Terminology commonly used in wastewater engineering* 1. Biosolids: Primarily an organic semi solid wastewater product that remains after solids are stabilized biologically or chemically and are suitable for beneficial use 2. Characteristics of wastewater: General classes of wastewater constituents such as physical, chemical, biological, and biochemical. 3. Composition of wastewater: The makeup of wastewater, including physical, chemical, and biological constituents 4. Constituents: Individual components, elements, or biological entities such as suspended solids or ammonia nitrogen 5. Contaminants/Impurities/Pollutants: Constituents added to the water supply through various uses. 6. Disinfection: Reduction of disease-causing microorganism by physical or chemical means 7. Effluent: The liquid discharged from a processing step 8. Non-Point sources: Sources of pollution that originate from multiple sources over a relatively large area 9. Nutrient: An element that is essential for the growth of plants and animals. 10. Parameter: A measurable factor such as temperature 11. Point sources: Pollution loads discharged at a specified location from pipes, outfalls, and conveyance methods from either municipal wastewater treatment plants, or industrial waste treatment facilities. 12. Reclamation: Treatment of wastewater for subsequent reuse application or the act of reusing treated wastewater 13. Recycling: the reuse of treated wastewater and biosolids for beneficial purposes. 14. Repurification: Treatment of wastewater to a level suitable for a variety of applications including indirect or direct potable reuse. 15. Reuse: Beneficial use of reclaimed or repurified wastewater or stabilized biosolids 16. Sludge: Solids removed from wastewater during treatment. Solids that are treated further are termed biosolids 17. Solids: Materials removed from wastewater by gravity separation and is the solid residue from dewatering operations *Source: Metcalf and Eddy, Wastewater Engineering, Treatment and Reuse