create XML file option. An XML file is created instead of the cell (.ce), which can be imported to the eMServer. Using TxCatia2co automatically creates the XML file. [-productToComp] Converts the hierarchy into a supercomponent instead of generating a cell. [-oneComp] Converts the hierarchy into a single component instead of generating a cell. [-exclude solid|surface|curve|point|line|frame] Excludes specific types from the conversion. [-emsClass defaultResource|compoundClass; prototypeClass; instanceClass] Allows you to import the hierarchy as resources or as custom classes. By Default: The hierarchy nodes are imported as PmCompoundPart, PmPartPrototype, PmPartInstance As Resource: Applied when using the option -emsClass defaultResource. The hierarchy nodes are imported as: PmCompoundResource, PmToolPrototype, PmToolInstance. As Custom Classes: Applied when using the option: -emsClass CustomCompoundClass; CustomPrototypeClass; CustomInstanceClass. Add user-defined CAD Translators Installation 2-19 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference class names to the customization before performing the import. Note: You should only add classes to the customization when using the As Custom Classes option. The classes already exist for the By Default and As Resource options. [-nogroups] Allows the creation of components without generating a hierarchy of the groups they contain. The entity tree is then flat. Generates a super component for each sub-tree (CATProduct) in the root hierarchy. * Any CATProduct file in the tree becomes a super component. If there are more than one instances of CATProduct only one super component is created. * The root node becomes a CELL except when using -productToComp * All the *.CATParts in the tree are converted to Prototypes. * Attribute: UGS_TX_LEVEL=CO: [-superComponents] 1. This attribute is relevant only when it is defined for *.CATProduct files. 2. This attribute is only activated when -superComponents is activated. In a regular conversion it is ignored. 3. A node with UGS_TX_LEVEL=CO becomes one Comp. 4. All Super Components treat the oneComp Nodes under them as leaf nodes. 5. When a node with the special attribute points to another node with the attribute, the second one is ignored. [-log <logFileName>] 2-20 CAD Translators Installation The name for the conversion output log. The default is "outputName.log". CAD Translators Reference Sets the verbosity level for system messages displayed during program execution. F - only fatal severity messages are reported [-v f|e|w] E- error and fatal severity messages are reported. W- warning, error, and fatal severity messages are reported. [-norfi] Converts the file to rf without actually generating the components. [-cache on|off] Overrides Catia's settings and use|avoid using the cache. [-includeBlankEntities] Convert all Catia objects including those that are invisible. [-EntityLevel] Includes detailed representation of component in the resulting .jt in addition to united representation. (Should be used only when Tecnomatix 9.1 and up is installed). [-h or -?] Displays extended usage. Multiple Releases of CATIA If you have installed more than one release of CATIA on your machine, TxCatia2co searches for the latest CATIA release from the supported releases. For example, if the user has CATIA R21 and R22, TxCatia2co uses R22 and not R21. Users can set different behavior by defining the following environment variables: • UGS_TX_CATIA_DLL_PATH - the location of the CATIA dll path (usually in "C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B22\intel_a\code\bin") • UGS_TX_CATIA2CO_DLL_PATH - the location of the converter dlls (e.g., C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CadTranslators\Cat5_R22) Important: CATIA and the converter dlls must be from the same release. Color Conversion Tecnomatix/Robcad applications currently support 20 colors while CATIA supports the RGB colors mechanism (2563 options). As a result, CATIA V5 Interface only converts an approximation of the original colors in CATIA. Also, while CATIA enables colors on any face inside a solid, Tecnomatix/Robcad applications only support the same color on the entire solid. When converting a solid that consists of faces with different colors, the CATIA V5 Interface sets the color of the converted solid to one of the colors of the faces (the first color encountered when traversing the solid). However, you can use the “Explode Solid to Faces” option in order to set different colors to the faces of the solid. CAD Translators Installation 2-21 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Custom Naming Rules The application provides separate naming rules behavior depending on type: 1. Component file name on the file system 2. Super-Component /cell names 3. Instances By default, the system uses the "cad_names.opt" file for all types. The location of the *.opt files containing the naming rules description is: <TxCatia2Co Location>\dat. Use the naming rules command to edit and add new naming rules files. In order to set different rules for each type, create two new naming rules files, under the "<TxCatia2Co Location>\dat" directory, which already contains the "cad_names.opt" file. The following lists the naming rule files names and their behavior: 1. Component -generate names using "cad_name.opt" (the default file continues to provide component names) 2. Super-component - generate names using "TxNameRuleSuComp.opt" which is also used for Cell names 3. Instance - generate names using "TxNameRuleInst.opt" Notes: Only these files can be used. Users can create and edit each of these files by using the Naming rules tool. At runtime, TxCatia2co searches for these files, and reverts to the default "cad_names.opt" file if it fails to find them. Naming rules are applied to both valid and invalid source names. Log Summary Script Users can execute the TxCatia2coVB.vbs script to run TxCatia2Co to produce a list of files and write the final results to a summary log file. In order to run the script, users must specify the following: Cscript.exeTxCatia2coVB.vbs-log<summary-log-name>-f<params-file> • Cscript.exe - a Windows command to run script in batch mode • -log - the full path of the summary log • -f - the name of the file that contains a list of command lines to TxCatia2co. Each line in the file contains a full command line: Inputs and Options. Return Code The application returns the following meaningful return codes: ReturnCode Description 0 Full success of the conversion 1 Partial success of the conversion -1 Unknown error occurred during the conversion -2 No license to CAD system 2-22 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference -3 No Tecnomatix license -4 Error in opening input file -5 Error in opening output file -6 Error in reading the input file - may be corrupted -7 Error while writing output - may be a write-protection problem -8 System environment is not set properly -9 Input file type is not supported -10 Command line is incorrect -11 Unknown error occurred while calling to external application -100 Robfacein error - general error -200 TxCatia2CO failed to traverse geometry -201 TxCatia2CO failed to traverse hierarchy -202 TxCatia2CO - usually means no Catia license available -203 TxCatia2CO - fatal error occurred -204 TxCatia2CO - Robfacein partial success Troubleshooting After installing the CATIA V5, you may experience some of the following problems: • The translator fails to load the CATIA environment. • The translator fails to start the CATIA session. • The translator fails to open the CATIA document. Use the following checklist to eliminate further significant issues: • Verify that the PATH environment variable does not include any path to the CATIA folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes|B14\intel_a\code\bin. The system identifies the CATIA installation as it runs, and inclusion of such a path can cause a contradiction. • Verify that the PATH environment variable includes the path to the CAD translators folder. For example, C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CadTranslators • If you changed the PATH, try to restart your machine. CAD Translators Installation 2-23 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference • Make sure that you are able to run the CATIA application. If this is not possible, verify that your CATIA license is valid and available, and that CATIA is configured using the correct license information. • Verify that the file you are attempting to convert, and to load into CATIA, has valid data. To do this, open CATIA and load the file you are trying to convert, to verify that it is valid. • Make sure that you have a valid Tecnomatix license for the V5 interface: FEA_CAD_INFACE_V5 CATIA V4 Models TxCatia2co converts v4 models (from the command line, or embedded in the CATProduct hierarchy) into CGR, which is converted to Tecnomatix components with approximate geometry. The process also creates a cshell script named <product name>.v4Models.csh, which specifies the path of the models and the expected component name for each one. You can use this script on UNIX in order to convert the models file to a component with exact geometry. Note: The script includes Windows paths - replace these with the correct UNIX paths using an additional UNIX script, V4models-postprocess.csh . that is provided. Using the V4models-postprocess.csh V4models-postprocess.csh<DOSoriginalpathprefix><Unixreplacementpathprefix> <.v4modelsfilename> The script processes each line in the .v4models.csh file, line after line serially, doing the following (for every line): • Replaces the DOS original path prefix with the Unix replacement path prefix. • Turns path to Unix style (replacing all '\' with '/'). • Replaces the DOS new lines with Unix new lines. The script actually modifies the .v4Models.csh file to run on Unix platform. Notes : The first parameter of the script is the DOS original path prefix. Instead of every backslash ('\'), place two backslashes ('\\'). The second parameter of the script is the Unix replacement path prefix. Write this as a regular Unix path (with slashes). Example .v4models.cshfilename:parts.v4models.csh DOSoriginalpathprefix:C:\BUGS\ Unixreplacementpathprefix:/usr/staff/local/ parts.v4models.cshcontent: catrob"C:\BUGS\Catia\UWE\63240sjaa001h1.model""C:\BUGS\Catia\UWE\"-mirrorzx catrob"C:\BUGS\Catia\UWE\63142sja_a000__.model""C:\BUGS\Catia\UWE\" 2-24 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference catrob"C:\BUGS\Catia\UWE\63219sda_a001h1.model""C:\BUGS\Catia\UWE\" Script execution: V4models-postprocess.cshC:\\BUGS\\/usr/staff/local/parts.v4models.csh After the execution, the parts.v4models.csh file contains the following: catrob"/usr/staff/local/Catia/UWE/63240sjaa001h1.model"" /usr/staff/local/Catia/UWE/"-mirrorzx catrob"/usr/staff/local/Catia/UWE/63142sja_a000__.model""/usr /staff/local/Catia/UWE/" catrob"/usr/staff/local/Catia/UWE/63219sda_a001h1.model""/usr /staff/local/Catia/UWE/" 2.4.6 TxCo2Catia The TxCo2Catia translator is a command line application that converts Robcad cells or components into CATIA V5 data files. The exported data is an approximation; TxCo2Catia does not export exact data. Requirements You must install the following applications on your computer before running TxCo2Catia: • Robcad • CATIA V5R15 or higher (with license) Output The output of TxCo2Catia is composed of CATIA V5 files, (CATProduct and CGR) a log file, and an optional robface (rf) file. When performing a conversion, TxCo2Catia creates the *.CATProduct file, containing hierarchy information, together with a log file and output folder and axissystems.cgr (this contains frames (axis systems) created at the cell level but not belonging to a specific component; if there are no such frames, the file is not created). TxCo2Catia writes all the CATIA V5 files to the output folder. If the keep option is active, TxCo2Catia also creates a *.rf file. By default, TxCo2Catia names the *.log, *.rf, *.CATProduct and the output file folder after the cell or component it is converting. Syntax TxCo2Catia<comp/cell> [-output<outputName>] [-log<logfileName>] [-dest<destinationFolder>] [-keep] [-h] CAD Translators Installation 2-25 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Parameters [comp/cell] The name of the input cell or component to convert. [-output] Specifies the name of the output CATProduct. [-log] Specifies the name of the logfile. [-dest] Specify a destination folder for the output files. [-keep] Saves the intermediate rf file. [-h] Displays help about the usage. Multiple Releases of CATIA If you have installed more than one release of CATIA on your machine, TxCo2Catia searches for the earliest CATIA release. For example, if the user has CATIA R21 and R22, TxCo2Catia uses R21 and not R22. Users can set different behavior by defining the following environment variables: • UGS_TX_CATIA_DLL_PATH - the location of the CATIA dll path (usually in "C:\Program Files\Dassault Systemes\B22\intel_a\code\bin") • UGS_TX_CATIA2CO_DLL_PATH - the location of the converter dlls (e.g., C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CadTranslators\Cat5_R22) Important: CATIA and the converter dlls must be from the same release. 2.5 Additional JT Conversion Capabilities 2.5.1 JT Mirror The PLMXML may have pairs of parts that point to the same .JT file, while their transformation matrices are different, where one is defined in such a way that the geometry of the JT is mirrored about a certain plane. When translating JT assemblies, the translators automatically create mirrored JTs in order to allow Process Designer to refer correctly to the mirrored parts. JT Mirror also creates folders containing the mirrored .JT files. Both folder names and part names include the jtmirror keyword. For example, the mirror result of adapterpalette.cojt, which contains adapterplatte.jt, is: adapterplattejtmirror.cojt containing adapterplattejtmirror.jt 2.5.2 External ID Options 1. standard (default behavior) - This method always generates a valid XML that can be imported to eMServer. 2-26 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference - For the same hierarchy structure it always generates the same External-IDs for the same objects. - Duplicate IDs are made unique by using an enumeration mechanism. - When 1024 characters are exceeded, it shortens the name and makes it unique using the same (or similar) enumeration mechanism. - Updates only succeed only if: • All object paths are unique • External Id does not exceed 1024 character a. External-ID for Prototypes • External-ID = JT Geometry Path + file name (without .jt extension) of the geometry prototype • e.g., "c:\Fender.jt" becomes: External-ID = "c:\Fender" b. External-ID for Compounds • External-ID = 'Main JT Assembly Private name' + 'object hierarchy path'. • e.g., when the JT assembly is C:\myassembly.jt, the compound is: "car->door->rightdoor->handle->housing" • External-ID = "myassembly>car>door>rightdoor>handle>housing" c. External-ID for Instances • External-ID = 'JT Assembly Private name' + 'object hierarchy path' • e.g., when the JT assembly is C:\myassembly.jt, the instance is: "car->door->rightdoor->handle->housing>screw" • External-ID = "myassembly> car>door>rightdoor>handle>housing >screw" • For cases when such as external ID already exists: "myassembly> car>door>rightdoor>handle>housing >screw_#number" 2. PDM configuration • Use a special attribute: UGS_TX_EXTERNAL_ID that contains the External-ID as a string. For example, NX users can add this attribute as follows: CAD Translators Installation 2-27 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Other CAD applications offer similar means for adding the UGS_TX_EXTERNAL_ID attribute. o Users are responsible for the value of the External-ID that converts data to JT. o When a user sets an invalid values (duplicate IDs or IDs that exceeded 1024 characters), the application does not change the IDs. Instead, it informs the user about the problematic IDs in the log, and it changes the name of the xml to outputName_invalid.xml, to alert the user that the output xml is incorrect. JT Node Attributes A JT attribute is actually defined as a JtKProperty object. A JtKProperty node can contain four types of attributes: • JtkPUBLIC_SHARED - Designates a property that is visible among all instances of a JtkAssembly or JtkPart. This is the default for all properties. • JtkHIDDEN_SHARED - Designates a property that is associated with, but not visible from, all instances of a JtkAssembly or JtkPart. • JtkPUBLIC_INSTANCE - Designates a property that is visible only from the JtkAssembly, JtkInstance, or JtkPart on which it is placed. • JtkHIDDEN_INSTANCE - Designates a property that is only associated with, but not visible from, the JtkAssembly, JtkInstance, or JtkPart on which it is placed. It is impossible to define an Instance attribute (JtkPUBLIC_INSTANCE or JtkHIDDEN_INSTANCE) on the root node, because this node cannot be instantiated. For this reason the method reads the Shared attribute of "UGS_TX_EXTERNAL_ID" for the root node, while for all other nodes it reads the Instance attribute. 2-28 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference Although this method uses Shared attribute for the root node and Instance attribute for all other nodes, it is necessary to define the "UGS_TX_EXTERNAL_ID" attribute as SHARED and as INSTANCE (with the same value) for each node, for the following reasons: • In order to use this method for a sub tree, each node must have a SHARED attribute so it can be read as a root node. • In order to use this method and use the root node as a sub-tree, the root node requires an INSTANCE attribute. 3. Unique External-ID This method generates a unique External ID for each node. While very safe, it does not allow users to implement an update. 2.5.3 Attribute Mapping Attributes from the JT assembly will be converted according to the mapping file. Attributes that are not listed in the mapping file are not converted. The translator searches in four locations in the order listed below, and it uses the first it finds: 1. Current directory, from where the command was executed 2. HOME directory of the current user 3. dat directory under the CAD Translators installation (e.g., C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CadTranslators\dat) 4. dat directory under the Tecnomatix installation (e.g., C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\eMPower\dat) The mapping file lists the name of each JT attribute, the name of the corresponding Robcad/eMServer attribute, and YES or NO to specify whether or not to map the attribute. Each mapping occurs on a separate line consisting of three white-space separated fields: "CAD ATTRIBUTE" ROBCAD_ATTRIBUTE YES | NO The quotation marks are optional; they are needed only if a CAD attribute has more than one word. The third field is YES to use the mapping; NO has the effect of commenting out the line. 2.6 Defining Naming Rules The Naming Rules module dialog provides a mechanism for translating the names of entities or components that have been imported to a valid Tecnomatix name. For example, any imported component whose name begins with a digit (such as, 123.prt) or is more than 30 characters in length must have its name translated before it can be used by Tecnomatix/Robcad applications. Naming rules are used to define how these translations are made. A number of predefined rules are provided, but others can be defined as needed. The following table lists the predefined rules that cannot be changed. CAD Translators Installation 2-29 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Replace With '[\/\+-]' <REMOVE-EXT> AnyExtension '[^a-zA-Z0-9_]' _(underscore) <INVALID-FIRST> r <FIRST-30> <UPPER-CASE> The following table lists the predefined rules that can be changed. Replace With space _(underscore) - _(underscore) / _(underscore) .prt .model .library .asm ± . : , ` { } ( ) [ ] 2-30 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference # All naming rules, whether predefined or customized, must be contained in a single file, which must be named cad_names.opt. When a CAD translator encounters a component possessing an invalid name, it applies the rules in cad_names.opt sequentially, replacing the invalid name with a valid name. The cad_names.opt searches in the following order: 1. current folder 2. home directory 3. Install dir/dat Notes: • cad_names.opt must appear in one of the directories specified above. • There are two separate cad_names.opt files - one under the installation of the CAD Translators and one under the Tecnomatix applications installation. The former only applies to the applications in the CAD Translators. All other Tecnomatix applications (for example, cadlink) use the file under the Tecnomatix installation. To define naming rules: The naming rules UI is available from the command line: • Under the installation of Tecnomatix - type NamingRules.exe. • Under the CAD setup - type TxNamingRules.exe. CAD Translators Installation 2-31 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Usage 1. Click the Browse button to the right of the Rules file field and select the location of the cad_names.opt file, which contains the naming rules. 2. Use the following steps according to need: • To add a new rule, enter the string to be replaced in the Replace field, and then enter the translation in the With field. Click Add. • To modify an existing rule, select it from the list and enter a new translation in the With field. Click Replace. • To delete a rule, select it from the list and click Delete. Click Delete All to remove all naming rules. • Use the Up and Down arrows to re-order the rules. When the system encounters an invalid name, it processes the list of rules in order until it finds the first one that is applicable. 3. To add a special rule to the list, select it from the Special Rule dropdown list and then click Add. Refer to Special Naming Rules below. Special Naming Rules The Naming Rule Settings dialog box contains a list of special naming rules you can add to the cad_names.opt file. You select these rules from the Special Rule dropdown list. Certain special naming rules open an additional dialog that allows you to further define the details of the rule, as described in the table below. Special Naming Rule Convert uppercase to lowercase Description Converts the entire name from uppercase to lowercase. Uses the first 15-30 characters of the component name. Use first x characters only Uses the last 15-30 characters of the component name. Use last x characters only 2-32 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference If invalid, replaces the first character in the component name with a user defined string. For example, if the user defined string is ‘r’, 123.prt is converted to r23.prt. Replace first character if invalid If invalid, prepends a user defined string to the first character in the component name. For example, if the user defined string is ‘r’, 123.prt is converted to r123.prt. Prepend to first character if invalid Replaces all the characters between two positions in the name with a predefined string. These parameters are defined in the Special Rules dialog box after clicking Add in the Naming Rule Settings dialog. Replace substring from index to index In the example above, a component with the name this_is_my_original_string.prt would have its name translated to this_is_my_new_string.prt. This is because characters 9 through 26 in the old name are translated to the string defined in the New string field. Note: The length of the new string does not need to match the number of characters being replaced. CAD Translators Installation 2-33 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference Translates invalid component names according to rules defined in a special text file. Typically, this option is used in place of all other naming rules. Naming rule script The naming rules script must be named renamePartToComp, with a file extension of .csh for Unix systens or .bat for Windows systems, including robcad_pc. Note: The path lookup order for this option is the same as cad_names.opt. Substitutes a predefined string for any component name, or part of a name, that matches the defined expression. Regular expression match/replace rule In the above example, all strings with lowercase letters that start with the letter x will be replaced with new_string. Extracts a substring from a specified string and inserts it into a component name at a specified location. Insert substring The example above specifies that %PARTNAME% will be extracted in its entirety and appended to the end of the component name. Note: the example uses macros to define the substring and indices to be used. You may manually enter the substring and indices if you wish. 2-34 CAD Translators Installation CAD Translators Reference Removes a specified extension from the end of a name string. You can enter the value “Any Extension” if you want to remove any extension regardless of type. Remove extension Note: If the value is left blank the value “Any Extension” is automatically applied. 2.7 Appendix A: Multiple Instances of Robfacein In most installations, only one instance of Robfacein is installed on a machine. In the following exceptional cases, a multiple installation of Robfacein may exist: • Both Tecnomatix and Robcad are installed • A number of versions of Robcad are installed As Robfacein is version-dependent, using the incorrect version of Robfacein results in a different component. The user, therefore, requires a method to determine which version of Robfacein is used. To solve this problem, the new UGS_TX_ROBFACE_PATH environment variable is used. It stores the path to the relevant instance of Robfacein. • The same variable is used for both Robfacein and Robfaceout. Therefore, it must store the path without the application name (e.g., C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\eMPower). • The user is able to set this variable in the current shell or as a general variable on the machine. • The user is able to run multiple sessions of an interface using different instances of Robfacein at the same time, by setting different values in different shells. • A user with a standard installation of either Tecnomatix or Robcad is not required to make any configuration changes. • The search order of the Robfacein instances is as follows: 1. The Robfacein instance which appears in the environment variable. 2. The first instance of Robfacein in the PATH. 2.8 Appendix B: Setup Features • The default installation path is C:\Program Files\Tecnomatix\CADTranslators. CAD Translators Installation 2-35 Chapter Translators Reference Chapter 2: 2: CAD CAD Translators Reference • CAD Setup adds the CAD installation path to the machine's PATH variable. • CAD Setup provides uninstall functionality. • CAD Translators includes as add-on installation of ProE to Jt translator and installation of Catia to Jt translator. This is needed in order to translate ProE and Catia V5 data to Tecnomatix / Robcad. 2-36 CAD Translators Installation Siemens Industry Software Headquarters Granite Park One 5800 Granite Parkway Suite 600 Plano, TX 75024 USA +1 972 987 3000 Americas Granite Park One 5800 Granite Parkway Suite 600 Plano, TX 75024 USA +1 314 264 8499 Europe Stephenson House Sir William Siemens Square Frimley, Camberley Surrey, GU16 8QD +44 (0) 1276 413200 Asia-Pacific Suites 4301-4302, 43/F AIA Kowloon Tower, Landmark East 100 How Ming Street Kwun Tong, Kowloon Hong Kong +852 2230 3308 About Siemens PLM Software Siemens PLM Software, a business unit of the Siemens Industry Automation Division, is a leading global provider of product lifecycle management (PLM) software and services with 7 million licensed seats and 71,000 customers worldwide. Headquartered in Plano, Texas, Siemens PLM Software works collaboratively with companies to deliver open solutions that help them turn more ideas into successful products. For more information on Siemens PLM Software products and services, visit © 2018 Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. Siemens and the Siemens logo are registered trademarks of Siemens AG. D-Cubed, Femap, Geolus, GO PLM, I-deas, Insight, JT, NX, Parasolid, Solid Edge, Teamcenter, Tecnomatix and Velocity Series are trademarks or registered trademarks of Siemens Product Lifecycle Management Software Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and in other countries. All other trademarks, registered trademarks or service marks belong to their respective holders.