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Foreign Studies in Research: A Presentation

Prepared by: Jeddah Marie N. Morales
Evangeline S. Del Rosario
What is Foreign
Studies in
• Foreign Studies are
foreign researches,
studies, thesis, surveys or
any other methods of
•Foreign Studies are those Researches
that are made from the foreign
background or with compliance with their
own environment as another type of
•It is also made by foreign researchers
that uses new form or methods to have
the best results of their own study in their
own country.
Related Studies
- These are taken from published and
unpublished theses/dissertations or
published research journals.
- For each study reviewed in Chapter 2 you
should include sufficient information that
your reader can evaluate the study and
the validity of the findings and
- The time spent checking one more
source, getting one more fact,
learning about one more fact of
your problem will increase your
confidence, give you a firmer grasp
of your topic and will be reflected in
the quality and scholarship of your
research paper.
Goal of Related Studies
- Critique previous studies an describe
similarities and differences with the
present study you are conducting.
- Include trends/themes in the studies
as well as gaps or controversy.
- Report details sparingly
and concentrates on
synthesizing and critiquing
the study.
By conducting a research of some related
studies and literature, it enables the
researchers to understand the conducted
study. The survey and investigation of the
past studies is essential to the researchers to
for it to give ideas and also as guide. Also
some related studies are intended to seek
the solution to the problem and make them
better by the used of proponent.