Uploaded by Yusharnida Yussof

Apple Inc. Organizational Design in International Environments

Apple, based in Cupertino, CA, is one of the most valuable companies in the world. It produces
popular digital gadgets, including Macs, iPods, iPhones, and iPads. The company was founded in
1976 by two young hackers, Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. Its second product, the Apple II, was
the first personal computer to achieve mass-market success. The Macintosh, released in 1984,
introduced the modern graphical user interface to the mainstream.
Apple began to struggle after its board ousted Steve Jobs from the company in 1985. When Jobs
returned to Apple in 1997, it was close to bankruptcy. Then Jobs led a spectacular recovery,
introducing the iPod in 2001, the iPhone in 2007, and the iPad in 2010. The result: Apple earned
almost $40 billion in profits in its 2014 fiscal year. Jobs died of pancreatic cancer in 2011. Since
then, the company has been led by Tim Cook, Jobs's long-time deputy. Apple has been a Silicon
Valley trend-setter for almost four decades. - Vox Media (By Timothy B. Lee, 2015)
What is the Organization design style applied by Apple?
(2 marks) - Based on the video provided
Highlight what are the TWO (2) views of the Apple structure?
Explain each of them properly
(4 marks) - Based on the video provided
Discuss FIVE (5) reasons why businesses need a really good
and systematic organizational design/structure?
1) What is the Organization design style applied by Apple? (2 marks) - Based on the video
Based on the videos provided organizational design and the associated leadership model play
a crucial role in driving its innovation success and style applied by apple such as functional
structure, organizational structure and leadership model.
2) Highlight what are the TWO (2) views of the Apple structure? Explain each of them
properly (4 marks) - Based on the video provided.
The company operates in a market characterised by rapid technological development
and disruption. General managers are unlikely to be able to foresee which
technologies and designs will succeed, therefore it must rely on the judgement and
intuition of technical specialists.
Apple's commitment to provide the finest possible products would be compromised if
cost and price target were the only considerations used to influence design and
engineering decisions. Instead, R&D directors are required to assess user advantages
against cost considerations.
3) Discuss FIVE (5) reasons why businesses need a really good and systematic
organizational design/structure?
Might assist businesses in streamlining their business operations Business owners,
directors, and managers, for example, are often in charge of structuring business
functions into departments capable of completing various business procedures. The
division of company functions into departments guarantees that activities are done in
a timely and effective way. Companies can save money by minimising the number of
comparable business operations performed by different divisions.
Help strengthen their corporate decision-making process Firm choices are frequently
influenced by the quantity of information that business owners, directors, or
management acquire in a timely manner. Organizational structures can be structured
to facilitate the flow of information from frontline operations to managers in charge
of business decisions. Executive level management can utilise organisational
structure channels to transmit information to managers or personnel in charge of
fulfilling company operations. Example, Steve Job wanted to launched the apple
product such as iphone, ipad, ipod and Mac, he must plan how much the quantity
every each product, his target on sales to be sales per month and year and also target
market so all this information must deliver to frontline operation to ensure the process
of launching and product information are fix and clear.
Simple, when small firms develop and expand, they may open many sites in local,
regional, or national economic marketplaces. Organizational structures assist business
owners in establishing a management chain to guarantee that all business locations
follow the company's standard operating procedures. Since the entrepreneur may not
have been able to visit each site on a timely basis, company owners rely on
organisational structures. Example, Apple product have around the world so it must
have a centre (HQ) for every country and state to maintain the quality and quantity of
products and full fill demand even though it might lost the control in term of the
owners control and monitor every store but the HQ play important role on operation
Employees may undergo a training period in which they learn the company's
organizational structure. This process informs employees which managers can take
specific decisions or where they need to send information for approval.
Organizational structures also can be created with some flexibility to add new
departments or employees so as not to burden one manager in the company. Example,
as a big company, Apple must have fermentation on organizational structurer means
whatever HQ has been finalist on recruitment every outlet must follow make it
standardise that’s why training very important to ensure the rules of company and the
requirement must be follow by employees such as how to be a good customer service,
how to deliver a clear and correct information regarding on the product and how to
increase the sales.
Companies with a well-defined organisational structure must be able to devote more
time to customer service rather than operational concerns. Improved customer service
may assist businesses in responding to consumer enquiries or questions about goods
or services. Companies may also concentrate on growing sales revenues and profits
from corporate operations by satisfying consumer demands and desires. Example, as
employees he/she must understand the mission and vision of Apple company first
then he/ she would know the purpose to achieve a target sales in company. As
manager must monitor and evaluate employees to ensure he / she under the line of
4) Reference