Sequence of Actionable Ritual Steps (acronym omitted on purpose) Please insert the one-sentence instructions in chronological order, keeping the sentences brief but comprehensive (who will be doing what for how long, if relevant). The primary purpose of this document is to synthesize all the steps we agreed upon during class time yesterday (05/03) into one continuous sequence. You will not need to wait for the production liaison of the previous team to enter their steps, as the numbering will be shifted down automatically. Feel free to change existing steps, but comment as to why you did so. Note: The Zoom-specific instructions are labeled by a letter, not a number. The ritual starts here and the room will be set up in concentric circles, with a large and visible message instructing the participants to go outside (written on the blackboard). Beginning - Room is being set up by production as the rest of the class goes through steps 1 and 2. 1. Enter the classroom, place your backpack on the sides of the room, and grab any shirt from the table. a. If joining virtually, skip to step 5. 2. Go outside the classroom, directly on the other side of the window panes. 3. Shirts are not numbered and randomly sized, so everyone will pick a partner to talk to. 4. Each talk is about 90 seconds, and both the conversation participants should trade shirts with each other once they finish their conversation. 5. Your first conversation should be about what you liked and disliked about the class, and the second about what new meaning you have found in anthropology over the course of this semester. a. (If joining virtually) This is also the time for the Zoom participants to get to know each other, as this might be the last time you take the same class. 6. Iterate over step 4 as long as needed for everyone to get their properly-sized shirt, but keep the duration of each conversation shorter. 7. Put the shirt around your neck, no need to wear it just yet. Middle - room is set up in concentric circles and artifacts (printed) are taped facing inwards <oh we need tape> 1. Re-enter room with your shirt and grabs their artifact off the window 2. Sit across from your partner in the circle (production will set up chairs) a. (If joining virtually) join a random breakout room that has 0 or 1 current occupants. The following steps (3-4) apply to you as well. 3. (Arbri will be timing the 5 minute intervals) Begin the first 5-minute conversation with your partner where each of you discuss your artifact and why it is important to you. Consider the following prompts and questions: 4. Move over one seat to your right and begin a new 5-minute conversation about what aspect of your life this artifact is from and why that aspect of your life is important to you? For example, if you brought a keychain, why are keychains important to you and what do they say about you? 5. Move over one seat to your right again and begin a new 5-minute conversation about what artifacts mean in anthropology and how they relate to culture? How were they brought up in DoE and why were they important? a. (If joining virtually) Switch to the next breakout room. 6. At the end of the last conversation, everyone takes a piece of tape and tape their artifacts (1: childhood memories, 2: relatives, 3: superstition and religion, 4: other/misc.) on the window that they most agree their artifact represents, then goes outside. 7. Once outside, grab the pizza and salad with your corresponding number from the artifact or sit down with the group that has the correct number of your food 8. Once everyone is seated, groups will work together to make sure that everyone gets two slices of pizza. The groups will not initially have equal numbers of pizza boxes so that we can promote redistribution of wealth and community. 9. Once everyone has two slices of pizza, people can start eating (nobody can eat until everyone is ready). As individuals eat, they can disperse and take a gallery walk of the artifacts. 10. Once time is up, production will set up for the end portion (steps 1-6 should take about 20 minutes, steps 7-10 should take about 20 minutes, leaving approx 5 mins for transitions). End - room is set up in concentric circles, with enough space in the middle to fit Professor Jones 1. Everybody goes back into the classroom where an orange towel is set in the middle of the circles of chairs 2. Professor Jones lays down on the towel 3. Jay plays music in the background 4. One by one, people place their books or physical representations of them if they have electronic versions 5. Once everyone has done step 4, the rest of the ritual up until the end is a secret This concludes the ritual. Thank you for your participation and contribution.