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Junior High to Senior High Transition: A Phenomenological Study

A Research Proposal
Presented To
The faculty of
Maryknoll School of
Maniki, Inc.
Kapalong, Davao del Norte
Presented by:
The conduct of the studies in schools which identifies challenges that
present in education bears positive impact towards of the transition of the junior high
school students.
Related studies on the lived experiences of students about their transitions
from Junior High School have already been conducted in some places outside the
Philippines. However, based on the researchers’ initial review of related literature, they
have found that no study has been conducted yet on the topic present both in national
and local settings. In fact, there are only a few studies that focus on the lived
experiences of students in general, not specifically on Senior High School Students
(Zhengchu 2018).
Using a phenomenological research approach, two groups of eighth and 11thgrade students were interviewed in the Zarqa Province of Jordan regarding their
perceptions of social studies. A total of 48 students were selected to participate in this
qualitative study. The research revealed that the students in both middle school and
high school valued social studies, while at the same time they did not rate social
studies as their favorite courses. Students indicated that many teachers continued to
depend on textbooks and lectures as the main tool for teaching. In addition, students
put a high value on teacher enthusiasm and interactive learning. Generally, students
were not as negative toward social studies as indicated by previous research studies
in the United States.
Familiarizing each generation with a system of beliefs and values pertaining to all
cultures provides students with concrete information to help them develop a sound
aware-ness of the world. In our educational system, the social studies curriculum is
one of the most influential ways in which we attempt to achieve the goal of exploring
these central values with our children (John J Chiodo 2018).
Further, as a researcher, I have also encountered difficulties when prompted
with the task of doing research and I have observed that teachers in our school fear
the idea of doing research considering various factors that may hinder the completion
of the undertaking.
With reference to the preceding paragraphs, there is a need to address
concerns of teachers when tasked to carry out active research. Few studies had
already been conducted regarding the phenomenon but not much had been carried
out to saturate general idea to weave the challenges by teachers. There is a study
conducted by Chow, et. al (2015) but it was contextualized in America, and the same
study by Macaranga, et a. (2019) and Ullah (2018) but it was situated outside the
locality and elicited different context of the phenomenon. Therefore, the researcher
desired to conduct study on the challenges of students lived experiences of transition
of junior high school students’ development.
The purpose of this phenomenological study is to examine and
describe the different experiences of the students regarding the transition from
Junior High School to Senior High School. Therefore, the researchers want to
know and explore the live experiences of the students on the transition from
Junior High to Senior High and how they cope with being exposed to the
transition from Junior High to Senior High. Also, the researchers wanted to
know the insights of the students on transition from Junior High to Senior
High. As a result, this research hopes to provide the answers needed for this
endeavor that can become a basis for future research and thus be utilized
and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.
In detail, this qualitative study aims to answer these questions:
1. What are the students' lived experiences on dealing with the transition from Junior
High School to Senior High School?
2. How do students adjust to being imposed with the transition from the two distinct
levels in High School?
3. What are the insights of students about the transition from Junior High to Senior
High School?
This qualitative study, phenomenological in approach, provides additional
reference and point of you that may be significant to individuals, authorities and
organization Interested in gaining awareness on the experiences of students of lived
experiences of transition of junior high student’s phenomenological study, how they
scope with These challenges and what insights they there could give to others. The
knowledge gained in this undertaking would be beneficial.
To Students/Learners, in particular, the students of Maryknoll school of Maniki Inc.
well be expressed their thoughts about the students lived Experiences of transition of
junior high school student’s phenomenological study Hence, students may answer
them experiences and challenges that they Encounter during the transition of the junior
high school students.
To Teachers, that they may pursue the conduct of such undertaking for the Betterment
of their performance in the academe; and that they can further their Pedagogical
practices and professional growth; and
To Parent, to play a more significant role in the learning and development of their
child than they have done traditionally because most education is now taking place in
the home environment instead of the school campus, without the physical presence of
To future and other researchers, that they can utilize findings in this Scholarly work
as a reference of future endeavors, especially to relative studies.
It will be important to define essential technical terminologies frequently Used in this
study. Moreover, this portion provides the definitions to acquaint the Readers with the
concepts of the inquiry.
EXPERIENCES- Experience is often understood as a conscious event in the widest
sense. This includes various types of experiences, such as perception, bodily
awareness, memory, imagination, emotion, desire, action and thought. It usually
refers to the experience a particular individual has, but it can also take the meaning
of the experience had by a group of individuals, for example, of a nation, of a social
class or during a particular historical epoch. Phenomenology is the discipline that
studies the subjective structures of experience, what it is like from the first-person
perspective to experience different conscious events refers to conscious events in
general, more specifically to perceptions, or to the practical knowledge and familiarity
that is produced by this conscious process. Understood as a conscious event in the
widest sense, experiences involve as subject to which various items are presented.
This experiences are based on the capacities and readiness of the learners,
the quality of the experience is the primary component of the theory. Upon
completion of the experience, learners have the knowledge and ability to apply
it to differing situations When someone has an experience, they are presented with
various items. These items may belong to diverse ontological categories
corresponding e.g. to objects, properties, relations or events ( Rick Yagodich 2018).
TRANSITION- Transitions help us move smoothly between activities in order to stay
focused and engaged with each task. They also allow for some downtime so that we
can process information better later on. And finally, transitions give us opportunities to
reinforce concepts and skills that were covered earlier in the session are used to link
together different ideas in your text. They help the reader to follow your arguments by
expressing the relationships between different sentences or parts of a sentence. And
it can be understood as the internal process in the mind the takes place when
students undergo changes and pass from the familiar to the unknown, responding to
cultural, social and cognitive challenges (Jack Caulfield 2020).