ACADEMIC LECTURE QUẢN TRỊ THƯƠNG HIỆU STRATEGIC BRAND MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW L e c t . N G Ô B Ì N H G E N E R A L O B J E C T I V E S Preparing an excellent way to become more comfortable with higher/further profeesional Brand management learning Showing the method s to design and implement marketing programs & activities to build, measure, & manage brand equity. 5 Brand Plan Guidelines 2 Application 3 Strategic BM Approach Practical Applications 4 Apply appropriate theories, concepts and models to generate effective brand building process. Demonstrating how to grow & sustain brands over time & geographic boundaires & market segments N H 1 Concepts B I Further Learning 6 Applying the concepts & ideas presented to any of the more detailed branding strategies & evaluating a real-life brand. N G O Providing a comprehensive and up-to-date treatment of the subjects of brands, brand equity, & strategic brand management L E A R N I N G O U T C O M E S Preparing a profound brand management knowledge to be potential brand builders‟ professionally Professionals 6 1 Theory 2 Key Knowledge Practical Applications 4 Analyzing a given firm‟s past market programs to build a particular brand, & recommendations to the firm Build long-term branding strategies for businesses in accordance with other courses and knowledge. N H 3 Analytic Skils B I Grasing the steps to build a strong brand according to the brand resonance model 5 Attitude Designing, building, measuring and managing a brand over time and space N G O Understanding and explaining the three models in brand planning (BPS, CBBE/BR, BVC). [6] Integrating Marketing Communications to Build BE. [7] Leveraging Secondary Brand Associations to Build BE. [8] Mid-term Test [3] Brand Resonance and the Brand Value Chain [4] Choosing Brand Elements to Build Brand Equity (BE.) [5] Designing Marketing Programs to Build B/E. Customer-Based Brand Equity and Brand Positioning [2] [1] Brand & Brand Management SBM [ 13 - 15] Group‟s Project Full Report & Presentation [9] Developing a BE Measurement & Management System [10] Capturing Market Performance N G O B I N H [10] Measuring Sources of BE: Capturing Customer Mind-Set [12] [11] Introducing and Naming New Designing & Implementing Products and Brand Extensions Branding Architecture (self-teaching) Strategies [ 9 – 12 ] Group’s Project (Partial Presentation) C O U R S E S U B J E C T T I M E T A B L E C O U R S E A S S E S S M E N T & E VA L U AT I O N • Individual Examination Paper (as Academic Admin. Faculty’s Requirement) 2 Contribution [ 10% ] 3 Presentation [ 15% ] 5 Project Presentation [ 15% ] Assignemnts [ 10% ] 4 • Individual Excercise • Mid-term test (Dailly, Weekly, & etc) • Chapter’s content Group Presentation (Weekly pre-assigned & delegated by lecturer) N H • Min. 10 times / Individuals • Qs/As, Role play • Commenting, Discussing, Debating, Proposals & etc • Full Group Project’s Proposals & Presentation (Week 13-15) B I 1 Participation [ Regulated] * Final Exam [ 50% ] 6 N G O > 80% Attendance Weekly checking report A S S I G N M E N T & T E S T I N G F O R M S Group Work Written Report (3500 - 5000 words) Oral Presentation (Week No. 13-15) 3 Full Group „s Project 1 Quizzes 2 Mid term Test B I N H Individuals, Closed Book, 90 minutes 01 time/total course T/F, Matching/ MCQs/ Short Q/As Case study Solution N G O Pair-work, Open Book,30 minutes 03 times/total course T/F, Matching Forms MCQs T E X T B O O K & T E A C H I N G A I D S Senimar/Workshop/Guest Speakers or Field trip as delegated by Academic Admind. Faculty (if any) Kapferer, Jean-Noël, “The New Strategic Brand Management”, Kogan Page, 2012 Case study & Best Practice 4 3 Articles 10 Scientific Articles provided by Lecturer thr. Chapter s‟content requested (Group work) 07 Mini case study & 03 Brand Plan Proposal Sample for references or in class debate N H Aaker, David, “Building Strong Brands”, Free Press, 1995 2 Readings 5 Software B I 1 Text Book Scientific Seminar 6 Mlearning, Turnitin Powerpoint/Excel/Word SPSS version 20 or over Others N G O Keller, Kevin Lane., “Strategic Brand Management”: 4th Edition, Pearson, 2013 N G O B I N H THANK YOU FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION !