PROJECT: IMPLEMENTATION OF ASSET INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT IN ZUBAIR OIL FIELD ASSET: REV. NR.: Pipelines, flowlines and Trunklines.Error! Unknown document property name. 00 REVISION DATE: 29-01-2022 Page: 0 of 65 DEPARTMENT: ASSET INTEGRITY DOCUMENT TITLE: RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field ABSTRACT This document provides a semi-quantitative risk based inspection approach for assessing the Zubair Field Pipelines. The Pof is determined by modifying the API581 and complement with the Flowchart method and the Cof is determined by the aggregate method. Revision Record RINA RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field 00 29-01-2022 Rev. Date AI Engineer RINA AI Engineer Reason for Issue Prepared Checked Approved 2021 RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Abstract: This document provides a semi-quantitative risk based inspection approach for assessing the Zubair Field Pipelines. The Pof is determined by modifying the API581 and complement with the Flowchart method and the Cof is determined by the aggregate method Eng. Antonio M. N.L. Moura 12/27/2021 RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table of Contents 1. Purpose and scope .......................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. 2. 3. Zubair Field.............................................................................................................................. 2 Reference Documents..................................................................................................................... 4 2.1. Company References .............................................................................................................. 4 2.2. International References ........................................................................................................ 4 2.3. Other ....................................................................................................................................... 5 Terms and Definitions ..................................................................................................................... 5 3.1. Definitions ............................................................................................................................... 5 3.2. Acronyms ................................................................................................................................ 8 4. Hierarchy of Regulations ................................................................................................................. 8 5. Technical requirements .................................................................................................................. 9 5.1. Methodology For Risk-Based Inspection Plan......................................................................... 9 5.2. Threats/Hazards Identification ............................................................................................. 12 5.3. Degradation Mechanisms ..................................................................................................... 14 5.4. Sectioning of pipeline System ............................................................................................... 14 5.5. Likelihood .............................................................................................................................. 14 5.6. Consequence ......................................................................................................................... 17 5.7. Inspection plan and associated interval of frequency .......................................................... 23 Appendix 1 Guidance for likelihood assessment .................................................................................. 27 Corrosion............................................................................................................................................... 27 Thinning Damage Factor ................................................................................................................... 28 External Damage Factor (Atmospheric) ............................................................................................ 31 Third-party threats ................................................................................................................................ 34 Structural .............................................................................................................................................. 36 Appendix 2 Corrosion Rates Model ...................................................................................................... 43 MIC Microbiologically Induced Corrosion ......................................................................................... 44 Erosion Corrosion.............................................................................................................................. 45 CO2 Corrosion ................................................................................................................................... 46 Appendix 3 Inspection / Maintenance Tasks ........................................................................................ 49 Appendix 4 Preventive Barrier .............................................................................................................. 52 1|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field 1. Purpose and scope The purpose of this document is to provide a methodology for the identification of the threats or hazards possible to affect the flowlines, trunklines and pipelines associated with Zubair Filed and under the responsibility of the ZFOD asset Integrity Department. It will provide, based on the riskbased approach, the methodology/procedure that allows the determination of the relative risk of each asset. And will provide guiding in the selection of the most adequate inspection and maintenance activities to perform and allows to assess the most adequate inspection plan for the assets under analysis. 1.1. Zubair Field The Zubair field is located in the southern area of Iraq, 20 km far from Basra city (See the figure below). The Zubair Field comprises four domes named respectively (From N to S), Hammar, Shuaiba, Rafdhyia, and Safwan. The southernmost dome, Safwan, partially extends beyond Iraq’s border and into Kuwait, where it is known as Abdalli Field. The structure of the Zubair Field is a relatively gentle anticlineoriented NNW - SSE, approximately 60 km long and 10-15 km wide. Figure 1 - Zubair Field Location (area outlined in green) 2|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field The first discovery was in 1949, the field has been in operation since 1951. There is a significant existing infrastructure that includes several existing production stations distributed around the field in addition to IPFs located in Zubair, Hammar and Rafdhyia. The field is composed of wellheads areas, manifolds, flowlines and different DGSs/IPFs as follows: • Hammar Mishrif DGS • Hammar DGS and IPF • Zubair DGS and IPF • Zubair Mishrif DGS • Rafdhyia DGS and IPF • Safwan DGS • DGS North • PPG – Permanent Power Generation. All Plants shall accommodate process, utilities, storage, transfer pumps, power generation system, firefighting system, etc. Each DGS receives crude oil from peripherals oil wells; the crude oil arriving inside the DGS is treated through process separators and then stored into oil flow tanks. After, the treated oil is sent to the MPS (Main Pumping Station) through export pumps. 3|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field 2. Reference Documents 2.1. Company References # 1 2 Ref. code 20415.ENG.INT.PRG 02961.ENG.COR.PRG 3 23038.ENG.INT.REL 4 28050.ENG.INT.REL 5 6 7 28755.ENG.INT.PRG 28756.ENG.INT.PRG 23037.ENG.INT.STD Title “Criteria for Risk Based Inspections” “Guidelines for Risk Based Inspections” “Risk Based Identification of Potential Critical conditions for offshore Pipelines Integrity Management” “Risk Based Identification of Potential Critical Conditions for onshore Pipelines Integrity Management” “Exposure Levels of Onshore and Offshore Pipelines” “Risk analysis methodology for Pipelines RBI program” “External Survey of Pipelines in The Onshore Area” 2.2. International References # Ref. code 8 ASME B31.4 9 ASME B31.8 10 ASME B31.8S 11 ASME B31G 12 DNVGL-RP-F101 13 DNVGL-RP-F107 14 DNVGL-RP-F116 15 DNV-RP-G101 16 ISO 16708 17 ISO 19900 18 19 20 21 22 API 1160 API 1163 API RP 580 API RP 581 API RP 579 23 API RP 571 Title “Pipeline Transportation System for Liquid Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids” “Gas Transmission and Distribution. Piping Systems” “Managing System Integrity of gas pipelines” “Manual for Determining the Remaining Strength of Corroded Pipelines” “Corroded Pipelines” “Risk assessment of Pipeline protection” “Integrity management of submarine pipeline system” “Risk Based Inspection of Offshore Topsides Static Mechanical Equipment” “Petroleum and Natural Gas industries – Pipeline Transportation Systems, Reliability-based limit state methods” “Petroleum and natural gas industries – General requirements for offshore structures” “Managing System Integrity for Hazardous Liquid Pipeline” “In-Line Inspection Systems Qualification Standard” “Risk-based Inspection; 3rd Edition 2016” “Risk-based Inspection Methodology, 3rd Edition 2016 “Fitness-for-service” “Damage Mechanisms Affecting Fixed Equipment in the Refinery Industry” 4|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field 2.3. Other # Ref. code 24 W. Kent Muhlabauer 25 NACE SP0502 26 NACE SP0206 27 NACE SP0208 Title “Pipeline Risk Management Manual, 3rd Edition” “Pipelines External Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology” “Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Pipelines Carrying Normally Dry Natural Gas (DG-ICDA)” “Internal Corrosion Direct Assessment Methodology for Liquid Petroleum Pipelines” 3. Terms and Definitions The Company is ENI S.p.a or ZFOD or Both. 3.1. Definitions Asset Natural resources and all tangible and intangible investments to exploit and to process them (Including crude oil extraction facilities, storage and import/export facilities, hydrocarbon refining facilities, conversion and treatment facilities, power plants and environmental treatment facilities). In this document “Asset” means the physical portion of the assets. Cathodic Technique to reduce the corrosion of a metal surface by making that surface the protection (CP) cathode of an electromechanical cell. Component or An individual item or element fitted in line with pipe in a pipeline system, such as, pipeline but not limited to, valves, elbows, tees, flanges, and closures. component Consequence The consequence of failure through the unintentional release of hazardous fluids, of failure including effects on Health and Safety, of employees, as well as of the public, to the environment, to the operability of the asset and the company reputation. Corrosion Deterioration of a material, usually a metal, that results from an electrochemical reaction with its environment. Corrosion Chemical substance or combination of substances that, when present in the Inhibitor environment or on a surface, prevents or reduces corrosion. Corrosion rate Rate at which corrosion proceeds Damage (type) The observed effect on a component of the action of a degradation mechanism. The damage type gives rise to the failure mechanism of a component. Examples of damage include cracking, uniform wall thinning, and pitting. Damage Model A mathematical and/or heuristic representation of the results of degradation. This may express the accumulation of damage over time as functions of physical or chemical parameters, and normally includes the estimation of the conditions that give rise to failure. Defect A physically examined anomaly with dimensions or characteristics that exceed acceptable limits. Design All related engineering to design the pipeline including both structural as well as material and corrosion. Design Life That period during which an item or component id intended to remain fit for service under the specified design and operating process conditions. 5|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Environment Examination Failure Geographic Information System (GIS) High Consequence Area Imperfection Incident In-line inspection (ILI) Inspection Integrity Integrity Assessment leak Maintenance Maximum allowable operating pressure (MAOP) Metal Loss Mitigation Monitoring Surroundings or conditions (physical, chemical, mechanical) in which a material exists. Direct physical inspection of a pipeline that may include the use of non-destructive examination (NDE) Termination of the ability of a system, structure, or component to perform its required function of containment of fluid (i.e., loss of containment). Failure may be unannounced and undetectable until the next inspection (unannounced failure) or may be announced and detected by any number of methods at the instance of occurrence (announced failure). The point at which a component ceases to fulfil its function and the limits placed on it. The failure condition must be clearly defined in its relationship to the component. Failure can be express, for example, in terms of non-compliance with design codes, or exceedance of a set risk limit, neither of which necessarily imply leakage. System of computer software, hardware, data, and personnel to help manipulate, analyze, and present information that is tied to a geographic location. Those locations where a pipeline release might have a significant adverse effect on an unusually sensitive area, a high populated area, or a commercially navigable waterway. An anomaly with characteristics that do not exceed acceptable limits Unintentional release of fluid due to the failure of a pipeline. Any instrument device or vehicle that records data and uses non-destructive test methods or other techniques to inspect the pipeline from the inside. These tools are also known as intelligent pigs or smart pigs. The use of a non-destructive testing technique aimed at measure, observe and confirm the current conditions of an item. Defines herein as the capability of the pipeline to withstand all anticipated loads (including hoop stress due to operating pressure) plus the margin of safety. Process that includes inspection of pipeline facilities, evaluating the indications resulting from the inspections, examining the pipe using a variety of techniques, evaluating the results of the examinations, characterizing the evaluation by defect type and severity, and determining the resulting integrity of the pipeline through analysis. An uncontrolled fluid release from a pipeline. The source of the leak may be holes, cracks (include propagation and no propagating, longitudinal, and circumferential), Separation or pullout, and loose connections. All activities designed to retain the pipeline system in a state in which it can perform its required functions. These activities include inspections, surveys, testing, servicing, replacement, remedial works and repairs. Maximum pressure at which a pipeline system may be operated in accordance with provisions of the construction code. Types of anomalies in pipe in which metal has been removed from the pipe surface, usually due to corrosion or gouging. Limitation or reduction of the probability of occurrence or expected consequence for a particular event. Regular recording of operational data and other relevant data needed in order to establish the current condition of a component and/or to analyze its rate of degradation. 6|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Nondestructive examination (NDE) or nondestructive testing (NDT) Operator or operating company Pig Pig Trap Testing method, such as radiography, ultrasonic, magnetic testing, liquid penetrant, visual, leak testing, eddy current, and acoustic emission, or a testing technique, such as magnetic flux leakage, magnetic particle inspection, shearwave ultrasonic, and contact compression-wave ultrasonic. Individual, partnership, corporation, public agency, owner, agent, or other entity current responsible for the design, construction, inspection, testing, operation, and maintenance of the pipeline facilities. Device run inside a pipeline to clean or inspect the pipeline, or to batch fluids. An ancillary item of pipeline equipment, with associated pipework and valve, for introducing a pig into a pipeline or removing a pig from a pipeline. Pipe A tubular product, including tubing, made for sale as a production item, used primarily for conveying a fluid and sometimes for storage. Cylinders formed from plate during fabrication of auxiliary equipment are not pipe as defined herein Pipeline All parts of physical facilities through which fluid moves in transportation, including pipe, valves fittings. Flanges (including bolting and gaskets), regulators, pressure vessels, pulsation dampeners, relief valves, appurtenances attached to pipe, compressor units, metering facilities, pressure-regulating stations, pressurelimiting stations, pressure relief stations, and fabricated assemblies. Pipeline Management system designed to endure the safe operation of pipeline system in Integrity accordance with the design intent, by control of the physical condition of a Management pipeline, the operation conditions within the system an any changes made to the System (PIMS) system. Pipeline System Pipelines, stations, supervisory control and data acquisition system (SCADA), safety systems, corrosion protection systems, and other equipment, facility or building used in the transportation of fluids Probability Likelihood of an event occurring. Right-of-way A strip of land on which pipelines, railroads, power lines, roads, highways, and (ROW) other similar facilities are constructed. The ROW agreements secure the right to pass over property owned by others. ROW agreements generally allow the right of ingress and egress for the operation and maintenance or the facility, and the installation of the facility. The ROW width can vary with the construction and maintenance requirements of the facility’s operator and is usually determined based on negotiation with the affected land-owner by legal action, or by permitting authority. Risk Measure of potential loss in terms of both the incident probability (likelihood) of occurrence and the magnitude of the consequences. Risk Systematic process in which potential hazards from facility operation are Assessment identified, and the likelihood and consequences of potential adverse events are estimated. Risk assessments can have varying scopes, and can be performed at varying levels of detail depending in the operator’s objectives. Risk Overall program consisting of identifying potential threats to an area or Management equipment; assessing the risk associated with those threats in terms of incident likelihood and consequences; mitigating risk by reducing the likelihood, the consequences, or both; and measuring the risk reduction results achieved. Rupture Complete failure of any portion of the pipeline that allows the product to escape to the environment. Service life The time length the system is intended to operate Segment Length of pipeline or part of the system that has unique characteristics in a specific geographic location. 7|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Survey Testing Third-party damage Threat Measurements, Inspections, or observations intended to discover and identify events or conditions that indicate a departure from normal operation or undamaged condition of the pipeline. Applying a load to confirm a measurable property or function of a component or a system. Damage to a pipeline facility by an outside party other than those performing work for the operator. This also includes damage caused by the operator’s personnel or the operator’s contractors. An indication of an impending danger or harm to the system, which may have an adverse influence on the integrity of the system. 3.2. Acronyms ALARP BOP CP CoF D DA DF DFI DMS ECA EI EL HAZID HAZOP HCA I&M ILI IMP LC LCI MFL N.A. NDT PIM PIMS PoF ROV SCADA UT As Low as Reasonably Practical Bottom of Pipe Cathodic Protection Consequence of Failure External Diameter Direct Assessment Damage Factor Design Fabrication Installation Data Management System Engineering Critical Assessment Elevation Exposure Level HAZard Identification HAZards and Operability issues analysis High Consequence Area Inspection and Maintenance In Line Inspection Inspection and Maintenance Plan Location Class Life Cycle Information Magnetic Flux Leakage Non-Applicable Non-Destructive Test Pipeline Integrity Management Pipeline Integrity Management System Probability Of Failure Remote Operated Vehicle Supervisory Control Data Acquisition Ultrasonic Testing 4. Hierarchy of Regulations The company has a hierarchy for the precedence of the documents as follows: • Local Regulations of Iraq; • Project Specifications and Data Sheets; 8|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field • Company General Specifications; • International Codes & Standards Should there be a perceived conflict between this document and the referenced standards or lack of clear definition as to the applicability of this document, guidance should be sought in the reference documents, following the hierarchy presented. 5. Technical requirements 5.1. Methodology For Risk-Based Inspection Plan Introduction Risk Management Risk management is defined as taking an action, whose aim is to identify, assess and control risks and complete control of the action taken. The main objective of risk management, in the case of pipeline systems, is to reduce the occurrence of a failure or when it occurs to limit its effects. Evaluation of operational reliability is most often referred to as the problem of determining the frequency of failure and its causes. Reliability by analogy to other systems can be defined as follows: "The reliability of the piping system is a function of the fulfilment of the task delivery of the specified medium in the required quantity and quality". Adverse events are identified with a failure of system security that poses a threat to protected goods. As a measure of safety, the level of risk is used that determines the likelihood of a hazard and associated losses. Pipeline systems damage cannot be completely eliminated. These are extensive systems consisting of many separate subsystems operating in different changing conditions. The risk of failure is a common phenomenon, but the determination of this risk and its management until it decreases to a considerable extent the frequency of the failure and reduces the effects of their occurrence. Risk Management is understood as taking activities aimed at: • Recognition; • Evaluation; • Risk control; • Control of actions taken. The purpose of management is to reduce the risk and protect against its effects. Risk Assessment is carried out using a variety of measures. Their choice depends on the type of risk to be assessed. Using quantification, it is possible to identify these risk factors and special attention should be paid to them. Controlling is understood as an action to be taken to minimize the risk to the acceptable level. There are two main approaches to risk control: • Active which is based on the impact over the causes of the risk; • Passive focusing upon prevention against possible losses. Approach A risk based inspection plan approach contributes to ensuring that the safety level premised in the design phase is maintained throughout the design life of the pipeline system. For application to pipeline systems, the risk assessment should: • Identify the characteristics of the pipelines system under analysis • Identify the potential threats which may affect the structural integrity of the pipeline system and estimate the risk associated 9|Page RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field • Identify risk reduction actions in case of unacceptable risk • Identify risk managing actions in case of acceptable risk • Provide the basis for long term integrity management planning The output should be the provision of a frequency of intervention/inspection that allows tackling the risk to an acceptable level (ALARP). As well as a risk ranking between threats affecting the pipeline system. Managing the risk related to the pipeline system threats is essential for maintaining the integrity of the pipeline system. Figure 2 - From threats to final consequence Starting from the hazard analysis, risks arising from the identified threats shall be evaluated. This is done by identifying possible failure mechanisms and estimating the associated likelihood and the expected consequences. The results of the risk assessment shall be used to undertake actions to take the risk of a system failure to a level as low as reasonably practicable. Since inspection, test and maintenance activities contribute to control and minimize the risks, a specific Inspection and Maintenance Plan shall be developed on the basis of the risk analysis outcomes. The risk analysis is based on the following steps: • Identification of the Threats to be considered, comprehensive of those to the pipeline system operating phase and on threats that are not expected (not relevant). • Subdivision of the system into sections (if applies) 10 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field • • • • • • • Identification of threats for each section Assessment of the potential cause and effects (damage/anomaly) related to the identified threats Evaluation of the applied design criteria, utilization factor and adopted protective means Estimation of the Probability of Failure (PoF) Estimation of the Consequence of Failure (CoF) Estimation of Risk Level Definition of minimum requirements for the Inspection and Maintenance Plan (type, extension and frequency of the activities) A semi-quantitative assessment for the risk is generally considered sufficient in the context of pipeline integrity management for the development of the inspection plan. The probability of failure is estimated and reviewed by means of the information available (project, inspections, maintenance, etc.). The consequences of a failure are dependent on the failure mode (major pipeline damage, leak, burst) and physical location. The mitigation measures implemented during the detail design phase are taken into account in the evaluation of the failure probability and/or consequence severity. The risk level associated with each identified threat is evaluated to identify the need for additional mitigation measures and to support the definition of the inspection frequency. The risk level is usually represented by means of matrixes having likelihood ranges against severity levels of consequences. The intersection of the two considerations on the matrix provides an estimation of the risk level for the various threats considered. The risk is the product of likelihood and consequences. The risk based approach for obtaining the inspection plan requires more data and risk analyses results as basis and support. As an advantage, a risk based approach enables the operator to have a better knowledge of the pipeline system, a greater degree of flexibility regarding inspection intervals, tools used, and mitigation techniques employed. In order to allow the application of the methodology, specific project data shall be collected. The first stage involves compiling a detailed description of the pipeline system under consideration, which includes all relevant pipeline details, such as: • Pipeline mechanical design information • Pipeline route • Meteor ocean conditions • Fluid composition data • Environmental data (Seawater properties, Air temperature, wind, wave, etc.) • Pipeline specification • Pipeline operational data • Soil data • Bathymetry chart • Cathodic protection design and data Typical sources of information are the following documents but not limited to: • Design premises and design codes • Design and remnant life • Layout drawings 11 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field • • • • • • • • • • • • • • P&IDs Piping class specifications Heat and material balances Risk studies (i.e., HAZID and HAZOP) Structural analysis Datasheets Operating data Failure track records and failure analysis reports Inspection history and reports Repair interventions history and reports Corrosion prevention philosophy studies Materials selection reports Cathodic protection specification Cathodic protection inspection reports 5.2. Threats/Hazards Identification The most common threats considered for pipelines onshore are grouped as per common industrial practice and presented in the following table 1. Threats groups were organized in time dependent and non-time dependent threats. 12 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 1 Pipeline System Threats PIPELINE SYSTEM THREATS TIME DEPENDENT THREAT GROUP CORROSION/EROSION TIME NON-DEPENDENT THREAT GROUP DFI THREATS THREAT INTERNAL CORROSION EXTERNAL CORROSION EROSION THREAT DESIGN ERRORS FABRICATION RELATED INSTALLATION RELATED THIRD-PARTY THREATS STRUCTURAL THREATS NATURAL HAZARD THREATS INCORRECT OPERATION THREATS DROPPED OBJECTS VANDALISM/TERRORISM TRAFFIC (VEHICLE IMPACT, VIBRATIONS) OTHER MECHANICAL IMPACT GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) END EXPANSION ON-BOTTOM STABILITY STATIC OVERLOAD FATIGUE EXTREME WEATHER EARTHQUAKES LANDSLIDES SIGNIFICANT TEMPERATURE VARIATIONS FLOODS LIGHTNING INCORRECT PROCEDURES PROCEDURES NOT IMPLEMENTED HUMAN ERRORS INTERNAL PROTECTION SYSTEM RELATED INTERFACE COMPONENT RELATED Failures related to DFI threats normally occur during installation and early operation and therefore are not part of the inspection Program. An incorrect operation can be detected by inspection, but normally is covered by review/audits and training actions of personnel. After natural Hazards normally inspections are performed. The following threats groups will be considered in the proposed methodology for risk evaluation: • Corrosion/erosion Threats • Third-party threats • Structural threats 13 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field 5.3. Degradation Mechanisms The degradation of a component can take place internally or externally or both. The rate at which the degradation takes place depends upon the combination of several factors: • Metallurgy of the pipeline • Internal environment (fluid going through the pipeline) (for internal degradation) • Environment surrounding the pipeline (atmospheric, soil for buried) (for external degradation) • Protective measures (chemical injection, cathodic protection, coating, lining, etc.) • Operation conditions (pressure, temperature, flow, etc.) Internal and external degradation mechanisms should be identified and evaluated for each section of the pipeline by a specialist. The corrosion rate can be determined by several methods: • Calculated – Usually, this is a conservative approach that uses corrosion models to determine the corrosion rate. The Models considered in this document can be found in Appendix 2, or Ref. [21] API 581. • Measured – There are based on recorded thickness measures over time. • Estimated – A corrosion specialist experienced with the process is usually a good source of providing a realistic and appropriate estimated rate. For the consideration of this document, the thinning corrosion rate is assumed to be constant over the evaluation period. If multiple thinning (internal) mechanisms are possible the higher corrosion rate should be the one to consider. 5.4. Sectioning of pipeline System A pipeline system is provided with a long path, that may run through areas affected by different conditions, exposed to dissimilar environmental conditions and equipped with diverse protection barriers. An accurate analysis of the system at the beginning of the activity is required, aimed at evaluating and identifying if different sections may be distinguished. A proper sectioning process shall be adopted to subdivide the system into distinct sections and apply the methodology with specifically tailored outcomes for each portion. 5.5. Likelihood RBI has as a primary goal the planning of in-service inspection for static mechanical pressure systems when considering failures by loss of containment of the pressure envelope. These failures occur when the effect of the applied load is greater than the resistance of the component or material. The resistance is related to the materials (metallurgy), the design (construction Codes), and the in-service conditions (Operation conditions) of the Pipeline. The load can be any type of load: functional, environmental or accidental (associated with threats). The reasons why load can become greater than the resistance of the component are many, ranging from, e.g. poor design specification, design errors and material defects, through to, e.g., fabrication errors, degradation in operation, and other unknown events. The total probability of failure (PoFTotal) is the sum of the probabilities of all events that can cause a failure (identified as threats). It can basically be summarized by Equation 1 - Total Probability of Failure. 14 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field PoFTotal = PoFTechnical + PoFAccidental + PoFGross-error + PoFUnknown Equation 1 - Total Probability of Failure PoFTechnical is due to fundamental, natural random variability and normal man-made uncertainties. PoFAccidental there will be “accidental” events that can affect the components, e.g., dropped objects. These accidental load events can be predicted in a probabilistic form based on historical data. PoFGross-error Gross errors during design, fabrication, installation, and operation. Gross errors are understood to be human mistakes. Management systems addressing, e.g., training, documentation, communication, project specifications and procedures, quality surveillance etc. are all put in place to avoid human error. PoFUnknown unexpected phenomena. Truly unimaginable events are very rare, hard to predict and should therefore be a low contribution to failure. There is little value, therefore, in attempting to estimate these probabilities. The probability of failure due to each identified threat shall be assessed, for each section of the pipeline system. For the threats considered (Section 5.2) for PoF assessment two (2) different levels of detail may be applied: • Flowchart method – Considered for threats that the damage is described by a susceptible model, is triggered by an external event after a dormant period of unknown duration. No time dependent value, that once trigged the damage occurs very quick • Calculations and model predictions – Considered for threats that the damage is described by a rate model, the damage results in a local or general wall thinning of the component. It is time dependent and assumes that with time extent of damage increases, resulting in a decrease of wall thickness. This translates as an increase in the probability of failure with time. Both approaches lead defining a value of the probability of occurrence, for each portion of the pipeline system, for each identified threat. Every single probability of failure shall be associated with a specific likelihood range, properly according to the risk matrix. Figure 3 - Unbalanced Risk Matrix 15 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field An example of a ranking scale is provided. The output of the probability of failure evaluation is either a numerical value or a probability of failure category. The following table presents an example where 5 PoF categories are applied. Table 2 - PoF Ranking Scales RANK OR CATEGORY 5 > 10-2 4 10-3 TO 10-2 3 10-4 TO 10-3 2 10-5 TO 10-4 1 < 10-5 POF RANKING SCALES FAILURE PROBABILITY QUANTITATIVE [OCCURRENCES/YEAR] VERY HIGH / SIGNIFICANT / FREQUENT FAILURE HAS OCCURRED SEVERAL TIMES A YEAR IN LOCATION HIGH FAILURE HAS OCCURRED SEVERAL TIMES A YEAR IN OPERATING COMPANY MEDIUM / NORMAL / RARE FAILURE HAS OCCURRED IN OPERATING COMPANY LOW / REMOTE FAILURE HAS OCCURRED IN THE INDUSTRY VERY LOW / NEGLIGIBLE / INSIGNIFICANT / UNREALISTIC FAILURE HAS NOT OCCURRED IN INDUSTRY For the determination of the probability of failure by the Flowchart method, simple rules/methods to evaluate with minimum efforts through a workshop or a desk study is to be applied. The probability of failure is typically estimated by evaluating key factors which may contribute to a failure. Simple flow charts with additional simple questions are suggested to be applied as a tool that supports the assessment. Guidance for Flowchart Probability of failure assessment of 3rd party threats and structural threats are presented in Appendix 1 Guidance for likelihood assessment The adoption of calculations and model predictions requires more effort than a Flowchart approach and should be done as a combination of workshops and individual efforts for thoroughly reviewing relevant documents and data. The models are more detailed and may involve calculations and predictions based on recommended practices or more advanced/accurate model tools. This approach was chosen for the probability of failure assessment of corrosion/erosion threats. The Ref. [21] API 581 has been developed mainly for the Refinery and Petrochemical industries and is fully applicable for an RBI study. For the Upstream, most of the API 581 is still applicable however there are some specific damage mechanisms (e.g., MIC, Sand Erosion) that are typical of upstream that is not foreseen in API 581 or that are not suitable for assessing the probability of failure. For this reason, some additional damage methodology assessment modules have been developed or existing ones have been modified. The following modules have been added referring to the International Standards indicated: • MIC Microbiologically Induced Corrosion based on DNVGL-RP-G101, • Erosion Corrosion / Sand Erosion based on API RP 14E / DNVGL-RP-O501 While the following existing modules have been modified: • CO2 corrosion based on NORSOK M506 / DeWaard & Milliams A detailed explanation of each added/modified damage module is reported in Appendix 2 Corrosion Rates Model. The Ref. [21] API 581. The probability of Failure obtained for the Corrosion/erosion threat (following the Ref. [21] API 581) is adjusted by two adjustment factors: • Factor for documentation, this factor evaluates the availability of the data related to the pipeline and the quality of this data (if it is accurate with the actual reality of the pipeline) 16 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Factor for Leakage, this factor evaluates if the pipeline has experience leakage and how many times it has occurred (the value should be considered as 1 for pipelines with an inspection Plan already in place) A resume of how the PoFTotal is calculated is presented in the following figure: • Figure 4 - PoFtotal 5.6. Consequence The consequences of a failure depend on the content of the pipeline, internal conditions, failure mode and physical location. Assessment of consequences of failure should consider the following: • Safety (personnel), • environment, • economic (assets), • Other types of consequences can also be considered as company reputation. For each section of the pipeline system, the consequence assessment associated with each identified threat shall be assessed. The approach followed, is the aggregate method (link-up with Exposure Level), this lead to defining a value of severity level, for each section of the pipeline system, for each identified threat. The following table presents the example followed where 5 CoF categories are applied. 17 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 3 CoF Ranking Scales COF RANKING SCALES RANK SAFETY ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1/A/L 2/B/M INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT/MINOR 3/C/H INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT/MINOR INJURY MAJOR INJURY LOCAL DAMAGE INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT/MINOR INJURY LOCAL EFFECT 4/D/VH SINGLE FATALITY MAJOR DAMAGE MAJOR EFFECT OTHER (REPUTATION) INSIGNIFICANT SLIGHT/MINOR IMPACT CONSIDERABLE IMPACT MAJOR NATIONAL IMPACT 5/E/EH MULTIPLE FATALITIES EXTENSIVE DAMAGE MASSIVE EFFECT MAJOR INTERNATIONAL In the aggregated method, the modelling of the consequences results is directly linked to design considerations through safety classes or location classes: according to the location class assigned and combining this information with the fluid type conveyed, it is possible to extrapolate the consequence category to be used to represent the safety, environmental and economic consequences. In the following tables, tailored definitions are provided to allow a proper assignment of Location Class level. Semi-quantitative evaluations are required, whose detail level should be defined according to the project design phase and the availability of project documentation. In particular, for the Economics scope, the parameters are intended to take into account the economic impact associated with pipeline failure. The higher is the production rate, the higher will be the consequence from an economical point of view. Two different approaches are specifically provided considering the set of information available: • quantitative approach, in case the set of available input data is detailed; or • simplified approach, in case the information should be studied more in deep. To assign an Economic Location Class, threshold values for production rate or process capability limit shall be predetermined. Different criteria for the two proposed approaches are here suggested for identifying if the production rate value associated with the system under analysis is high or low. To state if the pipeline belongs to a high consequence category, the production rate will be compared with this threshold value, to be intended as the mean value of yearly production rate in the production field. 18 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 4 - Safety Location Class SLC 1 2 SAFETY LOCATION CLASS (SLC) DESCRIPTION AREAS NOT AFFECTED BY HUMAN ACTIVITIES AND/OR PERMANENTLY MANNED BUILDINGS SLC 1 CAN BE TYPICAL FOR LANDS WITH LOW ACCESS DUE TO HARSH ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS, DESERTIFICATION, ETC. AREAS WITH A DENSITY OF POPULATION LOWER THAN 50 PEOPLE/KM2. SLC 2 CAN BE TYPICAL FOR AREAS SPORADICALLY POPULATED, WASTELAND, FARMLAND AND SIMILAR AREAS 3 AREAS WITH A DENSITY OF POPULATION INCLUDED BETWEEN 50 AND 250 PEOPLE/KM2. SLC 3 CAN BE TYPICAL FOR AREAS AROUND RESIDENTIAL ZONES, TOWNS, COUNTRIES WITH MULTIPLE HABITATION UNITS, HOTELS OR OFFICE BUILDINGS REGULARLY MANNED AND WITH OCCASIONAL INDUSTRIAL BUILDINGS 4 AREAS WITH A DENSITY OF POPULATION HIGHER THAN 250 PEOPLE/KM2. SLC 4 CAN BE TYPICAL FOR ONSHORE AREAS SUCH AS RESIDENTIAL AREAS, INDUSTRIAL AREAS AND OTHER POPULATED AREAS 5 AREAS ONSHORE WHERE MULTI-STORY BUILDINGS ARE PRESENT AND WHERE TRAFFIC IS HEAVY OR DENSE Table 5 - Environment Location Class ENLC 1 2 ENVIRONMENTAL LOCATION CLASS (ENLC) DESCRIPTION POSSIBILITY TO REACH SENSITIVE TARGETS AND GENERATE IMPACTS IS NEGLIGIBLE AREAS WITH A DENSITY OF POPULATION LOWER THAN 50 PEOPLE/KM2. SLC 2 CAN BE TYPICAL FOR AREAS SPORADICALLY POPULATED, WASTELAND, FARMLAND AND SIMILAR AREAS 3 4 POSSIBILITY TO REACH SENSITIVE TARGETS AND GENERATE IMPACTS IS HIGH BUT THE EXPECTED CONSEQUENCES ARE REDUCED IN TIME AND DISTANCES POSSIBILITY TO REACH SENSITIVE TARGETS AND GENERATE IMPACTS IS HIGH AND THE EXPECTED CONSEQUENCES ARE SIGNIFICANT IN TIME AND DISTANCES 5 CONTAMINATION OF SENSITIVE TARGETS IS EXPECTED AMONG SENSITIVE TARGETS, BIOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTS, PROTECTED AREAS, SOCIO-ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENTS (FISHING AREAS, TOURISTIC AREAS, MILITARY AREAS, ETC.) ARE INCLUDED. THE POSSIBILITY THAT A SENSITIVE TARGET IS REACHED AND IMPACTED DEPENDS STRICTLY ON SEVERAL PARAMETERS: DISTANCE FROM RELEASE SOURCE , OPERATING CONDITIONS AT RELEASE SOURCE , PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ENVIRONMENT (TOPOGRAPHY , TEMPERATURES, BURRIER DEPTH , THE PRESENCE OF A MONITORING SYSTEM, THE PRESENCE OF AN EMERGENCY PLAN, ETC.). THE EVALUATION CAN BE DONE BOTH ON THE BASIS OF QUALITATIVE CONSIDERATIONS AND ON THE BASIS OF TAILORED SIMULATION MODELLING. ALL THE POTENTIALLY IMPACTED SENSITIVE TARGETS SHALL BE IDENTIFIED AND PROPERLY ASSESSED. 19 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 6 - Economic Location Class (EcLc) - Quantitative Approach ECLC 1 2 3 4 5 ECONOMIC LOCATION CLASS (ECLC) – QUANTITATIVE APPROACH DESCRIPTION POTENTIAL LOSSES ≤ 1% OF RELEVANT YEARLY PRODUCTION POTENTIAL LOSSES ≤ 3% OF RELEVANT YEARLY PRODUCTION POTENTIAL LOSSES ≤ 10% OF RELEVANT YEARLY PRODUCTION POTENTIAL LOSSES ≤ 30% OF RELEVANT YEARLY PRODUCTION POTENTIAL LOSSES > 30% OF RELEVANT YEARLY PRODUCTION THE POTENTIAL LOSSES SHALL BE COMPARED WITH EXPECTED YEARLY PRODUCTION OF THE FIELD. THE AMOUNT OF PRODUCTION LOSSES STRICTLY DEPENDS ON THE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM OF EMERGENCY SCENARIOS AND CAN VARY ALONG THE PIPELINE SYSTEM. THE FOLLOWING ISSUES SHALL BE CONSIDERED: • LOSSES ASSOCIATED TO EXPORT DELIVERY: THE TIME REQUIRED TO ISOLATE THE SYSTEM AND MINIMIZE THE • • • • RELEASED INVENTORY . THIS APPROACH MAY BE CONSERVATIVE BUT SUFFICIENT IN CASE OF LONG TIME REPAIRS. M ORE ADVANCED QUANTITATIVE MODELS CAN BE APPLIED. REPAIR COSTS: THE EXTENSION OF THE DAMAGE, THE DURATION OF REQUIRED INTERVENTION, TIME AND COSTS ASSOCIATED SHALL BE CONSIDERED. DEPENDING OF LOCAL REGULATIONS, FINES MAY BE RELEVANT TO CONSIDER AS WELL. COSTS ASSOCIATED TO ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE CAN BE SIGNIFICANT DEPENDING ON TYPE OF FLUID, VOLUMES, COUNTRY AND GEOGRAPHICAL LOCATION. Table 7 - Economic Location Class (EcLc) - Simplified approach ECLC 1 2 3 4 5 ECONOMIC LOCATION CLASS (ECLC) – SIMPLIFIED APPROACH DESCRIPTION EXTERNAL DIAMETER OF THE LINE ≤ 4” EXTERNAL DIAMETER OF THE LINE > 4” AND ≤ 8” EXTERNAL DIAMETER OF THE LINE > 8” AND ≤ 16” EXTERNAL DIAMETER OF THE LINE > 16” AND ≤ 32” EXTERNAL DIAMETER OF THE LINE > 32” After assigning a Location Class to the system for each scope, the characterization of the fluid and the identification of the relevant fluid category shall be carried out. In the following table, the criteria to be adopted for the identification of the fluid category are listed. 20 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 8 - Fluid Category CATEGORY A B C D E FLUID TYPE/CATEGORY DESCRIPTION TYPICAL NON-FLAMMABLE WATER-BASED FLUIDS. FLAMMABLE AND/OR TOXIC FLUIDS WHICH ARE LIQUIDS AT AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CONDITIONS. TYPICAL EXAMPLES ARE OIL AND PETROLEUM PRODUCTS. M ETHANOL IS AN EXAMPLE OF A FLAMMABLE AND TOXIC FLUID. NON-FLAMMABLE FLUIDS WHICH ARE NON-TOXIC GASES AT AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CONDITIONS. TYPICAL EXAMPLES ARE NITROGEN, CARBON DIOXIDE , ARGON AND AIR. N-TOXIC, SINGLE-PHASE NATURAL GAS. FLAMMABLE AND/OR TOXIC FLUIDS WHICH ARE GASES AT AMBIENT TEMPERATURE AND ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE CONDITIONS AND WHICH ARE CONVEYED AS GASES AND/ OR LIQUIDS. TYPICAL EXAMPLES WOULD BE HYDROGEN, NATURAL GAS (NOT OTHERWISE COVERED UNDER CATEGORY D), ETHANE , ETHYLENE , LIQUEFIED PETROLEUM GAS (SUCH AS PROPANE AND BUTANE ), NATURAL GAS LIQUIDS, AMMONIA, AND CHLORINE . The combination of these two parameters, Location Class (table 3 to table 7) and Fluid Category (Table 8 - Fluid Category) for the system plus a third parameter, the External Diameter of the pipeline (D), allows the assessment of a specific Exposure Level (Table 9 - Exposure Levels) for each scope. 21 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 9 - Exposure Levels LOCATION CLASS LIQUIDS (B) D ≤ 8" D >8" SLC 1 SLC 2 SLC 3 SLC 4 H SLC 5 VH ENLC 1 L M ENLC 2 L H ENLC 3 M VH ENLC 4 H EH ENLC 5 VH EH ELC 1 (*) ELC 2 (*) ELC 3 (*) ELC 4 (*) ELC 5 (*) ELC 1 (+) M ELC 2 (+) H ELC 3 (+) VH ELC 4 (+) EH ELC 5 (+) EH (*) ACCORDING TO QUANTITATIVE APPROACH (+) ACCORDING TO SIMPLIFIED APPROACH EXPOSURE LEVELS FLUID CATEGORY GAS (D, E) D ≤ 8" D >8" L M H VH EH OTHER (A, C) D ≤ 8" D >8" L L M M M M H L M L L M M M H H L M H VH EH L M H VH EH M M L L M H VH The Exposure Levels are defined in Table 10 - Exposure Levels Description. Table 10 - Exposure Levels Description CATEGORY LEVEL A LOW B MEDIUM C HIGH D VERY HIGH E EXTREMELY HIGH EXPOSURE LEVELS DESCRIPTION DESCRIPTION WHERE FAILURE IMPLIES NEGLIGIBLE RISK OF HUMAN INJURY AND LOW ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES WHERE FAILURE IMPLIES MINOR RISK OF HUMAN INJURY AND MINOR ENVIRONMENTAL OR ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES WHERE FAILURE IMPLIES RISK OF HUMAN INJURY OR SIGNIFICANT ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OR HIGH ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES WHERE FAILURE IMPLIES HIGH RISK OF HUMAN INJURY OR VERY HIGH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT OR VERY HIGH ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES WHERE FAILURE IMPLIES VERY HIGH RISK OF HUMAN INJURY OR EXTREMELY HIGH ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT AND ECONOMIC CONSEQUENCES 22 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field For each pipeline system under analysis, one Exposure Level will be estimated for each scope (Safety, Economic and Environment) of interest. Among them, the highest-one will define the characteristic Exposure Level to be adopted for consideration as CoF. 5.7. Inspection plan and associated interval of frequency The Inspection plan shall clearly identify what, where, when and how inspection shall be carried out. What to inspect Inspection programs are based on the understanding of which failure mechanisms can occur along the pipeline systems and where they are of major relevance. In other words, all the elements, situations and conditions that could violate the integrity of the pipeline and its fit-for-purpose and characterize by a level of risk not sufficiently mitigated by suitable actions, shall be regularly inspected. Where to inspect Inspection efforts should be focused on the important sections of the pipeline system and on deterioration processes that contribute to the safety and economic risks for all the pipeline systems. When to inspect Requirements for when to inspect are given based on: Authorities and Company requirements; EL assigned to the pipeline (or section of the pipeline) the approach followed for preparation of the Inspection plan (un-risk or risk based); typology of inspections; optimization of various inspections (only for risk based inspection Plan). How to inspect The requirements for the selection of inspection tools and techniques have the scope of allowing reliable detection of potentially hazardous situations, failure mechanisms and a collection of inspection data suitable for the pipeline condition assessment. These requirements take into account: the peculiarities of the pipeline system; the experience gained on other projects; the available technologies and their state of the art. The minimum requirements for inspections tasks applicable for onshore pipelines Systems can be found in Appendix 3 of this document. The inspection frequency will be determined by the “Risk Level” associated with each section of the pipeline section. Combining the PoF and the CoF values into the risk matrix, a “Risk Level” is yield. For each threat identified and study, a dedicated expected frequency may be assessed and a potential consequence severity may be associated. Combining the related PoF and CoF values, a “Risk Level” is associated with each threat and a specific inspection interval is identified for those inspection activities aimed at managing that threat. A work selection matrix like the one in Table 11 - Inspection Interval (IR) can be used to determine the base inspection interval (IR). 23 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field INCREASE PROBABILITY --> Table 11 - Inspection Interval (IR) 5 3 1 N/A N/A N/A 4 5 3 1 N/A N/A 3 8 5 3 1 N/A 2 8 8 5 3 1 1 8 8 8 5 3 A B C D E INCREASING CONSEQUENCE --> The final inspection interval (I) is determined by Equation 2 - Final Inspection Interval. I = IR * C * D Equation 2 - Final Inspection Interval where C and D are adjustments factors for confidence in and possible development of probability of occurrence of the incidental scenario(s). The adjustment factors are evaluated through the application of the barrier framework method. Barriers are any kind of measure put in place to prevent a hazardous event (preventive barriers) and any measure that breaks the chain of events to prevent or minimize consequence escalation should the hazardous event take place (reactive barriers). Such measures can be physical and/or non-physical (human/operational/organizational). According to Ref [14], four groups of preventive barriers have been defined: Pressure Containment and Primary Protection – This is considered to be the main barrier group, comprising the containment system itself and its primary protective system Operational/Process Control – Conceptually, this is the second line of defence. It should ensure that the pipeline system is being operated as intended and that the (relevant) predefined operational envelopes are maintained and not violated Pipeline Integrity Control – The third line of defence consists of processes and systems to detect and assess anomalies Pipeline Integrity Improvement – The last line of defence (conceptually positioned right to the left of the top event) consists of processes and systems that will improve the integrity where anomalies have reduced the pipeline system to an unacceptable condition The four preventive barrier groups comprise several elements as shown in Table 12 - Preventive barrier function. 24 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 12 - Preventive barrier function BARRIER FUNCTION PREVENTIVE BARRIER FUNCTIONS BARRIER SYSTEM/ELEMENT DESIGN BASIS QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS PRESSURE CONTAINMENT AND PRIMARY PROTECTION OPERATIONAL/PROCESS CONTROL PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS PIPELINE COVER PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND SAFETY ZONE SYSTEMS PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM EXTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM INTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND TESTING PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS Reactive barriers contribute to minimizing the consequences of a loss of containment and may typically include leak detection and emergency shutdown, operational/process control, emergency response (communication, combat, diversion and rescue) and pipeline repair systems (part of pipeline integrity improvement). Further details about the identification and the definition of the barrier are included in Appendix 4 of this document. Each of the 17 elements belonging to the set of identified barrier function is to be evaluated, scored, and used to determine the final inspection frequency, according to the following calculation steps: 1. Each element indicating how well the preventive barrier works is evaluated assigning a scoring value. Scoring is done by use of 5 categories: a. category 1 score is a very good score (high efficiency leading to low risk) b. category 5 score is a very poor score (Low efficiency leading to High risk) 2. Each element is also provided with a relevance score to indicate its importance against each identified threat. Relevance can change with time (an element may be very important during the initial period of operation, but less relevant as the pipeline system becomes more mature). Five relevance categories are used, each with a certain weight: a. Very High relevance (VH) -> weight=18 b. High Relevance (HR) -> weight=12 c. Medium Relevance (MR), weight=6 d. Low Relevance (LR) -> weight=1 e. Not Relevant (NR) -> weight=0 3. Determine a confidence factor for each element by evaluation of the 17 elements as described at point 1: 25 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field a. Confidence scores [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] correspond to the factors [1, 0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25]. b. Final overall Confidence factor (C) is set to the weighted average 4. Determine a development factor for each element by evaluating the 17 elements as described at point 1: a. Development scores [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] correspond to the factors [1, 0.9, 0.75, 0.5, 0.25]. b. Final development factor (D) is set to the weighted average 5. Determine inspection frequency by use of the selected matrix as per Table 11 - Inspection Interval (IR), then adjust the frequency by multiplying with the final confidence factor and the final development factor as per Equation 2 - Final Inspection Interval. 26 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Appendix 1 Guidance for likelihood assessment Corrosion The evaluation of PoF for corrosion/erosion threats will follow the Ref. [21] API 581 methodology, by the determination of the Damage Factor associated with each identified damage mechanism. The basic function of the Damage Factor is to statistically evaluate the amount of damage that may be present as a function of time in service and the effectiveness of inspection activity. Damage Factor reflects a relative level of concern about the section of the pipeline based on the stated assumption in each of the applicable sections of the Ref. [21] API 581. For the concern of this document, the Damage Factor is provided for the following damage mechanisms: 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 • Thinning - 𝐷𝐷𝑓𝑓−𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 • 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 External Damage - 𝐷𝐷𝑓𝑓−𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 Total Damage Factor, Df-total − If more than one damage mechanism is present, is calculated as per Equation 3 - Total Damage Factor, assuming that thinning and/or external damage mechanisms are classified as local. 𝑡𝑡ℎ𝑖𝑖𝑖𝑖 𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒𝑒 Df-total =max [𝐷𝐷𝑓𝑓−𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 , 𝐷𝐷𝑓𝑓−𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔𝑔 ] Equation 3 - Total Damage Factor The DF calculation for a section of pipeline subject to damage mechanisms that cause general or local thinning is covered in Thinning Damage Factor section of this Appendix. Thinning associated with external corrosion and CUI is covered in the External Damage Factor section of this Appendix. Table 13 - Probability Category, provides the relationship between the Damage Factor range and the probability range. Table 13 - Probability Category PROBABILITY CATEGORY RANK OR CATEGORY 5 4 3 2 1 PROBABILITY R ANGE > 10-2 10-3 TO 10-2 10-4 TO 10-3 10-5 TO 10-4 < 10-5 DAMAGE FACTOR RANGE [DF-TOTAL] >1000 100 TO 1000 10 TO 100 1 TO 10 ≤1 The Damage Factor is calculated using structural reliability theory. A statistical distribution is applied to the thinning corrosion rate, accounting for the variability of the actual thinning corrosion rate which can be greater than the rate assigned. The amount of uncertainty in the corrosion rate is determined by the number and effectiveness of inspections and the on-line monitoring that has been performed. Confidence that the assigned corrosion rate is the rate experienced in-service increases with a more thorough inspection, a greater number of inspections, and/or more relevant information gathered through the on-line monitoring. The DF is updated based on increased confidence in the measured corrosion rate provided by using Bayes Theorem and the improved knowledge of the component condition. 27 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Thinning Damage Factor In the thinning Damage Factor calculation, it is assumed that the thinning corrosion rate is constant over time. This corrosion rate is updated based on the knowledge gained from subsequent inspections. An Art parameter is determined by calculating the ratio of total component wall loss (using the assigned corrosion rate during the in-service period) to the wall thickness. The thinning Damage Factor is calculated for a defined period or Plan Period. In the Damage Factor calculation, it is assumed that thinning damage would eventually result in failure by plastic collapse. The uncertainty in the corrosion rate varies, depending on the source and quality of the corrosion rate data. For general thinning, the reliability of the information sources used to establish a corrosion rate can be put into the following three categories: • Low Confidence Information Sources for Corrosion Rates (published data, corrosion rate tables and expert opinion) • Medium Confidence Information Sources for Corrosion Rates (laboratory testing with simulated process conditions or limited in-situ corrosion coupon testing) • High Confidence Information Sources for Corrosion Rates (extensive field data from thorough inspections). Thinning Damage Factor calculations are based on the probability of three damage states being present. The three damage states used are defined as: • Damage State 1 – Damage is no worse than expected, or a factor of 1 applied to the expected corrosion rate • Damage State 2 – Damage is somewhat worse than expected, or a factor of 2 applied to the expected corrosion rate • Damage State 3 – Damage considerably worse than expected, or a factor of 4 applied to the expected corrosion rate Inspections are ranked according to their expected effectiveness at detecting thinning and correctly predicting the rate of thinning Table 16 - Conditional Probability for Inspection Effectiveness provides the conditional probabilities for each inspection effectiveness category in the thinning Damage Factor calculations. The procedure described in Figure 5 - Determination of the Thinning Damage Factor, may be used to determine the Damage Factor for thinning. 28 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Figure 5 - Determination of the Thinning Damage Factor 29 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field The adjustment factors are determined as described below. • Adjustment to DF for On-Line Monitoring, FOM – In addition to inspection, on-line monitoring of corrosion (or key process variables affecting corrosion) is commonly used in many processes to prevent corrosion failures. Various methods are employed, ranging from corrosion probes, corrosion coupons, and monitoring of key process variables. If on-line monitoring is employed, then credit should be given to reflect higher confidence in the predicted thinning rate. However, these methods have a varying degree of success depending on the specific thinning mechanism. Using knowledge of the thinning mechanism and the type of on-line monitoring, determine the on-line monitoring factor from Table 14 On-Line Monitoring Adjustment Factors. Table 14 - On-Line Monitoring Adjustment Factors THINNING MECHANISM ON-LINE MONITORING ADJUSTMENT F ACTORS ADJUSTMENT FACTORS AS A F UNCTION OF ON-LINE MONITORING FOM ELECTRICAL RESISTANCE KEY PROCESS VARIABLES CORROSION COUPONS * PROBES * SOUR WATER CORROSION LOW VELOCITY 20 10 2 ≤6 M/S (20 FT/S) HIGH VELOCITY 10 2 2 >6 M/S (20 FT/S) *THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OTHER ON-LINE CORROSION MONITORING METHODS (E.G. HYDROGEN FLUX, FSM, LP PROBE) SHALL BE EVALUATED BY A CORROSION ENGINEER OR OTHER KNOWLEDGEABLE SPECIALIST. • Adjustment For Dead Legs, F DL – Components of piping that normally have no significant flow are considered Dead legs. If a piping circuit contains a dead leg, then an adjustment should be made to the thinning DF to account for the higher likelihood of thinning activity at this location. The adjustment factor is F DL =3. If a highly effective inspection method is used to address the potential of localized corrosion in the dead leg, then an adjustment is not necessary. The following tables provide the parameters to be applied in the Step 6. Table 15 - Prior Probability for Thinning Corrosion Rate DAMAGE STATE PRIOR PROBABILITY FOR THINNING CORROSION RATE LOW CONFIDENCE DATA MEDIUM CONFIDENCE DATA HIGH CONFIDENCE DATA 0.5 0.7 0.8 0.3 0.2 0.15 0.2 0.1 0.05 30 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 16 - Conditional Probability for Inspection Effectiveness CONDITIONAL PROBABILITY OF INSPECTION CONDITIONAL P ROBABILITY FOR INSPECTION EFFECTIVENESS E – NONE OR INEFFECTIVE D – POORLY EFFECTIVE C – FAIRLY EFFECTIVE B – USUALLY EFFECTIVE A – HIGHLY EFFECTIVE 0.33 0.4 0.5 0.7 0.9 0.33 0.33 0.3 0.2 0.09 0.33 0.27 0.2 0.1 0.01 (*) THE EFFECTIVENESS OF OTHER ON-LINE CORROSION MONITORING METHODS SHALL BE EVALUATED BY A CORROSION ENGINEER OR OTHER KNOWLEDGEABLE SPECIALIST . External Damage Factor (Atmospheric) Pipelines located in areas with high annual rainfalls or warmer, marine locations are more prone to external corrosion than pipelines located in cooler, drier, mid-continent locations. Mitigation of external corrosion is accomplished through proper painting. A regular program of inspection for paint deterioration and repainting will prevent most occurrences of external corrosion. If the component is un-insulated and subject to any of the following, then the component should be evaluated for external damage from corrosion: • Carbon steel systems, operating between –12°C and 177°C (10°F and 350°F). External corrosion is particularly aggressive where operating temperatures cause frequent or continuous condensation and re-evaporation of atmospheric moisture, • Systems with deteriorated coating and/or wrappings. Inspections are ranked according to their expected effectiveness at detecting external corrosion and correctly predicting the rate of external corrosion Table 16 - Conditional Probability for Inspection Effectiveness provides the conditional probabilities for each inspection effectiveness category in the external Damage Factor calculations. The procedure described in Figure 6 - Determination of the External Corrosion Damage Factor, may be used to determine the Damage Factor for External Corrosion. 31 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Figure 6 - Determination of the External Corrosion Damage Factor 32 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field The corrosion rate that can be applied for the determination of the External Corrosion Damage Factor is shown in Table 17 - Corrosion Rates for the Calculation of external Corrosion Damage Factor, this corrosion rate is defined based on the Atmospheric conditions of the area that the exposed section of pipeline is located. Table 17 - Corrosion Rates for the Calculation of external Corrosion Damage Factor CORROSION RATES FOR THE CALCULATION OF E XTERNAL CORROSION D AMAGE FACTOR OPERATING CORROSION R ATE (MM/Y) TEMPERATURE MARINE TEMPERATE ARID/DRY SEVERE (ºC) -12 0 0 0 0 -8 0.025 0 0 0 6 0.127 0.076 0.025 0.254 32 0.127 0.076 0.025 0.254 71 0.127 0.051 0.025 0.254 107 0.025 0 0 0.051 121 0 0 0 0 NOTE: THE EXTERNAL CORROSION DAMAGE IS THE ONE CAUSED BY ATMOSPHERIC CONDITION 33 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Third-party threats A proper survey should be performed before the assessment. The survey should cover the entire pipeline, should be supported by tailored (quantitative) analyses and should provide an answer for the following life cycle information: • Overview of activities potentially affecting pipeline integrity, e.g.: o Heavy machinery handling around the pipeline (Cranes, excavators, etc.) o Traffic in the area around the pipeline o Construction/Installation activities o Others (planned construction work, etc.) • Physical characteristic of the pipeline o Diameter, wall thickness, coating thickness o Material (steel and coating) o Construction details o Protection (burial, rock dump, protection structures etc.) o Routing and soil characteristics Third-party threats are associated with human activities and/or hardware that can cause external loading to pipelines. The following type of loads may typically be relevant and are normally taken into account during design, and some mitigations actions considered: • impact loads • pull-over loads • hooking loads • or a combination of the above. Third-party threat related events will most likely lead to pipeline damage such as dents, abrasion, cracks, gouges, local buckles, coating damage, anode damage, and displacements. These types of damage may with time develop into a loss of containment failure. Among the typical Third-party threats for onshore pipelines, the following are normally covered by long term integrity management plans based on risk, dropped object and traffic interference. Dropped objects Damages from dropped objects may occur from traffic, passing items and near plants/platforms/fields. The risk is typically greater during drilling and construction work. The PoF assessment for dropped objects consists of 2 steps, a flowchart that gives an initial PoF value followed by an engineering judgment where an adjustment of the PoF can be performed. 34 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Figure 7 - Flowchart Dropped Objects Table 18 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF 5 6 7 8 ADJUSTMENTS OF POF BASED ON ENGINEERING JUDGMENT ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS ADJUSTMENT PIPELINE EXPOSED TO CYCLIC LOADING (OPERATIONAL, CURRENT, +1 WAVES)? D/T > 40? +1 ADEQUATE CONDITIONS RECENTLY CONFIRMED? -1 ENGINEERING JUDGMENT OF OTHER ISSUES NOT COVERED ±X ABOVE POFADJUSTED *MAXIMUM POF SCORE = 5 POF + SUM OF ADJUSTMENTS* 35 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 19 - Guidance for Dropped objects GUIDANCE FOR DROPPED OBJECTS FIGURE 8 - FLOWCHART DROPPED OBJECTS DAMAGES DUE TO DROPPED OBJECTS OCCUR MORE FREQUENT IN 1 CLOSE TO PLANT/PLATFORM? THE VICINITY OF/ INSIDE A PLANT SYSTEM PIPELINE CONFIRMED PROTECTED (BURIED OR ROCK DUMPED) 2 ADEQUATE PROTECTED? 3 LOW ACTIVITY LEVEL 4 HIGH ACTIVITY LEVEL AGAINST DROPPED OBJECTS BY INSPECTION AND IT IS NOT EXPECTED THAT THERE HAVE BEEN ANY SIGNIFICANT CHANGES IN THE BURIAL DEPTH SINCE THE LAST INSPECTION LOW ACTIVITY LEVEL ABOVE THE PIPELINE , I.E . UNDER DRILLING AND CONSTRUCTION WORK HIGH LEVEL OF ACTIVITY ABOVE THE PIPELINE, I.E. UNDER DRILLING AND CONSTRUCTION WORK TABLE 18 - ENGINEERING JUDGMENT ADJUSTMENT FOR PO F A POTENTIAL DAMAGE TO PIPELINES EXPOSED TO CYCLIC LOADING PIPELINE EXPOSED TO CYCLING FROM OPERATION (PRESSURE , TEMPERATURE , SHUT DOWNS), 5 LOADING ETC. CAN DEVELOP FASTER INTO FAILURE THAN A PIPELINE WITH LOW EXPOSURE TO CYCLIC LOADING 6 7 D/T > 40 ADEQUATE CONDITION RECENTLY CONFIRMED DIAMETER / THICKNESS RATIO ABOVE 40 AND IS THEREFORE CONSIDERED AS A LESS ROBUST PIPELINE SYSTEM INSPECTION AND MONITORING PERFORMED SHOWING NO DAMAGES DUE TO DROPPED OBJECTS AND/ OR VERY LOW ACTIVITY IN THE AREA ROUND THE PIPELINE. RELEVANT INSPECTIONS CAN BE ROV INSPECTIONS AND/ OR INTERNAL INSPECTION THAT CAN DETECT DENTS 8 ENGINEERING JUDGEMENT OF OTHER ISSUES “X” IS SELECTED BASED ON THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE SYSTEM ITSELF HOW IT HAS BEEN OPERATED AND MAINTAINED (I.E . QUALITY OF INTEGRITY CONTROL AND INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT FUNCTIONS IN THE INTEGRITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM) Structural The following structural threats are covered: • Global buckling (exposed) • Global buckling (buried) / Upheaval buckling (UHB) • End expansion (interface between pipeline and connected component) • On-bottom stability • Pipeline free spans Other structural threats are not addressed and are listed below: • Pipeline Walking - To be considered for both exposed and buried pipelines. Pipeline walking is a non-reversible axial displacement of the whole pipeline towards one end. It relates to start-up heat transients and following shut-down cycles. Short pipelines with frequent and large variations in temperature are most susceptible to pipeline walking. Slopes may enhance pipeline walking. Steel catenary risers, directly coupled to the pipeline, may also enhance pipeline walking. • Collapse – blockage caused by external overpressure is normally an issue during installation. However, a pipeline can collapse due to external overpressure in case the cross-section has 36 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field an excessive ovality, dent or is highly corroded. To deform a cross-section from an initial oval state to a collapse, the pipeline is likely depressurized and filled with gas. • Propagating buckling – blockage caused by external overpressure is normally an issue during installation. Propagating buckling needs to be initiated through an event such as a dent or collapse. The failure runs along the pipeline until the external pressure is lower than the propagating pressure. Buckle arrestors can be designed to stop a propagating buckle and limit the damaged section length. Threats that are not addressed require a re-design/re-qualification and give a PoF category of 5. The following flowchart, Figure 8 - Flowchart Structural Threats, can be used as guidance for carrying out a PoF evaluation for the different structural threats. The result from the flowchart is further adjusted based on the questions from Table 21 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF – Global Buckling (Exposed) to Table 25 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF – Free spans / Static overload and fatigue. The set of tables (the questions to be answered) to be used for adjustment, as well as the “not applicable” conditions, are presented in the tables from the following sections covering the considered threats. Figure 8 - Flowchart Structural Threats 37 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 20 - Guidance for Structural Threats For a Pipeline GUIDANCE FOR STRUCTURAL THREATS FOR A PIPELINE FIGURE 8 - FLOWCHART STRUCTURAL THREATS THREAT ARE 1 APPLICABLE / RELEVANT ? DESIGN ACTIVITIES HAVE BEEN PERFORMED AND ARE CARRIED 2 DESIGN ACTIVITIES OUT TO MEET RECOGNIZED DESIGN CODES 3 OPERATIONAL ENVELOP 4 DNV CODES AN OPERATIONAL ENVELOPE HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED (MAXIMUM TEMPERATURE , PRESSURE , FLOW -RATE , FREQUENCIES, ENVIRONMENT LOAD, IMPACT LOADS, MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SPAN LENGTHS, MINIMUM COVER HEIGHT , ETC.) AND A PROGRAM TO CHECK COMPLIANCE IS IN PLACE . DESIGN IS ACCORDING TO DNV CODES (SUCH A DESIGN CAN GIVE A P O F CATEGORY BETWEEN 2 AND 4 AS A STARTING POINT DEPENDING ON SAFETY CLASS AND THE REVISION OF THE CODE – FOR DESIGN ACCORDING TO OTHER CODES, A P O F CATEGORY OF 3 IS ASSUMED AS A STARTING POINT ) COMPLEMENTARY QUESTIONS TIME SINCE INSTALLATION OR LAST EXTERNAL INSPECTION > 5 5 YEARS INSPECTION RESULTS EVALUATED 6 AND DOCUMENTED ON A REGULAR BASIS. I S THE CONDITION AS EXPECTED OR NOT ? INSPECTION REPAIRS AND CONDITION ASSESSMENT REPORTS Global buckling (surface laid pipeline) Global buckling (exposed) is the lateral displacement of the pipeline caused by thermal and pressure loading; this phenomenon shall be considered for all exposed pipelines. Experience shows that all types of pipelines can buckle. Global buckles affect short sections along the pipeline (100-500 meters). A pipeline that has a small diameter with thick thermal insulation and low lateral resistance is more susceptible to global buckling compared to a heavy pipeline (large diameter and concrete coated). Global buckling should be considered for pipelines heated above 20-30°C of its installation temperature. If a pipeline is heated at 5-10°C or less compared to its installation temperature, global buckling can be considered not relevant. However, global buckling and expansion are not only linked to temperature, pressure alone can develop global buckling. The initial PoF value can be followed by an engineering judgment to have an adjustment of the PoF. 38 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 21 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF – Global Buckling (Exposed) ADJUSTMENTS OF POF BASED ON ENGINEERING JUDGMENT – GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) CONDITION NOT APPLICABLE AS WELL AS ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS • • • 7 8 9 10 11 12 NOT APPLICABLE IF POF GIVEN (FIGURE 8 - FLOWCHART STRUCTURAL THREATS) = 1 IF A PIPELINE IS HEATED 5-10ºC OR LESS COMPARED TO ITS INSTALLATION TEMPERATURE. IF GLOBAL BUCKLING HAS NOT LEAD TO UNACCEPTABLE CONDITIONS HISTORICALLY AND THE MAXIMUM FLOW CONDITIONS ( TEMPERATURE / PRESSURE ) HAVE ALREADY OCCURRED. ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS ADJUSTMENT BUCKLING OF PIPELINE DESIGNED NOT TO BUCKLE +1 DISTANCE BETWEEN OBSERVED BUCKLES LONGER THAN +1 ACCEPTABLE UNWANTED GLOBAL BUCKLING AT NON- DESIRABLE LOCATIONS (PIPELINE CROSSINGS, FREE SPAN SUPPORTS, PRE-MADE TRENCH THAT AIM TO PROTECT THE PIPELINE FROM INTERFERENCE LOADS) OBSERVED COLLISIONS WITH OTHER STRUCTURES GLOBAL BUCKLING AT END TERMINATIONS OR IN-LINE TEES ETC. ENGINEERING JUDGMENT OF OTHER ISSUES NOT COVERED ABOVE (E .G. WITH REGARD TO CONFIDENCE IN DOCUMENTATION / INFORMATION FROM DFI AND OPERATION) POFADJUSTED +1 +1 +2 ±X POF + SUM OF ADJUSTMENTS 39 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Global buckling (buried) / Upheaval buckling (UHB) Global buckling (buried) / Upheaval buckling (UHB) failure is linked to failure in soil resistance. The potential for UHB increases with higher temperatures, pressures, and flow rates. Other issues to be considered are reduction (erosion) of the soil layer on top or the risk of liquefaction due to waves (for offshore systems) or earthquakes. UHB can be considered as the weakest link failure mode (it is the local loads and resistance along the pipeline that governs). Table 22 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF – Upheaval Buckling ADJUSTMENTS OF POF BASED ON ENGINEERING JUDGMENT – UPHEAVAL BUCKLING CONDITION NOT APPLICABLE AS WELL AS ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS • • 7 8 9 10 11 NOT APPLICABLE IF POF GIVEN (FIGURE 8 - FLOWCHART STRUCTURAL THREATS) = 1 EXPOSED PIPELINE – PIPELINE TRANSPORTING AMBIENT FLUID ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS ADJUSTMENT TEMPERATURE INCREASE FROM INSTALLED LEVEL ABOVE +1 ACCEPTABLE OR PRESENCE OF UNPREDICTABLE SUBSIDENCE OBSERVED NATURAL HAZARDS THAT MAY AFFECT PROTECTION LAYER ON TOP OF THE PIPELINE (E .G. EARTHQUAKES, RIVER FLOODS, HURRICANES) OBSERVED (GRADUAL) SIGNIFICANT LOSS OF BACKFILLED MATERIAL (SAND, CLAY , ROCK) TEMPERATURE IS DECLINING BELOW HISTORIC MAXIMUM AND EXPECTED STAY BELOW *) ENGINEERING JUDGMENT OF OTHER ISSUES NOT COVERED ABOVE (E .G. WITH REGARD TO CONFIDENCE IN DOCUMENTATION / INFORMATION FROM DFI AND OPERATION) POFADJUSTED +1 +1 -1 ±X POF + SUM OF ADJUSTMENTS *THE RECORDED HISTORIC MAXIMUM OPERATION CONDITION SHOULD INCLUDE TEMPERATURE, PRESSURE AND FLOW RATE End expansion End expansion (at the interface between pipeline and connected components) is to be considered for all pipeline systems. Internal pressure and temperature will try to elongate a pipeline. End expansion is normally not a concern for the pipeline itself. However, at each end or intermittent connection point, components such as spools, flexible tails, risers, jumpers will have the capability to absorb a certain amount of expansion. If expansion is excessive (or relevant interfacing component is not properly designed concerning expansion), issues that may become relevant are e.g., displacement out of position, interaction with other installations, excessive bending, leaks in connectors and valves. 40 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Table 23 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF – End Expansion ADJUSTMENTS OF POF BASED ON ENGINEERING JUDGMENT – END EXPANSION CONDITION NOT APPLICABLE AS WELL AS ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS • 7 8 9 10 NOT APPLICABLE IF POF GIVEN (FIGURE 8 - FLOWCHART STRUCTURAL THREATS) = 1 ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS ADJUSTMENT TEMPERATURE ABOVE ACCEPTABLE +1 OBSERVED ABNORMAL DISPLACEMENT +1 OBSERVED INTERFERENCE/COLLISIONS WITH OTHER +1 INSTALLATIONS/ PARTS LIMITATION IN ACCEPTABLE END EXPANSION IS LARGER THAN -1 ESTIMATED END EXPANSION IN THE PIPELINE ENGINEERING JUDGMENT OF OTHER ISSUES NOT COVERED ABOVE (E .G. WITH REGARD TO CONFIDENCE IN DOCUMENTATION / INFORMATION FROM DFI AND OPERATION) POFADJUSTED 11 ±X POF + SUM OF ADJUSTMENTS On-bottom stability On-bottom stability (lateral displacement of long sections caused by environmental loading) is to be considered for all exposed pipelines. Limited lateral displacements (in the order of 5-20 meters) of segments can occur for extreme environmental events (e.g., events with 10-, 100- return period events). Table 24 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF – On-bottom Stability ADJUSTMENTS OF POF BASED ON ENGINEERING JUDGMENT – ON-BOTTOM STABILITY CONDITION NOT APPLICABLE AS WELL AS ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS • • NOT APPLICABLE IF POF GIVEN (FIGURE 8 - FLOWCHART STRUCTURAL THREATS) = 1 BURIED PIPELINE ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS 7 8 9 10 11 OBSERVED LATERAL DISPLACEMENT OF LONG SECTIONS ABOVE 20M FROM ORIGINAL ROUTE SHOULD INITIATE AN EXTENSIVE EVALUATION OF MANY P IPELINES ASPECTS OBSERVED LATERAL DISPLACEMENT AT END-TERMINATIONS, INLINE TEE ’S ETC. EXPERIENCE HURRICANES, FLOODS OR SIMILAR SINCE LAST INSPECTION OPERATION ABOVE 5 YEARS WITHOUT OBSERVED LATERAL MOTIONS ENGINEERING JUDGMENT OF OTHER ISSUES NOT COVERED ABOVE (E .G. WITH REGARD TO CONFIDENCE IN DOCUMENTATION / INFORMATION FROM DFI AND OPERATION) POFADJUSTED ADJUSTMENT +1 +1 +1 -1 ±X POF + SUM OF ADJUSTMENTS Pipeline free spans - Static overload and fatigue Pipeline free spans are to be considered for exposed parts of a pipeline concerning static overload and fatigue. Even if a pipeline is buried, free spans can often occur at the end of the pipeline as a result of 41 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field tie-in geometry. Free span length and gaps are in many cases nonstationary. They can change due to changes in temperature, pressure and flow rate within the pipeline. Table 25 - Engineering judgment Adjustment for PoF – Free spans / Static overload and fatigue ADJUSTMENTS OF POF BASED ON ENGINEERING JUDGMENT – ON-BOTTOM STABILITY CONDITION NOT APPLICABLE AS WELL AS ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS • • 7 8 NOT APPLICABLE IF POF GIVEN (FIGURE 8 - FLOWCHART STRUCTURAL THREATS) = 1 BURIED PIPELINE ( SECTIONS) ADJUSTMENT QUESTIONS ADJUSTMENT OBSERVED SPANS ABOVE CRITERIA (LENGTH AND GAP) +1 PIPELINE HAS NOT BUCKLED GLOBALLY AND SPAN CRITERIA ARE +1 DEVELOPED WITH A PREMISE THAT BUCKLING SHOULD OCCUR 9 EXPERIENCE HURRICANES, FLOODS OR SIMILAR SINCE LAST INSPECTION +1 10 ENGINEERING JUDGMENT OF OTHER ISSUES NOT COVERED ABOVE (E .G. WITH REGARD TO CONFIDENCE IN DOCUMENTATION / INFORMATION FROM DFI AND OPERATION) ±X POFADJUSTED POF + SUM OF ADJUSTMENTS 42 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Appendix 2 Corrosion Rates Model The Ref. [21] API RP 581 Standards have been developed for downstream industry and do not include some damage mechanisms which are typical of upstream environments or the requirements and limitations for the application of materials are different. For this reason, some additional damage methodology assessment modules have been developed or existing ones have been modified. The following modules have been added referring to the International Standards indicated: • MIC Microbiologically Induced Corrosion DNVGL-RP-G101 • Erosion Corrosion / Sand Erosion API RP 14E / DNVGL-RP-O501 While the following existing modules have been modified: • CO2 corrosion NORSOK M506 / DeWaard & Milliams The calculation procedure for the following mechanisms existing modules can be found in Ref. [21] API RP 581, Part 2 Annex 2.B – Determination of Corrosion Rates: • Sour Water Corrosion • Soil Side Corrosion 43 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field MIC Microbiologically Induced Corrosion The effect of MIC is evaluated based on the presence of bacteria, operating conditions, presence of a monitoring system and the final probability of failure assessed with a graph taken from DNVGL-RP0501. The result of the module is a probability of failure (category of the probability of failure). Figure 9 - MIC flowchart 44 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Erosion Corrosion For the assessment of the Erosion-Corrosion and Sand/Solids Corrosion, the approach is based on the API-RP14E for the evaluation in the case of a solids-free system. When the sand and/or solids are detected or foreseen in the fluids the approach is based on the standard DNVGL-RP-O501. In particular, the erosional velocity is calculated for the bend geometry which is considered as the worst-case scenario in terms of erosion-corrosion. The result of the erosion-corrosion module is a probability of failure while the sand erosion module is a corrosion rate. Figure 10 - Erosion Corrosion Flowchart 45 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field CO2 Corrosion The damage module in Ref. [21 API 581 is applicable for the downstream sector, based on NORSOK M506 model. While the present module is applicable in the upstream sector, the module in Ref. [21] API 581 does not take into account some factors, which have a significant effect on CO2 corrosion: • API grade of the oil; • Presence/absence of free water in the gas stream; • Type of water: condensed or formation water; • Presence of elemental Sulphur. The final result of this assessment is a corrosion rate. 46 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Figure 11 - CO2 Corrosion Part 1 47 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Figure 12 - CO2 Corrosion Part 2 48 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Appendix 3 Inspection / Maintenance Tasks This Appendix provides minimum inspection requirements applicable to rigid pipelines, as per Ref [1]. Intelligent pigging is a key component of the inspection activities applicable to the pipeline system. For those pipelines where the design does not allow conventional intelligent pigging, consideration shall be given to modifying the line to enable such inspections or using alternative umbilical pigs. Where this is considered impossible or impractical, the integrity shall be proven by other means such as pressure testing or Direct Assessment approaches according to NACE (if applicable). Table 26 - Onshore Pipelines Inspection/Maintenance Tasks ONSHORE PIPELINES (AND SECTION OF PIPELINES) INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY NOTES TASKS EL: L / M EL: H / VH / EH BASELINE INSPECTION PIPELINE EXTERNAL SURVEY CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE AS BUILT SURVEY 03516.COS.CNS.STD (*) “CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF ONSHORE PIPELINES” INTELLIGENT PIGGING INSPECTION PIPE TRACKING SYSTEM CARRIED OUT DURING PRECOMMISSIONING/ COMMISSIONING PHASE (*) CARRIED OUT WITHIN THE FABRICATION, CONSTRUCTION AND INSTALLATION OF PIPELINE ESD VALVE PERFORMANCE TESTING PIPELINE RIGHT OF WAY (ROW) SURVEY, PRIVATE AND PUBLIC SECTIONS WALL THICKNESS MEASUREMENTS OF ABOVE WITHIN 1 YEARS IN-SERVICE INSPECTIONS INSPECTION NOT > 1 YEARS 23034.ENG.INT.STD “PIPELINES IN-LINE INSPECTION” 28083.ENG.INT.STD “PIPE TRACKING SYSTEM SPECIFICATION FOR INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR ” TO BE INCLUDED IN PRODUCTION PROCEDURE THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE 23037.ENG.INT.STD “EXTERNAL SURVEY OF PIPELINES IN THE ONSHORE AREA” WHERE INTERNAL CORROSION NOT > 2 YEARS NOT > 7 YEARS PROVEN THAT INTERNAL CORROSION IS NOT A RELEVANT THREAT ROUTE INSPECTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH COMPANY STANDARD IS IDENTIFIED AS A POSSIBLE MODE OF FAILURE GROUND SECTIONS INTELLIGENT PIGGING MAY BE AVOIDED IF IT IS NOT > 5 YEARS 49 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field ONSHORE PIPELINES (AND SECTION OF PIPELINES) INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY NOTES TASKS EL: L / M EL: H / VH / EH UN-PIGGABLE LINES: 23034.ENG.INT.STD PRESSURE TEST AT MAOP “PIPELINES IN-LINE OR D IRECT ASSESSMENT INSPECTION” (DA) IN CASE A CORROSION RISK NOT > 7 YEARS ESD VALVE PERFORMANCE TESTING RIVER CROSSINGS: • BURIAL SURVEY (MAGNETIC OR ACOUSTIC) • VISUAL INSPECTION AT LOW TIDE/ DRY SEASON CATHODIC PROTECTION: • COMPLETE CATHODIC PROTECTION (CP) SURVEY USING “ ON – OFF” METHOD • MONITOR OUTPUT NOT > 5 YEARS TO BE INCLUDED IN PRODUCTION PROCEDURES NOT > 1 YEAR NOT > 6 YEARS ASSESSMENT IS PERFORMED: • IT IS POSSIBLE TO EXTEND OF MAXIMUM 3 YEARS THE INSPECTION FREQUENCY IF CORROSION RISK IS PROVEN TO BE MINIMAL . • IN PRESENCE OF SIGNIFICANT CORROSION RISKS THE INSPECTION FREQUENCY SHALL BE REDUCED TO 1-3 YEARS BETWEEN TWO CONSECUTIVE SURVEYS. • NOT REQUIRED IF IT IS PROVEN THAT INTERNAL CORROSION IS NOT A RELEVANT THREAT . NOT > 3 YEARS NOT > 2 YEARS TO BE INCLUDED IN PRODUCTION PROCEDURES. 11555.VAR.COR.SDS “GUIDELINES FOR BURIED PIPELINES CATHODIC PROTECTION INSPECTION PLANNING” VOLTAGE AND CURRENT OF TRANSFORMER/RECTIFIER NOT > 1 MONTH 11557.VAR.COR.STD “CATHODIC PROTECTION MEASUREMENTS AND SURVEYS FOR ON LAND BURIED PIPELINES” PRESSURE CONTROL AND PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT , FOLLOW THE MAINTENANCE MANUAL GIVEN BY THE ITEM SUPPLIER VALVES AND ANCILLARY EQUIPMENT CARRY-OUT COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS OF OPERATIONAL DATA: 50 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field ONSHORE PIPELINES (AND SECTION OF PIPELINES) INSPECTION/MAINTENANCE FREQUENCY NOTES TASKS EL: L / M EL: H / VH / EH • OPERATING P&T (INLET/OUTLET) • FLUID COMPOSITION (H2S, CO2 CONTENT) • PRODUCED WATER (BSW, PH) • QUANTITY /FREQUENCY OF INJECTED CORROSION INHIBITORS • DETECTION OF SAND AND ABRASIVE PRODUCED ELEMENTS. SCOPE TO BE DETERMINED BY SPECIFIC EXTRAORDINARY EVENT AS REQUIRED AD-HOC INSPECTION REVIEWS FOLLOWING A SIGNIFICANT CHANGE IN THE ENVIRONMENT CONDITIONS, EXTREME ENVIRONMENTAL EVENTS, DROPPED OBJECTS, THIRD-PARTY ACTIVITIES, OBSERVED DAMAGES 51 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Appendix 4 Preventive Barrier The four preventive groups compose of several elements as shown in Table 27 - Preventive Barrier Functions. Table 27 - Preventive Barrier Functions PREVENTIVE BARRIER FUNCTIONS BARRIER FUNCTION BARRIER SYSTEM/ELEMENT DESIGN BASIS QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS PRESSURE CONTAINMENT AND PRIMARY PROTECTION OPERATIONAL/PROCESS CONTROL PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS PIPELINE COVER PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND SAFETY ZONE SYSTEMS PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM EXTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM INTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND TESTING SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS An explanation for each Barrier System associated with the Barrier function is provided as follows: • The Pressure Containment and Primary Protection function considers: o Well documented and quality assured development and modification process. This includes e.g.: A well-documented, quality assured and up-to-date Design Basis. Well-documented and quality assured (development or modification) design, fabrication and installation. o The pipeline itself and other pressure containing components. o Pipeline Cover may include soil cover, gravel supports and covers, rock dumps, concrete mattresses, sandbags etc. for protection against external threats and to control global pipeline behaviour. o Protection and support structures, different types of protection and support structures are applied for mechanical protection against external threats and to control global pipeline behaviour. o Information system to 3rd parties may include, information to landowners along pipeline routes (onshore), information signs along pipeline routes (onshore), the inclusion of pipeline information in public maps and to emergency responders. 52 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Restriction and Safety zone systems, both permanent and temporary restriction and safety zones may be defined and marked up to minimize risk in certain areas. In addition to defining and marking up such areas, procedures and communication systems need to be in place and applied correctly by qualified personnel. o Pressure Protection System comprises the pressure control system and the pressure safety system. Each of these systems comprises sensors, logic solvers, valves, alarm and communication systems, procedures and qualified personnel. o External Corrosion Protection System (valid for all material types) typically comprises some combination of: corrosion allowance corrosion protective coatings cathodic protection o Internal Corrosion Protection System (valid for all material types) typically comprises some combination of: Use of internal coating/lining /cladding, and corrosion allowance Processing systems for removal of liquid water and/or corrosive agents Chemical treatment system Pig cleaning system The operational/process control function ensures that the pipeline system is being operated as intended. Concerning pipeline systems, operation control measures must be in place to ensure that critical fluid parameters are kept within the specified design limits. Examples of parameters that should be controlled are pressure and temperature at the inlet and outlet of the pipeline, dew point for gas lines, fluid composition, water content and flow rate, density and viscosity. The operational / process control function comprises: o Process control hardware and software such as sensors, logic solvers, actuators, valves, control rooms, alarm and communication systems, and qualified personnel. o Procedures such as start-up, operations and shutdown procedures, procedures for the treatment of non-conformances, procedures for implementation of operational restrictions, instructions for fluid re-filling, etc. o Qualified personnel The pipeline integrity control function typically includes: o Strategies and long-term programs (for inspection, monitoring, testing and integrity assessment activities) should be in place and should be risk based. Short-term plans should also be in place and should be based on long-term programs. o Systems and processes including procedures, tools and vessels (i.e., hardware and software to such activities), reporting systems, and qualified personnel for: Inspection, this includes both external and internal inspection. Monitoring is the measurement, collection and review of data that indirectly can give information on the condition of a component or a system Testing, such activities are carried out to test if the system or parts of the system have the required structural integrity and/or are working properly. Testing may include strength and leak testing of pipelines and components by different types of pressure tests (system pressure testing, hydrostatic testing, gas or media testing, shut-in testing), and functional testing of the pressure protection system. Integrity assessments, these activities involve a detailed review of information and data gathered through the inspection, monitoring and testing activities (as well as any other relevant sources), identification of o • • 53 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field • defects that require further evaluations, evaluation of selected defects by applying appropriate methods and adequate levels of detail, and providing recommendations for further action. The Pipeline Integrity Improvement function typically includes: o Strategies and contingency plans for how to handle unacceptable anomalies and damages should be in place well in advance. o Systems and processes including procedures, tools and vessels (i.e., hardware and software to such activities), reporting systems, and qualified personnel for: Mitigations regarding internal conditions Interventions regarding external conditions, Repairs to the containment function and protection system itself For each element a recommended relevance score is proposed, Table 28 - Barrier relevance to the different threat groups, to indicate the importance against each identified threat. Relevance can change with time (an element may be more relevant during the initial operation period and less important afterwards) Table 28 - Barrier relevance to the different threat groups BARRIER RELEVANCE TO THE DIFFERENT THREAT GROUPS BARRIER SYSTEM/ELEMENT CORROSION / EROSION DESIGN BASIS QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, STRUCTURAL MR-VH INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS PIPELINE COVER PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND SAFETY ZONE SYSTEMS PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM EXTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM INTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND 3RD PARTY NR NR NR NR LR-VH MR-VH NR-VH NR-MR MR-VH TESTING SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS NOTE: • • • • • MR-VH NR – N OT R ELEVANT LR – L OW R ELEVANT MR – M EDIUM R ELEVANT HR – H IGH R ELEVANT VH – V ERY H IGH R ELEVANT 54 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field Key issues and/or questions to consider as guidance when setting a score to the element evaluation have been listed in the following tables (table 14 to table 17). Table 29 -Third-party Threats Evaluation ELEMENT EVALUATION DESIGN BASIS QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS PIPELINE COVER THIRD-PARTY THREATS KEY ISSUES GENERAL WELL DEFINED ACTIVITY LEVEL - IS THERE ANY UNANTICIPATED ACTIVITY IN THE AREA THAT CAN INTERFERE WITH THE PIPELINE OR IS THERE EXPECTED ANY SUCH ACTIVITY IN THE NEAR FUTURE? EXPOSURE TO CYCLIC LOADING IS WELL DEFINED - A POTENTIAL (3RD PARTY) DAMAGE TO PIPELINES EXPOSED TO CYCLIC LOADING FROM OPERATION (PRESSURE , TEMPERATURE , SHUT DOWNS), CURRENT , WAVES ETC. CAN DEVELOP FASTER INTO FAILURE THAN A PIPELINE WITH LOW EXPOSURE TO CYCLIC LOADING DROPPED OBJECTS POTENTIAL LOADS ARE WELL DEFINED GENERAL DESIGNED ACCORDING TO RECOGNIZED STANDARDS AND METHODS GENERAL D/T<40? DIAMETER/THICKNESS RATIO ABOVE 40 IS CONSIDERED AS A LESS ROBUST PIPELINE SYSTEM. ANY RELEVANT DAMAGES DETECTED, ASSESSED, MITIGATED, TESTED? RECENTLY CONFIRMED NOT TO BE DAMAGED (NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE LAST INSPECTION?) GENERAL TYPE OF COVER (BURIED OR ROCK DUMPED) BURIAL DEPTH (0.1-1.0 METERS OR MORE) PIPELINE CONFIRMED ADEQUATELY PROTECTED (I.E. BURIED OR ROCK DUMPED) BY INSPECTION NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE LAST INSPECTION? PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3 RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND SAFETY ZONE SYSTEMS PRESSURE PROTECTION GENERAL PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURE IN PLACE (CONCRETE/WEIGHT COATING, PROTECTION STRUCTURES) AND CONFIRMED ADEQUATE BY INSPECTION (NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE LAST INSPECTION?) GENERAL INFORMATION SHARING IN PLACE WITH AUTHORITIES, ASSOCIATIONS, MAPS, CHARTS, ETC. IF THERE IS A CLEARLY DEFINED RESTRICTION ZONE FOR TRAFFIC AROUND THE PIPELINE , THE PROBABILITY OF A DAMAGE RELATED TO INTERFERENCE IS SIGNIFICANTLY REDUCED. NO UNPROTECTED COMPONENTS WITHIN THE SAFETY ZONE NR SYSTEM EXTERNAL CORROSION NR PROTECTION SYSTEM 55 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field INTERNAL CORROSION NR PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND TESTING SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS EASE OF ACCESS TO PROCESS DATA IN CASE DEFECTS NEED TO BE ASSESSED URGENTLY . SYSTEMS IN PLACE TO MAINTAIN ENVELOPES AND FOLLOW UP RESTRICTIONS GENERAL PROCEDURES TO RECORD AND EASILY ACCESS PROCESS DATA IN PLACE PROCEDURES FOR STAYING WITHIN ENVELOPE (INCL. RESTRICTIONS) IN PLACE GENERAL LONG TERM INSPECTION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROGRAM IN PLACE (RISK BASED) GENERAL ACTUAL IMPLEMENTATION OF PROGRAM REGULAR REVIEWS OF OPERATIONAL DATA VESSEL CONTRACT IN PLACE IN CASE OF NEED FOR URGENT NDT OF RELEVANT DAMAGE GENERAL ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES FOR ASSESSMENT OF RELATED DAMAGES TOOLS/SOFTWARE FOR ASSESSMENT OF RELATED DAMAGES VERIFICATION OF SYSTEM AND INTEGRITY ASSESSMENTS (THIRD-PARTY OR BY RELEVANT RESOURCES WITHIN COMPANY ) GENERAL REPAIR STRATEGY IN PLACE FOR RELATED THIRD-PARTY DAMAGES GENERAL REPAIR SYSTEM AVAILABLE IN CASE OF RELATED DAMAGES S PARE PARTS VESSEL CONTRACT IN PLACE (FOR INTERVENTION/REPAIRS) OPERATIONAL RESTRICTIONS (E.G. CYCLIC LOADING) EMERGENCY PLANS AND PROCEDURES PROCEDURES IN PLACE TO ASSIST THIRD-PARTY HOOKED IN PIPELINE OR ASSOCIATED EQUIPMENT Table 30 - Internal Corrosion Threats Evaluation ELEMENT EVALUATION DESIGN BASIS QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS INTERNAL CORROSION KEY ISSUES DESIGN LIFE SPECIFIED, MATERIAL SELECTED, DESIGN AND OPERATIONAL CONDITION DEFINED (E . G. P, T, FLUID COMPOSITION) COMPLIANCE WITH ISO-15156 (NACE MR 175), IF RELEVANT MEANS OF CORROSION CONTROL DEFINED MATERIALS SELECTION REPORT PIPE MANUFACTURING AND WELDING ACCORDING TO DESIGN STANDARD TEMPORARY STORAGE BEFORE INSTALLATION TO REDUCE RISK FOR CORROSION (E.G. APPLICATION OF END CAPS) PRESSURE TESTING PROCEDURE (E.G. FLUID TYPE, CLEANING AND DRYING) 3RD PARTY VERIFICATION OR CERTIFICATION BASELINE INSPECTION BY ILI 56 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE INSTALLATION NUMBER OF YEARS SINCE LAST ILI? NO METAL LOSS EXCEEDING THE CORROSION ALLOWANCE? NO METAL LOSS EXCEEDING 85% OF NOMINAL WALL THICKNESS? NO LOW POINTS WHICH CAN LEAD TO SIGNIFICANT DROP OUT OF WATER, IF RELEVANT ILI – INTERNAL CONDITION BETTER THAN PRESUPPOSED IN DESIGN PIPELINE COVER MAY BE RELEVANT IF THE COVER ACTS AS INSULATION TO PREVENT CONDENSATION AND TOP OF LINE (TOL) CORROSION. OTHERWISE GENERALLY NOT RELEVANT WITH REGARD TO INTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION AND NR SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3 RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND NR NR SAFETY ZONE SYSTEMS PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM (PPS) IN PLACE AND SET POINTS ARE CORRECT ACCORDING TO DESIGN AND/ OR PIPELINE OPERATIONAL ENVELOPE DEFINED PRESSURE LIMITS MONITORED AND WITHIN ENVELOPE? PPS MAINTENANCE AND TEST PROGRAM IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED PPS TEST RESULTS ARE ACCEPTABLE EXTERNAL CORROSION NR PROTECTION SYSTEM INTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES IS AN INTERNAL CORROSION CONTROL SYSTEM IN PLACE FOR PROTECTING THE PIPELINE AGAINST INTERNAL CORROSION? (INCLUDE EQUIPMENT FOR ON LINE MONITORING, CORROSION PROBES, FLUID ANALYSES, CHEMICAL INJECTION AVAILABILITY , RESIDUAL CHEMICAL ETC.) IS THE CORROSION CONTROL PROGRAM SATISFACTORY FOR CORROSION CONTROL ? ARE CHEMICALS USED FOR CORROSION CONTROL QUALIFIED FOR THE INTENDED SERVICE ? ARE MONITORED PARAMETERS KEPT WITHIN OPERATIONAL ENVELOPE? IS AVAILABILITY OF CHEMICAL INJECTION ACCORDING TO DESIGN? REDUNDANCY OF CHEMICAL INJECTION EQUIPMENT AVAILABILITY OF SPARE PARTS FOR EQUIPMENT FOR CHEMICAL INJECTION IS EQUIPMENT FOR CORROSION SURVEILLANCE CALIBRATED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO PLAN? IS EQUIPMENT USED FOR CHEMICAL INJECTIONS CALIBRATED AND MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO PLAN? IF INTERNAL CLEANING IS DEFINED AS A PART OF CORROSION CONTROL, ARE THE CLEANING PROGRAMS IMPLEMENTED ACCORDING TO PLAN? ARE THERE PLANS FOR UPSET CONDITION? IS PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM RELIABLE? IS PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO PLAN? IS PROCESS DATA CONCLUDED RELIABLE ? ARE OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS MONITORED AND WITHIN ENVELOPE? IS THE PRODUCTION STABLE ? IS RECOMMENDATIONS GIVEN IN MATERIAL SELECTION REPORT FOR CORROSION CONTROL IMPLEMENTED? ARE PROCEDURES FOR OUT OF SPEC. SITUATIONS IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED? 57 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND TESTING SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT IS A RISK BASED CORROSION STRATEGY FOR CORROSION CONTROL IN PLACE (ILI, REGULAR REVIEW OF MONITORING DATA, CORROSION PROBES, ETC.) IS ILI CARRIED OUT ACCORDING TO THE PLAN? ARE PROCEDURES FOR PRESERVATION OF PIG LAUNCHERS AND RECEIVERS IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED? IS MONITORING AND INSPECTION DATA EXPLICITLY EVALUATED AND DOCUMENTED ON A REGULAR BASIS AND ACCORDING TO PLANS? IS THE EFFICIENCY OF INJECTED CHEMICALS EVALUATED ON A REGULAR BASIS? ARE PROCEDURES FOR ASSESSMENT OF CORROSION DEFECTS IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED? ARE PROCEDURES IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED FOR ASSESSING MONITORING AND INSPECTION DATA? STRATEGY AND CONTINGENCY PLANS INCLUDING SPECIFICATION OF NEEDS FOR PRE -INVESTMENTS IN CONTINGENCY REPAIR EQUIPMENT AND SPARES (E .G . CHEMICAL INJECTION EQUIPMENT , GAS DEHYDRATION SYSTEM) STRATEGY IN PLACE FOR MITIGATING INTERNAL CORROSION IF ILI INDICATES HIGHER METAL LOSS THAN ANTICIPATED? PIPELINE REPAIR STRATEGY AND PIPELINE SPARE PART STRATEGY IN PLACE IN CASE OF UNACCEPTABLE CORROSION SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS REPAIR SYSTEM IN PLACE CAPABLE OF REPAIRING DAMAGE BEFORE IT DEVELOPS INTO FAILURE . SPARE PIPE AND PIPELINE COMPONENTS IN PLACE ACCORDING TO STRATEGY ACCESS TO VESSEL CAPABILITIES IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO ACT REASONABLY QUICKLY TESTING AND FOLLOW UP OF REPAIRS TO ENSURE THAT THE SAFETY LEVEL IS REESTABLISHED EMERGENCY PLANS AND PROCEDURES FOR SAFE AND EFFICIENT HANDLING OF NECESSARY REPAIR Table 31 - External Corrosion Threats Evaluation ELEMENT EVALUATION DESIGN BASIS EXTERNAL CORROSION KEY ISSUES HAS THE BASIS FOR DESIGN (T, P, DEGREE OF BURIAL, PROTECTION STRUCTURES) AND THE EXTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM BEEN SPECIFIED? IS EXTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM DESIGN ACCORDING TO RECOGNIZED STANDARDS? H AS CURRENT DRAIN ITEMS FOR PIPELINE CP-SYSTEM BEEN IDENTIFIED AND HANDLE THROUGH DESIGN? 58 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS PIPELINE COVER PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3 RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND ARE AS-LAID SURVEY REPORTS IN PLACE? ANY INCIDENTS OR SHORT-COMINGS DURING MANUFACTURING AND APPLICATION OF COATING AND FIELD JOINT COATINGS? H AS THE CRITICALLY OF THESE SHORTCOMING BEEN ASSESSED? ANY INCIDENCES OR SHORTCOMINGS DURING MANUFACTURING AND INSTALLATION OF ANODES? I S FABRICATION ACCORDING TO RECOGNIZED STANDARDS? H AS THE CRITICALLY OF ANY SHORTCOMING BEEN ASSESSED? ARE THE MANUFACTURING QUALIFICATION TRIALS ACCEPTABLE ACCORDING TO STANDARD? HAS STORAGE BEFORE INSTALLATION BEEN ADEQUATE? IS THE DESIGN/FABRICATION/INSTALLATION VERIFIED OR CERTIFIED BY THIRD PARTY ? NO EXTERNAL METAL LOSS EXCEEDING THE CORROSION ALLOWANCE? NO EXTERNAL METAL LOSS EXCEEDING 85% OF NOMINAL WALL THICKNESS? ILI ASSESSMENT: EXTERNAL CONDITION BETTER THAN ASSUMED IN DESIGN? NR (NOTICE THAT PIPELINE COVER MAY HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON EXTERNAL CORROSION) NR (NOTICE THAT THESE MAY HAVE A NEGATIVE IMPACT ON EXTERNAL CORROSION) NR NR SAFETY ZONE SYSTEMS PPS IN PLACE AND SET POINTS ARE CORRECT ACCORDING TO DESIGN AND/OR PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM EXTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM INTERNAL CORROSION PIPELINE OPERATIONAL ENVELOPE DEFINED PRESSURE LIMITS MONITORED AND WITHIN ENVELOPE? PPS MAINTENANCE AND TEST PROGRAM IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED PPS TEST RESULTS ARE ACCEPTABLE IS IT POSSIBLE TO MONITOR THE CP-SYSTEM AND INSPECT THE COATING PERFORMANCE ? ARE THE CP-SYSTEM AND COATING CONDITION INSPECTED ON A REGULAR BASIS? ARE ANY COATING DAMAGES REGISTERED? ARE ANY ANODES INACTIVE OR DAMAGED? HAS EXCESSIVE ANODE CONSUMPTION BEEN REGISTERED? HAVE PROTECTIVE POTENTIAL BEEN MEASUREMENTS ON BARE METAL WITHIN ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA? NR PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL IS PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM RELIABLE? IS PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM MAINTAINED ACCORDING TO PLAN? IS PROCESS DATA CONCLUDED RELIABLE ? ARE OPERATIONAL PARAMETERS MONITORED AND WITHIN ENVELOPE? IS THE PRODUCTION STABLE ? IS RECOMMENDATIONS GIVEN IN MATERIAL SELECTION REPORT FOR CORROSION CONTROL IMPLEMENTED? ARE PROCEDURES FOR OUT OF SPEC. SITUATIONS IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED? IS A RISK BASED CORROSION STRATEGY FOR CORROSION CONTROL IN PLACE (ILI, ROV INSPECTION, VISUAL INSPECTION, CP MEASUREMENTS) 59 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field SYSTEMS AND INSPECTION AND MONITORING CARRIED OUT ACCORDING TO THE PLANS? PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND TESTING SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS ARE PROCEDURES FOR ASSESSMENT OF CORROSION DEFECTS IN PLACE AND IMPLEMENTED? STRATEGY AND CONTINGENCY PLANS INCLUDING SPECIFICATION OF REPAIR EQUIPMENT AND SPARES STRATEGY IN PLACE FOR MITIGATING EXTERNAL CORROSION IF ILI INDICATES HIGHER METAL LOSS THAN ANTICIPATED? P IPELINE REPAIR STRATEGY AND PIPELINE SPARE PART STRATEGY IN PLACE IN CASE OF UNACCEPTABLE CORROSION REPAIR SYSTEM IN PLACE CAPABLE OF REPAIRING DAMAGE BEFORE IT DEVELOPS INTO FAILURE . SPARE PIPE AND PIPELINE COMPONENTS IN PLACE ACCORDING TO STRATEGY ACCESS TO VESSEL CAPABILITIES IN ORDER TO BE ABLE TO ACT REASONABLY QUICKLY TESTING AND FOLLOW UP OF REPAIRS TO ENSURE THAT THE SAFETY LEVEL IS RE -ESTABLISHED EMERGENCY PLANS AND PROCEDURES FOR SAFE AND EFFICIENT HANDLING OF NECESSARY REPAIR Table 32 - Structural Threats Evaluation ELEMENT EVALUATION DESIGN BASIS STRUCTURAL THREATS KEY ISSUES GENERAL DESIGNED ACCORDING TO RECOGNIZED STANDARDS AND METHODS KNOWN / PROVEN DESIGN APPROACH GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) KNOWN / PROVEN MATERIAL SELECTION WELL DEFINED FUNCTIONAL LOADS (P, T) WELL DEFINED SOIL PARAMETERS WELL DEFINED SEABED TOPOGRAPHY GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) KNOWN / PROVEN MATERIAL SELECTION WELL DEFINED FUNCTIONAL LOADS (P, T) WELL DEFINED SOIL PARAMETERS STATIC OVERLOAD KNOWN / PROVEN MATERIAL SELECTION WELL DEFINED SEABED TOPOGRAPHY WELL DEFINED FUNCTIONAL LOADS (P, T, CONTENT WEIGHT) 60 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field GENERAL EXPERIENCED DESIGNER DESIGN VERIFIED BY 3RD PARTY GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) DESIGN IS BASED UPON SIMPLIFIED AND COARSE METHODS / CONSERVATIVE QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND MODIFICATIONS APPROACH MEASURES TO CONTROL PIPELINE EXPANSION BEHAVIOUR CONFIRMED THROUGH AS-BUILT SURVEY AND PRIOR TO START -UP GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) DESIGN IS BASED UPON SIMPLIFIED AND COARSE METHODS / CONSERVATIVE APPROACH COVER HEIGHT REQUIREMENT CONFIRMED THROUGH AS-BUILT SURVEY STATIC OVERLOAD WELL DEFINED ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA EXPERIENCED INSTALLATION CONTRACTOR KNOWN / PROVEN WELDING PROCEDURE ADOPTED INSTALLATION / WELDING WITNESSED BY 3RD PARTY INSTALLATION / WELDING WELL DOCUMENTED GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) PIPELINE OPERATED WITH FUNCTIONAL LOADS (P, T) SIGNIFICANTLY BELOW DESIGN LIMITS GLOBAL BUCKLING CONFIRMED ACCEPTABLE AFTER PEAK OPERATION OBSERVATIONS/INTEGRITY ASSESSMENTS CONFIRM CONSERVATIVE DESIGN IN CASE OF HIGH UTILIZATION, POF (LOSS OF CONTAINMENT) REDUCED IF: • PIPE CROSS SECTION NOT SUSCEPTIBLE TO LOCAL BUCKLING (D/T < 30) • MODERATE 3RD PARTY ACTIVITIES WITH MODERATE GEAR IN THE AREA • PRODUCTION IS STABLE GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) PIPELINE OPERATED WITH FUNCTIONAL LOADS (P, T) SIGNIFICANTLY BELOW PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS DESIGN LIMITS OR PROCESS PARAMETERS ARE DECREASING PAST MAX PRODUCTION NO SEABED SUBSIDENCE OR OTHER PHENOMENA CAUSING HORIZONTAL SOIL MOVEMENT UPHEAVALS NOT OBSERVED IN CASE AN UPHEAVAL OCCURS, POF (LOSS OF CONTAINMENT) REDUCED IF: • PRODUCTION IS STABLE • PIPE CROSS SECTION NOT SUSCEPTIBLE TO LOCAL BUCKLING (D/T < 30) • 3RD PARTY ACTIVITIES NOT RELEVANT IN THE AREA STATIC OVERLOAD PIPELINE CONFIGURATION CONFIRMED ACCEPTABLE AND STABLE THROUGH INSERVICE INSPECTION PIPELINE CONFIGURATION NOT SENSITIVE TO OPERATIONAL MODE PIPELINE CONFIGURATION NOT SENSITIVE TO SEASONAL VARIATIONS COMBINATIONS WITH OTHER DEFECT TYPES (E.G. METAL LOSS, DENTS) HAVE NOT BEEN OBSERVED 3RD PARTY ACTIVITIES NOT RELEVANT IN THE AREA 61 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) FEED-IN TO GLOBAL BUCKLES LIMITED BY ROCK COVERS PIPELINE COVER VERIFIED THROUGH IN-SERVICE INSPECTIONS NO MECHANISMS PRESENT AFFECTING ROCK COVER OVER TIME PIPELINE EXPANSION CONTROLLED BY OTHER MEANS PIPELINE COVER GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) PIPELINE CONTINUOUSLY COVERED WITH ARTIFICIAL BACKFILL (ROCK DUMPING) PIPELINE COVER HEIGHT VERIFIED THROUGH IN-SERVICE INSPECTIONS NO MECHANISMS PRESENT AFFECTING COVER HEIGHT OR UPLIFT RESISTANCE OVER TIME PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3 RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND STATIC OVERLOAD INTEGRITY OF MITIGATING MEASURES VERIFIED THROUGH IN-SERVICE INSPECTIONS NO MECHANISMS PRESENT AFFECTING THE MITIGATING MEASURES OVER TIME GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) NOTE: IMPORTANT TO CONSIDER THIS IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE INFORMATION RELATED TO THE PIPELINE COVER INTEGRITY (ESPECIALLY WHEN APPLYING THE WEIGHING FACTORS) ROBUST SET OF MEASURES CAUSING SUFFICIENT PIPELINE IMPERFECTIONS INSTALLED (SNAKE LAY , ARTIFICIAL TRIGGERS, ROCK CARPETS, VARYING SUBMERGED PIPE WEIGHT , ETC.) GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) NR STATIC OVERLOAD INTEGRITY OF MITIGATING MEASURES VERIFIED THROUGH IN-SERVICE INSPECTIONS NO MECHANISMS PRESENT AFFECTING THE MITIGATING MEASURES OVER TIME NR (GENERALLY) NR (GENERALLY) SAFETY ZONE SYSTEMS PRESSURE PROTECTION NR SYSTEM EXTERNAL CORROSION NR PROTECTION SYSTEM INTERNAL CORROSION NR PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL GENERAL RELIABLE CONTROL SYSTEM IN PLACE TO MEASURE/CONTROL PRESSURE, TEMPERATURE AND FLOW EASILY ACCESSIBLE PROCESS DATA GENERAL PROCEDURES / ROUTINES IN PLACE TO REGULARLY REVIEW PROCESS DATA PROCEDURES / ROUTINES IN PLACE TO HANDLE DEVIATIONS PROCESS DATA CONCLUDED RELIABLE GENERAL RISK BASED / CONDITION BASED PLAN FOR INTEGRITY CONTROL EXISTS AND ARE UPDATED 62 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND TESTING GENERAL PLANNED INSPECTION ACTIVITIES ARE PERFORMED WITH REQUIRED QUALITY GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED), GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED), STATIC OVERLOAD PLANNED REVIEWS OF OPERATIONAL DATA ARE PERFORMED AND DOCUMENTED GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES, CORRESPONDING TOOLS AND E XPERTISE FOR GLOBAL BUCKLING ARE IN PLACE HIGH DEGREE OF CORRELATION BETWEEN THEORETICAL PREDICTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS OBSERVED DEVIATIONS RELATED TO OPERATIONAL DATA EVALUATED/ASSESSED SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES, CORRESPONDING TOOLS AND E XPERTISE FOR UHB IN PLACE STATIC OVERLOAD ASSESSMENT PROCEDURES AND CORRESPONDING TOOLS ARE IN PLACE HIGH DEGREE OF CORRELATION BETWEEN THEORETICAL PREDICTIONS AND OBSERVATIONS RELATED TO PIPELINE CONFIGURATION OBSERVED DEVIATIONS RELATED TO OPERATIONAL DATA EVALUATED/ASSESSED GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED) REPAIR STRATEGY FOR CROSS SECTION (EXCESSIVE OVALISATION OR LOCAL BUCKLING) AND FATIGUE / FRACTURE RELATED DAMAGES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED) REPAIR STRATEGY FOR UPHEAVAL RELATED DAMAGES STATIC OVERLOAD REPAIR STRATEGY FOR CROSS SECTION (EXCESSIVE OVALISATION OR LOCAL BUCKLING) AND FRACTURE RELATED DAMAGES GENERAL REPAIR SYSTEM IN PLACE ROCK DUMP VESSEL CONTRACT IN PLACE EMERGENCY PLANS AND PROCEDURES GLOBAL BUCKLING (EXPOSED), GLOBAL BUCKLING (BURIED), STATIC OVERLOAD VESSEL CONTRACT IN PLACE IN CASE OF NEED FOR URGENT NDT An example of the application of the Barrier Framework approach for inspection plan activities regarding structural hazards is presented in Table 33 -Example of application of Barrier Framework approach. In the case an initial Inspection Interval (IR) equal to 3 years is estimated at start-up for structural hazard inspection plan activities, it is possible to investigate the potential barriers in place to adjust the value of Final Inspection Interval (I*). During the plant life, after the first inspection set of activities, the investigation and the scoring can be reviewed and updated. Table 33 -Example of application of Barrier Framework approach 63 | P a g e RBI Methodology for Pipelines in Zubair Field STRUCTURAL THREATS (START-UP) ELEMENTS 1 2 IR DESIGN BASIS QA AND DOCUMENTATION OF DESIGN, FABRICATION, INSTALLATION AND VH C SCORE 3 HR 3 3 VH 3 3 HR 3 3 HR 3 3 RELEVANCE D SCORE C D I I* 0.63 0.75 1.4 1 3 MODIFICATIONS 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 PIPELINE / OTHER PRESSURE CONTAINING COMPONENTS PIPELINE COVER PROTECTION AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES INFORMATION SYSTEM TO 3RD PARTY RESTRICTION AND SAFETY ZONE NR NR SYSTEMS PRESSURE PROTECTION SYSTEM EXTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM INTERNAL CORROSION PROTECTION SYSTEM PROCESS CONTROL SYSTEM OPERATIONAL PROCEDURES STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY CONTROL NR NR 3 NR HR HR 4 4 3 3 HR 4 3 14 SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INSPECTION, MONITORING AND TESTING HR 4 3 15 SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR INTEGRITY ASSESSMENT MR 4 3 MR 4 3 MR 4 3 16 17 STRATEGIES AND PLANS FOR PIPELINE INTEGRITY IMPROVEMENT SYSTEMS AND PROCESSES FOR MITIGATION, INTERVENTION AND REPAIRS 64 | P a g e