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Media & Info Literacy Exam Questions & Answers

MEIL-122 WEEK 1-10
Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology
literacy, all of the three or neither.
“This requires critical analysis and evaluation.”
The correct answer is: All of the choices
An information literate person selects the information he or she will eventually need, as long as
it came from a source.
The correct answer is: False
Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology
literacy, all of the three or neither.
“This literacy essentially tries to find the ‘truth’ in media messages.”
The correct answer is: Information Literacy
A media literate person has to be an active user of media.
The correct answer is: True
Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology
literacy, all of the three or neither.
“This literacy stresses the need for the understanding of the tools of the continuously changing
and evolving medium.”
The correct answer is: Technology Literacy
Which of the following is true about traditional media used in the Prehistoric Age?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
Which of the following is true about the Socio-cultural perspective of information literacy?
The correct answer is: Its focus is on the relationship of individuals and different collective
Which of the following is not true about New Media?
The correct answer is: It includes websites, folk media, and social media
Which of the following is the focus of the Phenomenographic perspective on information
The correct answer is: The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena
Which of the following was used by the Romans to announce important matters such as political
events and military campaigns?
The correct answer is: Acta
You are tasked to research on the possible advantages of television in children. Which of the
following information is not needed for your study?
The correct answer is: A result of a study online on the impact of television on viewers dated
A company called Quebecor has expanded from publishing to production, aiming to crosspromote the content they produce. What element of media convergence is being described?
The correct answer is: Industrial convergence
These are classified under magazines that aim to give new knowledge to members of a
profession or trade.
The correct answer is: Trade journals
These tend to have a longer shelf-life.
The correct answer is: Textbooks
Technology has been a constant rival to traditional media. Which of the following statements
does not support this idea?
The correct answer is: The Department of Energy has continued their subscription to Philippine
Daily Inquirer.
Which of the following is not true about the conventions in the horror genre?
The correct answer is: The color red symbolizes passion.
Which of the following is not a secondary source of information?
The correct answer is: Technical reports
The image below is the cover to the Penguin Classics’ Nick Joaquin story collection entitled,
The Woman Who Had Two Navels and Tales of the Tropical Gothic. What feeling does the
cover imply?
The correct answer is: Mystery
Government documents belong under what type of information source?
The correct answer is: Gray literature
A research work must be done by a student on media reportage through the years. On the
second chapter of the thesis, he or she cited historical documents and photographs from the
past that is related to their topic. What kind of source will the student’s research work be?
The correct answer is: Secondary source
Isabella has noticed that JJ's web browser is left open. She decided to check out the contents of
his email. Which of the following Netiquette guidelines did she fail to follow?
The correct answer is: Respect other people's privacy
Leo is an admin in a Facebook group. This gives him the power to remove or kick other
members out of the group. He uses his authority to get rid of members who disobey the group's
rules and regulations. Leo displays which of the following core guidelines of netiquette?
The correct answer is: Do not abuse your power
Which of the following best explains Economic rights under the Copyright law?
The correct answer is: Economic rights give the copyright owner the right to derive financial
reward from his works by others.
Which of the following is not true about copyright?
The correct answer is: It is only applicable to films and television programs
Why does the definition of fair use remain ambiguous?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
More and more people are inclined to use the new media to communicate with others. One such
example is the email correspondence within an office to distribute important memorandums.
The correct answer is: True
A random user began commenting on your posts on social media for no particular reason.
Which of the following statements is not true with regards to this situation?
The correct answer is: The victim should choose to delete his account.
Which of the following does not show how media and information initiated change?
The correct answer is: The number of radio users have decreased in the past few years.
Anna has decided to purchase the new iPhone through a website. Through an online payment
transaction using her credit card, she has successfully made her purchase. Unfortunately, even
after a month, she hasn’t received the product. This situation shows what type of cybercrime?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Which of the following statements showed the most positive change through the use of media
and information?
The correct answer is: Thousands have signed an online petition to stop the possible
development of a Nickelodeon theme park in Palawan
This characteristic of ubiquitous learning allows students to access learning materials anytime
they wish, as learning materials are always available unless they were deleted on purpose.
The correct answer is: Permanency
The term MOOC was influenced by which of the following terms?
The correct answer is: MMOG and MMORPG
Which of the following is not true about ubiquitous learning?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
This characteristic of ubiquitous learning lets students interact with teachers and peers by
means of chats, forums and blogs, thus making online learning more interactive.
The correct answer is: Interactivity
This type of wearable technology allows an individual to monitor body conditions, be it heart
rate, breathing, or amount of calories burned.
The correct answer is: Health-wear
Ysabelle was making a research paper on the relationship between poverty and child labor, and
she decided to rely on statistical data. Which of the following would ideally provide her with the
information she needs?
The correct answer is: Scholarly articles
New Media only offers one-way communication.
The correct answer is: False
What is the biggest downside of using internet as a source of information?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
Why do books remain as the most common and often most reliable source of information?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
This type of literacy emphasizes critical thinking, meta-cognitive and procedural knowledge
used to locate information in specific domains, fields and contexts.
The correct answer is: Information Literacy
The foundation of the society's progress relies on humans' ability to understand the knowledge
distributed among them.
The correct answer is: True
Which of the following statements best depicts the negative effects of media on people?
The correct answer is: Everyone can create information. People have the free will to create
information and manufacture this as something accurate even if it hasn't been verified.
Radio programming originally started with the broadcast of news programs.
The correct answer is: False
The media only serves one role in the society.
The correct answer is: False
Art is not a form of traditional media.
The correct answer is: False
The Phenomenographic perspective on information literacy focuses on which of the following?
The correct answer is: The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena
Which of the following is true about media convergence?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
New media is similar to traditional media in a way that they are both created to inform people.
The correct answer is: True
Which of the following helped change the spread of literacy in Medieval Europe?
The correct answer is: the invention of the movable type
The acta served as the Roman's medium to announce important political events and military
The correct answer is: True
Which of the following should be considered when researching for the information you need?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices
This literacy’s focal point is assessment of messages delivered through mass media.
The correct answer is: Media Literacy
In what way did the Morse Code become useful in human communication?
The correct answer is: It was able to transmit messages through on-off tones which can be
understood by a skilled listener
Which of the following is NOT a component of the World Wide Web?
The correct answer is: Adobe
How did the telephone evolve in the New Media Age?
The correct answer is: It evolved into the smaller and more portable cellular phone
Georgi is fond of watching movies. He loves going to theatres or have a movie marathon at
home, because it relaxes him. Georgi needs media for which of the following purposes?
The correct answer is: Entertainment
Radio audience has been said to be fragmenting due to the arrival of new networks.
The correct answer is: False
The information has responded to the purposes of your research. This information is ______.
The correct answer is: Relevant
Mr. Feltsman watches television every night to be updated on the latest news. He is depends on
media for which of the following reasons?
The correct answer is: Information
The information is verified by sources and supporting evidence. This information is considered
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Unlike traditional media, new media mainly relies on which of the following?
The correct answer is: Internet
Which of the following statements best depicts the positive effects of media on the public?
The correct answer is: Once a person clicks on a hyperlink while researching, it will lead them to
another website containing information that may be relevant to his research.
When it comes to media sources, Electronic sources are always better than print.
The correct answer is: False
The information in this type of magazine cannot be easily duplicated and exclusive only for the
industry it serves.
The correct answer is: Newsletters
Which of the following is not true about the role of media in a democratic society?
The correct answer is: The media's power is higher than the three branches of the government.
Which of the following statements is not true about stakeholders?
The correct answer is: They are the main sources of the messages
What is the main problem of online communication nowadays?
The correct answer is: online communication often does not allow each person to see each
As the leader of your research team, you assigned everyone to gather related studies and
literature to complete the second chapter. This part of your research is considered _____.
The correct answer is: Secondary source
A new article regarding LGBT rights posted on a group in Facebook sparked a social media war
between those who are pro-LGBT rights and those who are against it. The admin who posted
the article decided to turn the comments section off to tone down the heated arguments
between both parties. This is an example of which of the following guidelines?
The correct answer is: Help keep flame wars under control
Which of the following is not true about audiences?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Anya knows the importance of making a good impression with clients. It is for this reason that
she always double checks her emails to the customers before sending them. Anya follows
which guideline of netiquette?
The correct answer is: Make yourself look good online
Which of the following is an example of plagiarism?
The correct answer is: A novelist copying some lines from another author's work
Which of the following is true about fair use?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
Which of the following is an example of a Smart-Eyewear?
The correct answer is: Google Glass
Which of the following is also known as the Intellectual Property Code of the Philippines?
The correct answer is: RA 8293
One of the perks of your student account is an exclusive website for journals related to science.
These journals are considered as ____.
The correct answer is: Gray literature
The Massive Open Online Course originated in which of the following academic institutions?
The correct answer is: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Memorandum distributed around the workplace is considered a ____.
The correct answer is: Primary source
Which of the following is true about Media Law?
The correct answer is: It is a legal field that relates to legal regulation of the telecommunications
industry, information technology, broadcasting, advertising, entertainment industry, and the
Which of the following is not a characteristic ubiquitous learning?
The correct answer is: Integrity
Which of the following is designed to help monitor a person's health condition?
The correct answer is: Health-wear
The magazine, Entertainment Weekly, is under what type of consumer magazine?
The correct answer is: Newsmagazines
Which of the following is not an example of identity theft?
The correct answer is: Using another person's social media account to spread rumors
The fair use applies to which of the following?
The correct answer is: Quoting certain parts of a book for a review
Which of the following is not true about cyberbullying?
The correct answer is: Cyberbullying does not happen often
You are tasked to write a reaction paper on the president’s state of the nation address. The
source you will use would fall under _____.
The correct answer is: Primary source
Which of the following statements is not true about information?
The correct answer is: The format in which the information came in also accounts for its quality
What is the benefit of MOOC?
The correct answer is: All of the choices are correct
Which of the following is not a requirement needed for copyright registration?
The correct answer is: Application should be accomplished as a single copy, typewritten and the
affidavit at the back should be duly notarized. Documentary stamp is not needed.
Which of the following is true about Smartwatches?
The correct answer is: They are designed for various purposes aside from displaying time
Ubiquitous learning is learning anytime and anywhere, ideally using which of the following?
The correct answer is: all of the given choices
Why is cybercrime the most prevalent misuse of media in the present age?
The correct answer is: All of the choices are correct
The image below is from 8-bit stories. Which of the following is true about the image?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
The following image was a shot from the documentary called “Tickled.” What kind of code is
used in this particular shot?
The correct answer is: Technical code
The Copyright provides two types of rights. What are these?
The correct answer is: Economic rights and Moral Rights
Becoming media literate means you know how to select the truth from a large selection of
The correct answer is: False
For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two
literacies, separate each literacy with an “and.” If it applies to all three, answer with “All of the
This literacy emphasizes the need for understanding and adapting to continuously evolving
information technology.
The correct answer is: Technology Literacy
Knowing economics, especially in media, will make you a media literate person as it shows how
media packages its content and messages.
The correct answer is: True
Information literate people know where to find legitimate sources needed to arrive at an
The correct answer is: True
For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two
literacies, separate each literacy with an “and.” If it applies to all three, answer with “All of the
This literacy aims to distinguish the quality, authenticity and credibility of sources.
The correct answer is: Information Literacy
A media literate person has the ability to use information creatively.
The correct answer is: False
Media is highly dependent on technology.
The correct answer is: Dependent
Social media has opened various ways for people to communicate without considering distance.
Which of the following is not an advantage of acquiring social media for communication?
The correct answer is: Unverified news articles from various websites are shared easily through
Media literacy enables us to distinguish the issues that would be significant to us.
The correct answer is: True
Some examples of this type of technology are films or movies.
The correct answer is: Chemical Technology
Why do some Spaniards support La Solidaridad?
The correct answer is: They sympathize with the Filipino cause for independence
Which of the following is the best description of mass media's role as the Fourth Estate of the
The correct answer is: Mass media serves as the nation's watchdogs
TRUE OR FALSE: New media relies mainly on the power of the computer and the internet.
The correct answer is: True
How did the invention of the movable metal type improve literacy in Medieval Europe?
The correct answer is: It made it more possible for more people in Europe to learn
How does the Discourse Analysis Perspective help understand information literacy?
The correct answer is: It analyzes the way people perform specific information tasks.
How do media affect people's decisions in choosing their presidential candidates?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
TRUE OR FALSE: The internet is one of the most relevant components in spreading information
The correct answer is: True
Which of the following theoretical perspectives view learning as an activity aiming to construct
The correct answer is: Phenomenographic Perspective
TRUE OR FALSE: Media has greatly influenced the society.
The correct answer is: True
TRUE OR FALSE: The internet was initially created for military purposes.
The correct answer is: True
Media convergence brings forth a new form of _____.
The correct answer is: Content
This type of information source is written by an expert in the field they are writing in.
The correct answer is: All of the choices
The format of the content in which it is delivered is not considered vital in evaluating the
information or its source.
The correct answer is: True
Which of the following is not one of the three Cs that media convergence combines?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
The consistency of the information is one of the qualities of needed information to obtain. The
information is _____.
The correct answer is: Reliable
Top Gear is classified under _____.
The correct answer is: Men’s Magazines
Reader’s Digest is classified under ______.
The correct answer is: Newsmagazines
This is also called the foundation of the world wide web.
The correct answer is: Universal resource locators
Which of the following is not a challenge in the age of media convergence?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Mega magazine is classified under _______.
The correct answer is: Women’s magazine
Which among the following is not a word related to codes?
The correct answer is: Combination of experiences
Which of the following is not true about stakeholders?
The correct answer is: They are direct receivers of the messages
Review of related literature in a thesis work belongs to what type of information source?
The correct answer is: Secondary Source
One of the final requirements for the subject, Literature, is to critique a novel. The output of this
requirement will be what type of source of information?
The correct answer is: Secondary source
The Jollibee commercials that aired early this year have touched the hearts of many Filipinos.
What is the common theme of these commercials?
The correct answer is: Unconditional love
A professor wrote about the life and works of a famous author. His work would belong under
what type of source of information?
The correct answer is: Secondary source
Which of the following statements is not true?
The correct answer is: A Filipino using his hands to eat is considered a sign of appreciation for
the food.
Conventions are said to be ______ in nature, causing the audiences to attach a meaning to a
The correct answer is: Repetitive
Photographs are what type of information source?
The correct answer is: Primary Source
A convention has been conducted among the content team of a company for the next issue of
the newsletter. The minutes of the meeting the secretary has conjured will belong under what
type of source of information?
The correct answer is: Primary source
Which of the following is the best example of correcting someone's errors online?
The correct answer is: Inform them of their incorrect messages by sending a private message
True or False: Netiquette should always be followed regardless of the online communication
media that you use.
The correct answer is: True
What should you keep in mind when communicating online?
The correct answer is: There is a limit to the amount of data that any piece of wiring can carry at
any given moment
Which of the following is considered as an act of plagiarism?
The correct answer is: Stealing and passing off another person's idea as one's own
Snooping of other people's private messages and accounts is a violation of which of the
The correct answer is: Respecting other people's privacy
Which of the following is not being regulated by the Media Law?
The correct answer is: No correct answer
What does the copyright law protect?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices
Which of the following is not a requirement for copyright registration?
The correct answer is: If the applicant is non-resident/foreigner, proprietor or a corporation, a
photocopy of the certificate of business name or SEC certificate (whichever is applicable)
should be attached to the application.
Why is it important to check the rules and regulations of forums and groups before participating
in their online activities?
The correct answer is: All of the given statements are correct
Which of the following is a form of cyberbullying?
The correct answer is: Posting of other people's personal and embarrassing photos on social
media, for the purpose of humiliating them
A hospital encountered an error in their systems causing their records to get lost. What type of
cybercrime has been committed in this situation?
The correct answer is: Hacking
A person commented negatively on a news article about his favored politician, causing others to
react negatively, as well. This is a form of _____.
The correct answer is: Cyberbullying
Which of the following could be the most possible effect of fake news/false information to
The correct answer is: People would believe and be convinced that a particular information is a
With the influence of media, people have acquired political awareness, inciting actions to bring
mostly positive change.
The correct answer is: False
This is one type of cybercrime in which a stranger uses another person’s personal information to
deceive other users.
The correct answer is: Identity theft
A man posted a status on Facebook containing derogatory terms towards a colleague.
However, it was a stranger who stole his phone who posted this to his social media account.
This could be a form of what type of cybercrime?
The correct answer is: Cyberbullying
According to the flow of media effect, a person can be moved to initiate change through media
is if he has ______.
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Which of the following does not show how media and information initiated change?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Which of the following does not show how media and information initiated change?
The correct answer is: Television has adapted to varying trends in genre of entertainment every
year to keep its audience.
Hannah started a social media account at the age of 13. A strange man she befriended has
started messaging her constantly. What would be Hannah’s logical next move?
The correct answer is: Tell an adult about it so she would know her next move.
This type of wearable technology are wearable as sunglasses, with the lenses acting like a
screen which may display a view of certain information.
The correct answer is: Smart-Eyewear
Which of the following is true about ubiquitous learning?
The correct answer is: Its idea of ubiquity originated from the ease of utilizing technological
devices today.
Why are MOOCs ideal for the professionals of today?
The correct answer is: Both of the given choices are correct
What kind of wearable technology is the Google Glass?
The correct answer is: Smart-Eyewear
In an MOOC, assessments are usually composed of which type of questions?
The correct answer is: Multiple choice questions
Which of the following is true about the structure of an MOOC?
The correct answer is: Students can access MOOCs at their own pace
Ubiquitous learning allows learning at any time or place using which of the following devices?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Which of the following is NOT an advantage of an MOOC?
The correct answer is: MOOCs are not suitable for professionals of today.
These wearables can be worn on the wrist; they not only display time, they can also alert the
wearer to text messages or social media notifications.
The correct answer is: Smartwatch
Which characteristic of ubiquitous learning allows students to learn in context or on-site?
The correct answer is: Situated instructional activities
A famous author wrote about his life and works. This literature would be considered as ____.
The correct answer is: Primary source
Bad gossip about this woman’s life has circulated on the internet because of the funny picture of
her from her younger years being distributed as a meme. This is considered as _____.
The correct answer is: Cyberbullying
The image below is from a scene in the series, Sherlock. Based on the image, which of the
following statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Which of the following does not show the way to avoid attacks on your computer system?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
The German metallurgist Johannes Gutenberg was famous for inventing which of the following?
The correct answer is: The movable metal type
Which characteristic of ubiquitous learning lets learners access the ideal information for them?
The correct answer is: Adaptability
Which of the following statements about netiquette is not true?
The correct answer is: Standards of behavior in real life do not apply in online communication
Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of Industrial Age?
The correct answer is: Much of Europe remained agricultural
A typhoon has entered the Philippine Area of Responsibility and it has caused quite an amount
of rainfall within the past three hours. The next day, you saw a friend post on Facebook that
there are no classes in your area with the name of the source at the end. Which of the following
statements is true?
The correct answer is: The information needed verification to be considered true.
What is the first step in comprehending the meaning in media?
The correct answer is: rhetorical analysis
Which of the following should you keep in mind when communicating online?
The correct answer is: All of the statements
Which of the following is true about magazines?
The correct answer is: Magazines are mostly consumed by educated and earn higher than
average wages
This type of media contains different sections for different types of content in one publication. Its
contents give people a common topic to talk about.
The correct answer is: Newspapers
Which of the following statements is not true about books?
The correct answer is: For this media, the people have the power to choose which information
to consume.
How does the media contribute to the rise of cyberbullying today?
The correct answer is: All of the choices are correct
Viewing another person's private messages and accounts without their knowledge is a violation
of which of the following netiquette guidelines?
The correct answer is: Respecting other people's privacy
The La Solidaridad is supported by which of the following people?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
What is the main duty of an umalokohan?
The correct answer is: To make everyone aware of new laws or policies implemented by the
The scene in the image below is from an American show. Based on the image, which of the
following statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: The similar expressions in the characters’ faces match the atmosphere in
the scene
In what way did the MOOCs revolutionize the educational landscape?
The correct answer is: All of the given statements are correct
What makes ubiquitous learning so essential to learning today?
The correct answer is: All of the statements
Which of the following is a definition of media literacy?
The correct answer is: This refers to the movement designed to help understand and negotiate
meanings in a culture of images, words, and sounds
Which of the following is not a type of consumer magazine?
The correct answer is: In-house publications
Which of the following is not a relevant quality to look for when acquiring information?
The correct answer is: Popularity
Why should we not underestimate the widespread of mass media?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
Which of the following is an example of the political impact of media and information?
The correct answer is: The newspaper providing relevant information on national politics
Which of the following is not true about media producers?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
Which of the following is true about Information literacy?
The correct answer is: It emphasizes critical-thinking, meta-cognitive, and procedural knowledge
What is the best way to avoid identity theft?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Your research is about the common elements found in popular young adult literature. To get
started, you need to get copies of selected literature to scan. This source belongs under ____.
The correct answer is: Primary source
The scene captured below is depicted in dull colors. With the use of this technique, which of the
following does the scene possibly convey to the audience?
The correct answer is: A flashback of a sad memory
Which of the following information is incorrect?
The correct answer is: Media literacy is concerned with more plain social issues than
information literacy.
Which of the following refers to the government-produced sheets circulated among officials
during the Han dynasty in China?
The correct answer is: tipao
What makes citation an important aspect of using information?
The correct answer is: It is important to acknowledge the original source of the information used
This type of media is considered lucrative if it shoots to fame.
The correct answer is: Trade books
You are working on a critique paper on a film for the final requirement in a subject. Which of the
following would you rely on for source?
The correct answer is: Primary source
One of your chosen electives is journalism and you are assigned to write a news story on the
new developments in your local government office. You decided to attend an open conference
regarding the topic. The information you will get from this source falls under ____.
The correct answer is: Gray literature
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: People typically consume media for the purpose of entertainment.
Which of the following is not a criteria of selecting the best information sources?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Which of the following is not true?
The correct answer is: Consumer magazines created by organizations for their members
Which of the following statements is true?
The correct answer is: There are different levels in media literacy
Which of the following is true?
The correct answer is: Television has transformed mass media
You are planning to purchase a new gadget in an online shop. You must be wary of this type of
The correct answer is: Fraud
Which of the following is NOT TRUE?
The correct answer is: Media does not have commercial implications
According to Vivian (2009), which of the following is not a factor to consider in media literacy?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
You took notes when your teacher discussed a particular lesson in class. These notes are
considered ____.
The correct answer is: Gray literature
Which of the following is not a form of cybercrime?
The correct answer is: Flame wars in a political post
The scene below is from a horror movie. Based on the image, which of the following elements
do not suggest the genre?
The correct answer is: The colorful depiction of a scary image
Which of the following is covered by the Media Law?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Which of the following perspectives of Information and Media Literacy focuses on the variations
of people's experiences of a certain phenomenon?
The correct answer is: Phenomenographic perspective
Local magazine, Chalk, belongs to what type of magazine?
The correct answer is: Women’s Magazines
How did the Industrial Age affect the information literacy today?
The correct answer is: Education during this time was mass-based, which helped spread
According to the definition of media convergence, what is the relationship between information
and communication technology?
The correct answer is: associated
These are also called “long-form, word-driven media content.”
The correct answer is: Books
The media’s power to incite is evident in its use in a democratic country such as the Philippines
in encouraging opinions from the public majority to enforce public policies.
The correct answer is: persuasion
This refers to the computer language used to create websites.
The correct answer is: Hypertext markup language
Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology
literacy, all of the three or neither.
“This literacy’s keyword is innovation.”
The correct answer is: Technology Literacy
For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two
literacies, separate each literacy with an “and.” If it applies to all three, answer with “All of the
The focal point of this literacy is on maximizing positive effects of media and decreasing its
negative effects.
The correct answer is: media literacy
A study by the Ball State University stated that an average person spends % of his/her waking
hours using media.
The correct answer is: 68.8
Which of the following is not a traditional media?
The correct answer is: blog
Information literate people assume the truth in every source of information.
The correct answer is: false
Which of the following is a form of new media?
The correct answer is: Social Media Sites
can be distributed in any form to any person in the world as it makes information more
The correct answer is: news
The Morse Code was remarkable for which of the following reasons?
The correct answer is: It can transmit messages through on-off tones which can only by
understood by a skilled listener.
TRUE OR FALSE: The Discourse Analysis Perspective helps understand media and
information literacy by means of analyzing the individual's practices in performing information
The correct answer is: True
A passage, when paraphrased, does not need citation as it has been rewritten.
The correct answer is: Always false
A type of magazine that contains news stories grouped into categories according to its content.
The correct answer is: Newsmagazines
TRUE OR FALSE: Folk media is a form of new media aiming to pass the civilization's culture to
the next generation.
The correct answer is: False
A media literate person does not need to learn the basics of media, but rather delve into its
dynamics to better understand it.
The correct answer is: false
Identify whether the given statement describes media literacy, information literacy, technology
literacy, all of the three or neither.
“This focuses on the understanding, evaluation and use of media and its message.”
The correct answer is: All of the choices
In scouring new information surrounding a topic, this is one of the first things to search for.
The correct answer is: Overview
This is the known primary driver of the behavior of most media companies.
The correct answer is: economics
Which of the following is not true about the best information sources?
The correct answer is: The most reliable source of information are books
Which of the following does not illustrate an effect of media on human communication?
The correct answer is: Questions needing answers are readily available online
For the following questions, identify which type of literacy is being described. If it applies to two
literacies, separate each literacy with an “and.” If it applies to all three, answer with “All of the
This literacy provides ways to function in complex communicative situations.
The correct answer is: media and information literacy
The data you found on the web meets specific standards and follows the correct rules. This
information is considered _______.
The correct answer is: Valid
Which of the following best describes how communication is affected by media and information?
The correct answer is: The exchange of opinions about varying topics have become widespread
This term refers to the simultaneous exposure of an individual to messages delivered through
different kinds of media.
The correct answer is: media multi-tasking
The television belongs to which of the following?
The correct answer is: Electronic Age
Tomas Pinpin revolutionized media in the Philippines as the Father of Filipino Printing. Which of
the following was credited to him?
The correct answer is: The printing of the first newspaper in the Philippines
is needed in order to understand media better as it takes the person back to the basics.
The correct answer is: factual foundation
The Phoenicians developed the alphabet mainly for what purpose?
The correct answer is: For commerce
TRUE OR FALSE: Online News are a form of traditional media, as they share similar content to
the news written on newspapers.
The correct answer is: False
A technology literate person must know the limitations of information to be consumed.
The correct answer is: false
Which of the following is not a difference of a magazine from a newspaper?
The correct answer is: Distributed to a large amount of audience
Which of the following is the focus of the Phenomenographic perspective on information
The correct answer is: The variety of experiences that people have during a certain phenomena
Which of the following is the most ideal source for those who are looking for good background
The correct answer is: Books
Yuko always reads magazines on fashion and makeup, because as a model she wants to know
the latest styles and trends today. Yuko makes use of media for which of the following
The correct answer is: Information
These are considered to be profitable if popular, thus, referred to as “high risk propositions.”
The correct answer is: Trade books
Nikolai always checks the news for the current weather forecast. He depends on media for
which of the following reasons?
The correct answer is: Personal dependence
This type of source is considered professional literature made by experts and scholars of a
particular field.
The correct answer is: Scholarly articles
A famous blogger made an article about his personal opinion towards war on drugs. He
encouraged readers to oppose the ongoing extrajudicial killings and defend human rights. The
blogger used media for which of the following reasons?
The correct answer is: Persuasion
Complete this sentence about media convergence: “Media convergence is currently happening
as more messages and information are converted into ____.”
The correct answer is: Digital
Harry regularly consumes news through social media networking sites. What possible type of
cybercrime should he look out for when browsing for news?
The correct answer is: False information
Republic Act 8293 covers which of the following?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
According to the National Library of the Philippines, the general term of protection works under
copyright law covers the lifetime of the author and how many years after his/her death?
The correct answer is: 50 years
What does "unpublished work" mean, according to the guidelines of copyright registration?
The correct answer is: It refers to a work that has not been disseminated to the public at the
time of registration.
Which of the following is true about the definition of Fair use?
The correct answer is: It generally refers to any copying of copyrighted material done for a
limited and "transformative" purpose.
Newspaper articles are also under the Copyright law.
The correct answer is: Yes
According to RA 8293, intellectual property rights consist of which of the following?
The correct answer is: All of the choices
Why is it important to avoid spamming other people with messages?
The correct answer is: Both of the given choices are correct
As an employee in an academic institution, Alec values the importance of being professional
when communicating online. He always check the grammar and spelling, as well as the context
of his e-mail messages before sending them. Alec is an example of which of the following
netiquette guidelines?
The correct answer is: Make yourself look good online
According to the Core Rules of Netiquette, which of the following demonstrates Rule 4?
The correct answer is: Avoid spamming of emails and messages to other people
Which of the following is not covered by the Copyright law?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
Which of the following is an example of cybercrime?
The correct answer is: Using another person's Twitter account to spread malicious information
Fair use applies to which of the following?
The correct answer is: Making a parody of a popular television series
Anna always keeps in mind that she may hurt other people's feelings if she is not careful when
communicating through social media. She is always considerate to others when communicating
about a certain topic. Anna follows which of the following guidelines of netiquette?
The correct answer is: Remember the human
What is the usual duration of a MOOC?
The correct answer is: 6 to 12 weeks
Which are more likely to happen to victims of cyberbullying?
The correct answer is: They are more likely to use alcohol and drugs
The image below is the cover of the book, NOS4A2 by Joe Hill. What could possibly be its
The correct answer is: Horror
The original copies of Rizal’s works are considered ____.
The correct answer is: Primary source
The authors of this particular source do not necessarily have to be an expert in the field he/she
chooses to write in but he/she must have a genuine interest in the subject to research on it.
The correct answer is: Tertiary Source
Which of the following refers to the capacity for data transfer of an electronic communications
The correct answer is: Bandwidth
An experienced sports analyst has reviewed last night’s basketball game. His analysis is
considered a ____.
The correct answer is: Secondary source
The image below is the cover of a book by Eros Atalia. Why do you think they used the image of
a familiar signage?
The correct answer is: To depict that it contains relatable stories for its target audience
Which of the following characteristics of ubiquitous learning allows interaction with teachers
despite using mobile devices for learning?
The correct answer is: Interactivity
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: The newspaper industry is dying due to the rise of online news websites
The magazine, Candy, is under what type of consumer magazine?
The correct answer is: Women’s magazines
The Observer is Polytechnic University of the Philippines’ official publication. What type of
magazine is this?
The correct answer is: Sponsored magazine
Which of the following is true about New media?
The correct answer is: It has the same purpose as traditional media - to pass on relevant
knowledge to the audience.
You are often warned to change your password for social networking sites for the protection of
your account. Which of the following cybercrimes would most likely occur in this situation?
The correct answer is: Identity theft
Which of the following is TRUE?
The correct answer is: We use media for everything.
Which of the following is not a wearable technology?
The correct answer is: None of the choices
What makes cyberbullying difficult to abandon?
The correct answer is: All of the given choices are correct
What was the title of the well-known story written by the Sumerians?
The correct answer is: Epic of Gilgamesh
Which of the following statements is true according to the image?
The correct answer is: The candles in the background highly contributed to the romantic
atmosphere of the scene.
The following link leads to a video of the spoken word poem by Juan Miguel Severo:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C5lWgYjtP_4. Based on the lines, which of the following
statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: The poem talks about the rural life and longing for new life
What is the main reason why we should avoid spamming other people with messages?
The correct answer is: It is a waste of their time and bandwidth
Which of the following have we grown more prone to doing with the media developing over the
The correct answer is: media multi-tasking
Which of the following statements about media today is correct?
The correct answer is: Official correspondence nowadays can be done online
The image below is the cover of the book by Rohinton Mistry. Which of the following is depicted
by the image?
The correct answer is: Juxtaposition
Which of the following is not covered by the copyright law?
The correct answer is: none of the given choices
This group of people became well-known for forming the alphabet which was adopted by the
Greeks later on.
The correct answer is: Phoenicians
What's the main focus of the Discourse Analysis Perspective?
The correct answer is: People's methods of performing specific information tasks
Which of the following is not true?
The correct answer is: Consumer magazines created by organizations for their members
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: Information literate people will never be able to recognize which
information is necessary
Which of the following statements is incorrect?
The correct answer is: "Published work" for purposes of copyright registration means that the
work has not been disseminated to the public at the time of registration
What makes the Morse Code remarkable?
The correct answer is: It transmit messages through on-off tones which can be understood by a
skilled listener