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Physics Exam Tips: Save Time & Avoid Mistakes

How To Save Time
One rotor? Four rotor? Need to multiply by 4. If the ambiguity in the question exists, scan to make sure
you’re multiplying by the right factor (you were aware but were not careful)
Double check you are calculating Eforce or Bforce
Talk about values at every step of the way
They are merely discussing the initial event. Also, that second answer…wtf lol
I/V characteristic of filament lamp explained
something which you should know by default
2. The missing keyword was “amount”
3. Don’t accidentally erase your own graph point
4. Before discussing resistance, always say maximum power output is necessary. This happens to
take the form of the speaker.
5. Unit of momentum is Ns, not Ns^-1. It is also preferred that you write is as kgms^-1
6. Defining elastic collision: Total kinetic energy in system is conserved
7. Needs to be “head-on”, elastic on its own is not enough
8. It’s the rate of change that is proportional to force, rather than the other way around
9. First law →
10. Second law is shown in the decreasing speed of the car
11. Third law is shown in friction as the car slows to stop. There is a “forward force exerted by the
tires on the road”, which then leads to the reaction force.
12. Model answer which explains the utility of an airbag
13. Safe to assume that nuclear fission is between two lighter nuclei, not any more than than
14. “Validity of assumption”
15. Complete the thought: What does the centripetal force achieve?
17. Use ratios to discuss comparisons
18. Electric force, and note direction always
19. Label angle in a closed triangle
20. How to bag all 4 marks in a force question:
Does it change?
Hence path (direction, angle, downwards, accelerates)
21. What if values are changes?
New magnitude?
New direction (due to changed hori comp)
New acceleration
Fuck off i dont care
23 (first today)
1. Head-on collision
2. Moment earlier doesnt mean need apply moment principle forever
3. M is not h+x
4. Good, account for height change even on spring
5. Eye problem, edl at the speed of light
6. Ok now that, thats bullshit
7. Well..now i do…
8. Now that ya mention it…
9. In case
18 (FUCK….oh wait 90%)
1. Jerk
2. Better than speed
3. Resultant
4. Thought it irrelevant, it isn’t
5. More
6. Weird
7. More weird shit
8. For this, it is final - initial
9. Why the fuck are your moments not in newtons? Someone forgot weight isn’t = mass. Anyway
other than that it's fine
10. Mention that period is 24 hours. Timey-wimey stuff
11. What the fuck (that i didnt do)
12. I hate myself
1. I dont want to die
2. Proportionality constant fucks off as an intercept, while the indice becomes the new gradient
3. They didnt let me define omega
4. Based
5. “Which is more suitable”, instead of talking about the fire
6. Why share it between them?
7. Its not just rightward component
8. Circular
9. Na Bqv=mv^2/r
10. Not about air-time, i think
11. I don’t care anymore
12. Will imperial let a kid like this into their college seats
13. I..i guess this is something worth keeping