Uploaded by Yasser Al-Betawee

CHEMKIN Combustion Homework: N-Heptane/Air Mixture Analysis

ME 536
HW3 (Due 2/28/2023)
Problems 1 (75 points): Consider n-heptane/air mixture at 298 K and one atmospheric pressure.
Using the CHEMKIN software, compute and plot temperature, and mole fractions of major (CO2,
H2O, CO, H2), and minor species (OH, H, O, C2H2) versus Take  from 0.5 to 1.5) Plot
temperature and major species in one graph, and minor species in another graph. Explain these
Problem 2 (25 points): Examine the effect of adding CO2 in the oxidizer stream such that it
contains 80% air and 20% CO2. Repeat the above calculations, and plot temperature and mole
fractions of major (CO2, H2O, CO, H2) versus Take  from 0.5 to 1.5.