BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF LIMPET COOLING ARRANGEMENT SYSTEM The main raw material used for the manufacturing of the polyester resin is Styrene Monomer (CAS registry no: 100-42.5). While storing, it should have 5-100ppm inhibitor (IS 14631:1999 Reaffirmed 2009) depending on period of storage, to avoid self-polymerisation. The inhibitor works well at lower temperature, usually at a temperature below 25oC. Hence, Styrene monomer shall be stored at lower temperature, preferably lower than 20oC to have long life and to avoid self-polymerisation. For this, limpet cooling coils are provided for the underground Styrene Monomer storage tanks to maintain and control temperature. The chilled water is generated using a chiller system and is circulated through the coils to cool and maintain the temperature of the Styrene Monomer below 20oC. A schematic diagram of the cooling system is shown in the below figure.