INTERNATIONAL ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY CHITTAGONG DEPARTMENT OF ELECTRONIC AND TELECOMMUNICATION ENGINEERING 6th Semester, Autumn 2022 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION SESSIONAL ETE- 3642 EXPERIMENT NAME: Study on wave sampling system using MATLAB software. Submitted To: Submitted By: Engr. Mohammed Jashim Uddin Associate Professor, Department of ETE MD MUJAHID HOSSAIN T201046 AUTUMN 2022 EXPERIMENT NO: 01 EXPERIMENT NAME: STUDY ON WAVE SAMPLING SYSTEM USING MATLAB SOFTWARE. OBJECTIVE: To understand how to sample a wave using MATLAB. To generate different types of sampling plots or graphs using MATLAB. To gain familiarity with various components of MATLAB, particularly SIMULINK. EXPERIMENT: A Computer. MATLAB software. THEORY: Sampling in signal processing involves converting a continuous signal into a discrete signal by taking snapshots at specific points in time or space. This is commonly seen in the conversion of a sound wave into a series of samples, which represent the signal's value at a specific point. Note that this definition of a sample differs from its usage in statistics, where a sample refers to a group of such values. CODING FOR WAVE SAMPLING SYSTEM: clc; close all; clear all; f=46; t=0:0.1:20; x=sin(2*pi*f/f*t); subplot(4,1,1); plot(t,x); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Amplitude') title('Sine Wave') fs1=f*2; x=sin(2*pi*f/fs1*t); subplot(4,1,2); stem(t,x); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Amplitude') title('Sampled at 100Hz frequency') fs2=f*6; x=sin(2*pi*f/fs2*t); subplot(4,1,3); stem(t,x); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Amplitude') title('Sampled at 300Hz frequency') fs3=f*10; x=sin(2*pi*f/fs3*t); subplot(4,1,4); stem(t,x); xlabel('Time') ylabel('Amplitude') title('Sampled at 500Hz frequency') A PLOT OF THE WAVE SAMPLING SYSTEM: FIGURE 01: WAVEFORMS OF SAMPLING SYSTEM. SIMULINK DIAGRAM OF WAVE SAMPLING SYSTEM: FIGURE 02: BLOCK DIAGRAM OF SAMPLING SYSTEM. THE PARAMETERS FOR THE AUDIO SINE WAVE, SAMPLING SYSTEM: FIGURE 03: PARAMETERS FOR SIMULINK SAMPLING. THE OUTPUT WAVEFORM OF THE AUDIO SINE WAVE SAMPLING SYSTEM: FIGURE 04: OUTPUT OF SAMPLING SYSTEM. DISCUSSION: The study aimed to examine the wave sampling procedure using MATLAB software. The experiment involved using a sine wave, pulse generator, gain, product, and scope in MATLAB Simulink. The values of the sine wave and pulse generator were altered by double-clicking them and the output's colour was changed to make the distinction easier. To make the second part of the study more comprehensible, a [sin(2pif*t1/f)] sine function was employed, the subplot was labelled, and its colour was altered. The experiment showed that a continuous-time signal must first be generated in MATLAB Simulink and then transformed into a discrete signal via proper sampling. The findings indicated that all signals in MATLAB are processed in digital time, so creating a true continuous-time signal is not possible. However, a continuous signal can be simulated by using a high sampling rate. In conclusion, this study emphasized the significance of wave sampling in MATLAB software and provided an understanding of wave generation and conversion to discrete signals process. The results of this study can serve as a reference for future wave sampling research and development.