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Hydraulic Turbine Performance Test: Kaplan Turbine Lab

Fluid Machinery Lab
MCE 4362
Experiment no 2:
Study and Performance Test of a Hydraulic
Reaction Turbine
Lecturer: Muhammad awais
To draw overall efficiency (η0 ) vs Flowrate (Q) curve as
well as overall efficiency (η0 ) vs Head (H) curve.
ii) To draw mechanical efficiency (η𝑚 ) vs Flowrate (Q) curve
as well as mechanical efficiency (η𝑚 ) vs Head (H) curve.
Kaplan Turbine Unit.
Kaplan Turbine Unit Runner.
In a hydraulic turbine, water is used as the source of
energy. Water or hydraulic turbines convert kinetic and
potential energies of the water into mechanical power.
The main types of hydraulic turbines are:
• Impulse Turbine
• Reaction turbine
The predominant type of impulse turbine is the Pelton wheel,
which is suitable for a range of heads of about 150–2,000 m.
The reaction turbine is further subdivided into the Francis type,
which is characterized by a radial flow impeller, and the Kaplan
or propeller type, which is an axial-flow machine.
Francis Turbines are the most preferred hydraulic turbines for
commercial production of electricity mainly because they work
efficiently under a wide range of operating conditions (Head: 45400m, Flowrate: 10-700 m3 / s ).
Kaplan turbines are suitable for power extraction when water
energy is available at Low Head (2-25m) and High Flowrate (70800 m3/ s).
The basic and main difference between impulse and reaction
turbine is that there is pressure change in the fluid as it passes
through runner of reaction turbine while in impulse turbine
there is no pressure change in the runner.
In the impulse turbine, first, all pressure energy of water is
converted into the kinetic energy through a nozzle and a highspeed jet of water is generated. This water jet strikes the blade of
turbine and rotates it.
In the reaction turbine there is pressure change of water
when it passes through the rotor of turbine. So, it uses
kinetic energy as well as pressure energy to rotate the
turbine. Due to this, it is known as reaction turbine.
The Kaplan Turbine is an inward flow reaction turbine which means
that the working fluid changes pressure as it moves through the
turbine and gives up its energy. Water enters into and leaves the turbine
runner in axial direction (that’s why it is called axial flow turbine).
Water enters into the turbine through a scroll-shaped casing that
wraps around the turbine’s inlet guide vanes. Water is directed
tangentially through the guide vanes and spirals on to a
propeller shaped runner, causing it to rotate.
It constitutes a closed passage whose cross-sectional area gradually decreases along
the flow direction, area is maximum at the inlet and negligible at the exit.
Guide Vanes are present between scroll casing and
runner. This is the gate that guides water from scroll
casing to runner.
The motion to these vanes is given either manually
by mean directing the water on to the runner at an
angle appropriate to the designs of a hand wheel or
automatically by a governor.
The outlet is a specially shaped Draft Tube that helps to
decelerate the water. Reduction of exiting water velocity
facilitates pressure increment and thus minimizes the
possibility of Cavitation.
• When the pressure of the water at the exit of the runner is lower than the
atmosphere pressure then the cavitation phenomenon occurs.
• Cavitation: Cavitation is the formation and collapsing of cavities or bubbles in a liquid mostly
developed in the areas which have relatively low pressure around the pump impeller.
The draft tube is channel that connects runner exit
to tail race from which water is discharged from the
Its main function is to reduce the velocity of water
discharged to minimize the loss of kinetic energy at
the outlet.
Cavitation is the formation and collapsing of cavities or bubbles in a liquid mostly
developed in the areas which have relatively low pressure around the pump
It is a gradually expanding tube which discharges water, passing through the runner,
to the tailrace.
Kaplan Turbines are widely used throughout the world for
electrical power production. They cover the lowest head hydro
sites and are especially suited for high flow conditions.
Large Kaplan Turbines are individually designed for each site to
operate at the highest possible efficiency, typically over 90%.
They are very expensive to design, manufacture and install but
operate efficiently for decades.
General layout of hydro power plant using a reaction turbine
In the experimental setup, the “Flow Rate Q” of water can
be estimated from the “differential height reading of the
manometric fluid (mercury), Δh ” by using the following
empirical formula,
The water head H, developed artificially by the pump at the
turbine inlet can be calculated with the help of a differential
pressure gage. The pressure gage measures the pressure
difference which is developed across the pump. The gage reading
ΔP and water head H are related by the following expression:
The water head H, developed artificially by the pump at the
turbine inlet can be calculated with the help of a differential
pressure gage. The pressure gage measures the pressure
difference which is developed across the pump. The gage reading
ΔP and water head H are related by the following expression:
This power is the result at the turbine shaft that means the rotational
power of the shaft.
This output power of the turbine is the mechanical power. Mechanical
power is measured by measuring the torque (T) created in the shaft as
well as its rotational speed ( n ) simultaneously.
The torque developed (T) at the turbine shaft can be measured by
applying an external torque equivalent to this torque.
To apply this external torque a weight (W) is loaded at a perpendicular
distance (r) from the shaft center.
(i) Draw a simple 2D figure of Kaplan Turbine Identifying its
salient parts.
(ii) What will happen if we use Kaplan Turbine for high water
head applications?
(iii) What is most likely to happen to a Kaplan Turbine without
having any Draft Tube if we use it in commercial Hydropower
(iv) Consider two Kaplan Turbines: one has GV (guide vanes) at
its inlet and the other hasn’t. Do you think there will be any
difference between their performances? Explain your points.
(v) How the geometrical features of the runner blade of Kaplan
Turbine make it possible to convert Hydropower/Waterpower
into rotational shaft power?
(vi) Why is it necessary to twist the runner blade along its
(vii) What would be the consequences of using a casing
designed with a constant cross-sectional area, in the
direction of the flow rather than spiral casing?
(viii) Write short note on Cavitation.
(ix) What is the basic difference between Kaplan Turbine
and Propeller Turbine?
(x) Define specific speed of a turbine. What is the significance of it? How do you
categorize Kaplan Turbine based on its specific speed?
(xi) Consider 5 Hydro-electric power stations ‘A’; ‘B’; ‘C’; ‘D’ and ‘E’. ‘A’ has been
designed to operate with a head of 390m and a discharge rate of 503/ whereas ‘B’
has an operational head and discharge rate of 10m and 793/ respectively. Plant
‘C’ is a Tidal power plant in a lake in South Korea. Plant ‘D’ is operating at the
estuary of a river in France and plant ‘E’ is located at the base of one of the tallest
mountains in Switzerland. List the plants which will be most suitable for installing a
Kaplan turbine?
(xii) What is Reaction Pressure?