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Micro - Intermediates

B. Produces an epithelium devoid of the ciliary begin a sequence in which the ciliated cells are
progressively destroyed and extruded from the
C. Attaches to the cilia
epithelial border
D. Lymphocytosis
Source:MICRO Trans Coccobacili Part 1 Page 4
75.True regarding adenylate cyclase in the Answer: It catalyzes the conversion of host cell
pathogenesis of pertussis infection?
ATP to cyclic AMP
A. It is a monomer of B. pertussis peptidoglycan
generated during cell wall synthesis
B. Itparalysis the effector cells of the immune system Source: Review of Medical Microbiology and
C. It catalyzes the conversion of host cell ATP to Immunology, Warren Levinson 12th ed
cyclic AMP
D. It acts as an adherence factor for the cilia
76.This species of Chlamydia produce a basophilic Answer: C.trachomatis
Halberstadter Prowazeki?
Lab diagnosis - Chlamydia trachomatis
A. C.pneumoniae
Demonstrate basophilic intracytoplasmic inclusion
B. C.trachomatis
body (Halberstadter Prowazeki)
C. C.psittaci
D. All mentioned
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
regarding Answer: are sensitive to penicillin
A. Multiply by binary fision
All mycoplasmas lack a cell wall and, therefore, all
B. Can grow on non living cell media
are inherently resistant to beta-lactam antibiotics
C. Requires sterol for growth
(e.g., penicillin).
D. Are sensitive to Penicillin
E. None of the above
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
78.Referred to as T-strain mycoplasma?
Answer: M.urealyticum
A. M.genitalium
B. M.urealyticum
C. M.hominis
Source: Ureaplasma urealyticum • Originally referred
D. M.pneumoniae
to as T-strain mycoplasma (T for Tiny) because of the
small colonies (15-60um) produced Source: MICRO
Trans- Spirochetes Dr. Cabugao
79.The pathogenesis of Rickettsial disease?
Answer: All of the above
A. Multiply in the endothelial cell of small blood
vessels and produce vasculitis
B. Has protein adhesion that seres as attachment to Source: Rickettsiae contain lipopolysaccharide, and
host cell
the cell wall proteins include the surface proteins
C. Vasculitis occurs in many organ and appears to OmpA and OmpB. These surface proteins are
be the basis of hemostatic disturbance
important in adherence to host cells and in the
D. Both A and C
humoral immune response and also provide the
E. All of the above
basis for serotyping. Rickettsiae multiply in
endothelial cells of small blood vessels and produce
vasculitis characterized by lymphocytes that
surround the blood vessels. Vascular lesions are
prominent in the skin, but vasculitis occurs in many
organs and appears to be the basis of hemostatic
disturbances. Disseminated intravascular coagulation
and vascular occlusion may develop. In the brain,
aggregations of lymphocytes, polymorphonuclear
leukocytes, and macrophages are associated with
the blood vessels of the gray matter; these are called
“typhus nodules.”
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80.C.trachomatis are responsible of this clinical
A. Neonatal pneumonia
B. Ornithosis
C. Lymphogranuloma venereum
D. Inclusion conjunctivitis
Source:Jawetz, Melnick & Adelberg's Medical
Microbiology, 28th Edition
Answer: Ornithosis
Diseased produced → Trachoma → Inclusion
Conjunctivitis → Lymphogranuloma Venerum
(LGV) → Neonatal Pneumonia
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
81. Dienes stain is used for the visualization of which Answer: Mycoplasma
of the following organism?
A. Rickettsia
B. Mycoplasma
C. Chlamydia
D. All mentioned
82.The infectious form of Chlamydia?
A. Reticulate body
B. Elementary body
C. Both
D. None mentioned
83. "Fried egg colony" with beta-hemolysis grow on
PPLO medium is characteristic of this organism?
A. R. rickettsil
B. C. trachomatis
C. M. pneumoniae
D. None mentioned
Answer: Elementary body
Answer: None mentioned
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Source: Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
84. Cold agglutination test is used to diagnose which Answer: Primary atypical pneumonia
of the following condition?
A. Primary atypical pneumonia
B. Psittacosis
D. Q fever
85.Levinthal.Colle-Lillie body is inclusion body
diagnostic of?
B Eaton disease
C.Inclusion conjunctivitis
D. Psittacosis
86. This bacteria do not contain energy yielding
enzyme (ATP)?
A. Chlamydia
B. Mycoplasma
C. Rickettsta
D. All mentioned
87.Bacteria with a leaking cell wall
A. Mycoplasma
B. Rickettsia
C. Chlamydia
D. None mentioned
88 Esthiomene is a late manifestation of?
A. Non -gonococcal urethritis
b. Trachoma
C. Rickettsiosis
E. Lymphogranuloma venereum
Source: Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
Answer: Psittacosis
Source: Source:Source:
Intermediate Organisms
Answer: Chlamydia
Source:Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
Answer: Rickettsia
Source:Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
Answer: Lymphogranuloma venereum
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89.Serologic laboratory procedure
Primary atypical pneumonia?
A. Cold agglutination test
B. Complement fixation test
C. Polymerase chain reaction
D. Machiavelo staining
Source:Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
to diagnose Answer:Complement fixation test
90.Rickettsial disease not producing skin rashes?
A. Scrub typhus
B. Q fever
C. Rickettsial pox
D. Trench fever
Source:Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
Answer:Q fever
Source:Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
91.Drug of choice for the treatment of Rickettsial Answer:Tetracycline
A. Tetracycline
B. Penicillin
C. Erythromycin
Source:Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
D. None mentioned
92. Trench fever is transmitted by?
A. Chigger mite
B. Body louse
C. Flea bite
D. Bite of tick
Answer: Body louse
Source:Microbiology Trans - Intermediate Organisms
93. The following Rickettsial infection are caused by Answer: Rickettsial pox
tick bite, Except?
A. Rocky Mountain Spotted fever
B. African tick typhus
C. Both A & B
D. Rickettsial pox
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
94. Walking pneumonia is transmitted by the Answer: Droplet infection
A. Droplet infection
B. Sexual contact
C. Contaminated food
D. Direct contact with skin
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
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95. Confirmatory test for the detection of Chlamydia Answer: Immunoflourescent antibody test
A. Complement fixation test
B. Direct microscopic examination
C. Immunoflourescent antibody test
D. All of the above
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
96. Considered to be the smallest and simplest Answer: Mycoplasma
prokaryote capable of self-replication?
A. Rickettsia
B. Chlamydia
C. Mycoplasma
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
D. All mentioned
97. Which of the following Chlamydial diseases Answer: Trachoma
primarily involves the eye and the genital tract?
A. Lymphogranuloma venereum
B. Trachoma
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
C. Inclusion conjunctivitis
D. Chlamydial pneumoniae
E. Band C only
98. Which of this Rickettsial specie is also called Answer: R.rickettsii
"Double-named" rickettsia?
A. R.rickettsii
B. R.akari
C. C.burnetti
D. R. Quintana
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
99.All are true of Elementary body,Except?
Answer: Metabolically active form
A. Capable of extracellular survival
B. Metabolically active form
C. Outer membrane rigid
D. Infectious form
100.Unique property of Mycoplasma?
A. Non-motile
B. Obligate intacellular
C. Cellwalless
D. Arthropodborne
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
Answer: Cellwalless
Source: MICRO Trans- Intermediates Dr. Diaz
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