Course Code: Chem 1 Course Title: General Chemistry 1 (Organic) Unit: 2 (lecture) Republic of the Philippines INITAO COLLEGE Jampason, Initao, Misamis Oriental 1st Semester, AY 2022 - 2023 COURSE INSTRUCTORS Instructor FB Name: ENGR. ALEX P. ECHAVEZ Mobile Number:09153876637 e-mail: Class:Chem 1 Organic Chemistry Module 2 Topic: Development of the Atomic Model Atomic Structure Periodic Table Duration: 3 hours Desired Learning Outcomes: Trace the development of the atomic model through an illustrated timeline Design a model of a 1s to 2p element atom Classify elements according to blocks and families INTRODUCTION That question could perhaps be the same question too with the ancient people before. But record only starts way back 400 BC. We have all heard of atoms in connection with atomic bombs, “splitting the atom,” and atomic power. Consider a boar of iron. Iron is an element. It has certain properties. Cutting the bar in half produces two pieces of iron. Both pieces have the same properties as the original bar. Continued cutting procedures smaller and smaller pieces, all with identical properties. In time, we would theoretically arrive at the smallest piece of iron attainable. This smallest piece of iron is an atom – an atom of iron. If this atom of iron were cut in two, particles with different properties would be produced. It would no longer be iron. Thus, an atom can be defined as the smallest portion of an element that retains all the properties of the element. A piece of iron is made up of many atoms of iron; a piece of copper, of many atoms of copper; and a piece of silver, of many atoms of silver. The atoms of one element differ from those of another and so give characteristic properties of each element. Atoms are called the building block of the universe. A chemist uses different kinds of atoms to build chemical compounds, just as we all use the different letters of the alphabet to form words. Since there are more than 100 elements, there are more than 100 different kinds of atoms. DISCUSSION Development of the Atomic Model Democritus The things we know about atoms today were discovered by many scientists over a long period of time. In fact, the first person to hypothesize that atom exist was Democritus. Democritus was a Greek philosopher who lived in fourth century BCE. He suggested that everything in the universe was made of tiny, indivisible units. He called these units atoms. The word atom comes from the Greek work atomos. Atomos means “unable to be cut or divided.” Democritus made many observations of how matter changes. He thought that the movements of atoms cause the changes he observed. However, Democritus did not have any evidence to show that his theory was correct. Although some people agreed with Democritus’s theory, others thought that different theories were correct. As the science of chemistry was developing in the 1700s, scientists began to focus on making careful measurements in experiments. Therefore, scientists began to collect more accurate and 1 precise data about matter. Just as scientists do today, scientists in the past used data to decide which theories were most correct. John Dalton In 1808, an English schoolteacher names John Dalton proposed a different atomic theory. Like Democritus, Dalton proposed that atoms could not be divided in to smaller parts. However, unlike Democritus, Dalton performed scientific experiments to find data to support his theory. Dalton’s experiments showed that atoms of different elements could combine in certain ways to form compounds. This is known as the “law of definite proportions.” The law of definite proportions states that a chemical compound always contains the same proportion of a particular element. For example, in any sample of water, hydrogen will make up 11% of the mass of the sample. In other words, in 100g of water, there will be 11g of hydrogen and 89g of oxygen. Some parts of Dalton’s atomic theory are still accepted by scientists today. In fact, Dalton’s explanation of how atoms combine to form substances is considered the foundation of modern atomic theory. However, as scientists continued to carry our experiments, they made new observations that did not fit Dalton’s theory. New theories were developed that better explained the new observations. John Joseph Thomson In 1897, a British scientist named J.J. Thomson was working with cathode rays, mysterious rays in vacuum tubes. His experiments helped scientists better understand the structure of atoms. In his experiments, Thomson used a vacuum tube that contained two electrodes. One electrode, called the cathode, was negatively charged. The other, called the anode, was positively charged. When electricity was sent through the tube, a glowing beam appeared inside the tube. Other scientists had shown that this beam came from the cathode. However, they had not been able to determine what the beam was made of. When Thomson placed a magnet near the tube, the beam was deflected, or bent, as shown in the figure below/ Only, streams of charged particles can be bent by a magnet. Light rays cannot. Therefore, Thomson’s experiment suggested that cathode rays were actually streams of tiny, charged particles. Based on the direction the beam bent, Thomson determined that the particles in the beam were negatively charged. His experiments also showed that, no matter what substance the cathode was made of, the beam was always the same. Based on his results, Thomson concluded that the particles in the beam came from atoms. He also concluded that the particles were the same in atoms of different elements. This is how Thomson discovered electrons, the negatively charged particles inside an atom. 2 Ernest Rutherford According to Thomson’s atomic theory, the mass of an atom was spread evenly throughout its volume. Ernest Rutherford, a former student of Thomson’s, developed experiments to test this idea. In one experiment, Rutherford’s students aimed a beam of positively charged particles at a very thin sheet of gold foil. Rutherford predicted that the positive charge in the gold atoms would be too weak to affect the positively charged particles. Therefore, the particles would either pass straight through the foil or be deflected slightly. However, this is not what the experiment showed. Most of the particles passed straight through the foil. Some were deflected slightly. However, some of the particles bounced back at sharp angles. These results are shown in the figure below. The results of Rutherford’s experiment were very surprising. In his notebook, Rutherford wrote, “It was almost as incredible as if you fired a 15-inch shell at a piece of tissue paper and it came back and hit you.” However, further experiments produced the same results. Therefore, Rutherford’s results were confirmed. Rutherford concluded that the sharply reflected particles collided with dense parts of the atoms in the gold foil. The particles bounced back because they had the same charge as the dense parts of the atom. Because so few particles bounced back at sharp angles, Rutherford concluded that these dense parts must be very tiny. Based on his results, Rutherford concluded that an atom’s positive charge is concentrated at the center of atom. This positively charge is concentrated If an atom were the size of a football stadium, its nucleus would be only as big as a marble. Rutherford’s results let to a new model of the atom. In the Rutherford model, negatively charged electrons orbit the positively charged nucleus, as shown below. This is similar to the wat that the planets orbit the sun. Atomic Structure Atom - The smallest particle of an element that can exist and still have the properties of the element. It is the limit of chemical subdivision. Atoms are extremely small particles. Atoms possess internal structure; that is, they are made up of even smaller particles, which are called subatomic particles. Subatomic Particle - a very small particle that is a building block for atoms. Three Types of Subatomic Particles • Electrons – found outside the nucleus; possesses a negative electrical charge; smallest mass. • Protons – found in the nucleus; positive charge equal in magnitude to the electron’s negative charge. • Neutrons – found in the nucleus; no charge; virtually same mass as a proton. Charge and Mass Characteristics of Electrons, Protons, and Neutrons 3 All protons a very tiny v Nucleus is: -Small com pared with the overall size of the atom. -Extremely dense; accounts for almost all of the atom’s mass. -Positively c harged center of an atom. An atom a there are e s a whole is electrically neutral (no net electrical charge), i.e, qual numbers of protons and electrons present in an atom. Molecule the atoms a 3.2.1 Electro The space i n which electrons move rapidly about a nucleus is divided ces called into subspa shells, subshells, and orbitals. – is a region of space about a nucleus that contains electrons that have approximatel the same energy and that spend most of their time approximately the same distanc from the nucleus. -these are numbered 1,2,3, and so on, outward from the nucleus. Electron energ increases as the distance of the electron shell from the nucleus increases. An electro in shell 1 has the minimum amount of energy that an electron can have. Electron Subshell – is a region of space within an electron shell that contains electrons that have the same energy. Analogy: The shells are analogous to the floors of the apartment complex, and the subshells are the counterparts of the various apartments on each floor. Subshells within a shell differ in size (that is, the maximum number of electrons they can accommodate) and energy. The higher the energy of the contained electrons, the larger the subshell. Subshell size (type) is designated using the letters s,p,d, and f. Listed in this order, these letters denoted subshells of increasing energy and size. Electron Shell Both a number and a letter are used in identifying subshells. The number gives the shell within which the subshell is located, and the letter gives the types of subshell. Shell 1 has only one subshell – the 1s. Shell 2 has two subshells – the 2s and 2p. Shell 3 has three subshells -- the 3s, 3p, and 3d, and so on. Electron subshells have within them a certain, definite number of locations (regions of space), called electron orbitals, where electrons may be found. Electron Orbitals – is a region of space within an electron subshell where an electron with a specific energy is most likely to be found. Independent of all other consideration, electron orbitals can accommodate a maximum of 2 electros. Thus an s subshell (2 electrons) contains one orbital, a p subshell (6 electrons) contains three orbitals, a d subshell (10 electrons) contains five orbitals, and an f subshell (14 electrons) contains seven orbitals. Orbitals have distinct shapes that are related to the type of subshell in which they are found. Note that it is not the shape of an electron, but rather the shape of the region in which the electron is found that is being considered. An orbital orbital in an s subshell, which is called an s orbital, has a 4 spherical shape. Orbitals found in p subshells – p orbitals – have shapes similar to the “figure 8” of an ice skater. More complex shapes involving four and eight lobes, respectively, are associated with d and f orbitals. Orbitals within the same subshell, which have the same shape, differ mainly in orientation. For example, the three 2p orbitals extend out from the nucleus at 90° angles to one another (along the x, y, and z axes in a Cartesian coordinate system), as is show in the figure below. Electron Spin Experimental studies indicate that as an electron “moves about” within an orbital, it spins on its own axis in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction. Furthermore, when two electrons are present in an orbital, they always have opposite spins; that is, one is spinning clockwise and the other counterclockwise. This situation of opposite spins is energetically the most favorable state for two electrons in the same orbital. 3 Rules for Assigning Electrons to Shells, Subshells, and Orbitals There are many orbitals about the nucleus of an atom. Electrons do not occupy these orbitals in a random, haphazard fashion; a very predictable pattern exists for electron orbital occupancy. There are three rules, all quite simple, for assigning electrons to various shells, subshells, and orbitals. 1. Electron subshells are filled in order of increasing energy. 2. Electrons occupy the orbitals of a subshell such that each orbital acquires one electron before any orbital acquires a second electron. All electrons in such singly occupied orbitals must have the same spin. 3. No more than two electrons may exist in a given orbital — and then only if they have opposite spins. Periodic Table During the mid-nineteenth century, scientists began to look for order in the increasing amount of chemic information that had become available. They knew that certain elements had properties that were very similar to those of other elements, and they sought reasons for these similarities in the hope that these similarities would suggest a method for arranging or classifying the elements. In 1869, these efforts culminated in the discovery of what is now called the periodic law, proposed independently by the Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev and the German chemist Julius Lothar Meyer. Given in its modern form, the periodic law states that when elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, elements with similar chemical properties occur at periodic (regularly recurring) intervals. • Periodic Law – When elements are arranged in order of increasing atomic number, elements with similar chemical properties occur at periodic (regularly recurring) intervals. • Periodic Table – Tabular arrangement of the elements in order of increasing atomic number such that elements having similar chemical properties are positioned in vertical columns. Periods – horizontal rows of elements 5 Groups – elements in the same vertical columns; have similar chemical properties Fun Fact: There are 118 known elements: 88 of the elements occur naturally , 30 of the elements have been synthesized Names and Chemical Symbols of the Elements Chemical Symbol - One- or two-letter designation for an element derived from the element’s name. Two letter symbols are often, but not always, the first two letters of the element’s name. First letter of a chemical symbol is always capitalized and the second is not: H – hydrogen Ba – barium Co – cobalt Pb – lead Ag – silver For some elements, the symbol is derived from the Latin name of the element: Ag – silver Au – gold Fe – iron Pb – lead Cu – copper Four group dos elements also have common (non-numerical) name: Alkali metals- general name for any element in Group IA of the periodic table, excluding hydrogen (Li, Na, K, Rb) Alkaline earth metal – general name for any elements in the group IIA, (Be, Mg, Car, Sr, Ba, Ra); these metals are soft and shiny, but they are only moderately reactive toward water. Halogens – general name for any element Group VIIA of the periodic table; these halogens are reactive elements that are gases at room temperature or become such at temperatures slightly above room temperature Noble gas – general name for any elements in Group VIIIA of the periodic table; these gases are unreactive gases that undergo few, if any, chemical reactions The location of any element in the periodic table is specified by giving its group number and its period number. The element gold, with an atomic number of 79, belongs to Group IB (or 11) and is in Period 6. The element nitrogen, with an atomic number of 7, belongs to Group VA (or 15) and is in Period 2. 6 Metals and Nonmetals On the basis of selected physical properties, elements are classified into the categories metal and nonmetal. Metal – is an element that has the characteristic properties of luster, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and malleability. With the exception of mercury, all metals are solid at room temperature. Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity. Most metals are ductile (can be drawn into wires) and malleable (can be rolled into sheets). Most metals have high luster (shine), high density, and high melting points. Nonmetal- is an element characterized by the absence of the properties of luster, thermal conductivity, electrical conductivity, and malleability. Many of the nonmetals such as hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and the noble gases, are gases. The only nonmetal that is liquid at room temperature is bromine. Solid nonmetals include carbon, iodine, sulfur, and phosphorus. In general, the nonmetals have lower densities and lower melting points than metals. Selected Physical Properties of Metals and Nonmetals Dividing Line Between Metals and Non-metals Discovery and Abundance of Elements Abundance of Elements (in Atom Percent) in the Universe Abundance of Elements (in Atom %) in the Earth’s Crust 7 Elemental Composition of the Human Body (in Atom Percent) APPLICATION The electron microscope uses the wavelike properties of electrons to see extremely small images. Because electrons are charged particles, they can be easily focused by an electrical field. Recent advances in the electron microscope have allowed scientist to see atoms for the first time. The electron microscope has become one of the most powerful tools in chemical, biologic, and material science research. A scanning electron microscope in use. By its use of a highly focused electron beam in place of light, the electron microscope allows researchers to view objects at magnifications that far exceed those of light microscopes. This photo is an example of how a scanning electron microscope view the cells inside our bodies. ASSESSMENT Instructions: ONLINE: Submit a clear picture of your hand written answer and illustration through Facebook messenger. Start with the date of submission, name, year, group then your 2 pictures (answers) for A and B, and type C as text (answer directly). OFFLINE: Use a separate clean sheet of short or long bond paper. In case you consume more than 1 page, staple your work and do not forget to write your details on each of the pages. A. Using a clean sheet of paper, create a timeline with concise description of events in the development of the atomic Model. (10 points) B. Using a separate part of the clean paper, select only one of the following elements and draw a Rutherford’s model out of your selected element. (10 points) H, He, Li, Be, B, C, N, O, F or Ne C. Classify the following element as METAL, NON-METAL or METALLOID 1. Lanthanum 2. Boron 3. Chlorine 4. Antimony 5. Potassium 6. Xenon 7. Silicon 8. Gold 9. Mercury 10. Polonium REFERENCES McMurry, J., (2011). Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry Seventh Edition. Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning Sackheim, G. I., & Lehman, D. D. (2002). Chemistry for the Health Sciences (8th Edition). New Jersey, Upper Saddle River: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Stoker, S. H. (2013). General, Organic, and Biological Chemistry (6th Edition). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning. 8