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Science Grade 9 Module: Electronic Structure of Matter

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Regional Office IX, Zamboanga Peninsula
Zest for Progress
eal of
Science Grade 9
Quarter 2 - Module 1
Electronic Structure of Matter
Name of Learner: ___________________________
Grade & Section: ___________________________
Name of School: ___________________________
Electronic Structure of
What I Need to Know
You have learned about the particles of matter and how it could help explain
the properties, physical changes, structure of substances and mixtures when you
were studying Chemistry in Grade 8. You have also learned about the atomic model
of Rutherford’s which describes atom as mostly empty space and its mass is
concentrated in the nucleus where you can find the protons and the neutrons. This
model has worked well during his time but it was only able to explain a few simple
properties of atoms. However, it could not explain other characteristics exhibited by
metals or compounds when exposed to heat. Thus, a model different from
Rutherford’s atomic model is necessary to describe the behavior of atoms. Do you
know other atomic model that could help you understand further why atoms behave
the way they do?
This module will provide you with information and simple activities that will
help you understand how the model of the atom evolved to the Quantum Mechanical
Model of the atom.
After going through this module, you are expected to:
1. Explain how the Quantum Mechanical Model of the atom describes the
energies and positions of the electrons. (No Code)
To explain the structure of an atom, various scientists proposed different
models. In science, models are used as a way to represent what we cannot see. They
help us work with, visualize and understand scientific concepts. However, models
are constantly changing as new technology arises and as continued advancements
are being made.
What’s In
Score: ____/9
Activity 1. Guess who?
Do you still remember the discussions during your grade 8 about atomic
structures? Arrange the jumbled letters to reveal the scientist who created the atomic
model and identify the model of the atom. Write your answers on the space provided
source: https://imgur.com/vkiXfj8
Were you able to arrange the jumbled letters?
What are the atomic models portrayed on the image above?
This time, answer the succeeding activities in order to gain more knowledge
on describing how electrons behave inside the atom.
What’s New
Score: ____/12
Activity 2. Color Reveal Word Scramble
Directions: Look at the picture beside. Isn’t
it a beauty? Have you ever wondered what
is the reason why fireworks emit colors
when heated? But before you answer this
question, unscramble first the word puzzle
below to reveal the color of the principal
elements used in the fireworks. Write your
answers on the space provided then color
the box.
Start here…
Figure 1.
Good job! You revealed the colors of the principal elements used in the
fireworks. You may now proceed to the next activity.
Activity 3. The Chemistry behind Fireworks
Score: ____/5
Directions: Read the text below to find out the chemistry behind fireworks.
Then answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of the correct answer on
the space provided before each number.
The different colors seen in a firework display involves chemistry. The colors
come from the elements and compounds used in fireworks and partly by
incandescence or light produced by different temperatures. Colors are exhibited
when ions emit characteristic wavelengths or colors of light when chemicals are
heated. The process involved is much like the flame test, a method used to identify
a substance by its color in a flame. We can see only those changes that correspond
to a visible wavelength. Because elements have different allowed energy levels, thus
it projects different flame colors.
As stated in the Bohr Model of an atom, electrons exist only at certain allowed
energy levels. Bohr considered the electrons as particles moving around the nucleus
in fixed circular orbits. These orbits are found at definite distances from the nucleus.
The orbits are known as the energy levels, n where n is a whole number 1, 2, 3…and
so forth.
Electrons in each orbit have a definite energy, which increases as the
distance of the orbit from the nucleus increases. As long as the electron stays in its
orbit, there is no absorption or emission of energy. When an electron of an element
absorbed extra energy (from a flame or electric arc), this electron moves to a higher
energy level.
Furthermore, when atoms are heated some of its electrons are “excited” to
higher energy levels. Once excited, the atom is unstable. The same electron can
return to any of the lower energy levels releasing energy in the form of light with a
particular color and a definite energy or wavelength. This is what is happening at
the atomic level of fireworks. When an electron drops from one level to a lower energy
level, it emits a quantum of energy.
The colors given off by the vapors of elements can be analyzed with an
instrument called spectroscope. The wavelength (color) of the light depends on the
difference in the two energy levels.
Key Content Questions:
______1. Why do the fireworks give off colors when heated?
A. Electrons jump to an outer energy level when they absorb energy and when
they fall back down, they release a photon of light
B. Electrons jump to an inner energy level when they release energy and when
they return to a lower energy level, they absorb a photon of light
______2. What occurs when an electron moves from high energy level to a low
A. The atom moves faster
B. Colored light is given off
______3. Which of the atomic model below portrays what is happening inside the
atom when substances are heated?
______4. Which subatomic particle is directly connected to the process of the
flame test or the emission of colors from fireworks?
A. Electron
B. Proton
______5. In ___________model of an atom energy is ___________. That means its
electrons can only have specific amounts of ___________.
A. Bohr, quantized, energy
B. Geiger, immunized, energy
Since you have already learned the chemistry behind the colors seen in a fireworks
display, you can now relate it to how Bohr considered his atomic model by doing the next
Let’s do this!
Activity 4. Analyzing Bohr Model Diagrams
Score: ____/10
Directions: Fill in the blanks beside each Bohr model diagram. The first one has been partially
completed to guide you. Refer to the periodic table of elements for your answers. (figure 6 on
page 11)
(a) number of protons ________
(b) number of shells ________
(c) number of electrons ________
(d) number of valence electrons ______
(e) Bohr model of a nitrogen atom
(a) number of protons ________
(b) number of shells ________
(c) number of electrons ________
(d) number of valence electrons ______
(e) Bohr model of _________________
3. The two elements above are in the same period. What do you notice about the number of
shells for elements belonging to the same period? Circle your answer.
A. All have the same number of valence electrons
B. All have the same number of energy levels
As a result of the Bohr model, electrons are described as occupying fixed energy levels
at a certain distance from the nucleus of an atom.
However, Bohr’s model of the atom was not sufficient to describe atoms with more than
one electron.
The way around the problem with the Bohr’s model is to know the arrangement of
electrons in atoms in terms of the probability of finding an electron in certain locations within
the atom. In the next activity, you will use an analogy to understand the probability of finding
an electron in an atom.
Score: ____/15
Activity 5. Predicting the Probable Location of an Electron
Hey! you need to know this first!
Probability means possibility. It is a measure of the likelihood of an event to
occur. For example, when we toss a coin, either we get Head or Tail. The concept of
probability will be used in this activity to tell the possible location of an electron in an
The formula calculating the area of circle, column (C) in the table below, is 𝐴 =
𝜋𝑟 2 . For example, for circle with a radius of 1cm, the area=3.14 x (1cm)2 =3.14 cm2.
The calculated values in column (D) is the difference of the areas of the two
consecutive circles like for Circle 1&2=28.17-3.14=25.13
Determine the probability of finding a dot in each of the circles by dividing the
number of dots per cm2(column F) by the total number of dots (100). Example:
Percent Probability of Finding Dots=0.1920/100=19.20%
Directions: Perform the activity and describe how it is likely to find the electron in an atom
by probability.
Procedure: First, prepare the following materials, one sheet of short
bond paper or half of a short folder, pencil or colored marker with small
compass, graphing paper, and one-foot ruler
1. On the sheet of paper or folder, draw a dot on the center.
2. Draw 5 concentric circles around the dot so that the radius of each
circle is 1.0 cm, 3 cm, 5 cm, 7cm and 9 cm from the dot.
3. Tape the paper on the floor so that it will not move.
4. Ask someone at home to be your partner for this activity. Stand on the opposite
side of the target from your partner. (Target is the center which represent the
nucleus of an atom). Hold a pencil or marker at chest level above the center of
the circles you have drawn.
5. Drop the pencil or marker so that it will leave 100 dots on the circles drawn on
paper or folder.
6. Count the number of dots in each circle and record that number on the data table.
7. Calculate the number of dots per square centimeter (cm2).
Table 1. Data Table:
Center cm
Area of
Difference of
Areas of the
Circles, cm2
of Dots
in Circle
of Dots
per cm2
of Finding
dots %
Key content questions: Circle the letter of the correct answer.
1. What happens to the number of dots per unit area as the distance of the dots go farther
from the center?
A. As seen from the data, the number of dots remains the same and increases as the
dots go farther from the center
B. Based on the data above, the number of dots increases abruptly and then
decreases as the dots go farther from the center
2. Determine the percent probability of finding a dot in each of the circle drawn on the target
by multiplying no. of dots/cm2 (column D) by the total number of dots (100). For example:
In circle 1 (A)
Percent probability = [No. of dots/cm2]x100
= [0.1920/100]x100= 19.20%
Write your answer on Table 1 data table
3. How many dots are found in the area where there is the highest probability of finding dots?
Answers may vary. Choose the closest value from the data you’ve gathered.
A. 43
B. 44
C. 45
B. 46
4. How are your results similar to the distribution of electrons in an atom? The results
of the activity are similar to the structure of the atom because the probability of finding
an electron(dot)
A. increases abruptly then decreases as it goes farther from the nucleus (target)
B. decreases abruptly then increases as it goes farther from the nucleus (target)
This activity demonstrates what scientists found out: It is not possible to know
the exact position of the electron. So, Bohr’s idea that electrons are found in
definite orbits around the nucleus was rejected. Three physicists led the
development of a better model of the atom. These were Louie de Broglie, Erwin
Schrodinger, and Werner Karl Heisenberg. De Broglie proposed that the
electron (which is thought of as a particle) could also be thought of as a wave.
Schrodinger used this idea to develop a mathematical equation to describe the
hydrogen atom. Heisenberg discovered that for a very small particle like the
electron, its location cannot be exactly known and how it is moving. This is called
the uncertainty principle
Activity 6. A Peek of the Quantum Mechanical Model Score: ____/7
The quantum mechanical model of the atom comes from the mathematical
solution to the Schrodinger equation. The quantum mechanical model views an
electron as a cloud of negative charge having a certain geometrical shape. This model
Figure 2. Average distance of electrons
having high and low energies
Figure 2 shows that the darker an area,
the greater is the probability of finding the
electron in that area. The quantum
mechanical model also gives information
about the energy of the electron. The model
also describes the region of space around the
nucleus as consisting of shells. These shells
are also called principal or main energy levels.
The principal energy levels or shells may have
one or more sublevels. These sublevels are
assigned with letters: s, p, d, f, and g as shown
in Table 2.
shows how likely an electron could be found in various locations around the
nucleus. However, the model does not give any information about how the electron
moves from one position to another.
Table 2. Principal Energy Levels and Sublevels of Electrons
Number of
energy level, n Sublevels
Type of Sublevel and number of orbitals
Maximum number
of electrons
1s (1 orbital)
2s (1 orbital), 2p (3 orbitals)
3s (1 orbital), 3p (3 orbitals)
3d (5 orbitals)
4s (1 orbital), 4p (3 orbitals)
4d (5 orbitals), 4f (7 orbitals)
5s (1 orbital), 5p (3 orbitals)
5d (5 orbitals), 5f (7 orbitals)
5g (9 orbitals)
As shown in Table 2, the principal quantum number always equals the number of
sublevels within that principal energy level. The maximum number of electrons that can
occupy a principal energy level is given by the formula 2n, where n is the principal
quantum number.
Key content questions: Write the letter of your choice on the space provided before
each number.
______1. Based on Table 2, how many types of orbitals are in principal energy
level three (3)?
A. There are two types of orbitals (s, and p) in the principal energy level three.
B. There are three types of orbitals (s, p, and d) in the principal energy level three.
______2. How many atomic orbitals are in the highest sublevel of principal
energy level three (3)?
A. There are five atomic orbitals in the highest sublevel of the principal energy
level three
B. There are seven atomic orbitals in the highest sublevel of the principal energy
level three
______3. How many electrons can the first energy level hold?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 8
D. 0
______4. The quantum number “n” represents:
A. Spin
B. orbital
C. sublevel
D. energy level
______5. How many orbitals are there in a “p” sublevel?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
Figure 3. Shapes of s Orbital and p Orbital
Orbitals have specific energy values. They have particular
shapes and direction in space. The s orbitals are spherical, and p
orbitals are dumbbell-shaped, as shown in Figure 3.
Because of the spherical shape of an s orbital, the
probability of finding an electron at a given distance from the
nucleus in an s orbital does not depend on direction, unlike the
three kinds of p orbitals which are oriented along the x, y, and z
axes. So, their different orientations in space, px, py, and pz.
Key content questions: Write the letter of your choice on the space
provided before each number.
______6. What shape are P Orbitals?
A. Cloverleaf shaped
B. Dumbbell shaped
______7. What shape are S Orbitals?
A. Cloverleaf shaped
C. Hybrid structure
D. Spherical shaped
B. Dumbbell shaped
C. Hybrid structure
D. Spherical shaped
Based on Activity 6, you were able to discover how the model of an atom evolved from
Bhors’ model to the current most acceptable model of an atom.
What is it
In activity 1, you did the activity to recall the development of atomic model that you have
learned when you were in grade 8. You have learned that; Rutherford’s nuclear atomic model
describes the atom as mostly empty space. Its mass is concentrated in the nucleus that consist
of protons and neutrons. However, it could not explain the chemical properties of elements.
In, activity 2, 3 and 4, you were introduced to the concept of energy levels by exposing
you to the chemistry behind fireworks in order to understand the Bohr model of an atom.
What is Bohr Model?
 Bohr model is an atomic model that was proposed by Niels Bohr (in 1915) to explain the
structure of an atom.
 It is considered as a modification of the Rutherford model. This model is more advanced
than Rutherford model which does not describe the movement of electrons along
electron shells around the nucleus.
 Bohr model also explains that these electron shells are located at discrete energy levels.
Concepts in Bohr Model
The electrons move around the nucleus in spherical
orbitals which have a fixed size and energy.
 The energy of an orbital is related to its size.
 The smallest orbit has the lowest energy.
 The atom is completely stable when electrons are at the
lowest energy level.
 Electrons can move from one energy level to another by
absorbing or releasing energy in the form of radiation.
There are few drawbacks in the Bohr model when
Figure 4: Bohr Model
explaining the atomic structure of atoms other than
Hydrogen. Bohr model could not explain Zeeman effect
(effect of magnetic field on the atomic spectrum) or stark effect (effect of electrical field on the
atomic spectrum). This model also cannot explain the line spectra of large atoms. Thus, another
model was introduced to know the arrangement of electrons in atoms in terms of the probability
of finding an electron in certain locations within the atom.
Activity 5, helped you understand how the possible location of the electron can be
determined. Through mathematical calculations, scientists explained that there is only a
probability that the electron can be found in a certain volume in space around the nucleus.
This volume or region of space around the nucleus where the electron is most likely to be found
is called an atomic orbital.
Schrodinger formulated a mathematical equation that describes the behavior of the
electron. The solution to the equation is used to calculate the probability of finding the electron
at a particular region in space around the nucleus.
In activity 6, you were introduced to the most acceptable model of an atom which is the
Quantum Model of an Atom.
What is Quantum Model? Quantum model is an atomic model which is considered as the
modern atomic model to explain the structure of an atom accurately. It can describe the effects
that could not be explained by the Bohr model.
The quantum mechanical model of the atom describes the atom as having a nucleus at
the center around in which the electrons move. This model describes a region in space where
the electron is most likely to be found. An electron is imagined to be a cloud of negative charge
having a certain geometrical shape. The electrons are arranged in principal or main energy
levels that consist of one or more sublevels.
The way in which electrons are distributed in the different orbitals around the nucleus
of an atom is called the electron configuration. Filling of electrons start from lower energy level
to highest energy level.
Do the next activity to show how electrons are distributed in different orbitals.
What’s More
Score: ____/15
Activity 7. Electronic Configuration
Use this table as guide for activity 7.
Table 3. Arrangement of electrons in the atoms of the first 10 elements
Electron Configuration
= element hydrogen with an atomic number of 1.
Atomic number is the number of proton = the number of electron for an atom
Directions: Using the Periodic Table of Elements, write the electron configuration of the
elements in the third period; determine the pattern of filling the orbitals based on the given
distribution for the first 10 elements; and devise rules in filling up the orbitals. Write your
answers on the space provided for.
Figure 6. The Periodic Table of Elements
source: https://images.app.goo.gl/mNAxTNFqUq6gXCYn6
1. Write the electron configurations for the first 4 elements in the third period of the
periodic table. The electron configuration for Na (sodium)is already done for you for your
Electron configuration
1s 2s 2px 2py 2pz 3s 3px 2py 2pz
11 Na
14 Si
2. Compare the electron configurations of the second period (see Table 3) and the third
period element.
Key content questions:
1. Do you see patterns in the distribution of their electrons? Yes or no? ________
2. Check the box if the following patterns are observed from the table above. Check all that
 An orbital has a maximum of two spins
 An orbital in the same sublevel is filled with one spin before pairing.
 Filling the orbitals with electron starts from the lowest energy level to the highest
energy level. (1s 2s 2p 3s 3p 4s 3d 4p 5s 4d 5p…)
 The total number of electrons on the outermost energy level is the same as the group
number in the periodic table of elements.
3. From the table above, which of the following rules were applied in filling up the orbitals
from atomic number 1 to 18? Check all
that applies.
 An electron can be represented by spin
 In filling the orbitals with electron, it should start with the lowest energy level
 An orbital in the same sublevel should be filled with one electron before pairing
 An orbital has a maximum number of two electrons
Based on Activity 7, you were able to write the electron configuration of an element using
the periodic table as a guide. Recall from Grade 8 that the elements are arranged in the periodic
table in the order of increasing atomic number. This also means that the elements are arranged
according to the number of electrons.
Do the next activity to add more to your bank of knowledge about electronic
What I Have Learned
Activity 8. Which Element am I?
Score: ____/6
Directions. Identify the element that corresponds to each of the following electron
configurations. Write the element name and the Element symbols in the appropriate column.
Electron Configuration
1. 1s22s22p63s23p3
2. 1s22s22p63s23p6
3. 1s22s22p63s23p64s1
Element Name
Element Symbol
Way to go! Now that you are already equipped with enough knowledge and
understanding of how the quantum mechanical model of an atom describes the energies and
positions of the electrons, you can now proceed to the next activity.
What I Can Do
Score: ____/25
Activity 9. Sharing is caring…
Directions: Sharing is one way of showing that we care. In this activity, you will use your skill
in letter writing. You are to share what you have learned to a friend or someone dear to you.
You will write a friendly letter with
detailed explanation on how to come up
with an electronic configuration for one
understanding of the concept. You must
include an unworked example and
detailed instructions in your letter. Write
your letter on a short bond paper.
Parts of the letter
You will be graded using the rubric below.
Friendly Letter Rubric
25 Excellent
20 Good
15 Developing
10 Unsatisfactory
Letter Parts
Has heading, date, 
greeting, body, closing,
and signature.
Has five of the six letter
Has four of the six
letter parts.
Has three or fewer letter
Margins are present on
all four sides and text
is visually centered on
top and bottom.
Spacing follows correct
friendly letter format
Neatly written or typed
Margins are present on
all four sides.
Text is not centered. 
Spacing follows correct
friendly letter format.
Neatly written or typed
Margins are present
on all four sides.
Spacing has 1-3 
Unevenly written or
Margins are present on
all four sides.
Spacing has four or
more errors.
Handwriting or typing
interferes with
Excellent punctuation,
spelling, and grammar
with fewer than three
Very good punctuation,
spelling, and grammar
with fewer than five
spelling, and
grammar slightly
distract the reader
and interfere with
There are ten errors
or less.
Punctuation, spelling,
and grammar
significantly distract the
There are more than ten
Message is mostly
Letter is only one 
paragraph in length.
Message is unclear or
Demonstrates a lack of
understanding of the
Message stated is clear,
precise, and shows
insight into task.
Letter is three or more
Letter encourages a
response from the
Message is clear and
understanding of task.
Letter contains only
two paragraphs or does
not encourage a
response from the
Source: http://www.rcsdk12.org/cms/lib04/NY01001156/Centricity/Domain/3732/Friendly_Letter_Rubric.docm
Thank you for sharing your knowledge. Now, you can already answer the post-test to
evaluate how much you have learned from the different activities in this module.
Score: ____/15
Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number.
Which of the following statements is NOT true of the atomic model of
A. The hydrogen is made up of a positively charged nucleus
B. The electron revolves around the nucleus in a circular orbit.
C. The energy of the electron in a given orbit is not fixed.
D. An electron can absorb or emit a quantity of radiation.
According to the quantum mechanical model, the orbitals of an atom
have particular shape and direction in space. Which of the following
orbitals takes the dumbbell shape?
A. s
B. p
C. d
D. f
All orbitals can hold a maximum of how many electrons.
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
What are the orbitals present in the second principal energy level?
s orbital
C. s, p, d orbitals
s, p orbitals
D. s, p, d, and f orbitals
A. 1
B. 3
How many pairs of electrons can a d sublevel hold?
C. 5
D. 7
Which of the following describes the quantum-mechanical model of the
I. It describes an electron probability distribution that determines the
most likely location of an electron.
II. It is the currently accepted atomic model.
III. It makes predictions based on Schrodinger’s wave equation.
D. I, II and III
At a maximum, an f-orbital can hold_____ electrons, a d-orbital can
hold_____ electrons and a p-orbital can hold ________ electrons.
A. 2,8,18
C. 14,8,2
B. 2,12,21
D. 14,10,6
_______8. What is the maximum number of electrons that can occupy energy level
A. 4
B. 8
C. 18
D. 32
_______9. Which of the following designates the sublevels that exist in energy level
A. s, d
B. p,f
C. s, p, d
D. s, p, d, f
_______10. What would be the total number of electrons in the atom if only the first
energy level of an atom is full?
A. 2
B. 10
C. 18
D. 28
A. 1
How many types of orbitals are there in the second shell?
B. 2
C. 4
D. 8
Which one of the following is the correct electron configuration for a
ground-state nitrogen atom?
_______13. Which of the following is the ground state electron configuration of Ru?
A. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d2
B. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6
C. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d6
D. 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d6 4p3 5s2 4d6
_______14. The 3p orbital in the ground state of atomic Argon contains __________
A. 2
B. 6
C. 8
D. 10
_______15. Examine the following electron configuration and choose the correct
location of the element it represents in the periodic table:
1s 2s 2p 3s 3p64s23d104p65s24d5
A. row 7, column 4 (Rf)
C. row 5, column 7 (Tc)
B. row 4, column 7 (Mn)
D. row 5, column 9 (Rh)
Great job!
You have reach this far.
Take time to answer the succeeding pages for a little more exciting activities
to enrich what you have learned from this module.
Additional Activities
Score: ____/10
Activity 10. Spot the NOT
Directions: Shown here are orbital configurations for the elements named.
Each configuration is incorrect in some way. Identify the error in each and
write the correct configuration. Write your answer on the table below.
1. carbon: 1s2 2s2 2px2
2. calcium: 1s22s22px22py 22pz23s23px 23py 23pz23d113d21
3. chlorine: 1s22s22p 22p 22p 23s23p 23p 24s1
4. aluminum: 1s22s22px22py22pz23s23d11
5. titanium: 1s22s22px22py22pz23s23px23py22pz23d123d22
Element name
Error identified
Correct configuration
1s2 2s2 2px12py1
What I Know
1. B
2. A
3. B
4. D
5. C
6. C
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. C
11. D
12. B
13. C
14. B
15. D
What’s in (Activity 1)
*Ernest Rutherford/Nuclear
model an atom
*Joseph John Thomson/
Plum Pudding Model
What’s New (Activity 2)
Cu= Blue
Activity 5.
1) B
3) B
4) A
Activity 6.
1) B
2) A
3) B
4) D
5) C
6) B
7) D
What's More (Activity 7)
1. C
2. B
3. B
4. B
5. D
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. A
11. B
13. C
14. B
15. C
What’s New (Activity 3)
1. A
2. B
3. B
4. A
5. A
Activity 4.
A) 7
E) a nitrogen atom
A) 6
E) a carbon atom
Answer Key-Gr9Q2W1 Science
Department of Education. (2013) Grade 9 science learner’s module.
Bohr atomic model.” Encyclopædia Britannica, inc., Retrieved from
Friendly Letter Rubric. Retrieved August 23, 2020 from
Madhusha (2017) Difference Between Bohr and Quantum Model. Retrieved
from https://pediaa.com/difference-between-bohr-and-quantum-model/
The Quantum Mechanical Model: Definition & Overview.” Study.com.
Retrieved from http://study.com/academy/lesson/electron-cloud-definition-model-theory.html
Colorful fireworks retrieved August 5, 2020 from
Nuclear model of an atom. Retrieved August 20, 2020 from
Parts of the letter. Retrieved August 24, 2020
Plum pudding model of an atom. Retrieved august 25 from https://s3-uswest-2.amazonaws.com/courses-images/wpcontent/uploads/sites/1989/2017/06/13230859/3q9mbr7wqpwuow0au86e.png
The Periodic Table Of Elements. Retrieved August 26, 2020
Development Team
Lucky G. Lagura
Margie Lou C. Jacob
Laarni A. Adonis
Kathleen Joy B. Padilla
Joly C. Baradero
Sandy R. Albarico
Layout Artist:
Management Team:
Majarani M. Jacinto, CESO VI
Visminda Q. Valde, Ed.D
Raymond M. Salvador, Ed.D
Juliet A. Magallanes, Ed.D
CID Chief
Florencio R. Caballero, DTE
Sandy R. Albarico
EPS -Science
Mi Ultimo Adios
Adios, Patria adorada, region del sol querida,
Perla del Mar de Oriente, nuestro perdido Eden!
A darte voy alegre la triste mustia vida,
Y fuera más brillante más fresca, más florida,
Tambien por tí la diera, la diera por tu bien.
Deja que el sol ardiendo las lluvias evapore
Y al cielo tornen puras con mi clamor en pos,
Deja que un sér amigo mi fin temprano llore
Y en las serenas tardes cuando por mi alguien ore
Ora tambien, Oh Patria, por mi descanso á Dios!
En campos de batalla, luchando con delirio
Otros te dan sus vidas sin dudas, sin pesar;
El sitio nada importa, ciprés, laurel ó lirio,
Cadalso ó campo abierto, combate ó cruel
Lo mismo es si lo piden la patria y el hogar.
Ora por todos cuantos murieron sin ventura,
Por cuantos padecieron tormentos sin igual,
Por nuestras pobres madres que gimen su amargura;
Por huérfanos y viudas, por presos en tortura
Y ora por tí que veas tu redencion final.
Yo muero cuando veo que el cielo se colora
Y al fin anuncia el día trás lóbrego capuz;
Si grana necesitas para teñir tu aurora,
Vierte la sangre mía, derrámala en buen hora
Y dórela un reflejo de su naciente luz.
Mis sueños cuando apenas muchacho
Mis sueños cuando joven ya lleno de vigor,
Fueron el verte un día, joya del mar de oriente
Secos los negros ojos, alta la tersa frente,
Sin ceño, sin arrugas, sin manchas de rubor.
Ensueño de mi vida, mi ardiente vivo anhelo,
Salud te grita el alma que pronto va á partir!
Salud! ah que es hermoso caer por darte vuelo,
Morir por darte vida, morir bajo tu cielo,
Y en tu encantada tierra la eternidad dormir.
Si sobre mi sepulcro vieres brotar un dia
Entre la espesa yerba sencilla, humilde flor,
Acércala a tus labios y besa al alma mía,
Y sienta yo en mi frente bajo la tumba fría
De tu ternura el soplo, de tu hálito el calor.
Deja á la luna verme con luz tranquila y suave;
Deja que el alba envíe su resplandor fugaz,
Deja gemir al viento con su murmullo grave,
Y si desciende y posa sobre mi cruz un ave
Deja que el ave entone su cantico de paz.
Y cuando en noche oscura se envuelva el cementerio
Y solos sólo muertos queden velando allí,
No turbes su reposo, no turbes el misterio
Tal vez acordes oigas de citara ó salterio,
Soy yo, querida Patria, yo que te canto á ti.
Y cuando ya mi tumba de todos olvidada
No tenga cruz ni piedra que marquen su lugar,
Deja que la are el hombre, la esparza con la azada,
Y mis cenizas antes que vuelvan á la nada,
El polvo de tu alfombra que vayan á formar.
Entonces nada importa me pongas en olvido,
Tu atmósfera, tu espacio, tus valles cruzaré,
Vibrante y limpia nota seré para tu oido,
Aroma, luz, colores, rumor, canto, gemido
Constante repitiendo la esencia de mi fé.
Mi Patria idolatrada, dolor de mis dolores,
Querida Filipinas, oye el postrer adios.
Ahi te dejo todo, mis padres, mis amores.
Voy donde no hay esclavos, verdugos ni opresores,
Donde la fé no mata, donde el que reyna es Dios.
Adios, padres y hermanos, trozos del alma mía,
Amigos de la infancia en el perdido hogar,
Dad gracias que descanso del fatigoso día;
Adios, dulce extrangera, mi amiga, mi alegria,
Adios, queridos séres morir es descansar.