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Curriculum Implementation at Dalirig NHS

Curriculum Implementation of Dalirig National High School Senior High
The Dalirig National High School is an institution that continuously aims to provide
quality education to its learners. In order to ensure that students are guided with the lessons,
the teachers ceaselessly follow the prescribed the curriculum provided by the Department of
Education. The teachers put into practice and creates activities aligned to the curriculum.
Curriculum implementation cannot exist without the learner. For that reason, the learners are
the central figure for the curriculum implementation to succeed.
The teachers of Dalirig NHS have tirelessly devoted making instructional materials to
help improve the learning of the students. A subject teacher for the Senior High School has
made the initiative and innovation to create her own module since most of the student have a
hard time understanding the lesson. This greatly helped the struggling students since the subject
is Statistics and Probability which is quite an advance math subject.
Another teacher found out that most of the students are not familiar with the basic parts
of the computer. What he did was during his spare time, as students would get their modules,
he would teach them basic parts of computer and taught them to encode in word document
since most of the students doesn’t have computers at home and are not familiar with it.
Further, the teachers reached out the students through home visitation. Through that,
the teachers were able to identify as to why these students stopped getting their modules. The
main reasons were due to part-time work, early marriage, and teenage pregnancy. Both the
teachers and home visited students came to an agreement that these at -risk students will
continue their studies with the help of the teacher and their family members.
Through these efforts, the teachers were able to guide students into learning following
the set curriculum. It is said that there is no meaningful teaching and learning without adequate
resource and materials. Therefore, the school and the teachers must provide the necessary
efforts for the betterment of the learners.