Bite-sized Learning - also known as Microlearning, or breaking down information into manageable chunks, is a method that reduces the duration of long, uninterrupted sessions for students. Bite-sized learning modules are short, 1- 15 minutes, centered on one learning objective at a time. These modules, such as videos, text, or podcasts, are particularly useful for online learning. They allow students to make connections between modules, allowing them to revisit them in any order. Microlearning is a teaching strategy that utilizes small, well-planned units or activities in the form of short segments of content combined with micro activities. It is also known as bite-sized learning. Research on microlearning indicates its various benefits. Bite-sized learning helps maintain focus and engagement, adapting to the increasing understanding of the human brain's physiology. This method is not 'dumbing down' but adapting to the alternating cycles of attention and distraction, especially in today's technology-driven world. When creating micro activities, always remember keep it FSS: ● ● ● Keep it focused: Each micro activity should focus on a single learning goal, with a specific desired result in mind. Keep it small: Content should be broken down into smaller units containing micro activities that can be followed by short comprehension checks or low-stakes quizzes. Keep it short: Micro activities should be brief, allowing learners to complete them in less than 5 minutes on their own or 10 minutes for group activities, allowing instructors to focus on essential information. Examples of short micro activities: When implementing microlearning, it is important to engage students with a variety of short micro activities. Some examples of micro activities include 1. Introduction to a new concept (5 minutes) 2. Think-Pair-Share (5 minutes for thinking and pairing, and 5 minutes for sharing) 3. Jigsaw (5 minutes for individual reading, 5 minutes for group discussion, and 10 minutes for explaining to other groups) 4. Mini-lecture or watching a video (5 minutes) Benefits of bite sized learning 1. Offers flexibility for mobile learning - Bite sized learning offers flexibility for learners to be educated at any time and in any place – they don't need to take a chunk out of their day to commute or block off a significant period of time. 2. Improves engagement - The concept of bite sized learning also allows students to better understand the information that is presented, instead of thoughtlessly absorbing an overwhelming amount of knowledge. 3. Caters to the working memory - The psychological method of 'chunking' information allows people to take smaller bits of material and combine them into more meaningful – and therefore more memorable – holes. 4. Increase in productivity - Bite-sized learning enables learners to quickly access relevant material and take immediate action on their issues, thereby enhancing their productivity. 5. Benefits modern learners - Mobile learning combined with bite sized learning provides individuals with the freedom to skip lengthy lectures and retain short information at their convenience. 03/29/bite-sized-learning-small-short -and-focused/ Bite-sized learning: definition and benefits. (2023, May 29). Acer for Education. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from ucation-trends/what-bite-sized-learni ng-is-and-how-it-can-improve-attenti on-span/ Burton, C. (2022, August 9). Bite Sized Learning: A New Strategy For Teaching (How It Works & Tips). Thinkific. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from zed-learning/ Cohen, D. (n.d.). The Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Develop, Manage & References Barber, E. (2017, March 29). Bite-sized Learning: Small, Short and Focused – EDVICE EXCHANGE. Wordpress + Temple. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from Deploy Bite Sized-Learning. Shift eLearning. Retrieved August 28, 2023, from bid/342367/the-age-of-bite-sized-lea rning-what-is-it-and-why-it-works