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Self-Assessment & Career Research Essay

Jasmine Willingham
08/06/2015 T/R
EFSC SLS 1101-55T
Final exam part III B
After taking the many self-assessments offered, I discovered much about myself that I hadn’t
previously known. I learned everything from my learning style to my money managing skills.
After completing the career research paper, I was eager to delve deeper into my personal career
research. The MBTI, the Holland occupational themes, and the Career skills assessment made it
possible for me to gauge my potential and choose a rational career path.
Before enrolling in this class, I had previously taken the Meyer Briggs Type Indicator
assessment through the advice of a friend. The first time and second time (in class) that I took the
assessment, I was classified as an INTP: introverted, intuitive, Thinking and perceiving. It is
important for me to understand my personality and how it might integrate with my career. I’ve
also made note of the corresponding career list for my personality type and will consider them as
alternative options as well.
Using the Holland Occupational Themes assessment I gained knowledge of my interest
and the degree of each. My top three categories are Artistic, Realistic, and Investigative. During
my career research I interviewed a drafter in my desired field who recommended two of the
qualities that I possess. This was a very inspiring for me. I can now take solace in the fact that
my interest and their levels have a high probability of matching my field of work.
The career skills assessment helped me to measure the skills that I currently possess and
hope to attain. Though I’m not sure if this was the assessment creator’s intention, reading the
results was a very humbling experience. I don’t have as many required skills as I had thought,
but I will work to attain them through school, work and volunteering. Using the list of
categorized skills I hope to narrow down and target the skills needed for my career field. I want
to master them to develop efficiency in my position.
All three assessments provided me with an abundant amount of information relevant to
my future and success. I am now more aware of my personality, interest, and skills and how the
pertain to my career. I hope to use all of this newfound knowledge to accurately select the career
best suited to me.