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16-Noise models and Noise removal using spatial domain techniques-25-Feb-2023

Salt-and-pepper Noise
Salt-and-pepper Noise
A Sample Image
Effect of Adding Noise to Sample Image
Effect of Adding Noise to Sample Image
Periodic Noise
•Arises typically from electrical or
electromechanical interference
during image acquisition
•It can be observed by visual
inspection both in the spatial
domain and frequency domain
•The only spatially dependent
noise will be considered
Periodic Noise
Noise Removal
Salt and pepper noise, Gaussian noise and speckle noise can all be
cleaned by using spatial filtering techniques. Periodic noise, however,
requires the use of frequency domain filtering because whereas the
other forms of noise can be modelled as local degradations, periodic
noise is a global effect.
H.R. Pourreza
Noise Removal
Noise Removal
Noise Removal
H.R. Pourreza
Noise Removal
Noise Removal
H.R. Pourreza
Noise Removal