Uploaded by Melissa Brioso

English Lesson Plan: Animals for 4th Grade

School: Escuela Inicial y Primaria Cruz Grande Class Level: 4th grade of Primary School Date: March 31st, 2022
Subject: English
Section: A
Time: 45 minutes
Topic: The animals
Basic Competence(s): Communicative Competence ✓ Creative and Critical Thinking Competence ✓
Instrument of evaluation: Checklist
Instrument of auto evaluation: Exit ticket
Typed of evaluation applied: Formative
Teacher: Melissa Brioso
Purpose of the Lesson:
The teacher greets, pass the list, gives the name of the topic. Then, in order to gather the background knowledge
necessary to teach this lesson, the teacher initiates a brief conversation with the students as follows: I went to the Zoo
over the weekend, what animals do you think I saw? have you ever been to the zoo? what animals have you seen? what
is your favorite animal? do you have any pets?
b. Using animal cards, the teacher introduces the topic by presenting the names of the animals to the students. Students
should repeat after the teacher when he/she says the names of the animals aloud.
c. After you have practiced enough, it's time to play a fun animal pictionary game for further practice.
a. In this game to practice animal vocabulary, one student will draw an animal on the board while the others guess
what it is.
Before playing this game, the teacher teaches the students to ask and answer the question "Is that a (dog)?".
b. When students have had enough practice, one student will come forward to draw an animal with the help of one
of the animal cards. While the student is drawing, the other students will count together from 10 to 0.
After 10 seconds, a student will try to guess which animal it is. To do this, the students should ask "Is that a (lion)?",
and the student in front should answer "Yes, it is" or "No, it isn't". The student who guesses correctly moves to the front
and draws the next animal.
To end the lesson, the teacher conducts an activity to review the key words and expressions and check students'
To carry out the activity, students should line up in the middle of the classroom. Using the animal cards, the teacher will
take one without showing it to the students.
Next, the teacher asks the students to try to guess one by one which animal card the teacher is holding using the key
expression "Is that a (tiger)?".
Each student will have 3 tries and, if they get it right, they can sit down. If they get it wrong, they must go to the end of.
Instrument of evaluation
Student’s name
Listening production checklist
Recognize the Is able to ask Pay attention to Can answer
Respects the Show interest in
name of the
the teacher's questions using
time of
participating in
about animals explanations. "Yes, it is" or participation of the activities.
using this or
"No, it isn't".
his peers
Mathías Franco
Jesús Batista
Chris Carrasco
Jonathan Beltré
Marcos Heredia
Yanibel Ferrer
Nicole Valencia
Ian López
Julio Cuello
Zoila Castillo
Instrument of Auto evaluation
Exit Ticket