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Speaking Exam Questions: Practice for Oral Exams

1) What is your favorite TV programmes?
2) What kind of programmes do you enjoy watcching on TV?
3) Which television programmes are popular in your country at the moment?
4) Do you enjoy watching siituation comedies (sitcoms)? Why/why not?
5) What are you looking for in a friend/friendship?
6) What is important in a friendship?
7) Who is the most important person in your life? Why/why not?
8) What is the most important thing in a job?
9) What is the least important thing in a job?
10) Which one is the most important, big salary, flexible hours?
11) Which job do you prefer?
12) Which one is the most dangerous, courier or rescue worker?
13) Which one is the most dangerous in the World?
14) What is your dream job?
15) What is the most interesting job in the World?
16) What is the perfect job for you?
17) What kind of things do you like to do when you visit a city?
18) Where can you go/what things can you do for free or very cheaply where you live?
19) How do people in Turkey spend their time? What do they do?
20) Do you prefer speaking on the phone or in person?
21) When you visit a new city what kind of things do you like to do?
22) Home-schoooling or going to a normal school which one is better?
23) We learn by doing do you agree? Why/why not?
24) What do you do devalop your English?
25) Do you have aby problems while learning English?
26) What is the most important invention in the World?
27) What do you think is the best way to travel? Why?
28) Would you like to change anything in your life? What would you change? Why?
29) What do yo udu keeo fit and healthy?
30) Which sports are popular in your country? Why?
31) Why do people tell lies about their lives? When might you tell a lie?
32) Would you like to study in another country? Why/why not?
33) Do you usually pay by cash or credit card when you buy things?
34) Do you tip waiters or not?
35) Do you ever lend Money to family or friends? Why/why not?
36) Which three people do you think earn the most Money in your country?
37) Which of your possessions is the worth the most to you?
38) What boring tasks take up your time?
39) Have you ever turned down a good offer?
40) Why do you think so many people give up trying to learn a foreign language?
41) Do you recycle? Why/ why not?
42) Do you usually walk or take the car?
43) Do you think nuclear energy is a good or bad idea?
44) Do you find prices better if you buy online? What kind of things do you buy?
45) What is the most expensive thing you bought recently? Where did you buy?
46) What is the worst memory in your life?