Chase, G. 1951 - LAKE NONA HIGH Nicolle Amber Campbell, Principal Report Card (2022-2023) Jada S Molette Student ID: 4804153551 Grade: 11th Grade Birthdate: 9/28/2005 Counselor: Williams, Stephanie 1st 9 Weeks Period/ Term Course/Teacher P1 S1 P2 S1 P3 S1 P4 FY P5 FY P6 FY P7 FY Introduction to Medical Assisting Duarte, Y Introduction to Medical Assisting Duarte, Y Introduction to Medical Assisting Duarte, Y Theatre 1 Chase, G Advanced Placement United States History Rach, W Leadership Strategies Honors Harriss, J English Honors 3 McCreery, C 2nd 9 Weeks Sem 1 To schedule a conference, please call the school at (407) 956-8300 3rd 9 Weeks 4th 9 Weeks Sem 2 Final Grade Cond Abs Grade Cond Abs Exm Grade Grade Cond Abs Grade Cond Abs Exm Grade Conf 87/B 0 81/B 0 B 97/A 0 88/B 0 A 97/A 0 88/B 0 A 96/A 3 93/A 8 95 90/A 2 91/A 3 91 96/A 0 96/A 1 96 97/A 0 90/A 3 94 Un-weighted Cumulative GPA: (Based on final grades for all High School courses completed.) 3.375 Weighted Cumulative GPA: (Based on final grades for all High School courses completed.) 4.225 The grade point average calculated for the purpose of the Florida Bright Futures Scholarship Program may differ from the grade point average above. If there is an asterisk present in the conference column, it is the parent's responsibility to call the Guidance Office to set up an appointment with the teacher. Term FY - Full Year S1 - Semester 1 S2 - Semester 2 Grading Scale A 90-110% - 4 points B 80-89% - 3 points C 70-79% - 2 points D 60-69% - 1 point F 59 and below - 0 points Conduct 1 - Satisfactory 2 - Needs Improvement 3 - Unsatisfactory Grade Level Performance Jada's most recent FSA Performance Met 10th Grade FSA ELA = Y Algebra I EOC = Y If no information is listed, please call the school Guidance Office for information on performance. Attendance Information: Jada has: Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Total Absence (as printed on the report above) represents total days absent from each class as reported by the instructor. Excused Daily Abs 0 0 0 Daily attendance to the right represents total days absent from school for the year. A student shall be deemed to be Unexcused Daily Abs 0 0 0 in attendance if actually present for at least one-half of the student's instructional day. If your child has more than 15 unexcused daily absences, it is unacceptable. He/she is considered to be truant and may be reported to the Tardies 0 0 0 Department of Juvenile Justice. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS GPA: Students must earn a 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in order to graduate. TESTING: Students must earn a passing or concordant score on the grade 10 Florida Standards Assessment - ELA Test (FSA) and Algebra I EOC to graduate. If you are interested in reviewing your student's high school academic history, contact the student's guidance counselor. SPECIAL NOTICE TO PARENTS "Failure to receive a standard diploma may have significant impact on a student's future including being eligible for enrollment and financial assistance at post-secondary education institutions." Printed on January 06, 2023