Uploaded by Garvit Sharma

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We want to explore new ways of
facilitating learning that move
beyond traditional one to many
course structures?
There are many new and innovative ways of facilitating learning that move beyond traditional oneto-many course structures. Here are a few ideas:
Collaborative learning
involves students working
together in small groups
to solve problems,
discuss ideas, and create
new knowledge. This can
be facilitated through
group projects, peer-topeer teaching, or online
Flipped classroom involves
students learning content at
home through pre-recorded
lectures or online resources,
and then coming to class to
engage in discussion and
problem-solving activities.
This approach puts more
emphasis on studentcentered learning, as
students take more
responsibility for their own
Gamification involves
using game elements,
such as points,
badges, and
leaderboards, to
motivate and engage
students in the learning
process. This can
make learning more fun
and engaging, and can
Microlearning involves
breaking learning into
small, bite-sized chunks
that can be completed in a
short amount of time. This
can be done through short
videos, quizzes, or
interactive activities, and
can help students learn
more efficiently and
To create an innovative
learning experience that
leverages your active and
engaging community to
promote social learning,
consider the following steps:
1.Identify your
community's interests
and passions
Conduct surveys, social
media polls, or focus
groups to identify the
areas of interest and
passions of your
community members.
This will help you tailor
the learning experience to
2.Create a social
learning platform
Develop a platform that
allows community members to
connect, collaborate, and
share their knowledge and
experiences with each other.
This platform can include
discussion forums, blogs,
video tutorials, and other
resources that promote social
3.Offer personalized
learning paths
Provide personalized
learning paths that are
tailored to each individual's
interests and learning style.
Use data analytics and
artificial intelligence to
recommend courses,
resources, and activities
based on each person's