Oregon Air National Guard 173rd Fighter Wing Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, Oregon Construct Corrosion Control Hangar Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Type B3 Final Design Submittal November 8, 2018 Basis of Design Part II Project Narrative Prepared by Project No.: 3142200-121252.01 Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent TABLE OF CONTENTS Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page Attachment 11 – Type B3 Prefinal Design Submittal Checklist ....................................................................iii Attachment 13 – Type B3 Cost Estimate Executive Summary ................................................................... 43 2.1 NARRATIVES ................................................................................................................................... 5 2.1.1 CIVIL DESIGN NARRATIVE ......................................................................................................... 5 2.1.2 STRUCTURAL DESIGN NARRATIVE ......................................................................................... 9 2.1.3 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN NARRATIVE ................................................................................. 11 2.1.4 MECHANICAL DESIGN NARRATIVE ........................................................................................ 12 2.1.5 PLUMBING DESIGN NARRATIVE ............................................................................................. 18 2.1.6 FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN NARRATIVE ............................................................................... 21 2.1.7 ELECTRICAL DESIGN NARRATIVE.......................................................................................... 28 2.1.8 TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESIGN NARRATIVE ..................................................................... 29 2.1.9 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN NARRATIVE ....................................................................................... 32 2.1.10 AT/FP SUMMARY ................................................................................................................... 32 2.1.11 AT/FP CHECKLIST ................................................................................................................. 35 2.1.12 SUMMARY OF APPLICABLE PERMITS ................................................................................ 41 2.2 COST ESTIMATE ........................................................................................................................... 43 2.3 ANG SUSTAINABILITY SCORE SHEET ...................................................................................... 71 2.4 TYPE B-2 REVIEW COMMENTS AND DISPOSITION.................................................................. 77 2.5 PROJECT DESIGN SCHEDULE.................................................................................................... 89 APPENDICES Appendix A – Pavement Design Appendix B – Permit 1200-C Appendix C – Permit 7460 Appendix D – Geotechnical Report Appendix E – Structural Calculations Appendix F – Mechanical Calculations Appendix G – HEF and Water Supply Calculations Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page i November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 This page intentionally left blank. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page ii Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 ANG Design Objectives and Procedures (Tab C) 16 APR 10 Attachment 11 TYPE B-3 – FINAL DESIGN SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST BASE KINGSLEY FIELD, KLAMATH FALLS STATE OR DATE NOV. 8, 2018 PROJECT NUMBER KJAQ119006 TITLE CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR X CORRECTED FINAL DRAWINGS FOR ALL DISCIPLINES X FINAL SPECIFICATIONS INCLUDING DIVISION I – GENERAL PROVISIONS, INCLUDING SUMMARY OF WORK, BID STRUCTURING, AND CONSTRUCTION PHASING PLAN (If required for this project.) X CORRECTED FINAL DETAILED CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE INCLUDING ABI's or BID OPTIONS X FINAL ANG SUSTAINABLE DESIGN AND ENERGY CONSERVATION SCORE SHEET AND NARRATIVE X UPDATED BASIS OF DESIGN, PARTS I AND II X PREVIOUS REVIEW COMMENTS WITH A-E DISPOSITION Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page iii November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 This page intentionally left blank. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page iv Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent 2.1 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 NARRATIVES 2.1.1 CIVIL DESIGN NARRATIVE Introduction The civil design narrative described below serves to document the civil site considerations for the project. Codes and Standards The following Unified Facilities Criteria (UFC) have been considered for this project: UFC 1-200-01 DoD Building Code UFC 3-201-01 Civil Engineering UFC 3-210-10 Low Impact Development UFC 3-230-01 Water Storage, Distribution, and Transmission UFC 3-240-01 Wastewater Collection UFC 3-250-01 Pavement Design for Roads and Parking Areas UFC 3-250-08FA Standard Practice for Sealing Joints and Cracks in Rigid and Flexible Pavement UFC 3-260-01 Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design UFC 3-260-02 Pavement Design for Airfields UFC 3-535-01 Visual Air Navigation Facilities UFC 4-211-01 Aircraft Maintenance Hangars ANGETL 15-01-07: Airfield and Vehicle Pavement Design Guidance FAA Advisory Circular 150/5300-13A (For Compass Calibration Pad) Facility Location and Design Criteria The site location, as defined in the 173rd Fighter Wing Installation Development Plan (IDP), June 2015, is on the east side of Taxiway D, south of Building 500. Airside access will be via an apron connecting the building to Taxiway D. Several site constraints are described in detail below. The constraints are Taxilane Clearance Distance, Magnetic Compass Pad Offset Requirements, and Civilian and Military Height Restrictions. Taxilane Clearance Distance Taxiway D has been officially closed to civilian aircraft. Since the taxiway has been closed to civilian aircraft and the taxiway is along the edge of the apron, Taxiway D should be considered a primary peripheral taxilane. The minimum setback requirements for taxilanes are defined in Table 6.1 in UFC 3-260-01. The table defines the allowable clearance from apron boundary marking to fixed or mobile obstacles as ½ times the most demanding aircraft wingspan and adding 30 feet wingtip clearance for a primary peripheral taxilane. For the proposed site, the face of the building is located 195 feet from the taxilane centerline, this meeting all setback requirements for potential aircraft that could use the facility. Table below provides a summary of taxilane clearance distances for typical military aircraft. Table Taxilane Clearance Distance Critical Aircraft Wingspan Half Wingspan Wingtip Clearance Required Setback from Centerline (rounded) C-17 169.83’ 84.92’ 30’ 115’ Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 5 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Table Taxilane Clearance Distance Critical Aircraft Wingspan Half Wingspan Wingtip Clearance Required Setback from Centerline (rounded) KC-10 165.38’ 82.69’ 30’ 113’ KC-135R 130.83’ 65.42’ 30’ 96’ F-15C 42.81’ 21.41’ 30’ 52’ Magnetic Compass Pad Offset Requirements Magnetic compass pads are magnetically neutral areas used for aircraft to park to calibrate their compasses. The magnetic compass pad at Kingsley Air National Guard base is located in the infield adjacent to Taxilane D. UFC 3-260-01 allows for the use of Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Advisory Circular (AC) 150/530013A, Appendix 4 in planning for magnetic compass pads. The AC states that the center of the pad should be “…at least 300 feet from buildings, aircraft arresting gear, fuel lines, electrical or communication cable conduits when they contain magnetic materials and from other aircraft.” Furthermore, the center of the pad should be “…at least 600 feet from magnetic objects such as large parking lots, busy roads, railroad tracks, high voltage electrical transmission lines or cables carrying direct current…”. In the proposed site location, the building is located 462 feet from the center of the compass calibration pad, placing the new building well outside the 300’ offset requirement for buildings. Civilian and Military Height Restrictions The proposed building is located on a public-use airport, therefore, a notice of proposed construction or alteration (Form 7460-1) is required to be submitted to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for review. The building will be required to meet Part 77, Objects Affecting Navigable Airspace requirements. A completed Form 7460-1 was included with B1 submittal for review. Site Circulation and Parking A single 12-foot wide drive aisle circulates the building to allow for drive-up/drop-off delivery to the access doors surrounding the building and aircraft tug access to the rear of the building. The proposed building is completely on the secure airfield; therefore, no employee parking is allocated for the building. Grading and Drainage A geotechnical subsurface investigation was completed June 12 and 13 and the final geotechnical report is dated August 16, 2017. Field investigations show a layer of silty sand to a depth of 4 to 5 feet below ground surface, underlaid by a 3- to 6-foot-deep layer of silty clay, over poorly graded sand. The geotechnical report, included as Appendix D, provides recommendations for site preparation during construction. The hangar access apron is designed in accordance with Table 6-5, Hangar Access Apron. The apron is graded at 1.0% percent away from the building for the first 50 feet to meet the proposed grade on Taxiway D. A 25-foot wide unpaved shoulder, graded between 2.0 – 4.0 percent, is provided off the edge of hangar access apron pavement. Implementation of EISA Section 438 is required to maintain or restore, to the maximum extent technically feasible, the predevelopment hydrology of the property with regard to the temperature, rate, volume, and duration of flow. To address these requirements, Low Impact Development November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 6 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 (LID) best management practices are to be implemented. LID features may include infiltration, increasing the length and time of flow over pervious areas, and disconnecting impervious areas that drain to stormwater collection systems. LID standards favor engineered natural treatment features as these options are typically the least costly and easiest to accomplish if site availability, soils and groundwater table are conducive. As this facility is located on the airfield, the LID practices need to be compatible with the airfield setting, specifically regarding airfield safety and elimination of wildlife attractants. Further, the soils at Kingsley Field have significantly limited infiltration capacity. To promote LID practices, impervious surfaces will be disconnected from direct connection to the underground storm sewer system to the maximum extent feasible. Runoff will sheet flow off impervious surfaces to grass areas to slow runoff velocities and trap sediment and other pollutants to the maximum extent practical before discharging to the underground storm sewer system. Based on recommendations contained within the geotechnical report, discharge from roof downspouts is to be collected, conveyed and discharged away from all structures and into storm drains. Therefore, all downspouts are directly connected to the underground storm sewer system in accordance with the geotechnical recommendations. An existing storm drain line and inlet structure are within the limits of the proposed site. The storm drain and structure will be relocated outside of the project area and proposed improvements will tie into the existing storm drain system flowing south to exit the airfield. Environmental The federally endangered species, Applegate’s Milkvetch, is prevalent on the airfield. A categorical exclusion (CATEX) form was submitted by CE. The National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) 1200-C general permit applies to construction activities including clearing, grading, excavation, materials and equipment staging and stockpiling that will disturb one or more acres of land. A draft 1200-C permit is included with this submittal. The permit should be submitted to the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). After the bidding process when construction contractor is known, the 1200-C permit should be updated and transferred to the construction contractor. Utilities Utilities available in the area immediately surrounding the proposed hangar are electrical service, communication ductbank, gas, and 6-inch domestic water. Sanitary sewer and water service sufficient for fire flow is located on the west side of the main ramp. Water The water distribution system for this project is designed in to provide a looping system capable of delivering water with sufficient flow and pressure to support both domestic and fire protection water service. The 6 inch domestic water service currently serving adjacent Building 500 will not meet the flow and pressure needs for the proposed Corrosion Control Facility. . Domestic and fire protection water service connection points were identified to be incorporated with the Main Ramp Reconstruction project. UFC 3-230-01 requires minimum cover of 2.5 feet greater than frost penetration. The frost depth in the Klamath Basin is 30 inches (2.5 feet). This results in five feet of cover over the water distribution pipes for this project. Connection points for the12-inch fire protection water line loop will be the 12-inch water line East of Taxiway D, which is incorporated as part of the Main Ramp Reconstruction project. A 6-inch service line will serve Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 7 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 the building 500 domestic water system and corrosion control facility, which will tap in to the 12” waterline constructed as part of the Main Ramp Reconstruction project. As required by UFC 4-211-01 Aircraft Maintenance Hangars, fire hydrants are located at each corner of the building and within 10 feet of the building corners. Sanitary The proposed facility will generate both domestic and industrial wastewater. Industrial wastewater will be treated in an oil-water separator prior to discharging into the sanitary system. Sanitary waste from the building will be piped into a wet well with prepacked submersible grinder pump. The manhole pump is located on the northwest side of the building to allow for flexibility to connect the sanitary system from Building 500. The sanitary system will discharge from the grinder pump through a 2 inch force main routed towards a 2 inch sanitary sewer line constructed as part of the Main Ramp Reconstruction project. Electrical Primary electrical service to the building will be in PVC conduit from vault #227480 to a transformer and switchgear on the north side of the building, into secondary conduit into the building. Electrical service is provided by Pacific Power. Gas Gas service to the building will be provided by Avista Utilities. Communication Communication is available on-site. An existing communication duct bank will be re-routed due to the proposed building location. The new communication duct bank will be 4 way 4 inch and will connect to existing communication manholes. Pavements Airfield As required by UFC 3-260-02, Chapter 1, Paragraph 7, rigid pavements shall be used on hangar floors and access aprons. The pavement connecting the hangar building to the access apron will consist of unreinforced rigid pavement. Based on recommendations in the geotechnical report, the section was designed with a modulus of subgrade reaction (k value) of 50. UFC 3-260-02 classifies hangar access aprons as light-load pavements, therefore, a traffic pattern of Air Force Light, Area C, is used for this design. The resulting pavement design on the exterior access apron is 12” Portland Cement Concrete (PCC), 6” drainage layer, and 4” separation layer on geotextile fabric. The resulting pavement design on the interior hangar floor is a 8” Portland Cement Concrete (PCC – Steel Reinforced), 6” drainage layer, and 18” separation layer on geotextile fabric. Results of the PCase analysis are included as Appendix A. Landside The site is surrounded by a drive-up/drop-off access aisle. This access aisle will be paved with bituminous pavement. Sidewalks and building entryways will be paved with PCC. Security See also AT/FP section. Included as a bid option is an 8-foot galvanized security fence partially enclosing the site. The fence encompasses the corrosion hangar and associated drive aisle on the south side of the building, Taxiway G, Taxiway D, Building 500 fence line. The fence opening at the hangar access drive is set to the Taxiway Clearance Line for F-15 aircraft. It is assumed that the security fencing will be completed with an intrusion detection system in a separate project. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 8 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Bid Options Bid Option 001 Perimeter Security Fencing, as Shown on Sheet C-021, 1,140 LF. Bid Option 002 Construct Temporary Haul Road 1A as Shown on Sheet C-021, 1,140 LF, See Detail 1, Sheet C-021 Bid Option 003 Demolish and Restore Temporary Haul Road 1A, as Shown on Sheet C-021, 1,240 Linear Feet, Refer to Detail 2, Sheet C-021. Bid Option 004 Pavement Restoration, Allowance of $30,000. Bid Option 005 Construct Temporary HMA Haul Road at Taxiway D as Shown on Sheet C-021, 100 LF Linear Feet, Refer Detail 2, Sheet C-021. 2.1.2 STRUCTURAL DESIGN NARRATIVE Introduction Structural design of building and support of additional elements; both structural and mechanical will be in compliance with all of the local and ANG code requirements and references. Materials used for construction will comply with durability, AT/FP requirements, and structural strength needed. Codes and Standards ANGI 32-1023 Criteria and Standards for Air National Guard Design and Construction ANGI 32-1084 Facility Requirements ANG ETL 10-03 ANG Design Objectives and Procedures (Tab C) ANG ETL 15-01 Air National Guard Design Policy NIST GCR 11-917-12 Standards of Seismic Safety for Existing Federally Owned and Leased Buildings, ICSSC Recommended Practice 8 (RP8) UFC 1-200-01 General Building Requirements UFC 3-220-01 Geotechnical Engineering UFC 3-301-01 Structural Engineering UFC 3-310-04 Seismic Design of Buildings UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings UFC 4-010-02 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standoff Distances for Buildings ASCE 7-10 Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures ASCE 59-11 Blast Protection of Buildings AISC 360 Specifications for Structural Steel Buildings AISC 341 Seismic Provisions for Structural Steel Buildings AISI S100 North American Specification for the Design of Cold Formed Steel Structural members ACI 318 Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete ACI 530 (MSJC) Building Code Requirements for Masonry Structures Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 9 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 SDI Diaphragm Design Manual International Building Code Oregon Structural Specialty Code Design Criteria, Design Loads and Assumptions From UFC 3-301-01, Table 2-2, Risk Category II has been assumed. Wind Speed = 120 mph Topographic Factor = 1.0 Wind Exposure C Ground Snow Load = 19 psf Roof Snow Load = 20 psf Minimum Roof Live Load = 20 psf Frost Penetration Depth = 30 inches Seismic Design Category D Mapped Spectral Response Accelerations SS = 0.874 g S1 = 0.347 g SDS = 0.670 g SD1 = 0.395 g Framing Systems and Materials The main hanger portion of the building will be a pre-engineered steel building system. The office and shop spaces will have CMU masonry backup with a split-face masonry veneer and EIFS exterior walls, with a steel framed roof. Interior walls will be CMU walls that provide bearing and shear for the roof and the mechanical platform. A mechanical mezzanine will be located over the kitchen and bathroom area, the walls supporting it will be masonry, with a floor system of concrete over metal deck. Additional concrete pads will be provided under units as needed to reduce vibration and noise to the space below. Lateral Load Resisting Systems Lateral support for a pre-engineered steel building consists of moment frames in the transverse direction, and braced bays in the longitudinal direction. The lateral diaphragm is provided by cross braced bays creating a truss diaphragm at the brace locations. The lateral system for the office, shop and mezzanine areas is provided by the masonry walls supporting it. Foundation Systems Foundations and slabs on grade have be designed to comply with the recommendations from the geotechnical site investigation. The foundations will be concrete spread footing or strip footings bearing on compacted fill. The top of foundations will be below the 30-inch frost depth around the perimeter of the building. Foundation walls will extend from the tops of the footings to the underside of the slab, and support the exterior masonry veneer. Interior footings shall extend a minimum of 18 inches below grade. Grade beams tying the column spread footings together will be used at the metal building for the hangar bay. The slab on grade in the hangar bay will be a minimum of 8 inches thick, remaining office and shop area to be a minimum of 6 inches thick over prepared subgrade. The hangar slab on grade design includes PCASE analysis. Non-Structural Components Additional support and framing for equipment and architectural components will be designed for vertical and lateral forces caused by the weight of the attached element. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 10 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Structural Quality Control and Quality Assurance All structural design and detailing will be reviewed by an experienced engineer within the firm not involved with the design of the building. The review by an un-biased third party helps to eliminate errors and omissions by the design team. 2.1.3 ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN NARRATIVE Codes and Standards International Building Code, 2015 UFC 1-200-01 General Building Requirements UFC 3-101-01 Architecture UFC 4-211-02 Aircraft Corrosion Control and Paint Facilities Architectural Barriers Act of 1968 (ABA) The project is to design a new Corrosion Control Facility (CCF) for the Kingsley Air National Guard base in Klamath Falls, Oregon, currently housing F-15 fighters. The building will contain one hangar bay, functional spaces for Non-Destructive Inspection (NDI), Corrosion Control, and general support spaces. The hangar bay will have spaces for corrosion control work that includes: depainting and repainting on small areas of the plane, washing the aircraft, x-raying plane surfaces, inspecting and replacing some structural elements and other tasks that fulfill the mission of the CCF. The hangar also includes an air lock entry that also serves as a control space for in-hangar x-raying and a fire pump room to support the fire suppression system in the hangar. The NDI area will have spaces for the inspection of smaller pieces of the aircraft that includes: an x-ray vault with the associated spaces of x-ray processing and viewing, a penetrant line and magnetic line inspection space, an oil analysis room, an equipment room, and office. The corrosion control area will include: a walk-in paint booth (supplied by Owner), with supporting areas to mix and store paint and store hazardous material, a walk-in bead blast room (supplied by Owner), a space to house existing small piece aluminum and steel material bead blasting booths. Both booth units will have future mechanical support equipment on the exterior of the building as supplied to support the booths. Means of roof penetration for supply and return ducts for the booth units, will be provided as well as can be determined. These spaces will be connected to a central support space that includes: An office for the Corrosion Control Supervisor, Men’s and Women’s restrooms and locker rooms, a kitchen space, a personal protection equipment changing room and storage of personal PPE, a laundry room for PPE, and a stencil preparation room, and a multipurpose break and training room. The construction material for the building is as follows: The hangar will be a pre-engineered steel building with metal insulated panels. Exterior walls for the remaining portion of the building will be 8” concrete block back-up with 4” split-faced veneer to 7’-4”, a precast concrete cap and stucco above. All interior walls will be composed of metal studs with impact resistant gypsum board except for the walls supporting the equipment space which will be 8” block. The roof for the entire complex will be a standing seam metal roof. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 11 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 The building will be oriented so the hangar bay opens to the west facing the existing taxiway, with the spaces the will serve the building will be to the north side of the hangar. Furnishings and appliances will be furnished by the Owner. All counter tops and cabinetry will be provided for in the contract. The north wall of the hangar will be lead lined to allow for X-rays to be done of the aircraft without impacting the work in the other portions of the building. A Bid Option will be offered for the remaining walls to be lead lined. Bid Option Bid Option 006 Add Lead Lining to the West, South and East Walls of Hangar 123. Add Lead Lining to Hangar Doors. Add Lead Curtains and Support System at Door 123B. Include all Accessory Items to Complete X-Ray Shielding at These Walls. See Sheet A-002 for Extent of Work, and Sheet A-142 for Details. 2.1.4 MECHANICAL DESIGN NARRATIVE Applicable Codes, Guidelines, Criteria Uniform Facilities Criteria o UFC 1-200-01 DoD Building Code (General Building Requirements), 6-20-16 o UFC 1-200-02 High Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements, 12-1-16 o UFC 3-310-04 Seismic Design of Buildings with Change 1; 6-1-13 o UFC 3-401-01 Mechanical Engineering with Change 1; 7-1-13 o UFC 3-410-01 Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning Systems, with Change 3; 7-1-13 o UFC 3-410-04N Industrial Ventilation, 10-25-04 o UFC 4-010-01 DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings, with Change 1; 2-9-12 o UFC 4-211-02 Aircraft Corrosion Control and Paint Facilities, 12-1-12 Air National Guard Engineering Technical Letters o ETL 15-01 Air National Guard Design Policy; 1 May 2015 American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers o ASHRAE 55-2010 – Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy o ASHRAE 62.1-2010 – Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality o ASHRAE 90.1-2013 – Energy Standard for Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings International Code Council o 2015 International Mechanical Code National Fire Protection Association o NFPA 33 – Standard for Spray Application Using Flammable or Combustible Materials, 2016 Edition o NFPA 54 – National Fuel Gas Code, 2015 Edition o NFPA 90A – Standard for the Installation of Air Conditioning and Ventilating Systems, 2015 Edition Occupational Safety and Health Administration o OSHA 29 CFR 1910.94 – Ventilation o OSHA 29 CFR 1910.106 – Flammable and Combustible Liquids o OSHA 29 CFR 1910.107 – Spray Finishing using Flammable and Combustible Materials November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 12 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Design Conditions Project Location: Klamath Falls, OR Elevation: 4091 feet above mean sea level Outdoor air conditions: o Summer: 88º F DB / 62ºF WB (ASHRAE 1%) o Winter: 6ºF DB (ASHRAE 99.6%) Indoor Design Conditions: Area Design Temperature set point Offices, stencil room, PPE, 68ºF Heating breakroom, toilet/shower/locker 76ºF Cooling Vestibule 65ºF Heating No Cooling Hangar Bay 55ºF Heating - no humidity control No Cooling, ventilate only Hangar Bay (during paint operations) 75ºF Heating (per UFC 4-211-02) - no humidity control (HVAC system to be provided in future) 85ºF Cooling (per UFC 4-211-02) – RH less than 65% Shop Spaces & Equipment Storage 68ºF Heating 78ºF Cooling Solvent & Chemical Storage 68ºF Heating 78ºF Cooling Mechanical Room 60ºF Heating No Cooling, ventilate only Electrical Room 60ºF Heating 78ºF Cooling Fire Protection Room 60ºF Heating 78ºF Cooling Communication Rooms 68ºF Heating 72ºF Cooling Redundancy Requirements: None Occupancy: The number of occupants in each space will be based on the actual occupant density listed in the facility program. The typical occupancy heat rejection will be as follows: Office: Sensible = 250 Btuh/person Latent = 200 Btuh/person Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 13 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Shop: Sensible Latent = = Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 275 Btuh/person 275 Btuh/person Systems will be designed such that similar occupancy schedules are on the same system. Pressure Relationships: Area Offices Toilets, janitor closets, lockers Hangar bay Storage and shop spaces Solvent & chemical storage Paint spray & bead blast areas Relationship to Adjacent Neutral to each other; positive to hangar & shops Negative Negative Positive to hangar Negative Negative to all adjacent areas Outdoor Air Ventilation Rates Building ventilation will comply with ASHRAE standard 62.1-2010 and the 2015 International Mechanical Code. Exhaust Air Ventilation Rates Toilet rooms, shower areas, locker rooms, and utility rooms will be exhausted to meet the higher rate of either ASHRAE standard 62.1-2010 or the 2015 International Mechanical Code. The mechanical room will be provided with a temperature-actuated exhaust fan and intake louver with a motor-actuated damper to exhaust the room if the space temperature reaches or exceeds 80ºF. Heating will be provided to maintain a minimum space temperature of 60ºF for freeze protection. The hangar area will be exhausted at a minimum rate of 0.5 cfm/sq ft as required by the UFC’s. Additional exhaust will be provided in the future, as required for paint operations. Heated and filtered makeup air will be provided. Solvent and chemical storage spaces will be exhausted continuously in accordance with applicable codes, NFPA 33, and industrial ventilation guidelines. Shop spaces and other specific functions (painting, bead blasting, welding, etc.) will be exhausted per industrial ventilation guidelines as required. HVAC System Descriptions HVAC/Mechanical Systems Considered for This Project The new mechanical system designed in accordance with the above-referenced documents to provide comfort, control flexibility, and efficiency of the renovated building. Heat Generation The heating media will be 150ºF degree hot water. OA reset will allow the temperature to be reset down to 120ºF degrees. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 14 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 The hot water source will be two new gas-fired, high-efficiency condensing boilers. Boilers will be sized such that when the largest boiler is off line, the remaining boiler(s) will be capable of carrying not less than 65 percent of the maximum winter design load per UFC 3-410-01. Heating Distribution The hot water distribution system will be a constant flow primary and variable secondary system. The piping material over 2” will be welded steel. Piping 2” and under will be threaded steel or Type L copper with unions provided at hot water coils. All piping will be insulated. The boilers will each be equipped with an inline injection pump. The hot water piping system will be equipped with two secondary pumps each with a variable speed drive (VFD). The secondary pumps will each be sized for 100% of the heating load so that the building load can be met in the event of a pump failure. The heating hot water system will serve heating coils and terminal heating devices such as unit heaters, cabinet unit heaters, convectors, etc. The heating hot water system will be a variable volume system utilizing modulating 2-way control valves at each terminal heating device. A 3-way valve will be provided at one coil to provide minimum system flow. Each secondary pump will be provided with a variable frequency drive. A differential pressure transmitter between the supply and return mains will be utilized to vary the speed of the secondary pump, via variable frequency drives, to maintain a constant pressure differential between the piping mains. Heating Design Criteria Heating and reheat water piping will be sized as follows: Maximum pressure drop of 4 ft. of water/100 ft. of piping for piping 6" and smaller. Coils will be sized for water temperature drop of approximately 30°F. The heating hot water system will also include the following components: Chemical pot feeder. Air separator. Bladder type expansion tank. Glycol fill tank and pump. Piping specialties. Cooling Generation The cooling media will be refrigerant through air-cooled condensing units. Hangar Heating/Cooling The hangar will be heated via gas-fired infra-red tube-type radiant heaters. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 15 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Make-up air for the required ventilation during non-paint operations in the hangar will be provided by a 100% outdoor make-up air unit with a hot water coil and filters. A single make-up air unit will provide 3,000 cfm. As directed by the ORANG, air handling equipment for ventilation of painting operations in the hangar bay will not be provided under this project. The hangar heating system will be locked out whenever the hangar doors are not closed and the outdoor temperature is 40ºF or higher per ETL-15-01. Several high velocity destratification fans (similar to Air Pear fans) will be located in the hangar area to provide additional air movement and help eliminate stratification of warm air during the winter periods only when paint operations are suspended. Air Handling System (Admin/NDI Shop) The air handling system recommended for this project is a single duct variable volume with hot water reheat. The air handling system will be provided with MERV 13 filters, hot water heating coil, DX cooling coil, and supply fan. Air handling units will be packaged modular style similar to those manufactured by Carrier, Trane, York, or Daikin. AHUs will have dual wall construction. The air handling systems will be provided with air side economizers where required. A heat recovery wheel will be provided to recover the heat from the toilet and locker exhaust air to temper incoming air. Air Handling System (Paint Booth/Bead Blast Areas) A constant volume air handling unit with hot water heating coil, DX cooling coil, and filters will supply a constant volume of air to the rooms housing the paint booth and the bead blast booth. Return air will be ducted back to the unit from each room. The paint booth and the bead blast booth will both have independent make-up air units and exhausts fans supplied by the booth manufacturer. Air Handling Units AHU-1 to serve the locker rooms, administrative areas, and non-destructive inspection areas will be 6,000 cfm with 15 tons of cooling. AHU-2 to serve the paint room and bead booth room will be 1,700 cfm with 4 tons of cooling. MAU-1 to serve the hangar is anticipated to be 3,000 cfm. Cooling will not be provided to this unit. MAU-2&3 are provided by the paint booth and bead blast booth manufacturer. Air Distribution Air distribution ductwork will be designed to meet Sheet Metal and Air Conditioning Contractor’s National Association, Inc. (SMACNA) standards. The supply air ductwork system will be a sheet metal system rated for 3” w.c. upstream of the VAV boxes and 2” w.c. downstream of the VAV boxes. All return and exhaust ductwork will be rated for 2” w.c. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 16 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 All supply and outside air ducts will be externally insulated. Temperature control zoning is provided by air terminal units (VAV boxes) with hot water heating coils. The following spaces will generally constitute a zone: Corner offices. Breakrooms. 2-3 typical offices. Specialized schedule or activity. Humidification Humidification will not be provided. Heating Terminal Units Unit heaters will be provided for storage, utility, mechanical, and electrical rooms having external wall exposure. Cabinet unit heaters will be provided for vestibules. Hangar Door Snow Melting System A radiant in-floor hot water snow melt system will be provided at the large main hangar doors. The system will circulate 150ºF hot water mixed with propylene glycol thru pex tubing located under slab to melt snow near the hangar doors to allow smooth operation of the large hangar doors per UFC 4-211-02. Ductless-Split Air Conditioning Units The communication room, electrical room, and fire protection room will be provided with ductless-split room air conditioning units to provide 24 hours/7 days per week cooling to the space. These units will be hung high on the wall and will be equipped with a DX cooling, supply fan, and filter. An associated air-cooled condensing unit will be located on grade nearby and have refrigeration piping and control wiring running between the two pieces of equipment. The new DDC system will monitor the communications room for temperature and provide alarms. Control System New direct digital control (DDC) equipment with electronic actuation for all valves and dampers will be provided. All new mechanical equipment will be connected through the DDC system to the existing basewide Automated Logic Corporation energy management and control system (EMCS). The electrical, gas, and water meters will be integrated into the EMCS. Miscellaneous In accordance with UFC antiterrorism criteria, an emergency system shutdown switch and low leakage air intake dampers will be provided. Air intakes for equipment serving occupied spaces will be located a minimum 10 feet above grade. Areas with high concentrated exhaust will be provided with dedicated make-up air units (paint booth, bead blast, etc.) Natural gas distribution piping will be specified to be schedule 40 ASME A53 black steel. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 17 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Alternative Systems Geothermal HVAC systems were not considered for this project for the following reasons: Additional upfront cost for the well field and piping will be cost prohibitive based on the current Maximum Construction Cost (MCC). Geothermal well fields will typically require vertical bores 300-600 feet deep covering a land surface area of 250 sq. ft. per ton of cooling. Each bore at 20 feet on center will cost approximately $5000 per bore. Total cooling load will be further evaluated as the building design progresses. As with most hangar projects, much of the available green space nearby will be paved either for aircraft or support vehicles reducing the available acreage for necessary for the geothermal field. Exceptions to the UFCs Due to building configuration and constraints, building codes, and AT/FP requirements, it may be necessary to locate equipment on the roof, such as air intake hoods and exhaust fans. No humidifier is planned, if the desire is to maintain 30%RH per the UFC, a humidifier will need to be added. Humidifiers consume a great deal of energy and require considerable maintenance. The air handling systems will be provided with air side economizers. ETL 15-01 requires the use of aircooled chillers due to the maintenance associated with cooling towers. The use of a waterside economizer is typically accomplished with either a dry cooler or cooling tower, but a cooling tower is more effective. With this in mind, it seems consistent with the ETL to use airside economizers in lieu of waterside economizers, eliminating the need for cooling towers or dry coolers. Automated Logic will be specified as the only acceptable provider for the EMCS in order to seamlessly integrate into the base-wide system. Hangar will be ventilated at a minimum rate (when paint operations are suspended) of 0.5 cfm/sq ft per the UFC which will be less than the rate stated in ASHRAE 62.1 and the 2015 International Mechanical Code for vehicle storage or maintenance garages. The UFC does reference both ASHRAE 62.1 and the International Mechanical Code. 2.1.5 PLUMBING DESIGN NARRATIVE Plumbing Codes & Standards UFC 3-240-01 - Wastewater Collection UFC 3-240-02 - Domestic Wastewater Treatment UFC 3-260-01 - Airfield and Heliport Planning and Design UFC 3-420-01 - Plumbing Systems UFC 3-420-02FA - Compressed Air UFC 4-211-02 - Aircraft Corrosion Control and Paint Facilities INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE-2015 (IBC) INTERNATIONAL PLUMBING CODE-2015 (IPC) INTERNATIONAL FUEL GAS CODE-2015 (IFGC) NFPA 30 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code NFPA 54 - National Fuel Gas Code ANSI Z358.1 - Emergency Eye Wash: Fountain ASME A112.19.1M - Enameled Cast Iron Plumbing Fixtures ASME 112.19.2M - Vitreous China Plumbing Fixtures and Hydraulic Requirements for Water Closets and Urinals ASTM A53 - Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot Dipped, Zinc-Coated, Welded and Seamless November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 18 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 ASTM B88 - Seamless Copper Water Tube ASTM D2665 - Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) DWV Pipe and Fittings PLUMBING DRAINAGE INSTITUTE (PDI) WH 201 - Water Hammer Arresters PLASTIC PIPE INSTITUTE TECHNICAL REPORT PPI-TR21 - Thermal Expansion and Contraction of Plastic Pipe Introduction This project will provide equipment and materials to accommodate the following plumbing systems as required by the Scope of Work: Domestic Plumbing Wash Rack Systems Shop Compressed Air Breathing Compressed Air Domestic Plumbing The domestic plumbing will include hot and cold-water systems and waste and vent systems. The men’s restrooms will include the following fixtures: 1. Wall hung water closets with electric powered dual flush valves (1.28/1.1 gpf). 2. Wall hung urinal with electric powered flush valve (0.125 gpf) 3. Counter mounted lavatory with dual handle faucet. 4. Shower with single lever pressure balance faucet. 5. Floor drain with trap primer water connection. The women’s restrooms will include the following fixtures: 1. Wall hung water closets with electric powered dual flush valves (1.28/1.1 gpf). 2. Counter mounted lavatory with dual handle faucet. 3. Shower with single lever pressure balance faucet. 4. Floor drain with trap primer water connection. The janitor’s closet will include the following fixtures: 1. 24”x24” terrazzo mop sink with wall mounted faucet complete with vacuum breaker and hose end. The domestic cold water will enter the building and be routed below the building slab to a void area up to the Equipment room, through a reduced pressure backflow preventer (RPBFP). The RPBFP will be located in the Equipment room, because of the freezing conditions outside. The domestic water will enter a water pressure booster pump after the RPBFP. The pressure booster pump will increase the domestic water pressure to 80 psi. The domestic cold water will be distributed to the fixtures and equipment requiring water via a Type L copper pipe distribution system. The cold-water piping system will be sized based on the available pressure and required flow. The maximum velocity of water flow in the distribution system will not exceed 10 fps. The domestic hot water will be generated by a tank type sealed combustion chamber water heater. The water heater will be natural gas fired. The exhaust vent and intake pipes will be Schedule 40 PVC. The hot water will be stored in the tank at a temperature of 140°F. The 140°F will be routed through a temperature mixing valve to reduce the hot water temperature to 120°F then the hot water will be delivered to the fixtures Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 19 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 that require hot water through a Type L copper pipe distribution system. The domestic hot water system will include an expansion tank, to accommodate the thermal expansion of the water in the piping system. Sanitary waste from plumbing fixtures will be collected through a cast iron waste and vent system. This system will connect to the sanitary sewer system outside of the buildings. The wash rack waste water drainage will be collected through a trench drain system. The trench drains will be selected to accommodate the weight of the aircraft and vehicles that will be rolled over them. Section 614.9 of UFC 3-260-01 “Airfield and Heliport Planning” directs us to drain the waste water from the wash rack to a 5000-gallon holding tank. This is done because of the soapy water that will be collected during the cleaning process. The soap will emulsify the oil collected if collected in an oil water separator, and it would be discharged into the sewer system. In response to an RFI the waste water from the trench drain will run through an oil/water separator and then to the public sewer. The Paint Mixing room will be provided with a floor drain. This floor drain will drain through the oil/water separator then to the public sewer. Emergency Shower/Eye Washes will be provided in the Hangar, Paint Mixing Room, Bead Booth Room NDI Lab and Paint Spray Booth Area. Emergency Shower/Eye Washes will be complete with water tempering valve, strobe light and alarm horn. The tempering valve will blend hot and cold water to a blended temperature of 85°F with a high temperature stop at 90°F Wash Rack System The wash rack will be in the hangar bay. The wash rack system will include two Remote Equipment Modules (REM) wall mounted in the hangar bay, and two Hydroblaster systems located remotely in an equipment room. A bulk soap mix system is included and will be located in the mechanical room adjacent to the Hydroblasters. The REMs will include the following: 1. NEMA 4X off/on (lighted in the “ON” position) control switch for the Hydroblaster operation 2. Push button burner control (lighted in “ON” condition) 3. Hydrofoamer Soap/Foam delivery systems, pneumatic driven pump 4. Hydrofoamer cleaning compound delivery module with foam injection valve capability 5. Self-wind retractable hose reel with maximum 100-feet of low pressure air/soap hose with trigger wand 6. Hand crank hose reel with maximum 100-feet of high pressure hose 7. High-Pressure hot water delivery system with variable pressure trigger wand The Hydroblaster units will be electric powered with a natural gas fired water heater. Each Hydroblaster system will produce 5 gpm of water flow at 3000 psi of pressure. The high-pressure water from the Hydroblaster will be run to the REM in Schedule 80 steel piping. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 20 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Shop Compressed Air Shop compressed air will be generated by an oil-free rotary screw compressor. The compressor will generate 125 psi compressed air. This air will be filtered and dried, then delivered to a receiver. From the receiver, the compressed air will be delivered to the following areas: 1. Paint Spray Booth 2. Blast Booth 3. Hangar Bay 4. Ancillary Areas The hangar bay will receive 4-oil-free compressed air drops and 2-lubricated tool air drops. The bulk soap mixer and the remote equipment modules will also receive compressed air. The compressed air will be delivered through a Schedule 40 steel piping system. Breathing Compressed Air Breathing compressed air will be generated by an oil-free rotary screw compressor. The compressor will generate 125 psi compressed air. The breathing compressed air will be run through a breathing air purification system. The breathing air purification system is a complete filtration/purification system to remove excessive moisture, dust and dirt, oil and oil mist; taste and odors, and carbon monoxide from continuous flow compressed air. The system produces clean, dry compressed air suitable for human respiration to meet OSHA standards for Grade D air as specified by Compressed Air and Gas Institute Commodity Specification G-7.1. The following areas will receive breathing compressed air: 1. Paint Spray Booth 2. Blast Booth 3. Hangar Bay (4 BA drops) Breathing air (BA) piping will be seamless austenitic stainless-steel pipe (304) conforming to ASTM 312. Wall thickness is in accordance with ASME B36.10, schedule 40S, tested for 1½ times the working pressure. 2.1.6 FIRE PROTECTION DESIGN NARRATIVE Introduction The Oregon Air National Guard intends to construct a new corrosion control hangar to support the 173 FW and their 26 PAA F-15 aircraft at Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The work is to include: Providing a new High Expansion Foam (HEF) suppression systems for the hangar bay. Providing a new optical flame detection (IR3) system for the hangar bay, including new Eagle Quantum Premier (EQP) releasing panel. Providing a new sprinkler system in the hangar bay and the support areas. Providing a new fire alarm and mass notification system throughout the building. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 21 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 The new building will include the following: corrosion control hangar bay and support areas; including, support shop space, non-destructive inspection (NDI) shop, paint spray area, training area, locker rooms and restrooms, and administration area. Codes and Standards ANG ETL 15-01, Air National Guard Design Policy (TAB D); 01 May 2015 ANG ETL 11-11, Reducing Inappropriate Hangar Fire System Activations UFC 3-600-01, Unified Facilities Criteria, Design: Fire Protection Engineering for Facilities, Change 1, 28 November 2016 UFC 4-021-01, Unified Facilities Criteria, Design and O&M: Mass Notification Systems, Change 1, January 2010 UFC 4-211-01, Unified Facilities Criteria, Aircraft Maintenance Hangars, Change 1, November 2017 UFC 4-211-02, Unified Facilities Criteria, Aircraft Corrosion Control and Paint Facilities, 01 December 2012 NFPA 11, Standard for Low- Medium- and High-Expansion Foam, 2016 Edition NFPA 13, Installation of Sprinkler Systems, 2016 Edition NFPA 20, Standard for the Installation of Stationary Pumps for Fire Protection, 2016 Edition NFPA 24 Installation of Private Service Mains and Their Appurtenances, 2016 Edition NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2014 Edition NFPA 72 National Fire Alarm Code, 2016 Edition NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition NFPA 409, Standard on Aircraft Hangars, 2016 Edition (UFC 4-211-01 requirements supersede where conflicting) Applicable New Criteria: UFC 4-211-01 The aircraft hangar criteria have shifted such that heat detectors will not be required with wet pipe sprinkler systems. Optical flame detectors are now expected to be required and orientated in a way that all portions of the hangar bay are within the range and cone-of-vision of at least three detectors. A. During the time this project Type A is being prepared new criteria: UFC 4-211-01 “Aircraft Maintenance Hangars” has been adopted. B. The new UFC 4-211-01 supersedes Air Force ETL 02-15 as it applies to Air National Guard hangar projects. However, the above listed ETL is still listed as a reference in the new UFC 4-211-01. C. The changes currently in UFC 4-211-01 will have a significant impact on cost estimates. This has the potential to create difficulties for projects programmed under existing design criteria. D. Some of the most significant changes in UFC 4-211-01 are: 1. The high expansion foam (HEF) proportioning system is no longer allowed to employ diaphragm (bladder) tanks and balanced pressure proportioners, but will instead use inductor type proportioners. Inductors (sometimes called eductors) are higher pressure drop devices which draw foam concentrate from atmospheric pressure plastic tanks. An additional 40-60 psi of pressure drop is typical for inductors, though this depends on a number of factors. 2. Abort stations capable of rapidly shutting down (within 15 seconds) an HEF discharge in progress are required. To implement this function, pressure modulating type deluge valves (flow control valves sole sourced by Viking) will be needed. These valves introduce additional pressure drop, about 20 psi additional. 3. As a consequence of the higher pressure drops, fire pumps with higher pressure outputs will be needed. In many cases this can lead to pressure at churn (no flow) or at other November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 22 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 design points which exceed the 175 psi rating of valves and fittings. This may require higher rated fittings and valves, pressure regulating and relief valves, or variable speed fire pumps. Variable speed fire pumps are more costly and their controllers are larger. Since variable speed motors have service factors of 1.0 instead of 1.15, larger motors may be required in some cases. Inductor foam proportioners are essentially fixed flow devices. When the deluge valves (flow contrFol valves) open, there is much less of a transient flow increase. This will cause the empty runs of foam-water piping to fill more slowly and the HEF generators will take more time to come up to operating pressure. We estimate the typical additional fill time to be 10 to 15 seconds. As a consequence of slower response time, a larger number of HEF generators may be needed to achieve the foam coverage 90% of the aircraft silhouette area within 1 minute of fire alarm activation. It may also limit the distance of the foam equipment room from the most remote HEF generators. There are 3 factors which will lead to larger foam concentrate tanks, and more HEF concentrate: a. Larger number of HEF generators as described above. b. Inductors cannot draw all of the foam concentrate from the plastic HEF tanks. A certain amount of residual concentrate remains at the bottom of the tank. c. Plastic HEF concentrate tanks with special features are called for. These tanks are only available in certain size increments so actual tank selection may be larger than calculated. Inductor foam proportioners have restricted flow ranges and can serve a more limited number of HEF generators. Also longer lengths of straight piping around the inductors (5 pipe diameters on each side) are prescribed by the manufacturer. This may increase the number of system risers, and in most cases will necessitate the inductors to be arranged horizontally. This will require larger foam equipment rooms. Optical flame detectors of the IR3 type, sole sourced by Det-Tronics are required. The detectors need to be provided in a quantity and arrangement that will monitor all areas of the aircraft bay with at least 3 detectors. Industrial grade foam system control panels (Eagle Quantum Premier) sole sourced by Det-Tronics are required as the Foam System Control Panel (FSCP). Rate compensated heat detectors are only required where preaction sprinkler systems are called for, based on weather data. However even in this case, they are now to be omitted in favor of the flame detectors. Draft curtains are required on NFPA 409 spacing of 7,500 ft2 rather than the ETL 02-15 spacing of 15,000 ft2. Fire Protection Design Analysis Required Hangar Bay Fire Protection 1. Wet-pipe sprinklers for the hangar bay designed to provide 0.20 gpm/ft2 over a 5,000 ft2 design area. (Note: the 99% winter dry bulb temperature is 10 degrees F, which is above °F level where preaction systems are required). This will require temperature monitors at the height of the sprinklers spaced not more than 200 ft. apart. a. The hangar roof slope does not exceed 2 on 12 and a 30% increase in the sprinkler design area is not required. 2. Draft curtains will not be required as the expected hangar bay area will not exceed 7,500 ft2. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 23 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 3. Multi-spectrum infrared optical flame detectors (IR3) will be provided. These are sole sourced from Det-Tronics. A sufficient quantity of detectors shall be provided with enough overlap to view all of the aircraft bay with no less than 3 detectors within 5 feet of the aircraft bay perimeter. 4. An HEF foam system with Ansul Jet-X-15A foam generators. (Quantities may vary on an “or equal” selection by the construction contractor). 5. The demand for the hangar sprinkler and HEF systems has been estimated at 1,800 gpm at 168 psi. 6. A 200 gallon HEF atmospheric tank with 2.0% type high expansion foam concentrate. 7. A complete fire alarm system throughout the hangar bay. a. Required devices include: Det-tronics IR3 flame detectors, manual foam discharge stations (hangar bay only), manual fire alarm boxes, manual stop/start buttons for HEF, blue rotating beacons (hangar bay only), clear lensed strobes, speakers and modules to monitor tamper switches, pressure switches and auxiliary functions. Solenoid releasing modules are also required. b. The new releasing service fire alarm control unit (RSFACU) will be the Eagle Quantum Premier (EQP) panel by Det-Tronics (UL Listed for releasing service) as required by UFC 4-211-01. Existing Water Supply 1. There is an existing base underground fire water loop. The Base underground fire water loop is supplied by a 16-inch water main. At the pump house for Building 219 the main splits and reduces to 8-inch and 10-inch and eventually reduces to 6-inch. 2. A water main project was started, which would have increased main sizes on Base to include 12inch mains. However, issues with contamination have halted the project and these new, larger mains may not be available for this project. 3. A new water line will be installed from the existing 16-inch fire water main to the new fire protection room. The new main will loop back to the 10-inch main in Vandenberg Drive. 4. The incoming water is required to enter the building with one of the following methods: a. Enter the building below grade with a continuous section of welded stainless steel fire water service piping from a point outside the building perimeter to a flanged fitting located at least 1 ft. (305 mm) above finished floor within the building. Non-welded fittings are not permitted within this section of piping such as flanges, mechanical couplings, and push-on fittings. Weld and hydrostatically test the stainless steel pipe at the fabrication shop or manufacturer. Welding in the field is not permitted. Perform the hydrostatic pressure test in accordance with NFPA 24. The fire water service piping is permitted below the building slab for this method of installation. b. Enter the building below grade and directly into a concrete pit with open steel grating. For this method of installation, do not install fire water service piping below the building slab. Only welded or flanged fittings are permitted to transition piping from horizontal to vertical within the pit. Where flanged fitting is used within the pit, only flanges that are threaded or welded to the piping are permitted. Provide thrust restraint bracing where the piping transitions from horizontal to vertical. A minimum 2 ft. (610 mm) clearance is required around the piping within the pit. Provide an access ladder and drainage from the pit. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 24 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 5. New fire hydrant flow tests were conducted on December 19, 2017. Data from those tests are indicated below: Date 19 Dec 2017 19 Dec 2017 19 Dec 2017 19 Dec 2017 Test Hydrant 202 (16” main) 302 (10” main) 302 (10” main) 309 (8” main) Flow Hydrant 302 (10” main) 308 (8” main) 304 (8” main) 310 (8” main) Static Pressure Residual Pressure Flow PRV Setting 62 psi 60 psi 1,711 gpm unknown 62 psi 49 psi 1,776 gpm unknown 60 psi 50 psi 1,807 gpm unknown 65 psi 41 psi 1,743 gpm unknown Fire Alarm and Mass Notification Systems A. Provide Fire Alarm System for the Aircraft Bay 1. A releasing service fire alarm control unit (RSFACU) will be provided in a normally occupied, conditioned space, such as the main Hallway or similar approved location. The RSFACU will monitor all aspects of the aircraft bay fire protection. This panel is required to be the Eagle Quantum Premier (EQP) panel. This system and its subpanels and power supplies are sole sourced from Det-Tronics. a. Battery charger and batteries will be located in the fire protection room, remote from the panel itself. 2. All wiring to be Class B. 3. Manual HEF start (discharge) stations with yellow signage and red lettering will be provided at each exit from the aircraft bay. 4. Manual HEF stop (abort) stations with white signage and blue lettering will be provided at each exit from the aircraft bay. At least one manual HEF stop station will be provided outside the hangar bay and one additional stop station will be provided in the fire protection room. 5. Multi-spectrum infrared optical flame detectors (IR3) will be provided. These are sole sourced from Det-Tronics. A sufficient quantity of detectors shall be provided with enough overlap to view all of the aircraft bay with no less than 3 detectors within 5 feet of the aircraft bay perimeter. 6. Releasing modules for HEF system solenoids. 7. Blue rotating beacons not less than 400 cd (208/120VAC) powered from a dedicated emergency panel for the HEF system discharge. 8. Auxiliary functions will be provided as needed. 9. All significant outputs from the RSFACU will be monitored by the single Monaco BT-XM radio fire alarm transceiver to be provided for both panels. B. Provide Fire Alarm System for the Support Areas 1. A Monaco MAAP-X combination fire alarm and mass notification control unit (FMCP) will be provided in the fire protection room to monitor all aspects of the shops and NDI fire protection. This panel and its subpanels are sole sourced from Monaco Enterprises. a. The Monaco MAAP-X panel will be provided with a built-in transceiver. b. Battery charger and batteries will also be installed in the fire protection room. 2. All wiring to be Class B. 3. Manual fire alarm pull stations will be provided for the building. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 25 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 4. Smoke detection will be provided above the FMCP & RSFACU. 5. Fire pump status points (pump running, loss of power and phase reversal) shall be monitored and retransmitted as required by NFPA 20. 6. Rate compensated heat detectors will not be provided. 7. All valve tamper switches will be supervised. 8. Monitor all flow switches and pressure switches. 9. Releasing modules for HEF system solenoids. 10. The wet-pipe sprinkler system will be monitored. 11. Clear strobes will be provided for fire alarm evacuation signaling and mass notification. Strobes in common viewing areas will be synchronized. 12. Shared fire alarm and mass notification speakers will be provided. 13. Fire alarm and mass notification devices will be white with “Alert” in red letters. 14. Auxiliary functions will be provided as needed. 15. All significant outputs from the RSFACU will be monitored by the single Monaco BT-XM radio fire alarm transceiver to be provided for both panels. Fire Suppression Systems A. Provide New Water Service and Variable Speed Fire Pump 1. Provide a new variable speed electric motor driven horizontal split case fire pump. a. Pump capacity would be 2,000 gpm at 130 psi. This pressure is needed to overcome the pressure drop through the inductors and flow control deluge valves. This selection could result in a churn pressure of approximately 216 psi. Therefore variable speed fire pumps will be provided in accordance with NFPA 20. The controllers can be programmed to slow the fire pumps and limit the pressure. b. The brake horsepower required by the shaft for this fire pump selection is approximately 200 HP. Since variable speed fire pumps have an electrical service factor of 1.00 (rather than the 1.15 service factor for constant RPM motors), a 200 HP motor is required for this load. These motors have a special winding and labeling for variable speed duty. c. The fire pump would have a variable speed type controller with a power rating of 200 HP to match the motor. d. The fire pump would be arranged to start on signal from the RSFACU. 2. Provide a new 12-inch underground service from the fire water loop to the fire pump inlet. 3. Provide new basket style strainer downstream of the backflow preventer. 4. Provide new reduced pressure zone (RPZ) double check assembly backflow preventer downstream of the fire pump. B. Provide Wet-Pipe Sprinklers for the Aircraft Bay 1. One (1) wet-pipe riser will be provided for the aircraft bay, which has a maximum expected area of approximately 5,800 ft2. 2. The system(s) will be calculated to provide 0.20 gpm/ft2 over a 5000 ft2 design area. Provide upright quick response sprinklers at the roof/ceiling level with 175oF temperature rating. 3. Provide listed/approved fixed temperature sensor devices set at 40oF with center to center spacing not to exceed 200 ft. and spacing from walls/exterior not over 100 ft. 4. Pressure relief valves will be provided for the sprinkler systems. C. Provide Wet-Pipe Sprinklers for the Support Areas November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 26 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 1. One (1) wet-pipe riser will be provided for the support areas, which has a maximum expected area of approximately 10,500 ft2. 2. The system(s) will be calculated to provide design densities in accordance with UFC 3600-01 based on the appropriate hazard classification. 3. Sprinklers will be quick response. 4. Pressure relief valves will be provided for the sprinkler systems. E. A fire department connection will be provided such that all sprinkler risers are pressurized, but the foam system is not. Passive Fire Protection Systems A. Provide fire rated walls in the hangar bay and adjacent support areas 1. Minimum 1-hour fire resistive rated separation, including 45-min opening protection, between the hangar bay and adjacent support areas. 2. Separations in the support areas in accordance with NFPA 101. B. Provide suitable cut-off for hangar bay in accordance with UFC 4-211-01 and 4-211-02; or provide electrical classification as required. C. Where the manual HEF stop station is provided outside the hangar bay it must be located adjacent to a door with a 100 sq. in. fire rated door vision panel such that the occupant operating the stop station can view into the hangar. High Expansion Foam Hangar Fire Protection A. Provide an HEF System for the Aircraft Bay 1. Use an inductor based HEF foam proportioning system with a single unpressurized HEF polyethylene tank. A reserve tank is not required. 2. Since inductors cannot draw all of the foam concentrate a certain amount of residual concentrate will remain unused. Also the actual tank size will depend on the available size increments. At this time we are estimating the tank size at 405 gallons but this is subject to change. 2% foam concentrate will be used. 3. The available pressure from the fire pumps should be able to support HEF generators being calculated at an operating pressure of 55 psi. 4. The quantity of HEF foam generators is estimated at this time as 3, based in part on the UFC 4-211-01 (which is the same as the ETL 02-15 calculation method). a. The layout of the aircraft parking position and the ability to cover 90% of the aircraft silhouette area within 1 minute will be the determining factor in the final HEF generator selection. 5. Provide one (1) HEF riser with control valve, modulating type flow control deluge valves, automated inductor type proportioners. The inductors and flow deluge valves are sole sourced from Viking Corp. 6. The inductor manufacturer prescribes 5 pipe diameters of straight piping on each side of the inductor. As a result we will arrange the inductors in horizontal piping above the foam system risers. 7. A 25-gallon surge tank will be provided for each riser per UFC 4-211-01, Section 3-6.5.2. 8. Provide an HEF test header in the aircraft bay. 9. Due to the high pressure requirements of the system, the fittings will be required to be high pressure (300 psi) up to the proportioners. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 27 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Fire System Appurtenances A. Provide fire hydrants and isolation valves in accordance with UFC 3-600-01 2.1.7 ELECTRICAL DESIGN NARRATIVE Introduction The Oregon Air National Guard intends to construct a new corrosion control hangar to support the 173 FW and their 26 PAA F-15 aircraft at Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, Oregon. The electrical work is to include: Providing new electrical power systems for the corrosion control hangar bay, support shop space, nondestructive inspection (NDI) shop, spray paint area, training and administration area, and structural area. Provide a lightning protection system for the corrosion control hangar. Codes and Standards UFC 1-200-01 – General Building Requirements, 16 August 2010 Change 2, 28 November 2011 UFC 3-400-01 – Energy Conservation, 5 July 2002 Including Change 4, August 2008 UFC 3-501-01 – Electrical Engineering, 10-06-2015 UFC 3-520-01 – Interior Electrical Systems, 10-06-2015 UFC 3-530-01 – Interior and Exterior Lighting Systems and Controls, 04-01-2015 UFC 3-550-01 – Exterior Electrical Power Distribution, 09-01-2016 UFC 3-560-01 – Electrical Safety and O&M, 04-14-2015 UFC 3-575-01 – Lightning and Static Electricity Protection System, 07-01-2012 UFC 4-211-02 – Aircraft Corrosion Control and Paint Facilities, 12-01-2012 NFPA 70 National Electrical Code, 2014 Edition NFPA 101, Life Safety Code, 2016 Edition NFPA 780, Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems LEED v3 Certification Standards, US Green Building Council Design Approach The existing site has underground 12kV utilities and raceways routed along taxiway D. Existing pull vault 227481 will be converted into either a feed through transformer that would then feed the new corrosion control hangar or a MV sectionalizing cabinet will be installed and one of the taps will feed a new 480Y/277V 3 phase 4 wire transformer. The size of the transformer will be determined during detailed design. Further coordination with Bill Olden will be required after the 65% submittal once total load for the aircraft corrosion hangar can be determined. Utility meter to be located on the exterior of the facility. Electrical service panel will be located on the 2nd floor equipment floor. Shark smart metering will be provided by the utility Pacific Power per utility requirements. Interior Electrical Distribution System The corrosion control hangar main distribution system will be service rated with a 480Y/277V three phase, 4 wire, 2000-amp main switch board that will distribute power to the electrical system via sub distribution and branch circuit panelboards. A step down transformer will provide to a distribution 208Y/120V panel. The 208Y/120V distribution panel will provide power to branch circuit panelboards thought out the facility. Each area designation will contain a 480/277V power panel along with a 208/120V power panel to provide equipment, receptacles and misc. loads for each area such as NDI lab, Paint Booth, Bead blast area, etc. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 28 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Hangar doors shall comply with the UFC 4-211-02 for accessible backup power during a power outage. A separate hangar door power panel will power the hangar door. The panel will be fed from a manual transfer switch connected to a generator plug located on the exterior of the hangar. All electrical equipment located in the hangar facility shall be weather proof or NEMA 4X enclosure. This is to ensure during aircraft wash down that the electrical equipment will be protected. Lighting The facility will be illuminated per the UFC’s, ANG design guide, and the requirements of the IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America). The interior lighting will be energy efficient LED fixtures with automatic controls including occupancy and daylight sensors in individual offices and multi occupant spaces will be provided with manual and automatic lighting controls to meet group preferences. Areas larger than 100 square feet will be provided with multilevel controls to lower the lighting level by half. Communications rooms, electrical rooms and mechanical rooms will be provided with industrial LED strip lights with manual controls. Exterior wall mounted LED light fixtures will be provided to illuminate building entrances and exits. All exterior light fixtures will be specified with full cut off shielding per LEED requirements and prevent glare to the pilots on the taxiway and runway. Obstruction lights shall be installed on the peaks of the corrosion control hangar. One obstruction light to be installed above the hangar door and another on the north most peak. Lightning protection Lightning protection will be designed to following UFC 3-575-01 Lightning and Static Electricity Protection System and NFPA 780 Standard for the Installation of Lightning Protection Systems. The lightning protection will provide air terminals to incorporate the 100ft radius rolling sphere. The LPS will be interconnected to hangar grounding system per UFC 3-550-01 general grounding system requirements. In the hangar bay static ground receptacles shall be included to provide grounding points for the aircraft to discharge any potential static charge. 2.1.8 TELECOMMUNICATIONS DESIGN NARRATIVE Introduction Technology Systems for the project will consist of four sub-systems: Technology Spaces and Pathways, applicable to all low-voltage systems for the project Structured Cabling for Voice, Data and Television distribution Security, including Access Control, Video Surveillance and Intrusion Detection Audio-Visual, including Public Address (Paging) and flat-panel displays Applicable Criteria, Standards, Guidelines Uniform Facilities Criteria o UFC 3-580-01 Telecommunications Interior Infrastructure Planning and Design with Change 1; 01 Jun 2016 o UFC 4-021-02 Electronic Security Systems; 1 October 2013 o UFC 4-022-03 Security Fences and Gates; 1 October 2013 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 29 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 o UFC 4-211-02 Aircraft Corrosion Control and Paint Facilities, 12-1-12 Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA); current versions o TIA-568: Commercial Building Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard o TIA-569: Telecommunications Pathways and Spaces o TIA-606: Administration Standard for Commercial Telecommunications Infrastructure o TIA-607: Generic Telecommunications Grounding (Earthing) and Bonding for Customer Premises o TIA-758: Customer-Owned Outside Plant Telecommunications Infrastructure Standard o TSB-162: Telecommunications Cabling Guidelines for Wireless Access Points o TSB-184: Guidelines for Supporting Power Delivery over Balanced Twisted-Pair Cabling Building Industry Consulting Services International (BiCSi) o Telecommunications Distribution Methods Manual; current edition Technology Spaces and Pathways The Main Telecommunications / Technology Room (MTR) will be located on the Mezzanine and will serve as the telecommunications utility services entrance point and distribution point for all telecommunications cabling throughout the facility. The underground utility entrance for telecommunications shall consist of multiple 4” conduits stubbed into the MTR from a handhole five (5) feet outside the building. Discussion with the base during the design phases will be required to determine the location, size and quantity of pathways into the building. The room will be of sufficient size to contain the voice, data and TV equipment and for building-wide communications and security systems throughout the facility. The MTR will also serve telecommunications outlets (TOs) located near (within 275 cable feet) the MTR. The MTR will be designed to current UFCs, telecommunications industry standards and best practices. It will have the necessary ventilation, cooling and power, sized to accommodate day one equipment and a modest amount of future growth equipment. The room will include equipment racks for rack-mounted equipment and adequate wall space will allow for the mounting of non-rack-mounted equipment. All walls in the room will be covered with 3/4" thick AC grade fire-rated void-free plywood. Adequate lighting and appropriate fire protection will be provided. The room will be designed with adequate working clearances to facilitate the installation, use and maintenance of the equipment within the room and will include equipment racks / cabinets, wall termination space, copper termination patch panels, fiber optic termination panels (if applicable) and horizontal/vertical cable management for all cabling. Overhead ladder rack for distribution of cabling and equipment patch cords, vertical and horizontal cable management on equipment racks, and D-rings at wall-mounted equipment will be included in these rooms. Copper backbone cabling will be terminated on wall- or rack-mounted 110 patch panels, as applicable to the project. Fiber optic backbone cabling (if applicable) will be terminated in rack-mounted fiber optic termination cabinets. The telecommunications grounding and bonding system will include a wall-mounted Telecommunications Main Grounding Busbar (TMGB) in the MTR, rack-mount bus bars on each equipment rack, bonding backbone conductors and equipment hardware, and device bonding conductors. Power distribution units (PDUs) for each equipment rack will be included. Structured Cabling System for Voice/Data/Video Communications Cable pathways for all horizontal structured cabling will consist of conduit, J-hooks, and/or cable tray. Typical telecommunications outlet location rough-in will consist of a minimum of one (1) 4-11/16” square x 2-1/8” deep back box with single-gang plaster ring and a minimum 1" EMT conduit routed up to a J-hook route or cable tray above the nearest accessible ceiling. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 30 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Horizontal voice/data cabling will consist of Category 6 UTP copper cabling, fed from the MTR or appropriate TR and not exceeding 275 cable feet in length. All horizontal cabling will be designed to Category 6 standards and shall be suitable for use for traditional analog/digital PBX-based voice, IP-based voice (VoIP) and data communications (Ethernet). Telecommunications Outlet (TO) configuration(s) and locations will be determined by UFC as well as base standards and requirements, equipment that requires structured cabling connection(s), and through direction from the base. Telecommunication outlets for security equipment (e.g. IP-based surveillance cameras, access control panels) will be furnished and installed as part of the division 27 work in coordination with the security systems equipment furnished and installed under division 28. Telecommunications outlet locations for the base’s wireless access points (APs) will be provided, spaced to provide AP coverage with a 30-foot radius to support 802.11ac connectivity throughout the project area and provided with plenumrated AP enclosures in areas with plenum-rated accessible ceilings. Layout of AP locations will be confirmed by the base prior to issuance of bid documents. Fiber optic and Category 6 patch cords will be included in the project, based upon the base’s estimate of quantities required. Television cabling nominally consisting of quad-shielded RG-6 coaxial cabling and ‘F’-type connectors will be provided at various locations throughout the facility. Each TV location will have adequate blocking to support a wall-mounted flat-panel display and a duplex power receptacle for the display. The TV infrastructure – including a pathway to the roof for the installation of a rooftop-mounted satellite TV antenna – shall be constructed so as to support base-contracted television services. Structured cabling design and installation will adhere to applicable UFC, TIA, and BICSI standards and recommendations and industry standard installation practices to the greatest extent possible within the confines of the project. Security Systems Security within the facility shall include access control at perimeter doors and video surveillance cameras that are monitored and operated by the base. Further discussion with the base staff to define the security systems described below will be required during the design phases of the project. The access control system (ACS) shall consist of head-end components with systems software and field devices. The basic system design shall include a connection back to the base Access Control System (if applicable), ACS panels, cabling and field devices (card readers/keypads, credentials, door position switches, electric locking mechanisms and request-to-exit devices). The ACS panels will be located within the MTR and connected to the base network if applicable. The video surveillance system (VSS) shall consist of a video management server and storage array located in the MTR, Category 6 cabling and IP-based video surveillance cameras. Cameras will be placed to capture pedestrian traffic entering/exiting the building and at key points within the building. The Intrusion Detection System (IDS) requires further definition during the design process, but is anticipated to have the capability of determining where along the perimeter fence line a breach has occurred and then notifying the appropriate base personnel via visible and or audible means. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 31 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 AV Systems A Public Address (PA) systems will be installed in the facility that consists of a head-end processor located in the MTR, speakers throughout the facility and an interface to the base telephone system to accommodate building-wide or individually zoned announcements. Additional Audio-Visual (AV) systems consisting of input ports, pathways, cabling and a flat-panel display(s) will be provided for the facility at locations to be determined during the project design. These displays will be configured for showing portable content (e.g. laptop or tablet) and either cable (CATV) or satellite TV content. All inputs will be HDMI. No audio reinforcement is planned for these displays. Discussion with the base to further define the PA and AV systems described above will be required during the design phase of the project. Other Technology Systems Considerations Pathways for radio antenna cabling between the radio location and the roof will be provided and shall be of sufficient size and quantity to allow the base radio equipment provider to install the necessary cabling between the radio equipment and the antennas. Radio (air-ground, two-way, etc.) systems are not included in the Technology Systems scope of work for the project. Assumptions All telephone system and network equipment (including wireless devices) shall be furnished and installed by the base. The head-end equipment for the access control and video surveillance systems is existing on the base and that this project will expand on those systems by connecting to them over the base network. A Distributed Antenna System (DAS) is not required for the hangar or support spaces. 2.1.9 SUSTAINABLE DESIGN NARRATIVE The Corrosion Control Facility sustainable design goal is to pursue design components that would achieve the level of USGBC LEED v2009 Silver Certification, although the project will not be registered with USGBC for certification. In this early stage of design it is anticipated that we can attain 39 points on the LEED scoresheet with an additional 15 more points as a possibility. The design team will continue to pursue the goal of additional points, (50-59 points is required for Silver Certification) to attain the stated goal. 2.1.10 AT/FP SUMMARY General AT/FP Review Standard UFC 4-010-01, DoD Minimum Antiterrorism Standards for Buildings, dated 01 Oct 2013 is applicable to this project. Occupancy The planned occupancy is for 42 people. The Inhabited Building classification is 11 or more occupants and a density greater than one person per 430 square feet. The Primary Gathering facility classification is 50 or more occupants and a density greater than one person per 430 square feet. The area of the building is approximately 16,100 square feet. Thus the occupant density is approximately one person per 388 square feet of primary occupied space. The proposed use of this building exceeds the Inhabited Building criteria (UFC 4-010-01 Appendix A). However, to provide for growth in occupancy over time, the standoff distances will be provided for the occupancy classification of Primary Gathering. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 32 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Explosive Weight and Level of Protection The existing building is within the airfield could be assumed to be within the controlled perimeter of the airfield and the adjacent base. However, because the adjacent taxiways are open to the public, it is being conservatively assumed that the building is not within a controlled perimeter. Since the distance to the nearest public taxiway is greater than 200-feet (UFC 4-010-01 2-4.7), Explosive Weight I and II are considered. Because the building is Primary Gathering and assumed to be outside the controlled perimeter, the applicable level of protection from parking and roadways is “Low” (Table B-1 Standoff Distances for New and Existing Buildings). Standard 1: Standoff Distance The building will be constructed with metal panels over girts for the hangar bay and reinforced masonry for the remainder. The worst case of these wall types in (UFC 4-010-01 Table B-2) is “metal panel”. The conventional construction standoff distance (CCSD) to roadways and parking is 151 feet for Explosive Weight I, outside a controlled perimeter. The conventional construction standoff to trash containers is 56 feet for Explosive Weight II, outside a controlled perimeter. Standard 2: Unobstructed Space The facility will have a minimum of 56 feet of unobstructed space around it, as it complies with the conventional construction standoff distances for parking and roadways. All other mechanical or electrical equipment, if located on the ground, will limit opportunity for concealment of explosives. Standard 3: Drive-up/Drop-off Areas A tug route drive-up/drop-off area will be inside of the CCSD. These will be marked or provided with access control, as required. Standard 4: Access Roads A tug route access road will be inside of the CCSD. These will be marked or provided with access control, as required. Standard 5: Parking Beneath Buildings or on Rooftops Not applicable to this project. No parking will be provided on or under the building. Standard 6: Progressive Collapse Resistance Not applicable to this project. The building is less than three stories. Standard 7: Structural Isolation Not applicable to this project. This is a new building. Standard 8: Building Overhangs and Breezeways Not applicable to this project. There are no inhabitable overhangs. Standard 9: Exterior Masonry Walls Masonry wall will be provided with the minimum reinforcing required Standard 10: Windows and Skylights It is understood that there are no conventional construction distance provisions for windows, doors and skylights. The proposed standoff distance to parking or roadways (in this case public taxiways) is greater Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 33 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 than 200-feet. Therefore, the window design standoff distance requirements for Explosive Weight I will be considered in accordance to roadways and parking (UFC 4-010-01 Standard 10, B-3.1). Explosive Weight I will be calculated using the distance to the nearest public taxiway. Using the calculated force from the stated parameters, glazing, door and window frames will comply with UFC 4-010-01 by performance specification. Standard 11: Building Entrance Layout The building is surrounded by airfield features and restricting access doors to the base interior is not feasible. Standard 12: Exterior Doors Explosive Weights I and II will be considered in the design of the exterior doors. The glazed and unglazed doors will be specified to meet the standards outlined in (UFC 4-010-01 B-3). Overhead doors will be tethered to prohibit translation into inhabited spaces. Standard 13: Mail Rooms and Loading Docks Not applicable to this project. There is no mail room in this project. Standard 14: Roof Access All roof access, if needed, will be provided from the interior of the building. Standard 15: Overhead Mounted Architectural Features All equipment and/or finishes weighing more than 31 pounds will be secured to meet the standards prescribed. Standard 16: Air Intakes All Air Intakes will be located at least 10 above ground. Standard 17: Mail Room and Loading Dock Ventilation Not applicable to this project. There is no mail room in this building. Standard 18: Emergency Air Distribution A master kill switch will be installed limiting the distribution of airborne contaminants. Standard 19: Equipment Bracing All equipment and/or finishes weighing more than 31 pounds will be secured to meet the standards prescribed. Standard 20: Under Building Access Not applicable to this project. There is no under building access. Standard 21. Mass Notification The building will be provided with a mass notification system to support this requirement for notification and instruction. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 34 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 2.1.11 AT/FP CHECKLIST Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 35 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 36 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 37 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 38 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 39 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 40 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 2.1.12 SUMMARY OF APPLICABLE PERMITS Applicable permits are included in Appendix B and Appendix C: NPDES 1200C FAA 7460 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 41 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 This page intentionally left blank. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 42 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative 2.2 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 COST ESTIMATE ANG Design Objectives and Procedures (Tab C) 16 APR 10 Attachment 13 COST ESTIMATE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY SUBMITTAL STAGE TYPE B3 FINAL DESIGN SUBMITTAL BASE KINGSLEY FIELD, KLAMATH FALLS STATE OR DATE NOV. 8, 2018 PROJECT NUMBER KJAQ119006 TITLE CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR ASSUMED BID OPENING DATE JANUARY 2019 MCC $ 9,135,000 90% MCC $ 8,221,500 BASE BID (Exclude Contingency & SIOH) $ 9,499,504 $ 99,106 2. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY HAUL ROAD 1A AS SHOWN ON SHEET C-021, 1,140 LF, SEE DETAIL 1, SHEET C-021* $ 45,000 3. DEMOLISH AND RESTORE TEMPORARY HAUL ROAD 1A, AS SHOWN ON SHEET C-021, 1,240 LINEAR FEET, REFER TO DETAIL 2, SHEET C-021* $ 12,000 4. PAVEMENT RESTORATION, ALLOWANCE OF $30,000* $ 30,000 5. CONSTRUCT TEMPORARY HMA HAUL ROAD AT TAXIWAY D AS SHOWN ON SHEET C-021, 100 LF LINEAR FEET, REFER TO DETAIL 2, SHEET C-021* $ 8,000 6. ALTERNATE TWO - LEAD LINING @ HANGAR $ 232,426 TOTAL ABI’S / BID OPTIONS $ 426,532 TOTAL (BASE BID PLUS ABI’S / BID OPTIONS) $ 9,926,036 SEPARATE CONTRACT COSTS (e.g. prewired workstations, utility connections, etc.) $ 0 $ 9,926,036 ADDITIVE BID ITEMS or BID OPTIONS 1. ALTERNATE ONE - 8' HT. CHAIN-LINK SECURITY FENCE TOTAL ESTIMATE * Indicates Bid Option requested after final Cost Estimate Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 43 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 44 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 45 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 46 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 47 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 48 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 49 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 50 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 51 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 52 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 53 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 54 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 55 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 56 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 57 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 58 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 59 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 60 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 61 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 62 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 63 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 64 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 65 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 66 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 67 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 68 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 69 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 This page intentionally left blank. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 70 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative 2.3 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 ANG SUSTAINABILITY SCORE SHEET Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 71 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Design Intent November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 72 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 73 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 74 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 75 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 This page intentionally left blank. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 76 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative 2.4 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 TYPE B-2 REVIEW COMMENTS AND DISPOSITION PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS Number: Date: B-2 31 Oct 2018 Page 77 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: LOCATION: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PROJECT NUMBER: REVIEWING ACTIVITY/OFFICE REVIEWER AND TELEPHONE NUMBER: K J A Q 1 1 9 0 0 6 See below See below 15% CONCEPT DESIGN 95% PRE-FINAL DESIGN MECHANICAL COST ESTIMATE 35% DEVELOPMENT DESIGN 100% FINAL DESIGN ELECTRICAL ARCHITECTURAL 65% PRELIMINARY DESIGN CIVIL FIRE PROTECTION PLUMBING DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER COMMENTS REVIEW ACTION Jeff Love, NGB/A4OC, 701-857-4351/DSN 344-4351 Coordination call on 10/18/18 to C-081 1 Coordinate joint type between access apron finalize connection. Thickened Edge and Taxiway D with project KJAQ162682. planned. Suggest a Thickened Edge Expansion Joint along this interface. C-081 2 Provide joint types and locations. Refine project plans Remove detail 6/C-311. Replaced C-311 3 Where is Detail 6 to be used? If this is at by detail 4/C-341. Planned for Taxiway D, suggest a TEEJ instead. Slab connection to Taxiway Delta. joints likely will not match and use of dowels could result in sympathy cracking. C-341 4 Where is Detail 4 to be used? Is this at At Taxiway Delta Taxiway D? Refer to detail 5/C-341. Show C-341 5 Provide detail of interface between HMA and reference on plans. PCC. Route the asphalt along this interface and seal. Ron Huettl, NGB/A4OC, 701-857-4361 / DSN 344-4361, ronald.g.huettl.civ@mail.mil Fire Alarm 1 Monaco Transmitter and antenna are not Transmitter and the antenna will be shown on the drawings. shown on the drawings SPD will be shown on riser Electrical/ 2 Provide SPD (TVSS) on all 120 Vac circuits to diagram, including a note on both Fire Alarm control panels, subpanels, transmitters, UL listings required. The hinged amplifier panels, and booster panels. SPD terminal box is located on the shall have both a UL 1449 and UL 1283 listing electrical drawings. and shall be located in an adjacent hinged terminal box. UFC 3-600-01 Paragraph 918.11.2. Show UL numbers in drawing notes to ensure compliance. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 77 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 2 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER FA101 Key Note 1 3 FA101 Sheet note 1 4 FA103 5 FA103 6 FA/ Specification 7 FX-104 8 A101/A601 9 FX104 10 FA104 11 211339 12 211339 Para. 211339 Para. 211339 Para. 211339 Para.2.2 283176 Para 283176 Para 13 14 15 16 17 18 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal REVIEW ACTION COMMENTS Show the required signage for the release and stop stations. Use figures 3-10 & 3-11 from the UFC. The flame detectors shown are approximate only. Actual location and quantity to be determined by Det-Tronics. RSFACU must communicate directly to Monaco transmitter. UFC4-211-01 Para. 36.19.3. The foam water supervised solenoid disconnect is missing from the matrix. The foam water supervised solenoid disconnect is missing from drawings and specification. No surge arrestors are shown on the piping. UFC 4-211-01 Paragraph 3.6.5. Are the coiling doors fire rated? Do they have a closing mechanism or fusible links to ensure they will close in case of a fire? Is location of backflow preventer (after the pump) acceptable to local water authority? Add fire pump running, loss of phase, and phase reversal to the matrix. Ensure testing meets the requirements of UFC 4-211-01 para. 3-6.20 Edit paragraph. Valve must fully open in 5 seconds and close in 15 seconds. Start stations must be Nema 4 not “weatherproof” (implies Nema 3R). Delete the word “abort”. Add signage details to FA001 sheet. A-E to contact DetTronics for detector quantity and adjust drawings accordingly Connection will be added riser to emphasize this requirement Will comply Will comply Will add to the risers in the details Closing mechanism will be added. CE to investigate and confirm with water authority Concur. Will comply Noted. We will confirm consistency between the UFC and Spec section Concur. Will comply. Concur. Will comply Will replace “abort” with “stop” Clarify that system layout and design must be by Det-Tronics. Text is missing. Concur. Will Comply Battery capacity must be 48 hours per UFC 3600-01 para 9-18.12.3. Concur. Will Comply Page 78 Will correct. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 2 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER 283176 Para 2.24 19 COMMENTS REVIEW ACTION Specification needs editing for this project. Mass Notification must be compatible with new base wide system. Specification editing to be compatible to existing Monaco system. Signals to be transmitted are per sheets FA103 & FA104. Delete – does not apply to project. Stick with radio, unless A-E, CE and Comm. coordinate alternate with proposed basewide MNS. A-E, CE and Comm. to coordinate with proposed basewide MNS. Will delete this content from the spec’s and retain in drawings. Concur. Will comply 283176 20 Para 2.25 283176 21 Para 2.25.3 283176 22 Para 3.3 283176 23 Ensure testing meets the requirements of UFC Para 3.7 4-211-01 para. 3-6.20. Specification 24 Edit for project. 173 CES BASE CIVIL ENGINEER OFFICE Spec 1 Sec 01 045 35 Special Inspector 1.3.1 SIOR 01 045 35 must be licensed in California? Should say Oregon. 2 Sec 01 57 20.00 10 1.3 General Requirements Spec Comply with 1200 Z / should read 1200 C. 01 57 20.00 10 Spec 01 11 3 01 11 00- 1.2.1 COR at 173 CES, Oscar 00 Alonso instead of Ayala Sheet C-021 4 C-021 Adjust access route Sheet C-032 5 C-032 Access routes need to be coordinated with ramp project Sheet C-051 6 Sheet C-341 7 C-051 Prior to demo to communications lines install new lines. Storm drain that's to be demo'd 18" RCP 334 LF Note 7 new catch basin 30" storm sewer pipe ID'd on C-101 cannot find on sheet 101 C-341 Typical dowel spacing detail 2 was removed, please re-add if there's space Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 79 Concur. Will comply Changed to Oregon Changed to 1200 C Changed to Alonso Finalize site access route during coordination call on 10/18/18. Prior coordination has taken place. Finalize site access during coordination call on 10/18/18 Potholing determined this existing storm line to be 24”. Update note 7 on C-051. Include. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 2 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet C-401 8 Sheet C-051 9 Sheet C-503 10 Sheet C-505 Sheet E-010 11 12 Sheet M-001 13 Sheet M-601 14 Sheet M-132 15 Sheet A-202 16 17 Sheet P-002 18 Sheet P-100 19 Spec Vol 20 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal REVIEW ACTION COMMENTS C-401 Note 13 detail 3\C-504 calls out a concrete encasement for a 2" conduit, water service on P-401 is a 3" line Note 18 Remove "by others". Note 29, 30 33 no reference on drwg. C-051 confirm that water line exists as shown on plans. C-503 Detail 7 shows no tracer wire C-505 detail 3 explanation of backfill-33 40 00 E-010 Contractor to pay for PPL contract buy out. Gov to provide dollar amount. M-001 no abbrev on first column M-601 what are the de-stratification fans sequence of option; are the all controlled independent of each other? M-132 Confirm piping for refrigeration lines are not coming down through the door way A-202 Are those the refrigeration lines on the outside of the building, if so need to be covered. DDC must be totally tied into the existing the DDC system and use same programming software and protocol. Existing system is ALC (automated logic corp) system must be tied into existing ALC front end ( our server) P-002 Sloan flush valves on toilets and urinals (fixture schedule). P-100 turn shower valves to face into storage area 115A so that the access panels are inside storage room. Spec Vol All backflows need to be tested prior to completion, results sent to state and BCE. Page 80 Revise Note 18 on C-401, reference appropriate electrical drawing. Update callouts for Note(s) 29-30 on C-401. Waterline to have sleeve. Waterline feeds fire hydrant near Taxiway Delta. Show and reference tracer wire detail 3 /C-503. Update. Explain compaction. Will include abbreviations in first column. De-stratifications fans will be controlled from a single wallmounted speed control switch. Confirmed. Piping runs above doorway. Specification section 230700 requires piping to be covered with aluminum or PVC jackets. Requirement is indicated in specification section 230900, 1.1 and 1.1. and 1.1.1.i. Will include abbreviations in first column. Will add Sloan, but approved equals will be allowed. Will comply Will note. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 2 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet P-102 21 Sheet E-101 22 Sheet 701 23 Sheet 701 – Do we want transformer feeding panel 2/LE to be fed by1/LE, which can be fed by generator? Sheet C-503 24 Sheet S-111 Sheet S-112 25 26 C-503 detail 2, Hinged crate? Is it needed? Cost? S-111 Elevation of slab in hanger training room S-112 Note 8 where are the double dash lines Mead & Hunt, Inc. REVIEW ACTION COMMENTS P-102 Electronic primer valve for floor drains, locate in storage area 115A Sheet E- 101 offices 109/112 receptacles are on switches? Page 81 Will provide. These receptacles are occupancy sensor controlled receptacles which are a requirement of ASHRAE 90.1. Per UFC 3-520-0, Article 3-2.7, Panel 2/LE is required to be fed as shown on the one-line diagram. It cannot be fed from Panel 1/LE. Remove. Will add slab elevation. Will indicate double dashed lines on the plan where additional bars are required. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 6 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet S-151 27 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal COMMENTS S-151 Why are we using the most expensive truss structure? Metal truss ½ cost Page 82 REVIEW ACTION There are several reasons wide flange steel beams were selected over steel joists. The first reason being depth, if steel joists were used the depth would be increased which would require the roof height and the masonry wall height to be raised. Utilizing steel joists would also reduce the spacing of the roof framing members, this would interfere with the duct penetrations through the roof. Wide flange members are required at the reentrant corners, to transfer the lateral forces across the diaphragm. Coordination would be required for any items attached to the joists, and with the large number of items being installed after design, wide flange members give the flexibility to add the point loads anywhere along the length of the beam. If steel joists were used point loads would be limited to panel points. Due to loading and span requirements the mechanical room floor needs to be framed with steel wide flange beams, as well as the roof ridge beam. The introduction of an additional trade adds to the mobilization cost of the project. For these reasons a wide flange steel beam roof framing system was selected. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 83 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet S-401 28 S-401 Detail 2. Insolation on bottom of foundation (remove) will not meet 95% compaction. Fill with slurry instead of rock Sheet S-542 29 S-542 Water run off should be controlled by gutter and down spout. 30 Delete card readers, go with key entry. Spec 08 71 00 31 Spec 08 71 00 32 Section 08 71 00 2.3.9 Change to say Schlage and have interchangeable cores. 2.3.11 omit the "Do Not" and state place rm numbers on keys 2.3.11 omit the ”Do Not” and state place rm numbers on keys COMMENTS Joseph S. Buch, NGB/A7OC 701-857-4318/DSN 344-4318 Sheet A-103 1 Include snow fences above roof vent pipes, stacks to protect stack pipes from snow forces. Sheet A-501 2 Detail 4 Roof / Wall Detail - Downspout imparting flow onto lower metal panel roof will likely challenge the roof to wall flashing with heavy flow. Include a means to prevent heavy flow from impinging upon wall flashing. A downslope turned downspout, or add an additional flashing piece to shield the wall flashing seams. Sheet A-502 3 Detail 1 Roof Eave Detail – consider placing gutters at a level below the line of the roof in order to prevent mass snow movements from shearing off gutters. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 83 REVIEW ACTION Insulation will be moved from under the footing to under the slab. A note allowing for the option to fill the void between the bottom of the slab and the top of the footing with plain concrete will be added. A gutter and downspout will be provided, refer to the exterior elevations on drawing A-201 and A202 and detail 2/A-503. Review response withdrawn by COR Changed specs to match requests Changed specs to match requests Complied to request Altered downspout locations to avoid this condition. Agreed, will alter location height of gutter November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 8 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet A-504 4 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal REVIEW ACTION COMMENTS Detail 7 Curb Detail – recommend using a manufactured curb with integral crickets. These are available to span form standing seam to standing seam and the crickets are formed as part of the curb – no sealant. LM Curbs and Thybar are two companies that offer roof curbs. Include details of the upslope and downslope edges of the curb and pan to detail how the curb pan is placed relative to the roof panels. Add to Division 7 specifications. Page 84 Will comply Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 9 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet A-201 and Sheet A-502 5 Mead & Hunt, Inc. REVIEW ACTION COMMENTS Elevation views show many goose neck vent stacks that may span wider than on standing seam metal panel and may result in the vent pipe straddling the standing seam. Detail 5 of sheet A-502 shows the vent pipe centered nicely, which happens seldom. Should large vent stacks be used, or stacks are not centered, specify the use of the normal flashing boot as shown in A1, but amend the standing seam metal pan to allow for a seam interruption where the inserted panel integrates with the adjacent standing seams See depiction below. Page 85 Will comply November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 10 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet E-103 and Sheet E-502 6 Lightning protection was addressed, but sheet E-502 details 1, 3, and 4 depicted air terminal hardware for membrane roofs. Consult lightning air terminal companies for details for standing seam roofs. Specify mounting hardware that clamps on to the standing seam. Do not allow penetrating screw mounting hardware. The clamp shown below does not use set screws that score the paint coating of the standing seam panels. The lightning protection detail for the metal seam roof has been added. The membrane roof details have been removed. Sheet A-103 7 Will comply Sheet A-141 8 Key note 4.102 mentions snow fence on the roof plan. Add details for the mounting hardware and snow fence. Employ devices similar to the above clamping style. Add snow fence to specifications – could not locate in 07 61 14.00 Detail 6 Roof Assembly – callout note specifies TPO membrane roof, but specifications 17 13 53 call out PVC. Clarify type of membrane and edit to match. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal REVIEW ACTION COMMENTS Page 86 Will correct. Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative PROJECT REVIEW COMMENTS DATE: 31 Oct 2018 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Page 11 of 11 PROJECT TITLE: KINGSLEY ANGB CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON DRAWING OR PARAGRAPH NUMBER ITEM NUMBER Sheet P501/5 P-505/2 and Sheet M502/8 9 Mead & Hunt, Inc. COMMENTS Detail 5 and 8 – Vent Through Roof details do not provide enough clarity on how the make and attach the flashing to the standing seam metal panels. Employ an EPDM flashing boot or other recommended treatment and include a metal clamping band at the top of the flashing boot. If a sheet metal enclosure surrounds insulation, ensure clamping band does not deform stack metal. Consult manufacturer’s details or NRCA construction details. Page 87 REVIEW ACTION Will clarify details per this comment. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 This page intentionally left blank. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 88 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative 2.5 Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 PROJECT DESIGN SCHEDULE SCHEDULE ITEM APPROX. DATE Type A1 Submittal Type A1 Submittal Review (21 Days) April 13, 2017 May 8, 2017 NTP to Type A2 Concept Development Type A2 Submittal Type A2 Concept Review Meeting Type A2 Review (30 Days) May 08, 2017 July 20, 2017 TBD August 21, 2017 NTP to Type B1 Preliminary Design (65%) Type B1 Preliminary Design Submittal (60 Days) Type B1 Preliminary Design Review (21 Days) Contract Documents Development Meeting (OTS) August 21, 2017 January 17, 2018 February 07, 2018 TBD NTP to Type B2 Prefinal Design (90%) Type B2 Prefinal Submittal (60 Days) Type B2 Prefinal Review (30 Days) April 24, 2018 July 19, 2018 August 20, 2018 NTP to Type B3 Final Type B Final Submittal (35 Days) Type B3 Final Review (10 Days) August 21, 2018 November 09, 2018 November 19, 2018 Programmed Construction Year FY 2019 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Page 89 November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Construct Corrosion Control Hangar, Kingsley Field Basis of Design Part II – Project Narrative Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 This page intentionally left blank. November 8, 2018 Type B3 Submittal Page 90 Mead & Hunt, Inc. Appendix A Pavement Design Pavement Design Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.09.05 Date : 12/27/2017 Design Name : AND 100CBR AB Design Type : Roads Pavement Type : Flexible Road Type : Road Terrain Type : Flat Analysis Type : CBR Depth of Frost (in) : 21 Wander Width (in) : 33.35 Layer Information Layer Type Material Type Frost Code Analysis Asphalt Asphalt Unbound Crushed Stone Cohesive Cut NFS Manual Non frost Design Thickness (in) 3 NFS Compute 9.11 6.71 11.97 100 F3/F4 Manual 0 0 0 2 Base Natural Subgrade Traffic Information Pattern Name : HANGAR Vehicles Weight (lb) CAR - PASSENGER CMP 60 FORKLIFT JLG 60HT BOOM AERIAL LIFT STRIKER 1500 FIRE TRUCK P-19R FIRE TRUCK TRUCK, LARGE PICKUP OR SUV P-34 FIRE TRUCK CMP 60 FORKLIFT 3000 33050 33570 62000 48000 PCASE Equivalent Single Axle Loads Passes per Life Equivalen Span t Passes 200000 1 100 100 100 4 300 48 300 3 7500 100000 1 19220 33050 600 1 158 78647 Reduced Limited Subgrade Subgrade CBR Strength Penetratio Strength (in) n (in) 3 3 0 Pavement Thickness Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.09.05 Date : 12/8/2017 Design Name : ACCESS APRON Design Type : Airfield Pavement Type : Rigid Traffic Area : Area C Analysis Type : K Depth of Frost (in) : 20 Wander Width (in) : 140 % Load Transfer : 25 Effective K (pci) : 102 Reduced Sub Effective K (pci) : 61 Layers Count : 4 Joint Spacing : 15 to 20 ft Dowel Spacing : 12.00 in Dowel Length : 16.00 in Dowel Diameter: 1.00 in Layer Information Layer Type Material Type Frost Code PCC Drainage Separation Natural Subgrade N/A N/A N/A Cohesionless Cut NFS NFS NFS F3/F4 Flexural Strength % Steel (psi) 650 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Analysis Compute Manual Manual Manual Non frost Design Thickness (in) 11.48 6 4 0 Traffic Information Pattern Name : Vehicles C-17A GLOBEMASTER III F-15C EAGLE F-15C EAGLE AIR FORCE LIGHT COPY-1 Weight (lb) Weight (lb) Traffic Area A, B Traffic Area C, D 585000 68000 68000 438750 51000 51000 ACN 38 24 24 Passes Traffic Area A, B, C 400 400000 Passes Traffic Area D 4 4000 Equivalent Passes 15136 400000 415136 Reduced Limited K Subgrade Subgrade Strength Strength Penetration (pci) (in) (in) 11.84 11.48 0 6 6 0 4 4 0 0 0 50 Pavement Thickness Report U.S. Army Corps of Engineers PCASE Version 2.09.05 Date : 5/16/2018 Design Name : OR - REINFOCED Design Type : Airfield Pavement Type : Rigid Traffic Area : Area C Analysis Type : K Depth of Frost (in) : 0 Wander Width (in) : 140 % Load Transfer : 25 Effective K (pci) : 217 Reduced Sub Effective K (pci) : 0 Layers Count : 4 Joint Spacing : 100 ft Dowel Spacing : 12.00 in Dowel Length : 16.00 in Dowel Diameter: .75 in Layer Information Layer Type Material Type Frost Code PCC Drainage Separation Natural Subgrade N/A N/A N/A Cohesionless Cut NFS NFS NFS NFS Flexural Strength % Steel (psi) 650 0 0 0 0.43 0 0 0 Analysis Compute Manual Manual Manual Non frost Design Thickness (in) 7.86 6 18 0 Traffic Information Pattern Name : Vehicles C-17A GLOBEMASTER III F-15C EAGLE F-15C EAGLE AIR FORCE LIGHT COPY-1 Weight (lb) Weight (lb) Traffic Area A, B Traffic Area C, D 585000 68000 68000 438750 51000 51000 ACN 38 24 24 Passes Traffic Area A, B, C 400 400000 Passes Traffic Area D 4 4000 Equivalent Passes 15136 400000 415136 Reduced Limited K Subgrade Subgrade Strength Strength Penetration (pci) (in) (in) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 Appendix B Permit 1200-C OREGON DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY APPLICATION FOR NEW NPDES GENERAL PERMIT 1200-C Instructions for Completion of 1200-C Construction Stormwater Application: For stormwater discharges to surface waters from construction activities, disturbing one acre or more that do not meet automatic coverage requirements (see page 3 for additional information). A. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Enter the legal name of the applicant. This must be the legal Oregon name (i.e., Acme Products, Inc.) or the legal representative of the company if it operates under an assumed business name (i.e., John Smith, dba Acme Products). The name must be a legal, active name registered with the Oregon Department of Commerce, Corporation Division (503) 378-4752, (http://egov.sos.state.or.us/br/pkg_web_name_srch_inq.login), unless otherwise exempted by their regulations. The permit will be issued to the legal name of the applicant. • Permit coverage may be transferred from one party to another. For example, a developer may apply for a permit and then transfer the permit to a contractor. Transfer forms: http://www.oregon.gov/deq/wq/wqpermits/Pages/Stormwater.aspx. 2. Provide invoice contact information for billing of DEQ annual permit fee if different from the applicant in #1 above. This is the person or entity legally responsible for payment of the annual fee invoice. This must be the same company as the applicant. not a third party independent of the applicant. 3. Provide contact information for the Architect or Consulting Engineer who designed the Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) and Dewatering Plan, if applicable. 4. Provide information on the Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector. This is not a DEQ or DEQ Agent inspector; this is an inspector employed by the applicant. As of January 1, 2017, for project 5 acres or more include inspectors’ qualification certificate program and number. 5. Provide the common name of the project (for example, the name of the subdivision), the location of the site, and, if available, a street address. 6. Check the box that best describes the nature of the construction activity. If “other” is selected, describe the use and include a Standard Industrial Classification Code (visit http://www.osha.gov/pls/imis/sicsearch.html for codes). For projects that have submitted a joint permit application, please provide the US Army Corps of Engineers assigned number. 7. Enter latitude and longitude for the approximate center of the site, to the nearest 15 seconds. Latitude and longitude can be obtained from DEQ’s location finder web site at http://deqapp1/website/lit/data.asp. To get the longitude and latitude to appear you can also zoom in and re-center until you find the area. You may want to turn off DEQ interests to eliminate the yellow dots and you may want to turn on the Aerial Photos to help you locate the site (note that the aerial photos are over ten years old). The latitude and longitude will be indicated on the left side of the page once you have checked the locate place at the top of the page and clicked on a location. 8. If known, specify approximate start date. Provide information on the project size as indicated (based on the total project and not just a single phase). 9. For projects that anticipate dewatering or the need for active treatment system, additional details of BMPs and an operation and maintenance plan is required. This includes a plan review fee (Table 70H) for treatment of contaminants beyond sediment. http://arcweb.sos.state.or.us/pages/rules/oars_300/oar_340/_340_tables/340-045-0075_12-10-15.pdf. 10. Indicate the name(s) of the receiving water(s) (i.e., indicate where stormwater runoff during construction will flow). Request information from local authority or other resource to determine the name of the receiving waterbody. Your receiving water may be a lake, stream, river, wetland or other waterbody, and may or may not be located adjacent to the site. Your stormwater may discharge directly to the receiving water or indirectly via a storm sewer system, an open drain or ditch, or other conveyance structure. Do NOT list a man-made conveyance, such as a storm sewer system, as your receiving water. If you discharge to an irrigation channel or ditch you must also indicate the owner or operator of the irrigation channel or ditch. Indicate the first natural receiving water your stormwater discharge enters. For example, if your discharge enters a storm sewer system, that empties into Trout Creek, which flows into Pine River, your receiving water is Trout Creek, because it is the first natural waterbody your discharge will reach. Similarly, a discharge into a ditch that feeds Spring Creek should be identified as “Spring Creek” since the ditch is a manmade conveyance. If you discharge into a municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4), you must identify the waterbody into which that portion of the storm sewer discharges. That information should be readily available from the operator of the MS4. p. 1 of 5 Rev. 12.7.2017; by M. Riedel 11. Indicate whether stormwater runoff during construction will discharge directly to or through a storm sewer or drainage system that discharges to a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) or 303(d) listed waterbody for turbidity or sedimentation. To make this determination, the following tools are available on DEQ’s website: • WQ Assessment page: http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/assessment/rpt2012/search.asp to use scroll down to search criteria: waterbody and listing status Category 5 (303d) and Category 4a (TMDL approved). B. SIGNATURE OF LEGALLY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE • • • • • • DEFINITION OF LEGALLY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE: Please also provide the information requested in brackets [ ] Corporation - president, secretary, treasurer, vice-president, or any person who performs principal business functions; or a manager of one or more facilities that is authorized in accordance to corporate procedure to sign such documents. Partnership - General partner [list of general partners, their addresses, and telephone numbers]. Sole Proprietorship - Owner(s) [each owner must sign the application]. City, County, State, Federal, or other Public Facility - Principal executive officer or ranking elected official. Limited Liability Company - Member [articles of organization]. Trusts – Acting trustee [list of trustees, their addresses, and telephone numbers]. (please see 40 CFR §122.22 for more detail, if needed) APPLICATION AND FEE SUBMITTAL To authorize permit registration, the following must be completed and submitted to the appropriate DEQ regional office or DEQ Agent DEQ application form signed by the Legally Authorized Representative and meeting the signature requirements below. DEQ LUCS and associated Findings. Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Narrative, if applicable. Dewatering and/or Treatment Plan, if applicable. Stormwater Erosion and Sediment Control Plan Drawings; full-sized hard copy and electronic file. Applicable permit fee. Appropriate fees are available at http://www.oregon.gov/deq/Rulemaking%20Docs/340-0450075WQFeeTables.pdf. All stormwater permits charge an application fee and an annual fee upon registration. DEQ will invoice the annual fee amount if your project coverage extends more than a year. Please note: if submitting a dewatering or active treatment O&M Plan to address contaminants beyond sediment, a disposal system plan review fee may be charged as indicated in Table 70H. p. 2 of 5 Rev. 12.7.2017; by M. Riedel APPLICATION AND FEE SUBMITTAL Submit this application, Narrative Parts I, II & III (if applicable), LUCS, Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (full-sized hard copies and electronic copy), Dewatering and/or Treatment Plan and the applicable fee to the appropriate DEQ regional office or DEQ Agent listed below. Contact the appropriate DEQ regional office or DEQ Agent for the best way to submit the electronic version of the ESCP. AGENTS AND REGIONAL OFFICES CONTACTS City of Eugene 99 W. 10th Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 541-682-2706 Clean Water Services 2550 SW Hillsboro Highway Hillsboro, OR 97123 503-681-5101 Includes Banks, Beaverton, Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro, King City, North Plains, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, and portions of Washington Co. City of Hermiston 215 Gladys Avenue Hermiston, OR 97838 541-667-5025 Rogue Valley Sewer Services 138 West Vilas Road, PO Box 3130 Central Point, OR 97502 541-664-6300 City of Troutdale 342 SW 4th Street Troutdale, OR 97060 503-674-3300 Clackamas Co. Water Environmental Services 150 Beavercreek Road, Suite 430 Oregon City, OR 97045 503-742-4567 Unincorporated Clackamas County and areas within the Cities of Rivergrove and Gladstone DEQ Northwest Region DEQ Western Region DEQ Eastern Region 700 Lloyd Building at 700 NE Multnomah St., Suite #600, Portland, OR 97232 503-229-5263 or 1-800-452-4011 165 East 7th Avenue, Suite 100 Eugene, OR 97401 541-687-7326 or 1-800-844-8467 800 SE Emigrant Avenue, Suite 330 Pendleton, OR 97801 541-278-4605 or 1-800-304-3513 Clackamas Benton Lane Baker Hood River Sherman Clatsop Coos Lincoln Crook Jefferson Umatilla Columbia Curry Linn Deschutes Klamath Union Multnomah Douglas Marion Gilliam Lake Wallowa Tillamook Jackson Polk Grant Malheur Wasco Washington Josephine Yamhill Harney Marrow Wheeler p. 3 of 5 Rev. 12.7.2017; by M. Riedel DEQ USE ONLY DEQ USE ONLY DEPARTMENT Of ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY File #: APPLICATION FOR NEW NPDES GENERAL PERMIT 1200-C Application #: LLID/RM: Date Received: Amount: $ Check #: Check Name: Deposit #: River Mile: Legal Name Confirmed: For stormwater discharges to surface waters from construction activities disturbing one acre or more that do not meet automatic coverage requirements.* Notes: Receipt #: Notes: *A project may be eligible for “automatic coverage” under NPDES general permit 1200-CN if stormwater does not discharge to a waterbody with a TMDL or 303(d) listing for sediment or turbidity and it meets one of the following criteria (see 1200-CN at http://www.oregon.gov/deq/FilterPermitsDocs/1200cnPermit.pdf: 1) Disturbs less than one acre and is located in Gresham, Troutdale, or Wood Village. 2) Disturbs less than five acres and is located in Albany, Corvallis, Eugene, Milwaukie, Multnomah Co. (unincorporated areas), Springfield, West Linn, or Wilsonville. 3) Disturbs less than five acres and is within the jurisdictions of Clackamas Co. Water Environment Services [Gladstone, areas within Clackamas Co. Service Dist. #1 (excluding Happy Valley), and areas within the Surface Water Management Agency of Clackamas Co. (including Rivergrove)], Clean Water Services (Banks, Beaverton, Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Hillsboro, King City, North Plains, Sherwood, Tigard, Tualatin, and Washington Co. within Urban Growth Boundary), or Rogue Valley Sewer Services. A. PROJECT INFORMATION 1. Kingsley Air National Guard Base Applicant (entity legally responsible for permit) 2. Invoicing information (person or entity legally responsible for payment of annual fee invoice; not a third party independent of the applicant) 1st Lt. Oscar Ayala, 173 CEF/CEC Contact Name (if different from applicant) Invoice Contact Name (if different from applicant) 3620 Joe Wright Rd. Address Klamath Falls City 541-885-6568 Telephone Oregon Address 97603 State Zip City oscar.a.ayala.mil@mail.mil State E-Mail Address Telephone 3. Mead & Hunt Architect/Engineering Firm (Erosion & Sediment Control Plan) 1st Lt. Oscar Ayala, 173 CEF/CEC Oregon Air National Guard Project Manager Telephone E-Mail Address 4. Applicant's Designated Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector Jeff Mason (971) 717-6504 Zip Company Name jeff.mason@meadhunt.com 541-885-6568 E-Mail Address Telephone oscar.a.ayala.mil@mail.mil E-Mail Address Qualification program and number p. 4 of 5 Rev. 12.7.2017; by M. Riedel 5. Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Facility Name of Project 6. Nature of Construction Activity Single Family (SIC Code 1521) Multi-Family Residential (SIC Code 1522) Commercial (SIC Code 1542) Industrial (SIC Code 1541) Highway (SIC Code 1611) Restoration (SIC Code 1629) Utilities (SIC Code 1623): Other (SIC Code required): Army Corps No. (if any): 222 Arnold Ave. Address or Cross Street Klamath Falls Oregon City State 97603 Zip Klamath County 7. Approximate location of center of site 09' 42.70" Latitude: N42 _________ 8. Approximate start date: 44' 28.10" Longitude: W121___________ April __________________________ 1, 2019 Project Size Total Site Acreage (acres): 2.95 **For assistance: DEQ Location Improvement Tool at: http://deqapp1/website/lit/data.asp** Total Disturbed Area (acres): 2.95 Total Number of Lots: 1 9. Is there soil or groundwater contamination located within the site boundary? Will you be dewatering during construction (plan review fee may apply)? Depth to groundwater: 7.5' YES ■ NO YES ■ NO Data Source: August 2017 Soil Borings 10. Receiving waterbody - Must identify final discharge location of construction stormwater flows. Waters of the State (name or description): Municipal storm sewer or drainage system (include downstream receiving waterbody): Klamath Irrigation District Ditch (include downstream receiving waterbody): Irrigation channel or ditch (include owner or operator): Infiltration device(s) (construction stormwater discharge to underground injection control/drywell is prohibited) Other: 1-E Drain 11. Stormwater runoff during construction discharges directly to or through a storm sewer or drainage system that discharges to a YES ■ NO waterbody with a Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) or 303(d) listing for turbidity or sedimentation? **For assistance: DEQ assessment database page at http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/assessment/rpt2012/search.asp B. SIGNATURE OF LEGALLY AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE The legally authorized representative must sign the application (see instructions – Section C). I hereby certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. In addition, I agree to pay all permit fees required by Oregon Administrative Rules 340-045. This includes a compliance determination fee invoiced annually by DEQ to maintain the permit. Name of Legally Authorized Representative (Type or Print) Title Signature of Legally Authorized Representative Date p. 5 of 5 Rev. 12.7.2017; by M. Riedel Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 1 of 30 GENERAL PERMIT NATIONAL POLLUTANT DISCHARGE ELIMINATION SYSTEM STORMWATER DISCHARGE PERMIT Oregon Department of Environmental Quality 811 SW Sixth Avenue, Portland OR 97204 Telephone: (503) 229-5279 or 1-800-452-4011 (toll free in Oregon) Issued pursuant to ORS 468B.050 and Section 402 of the Federal Clean Water Act REGISTERED TO: SOURCES COVERED BY THIS PERMIT: The legally authorized representative (see Definitions) for construction activities (as defined below) that may discharge to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters of the state must register for coverage under this permit with DEQ before any land disturbance occurs, unless the construction activities are automatically covered as described in the 1200-CN permit. Construction activities including clearing, grading, excavation, materials or equipment staging and stockpiling that will disturb one or more acres and may discharge to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters of the state. Construction activities including clearing, grading, excavation, materials or equipment staging and stockpiling that will disturb less than one acre that are part of a common plan of development or sale if the larger common plan of development or sale will ultimately disturb one acre or more and may discharge to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters of the state. This permit also authorizes discharges from any other construction activity (including construction activity that disturbs less than one acre and is not part of a common plan of development or sale) designated by DEQ, where DEQ makes that designation based on the potential for contribution to an excursion of a water quality standard or for significant contribution of pollutants to waters of the state. This permit does not authorize the following: In-water or riparian work, which is regulated by other programs and agencies including the Federal Clean Water Act Section 404 permit program, the Oregon Department of State Lands, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers, the National Marine Fisheries Service, and the Department of Environmental Quality Section 401 certification program. Post-construction stormwater discharges that originate from the site after completion of construction activities and final stabilization. Discharges to underground injection control (UIC) systems. ___________________________________________ Lydia Emer, Operations Administrator Effective: December 15, 2015 Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 2 of 30 PERMITTED ACTIVITIES Until this permit expires, is modified or revoked, the permit registrant is authorized to construct, install, modify, or operate erosion and sediment control measures and stormwater treatment and control facilities, and to discharge stormwater and certain specified non-stormwater discharges to surface waters of the state or conveyance systems leading to surface waters of the state only in conformance with all the requirements, limitations, and conditions set forth in the permit including attached schedules as follows: Unless specifically authorized by this permit, by regulation issued by EPA, by another NPDES permit, or by Oregon Administrative Rule, any other direct or indirect discharge to waters of the state is prohibited, including discharges to an underground injection control system. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 3 of 30 Table of Contents SCHEDULE A CONTROLS AND LIMITATIONS ................................................................................... 4 1. Registering New Construction Activities ........................................................................................ 4 2. Renewal Application for Permit Coverage ...................................................................................... 4 3. Transfer of Permit Registration ....................................................................................................... 5 4. Authorized Stormwater Discharges ................................................................................................. 5 5. Authorized Non-Stormwater Discharges ......................................................................................... 5 6. Prohibited Discharges ...................................................................................................................... 6 7. Control Measures ............................................................................................................................. 6 8. Implementation of Control Measures .............................................................................................. 9 9. BMP Maintenance ......................................................................................................................... 11 10. In-stream Water Quality Standards ............................................................................................. 11 11. Water Quality Requirements for TMDL and 303(d) Listed Waterbodies .................................. 11 12. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) ............................................................................... 12 13. Corrective Actions ...................................................................................................................... 14 SCHEDULE B MINIMUM MONITORING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS .................. 16 1. Visual Monitoring .......................................................................................................................... 16 2. Recordkeeping ............................................................................................................................... 17 SCHEDULE D SPECIAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................. 18 1. Schedule Precedence...................................................................................................................... 18 2. Other Requirements ....................................................................................................................... 18 3. Termination of Permit Registration ............................................................................................... 18 4. Local Public Agencies Acting as DEQ’s Agent ............................................................................ 19 5. Permit-Specific Definitions ........................................................................................................... 19 SCHEDULE F NPDES GENERAL CONDITIONS – INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES ................................ 22 SECTION A. STANDARD CONDITIONS .......................................................................................... 22 SECTION B. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION CONTROLS ........................ 23 SECTION C. MONITORING AND RECORDS ................................................................................... 26 SECTION D. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS ................................................................................... 28 SECTION E. DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................. 30 Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 4 of 30 SCHEDULE A CONTROLS AND LIMITATIONS CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES REQUIRED TO REGISTER FOR PERMIT 1. Registering New Construction Activities a. Applicants seeking registration for coverage under this permit for construction activities that will disturb one or more acres must submit a complete application to DEQ or Agent at least thirty (30) calendar days before the planned land disturbance, unless otherwise approved by DEQ or Agent (see Schedule D for description of Agent). The application must include: i. One paper copy and one electronic copy of the following: (1) A complete DEQ-approved application form; (2) An Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP); (3) A Land Use Compatibility Statement (LUCS) indicating that the proposed activities are compatible with the local government’s acknowledged comprehensive plan; and ii. Applicable permit fees. b. Applicants seeking registration for coverage under this permit for construction activities that will disturb less than one acre that are part of a larger common plan of development or sale must, at least thirty (30) calendar days before the planned land disturbance, submit to DEQ or Agent: i. A complete DEQ-approved application form; ii. One copy of an ESCP that covers the individual lot(s); and iii. Applicable permit fees. c. Applicants seeking registration for coverage under this permit for construction activities that disturb or are likely to disturb five (5) or more acres over the life of the project, are subject to a 14-calendar day public review period before permit registration is granted. The public review period will not begin if the application form or ESCP are incomplete. d. DEQ or Agent will notify the applicant in writing if registration is approved or denied. Permit coverage does not begin until the applicant receives written notice that the registration is approved. If registration is denied or the applicant does not wish to be regulated by this permit, the applicant may apply for an individual permit in accordance with OAR 340-045-0030. e. Until termination has been approved by DEQ or Agent, permit registrants for permitted activities that disturb one acre or more must pay an annual fee. f. Permitted activities for projects that disturb less than one acre and utilize the small lot fee structure are covered under the permit for 2 (two) years. To continue coverage beyond 2 years, the permit registrant must submit a DEQ-approved application form and (if needed) an updated ESCP; and pay the applicable permit fee. 2. Renewal Application for Permit Coverage a. An owner or operator of construction activities registered under the 1200-C permit that expires in 2015 must submit to DEQ or Agent a complete renewal application, using a DEQ-approved renewal application form before expiration of the 1200-C permit to ensure uninterrupted permit coverage for construction stormwater discharges. b. If renewal is denied or the applicant does not wish to be regulated by this permit, the registrant may apply for an individual permit in accordance with OAR 340-045-0030. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 5 of 30 3. Transfer of Permit Registration a. To transfer permit registration, the new owner or permit registrant must submit a DEQ-approved transfer form and applicable fees prior to permit expiration and within thirty (30) calendar days of the planned transfer. b. If ownership changes (through sale, foreclosure or other means) and the previous owner cannot be found: i. The new owner must register for coverage under the permit (Schedule A, Paragraph 1) if the site is not stabilized. ii. The new owner must register for coverage under the permit (Schedule A, Paragraph 1) prior to any additional land disturbance. iii. The new owner does not need to register for coverage under the permit if the site meets the conditions for termination (see Schedule B) and there is no ongoing or additional land disturbance planned. iv. DEQ will attempt to contact the previous owner at the address on record. If there is no response, after sixty (60) calendar days DEQ may terminate the previous owner’s permit coverage. 4. Authorized Stormwater Discharges Subject to compliance with the terms and conditions of this permit, and provided that all necessary controls are implemented to minimize sediment transport, the following stormwater discharges from construction sites are authorized (unless otherwise prohibited by local ordinances): a. Stormwater associated with construction activity described in the “Sources Covered” section of the permit. b. Stormwater from support activities at the construction site (for example, concrete or asphalt operations, equipment staging yards, material storage areas, excavated material disposal areas and borrow areas) provided: i. The support activity is directly related to the construction site covered by this NPDES permit; ii. The support activity is not a commercial operation serving multiple unrelated construction projects by different permit registrants; iii. The support activity does not operate beyond the completion of the construction activity at the last construction project it supports; and iv. Appropriate control measures are used to ensure compliance with discharge and water quality requirements. 5. Authorized Non-Stormwater Discharges If the terms and conditions of this permit are met, all necessary controls are implemented to minimize sediment transport, the discharge is not contaminated, and the discharge is not prohibited by local ordinance, the following non-stormwater discharges from construction sites are authorized: a. Water from emergency firefighting activities; b. Fire hydrant flushings; c. Potable water including water line flushing; d. Vehicle washing and external building washing that does not use solvents, detergents or hot water; e. Pavement wash waters where stockpiled material, spills or leaks of toxic or hazardous materials have not occurred (unless all stockpiled and spilled material has been removed) and where solvents, detergents or hot water are not used. Directing pavement wash waters into any surface water, storm drain inlet, or stormwater conveyance is prohibited, unless the conveyance is connected to a sediment basin, sediment trap, or similarly effective control; f. Water used to control dust; Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 6 of 30 g. Air conditioning or compressor condensate; h. Construction dewatering activities (including groundwater dewatering and well drilling discharge associated with the registered construction activity), provided that: i. The water is land applied in a way that results in complete infiltration with no potential to discharge to a surface water of the state, or ii. Best Management Practices (BMPs) or a treatment system approved by DEQ or Agent is used to ensure compliance with discharge and water quality requirements (see 9.d); i. Foundation or footing drains where flows are not contaminated with process materials such as solvents; and j. Landscape irrigation. For other non-stormwater discharges, a separate permit may be needed. The disposal of wastes to surface waters or on-site is not authorized by this permit. 6. Prohibited Discharges Discharges of the following are not authorized by this permit: a. Wastewater from washout and cleanout of stucco, paint, form release oils, curing compounds and other construction materials; b. Fuels, oils, or other pollutants used in vehicle and equipment operation and maintenance; c. Soaps or solvents used in vehicle and equipment washing. d. Concrete truck wash-out, hydro-demolition water, and saw-cutting slurry. 7. Control Measures It is the responsibility of the permit registrant to implement BMPs as needed for weather conditions. a. Erosion Prevention The permit registrant must control stormwater volume and velocity within the site to minimize soil erosion. The permit registrant must prevent or minimize the disturbance of sediment. i. Avoid or minimize excavation and bare ground activities during wet weather. ii. Temporarily stabilize soils at the end of the shift before holidays and weekends, if needed. It is the permit registrant’s responsibility to ensure that soils are stable during rain events at all times of the year. iii. Clearing and Grading. Phase clearing and grading to the maximum extent practical to prevent exposed inactive areas from becoming sources of erosion. Minimize the disturbance of steep slopes. Minimize erosion during and after soil disturbance using BMPs such as temporary seeding and planting, final vegetative cover, mulches, compost blankets, erosion control blankets and mats, and soil tackifiers. iv. Wind Erosion/Dust Control. Water or use a soil-binding agent or other dust control technique as needed to avoid wind-blown soil. v. Vegetative Erosion Control. (1) Preserve existing vegetation and re-vegetate open areas when practical. (2) Do not remove temporary sediment control practices until final vegetative cover or permanent stabilization measures are established. (3) Identify the type of seed mix (percentages of the various seeds of annuals, perennials and clover) and other plantings used to establish temporary or final vegetative cover. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 7 of 30 b. Natural Buffer Zone i. If a water of the state is within the project site or within 50 feet of the project boundary, and a natural buffer exists within 50 feet of the water of the state, (1) The permit registrant must: (a) Maintain any existing natural buffer within the 50-foot zone for the duration of permit coverage; or (b) Maintain less than the entire existing natural buffer, and provide additional erosion and sediment controls (beyond those required in other sections of this general permit). In addition to other applicable requirements of this permit, the permit registrant must implement one or more of the BMPs listed below to control and treat sediment and turbidity. The selected BMP(s) must be identified in the ESCP as addressing this condition of the permit, and the rationale for choosing the selected BMP(s) must also be provided. (i) Compost berms, compost blankets, or compost socks; (ii) Erosion control mats; (iii) Tackifiers used in combination with perimeter sediment control BMPs; (iv) Water treatment by electro-coagulation, flocculation, or filtration; and/or (v) Other substantially equivalent sediment or turbidity BMP approved by DEQ or Agent. (2) In addition, the permit registrant must: (a) Ensure that all discharges from covered activities to the water of the state are treated by the site’s erosion and sediment controls before entering the natural buffer. Use velocity dissipation devices if necessary to prevent erosion in the natural buffer. (b) Delineate and clearly mark off (with flags, tape or similar marking devices) all natural buffer zones. ii. Stormwater control features (for example, stormwater conveyance channels, storm drain inlets, and sediment basins) are not “waters of the state” for the purposes of triggering this requirement. iii. Areas that the permit registrant does not own or that are otherwise outside the permit registrant’s operational control may be considered areas of undisturbed natural buffer for purposes of this requirement. However, the permit registrant is only required to retain and protect from construction activities the portion of the buffer area that is under the permit registrant’s control. iv. The Natural Buffer Zone requirements do not apply if: (1) No natural buffer exists due to development that occurred prior to the initiation of planning for the current project; or (2) There is no discharge of stormwater to the water of the state through the area between the disturbed portions of the site and the surface water located within the project site or within 50 feet of the site. This includes situations where the permit registrant has implemented control measures, such as a berm or other barrier, that will prevent such discharges; or (3) There is a CWA Section 404 permit and 401 WQC issued for the project; or (4) Construction is for a water-dependent structure or water access areas (for example, pier, boat ramp, or trail). v. Pre-existing conditions (1) The permit registrant is not required to enhance the quality of the vegetation that already exists in the buffer, or provide vegetation if none exists. (2) Any preexisting structures or impervious surfaces are allowed in the natural buffer provided the permit registrant retains and protects from disturbance any natural buffer area outside the preexisting disturbance. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 8 of 30 c. Runoff Control The permit registrant must control stormwater discharges, including both peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and to minimize downstream channel and streambank erosion. The permit registrant must minimize sediment discharges from the site. The permit registrant must prevent or minimize scouring by means such as diverting, collecting, conveying or controlling flow. BMPs used for these purposes include diversion of run-on; trench drains, slope drains, french drains and subsurface drains; temporary diversion dikes; earthen berms; grass-lined or armored channels (such as turf reinforcement mats); drainage swales; energy dissipaters; rock outlet protection; drop inlets; and check dams. Note that any underground injection must comply with OAR Chapter 340, Division 44. d. Sediment Control The permit registrant must prevent or minimize sediment transport by means such as filtration and settling. i. Control sediment as needed along the site perimeter and at all operational internal storm drain inlets at all times during construction, both internally and at the site boundary by using BMPs such as sediment fences, buffer zones, sediment traps, rock filters, compost berms/compost socks, fiber wattles, storm drain inlet protection, and temporary or permanent sedimentation basins; and, when discharging from basins and impoundments, by utilizing outlet structures that withdraw water from the surface, unless infeasible. ii. Sediment Tracking and Transport Control. The permit registrant must prevent or minimize tracking of sediment onto public or private roads using BMPs such as: (1) Establish graveled (or paved) exits and parking areas prior to any land disturbing activities. (2) Gravel all unpaved roads located onsite. (3) Use an exit tire wash. (4) Cover all sediment loads leaving the site. (5) When trucking saturated soils from the site, either use water-tight trucks or drain loads on site. e. Pollution Prevention and Control. i. Pollution Prevention. The permit registrant must design, implement, and maintain pollution prevention measures to minimize the exposure of building materials, building products, construction wastes, trash, landscape materials, fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, detergents, sanitary waste and other materials present on the site to precipitation and to stormwater. (1) Use BMPs to prevent or minimize pollution of stormwater or to treat flow from dewatering, ponded water, paving, and temporary bridges. (2) Use BMPs to prevent or minimize stormwater from being exposed to pollutants from spills; vehicle and equipment fueling, maintenance, and storage; other cleaning and maintenance activities; and waste handling activities. These pollutants include fuel, hydraulic fluid and other oils from vehicles and machinery; as well as debris, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, paints, solvents, curing compounds and adhesives. ii. Stockpile Erosion and Sediment Control Practices. (1) Both on-site stockpiles and stockpiles located away from the construction activity but still under the control of the permit registrant must be protected to prevent significant amounts of sediment or turbid water from discharging to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters. (2) As needed based on weather conditions, at the end of each workday soil stockpiles must be stabilized or covered, or other BMPs must be implemented to prevent discharges to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 9 of 30 (3) In developing these practices, at a minimum the following must be considered: diversion of uncontaminated flows around stockpiles, use of cover over stockpiles, and installation of sediment fences (or other barriers that will prevent the discharge of sediment or turbidity) around stockpiles. iii. Solid Waste and Hazardous Materials Management. Implement the following BMPs when applicable: written spill prevention and response procedures, employee training on spill prevention and proper disposal procedures, spill kits available on site, regular maintenance schedule for vehicles and machinery, material delivery and storage controls, training and signage, and covered storage areas for waste and supplies. f. Additional BMP Requirements During Inactive Periods. i. If all construction activities cease at the site for thirty (30) calendar days or more, the entire site must be stabilized using temporary seeding, vegetation, a heavy mulch layer, or another method. ii. On any significant portion of the site, if construction activities cease for fourteen (14) calendar days or more, install temporary covering such as blown straw and a tackifier, loose straw, compost mulch, temporary vegetative cover, crushed rock or gravel base. 8. Implementation of Control Measures a. Permit registrants must implement the ESCP (Paragraph A.12). Failure to implement any of the control measures or practices described in the ESCP is a violation of the permit. b. Permit registrants must prevent the discharge of significant amounts of sediment to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters. The following conditions indicate that a significant amount of sediment has left or is likely to leave the site, and are prohibited: i. Earth slides or mud flows; ii. Concentrated flows of stormwater such as rills, rivulets or channels that cause erosion when such flows are not filtered, settled or otherwise treated to remove sediment; iii. Sediment laden or turbid flows of stormwater that are not filtered or settled to remove sediments and turbidity; iv. Deposits of sediment at the construction site in areas that drain to unprotected stormwater inlets or to catch basins that discharge to surface waters. Inlets and catch basins with failing sediment controls due to lack of maintenance or inadequate design are considered unprotected; v. Deposits of sediment from the construction site on any property (including public and private streets) outside of the construction activity covered by this permit. c. Permit registrants must ensure the control measures or practices described in the ESCP are implemented according to the following sequence: i. Before Construction. (1) Identify, mark, and protect (with construction fencing or other means) critical riparian areas and vegetation including important trees and associated rooting zones and vegetation areas to be preserved. (2) Identify, mark and protect vegetative buffer zones between the site and sensitive areas (for example, wetlands), and other areas to be preserved, especially in perimeter areas. (3) Hold a pre-construction meeting of project construction personnel that includes the inspector required by condition A.12.b.iii to discuss erosion and sediment control measures and construction limits. (4) Stabilize site entrances and access roads including, but not limited to construction entrances, roadways and equipment parking areas. (5) Install perimeter sediment control, including storm drain inlet protection as well as all sediment basins, traps, and barriers. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 10 of 30 (6) For projects involving concrete, permit registrants must establish concrete truck and other concrete equipment washout areas before beginning concrete work. (7) Establish material and waste storage areas, and other non-stormwater controls. (8) Stabilize stream banks and construct the primary runoff control measures to protect areas from concentrated flows. ii. During Construction. (1) Land Clearing, Grading and Roadways. Permit registrants must: (a) Begin land clearing, excavation, trenching, cutting or grading only after installing applicable sediment and runoff control measures. (b) Provide appropriate erosion and sediment control BMPs for all roadways including gravel roadways. (c) Install additional control measures as work progresses as needed. (d) Phase clearing and grading to the maximum extent practical to prevent exposed inactive areas from becoming a source of erosion. (2) For projects involving concrete, permit registrants must: (a) Wash concrete trucks and equipment off site (in an appropriately protected area) or in designated concrete washout areas only. (b) Direct all wash water into a pit or leak-proof container. The pit does not need to be lined or leak-proof, but the pit or container must be designed so that no overflows can occur due to inadequate sizing or precipitation. Concrete wash water must not adversely affect groundwater. (c) Handle (for example, through disposal, reuse or recycling) wash water as waste. Do not dispose of concrete wash water or wash out concrete trucks onto the ground, or into storm drains, open ditches, streets, or streams. (d) Do not dump excess concrete on site, except in designated concrete washout areas. (e) Handle (for example, through disposal, reuse or recycling) hardened concrete waste consistent with handling of other construction wastes. (f) Concrete spillage or concrete discharge to surface waters of the state is prohibited. (3) Surface Stabilization. Permit registrants must: Apply temporary stabilization measures (for example, mulching or temporary seeding), final vegetative cover, or permanent stabilization measures immediately on all disturbed areas as work is completed. Stabilization of disturbed areas must be initiated immediately whenever any earth disturbing activities have permanently ceased on any portion of the site. However, temporary or permanent stabilization measures are not required for areas that are intended to be left unvegetated or unstabilized following construction (such as dirt access roads, utility pole pads, areas being used for storage of vehicles, equipment, or materials), provided that measures are in place to eliminate or minimize erosion. iii. Termination. Before termination of permit coverage, permit registrants must: (1) Provide final vegetative cover or permanent stabilization measures on all exposed areas (see Section D.3). (2) Immediately after seeding or planting the area to be vegetatively stabilized, the permit registrant must select, design, and install non-vegetative erosion controls (such as mulch or rolled erosion control products) that provide cover to the area while vegetation is becoming established, to the extent necessary to prevent erosion of the seeded or planted area. (3) Remove and properly dispose of construction materials and waste, including sediment retained by temporary BMPs. (4) Remove all temporary control measures as areas are stabilized, unless doing so conflicts with local requirements. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 11 of 30 9. BMP Maintenance a. The permit registrant must establish and promptly implement procedures for maintenance and repair of erosion and sediment control measures. b. General Site Maintenance. i. Significant amounts of sediment that leave the site must be cleaned up within 24 hours, placed back on the site and stabilized, or disposed of properly. In addition, the source(s) of the sediment must be controlled to prevent continued discharge within 24 hours. Any instream cleanup of sediment must be performed according to requirements and timelines set by the Oregon Department of State Lands. ii. Sediment must not be intentionally washed into storm sewers or drainage ways. Methods such as vacuuming, dry mechanical sweeping, or manual sweeping must be used to cleanup released sediments. iii. Fertilizer application rates must follow manufacturer's guidelines and the application must be done in such a way to minimize discharge of nutrients to surface waters. c. Maintenance of Erosion and Sediment Controls. Permit registrants must: i. Sediment fence: remove trapped sediment before it reaches one third of the above ground fence height. ii. Other sediment barriers (such as biobags): remove sediment before it reaches two inches depth above ground height. iii. Catch basins: clean before sediment retention capacity has been reduced by fifty percent. iv. Sediment basins: remove trapped sediments before design capacity has been reduced by fifty percent. d. Treatment Systems. If an active treatment system (for example, electro-coagulation, flocculation, filtration, etc.) for sediment or other pollutant removal is employed, the permit registrant must submit an operation and maintenance plan (including system schematic, location of system, location of inlet, location of discharge, discharge dispersion device design, and a sampling plan and frequency) to DEQ or Agent before operating the treatment system. The plan must be approved by DEQ or Agent before operating the treatment system. If approved, the treatment system must be operated and maintained according to manufacturer’s specifications. 10. In-stream Water Quality Standards a. The permit registrant must not cause or contribute to a violation of in-stream water quality standards. b. In the absence of information demonstrating otherwise, DEQ expects that compliance with the conditions in this permit will result in stormwater discharges being controlled as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards. If at any time the permit registrant becomes aware, or DEQ determines, that a discharge from the permitted activity is not being controlled as necessary to meet applicable water quality standards, the permit registrant must take corrective actions, and document the corrective actions as required in A.13. 11. Water Quality Requirements for TMDL and 303(d) Listed Waterbodies In addition to other applicable requirements of this permit, if a permit registrant’s construction project has the potential to discharge to a portion of a waterbody that is listed as impaired and requiring a TMDL for turbidity or sedimentation on the most recently EPA-approved Oregon 303(d) list or that has an established Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for sedimentation or turbidity (available at www.deq.state.or.us/WQ/assessment/assessment.htm), the permit registrant must implement one or more of the BMPs listed below to control and treat sediment and turbidity. The selected BMP(s) must Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 12 of 30 be identified in the ESCP as addressing this condition of the permit, and the rationale for choosing the selected BMP(s) must also be provided. a. Compost berms, compost blankets, or compost socks; b. Erosion control mats; c. Tackifiers used in combination with perimeter sediment control BMPs; d. Established vegetated buffers sized at 50 feet (horizontally) plus an additional 25 feet (horizontally) per 5 degrees of slope; e. Water treatment by electro-coagulation, flocculation, or filtration; and/or f. Other substantially equivalent sediment or turbidity BMP approved by DEQ or Agent. 12. Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) a. Preparation. i. The permit registrant must ensure that an ESCP is prepared and revised as necessary to reflect site conditions for the construction activity regulated by this permit, and submit revisions to DEQ or Agent in accordance with requirements of this permit. The design, installation, and maintenance of erosion and sediment controls must be adequate to address factors such as the amount, frequency, intensity, and duration of precipitation, the nature of resulting stormwater runoff, and soil characteristics, including the range of soil particle sizes expected to be present on the site. ii. Qualifications to Prepare ESCP. (1) For construction activities disturbing 20 or more acres, the ESCP must be prepared and stamped by a Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality, Oregon Registered Professional Engineer, Oregon Registered Landscape Architect, or Oregon Certified Engineering Geologist. (2) If engineered facilities such as sedimentation basins or diversion structures for erosion and sediment control are required, the ESCP must be prepared and stamped by an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer. b. The ESCP must include the following elements: i. Name of the site. ii. Local Government Requirements. Include any procedures necessary to meet applicable local government erosion and sediment control or stormwater management requirements. iii. Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector. (1) Inspections must be conducted by a person knowledgeable in the principles and practice of erosion and sediment controls who possesses the skills to assess conditions at the construction site that could impact stormwater quality, is knowledgeable in the correct installation of the erosion and sediment controls, and is able to assess the effectiveness of any sediment and erosion control measures selected to control the quality of stormwater discharges from the construction activity. (2) Beginning January 1, 2017, for projects that are five or more acres, inspections must be conducted by a person certified in an erosion and sediment control program that has been approved by DEQ. DEQ has approved the following programs: (a) Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control, (b) Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality, (c) Washington State Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead, or (d) Rogue Valley Sewer Services Erosion and Sediment Control Certification. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 13 of 30 (3) Inspections must be conducted by the Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector identified in the ESCP. (4) Provide the following for all personnel that will conduct inspections: (a) Name and title; (b) Contact phone number and, if available, e-mail address; and (c) Description of experience and training. iv. Narrative Site Description. (1) Description of the construction activity; (2) Proposed timetable indicating when each erosion and sediment control BMP is to be installed and the duration that it is to remain in place; (3) Estimates of the total area of the permitted site and the area of the site that is expected to undergo clearing, grading or excavation; (4) Nature of the fill material to be used, and of the site soils prior to disturbance; (5) Names of the receiving water(s) for stormwater runoff; (6) The types of pollutants that could be found in stormwater and their likely sources; (7) Any authorized non-stormwater discharges; and (8) If a surface water of the state is within 50 feet of the permitted activities, (a) Description of area within 50 feet of project site (including any natural buffer), and (b) Description of approach to manage the natural buffer zone, if any (for example, maintain natural buffer, reduce natural buffer and increase BMPs, or eliminate flow through natural buffer). v. Site Map and Drawings. (1) The site map and drawings must be kept on site and must represent the actual BMP controls being used onsite; (2) The site map must show sufficient roads and features for DEQ or Agent to locate and access the site; (3) The site map and drawings must include (but is not limited to) the following features (as applicable): (a) Total property boundary including surface area of the development; (b) Areas of soil disturbance (including, but not limited to, showing cut and fill areas and pre- and post-development elevation contours); (c) Drainage patterns before and after finish grading; (d) Discharge points; (e) Areas used for the storage of soils or wastes; (f) Areas where vegetative practices are to be implemented; (g) All erosion and sediment control measures or structures; (h) Impervious structures after construction is completed (including buildings, roads, parking lots and outdoor storage areas); (i) Springs, wetlands and other surface waters on site or adjacent to the site; (j) Temporary and permanent stormwater conveyance systems; (k) Onsite water disposal locations (for example, for dewatering); (l) Storm drain catch basins depicting inlet protection, and a description of the type of catch basins used (for example, field inlet, curb inlet, grated drain and combination); (m) Septic drain fields; (n) Existing or proposed drywells or other UICs; (o) Drinking water wells on site or adjacent to the site; (p) Planters; (q) Sediment and erosion controls including installation techniques; Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 14 of 30 (r) Natural buffer zones and any associated BMPs for all areas within 50 feet of a water of the state; and (s) Detention ponds, storm drain piping, inflow and outflow details. c. ESCP Revisions i. The ESCP must be accurate and reflect site conditions. Update the ESCP as needed to represent actual BMPs being used onsite. ii. ESCP revisions must: (1) Clearly identify any changes (such as type or design) to the BMPs identified in the ESCP, their location, maintenance required, and any other revisions necessary to prevent and control erosion and sediment runoff. (2) Include contact information and any applicable certification, training and experience for changes in Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector. iii. Approval of the revisions by DEQ or Agent prior to implementation is not required. iv. Submission of all ESCP revisions is not required. ESCP revisions must be submitted only if they are made for any of the following reasons: (1) Part of a Corrective Action (A.13). (2) Change in address of the permit registrant. Registrant must keep their address current with DEQ or Agent. Failure to do so may be used as grounds for termination of coverage. (3) Change (increase or decrease) in the size of the project. (4) Change (increase or decrease) in the size or location of disturbed areas. (5) Change to BMPs (for example, type, design or location). (6) Change in erosion and sediment control inspector. v. If submission of ESCP revisions is required, submit one paper copy and one electronic PDF to DEQ or Agent within 10 calendar days of the revision. These revisions should be submitted as revised pages of the ESCP or drawings only; it is not necessary to submit the entire ESCP. If the permit registrant does not receive a response to the revisions from DEQ or Agent within 10 calendar days of receipt, the proposed revisions are deemed accepted. vi. DEQ or Agent may require the permit registrant to revise the ESCP at any time. The permit registrant must submit the revisions according to the timeframe specified by DEQ or Agent. 13. Corrective Actions a. The permit registrant must take corrective actions if any of the following occur: i. Significant amounts of sediment or turbidity (as described in A.8.b) are visible downstream of the permitted activities in: (1) A conveyance system leading to surface waters; (2) Surface waters 50 feet or more downstream of the discharge point; or (3) Surface waters at any location where more than one-half of the width of the receiving surface waters is affected. ii. The construction activity causes or contributes to a violation of in-stream water quality standards (A.10.a). iii. DEQ or the Agent requires the permit registrant to take corrective actions to prevent or control the discharge of significant amounts of sediment or turbidity to surface waters or to conveyance systems that discharge to surface waters. b. If corrective actions are required, the permit registrant must do all of the following: i. Source(s) of sediment must be controlled within 24 hours to prevent continued or additional discharges. Immediately, but no later than 24 hours after initial detection, take corrective actions or implement additional effective BMPs until the significant amounts of sediment or turbidity are no longer visually detectable and to ensure that the requirements of Conditions A.8.b and A.10.a are met; Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 15 of 30 ii. Document in the inspection records the corrective actions taken; and iii. Evaluate the control measures and practices to determine the cause of the noncompliance. Submit a written report to DEQ or Agent within 10 calendar days of identifying the need to take corrective action as required in condition 13.a above. This report must include: (1) The site common name and DEQ file number. (2) Identification of outfalls that were out of compliance. (3) Names of personnel conducting inspections. (4) A description of the noncompliance and its cause. (5) The period of noncompliance. (6) Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance (such as specific BMPs that will be implemented or increased inspection frequency). (7) ESCP revisions, if revisions were required to prevent and control erosion and sediment discharges. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 16 of 30 SCHEDULE B MINIMUM MONITORING AND RECORDKEEPING REQUIREMENTS 1. Visual Monitoring a. The following must be monitored visually by a designated Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector: i. All areas of the site disturbed by construction activity to ensure that BMPs are in proper working order. ii. Discharge point(s) identified in the ESCP for evidence of or the potential for the discharge of pollutants (including sediment and turbidity), and to ascertain whether erosion and sediment control measures are effective in preventing significant impacts to surface waters. Where discharge points are inaccessible, nearby downstream locations must be inspected to the extent that such inspections are practical. iii. BMPs identified in the current ESCP to assess whether they are functioning properly. iv. Locations where vehicles enter or exit the site for evidence of off-site sediment tracking. v. Areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation for evidence of spillage or other potential to contaminate stormwater runoff. b. All ESCP controls and practices must be monitored visually according to the following schedule: Site Condition 1. Active period Minimum Frequency Daily when stormwater runoff, including runoff from snow melt, is occurring. At least once every fourteen (14) calendar days, regardless of whether stormwater runoff is occurring. 2. Prior to the site becoming inactive or in anticipation of site inaccessibility Once to ensure that erosion and sediment control measure are in working order. Any necessary maintenance and repair must be made prior to leaving the site. 3. Inactive periods greater than fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days Once every month. 4. Periods during which the site is inaccessible due to inclement weather If practical, inspections must occur daily at a relevant and accessible discharge point or downstream location. 5. Periods during which discharge is Monthly. Resume monitoring immediately upon melt, or unlikely due to frozen conditions. when weather conditions make discharges likely. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 17 of 30 c. Documentation of visual monitoring. All visual monitoring must document the following: i. Visual monitoring date and inspector’s name. ii. The construction site name as it appears on the registrant’s permit. iii. The file or site number. iv. Weather conditions during the inspection, the approximate amount of precipitation since the last inspection, and approximate amount of precipitation during the last 24 hours. v. Observations for each discharge location. If a discharge location is inaccessible due to safety hazard, document the hazard and record the inspections noted at a relevant discharge point or downstream location if practical. (1) For each discharge point, make observations: (a) At the discharge location if the discharge is to a conveyance system leading to surface waters; (b) From the discharge point to 50 feet downstream if the discharge is to surface waters; and (c) At any location where more than one-half of the width of the receiving surface water is affected. (2) For each area observed, document the following: (a) For turbidity and color, describe any apparent color and the clarity of the discharge, and any apparent difference in comparison with the surface waters. (b) Describe any sheen or floating material, or record that it is absent. If present, it could indicate concern about a possible spill or leakage from vehicles or materials storage. vi. Location(s) of BMPs in need of maintenance, inspections of all BMPs, including erosion and sediment controls, chemical and waste controls, locations where vehicles enter and exit the site, status of areas that are under temporary or final stabilization, soil stockpile areas, and nonstormwater pollution (for example, paints, oils, fuels, or adhesives) controls. vii. Location(s) of BMPs that failed to operate as designed or proved inadequate for a particular location; viii. Location(s) where additional BMPs are needed that did not exist at the time of inspection; and ix. Corrective action required and implementation dates. x. All revisions and documentation of reasons for changes or modifications to the ESCP and other corrective measures. 2. Recordkeeping a. The permit registrant must keep the ESCP, all revisions to the ESCP, and all visual monitoring records on site. b. Upon request, the permit registrant must deliver the above records to DEQ, Agent, or the local municipality within three (3) working days of the request. c. During inactive periods of greater than seven (7) consecutive calendar days, the above records must be retained by the permit registrant but do not need to be at the construction site. d. The permit registrant must retain all visual monitoring records for at least three (3) years after termination of permit coverage. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 18 of 30 SCHEDULE D SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. Schedule Precedence Schedule F contains General Conditions that are included in all general permits issued by DEQ. In the event of any inconsistency between Schedule F and any other schedule of the permit, the requirements in Schedules A through D take precedence. 2. Other Requirements Registration under this permit does not relieve the permit registrant from all other permitting and licensing requirements. Prior to beginning construction activities, the permit registrant must obtain all other necessary approvals. 3. Termination of Permit Registration a. To terminate permit coverage, project registrants must i. Complete and submit a Notice of Termination form to DEQ or Agent. ii. Resolve all outstanding compliance issues. iii. Pay all outstanding permit fees. b. If the project never started (there were no permitted activities and no soil disturbance), there are no additional requirements. For all previously-active projects, permit registrants must also: i. Ensure that all final stabilization criteria are met. ii. Submit photo-documentation that depicts site stabilization, unless the site has been inspected by DEQ or Agent. iii. If portions of the property shown in the original ESCP have been sold, the permit registrant must submit an update of the ESCP depicting new site boundaries. iv. For a common plan of development or sale, all portions of the original common plan of development or sale that have been sold must either meet final stabilization criteria (D.3.c) or be covered by the 1200-C or 1200-CN. c. Final stabilization is determined by satisfying the following criteria: i. There is no reasonable potential for discharge of a significant amount of construction related sediment or turbidity to surface waters. ii. Construction materials and waste have been removed and disposed of properly. This includes any sediment that was being retained by the temporary erosion and sediment controls. iii. All temporary erosion and sediment controls have been removed and disposed of properly, unless doing so conflicts with local requirements. iv. All soil disturbance activities have stopped and all stormwater discharges from construction activities that are authorized by this permit have ceased. v. All disturbed or exposed areas of the site are covered by either final vegetative stabilization or permanent stabilization measures. However, temporary or permanent stabilization measures are not required for areas that are intended to be left unvegetated or unstabilized following construction (such as dirt access roads, utility pole pads, areas being used for storage of vehicles, equipment, or materials), provided that measures are in place to eliminate or minimize erosion. d. Permanent stabilization measures are erosion prevention materials designed to provide long-term protection to underlying soils. This may include but is not limited to buildings, paving, riprap, gabions, or geotextiles. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 19 of 30 e. Final vegetative stabilization means established and uniform (evenly distributed without large bare areas) perennial vegetation, which provides 70 percent or more coverage, with the following exceptions: i. DEQ or Agent may approve less than 70 percent coverage if vegetation is expected to expand, and suitable interim measures (such as mulch or bark) are in place. ii. For sites on which it is difficult to establish 70 percent density (for example, in arid, semiarid, and drought-stricken areas), the registrant must cover planted or seeded area with bio or photo degradable erosion controls designed to prevent erosion without active maintenance. iii. Sites located on land that is currently employed for farm use as defined in ORS 308A.056 (for example, pipelines across crop or range land, or staging areas for highway construction) that are restored to their preconstruction farm use are not subject to these final vegetative stabilization criteria. Areas disturbed that were not previously employed for farm use, and areas that are not being returned to preconstruction farm use, must meet the conditions for final vegetative stabilization. 4. Local Public Agencies Acting as DEQ’s Agent DEQ authorizes local public agencies to act as its Agent in implementing this permit if they entered into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). The Agent may be authorized to conduct the following activities, including but not limited to: application and ESCP review, inspections, monitoring data review, stormwater monitoring and enforcement. 5. Permit-Specific Definitions a. Agent means a governmental entity that has an agreement with DEQ to administer this general permit within their jurisdictional boundaries. b. Agricultural Land means cropland, grassland, rangeland, pasture, and other land on which agricultural or forest-related products or livestock are produced. Agricultural lands include cropped woodland, marshes, incidental areas included in the agricultural operation, and other types of land used for the production of livestock. c. Best Management Practices or BMPs means schedules of activities, prohibitions of practices, maintenance procedures, and other physical, structural or managerial practices to prevent or reduce the pollution of waters of the state. BMPs include treatment systems, erosion and sediment control, source control, and operating procedures and practices to control site runoff, spillage or leaks, and waste disposal. d. Borrow Area means the area from which material is excavated to be used as fill material in another area. e. Clean Water Act or CWA means the Federal Water Pollution Control Act enacted by Public Law 92-500, as amended by Public Laws 95-217, 95-576, 96-483, and 97-117; USC 1251 et seq. f. Conveyance System means, for the purposes of this permit, a sewer, ditch, pipe, channel, swale or similar component that is designed to carry water; or any combination of such components. g. DEQ means the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality. h. Detention means the temporary storage of stormwater to improve quality or reduce the volumetric flow rate of discharge or both. i. Dewatering means the removal and disposal of surface water or groundwater during site construction. j. Discharge Point means the location where stormwater leaves the site. It includes the location where stormwater is discharged to surface water or a stormwater conveyance system. k. Erosion means the movement of soil particles or rock fragments by water or wind. l. Erosion and Sediment Control BMPs means BMPs that are intended to prevent erosion and sedimentation, such as preserving natural vegetation, seeding, mulching and matting, plastic Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 20 of 30 m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. covering, sediment fences, and sediment traps and ponds. Erosion and sediment control BMPs are synonymous with stabilization and structural BMPs. Hazardous Materials means the materials defined in 40 CFR part 302 Designation, Reportable Quantities, and Notification. Legally Authorized Representative means the following (please see 40 CFR §122.22 for more detail, if needed): For a corporation - president, secretary, treasurer, vice-president, or any person who performs principal business functions; or a manager of one or more facilities that is authorized in accordance to corporate procedure to sign such documents. For a partnership - general partner. For a sole proprietorship - Owner(s) [each owner must sign the application]. For a city, county, state, federal, or other public facility - principal executive officer or ranking elected official. For a Limited Liability Company - Member [articles of organization]. For trusts – Acting trustee. Local Government means any county, city, town, or service district. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System or NPDES means the national program under Section 402 of the Clean Water Act for regulation of point source discharges of pollutants to waters of the United States. Natural Buffer means, for the purposes of this permit, an area of undisturbed natural cover surrounding surface waters within which construction activities are restricted. Natural cover includes the natural vegetation, exposed rock, and barren ground that existed prior to commencement of earth-disturbing activities. Natural Vegetation means vegetation that occurs spontaneously without regular management, maintenance, or species introductions or removals. For purposes of this permit, this includes invasive species. Non-Stormwater Pollution Controls means general site and materials management measures that directly or indirectly aid in minimizing the discharge of sediment and other construction related pollutants from the construction site. Owner or operator means the owner or operator of any ‘‘facility or activity’’ subject to regulation under the NPDES program. Owners or operators may be individuals or other legal entities. i. Operator for the purposes of this permit, means any person associated with a construction project that meets either of the following two criteria: (1) The person has operational control over construction plans and specifications, including the authority to make modifications to those plans and specifications; or (2) The person has day-to-day operational control of those activities at a project which are necessary to ensure compliance with a ESCP for the site or other permit conditions (for example, they are authorized to direct workers at a site to carry out activities required by the ESCP or comply with other permit conditions). ii. Owner for the purposes of this permit means any person with a legal interest in the permitted activities or the property on which the permitted activities occur. Permit Registrant means the owner or operator of the construction activity regulated by this permit that has submitted an application and received notice of registration under this general permit by DEQ or Agent. Person means not only individuals, but also includes, corporations, associations, firms, partnerships, joint stock companies, public and municipal corporations, political subdivisions, the state and any agencies thereof, and the federal government and any agencies thereof. Pollutant as defined in 40 CFR §122.2 means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, filter backwash, sewage, garbage, domestic sewage sludge (biosolids), munitions, chemical Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 21 of 30 x. y. z. aa. bb. cc. dd. ee. ff. gg. hh. ii. wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand, soil, cellar dirt and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharge into water. It does not mean sewage from vessels within the meaning of section 312 of the FWPCA, nor does it include dredged or fill material discharged in accordance with a permit issued under section 404 of the FWPCA. Pollution or Water Pollution as defined by ORS 468B.005(3) means such alteration of the physical, chemical or biological properties of any waters of the state, including change in temperature, taste, color, turbidity, silt or odor of the waters, or such discharge of any liquid, gaseous, solid, radioactive or other substance into any waters of the state, which will or tends to, either by itself or in connection with any other substance, create a public nuisance or which will or tends to render such waters harmful, detrimental or injurious to public health, safety or welfare, or to domestic, commercial, industrial, agricultural, recreational or other legitimate beneficial uses or to livestock, wildlife, fish or other aquatic life or the habitat thereof. Runoff Controls means BMPs that are designed to control the peak volume and flow rate or to prevent scour due to concentrated flows. Sediment means mineral or organic matter, typically deposited by water, air, or ice. Site means the area where the construction activity is physically located or conducted. Stormwater Conveyance means a sewer, ditch, or swale that is designed to carry stormwater; a stormwater conveyance may also be referred to as a storm drain or storm sewer. Stormwater as defined by 40 CFR §122.26(b)(13) means stormwater runoff, snow melt runoff, and surface runoff and drainage. Surface Runoff means that portion of stormwater that does not infiltrate into the ground or evaporate, but instead flows onto adjacent land or watercourses or is routed to stormwater conveyance systems. Surface Water means all water naturally open to the atmosphere (for example, rivers, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, streams, impoundments, oceans, estuaries, springs, etc.). Total Maximum Daily Load or TMDL means a calculation of the maximum amount of a pollutant that a waterbody can receive and still meet state water quality standards. It is the sum of the allowable loads of a single pollutant from all contributing point and nonpoint sources. Percentages of the TMDL are allocated by DEQ to the various pollutant sources. Turbidity means the optical condition of waters caused by suspended or dissolved particles or colloids that scatter and absorb light rays instead of transmitting light in straight lines through the water column. Turbidity may be expressed as nephelometric turbidity units (NTUs) measured with a calibrated turbidity meter. Underground Injection Control means any system, structure, or activity that is created to place fluid below the ground or sub-surface (for example, sumps, infiltration galleries, drywells, trench drains, drill holes, etc.) Water or Waters of the State as defined by ORS 468B.005(8) means lakes, bays, ponds, impounding reservoirs, springs, wells, rivers, streams, creeks, estuaries, marshes, inlets, canals, the Pacific Ocean within the territorial limits of the State of Oregon and all other bodies of surface or underground waters, natural or artificial, inland or coastal, fresh or salt, public or private (except those private waters which do not combine or effect a junction with natural surface or underground waters), which are wholly or partially within or bordering the state or within its jurisdiction. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 22 of 30 SCHEDULE F NPDES GENERAL CONDITIONS – INDUSTRIAL FACILITIES October 1, 2015 Version SECTION A. STANDARD CONDITIONS A1. Duty to Comply with Permit The permittee must comply with all conditions of this permit. Failure to comply with any permit condition is a violation of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 468B.025 and the federal Clean Water Act and is grounds for an enforcement action. Failure to comply is also grounds for DEQ to terminate, modify and reissue, revoke, or deny renewal of a permit. A2. Penalties for Water Pollution and Permit Condition Violations The permit is enforceable by DEQ or EPA, and in some circumstances also by third-parties under the citizen suit provisions of 33 USC § 1365. DEQ enforcement is generally based on provisions of state statutes and Environmental Quality Commission (EQC) rules, and EPA enforcement is generally based on provisions of federal statutes and EPA regulations. ORS 468.140 allows DEQ to impose civil penalties up to $25,000 per day for violation of a term, condition, or requirement of a permit. The federal Clean Water Act provides for civil penalties not to exceed $37,500 and administrative penalties not to exceed $16,000 per day for each violation of any condition or limitation of this permit. Under ORS 468.943, unlawful water pollution in the second degree, is a Class A misdemeanor and is punishable by a fine of up to $25,000, imprisonment for not more than one year, or both. Each day on which a violation occurs or continues is a separately punishable offense. The federal Clean Water Act provides for criminal penalties of not more than $50,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment of not more than 2 years, or both for second or subsequent negligent violations of this permit. Under ORS 468.946, unlawful water pollution in the first degree is a Class B felony and is punishable by a fine up to $250,000, imprisonment for not more than 10 years or both. The federal Clean Water Act provides for criminal penalties of $5,000 to $50,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment of not more than 3 years, or both for knowing violations of the permit. In the case of a second or subsequent conviction for knowing violation, a person is subject to criminal penalties of not more than $100,000 per day of violation, or imprisonment of not more than 6 years, or both. A3. Duty to Mitigate The permittee must take all reasonable steps to minimize or prevent any discharge or sludge use or disposal in violation of this permit. In addition, upon request of DEQ, the permittee must correct any adverse impact on the environment or human health resulting from noncompliance with this permit, including such accelerated or additional monitoring as necessary to determine the nature and impact of the noncomplying discharge. A4. Duty to Reapply If the permittee wishes to continue an activity regulated by this permit after the expiration date of this permit, the permittee must apply for and have the permit renewed. The application must be submitted at least 180 days before the expiration date of this permit. DEQ may grant permission to submit an application less than 180 days in advance but no later than the permit expiration date. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 23 of 30 A5. Permit Actions This permit may be modified, revoked and reissued, or terminated for cause including, but not limited to, the following: a. Violation of any term, condition, or requirement of this permit, a rule, or a statute. b. Obtaining this permit by misrepresentation or failure to disclose fully all material facts. c. A change in any condition that requires either a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of the authorized discharge. d. The permittee is identified as a Designated Management Agency or allocated a wasteload under a total maximum daily load (TMDL). e. New information or regulations. f. Modification of compliance schedules. g. Requirements of permit reopener conditions. h. Correction of technical mistakes made in determining permit conditions. i. Determination that the permitted activity endangers human health or the environment. j. Other causes as specified in 40 CFR §§ 122.62, 122.64, and 124.5. The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revocation or reissuance, termination, or a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncompliance does not stay any permit condition. A6. Toxic Pollutants The permittee must comply with any applicable effluent standards or prohibitions established under Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) 340-041-0033 and 307(a) of the federal Clean Water Act for toxic pollutants and with standards for sewage sludge use or disposal established under section 405(d) of the federal Clean Water Act within the time provided in the regulations that establish those standards or prohibitions, even if the permit has not yet been modified to incorporate the requirement. A7. Property Rights and Other Legal Requirements The issuance of this permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, or any exclusive privilege, or authorize any injury to persons or property or invasion of any other private rights, or any infringement of federal, tribal, state, or local laws or regulations. A8. Permit References Except for effluent standards or prohibitions established under section 307(a) of the federal Clean Water Act and OAR 340-041-0033 for toxic pollutants, and standards for sewage sludge use or disposal established under section 405(d) of the federal Clean Water Act, all rules and statutes referred to in this permit are those in effect on the date this permit is issued. A9. Permit Fees The permittee must pay the fees required by OAR. SECTION B. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE OF POLLUTION CONTROLS B1. Proper Operation and Maintenance The permittee must at all times properly operate and maintain all facilities and systems of treatment and control (and related appurtenances) that are installed or used by the permittee to achieve compliance with the conditions of this permit. Proper operation and maintenance also includes adequate laboratory controls and appropriate quality assurance procedures. This provision requires Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 24 of 30 the operation of back-up or auxiliary facilities or similar systems that are installed by a permittee only when the operation is necessary to achieve compliance with the conditions of the permit. B2. Need to Halt or Reduce Activity Not a Defense For industrial or commercial facilities, upon reduction, loss, or failure of the treatment facility, the permittee must, to the extent necessary to maintain compliance with its permit, control production or all discharges or both until the facility is restored or an alternative method of treatment is provided. This requirement applies, for example, when the primary source of power of the treatment facility fails or is reduced or lost. It is not a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. B3. Bypass of Treatment Facilities a. Definitions (1) “Bypass” means intentional diversion of waste streams from any portion of the treatment facility. The permittee may allow any bypass to occur which does not cause effluent limitations to be exceeded, provided the diversion is to allow essential maintenance to assure efficient operation. These bypasses are not subject to the provisions of paragraphs b and c of this section. (2) “Severe property damage” means substantial physical damage to property, damage to the treatment facilities which causes them to become inoperable, or substantial and permanent loss of natural resources that can reasonably be expected to occur in the absence of a bypass. Severe property damage does not mean economic loss caused by delays in production. b. Prohibition of bypass. (1) Bypass is prohibited and DEQ may take enforcement action against a permittee for bypass unless: i. Bypass was unavoidable to prevent loss of life, personal injury, or severe property damage; ii. There were no feasible alternatives to the bypass, such as the use of auxiliary treatment facilities, retention of untreated wastes, or maintenance during normal periods of equipment downtime. This condition is not satisfied if adequate backup equipment should have been installed in the exercise of reasonable engineering judgment to prevent a bypass that occurred during normal periods of equipment downtime or preventative maintenance; and iii. The permittee submitted notices and requests as required under General Condition B3.c. (2) DEQ may approve an anticipated bypass, after considering its adverse effects and any alternatives to bypassing, when DEQ determines that it will meet the three conditions listed above in General Condition B3.b(1). c. Notice and request for bypass. (1) Anticipated bypass. If the permittee knows in advance of the need for a bypass, a written notice must be submitted to DEQ at least ten days before the date of the bypass. (2) Unanticipated bypass. The permittee must submit notice of an unanticipated bypass as required in General Condition D5. B4. Upset a. Definition. "Upset" means an exceptional incident in which there is unintentional and temporary noncompliance with technology based permit effluent limitations because of factors beyond the reasonable control of the permittee. An upset does not include noncompliance to the extent Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 25 of 30 b. c. d. caused by operation error, improperly designed treatment facilities, inadequate treatment facilities, lack of preventative maintenance, or careless or improper operation. Effect of an upset. An upset constitutes an affirmative defense to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology-based permit effluent limitations if the requirements of General Condition B4.c are met. No determination made during administrative review of claims that noncompliance was caused by upset, and before an action for noncompliance, is final administrative action subject to judicial review. Conditions necessary for a demonstration of upset. A permittee who wishes to establish the affirmative defense of upset must demonstrate, through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: (1) An upset occurred and that the permittee can identify the causes(s) of the upset; (2) The permitted facility was at the time being properly operated; (3) The permittee submitted notice of the upset as required in General Condition D5, hereof (24-hour notice); and (4) The permittee complied with any remedial measures required under General Condition A3 hereof. Burden of proof. In any enforcement proceeding the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an upset has the burden of proof. B5. Treatment of Single Operational Upset For purposes of this permit, a single operational upset that leads to simultaneous violations of more than one pollutant parameter will be treated as a single violation. A single operational upset is an exceptional incident that causes simultaneous, unintentional, unknowing (not the result of a knowing act or omission), temporary noncompliance with more than one federal Clean Water Act effluent discharge pollutant parameter. A single operational upset does not include federal Clean Water Act violations involving discharge without a NPDES permit or noncompliance to the extent caused by improperly designed or inadequate treatment facilities. Each day of a single operational upset is a violation. B6. Public Notification of Effluent Violation If effluent limitations specified in this permit are exceeded or an overflow occurs that threatens public health, the permittee must take such steps as are necessary to alert the public, health agencies and other affected entities (for example, public water systems) about the extent and nature of the discharge in accordance with the notification procedures developed under General Condition B7. Such steps may include, but are not limited to, posting of the river at access points and other places, news releases, and paid announcements on radio and television. B7. Emergency Response and Public Notification Plan The permittee must develop and implement an emergency response and public notification plan that identifies measures to protect public health from bypasses or upsets that may endanger public health. At a minimum the plan must include mechanisms to: a. Ensure that the permittee is aware (to the greatest extent possible) of such events; b. Ensure notification of appropriate personnel and ensure that they are immediately dispatched for investigation and response; c. Ensure immediate notification to the public, health agencies, and other affected entities (including public water systems). The response plan must identify the public health and other officials who will receive immediate notification; d. Ensure that appropriate personnel are aware of and follow the plan and are appropriately trained; e. Provide emergency operations; and Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 26 of 30 f. Ensure that DEQ is notified of the public notification steps taken. B8. Removed Substances Solids, sludges, filter backwash, or other pollutants removed in the course of treatment or control of wastewaters must be disposed of in such a manner as to prevent any pollutant from such materials from entering waters of the state, causing nuisance conditions, or creating a public health hazard. SECTION C. MONITORING AND RECORDS C1. Representative Sampling Sampling and measurements taken as required herein must be representative of the volume and nature of the monitored discharge. All samples must be taken at the monitoring points specified in this permit, and must be taken, unless otherwise specified, before the effluent joins or is diluted by any other waste stream, body of water, or substance. Monitoring points must not be changed without notification to and the approval of DEQ. Samples must be collected in accordance with requirements in 40 CFR part 122.21 and 40 CFR part 403 Appendix E. C2. Flow Measurements Appropriate flow measurement devices and methods consistent with accepted scientific practices must be selected and used to ensure the accuracy and reliability of measurements of the volume of monitored discharges. The devices must be installed, calibrated and maintained to insure that the accuracy of the measurements is consistent with the accepted capability of that type of device. Devices selected must be capable of measuring flows with a maximum deviation of less than ± 10 percent from true discharge rates throughout the range of expected discharge volumes. C3. Monitoring Procedures Monitoring must be conducted according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR part 136 or, in the case of sludge (biosolids) use and disposal, approved under 40 CFR part 503 unless other test procedures have been specified in this permit. For monitoring of recycled water with no discharge to waters of the state, monitoring must be conducted according to test procedures approved under 40 CFR part 136 or as specified in the most recent edition of Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater unless other test procedures have been specified in this permit or approved in writing by DEQ. C4. Penalties for Tampering The federal Clean Water Act provides that any person who falsifies, tampers with, or knowingly renders inaccurate any monitoring device or method required to be maintained under this permit may, upon conviction, be punished by a fine of not more than $10,000 per violation, imprisonment for not more than two years, or both. If a conviction of a person is for a violation committed after a first conviction of such person, punishment is a fine not more than $20,000 per day of violation, or by imprisonment of not more than four years, or both. C5. Reporting of Monitoring Results Monitoring results must be summarized each month on a discharge monitoring report form approved by DEQ. The reports must be submitted monthly and are to be mailed, delivered or otherwise transmitted by the 15th day of the following month unless specifically approved otherwise in Schedule B of this permit. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 27 of 30 C6. Additional Monitoring by the Permittee If the permittee monitors any pollutant more frequently than required by this permit, using test procedures approved under 40 CFR part 136 or, in the case of sludge (biosolids) use and disposal, approved under 40 CFR part 503 or as specified in this permit, the results of this monitoring must be included in the calculation and reporting of the data submitted in the discharge monitoring report. Such increased frequency must also be indicated. For a pollutant parameter that may be sampled more than once per day (for example, total residual chlorine), only the average daily value must be recorded unless otherwise specified in this permit. C7. Averaging of Measurements Calculations for all limitations that require averaging of measurements must utilize an arithmetic mean, except for bacteria which must be averaged as specified in this permit. C8. Retention of Records Records of monitoring information required by this permit related to the permittee’s sewage sludge use and disposal activities must be retained for a period of at least 5 years (or longer as required by 40 CFR part 503). Records of all monitoring information including all calibration and maintenance records, all original strip chart recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, copies of all reports required by this permit and records of all data used to complete the application for this permit must be retained for a period of at least 3 years from the date of the sample, measurement, report, or application. This period may be extended by request of DEQ at any time. C9. Records Contents Records of monitoring information must include: a. The date, exact place, time, and methods of sampling or measurements; b. The individual(s) who performed the sampling or measurements; c. The date(s) analyses were performed; d. The individual(s) who performed the analyses; e. The analytical techniques or methods used; and f. The results of such analyses. C10. Inspection and Entry The permittee must allow DEQ or EPA upon the presentation of credentials to: a. Enter upon the permittee's premises where a regulated facility or activity is located or conducted, or where records must be kept under the conditions of this permit; b. Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit; c. Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and control equipment), practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and d. Sample or monitor at reasonable times, for the purpose of assuring permit compliance or as otherwise authorized by state law, any substances or parameters at any location. C11. Confidentiality of Information Any information relating to this permit that is submitted to or obtained by DEQ is available to the public unless classified as confidential by the Director of DEQ under ORS 468.095. The permittee may request that information be classified as confidential if it is a trade secret as defined by that statute. The name and address of the permittee, permit applications, permits, effluent data, and information required by NPDES application forms under 40 CFR § 122.21 are not classified as confidential [40 CFR § 122.7(b)]. Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 28 of 30 SECTION D. REPORTING REQUIREMENTS D1. Planned Changes The permittee must comply with OAR 340-052, “Review of Plans and Specifications” and 40 CFR § 122.41(l)(1). Except where exempted under OAR 340-052, no construction, installation, or modification involving disposal systems, treatment works, sewerage systems, or common sewers may be commenced until the plans and specifications are submitted to and approved by DEQ. The permittee must give notice to DEQ as soon as possible of any planned physical alternations or additions to the permitted facility. D2. Anticipated Noncompliance The permittee must give advance notice to DEQ of any planned changes in the permitted facility or activity that may result in noncompliance with permit requirements. D3. Transfers This permit may be transferred to a new permittee provided the transferee acquires a property interest in the permitted activity and agrees in writing to fully comply with all the terms and conditions of the permit and EQC rules. No permit may be transferred to a third party without prior written approval from DEQ. DEQ may require modification or revocation and reissuance of the permit to change the name of the permittee and incorporate such other requirements as may be necessary under 40 CFR § 122.61. The permittee must notify DEQ when a transfer of property interest takes place. D4. Compliance Schedule Reports of compliance or noncompliance with, or any progress reports on interim and final requirements contained in any compliance schedule of this permit must be submitted no later than 14 days following each schedule date. Any reports of noncompliance must include the cause of noncompliance, any remedial actions taken, and the probability of meeting the next scheduled requirements. D5. Twenty-Four Hour Reporting The permittee must report any noncompliance that may endanger health or the environment. Any information must be provided orally (by telephone) within 24 hours from the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances, unless a shorter time is specified in the permit. During normal business hours, the DEQ regional office must be called. Outside of normal business hours, DEQ must be contacted at 1-800-452-0311 (Oregon Emergency Response System). The following must be included as information that must be reported within 24 hours under this paragraph: a. Any unanticipated bypass that exceeds any effluent limitation in this permit; b. Any upset that exceeds any effluent limitation in this permit; c. Violation of maximum daily discharge limitation for any of the pollutants listed by DEQ in this permit; and d. Any noncompliance that may endanger human health or the environment. A written submission must also be provided within 5 days of the time the permittee becomes aware of the circumstances. The written submission must contain: e. A description of noncompliance and its cause; f. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times; g. The estimated time noncompliance is expected to continue if it has not been corrected; Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 29 of 30 h. i. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance; and Public notification steps taken, pursuant to General Condition B7. DEQ may waive the written report on a case-by-case basis if the oral report has been received within 24 hours. D6. Other Noncompliance The permittee must report all instances of noncompliance not reported under General Condition D4 or D5, at the time monitoring reports are submitted. The reports must contain: a. A description of the noncompliance and its cause; b. The period of noncompliance, including exact dates and times; c. The estimated time noncompliance is expected to continue if it has not been corrected; and d. Steps taken or planned to reduce, eliminate, and prevent reoccurrence of the noncompliance. D7. Duty to Provide Information The permittee must furnish to DEQ within a reasonable time any information that DEQ may request to determine compliance with the permit or to determine whether cause exists for modifying, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit. The permittee must also furnish to DEQ, upon request, copies of records required to be kept by this permit. Other Information: When the permittee becomes aware that it has failed to submit any relevant facts or has submitted incorrect information in a permit application or any report to DEQ, it must promptly submit such facts or information. D8. Signatory Requirements All applications, reports or information submitted to DEQ must be signed and certified in accordance with 40 CFR § 122.22. D9. Falsification of Information Under ORS 468.953, any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit, including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or noncompliance, is subject to a Class C felony punishable by a fine not to exceed $125,000 per violation and up to 5 years in prison per ORS chapter 161. Additionally, according to 40 CFR § 122.41(k)(2), any person who knowingly makes any false statement, representation, or certification in any record or other document submitted or required to be maintained under this permit including monitoring reports or reports of compliance or non-compliance will, upon conviction, be punished by a federal civil penalty not to exceed $10,000 per violation, or by imprisonment for not more than 6 months per violation, or by both. D10. Changes to Discharges of Toxic Pollutant The permittee must notify DEQ as soon as it knows or has reason to believe the following: a. That any activity has occurred or will occur that would result in the discharge, on a routine or frequent basis, of any toxic pollutant that is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following “notification levels: (1) One hundred micrograms per liter (100 μg/l); (2) Two hundred micrograms per liter (200 μg/l) for acrolein and acrylonitrile; five hundred micrograms per liter (500 μg/l) for 2,4-dinitrophenol and for 2-methyl-4,6-dinitrophenol; and one milligram per liter (1 mg/l) for antimony; (3) Five (5) times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application in accordance with 40 CFR § 122.21(g)(7); or Permit Number: 1200-C Expiration Date: December 14, 2020 Page 30 of 30 b. (4) The level established by DEQ in accordance with 40 CFR § 122.44(f). That any activity has occurred or will occur that would result in any discharge, on a non-routine or infrequent basis, of a toxic pollutant that is not limited in the permit, if that discharge will exceed the highest of the following “notification levels”: (1) Five hundred micrograms per liter (500 μg/l); (2) One milligram per liter (1 mg/l) for antimony; (3) Ten (10) times the maximum concentration value reported for that pollutant in the permit application in accordance with 40 CFR § 122.21(g)(7); or (4) The level established by DEQ in accordance with 40 CFR § 122.44(f). SECTION E. DEFINITIONS E1. BOD or BOD5 means five-day biochemical oxygen demand. E2. CBOD or CBOD5 means five-day carbonaceous biochemical oxygen demand. E3. TSS means total suspended solids. E4. Bacteria means but is not limited to fecal coliform bacteria, total coliform bacteria, Escherichia coli (E. coli) bacteria, and Enterococcus bacteria. E5. FC means fecal coliform bacteria. E6. Total residual chlorine means combined chlorine forms plus free residual chlorine E7. Technology based permit effluent limitations means technology-based treatment requirements as defined in 40 CFR § 125.3, and concentration and mass load effluent limitations that are based on minimum design criteria specified in OAR 340-041. E8. mg/l means milligrams per liter. E9. µg/l means microgram per liter. E10. kg means kilograms. E11. m3/d means cubic meters per day. E12. MGD means million gallons per day. E13. Average monthly effluent limitation as defined at 40 CFR § 122.2 means the highest allowable average of daily discharges over a calendar month, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar month divided by the number of daily discharges measured during that month. E14. Average weekly effluent limitation as defined at 40 CFR § 122.2 means the highest allowable average of daily discharges over a calendar week, calculated as the sum of all daily discharges measured during a calendar week divided by the number of daily discharges measured during that week. E15. Daily discharge as defined at 40 CFR § 122.2 means the discharge of a pollutant measured during a calendar day or any 24-hour period that reasonably represents the calendar day for purposes of sampling. For pollutants with limitations expressed in units of mass, the daily discharge must be calculated as the total mass of the pollutant discharged over the day. For pollutants with limitations expressed in other units of measurement, the daily discharge must be calculated as the average measurement of the pollutant over the day. E16. 24-hour composite sample means a sample formed by collecting and mixing discrete samples taken periodically and based on time or flow. E17. Grab sample means an individual discrete sample collected over a period of time not to exceed 15 minutes. E18. Quarter means January through March, April through June, July through September, or October through December. E19. Month means calendar month. E20. Week means a calendar week of Sunday through Saturday. ESCP PARTS I THROUGH III FORMS The information that is required in the Part I, and Part II ESCP Narrative Forms could be included on the required ESCP Drawings instead of submittal of the Narrative Forms. The Narrative Part III Section 1 form is a checklist for use in making sure that all of the required information is provided in the submittal documents and as such does not need to be submitted to DEQ. Narrative Part III Section 2 must be included on the ESCP Drawings. The set of Example Construction Plan Drawings (examples to be used as an alternative to the Narrative Forms) are provided at: http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/stormwater/constappl.htm. PART 1: ESCP NARRATIVE FORM 1. Permit Registration Information Date: __________ June 10, 2016 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Facility Project Name: __________ Krista Hager Prepared By: __________ Oregon Air National Guard Company Name: __________ krista.hager@meadhunt.com E-mail Address: __________ Please answer the following questions as indicated. If needed, additional space is provided for you at the end of this form. You may also attach any information you feel is pertinent to the project. 2. Oregon Professional Certification Information Is your Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) for an activity that covers 20 acres or more of disturbed land (Schedule A.12.a.i) Yes ■ No Does your Erosion and Sediment Control Plan require engineered facilities such as settling basins and/or diversion structures? (Schedule A.12.a.ii) Yes ■ No If you answered "Yes" to question #1, the ESCP must be prepared and stamped by an Oregon Registered Profession Engineer, Oregon Registered Landscape Architect, Oregon Certified Engineering Geologist, or Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (Soil and Water Conservation Society). If you answered "Yes" to question #2, the ESCP must be prepared and stamped by an Oregon Registered Professional Engineer. Please provide the following information and use the space provided to imprint your seal. Name: __________ Address: __________ __________ Telephone: __________ Imprint Seal Above 3. Inspector Qualification Information Provide the following information on the Erosion and Sediment Control Inspector. This is a person that works for the applicant and not a government employee. The consultant, general contractor, project manager, or person who prepared the ESCP may be designated with their agreement as the initial or final ESC Inspector. Upon designating an inspector(s), submit to DEQ or Agent their name(s), and contact information. All designated ESC Inspectors must be qualified through certification, training, and/or experience in erosion and sediment control. Please provide the number of hours of training, days, months, and/or years of experience in erosion and sediment control design, installation, maintenance, and/or inspection (specify which or all). (NPDES 1200-C Permit Schedule A.12.b.iii). The inspector is a person with training and experience in erosion prevention and sediment controls and best management practices and should have one of the following levels of skill. A copy of a certification, training, or level/hours of experience should be provided to DEQ or Agent in the form below: Rev. 12/15/15 By: Krista Ratliff p. 1 of 7 Acceptable Certification (Schedule A.12.b.iii.2): a. Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC), b. Certified Professional in Storm Water Quality (CPSWQ), c. Washington Department of Ecology's Certified Erosion and Sediment Control Lead (CESCL) Certification, d. Rogue Valley Sewer Services Erosion and Sediment Control Certification. *After January 1, 2017, for projects that are five or more acres, inspectors must have at least one of these acceptable certifications. Acceptable Training: a. Certification/training program designed for persons involved in any phase of erosion and sediment control work. Areas covered must include information on soils, the erosion process, sedimentation process, standards and specifications for vegetative and structural erosion control practices, laws, regulations, construction inspection and field investigation; or b. Attendance at a seminar or training class in Erosion and Sediment Control Best Management Practices (BMPs). Qualified Experience: a. Designing Erosion and Sediment Control Plans and/or b. Installation of erosion and sediment controls and/or c. Maintenance of erosion and sediment controls and/or d. Inspection of erosion and sediment controls Name: 1st Lt. __________ Oscar Ayala, 173 CEF/CEC Telephone: __________ 541-885-6568 Address: 3620 Joe Wright Rd. __________ E-mail: oscar.a.ayala.mil@mail.mil __________ Certificate Program and number: Training: __________ Experience: __________ __________ 4. Narrative Site Description a. Describe the nature of the construction activity and the final use of the site, that is, what will the site be used for at the completion of the construction. (Schedule A.12.b.iv): This project constructs a corrosion control facility at Kingsley Field. This future hangar will host nondistructive testing as well as painting and surface treatments, to the fleet of fighter jets based at Kingsley Field. These activities have previously taken place at numerous locations around the base and are being consolidated with this project. b. Describe the origin and nature of fill material to be used and soils prior to disturbance. (Schedule A.12.b.iv.4): Fill to be gathered from on site excavations as deemed suitable. Any off site fills shall be free of pollutants and sources from a suitable off site borrow site. 5. Water Quality Requirements for TMDL and 303(d) Listed Waterbodies (skip if not applicable) If there is a potential for discharge of stormwater to directly discharge or discharge through a conveyance system to a portion of a waterbody that is listed for turbidity or sedimentation or that has an established Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) for sedimentation or turbidity from the construction site, then one or more of the BMPs listed below must be implemented. Identify the selected BMP(s) in the ESCP as one that addresses this condition of the permit, and provide the rationale for choosing the selected BMP(s). (Schedule A.11.) The 303 (d) list can be found at: http://www.deq.state.or.us/wq/assessment/rpt2010/search.asp. Search under Category 5 (303(d)) and Category 4a (TMDL approved). Rev. 12/15/15 By: Krista Ratliff p. 2 of 7 Will implement one or more of the following BMPs to control and treat sediment and turbidity: i. Compost berms, compost blankets, or compost socks; ii. Erosion control mats; iii. Tackifiers used in combination with perimeter sediment control BMPs; iv. Established vegetated buffers sized at 50 feet perpendicular to the slope plus an additional 25 feet perpendicular to the slope per 5 degrees of slope full width of the disturbed slope v. Water treatment by electro-coagulation, flocculation, filtration; or vi. Other substantially equivalent sediment or turbidity BMP approved by DEQ or Agent. BMP Rationale Inlet Protection__________ Minimizes__________ sediment from leaving the site through storm drains. Check Dams __________ Minimizes__________ sediment leaving the site suspended in storm water. Sediment Fencing (Perimeter) __________ Minimizes__________ sediment from leaving the site through sheet flow wind. 6. Natural Buffer Zone a. If a waters of the state is within the project site or within 50 feet of the project boundary, and a natural buffer exists within 50 feet of the water of the state, the ESCP must delineate and protect this area with orange fencing or flagging and maintain existing buffer until completion of project. All discharge must be filtered prior to entering the natural buffer to avoid sediment build up. If scour is an issue, an energy dissipater may need to be installed. Natural Buffer means, for the purposes of this permit, an area of undisturbed natural cover surrounding surface waters within which construction activities are restricted. Natural cover includes the natural vegetation, exposed rock, and barren ground that existed prior to commencement of earth-disturbing activities. b. If project will reduce natural buffer zone under 50 feet of waters of the state, the ESCP must include one or more of the following BMPs to control and treat sediment and turbidity: i. Compost berms, compost blankets, or compost socks; ii. Erosion control mats; iii. Tackifiers used in combination with perimeter sediment control BMPs; iv. Water treatment by electro-coagulation, flocculation, filtration; or v. Other substantially equivalent sediment or turbidity BMP approved by DEQ or Agent. BMP N/A c. Rationale __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ __________ The Natural Buffer Zone requirements do not apply if: (1) No natural buffer exists due to development that occurred prior to the initiation of planning for the current project; or (2) There is no discharge of stormwater to the water of the state through the area between the disturbed portions of the site and the surface water located within the project site or within 50 feet of the site. This includes situations where the permit registrant has implemented control measures, such as a berm or other barrier, that will prevent such discharges; or (3) There is a CWA Section 404 permit and 401 WQC issued for the project; or (4) Construction is for a water-dependent structure or water access areas (for example, pier, boat ramp, or trail). Rev. 12/15/15 By: Krista Ratliff p. 3 of 7 PART II: BMPS WITH ESCP IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE FORM The following controls and practices (BMPs), if appropriate for the site, are required in the ESCP. Submission of all ESCP revisions to DEQ are not required. ESCP revisions must be submitted in 10 days for specific conditions. See 1200-C permit (Schedule A.12.c.iv). BMPs YEAR: 2019 April May MONTH #: Biobags Bioswales Check Dams Compost Berm Compost Blankets Compost Socks Concrete Truck Washout Construction Entrance Dewatering (treatment location, schematic, & sampling plan required) Drainage Swales Earth Dikes (Stabilized) Energy Dissipaters Erosion Control Blankets & Mats (Specify type) Hydroseeding Inlet Protection Mulches (Specify Type) Mycorrhizae/ Biofertilizers Natural Buffer Zone Orange fencing (protecting sensitive/preserved areas) Outlet Protection Permanent Seeding and Planting Pipe Slope Drains Plastic Sheeting Preserve Existing Vegetation Sediment Fencing Sediment Barrier Sediment Trap Sodding Soil Tackifiers Storm Drain Inlet Protection Straw Wattles (or other materials) Temporary Diversion Dikes Temporary or Permanent Sedimentation Basins Temporary Seeding and Planting Treatment System (O & M plan required) Unpaved roads graveled or other BMP on the road Vegetative Buffer Strips Rev. 12/15/15 By: Krista Ratliff June July 173 CEF/CEC May 1-E Drain August September AprilAyala, 1, 2019 Klamath Irrigation District April OctobberNovemberDecember1st Lt. Oscar ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ p. 4 of 7 ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ PART III: CHECKLIST OF REQUIRED ELEMENTS OF ESCP DRAWINGS Section 1. Information Required on ESCP Drawings The following items must be depicted on ESCP drawings, as applicable: a. Total property boundary including surface area of the development; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.a) b. Areas of soil disturbance (including, but not limited to, showing cut and fill areas and pre-and postdevelopment elevation contours); (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.b) c. Drainage patterns before and after finish grading; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.c) d. Discharge points; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.d) Yes No N/A* ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ e. Areas used for the storage of soils or wastes; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.e) f. Areas where vegetative practices are to be implemented; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.f) g. All erosion and sediment control measures or structures; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.g) h. Identify the type of seed mix (percentages of the various seeds of annuals, perennials and clover) and other plantings. (Sch. A.7.a.v.3) i. Critical riparian areas, sensitive preserved vegetative areas, including trees and their root zones. (Sch. A.8.c.i.1) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ j. Runoff controls to minimize erosion and scour. BMPs such as, diversion, slope drains, diversion dikes, check dams and drainage swales. (Sch. A.7.c) k. Stabilized site entrances and access roads including, but not limited to construction entrances, roadways and equipment parking areas (for example, using geotextile fabric underlay). (Sch. A.7.d.ii) l. Perimeter sediment control, including storm drain inlet protection as well as all sediment basins, traps, and barriers. (Sch. A.7.d.i) ✔ ✔ ✔ m. Stockpile management, including dust control and location. (Sch. A.7.e.ii) n. Concrete truck and other concrete equipment washout areas. (Sch. A.8.c.i.(6)) o. Impervious structures after construction is completed (including buildings, roads, parking lots and outdoor storage areas); (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.h) ✔ ✔ ✔ p. Springs, wetlands and other surface waters on site or adjacent to the site; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.i) q. Temporary and permanent stormwater conveyance systems; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.j) ✔ ✔ r. Onsite water disposal locations (for example, for dewatering); (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.k) s. Storm drain catch basins depicting inlet protection, and a description of the type of catch basins used (for example, field inlet, curb inlet, grated drain and combination); (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.l) ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ ✔ t. Septic drain fields; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.m) u. Existing or proposed drywells or other UICs; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.n) v. Drinking water wells on site or adjacent to the site (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.o) w. Planters; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.p) x. Sediment and erosion controls including installation techniques; (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.q) ✔ ✔ y. Natural buffer zones and any associated BMPs for all areas within 50 feet of a waters of the state (Sch. A.12.b.v.3.r) z. Detention ponds, storm drain piping, inflow and outflow details (Sch. a.12.b.v.3.s) Rev. 12/15/15 By: Krista Ratliff p. 5 of 7 ✔ Section 2. Required Inspection Table and ESCP Drawing Standard Notes When omitting ESCP Narratives, include one electronic version and one complete drawing set, containing a cover sheet with project location, required standard notes and inspection table, all numbered sheets to scale with match lines, and any corresponding ESC detail. Site Condition 1. 2. Active period Prior to the site becoming inactive or in anticipation of site inaccessibility Inactive periods greater than fourteen (14) consecutive calendar days 4. Periods during which the site is inaccessible due to inclement weather 5. Periods during which discharge is unlikely due to frozen conditions. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Minimum Frequency Daily when stormwater runoff, including runoff from snow melt, is occurring. At least once every 14 days, regardless of whether stormwater runoff is occurring. Once to ensure that erosion and sediment control measure are in working order. Any necessary maintenance and repair must be made prior to leaving the site. Once every month. If practical, inspections must occur daily at a relevant and accessible discharge point or downstream location. Monthly. Resume monitoring immediately upon melt, or when weather conditions make discharges likely. Hold a pre-construction meeting of project construction personnel that includes the inspector to discuss erosion and sediment control measures and construction limits. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(3)) All inspections must be made in accordance with DEQ 1200-C permit requirements. (Schedule A.12.b and Schedule B.1) Inspection logs must be kept in accordance with DEQ’s 1200-C permit requirements. (Schedule B.1.c and B.2) Retain a copy of the ESCP and all revisions on site and make it available on request to DEQ, Agent, or the local municipality. During inactive periods of greater than seven (7) consecutive calendar days, the above records must be retained by the permit registrant but do not need to be at the construction site. (Schedule B.2.c) All permit registrants must implement the ESCP. Failure to implement any of the control measures or practices described in the ESCP is a violation of the permit. (Schedule A 8.a) The ESCP must be accurate and reflect site conditions. (Schedule A.12.c.i) Submission of all ESCP revisions is not required. Submittal of the ESCP revisions is only under specific conditions. Submit all necessary revision to DEQ or Agent within 10 days. (Schedule A.12.c.iv. and v) Phase clearing and grading to the maximum extent practical to prevent exposed inactive areas from becoming a source of erosion. (Schedule A.7.a.iii) Identify, mark, and protect (by construction fencing or other means) critical riparian areas and vegetation including important trees and associated rooting zones, and vegetation areas to be preserved. Identify vegetative buffer zones between the site and sensitive areas (e.g., wetlands), and other areas to be preserved, especially in perimeter areas. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(1) and (2)) Preserve existing vegetation when practical and re-vegetate open areas. Re-vegetate open areas when practicable before and after grading or construction. Identify the type of vegetative seed mix used. (Schedule A.7.a.v) Maintain and delineate any existing natural buffer within the 50-feet of waters of the state. (Schedule A.7.b.i.and (2(a)(b)) Install perimeter sediment control, including storm drain inlet protection as well as all sediment basins, traps, and barriers prior to land disturbance. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(5)) Control both peak flow rates and total stormwater volume, to minimize erosion at outlets and downstream channels and streambanks. (Schedule A.7.c) Control sediment as needed along the site perimeter and at all operational internal storm drain inlets at all times during construction, both internally and at the site boundary. (Schedule A.7.d.i) Establish concrete truck and other concrete equipment washout areas before beginning concrete work. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(6)) Apply temporary and/or permanent soil stabilization measures immediately on all disturbed areas as grading progresses. Temporary or permanent stabilizations measures are not required for areas that are intended to be left unvegetated, such as dirt access roads or utility pole pads.(Schedule A.8.c.ii.(3)) Establish material and waste storage areas, and other non-stormwater controls. (Schedule A.8.c.i.(7)) Prevent tracking of sediment onto public or private roads using BMPs such as: construction entrance, graveled (or paved) exits and parking areas, gravel all unpaved roads located onsite, or use an exit tire wash. These BMPs must be in place prior to landdisturbing activities. (Schedule A 7.d.ii and A.8.c.i(4)) Rev. 12/15/15 By: Krista Ratliff p. 6 of 7 19. When trucking saturated soils from the site, either use water-tight trucks or drain loads on site. (Schedule A.7.d.ii.(5)) 20. Control prohibited discharges from leaving the construction site, i.e., concrete wash-out, wastewater from cleanout of stucco, paint and curing compounds. (Schedule A.6) 21. Use BMPs to prevent or minimize stormwater exposure to pollutants from spills; vehicle and equipment fueling, maintenance, and storage; other cleaning and maintenance activities; and waste handling activities. These pollutants include fuel, hydraulic fluid, and other oils from vehicles and machinery, as well as debris, fertilizer, pesticides and herbicides, paints, solvents, curing compounds and adhesives from construction operations. (Schedule A.7.e.i.(2)) 22. Implement the following BMPs when applicable: written spill prevention and response procedures, employee training on spill prevention and proper disposal procedures, spill kits in all vehicles, regular maintenance schedule for vehicles and machinery, material delivery and storage controls, training and signage, and covered storage areas for waste and supplies. (Schedule A. 7.e.iii.) 23. Use water, soil-binding agent or other dust control technique as needed to avoid wind-blown soil. (Schedule A 7.a.iv) 24. The application rate of fertilizers used to reestablish vegetation must follow manufacturer’s recommendations to minimize nutrient releases to surface waters. Exercise caution when using time-release fertilizers within any waterway riparian zone. (Schedule A.9.b.iii) 25. If an active treatment system (for example, electro-coagulation, flocculation, filtration, etc.) for sediment or other pollutant removal is employed, submit an operation and maintenance plan (including system schematic, location of system, location of inlet, location of discharge, discharge dispersion device design, and a sampling plan and frequency) before operating the treatment system. Obtain plan approval before operating the treatment system. Operate and maintain the treatment system according to manufacturer’s specifications. (Schedule A.9.d) 26. Temporarily stabilize soils at the end of the shift before holidays and weekends, if needed. The registrant is responsible for ensuring that soils are stable during rain events at all times of the year. (Schedule A 7.b) 27. As needed based on weather conditions, at the end of each workday soil stockpiles must be stabilized or covered, or other BMPs must be implemented to prevent discharges to surface waters or conveyance systems leading to surface waters. (Schedule A 7.e.ii.(2)) 28. Construction activities must avoid or minimize excavation and bare ground activities during wet weather. (Schedule A.7.a.i) 29. Sediment fence: remove trapped sediment before it reaches one third of the above ground fence height and before fence removal. (Schedule A.9.c.i) 30. Other sediment barriers (such as biobags): remove sediment before it reaches two inches depth above ground height and before BMP removal. (Schedule A.9.c.i) 31. Catch basins: clean before retention capacity has been reduced by fifty percent. Sediment basins and sediment traps: remove trapped sediments before design capacity has been reduced by fifty percent and at completion of project. (Schedule A.9.c.iii & iv) 32. Within 24 hours, significant sediment that has left the construction site, must be remediated. Investigate the cause of the sediment release and implement steps to prevent a recurrence of the discharge within the same 24 hours. Any in-stream clean-up of sediment shall be performed according to the Oregon Division of State Lands required timeframe. (Schedule A.9.b.i) 33. The intentional washing of sediment into storm sewers or drainage ways must not occur. Vacuuming or dry sweeping and material pickup must be used to cleanup released sediments. (Schedule A.9.b.ii) 34. The entire site must be temporarily stabilized using vegetation or a heavy mulch layer, temporary seeding, or other method should all construction activities cease for 30 days or more. (Schedule A.7.f.i) 35. Provide temporary stabilization for that portion of the site where construction activities cease for 14 days or more with a covering of blown straw and a tackifier, loose straw, or an adequate covering of compost mulch until work resumes on that portion of the site. (Schedule A.7.f.ii) 36. Do not remove temporary sediment control practices until permanent vegetation or other cover of exposed areas is established. Once construction is complete and the site is stabilized, all temporary erosion controls and retained soils must be removed and disposed of properly, unless doing so conflicts with local requirements. (Schedule A.8.c.iii(1) and D.3.c.ii and iii) Rev. 12/15/15 By: Krista Ratliff p. 7 of 7 Oregon Department of Environmental Quality Land Use Compatibility Statement What is a land use compatibility statement? A LUCS is a form developed by DEQ to determine whether a DEQ permit or approval will be consistent with local government comprehensive plans and land use regulations. Why is a LUCS required? DEQ and other state agencies with permitting or approval activities that affect land use are required by Oregon law to be consistent with local comprehensive plans and have a process for determining consistency. DEQ activities affecting land use and the requirement for a LUCS may be found in Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) Chapter 340, Division 18. When is a LUCS required? A LUCS is required for nearly all DEQ permits and certain approvals of plans or related activities that affect land use prior to issuance of a DEQ permit or approval. These permits and activities are listed in section 1.D on p. 2 of this form. A single LUCS can be used if more than one DEQ permit or approval is being applied for concurrently. Permit modifications or renewals also require a LUCS when any of the following applies: 1. Physical expansion on the property or proposed use of additional land; 2. Alterations, expansions, improvements or changes in method or type of disposal at a solid waste disposal site as described in OAR 340-093-0070(4)(b); 3. A significant increase in discharges to water; 4. A relocation of an outfall outside of the source property; or 5. Any physical change or change of operation of an air pollutant source that results in a net significant emission rate increase as defined in OAR 340-200-0020. How to complete a LUCS: Step Who Does It? 1 Applicant 2 City or County Planning Office 3 Applicant What Happens? Applicant completes Section 1 of the LUCS and submits it to the appropriate city or county planning office. City or county planning office completes Section 2 of the LUCS to indicate whether the activity or use is compatible with the acknowledged comprehensive plan and land use regulations, attaches written findings supporting the decision of compatibility, and returns the signed and dated LUCS to the applicant. Applicant submits the completed LUCS and any supporting information provided by the city or county to DEQ along with the DEQ permit application or approval request. Where to get help: For questions about the LUCS process, contact the DEQ staff responsible for processing the permit or approval. DEQ staff may be reached at 1-800-452-4011 (toll-free, inside Oregon) or 503-229-5630. For general questions, please contact DEQ land use staff listed on our Land Use Compatibility Statement page online. CULTURAL RESOURCES PROTECTION LAWS: Applicants involved in ground-disturbing activities should be aware of federal and state cultural resources protection laws. ORS 358.920 prohibits the excavation, injury, destruction, or alteration of an archeological site or object or removal of archeological objects from public and private lands without an archeological permit issued by the State Historic Preservation Office. 16 USC 470, Section 106, National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires a federal agency, prior to any undertaking, to take into account the effect of the undertaking that is included on or eligible for inclusion in the National Register. For further information, contact the State Historic Preservation Office at 503-378-4168, ext. 232. Last updated: 4/13/17 Land Use Compatibility Statement SECTION 1 - TO BE COMPLETED BY APPLICANT 1A. Applicant Name: Kingsley 1B. Project Name: Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Facility Field Contact Name: 1st Lt. Oscar Ayala, 173 CEF/CEC Physical Address: 3620 Mailing Address: 222 City, State, Zip: Klamath Arnold Ave. City, State, Zip: Klamath Joe Wright Rd. Falls, OR 97603 Tax Lot #: R-3909-02200-00100-000 Falls, OR 97603 Telephone: 541-885-6568 Township: 2019 Tax Account #: Latitude: N42 Range: Octobber Section: November 09' 42.70" Longitude: W121 44' 28.10" 1C. Describe the project, include the type of development, business, or facility and services or products provided (attach additional information if necessary): This project will construct a corrosion control facility at Kingsley Field. Currently, the Oregon Air National Guard performs corrosion control activities in various hangars on the base. The new corrosion control facility will consolidate nondistructive testing and surface treatement facilities to service the jets stationed on the base. 1D. Check the type of DEQ permit(s) or approval(s) being applied for at this time. Air Quality Notice of Construction Air Contaminant Discharge Permit (excludes portable facility permits) Air Quality Title V Permit Air Quality Indirect Source Permit Parking/Traffic Circulation Plan Solid Waste Land Disposal Site Permit Solid Waste Treatment Facility Permit Solid Waste Composting Facility Permit (includes Anaerobic Digester) Conversion Technology Facility Permit Solid Waste Letter Authorization Permit Solid Waste Material Recovery Facility Permit Solid Waste Energy Recovery Facility Permit Solid Waste Transfer Station Permit Waste Tire Storage Site Permit 1E. This application is for: Permit Renewal New Permit Pollution Control Bond Request Hazardous Waste Treatment, Storage, or Disposal Permit Clean Water State Revolving Fund Loan Request Wastewater/Sewer Construction Plan/Specifications (includes review of plan changes that require use of new land) Water Quality NPDES Individual Permit Water Quality WPCF Individual Permit (for onsite constructioninstallation permits use the DEQ Onsite LUCS form) Water Quality NPDES Stormwater General Permit (1200-A, 1200-C, 1200-CA, 1200-COLS, and 1200-Z) Water Quality General Permit (all general permits, except 600, 700-PM, 1700-A, and 1700-B when they are mobile.) Water Quality 401 Certification for federal permit or license Permit Modification Other: SECTION 2 - TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OFFICIAL Instructions: Written findings of fact for all local decisions are required; written findings from previous actions are acceptable. For uses allowed outright by the acknowledged comprehensive plan, DEQ will accept written findings in the form of a reference to the specific plan policies, criteria, or standards that were relied upon in rendering the decision with an indication of why the decision is justified based on the plan policies, criteria, or standards. 2A. The project proposal is located: Inside city limits Inside UGB Outside UGB 2B. Name of the city or county that has land use jurisdiction (the legal entity responsible for land use decisions for the subject property or land use): December 2 Land Use Compatibility Statement SECTION 2 - TO BE COMPLETED BY CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING OFFICIAL Applicant Name: 2C. Is the activity allowed under Measure 49 (2007)? Project Name: Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Facility No, Measure 49 is not applicable Yes; if yes, then check one: Express; approved by DLCD order #: Conditional; approved by DLCD order #: Vested; approved by local government decision or court judgment docket or order #: 2D. Is the activity a composting facility? No Yes; Senate Bill 462 (2013) notification requirements have been met. 2E. Is the activity or use compatible with your acknowledged comprehensive plan as required by OAR 660-031? Please complete this form to address the activity or use for which the applicant is seeking approval (see 1.C on the previous page). If the activity or use is to occur in multiple phases, please ensure that your approval addresses the phases described in 1.C. For example, if the applicant’s project is described in 1.C as a subdivision and the LUCS indicates that only clearing and grading are allowed outright but does not indicate whether the subdivision is approved, DEQ will delay permit issuance until approval for the subdivision is obtained from the local planning official. The activity or use is specifically exempt by the acknowledged comprehensive plan; explain: Yes, the activity or use is pre-existing nonconforming use allowed outright by (provide reference for local ordinance): Yes, the activity or use is allowed outright by (provide reference for local ordinance): Yes, the activity or use received preliminary approval that includes requirements to fully comply with local requirements; findings are attached. Yes, the activity or use is allowed; findings are attached. No, see 2.C above, activity or use allowed under Measure 49; findings are attached. No, (complete below or attach findings for noncompliance and identify requirements the applicant must comply with before compatibility can be determined): Relevant specific plan policies, criteria, or standards: Provide the reasons for the decision: Additional comments (attach additional information as needed): Planning Official Signature: Print Name: Title: Telephone #: Date: If necessary, depending upon city/county agreement on jurisdiction outside city limits but within UGB: Planning Official Signature: Print Name: Title: Telephone #: Date: 3 Appendix C Permit 7460 K 4-3 TA 3-4 3-4 LMT ARP 4-3 7- 5 7- 5 WA .9 6" 34 29 5' 46' W N RU 2 4-3 1 Y 4-3 AY W I X 4-3 RUNWAY 7-25 N 31 4° 5-7 5-7 1108' TO RUNWAY 14-32 CENTERLINE AY W I TAX G TAXIWAY F 4 -3 TAXIW AY E 4-3 x x FUTURE OANG CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B x 4-3 4-3 N42° 09' 42.3196" W121° 44' 28.3915" FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION: 4090' BUILDING HEIGHT: 42' B B B B B B B B B B B x COMPASS CALIBRATION PAD 7 7 TAXIWAY D ENTRY CONTROL POINT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY N42° 09' 42.3242" W121° 44' 29.5654" FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION: 4090' BUILDING HEIGHT: 42' ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT 0 RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT TD WV RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY WV KINGSLEY FIELD CCF 7460 - EXHIBIT 1 400 800 YK I WA X A T 4 -3 3-4 3-4 2 4-3 4-3 7- 5 7- 5 1 AY NW 5-7 2 ° 5 946 '3 ' 4. 96 " W RU 4-3 LMT ARP 4-3 1108' TO RUNWAY 14-32 CENTERLINE YE 4-3 AY TAXIW A x x FUTURE OANG CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY FINISHED FLOOR ELEVATION: 4090' x B B B B N42° 09' 42.0041" W121° 44' 28.3908" B B B B 4-3 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B x B B B B B B B B ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY KEEP OUT RESTRICTED AREA RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT AREA KEEP OUT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY RESTRICTED ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT B COMPASS CALIBRATION PAD TAXIWAY D N42° 09' 41.8924" W121° 44' 29.5977" N42° 09' 42.7559" W121° 44' 29.5995" RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT AREA KEEP OUT RESTRICTED RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT 0 RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT WV RESTRICTED AREA RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT TD KEEP OUT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY RESTRICTED AREA KEEP OUT ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY B 7 7 ENTERING ACTIVE TAXIWAY N42° 09' 43.4260" W121° 44' 27.8865" N42° 09' 43.4251" W121° 44' 28.6035" N42° 09' 43.2532" W121° 44' 29.2139" B ENTRY CONTROL POINT 4- 3 G IW TAX TAXIWAY F N42° 09' 43.2555" W121° 44' 27.2754" RUNWAY 7-25 N 31 4 5-7 4 -3 WV KINGSLEY FIELD CCF CONSTRUCTION 7460 - EXHIBIT 1 400 800 Form Approved OMB No.2120-0001 Expiration Date: 8/31/2014 Please Type or Print on This Form FOR FAA USE ONLY Failure To Provide All Requested Information May Delay Processing of Your Notice Aeronautical Study Number Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration 1. Sponsor (person, company, etc. proposing this action): Attn. of: N 42 9. Latitude: W 121 10. Longitude: Name: 1st Lt. Oscar Ayala, 173 CEF/CEC Address: Kingsley Field Air National Guard Base 11. Datum: ✔ 0 09 0 44 NAD 83 , , NAD 27 42.70" City: Klamath Falls State: OR Telephone: 541-885-6568 Zip: 97603 Fax: Attn. of: Name: Krista Hager, Mead & Hunt Address: 9600 NE Cascades Parkway, Suite 100 Telephone: 971-247-9005 State OR 14. Distance from #13. to Structure: 2946' 15. Direction from #13. to Structure: N 44 22' 56.14" W 16. Site Elevation (AMSL): 4090 ft. 17. Total Structure Height (AGL): 60 ft. 4140 ft. 18. Overall Height (#16 + #17) (AMSL): 97220 Zip:_______________ State: OR , 13. Nearest Public-use (not private-use) or Military Airport or Heliport: Crater Lake-Klamath Regional Airport 2. Sponsor's Representative (if other than #1): City: Portland " Other 12. Nearest: City: Klamath Falls 222 Arnold Ave , 28.10" 19. Previous FAA Aeronautical Study Number (if applicable): N/A Fax: -OE 20. Description of Location: (Attach a USGS 7.5 minute Quadrangle Map with the 3. Notice of: ✔ New Construction 4. Duration: ✔ Permanent ✔ Temporary ( 5. Work Schedule: Beginning April 1, 2019 6. Type: Antenna Tower Landfill Alteration Crane Water Tank Existing months, days) precise site marked and any certified survey) See Exhibit 1 End April 1, 2020 ✔ Building Power Line Other 7. Marking/Painting and/or Lighting Preferred: Red Lights and Paint White-Medium Intensity White -High Intensity ✔ Dual - Red and Medium Intensity Dual - Red and high Intensity Other 8. FCC Antenna Structure Registration Number (if applicable): N/A 21. Complete Description of Proposal: Frequency/Power (kW) The Oregon Air National Guard plans to build a corrosion control facility at Kingsley Field. Construction of this facility will require the intermittent use of a 60' crane. Construction on the corrosion control facility will occur in the location shown on Exhibit 1. Notice is required by 14 Code of Federal Regulations, part 77 pursuant to 49 U.S.C., Section 44718. Persons who knowingly and willingly violate the notice requirements of part 77 are subject to a civil penalty of $1,000 per day until the notice is received, pursuant to 49 U.S.C., Section 46301(a) I hereby certify that all of the above statements made by me are true, complete, and correct to the best of my knowledge. In addition, I agree to mark and/or light the structure in accordance with established marking & lighting standards as necessary. Date Typed or Printed Name and Title of Person Filing Notice FAA Form 7460-1 (2-12) Supersedes Previous Edition Signature NSN: 0052-00-012-0009 Appendix D Geotechnical Report GEOTECHNICAL STUDY CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY KINGSLEY FIELD KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Prepared For: Mead & Hunt TABLE OF CONTENTS GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY KINGSLEY FIELD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2.0 GENERAL ...............................................................................................................................1 PROJECT UNDERTANDING .............................................................................................................................. 1 STUDY PURPOSE ................................................................................................................................................. 1 PREVIOUS WORK PERFORMED ....................................................................................................................... 1 SCOPE OF SERVICES ........................................................................................................................................... 2 FINDINGS .............................................................................................................................. 2 2.1 FIELD INVESTIGATION ..................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2 SITE CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2.1 Surface Conditions ................................................................................................................................................... 2 2.2.1 Subsurface Conditions............................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3.2 Local Geologic Setting .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3.3 Groundwater .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 2.3 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS ........................................................................................................................................ 3 2.3.1 Faulting & Seismicity .............................................................................................................................................. 3 2.3.2 Liquefaction ........................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3.3 Expansive Soils ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 2.3.4 Landslides.............................................................................................................................................................. 5 2.3.5 Corrosivity of On-Site Soils ....................................................................................................................................... 5 2.3.6 Frost Penetration ..................................................................................................................................................... 6 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................... 7 3.1 GENERAL ............................................................................................................................................................. 7 3.2 FAULTING ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.3 LANDSLIDES ........................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.4 LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL............................................................................................................................ 7 3.5 EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL ................................................................................................................................... 7 3.6 SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING .............................................................................................................. 7 3.6.1 Stripping ................................................................................................................................................................ 7 3.6.2 Existing Utilities, Wells, and/or Foundations .............................................................................................................. 7 3.6.3 Keying and Benching................................................................................................................................................. 8 3.6.4 Scarification and Compaction ..................................................................................................................................... 8 3.6.5 Wet/Unstable Soil Conditions ................................................................................................................................... 8 3.6.6 Site Drainage ........................................................................................................................................................ 8 3.6.7 Excavation Characteristics & Bulking ........................................................................................................................ 9 3.6.8 Temporary & Permanent Slopes ................................................................................................................................. 9 3.6.9 Overexcavation & Subgrade Preparation ..................................................................................................................... 9 3.6.10 On-Site Soil Materials ......................................................................................................................................... 9 3.6.11 Imported Fill Materials - General........................................................................................................................... 9 3.6.12 Materials - Granular ......................................................................................................................................... 10 3.6.13 Placement & Compaction ................................................................................................................................... 10 3.7 TEMPORARY EXCAVATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 11 3.7.1 General ............................................................................................................................................................... 11 3.7.2 Construction Considerations ..................................................................................................................................... 11 3.8 UTILITY TRENCHS AND TRENCH BACKFILL .............................................................................................. 11 3.8.1 Trenches and Dewatering......................................................................................................................................... 11 3.8.2 Materials ............................................................................................................................................................. 11 3.8.3 Placement and Compaction ...................................................................................................................................... 12 3.8.4 Trench Subgrade Stabilization ................................................................................................................................. 12 3.9 FOUNDATIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 12 3.9.1 Minimum Footing Embedment and Dimensions .......................................................................................................... 12 3.9.3 Allowable Bearing Capacity ..................................................................................................................................... 13 CGI: Copyright 2017 i CG17GR019 3.9.4 Lateral Earth Pressures .......................................................................................................................................... 14 3.9.5 Minimum Footing Reinforcement .............................................................................................................................. 14 3.9.6 Estimated Settlements............................................................................................................................................. 14 3.9.7 Construction Considerations ..................................................................................................................................... 15 3.9.8 Freeze/Thaw Recommendations ............................................................................................................................... 15 3.10 SLIDING AND PASSIVE RESISTANCE ............................................................................................................ 15 3.10.1 Sliding Resistance .............................................................................................................................................. 15 3.10.2 Passive Resistance .............................................................................................................................................. 15 3.10.3 Safety Factors ................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.11 INTERIOR CONCRETE FLOOR SLABS SUPPORTED ON-GRADE ............................................................. 15 3.11.1 General ........................................................................................................................................................... 15 3.11.2 Subgrade Preparation ......................................................................................................................................... 16 3.11.3 Rock Capillary Break/Vapor Barrier .................................................................................................................. 16 3.12 EXTERIOR CONCRETE SLABS SUPPORTED-ON-GRADE .......................................................................... 16 3.13 PAVEMENT INFORMATION .............................................................................................................................. 17 3.13 SHORING CONSIDERATIONS ......................................................................................................................... 18 4.0 5.0 6.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES ................................................................................................... 19 LIMITATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 19 REFERENCES ...................................................................................................................... 21 PLATES Plate 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ Vicinity Map Plate 2 ............................................................................................................................................................... Site Map Plate 3 .............................................................................................................................................. Geotechnical Map APPENDICES Appendix A ........................................................................................................................... Subsurface Exploration Appendix B ........................................................................................................................... Laboratory Test Results CGI: Copyright 2017 ii CG17GR019 1.0 GENERAL This report presents the results of our geotechnical investigation for the proposed corrosion control facility at the Kingsley Field in Klamath Falls, Oregon. CGI Technical Services, Inc. (CGI), prepared this report at the request of Mead & Hunt, Inc. (Mead & Hunt). The purpose of our study was to explore selected surface and subsurface site conditions at the project site, evaluate the materials encountered, and provide laboratory test data and recommendations related to the geotechnical aspects of the project design and construction. The site location relative to existing features and taxiways as shown on Plate 1 – Site Location Map. 1.1 PROJECT UNDERTANDING We understand the proposed project consists of construction of a new hangar/corrosion control facility. The proposed structure will be approximate 16,100 square-feet (ft2) in area, as shown on Plate 2 – Project Elements. The proposed facility is located to the east of Taxiway D and south of an existing structure. The proposed hangar will be one story with an estimated eve and ridge height of 25 and 30 feet respectively, slab-on-grade and wood or steel framed structure. We anticipate the structure will be supported on shallow foundation systems. Foundation loads for the proposed structure are unknown but are anticipated to be relatively light. We assume that foundation loads will not exceed 5 kips per lineal foot and 75 kips for continuous and isolated foundations, respectively. If foundation loads exceed those values, it might require that the scope of work presented herein be revised to accommodate relatively heavier loading conditions. Associated with the hanger building will be the design and construction of new approach paved areas to service the facility. 1.2 STUDY PURPOSE The purpose of our geotechnical study was to explore and evaluate selected site surface and subsurface conditions in order to provide limited geotechnical engineering recommendations related to the design and construction of the project, and to identify potential geologic hazards that could impact the project. The subsurface characterization was primarily intended to estimate the depth, profile, consistency, and strength of the soils that might be encountered during project construction, along with the general depth to groundwater. 1.3 PREVIOUS WORK PERFORMED Our review and research of the site revealed no existing geotechnical work previously performed for the project site. However, CGI has performed several geotechnical studies for structures and taxiway improvements at Kingsley Field, in the past. The previous geotechnical reports investigated geologic conditions, evaluated materials observed, and provided recommendations related to project design and constructions for the projects. CGI: Copyright 2017 1 CG17GR019 1.4 SCOPE OF SERVICES Our scope of work is in general conformance with our stated scope of services presented in our proposal, dated September 1, 2016, and included the following: ▪ ▪ ▪ ▪ Reconnaissance of the site surface conditions. Exploration of the subsurface conditions within the proposed project area through advancement of six (6) exploratory drill holes. Locations of the drill holes are shown on Plate 3 – Geotechnical Map. Methods of exploration used and the logs of drill holes are presented in Appendix A – Field Exploration Laboratory testing on selected samples obtained during our field investigation. Laboratory tests and methods used are presented in Appendix B – Laboratory Testing. Preparation of this report, which includes: • A description of the proposed project; • A summary of our field exploration and laboratory testing programs; • A description of site surface and subsurface conditions encountered during our field investigation; • Recommendations for: ▪ Site preparation, engineered fill, site drainage, and subgrades; ▪ Suitability of on-site materials for use as engineered fill; ▪ 2015 International Building Code (IBC) seismic design criteria; ▪ Temporary excavations, shoring, and trench backfill; ▪ Allowable bearing capacities and class of soil type for foundation design and construction; and • Appendices, which include summaries of our field investigation procedures and laboratory testing programs. 2.0 2.1 FINDINGS FIELD INVESTIGATION CGI conducted a geotechnical field investigation to evaluate subsurface soil conditions, and to provide subsurface data for evaluation of the proposed development. Our field geotechnical investigation was limited to reconnaissance-level geologic mapping of the project site and subsurface exploration through advancement of six (6) drill holes. The drill holes, designated DH-1 through DH-6, were advanced on June 12 and 13, 2017. Drill hole locations are shown on Plate 3. Detailed descriptions of soils encountered are presented on the drill hole logs included in Appendix A. The soils encountered within the drill holes were logged in general accordance with the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS). Surficial and subsurface soil samples were collected and transported to our laboratory for testing. Laboratory test results are included with this report. 2.2 SITE CONDITIONS 2.2.1 Surface Conditions The proposed project site area is currently covered in seasonal grasses. Below grade electrical utility CGI: Copyright 2017 2 CG17GR019 vaults and storm drain inlets are located to the west and east of proposed structure, respectively. To the west of the proposed project site exists Taxiway D, to the north is an Oregon Air National Guard (OANG) facility and to the northwest is a circular section of asphalt paving. The project site is situated on relatively flat and level ground. Drainage occurs as sheet flow along a relatively flat gradient towards the west and southwest into the drop inlet along the western portion of the development area. In the project region some drainage channels are present, along with a number of irrigation canals that flow during summer months. Elevation of the site, based on review of the Altamont 7½-minute topographic quadrangle map, indicates the project site is at approximate elevation of 4,089 feet above mean sea level (MSL). 2.2.1 Subsurface Conditions In general, on-site subsurface soils in all drill holes consist predominately of layers of silty sand and silty clay extending to depths between 6.0 to 9.5 feet below ground surface with poorly graded sand prevailing below. At a depth of about 51 feet a clay lens was encountered in DH-2. Groundwater was encountered in all drill holes at depths between 6.5 and 9.5 feet below ground surface. The logs in Appendix A present groundwater elevations and specific soil descriptions encountered within each test pit and drill hole. 2.3 GEOLOGIC CONDITIONS 2.3.2 Local Geologic Setting Quaternary Surficial Deposits (Qs). The project site is underlain predominately by Quaternary Surficial Deposits (Sherrod et. al, 1992). These materials consist of fine to coarse grained sediments deposited in channels, flood plains, marshes and lakes. Quaternary Surficial Deposits were encountered in all drill holes and were not fully penetrated in explorations advanced for this study. 2.3.3 Groundwater Groundwater was encountered in all drill holes advanced for this study at depths between about 6.5 feet to 9.5 feet below ground surface. It is anticipated that groundwater elevations will fluctuate over time. The depth to groundwater can vary throughout the year and from year to year. Intense and long duration precipitation, modification of topography, and cultural land uses, such as irrigation, water well usage, on site waste disposal systems, and water diversions can contribute to fluctuations in groundwater levels. Localized saturated conditions or perched groundwater conditions near the ground surface should be anticipated during and following periods of heavy precipitation and snowmelt. If groundwater is encountered during construction, it is the Contractor’s responsibility to install mitigation measures for adverse impacts caused by groundwater encountered in excavations. 2.3 GEOLOGIC HAZARDS This section addresses potential geologic hazards that could affect the project site. 2.3.1 Faulting & Seismicity No known faults project through the project area. The closest known faults to the project site CGI: Copyright 2017 3 CG17GR019 consist of a series of northwest-trending potentially active faults located about one mile southwest of the site (Priest et al., 2007). At a minimum, structures should be designed in accordance with the 2015 International Building Code (IBC) seismic design criteria. IBC-based design requires the definition of the following seismic parameters: Site Class Designation; Site Coefficients (Fa and Fv); Mapped spectral accelerations for short periods (Ss); and Mapped spectral accelerations for a 1-second period (S1). IBC SEISMIC DESIGN PARAMETERS Parameter CBC Designation Site Class Designation D Site Coefficient, Fa 1.151 Site Coefficient, Fv 1.706 Mapped Spectral Acceleration, Ss 0.873g Mapped Spectral Acceleration, S1 0.347g 2.3.2 Liquefaction Liquefaction is described as the sudden loss of soil shear strength due to a rapid increase of soil pore water pressures caused by cyclic loading from a seismic event. In simple terms, it means that a liquefied soil acts more like a fluid than a solid when shaken during an earthquake. In order for liquefaction to occur, the following are needed: ▪ ▪ ▪ Granular soils (sand, silty sand, sandy silt, and some gravels); A high groundwater table; and A low density in the granular soils underlying the site. If those criteria are present, then there is a potential that the soils could liquefy during a seismic event. Soils encountered during this study are estimated to have a low potential for liquefaction. This opinion is made based on the following: 1. Sandy soils are generally dense to very dense with depth; and 2. Clay-rich soils are stiff. 2.3.3 Expansive Soils Atterberg limits of soil materials encountered during this study and during CGI (2008) were either nonplastic or had plasticity indices ranging up to about 12. The plasticity index of those materials correlates to soils ranging from nonexpansive to having a very low to low potential for expansion (Day, 1999). CGI: Copyright 2017 4 CG17GR019 2.3.4 Landslides The project is located on low gradient ground. No apparent signs of mass wasting or landsliding were observed during this study. It is, therefore, our opinion that the potential for naturally occurring landslides to adversely affect the project is low. 2.3.5 Corrosivity of On-Site Soils One selected sample of near-surface soils encountered in the explorations was subjected to chemical analysis for the purpose of assessment of corrosion and reactivity with concrete. The samples were tested for pH, resistivity, soluble sulfates and soluble chlorides. Testing was conducted by HDR and Associates and results are presented below, as well as included in the appendix of laboratory results. Soil Chemistry Information Chlorides Resistivity (ppm) (ohms-cm) 152 37.0 920 14 2.6 2,120 Boring No. Sample Depth Sulfates (ppm) DH-4 0-5’ DH-6 0-5’ According to the ACI-318, a sulfate concentration below 0.10 percent by weight (1,000 ppm) is negligible. A chloride content of less than 500 ppm is generally considered non-corrosive to reinforced concrete. Minimum resistivity testing performed on the soil sample indicated the soils are considered to be severely to moderately corrosive to buried metal objects. A commonly accepted correlation between soil resistivity and corrosivity towards ferrous metals (NACE, 1984) is provided below: RESISTIVITY & CORROSION CORRELATION Minimum Resistivity (ohm-cm) 0 to 1000 1,000 to 2,000 2,000 to 10,000 Over 10,000 Corrosion Potential Severely Corrosive Corrosive Moderately Corrosive Mildly Corrosive If engineered fill materials will be placed to establish grades and backfill adjacent to concrete structures, we recommend that verification samples be tested to confirm that soils in contact with concrete and steel have similar corrosion potential characteristics as the sample tested for this study. CGI: Copyright 2017 5 CG17GR019 2.3.6 Frost Penetration As exploration activities at the site were conducted in early summer, frost was not encountered in the exploratory borings. However, according to a frost penetration study conducted by Pavement Consultants Inc. (1995) for Runway 14-32, the depth of freezing in the soil, in Klamath Falls, was calculated to be 30 inches, with 65 percent frost penetration at 20 inches. Based on FAA AC 150/5320-6E Table 2-3, the soils encountered classify as FG-4 frost-susceptible soils. Recommendations to address the adverse effects of frost are addressed in subsequent sections. CGI: Copyright 2017 6 CG17GR019 3.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 GENERAL Based on the results of our investigation, it is our opinion that the proposed site is suitable for construction of the proposed improvements provided recommendations presented, herein, are utilized during design and construction of the project. Specific comments and recommendations regarding the geotechnical aspects of project design and construction are presented in the following sections of this report. 3.2 FAULTING No known faults pass through the project site. It is our opinion that special studies are not required to evaluate the location or separation of faults from the proposed development. 3.3 LANDSLIDES The project site is located on relatively flat ground. No signs of landsliding, either former or incipient, were observed on or adjacent to the project development areas. It is our opinion that naturally occurring landslides pose no risk to the project. See Sections 3.7 and 3.8 of this report regarding temporary and man-made slope stability issues. 3.4 LIQUEFACTION POTENTIAL Based on our observations and material exposed during the investigation, it our opinion that liquefaction and lateral spreading have a relatively low risk of adversely affecting the project sites or proposed improvements. 3.5 EXPANSIVE POTENTIAL The soils encountered beneath the project sites are granular and nonplastic or slightly plastic. Based on our observations and exposed subsurface materials, it is our opinion that on-site soils range from nonexpansive to having a low potential for expansion. 3.6 SITE PREPARATION AND GRADING 3.6.1 Stripping Prior to general site grading and/or construction of planned improvements, existing vegetation, trees, organic topsoil, debris, and deleterious materials should be stripped and disposed of off-site or outside the construction limits. It is estimated that stripping to a depth of 2 to 4 inches will be required to remove vegetative roots and debris across most of the site. Deeper stripping to remove root balls from tree locations might be necessary. 3.6.2 Existing Utilities, Wells, and/or Foundations Subsurface utilities or improvements are anticipated to be present beneath or adjacent to the proposed addition. If below-grade utility lines, septic tanks, cesspools, wells, on-site waste disposal fields and tanks, irrigation ponds and/or foundations are encountered during construction, they should be removed and disposed of off-site. Buried tanks, if present, should be removed in CGI: Copyright 2017 7 CG17GR019 compliance with applicable regulatory agency requirements. Existing, below-grade utility pipelines (if any) that extend beyond the limits of the proposed construction and will be abandoned in-place should be plugged with lean concrete or grout to prevent migration of soil and/or water. All excavations resulting from removal and demolition activities should be cleaned of loose or disturbed material prior to placing any fill or backfill. 3.6.3 Keying and Benching The proposed development areas are relatively flat and significant fill placement is not anticipated. Therefore, keying and benching are not anticipated to be required for this project. 3.6.4 Scarification and Compaction Following site stripping and overexcavation, areas to receive engineered fill should be scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches, uniformly moisture-conditioned to near optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 90 percent of the maximum dry density as determined using standard test method ASTM D15571. 3.6.5 Wet/Unstable Soil Conditions Depending on when site preparation or grading is performed, near-surface on-site soils may be significantly over optimum moisture content. Wet conditions could hinder equipment access as well as efforts to compact site soils to a specified level of compaction. If over optimum soil moisture content conditions are encountered during construction, disking to aerate, replacement with imported material, chemical treatment, stabilization with a geotextile fabric or grid, and/or other methods can be used to facilitate earthwork operations. CGI has been involved with the inspection of the Taxiway B construction at Kingsley Field in 2017. Several areas of the Taxiway B construction area were underlain by soil subgrade material that experienced significant pumping during compaction as optimum moisture conditions for the material were difficult to obtain. Mitigation of the pumping at the site was ultimately completed through the use of geogrid in areas where pumping occurred. The subgrade materials which had significant pumping at the Taxiway B site are similar to soils found at the proposed project site, and as such pumping during compaction of the proposed project site may occur during construction/compaction, if no mitigation measures are implemented. 3.6.6 Site Drainage Finished grading should be performed in such a manner that provides a minimum of 10 horizontal feet of positive surface gradient away from all structures. The ponding of water should not be allowed adjacent to structures, retaining walls, or the top of fill sections. Surface runoff should be directed toward engineered collection systems or suitable discharge areas and not allowed to flow over slopes. Discharge from roof downspouts should also be collected, conveyed, and discharged away 1 This test procedure applies wherever relative compaction, maximum dry density, or optimum moisture content is referenced within this report. CGI: Copyright 2017 8 CG17GR019 from all structures and into engineered systems, such as storm drains. Landscape plantings around structures should be avoided or be dry climate tolerant and require minimal irrigation. 3.6.7 Excavation Characteristics & Bulking Explorations for this project were advanced using a Mobil Drill B59 drill rig equipped with an 8-inch diameter hollow stem auger. In general, underlying soils were penetrated relatively easily using this equipment. It is our opinion that on-site soils should be excavatable using conventional heavy grading equipment. 3.6.8 Temporary & Permanent Slopes Construction of the proposed project is not anticipated to require creation of temporary and/or permanent slopes. 3.6.9 Overexcavation & Subgrade Preparation Overexcavation of the proposed development areas is not anticipated to be necessary for this project unless uncertified fill and/or deleterious materials are encountered during site grading. If those conditions are encountered, CGI should be notified and the uncertified fill and deleterious materials should be overexcavated and removed from the site. Areas that are overexcavated should be backfilled with engineered fill materials, in accordance with recommendations presented in Section 3.6.13 of this report. 3.6.10 On-Site Soil Materials It is our opinion that most of the near-surface soils encountered at the site can be used for general engineered fill provided they are free of organics, debris, oversized particles (>3”) and deleterious materials. It is unlikely that highly plastic clayey materials (materials having a plasticity index exceeding 30 and a liquid limit in excess of 50) will be encountered during construction but if those materials are encountered they should be segregated and excluded from engineered fill, where possible. If potentially unsuitable soil is considered for use as engineered fill, CGI should observe, test, and provide recommendations as to the suitability of the material prior to placement as engineered fill. 3.6.11 Imported Fill Materials - General If imported fill materials are used for this project, they should consist of soil and/or soil-aggregate mixtures generally less than 3 inches in maximum dimension, nearly free of organic or other deleterious debris, and essentially non-plastic. Typically, well-graded mixtures of gravel, sand, nonplastic silt, and small quantities of clay are acceptable for use as imported engineered fill within foundation areas. Imported fill materials should be sampled and tested prior to importation to the project site to verify that those materials meet recommended material criteria noted below. Specific requirements for imported fill materials, as well as applicable test procedures to verify material suitability are as follows: CGI: Copyright 2017 9 CG17GR019 IMPORTED FILL RECOMMENDATIONS GRADATION Sieve Size General Fill Granular Fill Percent Passing Test Procedures ASTM AASHTO 3-inch 100 100 D422 T88 ¾-inch 70 – 100 70 – 100 D422 T88 No. 200 0 - 30 <5 D422 T88 PLASTICITY Liquid Limit <30 NA D4318 T89 Plasticity Index <12 Nonplastic D4318 T90 ORGANIC CONTENT <3% <3% D2974 NA Soil chemistry tests are recommended on imported soils to evaluate corrosivity to buried improvements. 3.6.12 Materials - Granular All granular fill should consist of soil mixtures generally less than 3 inches in maximum dimension, nearly free of organic or other deleterious debris, and essentially non-plastic. Specific requirements for granular fill, as well as applicable test procedures to verify material suitability are presented in Section 3.6.11 of this report. In our opinion, most of the on-site terrace deposit soils encountered during exploration will not meet the criteria for granular fill. 3.6.13 Placement & Compaction Soil and/or soil-aggregate mixtures used for fill should be uniformly moisture-conditioned to within 3 percent of optimum moisture content, placed in horizontal lifts less than 8 inches in loose thickness, and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction2. It is recommended that fill materials be placed and compacted uniformly in elevation and that the vertical elevation differential of contiguous lifts diverge no more then two feet during compaction. Testing should be performed to verify that the relative compactions are being obtained as recommended herein. Compaction testing, at a minimum, should consist of one test per every 500 cubic yards of soil being placed or at every 1.5foot vertical fill interval, whichever comes first. In general, a “sheep’s foot” or “wedge foot” compactor should be used to compact fine-grained fill materials. A vibrating smooth drum roller could be used to compact granular fill materials and final fill surfaces. 2 This test procedure applies wherever relative compaction, maximum dry density, or optimum moisture content is referenced within this report. CGI: Copyright 2017 10 CG17GR019 3.7 TEMPORARY EXCAVATIONS 3.7.1 General All temporary excavations must comply with applicable local, state, and federal safety regulations, including the current OSHA Excavation and Trench Safety Standards. Construction site safety is the responsibility of the contractor, who should be solely responsible for the means, methods, and sequencing of construction operations so that a safe working environment is maintained. 3.7.2 Construction Considerations Heavy construction equipment, building materials, excavated soil, and vehicular traffic should not be allowed within a 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) projection from the toe of the excavation to the ground surface. Where the stability of adjoining buildings, walls, or other structures is endangered by excavation operations, support systems such as shoring, bracing, or underpinning may be required to provide structural stability and to protect personnel working within the excavation. During wet weather, earthen berms or other methods should be used to prevent runoff water from entering excavations. All runoff water entering the excavation(s) should be collected and disposed of outside the construction limits. 3.8 UTILITY TRENCHS AND TRENCH BACKFILL 3.8.1 Trenches and Dewatering Utility trenches greater than 5 feet deep should be braced or shored in accordance with good construction practices and all applicable safety ordinances. In general, the soils encountered during our exploration may have a tendency to run or flow, especially where dry and previously disturbed. Because of this, there is a potential that shallow unshored trenches excavated with sidewalls steeper than 3/4:1 could locally cave. Thus, shoring with intermittent to continuous sidewall support might be needed to maintain trench wall integrity. Heavy construction equipment, building materials, excavated soil, and vehicular traffic should not be allowed within a 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) projection from the toe of the trench excavation to the ground surface. Where the stability of adjoining buildings, walls, or other structures is endangered by excavation operations, support systems such as shoring, bracing, or underpinning may be required to provide structural stability and to protect personnel working within the excavation. 3.8.2 Materials Pipe zone backfill (i.e., material placed from the trench bottom to a minimum of 6 inches over the pipeline crown) should consist of soil having a Sand Equivalent (SE) of no less than 30 and having a particle size no greater than ½-inch in maximum dimension. Trench zone backfill (i.e., material placed between the pipe zone backfill and finished subgrade) may consist of on-site soil that meets the material requirements previously provided for engineered fill with 100% passing the ¾-inch sieve. Recommendations provided above for pipe zone backfill are minimum requirements only. More stringent material specifications may be required to fulfill local codes and/or bedding requirements for specific types of pipe. We recommend the project Civil Engineer develop these material CGI: Copyright 2017 11 CG17GR019 specifications based on planned pipe types, bedding conditions, and other factors beyond the scope of this study. 3.8.3 Placement and Compaction Trench backfill should be placed and compacted in accordance with recommendations previously provided for engineered fill. Jetting of trench backfill materials can be performed but we recommend that mechanical compaction also be applied where jetting is used. It has been our experience that jetting alone will not compact trench backfill materials to the minimum specified relative compaction. Special care should be given to ensuring that adequate compaction is made beneath the haunches of the pipeline (that area from the pipe springline to the pipe invert) and that no voids remain in this space. 3.8.4 Trench Subgrade Stabilization Soft and yielding trench subgrade is not anticipated to be an issue during construction of this project. However, if yielding trench subgrades are encountered, it is recommended that the bottom of trenches be stabilized prior to placement of the pipeline bedding so that, in the judgment of the geotechnical engineer, the trench subgrade is firm and unyielding. Some methods that we have observed used to stabilize trench subgrades include the following: ➢ Use of ¾–inch to 1½-inch floatrock worked into the trench bottom and covered with a geotextile fabric such as Mirafi 500X; ➢ Placement of a geotextile fabric, such as Mirafi 500X, on the trench bottom and covered with at least one foot of compacted processed miscellaneous base (PMB) conforming to the requirements of Section 200-2.5 of the Greenbook, latest edition; ➢ Overexcavation of trench subgrade and placement of two-sack sand-cement slurry; and ➢ In extreme conditions, injection grouting along the trench alignment. If floatrock is used, typically sand with an SE of 50 or more should be used to fill the voids in the rock prior to placement of pipe bedding materials. SE test results of onsite soil all exceeded 70 indicating that on-site soils should be suitable for use in this application. 3.9 FOUNDATIONS 3.9.1 Minimum Footing Embedment and Dimensions We recommend that shallow isolated and continuous wall footings be founded entirely on engineering fill or native soils. Minimum embedment depths, widths, and thicknesses should conform to Table 1805.4.2 of the IBC and Section 2.3.6, but should be determined by the Structural Engineer. The footing thickness should be determined by the Structural Engineer, but should be no less than 20 inches thick. CGI: Copyright 2017 12 CG17GR019 We recommend that foundations be founded either entirely in cut or entirely in engineered fill material to reduce differential settlement potentials. Foundations should not span both cuts and fills. If proposed foundations span both cuts and fills, we recommend that: • The area of cuts supporting the proposed foundations should be overexcavated below the planned bottom of footings to a depth of at least 3 times the width of the foundation. CGI should observe and approve the overexcavated area once exposed. Overexcavation limits should extend throughout the cut area and to a minimum of five horizontal feet past the perimeter foundations of the structure. The overexcavated area should then be backfilled in accordance with recommendations presented in Section 3.6.13 of this report; OR • Proposed foundations should be deepened to extend through engineered fill materials and extending at least 1 foot into undisturbed native soils, so that the entire foundation system for the structure rests on undisturbed native soils. If this depth is less than 5 feet below the planned bottom of the foundation, then a two-sack sand-cement slurry can be used as backfill in lieu of structural concrete, from the excavation bottom up to the planned bottom of the proposed foundation. CGI should observe and approve the deepened foundation excavation prior to placement of slurry or structural concrete. Deepened footing excavations should extend below any observed yielding material. If soft, yielding, or unsuitable soil is encountered during construction, CGI should review these conditions and, if requested, provide recommendations for their treatment. If foundations do not span both cuts and fills, then neither of the two alternatives recommended noted above should be necessary. 3.9.3 Allowable Bearing Capacity It is assumed that all structure foundations for the proposed buildings will rest entirely on terrace deposit soils. The foundations must not be constructed partially on fill and partially on cut. Isolated and continuous footing elements founded in lacustrine soils should be proportioned for dead loads plus probable maximum live load, and a maximum allowable bearing pressure of 2,000 pounds per square foot (psf), assuming a 12-inch wide footing bearing at the minimum depth noted in the IBC. An increase of 150 psf can be added to the allowable bearing pressure for each additional one-foot increase in footing depth below the IBC noted minimum depths (including the required depth to avoid frost penetration). However, the maximum allowable bearing pressure should not exceed 3,000 psf. The allowable bearing pressures provided are net values. Therefore, the weight of the foundation (which extends below finished subgrade) may be neglected when computing dead loads. The allowable bearing pressure applies to dead plus live loads and includes a calculated factor of safety of at least 3. An increase of allowable bearing pressure by one-third for short-term loading due to wind CGI: Copyright 2017 13 CG17GR019 or seismic forces should NOT be incorporated unless an alternative load combination, as described in Section 1605.3.2 of the 2009 IBC, is applied. The allowable bearing value is for vertical loads only; eccentric loads may require adjustment to the values recommended above. 3.9.4 Lateral Earth Pressures Subsurface structures should be designed to resist the earth pressure exerted by the retained, compacted backfill plus any additional lateral force that will be applied due to surface loads placed at or near the wall or below-grade structure. Recommended design criteria for subsurface structures are presented below: The recommended equivalent fluid weights presented below are for static (non-earthquake) conditions with the ground level behind the shoring system. Lateral Earth Pressures Under Static Conditions Lateral Earth Pressure Condition At-Rest Active Slope Inclination Above Structure Flat Flat Equivalent Fluid Weight (pcf) Moist to Wet Conditions 60 45 The resultant force of the static lateral force prism should be applied at a distance of 33 percent of the wall height above the soil elevation on the toe side of the wall. The tabulated values are based on a non-plastic soil unit weight of 120 pounds per cubic foot (pcf), and do not provide for surcharge conditions resulting from construction materials, equipment, or vehicle traffic. Loads not considered as surcharges should bear behind a 1:1 (horizontal to vertical) line projected upward from the base of the shoring. If surcharges are expected, CGI should be advised so that we can provide additional recommendations as needed. 3.9.5 Minimum Footing Reinforcement Footing reinforcement should be designed by a Structural Engineer and should conform to pertinent structural code requirements. Minimum footing reinforcement should not be less than that required for shrinkage, temperature control, and structural integrity. 3.9.6 Estimated Settlements The proposed structures should not rest partially on fill and partially on cut, as discussed in Section 3.9.1 of this report. All foundations are anticipated to rest on native soils or engineering fill. Based on our field investigation the native soils in this area are medium dense to dense. Based on these factors, settlement should be relatively minor for the proposed buildings. Anticipated total settlement for the proposed structure foundations, if construction occurs as recommended within this report, should be less than one inch. Differential settlement for the structure foundations is anticipated to be less than ½ -inch in 20 feet. CGI: Copyright 2017 14 CG17GR019 3.9.7 Construction Considerations Prior to placing steel or concrete, foundation excavations should be cleaned of all debris, loose or disturbed soil, and any water. A representative of CGI should observe all foundation excavations prior to concrete placement. 3.9.8 Freeze/Thaw Recommendations As discussed in the frost penetration section, frost penetration can be expected at the site during the course of the year. Based on FAA AC 150/5320-6E Table 2-3, the soils encountered classify as FG-4 frost-susceptible soils given that surface soils encountered were predominantly fine sand, silt or low plasticity clay. FAA AC 150/5320-6E can be used to calculate pavement and non-frostsusceptible base course thicknesses to assist in protecting against detrimental freeze-thaw effects from the frost-susceptible soils. Additional recommendations to aid in reducing the impact of freeze-thaw effects can be provided by CGI upon request, including recommendations pertaining to perimeter subdrains, composite drains, reinforced gap-graded permeable base, and/or no-fines concrete. 3.10 SLIDING AND PASSIVE RESISTANCE 3.10.1 Sliding Resistance Sliding resistance generated through a compacted soil/concrete interface can be computed by multiplying the total dead weight structural loads by the friction coefficient of 0.35 for native soils and granular engineered fill. 3.10.2 Passive Resistance Passive resistance developed from lateral bearing of shallow foundation elements bearing against compacted soil surfaces for that portion of the foundation element extending below a depth of 1 foot below the lowest adjacent grade can be estimated using an equivalent fluid weight of 150 pcf. Passive resistance of the upper one foot of the soil column should be neglected. 3.10.3 Safety Factors Sliding resistance and passive pressure may be used together without reduction in conjunction with recommended safety factors outlined below. A minimum factor of safety of 1.5 is recommended for foundation sliding. 3.11 INTERIOR CONCRETE FLOOR SLABS SUPPORTED ON-GRADE 3.11.1 General All ground-supported slabs should be designed by a Civil Engineer to support the anticipated loading conditions but, as a minimum, should be at least 4 inches thick. Reinforcement for floor slabs should be designed by a Civil Engineer to maintain structural integrity, and should not be less than that required to meet pertinent code, shrinkage, and temperature requirements. Reinforcement should be placed at mid-thickness in the slab with provisions to ensure it stays in that position during construction and concrete placement. CGI: Copyright 2017 15 CG17GR019 The mat slab can be designed using a flat slab on an elastic half-space analog. A modulus of subgrade reaction (ks1) of 50 pounds per cubic inch is recommended for design of mat-type foundations. That modulus of subgrade reaction value represents a presumptive value based on soil classification. No plate-load tests were performed as part of this study. The modulus value is for a 1-foot-square plate and must be corrected for mat size and shape, assuming a cohesionless subgrade. 3.11.2 Subgrade Preparation Subgrade soils supporting interior concrete floor slabs should be scarified to a minimum depth of 8 inches, uniformly moisture-conditioned to near the optimum moisture content, and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction, unless otherwise noted. 3.11.3 Rock Capillary Break/Vapor Barrier Interior concrete floor slabs supported-on-grade should be underlain by a capillary break consisting of a blanket of compacted, free-draining, durable rock at least 4 inches thick, graded such that 100 percent passes the 1-inch sieve and less than 5 percent passes the No. 4 sieve.3. Furthermore, a vapor barrier should be placed beneath all interior concrete floor slabs supported-on-grade that will be covered with moisture-sensitive floor coverings. This barrier may consist of a plastic or vinyl membrane placed directly over the rock capillary break. The vapor barrier should be sealed around all penetrations, including utilities. If a vapor barrier is not installed, there is a risk of moisture vapors and salts penetrating the slab-on-grade. It is our recommendation that American Concrete Institute (ACI) guidelines ACI 302 and ACI 306 be referred to regarding installation of vapor barriers based on the anticipated flooring materials to be installed. A capillary break and/or vapor barrier may not be required for some types of construction (such as equipment buildings, warehouses, garages, and other uninhabited structures insensitive to water intrusion and/or vapor transmission through the slab). For these types of structures, the gravel capillary break and/or vapor barrier recommended above may be omitted and the slab placed directly on the prepared subgrade or other approved surface. In the event a capillary break and/or vapor barrier is not to be used, CGI should review the planned structure in order to assess the applicability of the approach and provide (if necessary) additional recommendations regarding subgrade preparation and/or support. 3.12 EXTERIOR CONCRETE SLABS SUPPORTED-ON-GRADE Subgrade soils supporting exterior concrete slabs4 should be scarified to a minimum depth of 1-foot, uniformly moisture-conditioned to near the optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 90 percent relative compaction. In the event the exposed subgrade is dense and uniformly compacted, scarification and compaction may be omitted if approved by CGI during construction. 3 4 In general, aggregate base (or similar material) does not meet the requirements provided above for a capillary break. Therefore, we recommend this material not be used for a capillary break beneath interior concrete slabs supported-ongrade. Within this report, exterior concrete slabs supported-on-grade refers to walkways, patios, etc. and specifically excludes roadway pavements. CGI: Copyright 2017 16 CG17GR019 3.13 PAVEMENT INFORMATION The subgrade California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is based on the use of a maximum value for subgrade as recommended by FAA design procedures. Three samples were tested to estimate their CBR. By definition, the CBR number is the ratio of the unit load (in pounds per square inch) required to affect a certain depth of penetration of a penetration piston into a compacted specimen of the soil to the standard unit load required to obtain the same depth of penetration on a sample of crushed stone. The CBR samples tested were performed on bulk samples. The samples were remolded to 95% of the maximum dry density and at their optimum moisture content. The resulting CBR's for the samples are summarized in the table below. Drill Hole Soil Description CBR DH-2 DH-3 DH-6 Fine Silty Sand Fine Silty Sand Fine Silty Sand 1.6 2.5 2.7 Based on the results of our field and laboratory investigation, and previous studies, we recommend that new pavement sections be designed using the values presented below and those conforming to current Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) specifications. Item Specification Minimum Compaction Engineered Fill (see below) (see below) Subgrade CBR 95%(*) Aggregate Base FAA P-209 100% Asphalt Concrete FAA P-401 (*) For cohesive soils. Refer to Table 3-4 of AC 150/5320-6E. >96.3% Concrete Slab Design Parameters The Modulus of Subgrade Reaction (K) has been estimated utilizing correlations based on CBR conversions from FAA Advisory Circular 150/5320-6E and UFC 3-260-02. The results of K value estimates are presented below: Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, K (lbs./in.3) Estimated K from Sample No. Estimated K from FAA Advisory Circular UFC-3-260-02 150/5320-6E 50 50-100 50 DH-3 50 50-100 50 DH-6 50 50-100 50 DH-2 CGI: Copyright 2017 Recommended 17 CG17GR019 As noted in previous studies, there is a relatively wide spread of values for K. This is largely due to the fact that the modulus of soil reaction is not a true soil property. It is dependent upon rates of loading, size of the load area, and the shear modulus of the tested materials. Thus, there is no true and widely accepted correlation between CBR and K values. For this project, if one design K value is to be used for all areas, we recommend that K values estimated using correlations from the FAA, be used in calculations. The recommended K value is 50 pounds per cubic inch (pci). 3.13 SHORING CONSIDERATIONS If shoring systems are utilized in this project, they should be designed to resist earth pressures exerted by the retained soils plus any additional lateral force that will be applied to the shoring due to surface loads placed at or near the excavation. Retaining systems that are free to rotate or translate laterally (for example, cantilevered retaining walls) through a horizontal distance to shoring height ratio of no less than 0.004 are referred to as unrestrained or yielding retaining structures. Such shoring systems can generally move enough to develop active conditions. Retaining systems that are unable to rotate or deflect laterally (for example, restrained basement walls) are referred to as restrained or nonyielding. If such shoring systems cannot move or translate very much, then at-rest conditions develop. Recommended equivalent fluid weights for active and at-rest conditions are presented in Section 3.9.4. CGI: Copyright 2017 18 CG17GR019 4.0 ADDITIONAL SERVICES We recommend CGI review final plans and specifications to evaluate that recommendations contained herein have been properly interpreted and implemented during design. It is recommended that CGI be retained during project construction to perform compaction testing, materials testing, and special inspections services. Those construction services are important to maintain continuity between geotechnical design and project construction. 5.0 LIMITATIONS This report has been prepared in substantial accordance with the generally accepted geotechnical engineering practice, as it existed in the site area at the time our services were rendered. No other warranty, either express or implied, is made. Conclusions and recommendations contained in this report were based on the conditions encountered during our field investigation and are applicable only to those project features described herein (see Section 1.1 – Project Understanding). Soil and rock deposits can vary in type, strength, and other geotechnical properties between points of observation and exploration. Additionally, groundwater and soil moisture conditions can also vary seasonally and for other reasons. Therefore, we do not and cannot have a complete knowledge of the subsurface conditions underlying the project site. The conclusions and recommendations presented in this report are based upon the findings at the point of exploration, and interpolation and extrapolation of information between and beyond the points of observation, and are subject to confirmation based on the conditions revealed by construction. If conditions encountered during construction differ from those described in this report, or if the scope or nature of the proposed construction changes, we should be notified immediately in order to review and, if deemed necessary, conduct additional studies and/or provide supplemental recommendations. When final site design plans (grading, foundation, retaining walls, etc.) become available, CGI should have the opportunity to review the plans to ensure the recommendations presented in this report remain valid and applicable to the proposed project. Recommendations provided in this report are based on the assumption that CGI will conduct an adequate program of testing and observation during the construction phase in order to evaluate compliance with our recommendations. The scope of services provided by CGI for this project did not include the investigation and/or evaluation of toxic substances, or soil or groundwater contamination of any type. If such conditions are encountered during site development, additional studies may be required. Further, services provided by CGI for this project did not include the evaluation of the presence of critical environmental habitats or culturally sensitive areas. This report may be used only by our client and their agents and only for the purposes stated herein, within a reasonable time from its issuance. Land use, site conditions, and other factors may change CGI: Copyright 2017 19 CG17GR019 over time that may require additional studies. In the event significant time elapses between the issuance date of this report and construction, CGI shall be notified of such occurrence in order to review current conditions. Depending on that review, CGI may require that additional studies be conducted and that an updated or revised report is issued. Any party other than our client who wishes to use all or any portion of this report shall notify CGI of such intended use. Based on the intended use as well as other site-related factors, CGI may require that additional studies be conducted and that an updated or revised report be issued. Failure to comply with any of the requirements outlined above by the client or any other party shall release CGI from any liability arising from the unauthorized use of this report. -- -- CGI: Copyright 2017 20 CG17GR019 6.0 REFERENCES CGI Technical Services, Inc. 2008), Geotechnical Report, Oregon Air National Guard, Aircraft Ramp Repair, Building 325, Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, Oregon, unpublished consultant’s report prepared for Mead & Hunt, Inc., dated December 10, 13 p. with appendices and plates. Day, R. (1999), Geotechnical and Foundation Engineering, Design and Construction, McGraw – Hill, New York, NY 10121-2298. Federal Aviation Administration (1996), FAA AC 150/5320-6D: Airport Pavement Design and Evaluation. Mead & Hunt (2017), Site Layout Plan ORANG-Kingsley Field Corrosion Control Facility, A-2, May 30. Pavement Consultants Inc. (1995), Pavement Evaluation and Pavement Design for Runway 14/32, Taxiway D, E and G Priest, G.R., Hladky, F.R., and Murray, R.B. (2007), Geologic Map of the Klamath Falls Area, Klamath County, Oregon, Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries Geological Map Series GMS-118, scale 1:24,000. Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction (Greenbook), Bni Books, Los Angeles, California. Sherrod, D.R. and Pickthorn, L.B.G. (1992), Geologic Map of the West Half of the Klamath Falls 1 Degree by 2 Degrees Quadrangle, South-Central Oregon, U.S. Geological Survey, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-2182, Scale 1: 250,000. Unified Facilities Criteria (2001), Section 3-260-02, Pavement Design for Airfields, Chapter 6, dated June 30, p. 6-1 through 6-15. Winterkorn, H.F., and Fang, H. (1975), Foundation Engineering Handbook, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, p. 517. CGI: Copyright 2017 21 CG17GR019 Project Region Project Area Base map from Google Earth (2017) Project No.:17-1144.76 Scale not determined SITE LOCATION MAP CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY MEAD & HUNT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Plate 1 Approximate Proposed Corrosion Control Facility Foot Print Approximate Extent of Proposed Facility Access Scale not Determined Plate Project No:17-1144.76 PROJECT ELEMENTS CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY MEAD & HUNT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 2 af af af Qs DH-6 DH-1 Qs DH-2 DH-5 DH-3 af DH-4 Qs Qs Approximate Proposed Corrosion Control Facility Foot Print Approximate Extent of Proposed Facility Access af DH-6 Base Map from Google Earth (2017), Site plan map from Mead & Hunt (2017) Approximate Drill Hole Location Qs Quaternary Surficial Deposits af Artificial Fill Scale not Determined Plate Project No:17-1144.76 GEOTECHNICAL MAP CORROSION CONTROL FACILITY MEAD & HUNT KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 3 APPENDIX A SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION The subsurface exploration program for the proposed project consisted of the advancement of six exploratory drill holes. Locations of the explorations are shown on Plate 3 in the report text. The test pits were advanced using a Mobil Drill B59 truck mounted drill rig equipped with an 8-inch diameter hollow stem auger. The drill holes were advanced to depths from 16.0 to 55.0 feet below the existing ground surface. Select samples of soil encountered were recovered from drill holes for laboratory classification and testing. The results of the testing procedures are noted on the Logs of Test Pits and attached within Appendix B. The exploration logs describe the earth materials encountered, sampling method used, and laboratory tests performed. The logs also show the location, exploration number, date of exploration, and the names of the logger and equipment used. A CGI engineering geologist logged the explorations using ASTM 2488 for visual soil classification. The boundaries between soil types shown on the logs are approximate because the transition between different soil layers may be gradual and may change with time. The logs for test pits excavated for this study are presented as Plates A-1.1 and A-1.6. Legends to the logs are noted on Plate A-2.1. CGI: Copyright 2017 CG17GR019 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-1 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/12/17 16.5 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 9.5 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/12/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4093 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory 0 Silty Sand (SM), light brown, dry to moist, loose, sand very fine to fine. 1.5 5 1.1 SM Silty Clay with Sand (CL), light brown, dry to moist, soft to moderately stiff, low to medium plasticity, sand very fine to fine. (23) CL 10 1.2 Poorly Graded Sand (SP), dark brown to dark gray, wet, moderately dense, fine to medium sand, flowing sand. (56) SP 15 1.3 1.4 (37) Total Depth at 16.5 feet The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. PLATE NO.: A-1.1 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-2 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/12/17 55.0 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 6.5 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/12/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4092 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory 0 Silty Sand (SM), light brown, dry to moist, loose, sand very fine to fine. SM 2.10 5 2.1 Silty Clay with Sand (CL), light brown, dry to moist, soft to moderately stiff, low to medium plasticity, sand very fine to fine. (60) NonPlastic CL Static water level @ 6.5 feet 10 2.2 Poorly Graded Sand (SP), dark brown to dark gray, wet, moderately dense, fine to medium sand, flowing sand. (50) 104.3 23.7 15.1 106.6 21.8 12.2 Initial water @ 9.5-feet SP 15 20 2.3 (36) 2.4 (50:3.5) The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. PLATE NO.: A-1.2 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-2 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/12/17 25 55.0 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 6.5 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite 40 45 Plasticity Index Notes & Assigned Laboratory 2.5 (50:3.5) SP 30 35 Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/12/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4092 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Sand flowing into hole, insitu sampling not possible. 2.6 (50:3) 2.7 (50:3) 2.8 113.0 16.9 6.6 95.8 4.1 SP The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. 22.6 Sand flowing into hole, insitu PLATE NO.: A-1.2 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-2 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/12/17 55.0 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 6.5 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/12/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4092 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory sampling not possible. SP 50 2.9 (70:11) CL SP Clay (CL), green, damp to moist, moderately stiff, low to medium plasticity. Poorly Graded Sand (SP), dark gray, wet, moderately dense, fine to medium sand, flowing sand. 55 Sand flowing into hole, insitu sampling not possible. Total Depth at 55 feet The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. PLATE NO.: A-1.2 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-3 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/13/17 16.0 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 9.0 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/13/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4092 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory 0 Silty Sand (SM), light brown, dry to moist, loose, sand very fine to fine. SM 3.4 5 3.1 Silty Clay with Sand (CL), light brown, dry to moist, soft to moderately stiff, low to medium plasticity, sand very fine to fine. (34) CL 10 Poorly Graded Sand (SP), dark brown to dark gray, wet, moderately dense, fine to medium sand, flowing sand. 3.2 (83:9.5) SP 15 3.3 (48:5.5) Total Depth at 16.0 feet The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. PLATE NO.: A-1.3 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-4 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/13/17 16.5 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 8.0 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/13/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4092 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory 0 Silty Sand (SM), light brown, dry to moist, loose, sand very fine to fine. SM 4.4 5 4.1 Silty Clay with Sand (CL), light brown, dry to moist, soft to moderately stiff, low to medium plasticity, sand very fine to fine. (42) CL 4.2 Poorly Graded Sand (SP), dark brown to dark gray, wet, moderately dense, fine to medium sand, flowing sand. (47) 10 SP 15 4.3 (75) Total Depth at 16.5 feet The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. PLATE NO.: A-1.4 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-5 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/13/17 16.5 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 8.5 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/13/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4092 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory 0 Silty Sand (SM), light brown, dry to moist, loose, sand very fine to fine. SM 5 5.1 (47) CL Silty Clay with Sand (CL), light brown, dry to moist, soft to moderately stiff, low to medium plasticity, sand very fine to fine. Poorly Graded Sand (SP), dark brown to dark gray, wet, moderately dense, fine to medium sand, flowing sand. 10 SP 15 5.2 (92:9.5) Total Depth at 16.5 feet The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. PLATE NO.: A-1.5 LOG OF EXPLORATION: DH-6 Corrosion Control Facility EXPL. VENDOR: Diamond Core PROJECT NO.: 17-1144.76 Klamath Falls, OR START DATE: 6/13/17 16.5 feet LOGGED BY: J. Smith DEPTH TO WATER: 6.5 feet CHECKED BY: A. Bahloul BACKFILLED WITH: Cuttings/Bentonite Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: 140-Lb. USCS Symbol Blow Count (blows/ft) 6/13/17 Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) END DATE: 4092 feet Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. METHOD: Hollowstem Auger 8" SURFACE ELEVATION: DEPTH OF HOLE: Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory 0 Silty Sand (SM), light brown, dry to moist, loose, sand very fine to fine. SM 6.4 5 6.1 (39) CL Silty Clay with Sand (CL), light brown, dry to moist, soft to moderately stiff, low to medium plasticity, sand very fine to fine. Poorly Graded Sand (SP), dark brown to dark gray, wet, moderately dense, fine to medium sand, flowing sand. 10 6.2 (27) 6.3 (44) SP 15 Total Depth at 16.5 feet The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. PLATE NO.: A-1.6 LOG OF EXPLORATION: Expl. No. CGI's Project Name PROJECT NO.: CGI's Project No. General Location START DATE: Date Started EXPL. METHOD: Method of Expl. TOTAL DEPTH OF HOLE:Total Depth of Expl. LOGGED BY: CGI's Logger DEPTH TO WATER: Depth to Water CHECKED BY: CGI's Reviewer BACKFILLED WITH: Backfill Materials Expl. Elevation Plasticity Index Liquid Limit % Passing No. 200 Material Description Water Content, % HAMMER TYPE: Type of Sample Hammer USCS Symbol Sample No. Sample Material Symbol Depth (ft) Blow Count (blows/ft) Date Finished END DATE: SURFACE ELEVATION: Unit Dry Weight, pcf LOCATION: EXPL. VENDOR: Expl. Subcontractor Water Table PROJECT: Notes & Assigned Laboratory 0 SAMPLES/BLOW COUNT SYMBOLS KEY Bulk Soils Sample 1 5 2 (24) 3 50:5" California modified split spoon sampler (CMSS) Brackets on blow counts indicates CMSS sample Standard penetration test (SPT) sample and blow count SPT: 1-3/8" ID, 2" OD, Driven No sample recovery Blow counts are recorded as the number of blows required for one foot of sampler penetration using a 140-lb hammer falling 30 inches. Typically, sampler is driven 18" and the initial 6" discarded. LITHOLOGIC GRAPHICS DESCRIPTIONS FOR SOILS MATERIALS (per ASTM D2487 & D2488) 10 15 20 GW well graded GRAVEL GP poorly graded GRAVEL GM silty GRAVEL GC clayey GRAVEL SW 30 well graded SAND SP poorly graded SAND SM silty SAND SC clayey SAND ML low plasticity SILT MH high plasticity SILT CL lean CLAY CH fat CLAY PT organic soils or peat OL organic SILTS or CLAYS with low plasticity OH organic SILTS or CLAYS with high plasticity RX ROCK 25 CMSS: 2-3/8" ID, 3" OD, Driven The log and data presented are a simplification of actual conditions encountered at the given location and time of exploration. Subsurface conditions may differ at other locations and with the passage of time. Initial water level measurement Water level after initial measurement (may not represent stabilized water levels) Lab Abbreviations DS-direct shear; C-consolidation; GS-sieve; EIExpansion Index; PI-Plasticity; UC-Unconfined; SC-soil chem.; SE-sand equiv.; R-R value; Pcurve; PP-pocket penetrometer. PLATE NO.: A-2.1 APPENDIX B LABORATORY TESTING Laboratory Analyses Laboratory tests were performed on selected undisturbed and bulk soil samples to estimate engineering characteristics of the various earth materials encountered. Laboratory testing was performed by CGI, located in Redding, California; Vector Engineering of Grass Valley, California; and Schiff Associates, located in Claremont, California. Testing was performed under procedures described in one of the following references: ASTM Standards for Soil Testing, latest revision; Lambe, T. William, Soil Testing for Engineers, Wiley, New York, 1951; Laboratory Soils Testing, U.S. Army, Office of the Chief of Engineers, Engineering Manual No. 1110-2-1906, November 30, 1970. The following describes the tests performed. Atterberg Limits Test One Atterberg Limit test was performed on a selected soil sample to estimate the plasticity index, plastic limit, and liquid limit of the soil tested. The test was conducted in general accordance with standard test method ASTM D4318. Sieve Analysis Sieve analysis were performed to evaluate the general gradation of the soil and to verify the visual classification of the samples. The samples were tested in accordance with standard test method ASTM D6913. The percent passing the No. 200 sieve are presented on the drill hole logs. Complete sieve analysis results are attached on the attached Particle Size Distribution figures. Grain-Size Evaluations Five grain-size evaluation tests were performed in accordance with standard test method ASTM D422 to estimate the general distribution of grain sizes in an aggregate base sample. The results of the grain-size distribution tests are shown on the attached Laboratory Sieve Analysis figures. Moisture Density Relations The compaction characteristics of three bulk soil samples were estimated in accordance with standard test method ASTM D1557. The results of the compaction test are shown on the attached plates labeled Moisture Density Relationship. Soil-Chemistry Two tests were performed on selected soil samples to evaluate pH, resistivity, chloride and sulfate contents, along with other cations and anions. The results of the tests are presented on the attached Soil Chemistry sheets. CGI: Copyright 2017 CG17GR019 California Bearing Ratio Tests Three California Bearing Ratio (CBR) tests were performed in accordance with standard test method ASTM D1883. The results of the CBR tests are as follows: Drill Hole Soil Description CBR DH-2 DH-3 DH-6 Fine Silty Sand Fine Silty Sand Fine Silty Sand 1.6 2.5 2.7 Results of the CBR tests are shown on California Bearing Ratio figures. CGI: Copyright 2017 CG17GR019 ATTERBERG LIMITS TESTS Client: Mead & Hunt Project: Klamath Corrosion Facility Location: Redding, CA Sampled By: JDS Received By: TK Tested By: AE Reviewed By: JDS Job No.: Lab No.: 17-1144.76 9486 Date Sampled: Date Received: Date Tested: Date Reviewed: 20-Jun-17 21-Jun-17 1-Aug-17 2-Aug-17 DH-1 @ 0-5' 100 90 80 Plasticity Index (PI) U-Line 70 60 50 CH or OH A-Line 40 30 MH or OH 20 CL-ML CL or OL 10 ML or OL 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Liquid Limit (LL) DH-1 @ 0-5' LEGEND CLASSIFICATION ATTERBERG LIMITS TEST RESULTS Location Depth, ft Sample No. Liquid Limit (LL) Plastic Limit (PL) DH-1 @ 0-5' 1-5' 1.5 CL 31 19 12 DH-2 @ 5' 5' 2.1 CL N/A N/A Non-Plastic #REF! #REF! #REF! #REF! DH-1 @ 0-5' #REF! CGi: Copyright 2017 Plasticity Index (PI) ASTM D4318 & D2487 Copy of CG17GS014 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Client: Fairchild Medical Center Project: Scott Valley Rural Health Center Material Type: SandSandy Silty w/ Organics USCS: ML-OL Sample Location: Sampled By: Tested By: TP-5 @ 0.5-6ft JDS DC Job No.: 17-1015.19 Lab No.: 9543 Date Received: 10-Jul-17 Date Tested: 2-Aug-17 Date Reviewed: 2-Aug-17 SIEVE ANALYSIS 100 90 PERCENT PASSING (DRY WEIGHT) 80 70 60 50 40 Sieve Size Grain Size Percent Standard (mm) Passing 6 150.00 2 50.00 100 1.5 37.50 98 1" 25.00 97 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" 19.00 96 12.50 93 9.50 90 #4 4.75 84 #8 2.36 74 #16 1.18 61 #30 600um 49 #50 300um 39 #100 #200 150um 31 75um 24.3 30 20 10 0 10.00000 1.00000 0.10000 0.01000 0.00100 GRAIN SIZE, SIEVE CGi: Copyright 2017 CG17GS014 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Client: Mead & Hunt Project: Klamath Corrosion Facility Material Type: Poorly Graded Sand USCS: SP Sample Location: Sampled By: Tested By: DH-2 @ 45ft JDS JFB Job No.: 17-1144.76 Lab No.: 9486 Date Received: 21-Jun-17 Date Tested: 10-Jul-17 Date Reviewed: 11-Jul-17 SIEVE ANALYSIS 100 90 PERCENT PASSING (DRY WEIGHT) 80 70 60 50 40 Sieve Size Grain Size Percent Standard (mm) Passing 6 150.00 2 50.00 1.5 37.50 1" 25.00 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" 19.00 #4 4.75 100 #8 2.36 99 #16 1.18 95 #30 600um 83 #50 300um 64 #100 #200 150um 20 75um 4.1 12.50 9.50 30 20 10 0 10.00000 1.00000 0.10000 0.01000 0.00100 GRAIN SIZE, SIEVE CGi: Copyright 2017 CG17GS014 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Client: Mead & Hunt Project: Klamath Corrosion Facility Material Type: Poorly Graded Sand USCS: SP Sample Location: Sampled By: Tested By: DH-2 @ 35ft JDS JFB Job No.: 17-1144.76 Lab No.: 9486 Date Received: 21-Jun-17 Date Tested: 10-Jul-17 Date Reviewed: 11-Jul-17 SIEVE ANALYSIS 100 90 PERCENT PASSING (DRY WEIGHT) 80 70 60 50 40 Sieve Size Grain Size Percent Standard (mm) Passing 6 150.00 2 50.00 1.5 37.50 1" 25.00 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" 19.00 #4 4.75 100 #8 2.36 99 #16 1.18 97 #30 600um 86 #50 300um 48 #100 #200 150um 14 75um 6.6 12.50 9.50 30 20 10 0 10.00000 1.00000 0.10000 0.01000 0.00100 GRAIN SIZE, SIEVE CGi: Copyright 2017 CG17GS014 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Client: Mead & Hunt Project: Klamath Corrosion Facility Material Type: Poorly Graded Sand USCS: SP Sample Location: Sampled By: Tested By: DH-2 @ 20ft JDS JFB Job No.: 17-1144.76 Lab No.: 9486 Date Received: 21-Jun-17 Date Tested: 10-Jul-17 Date Reviewed: 11-Jul-17 SIEVE ANALYSIS 100 90 PERCENT PASSING (DRY WEIGHT) 80 70 60 50 40 Sieve Size Grain Size Percent Standard (mm) Passing 6 150.00 2 50.00 1.5 37.50 1" 25.00 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" 19.00 #4 4.75 100 #8 2.36 98 #16 1.18 95 #30 600um 88 #50 300um 74 #100 #200 150um 39 75um 12.2 12.50 9.50 30 20 10 0 10.00000 1.00000 0.10000 0.01000 0.00100 GRAIN SIZE, SIEVE CGi: Copyright 2017 CG17GS014 LABORATORY TEST RESULTS Client: Mead & Hunt Project: Klamath Corrosion Facility Material Type: Clayey Sand USCS: SP Sample Location: Sampled By: Tested By: DH-2 @ 10ft JDS JFB Job No.: 17-1144.76 Lab No.: 9486 Date Received: 21-Jun-17 Date Tested: 10-Jul-17 Date Reviewed: 11-Jul-17 SIEVE ANALYSIS 100 90 PERCENT PASSING (DRY WEIGHT) 80 70 60 50 40 Sieve Size Grain Size Percent Standard (mm) Passing 6 150.00 2 50.00 1.5 37.50 1" 25.00 3/4" 1/2" 3/8" 19.00 12.50 100 9.50 99 #4 4.75 96 #8 2.36 93 #16 1.18 91 #30 600um 90 #50 300um 77 #100 #200 150um 31 75um 15.1 30 20 10 0 10.00000 1.00000 0.10000 0.01000 0.00100 GRAIN SIZE, SIEVE CGi: Copyright 2017 CG17GS014 MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Clie nt: Pro je c t: Lo c atio n: Mate rial De s c riptio n: Mate rial S upplie r: Mate rial Type : S ample Lo c atio n: S ample d By: Re c e iv e d By: Te s te d By: Re v ie w e d By: Te s t Pro c e dure : Ov e rs ize d Mate rial (%), +3 /4 ": Me ad & Hunt Corros ion Facility Klamath Fall, OR Brown Gre y Clay w/S ilt N/A N/A DH-6 0 '-5 ' J DS Lab J FB TRK AS TM 0 .0 % J o b No .: 1 7 -1 1 4 4 .7 6 Lab No .: 9486 CURVE NO.: Date S ample d: Date Re c e iv e d: Date Te s te d: Date Re v ie w e d: 3 1 2 -J un-1 7 1 2 -J un-1 7 7 -J ul-1 7 1 0 -J ul-1 7 Me tho d: D-1 5 5 7 Co rre c tio n Re quire d: No 115.0 CURVE NO.: 3 DRY DENSITY, lbs./cu. ft. 110.0 105.0 Zero Air Voids 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 MOISTURE, % S PECIMEN MOIS TURE AT TES T, % DRY DENS ITY Maximum With 1 0 % With 2 0 % With 3 0 % Dry De ns ity, PCF Ro c k Co rre c tio n Ro c k Co rre c tio n Ro c k Co rre c tio n Copyright (c) 201 7 CGI Technical S ervices, Inc. A 9 .1 1 0 2 .0 1 0 3 .1 1 0 6 .3 1 0 9 .6 1 1 3 .2 B 1 7 .6 1 0 1 .0 C 1 3 .7 1 0 3 .1 D 1 1 .2 1 0 2 .9 @ Optimum Mo is ture , % Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Form update d: 2 /1 0 /2 0 1 5 J LH Page 1 of 1 1 2 .8 1 1 .5 1 0 .2 9 .0 CG1 7GS01 4 MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Clie nt: Pro je c t: Lo c atio n: Mate rial De s c riptio n: Mate rial S upplie r: Mate rial Type : S ample Lo c atio n: S ample d By: Re c e iv e d By: Te s te d By: Re v ie w e d By: Te s t Pro c e dure : Ov e rs ize d Mate rial (%), +3 /4 ": J o b No .: Me ad & Hunt Lab No .: Corros ion Facility Klamath Fall, OR CURVE NO.: Gre y BrownS ilty Clay Trace Grave l N/A N/A DH-3 0 '-5 ' Date S ample d: J DS Date Re c e iv e d: Lab Date Te s te d: J FB Date Re v ie w e d: TRK AS TM Me tho d: D-1 5 5 7 0 .6 % Co rre c tio n Re quire d: 1 7 -1 1 4 4 .7 6 9486 2 1 2 -J un-1 7 1 2 -J un-1 7 7 -J ul-1 7 1 0 -J ul-1 7 no 120.0 CURVE NO.: 2 DRY DENSITY, lbs./cu. ft. 115.0 Zero Air Voids 110.0 105.0 100.0 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 MOISTURE, % S PECIMEN MOIS TURE AT TES T, % DRY DENS ITY Maximum With 1 0 % With 2 0 % With 3 0 % Dry De ns ity, PCF Ro c k Co rre c tio n Ro c k Co rre c tio n Ro c k Co rre c tio n Copyright (c) 201 7 CGI Technical S ervices, Inc. A 5 .7 1 0 9 .2 1 1 2 .8 1 1 6 .2 1 1 9 .8 1 2 3 .6 B 7 .8 1 1 2 .0 C 1 5 .4 1 0 8 .7 D 1 1 .6 1 1 2 .4 @ Optimum Mo is ture , % Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Form update d: 2 /1 0 /2 0 1 5 J LH Page 1 of 1 1 0 .6 9 .5 8 .5 7 .4 CG1 7GS01 4 MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP Clie nt: Pro je c t: Lo c atio n: Mate rial De s c riptio n: Mate rial S upplie r: Mate rial Type : S ample Lo c atio n: S ample d By: Re c e iv e d By: Te s te d By: Re v ie w e d By: Te s t Pro c e dure : J o b No .: 1 7 -1 1 4 4 .7 6 Lab No .: 9486 Me ad & Hunt Corros ion Facility Klamath Fall, OR Gre y BrownS ilty Clay N/A N/A DH-2 0 '-5 ' J DS Lab J FB TRK AS TM Ov e rs ize d Mate rial (%), +3 /4 ": CURVE NO.: Date S ample d: Date Re c e iv e d: Date Te s te d: Date Re v ie w e d: 1 1 2 -J un-1 7 1 2 -J un-1 7 7 -J ul-1 7 1 0 -J ul-1 7 Me tho d: D-1 5 5 7 0 .0 % Co rre c tio n Re quire d: No 115.0 CURVE NO.: 1 DRY DENSITY, lbs./cu. ft. 110.0 105.0 Zero Air Voids 100.0 95.0 90.0 85.0 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 MOISTURE, % S PECIMEN MOIS TURE AT TES T, % DRY DENS ITY Maximum With 1 0 % With 2 0 % With 3 0 % Dry De ns ity, PCF Ro c k Co rre c tio n Ro c k Co rre c tio n Ro c k Co rre c tio n Copyright (c) 201 7 CGI Technical S ervices, Inc. A 1 0 .4 1 0 6 .1 1 0 7 .4 1 1 1 .0 1 1 4 .9 1 1 9 .0 B 1 2 .1 1 0 7 .6 C 1 4 .3 1 0 5 .9 D 1 6 .3 1 0 2 .0 @ Optimum Mo is ture , % Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Co rre c te d Mo is ture Co nte nt Form update d: 2 /1 0 /2 0 1 5 J LH Page 1 of 1 1 2 .2 1 1 .0 9 .8 8 .5 CG1 7GS01 4 Table 1 - Laboratory Tests on Soil Samples CGI Technical Services Klamath Corrosion Control Facility Your #17-1144.76, HDR Lab #17-0411LAB 28-Jun-17 Sample ID DH-4 @ 0-5' DH-6 @ 0-5' Resistivity as-received saturated Units ohm-cm ohm-cm 1,600 920 5,600 2,120 7.8 7.5 0.28 0.13 38 14 321 23 43 16 114 79 57 314 ND 314 mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg mg/kg 16 37 152 2.5 28 2.6 14 5.6 Other Tests 1+ ammonium NH4 mg/kg 1NO3 mg/kg nitrate ND 5.6 ND 7.9 na na na na pH Electrical Conductivity mS/cm Chemical Analyses Cations Ca2+ mg/kg calcium 2+ magnesium Mg mg/kg 1+ Na sodium mg/kg 1+ potassium K mg/kg Anions 2carbonate CO3 mg/kg 1bicarbonate HCO3 mg/kg fluoride chloride sulfate phosphate sulfide Redox F1Cl1SO42PO43- S2- qual mV Resistivity per ASTM G187, Cations per ASTM D6919, Anions per ASTM D4327, and Alkalinity per APHA 2320-B. Electrical conductivity in millisiemens/cm and chemical analyses were made on a 1:5 soil-to-water extract. mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram (parts per million) of dry soil. Redox = oxidation-reduction potential in millivolts ND = not detected na = not analyzed 431 West Baseline Road ∙ Claremont, CA 91711 Phone: 909.962.5485 ∙ Fax: 909.626.3316 Page 1 of 1 California Bearing Ratio ASTM D 1883 CTL Job No.: Client: Project Name: Project No: 591-098A CGI Technical Services Corrosion Control Facility Klamath Falls Grayish Brown Sandy CLAY Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 107.4 Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Obtained By: Percent Retained on 3/4in. Sieve: 9 27 63 12.2 Rel. Comp. For CBR Evaluation (% of max): 90.1 Soaked Surcharge Weight (kg): 4.54 Did not exceed the target density at 63 blows per Remarks: layer, CBR reported at 90.1% relative compaction. Sample Information Optimum Moisture Content (%): ASTM D1557 0.0 Dry Density (pcf) Before Soaking After Soaking 74.2 82.6 96.8 72.9 79.8 91.5 Sample Condition: Moisture Content (%) Before Soaking 12.3 12.1 12.1 Expansion (%) After Soaking 42.5 36.2 28.5 C.B.R. (%) @ 0.1in. @ 0.2in. 0.5 0.4 1.4 1.4 1.6 1.5 1.7 3.5 5.8 9 Blows Per Layer 45.0 Load (psi) Date: 8/15/2017 Tested : PJ Checked: DC 17-1144.76 Visual Description: Number of Blows per Layer Boring: DH-2 Sample: Depth (ft.): 0-5 40.0 27 Blows Per Layer 35.0 63 Blows Per Layer 30.0 25.0 20.0 15.0 10.0 5.0 0.0 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 Penetration (in) 120.0 Dry Density (pcf) 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 C.B.R. vs. Dry Density @ .1in 20.0 C.B.R. vs. Dry Density @ .2in 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 C.B.R. (%) C.B.R. at Required In Field Density (%) @ 0.1in @ 0.2in 1.6 1.5 1.4 1.6 1.8 California Bearing Ratio ASTM D 1883 CTL Job No.: Client: Project Name: Project No: 591-098B CGI Technical Services Boring: DH-3 Sample: Depth (ft.): 0-5 Corrosion Control Facility Klamath Falls Date: 8/8/2017 Tested : PJ Checked: DC 17-1144.76 Grayish Brown Sandy CLAY Visual Description: Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 112.8 Optimum Moisture Content (%): ASTM D1557 Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Obtained By: Sample Condition: 92.3 4.54 Did not exceed the target density at 63 blows per layer, CBR reported at 92.3% relative compaction. The CBR at 0.2 inches was greater than the CBR at 0.1 inches. The confirmatory test was not run. Remarks: Percent Retained on 3/4in. Sieve: 10.6 Rel. Comp. For CBR Evaluation (% of max): Soaked Surcharge Weight (kg): Sample Information Number of Blows per Layer 9 27 63 Before Soaking After Soaking 82.6 90.7 104.2 78.9 86.5 97.6 Moisture Content (%) Before Soaking 10.4 10.6 10.5 Expansion (%) After Soaking 35.5 30.8 25.1 4.8 4.9 6.7 C.B.R. (%) @ 0.1in. @ 0.2in. 1.1 1.0 1.6 1.7 2.5 2.6 9 Blows Per Layer 80.0 27 Blows Per Layer 70.0 63 Blows Per Layer 60.0 Load (psi) Dry Density (pcf) 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 Penetration (in) 120.0 Dry Density (pcf) 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 C.B.R. vs. Dry Density @ .1in 20.0 C.B.R. vs. Dry Density @ .2in 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 C.B.R. (%) C.B.R. at Required In Field Density (%) @ 0.1in @ 0.2in 2.5 2.6 2.5 3.0 California Bearing Ratio ASTM D 1883 CTL Job No.: Client: Project Name: Project No: 591-098C CGI Technical Services Boring: DH-6 Sample: Depth (ft.): 0-5 Corrosion Control Facility Klamath Falls Date: 8/8/2017 Tested : PJ Checked: DC 17-1144.76 Visual Description: Grayish Brown Sandy CLAY Maximum Dry Density (pcf): 103.1 Maximum Density & Optimum Moisture Obtained By: Optimum Moisture Content (%): ASTM D1557 Sample Condition: 94.5 4.54 Did not exceed the target density at 63 blows per layer, CBR reported at 94.5% relative compaction. The CBR at 0.2 inches was greater than the CBR at 0.1 inches. The confirmatory test was not run. Remarks: Percent Retained on 3/4in. Sieve: 12.8 Rel. Comp. For CBR Evaluation (% of max): Soaked Surcharge Weight (kg): Sample Information Number of Blows per Layer 9 27 63 Before Soaking After Soaking 80.5 95.6 97.4 76.9 91.2 92.9 Moisture Content (%) Before Soaking 12.7 12.7 12.7 Expansion (%) After Soaking 37.2 29.0 27.8 4.8 4.8 4.9 C.B.R. (%) @ 0.1in. @ 0.2in. 0.8 0.7 2.5 2.8 2.7 3.0 9 Blows Per Layer 90.0 Load (psi) Dry Density (pcf) 80.0 27 Blows Per Layer 70.0 63 Blows Per Layer 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 0.000 0.050 0.100 0.150 0.200 0.250 0.300 0.350 0.400 0.450 0.500 Penetration (in) 120.0 Dry Density (pcf) 100.0 80.0 60.0 40.0 C.B.R. vs. Dry Density @ .1in 20.0 C.B.R. vs. Dry Density @ .2in 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 C.B.R. (%) C.B.R. at Required In Field Density (%) @ 0.1in @ 0.2in 2.7 3.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 Appendix E Structural Calculations Structural Calculations B-2 SUBMISSION Kingsley Hangar: Corrosion Control Hangar Klamath Falls, OR Prepared by www.meadhunt.com Job Number: 3142200-121252.01 July 17, 2018 Kingsley Hangar Klamath Falls, OR 3142200-121252.01 Table of Contents A. Design Criteria B. Masonry Building Structural Calculations C. Exterior Stair Design D. Canopy Design 147 to 169 E. Pre-Engineered Metal Building Foundations 170 to 244 Appendix A: Preliminary Pre-Engineered Metal Building Reactions 1 to 21 22 to 97 98 to 146 A1 - A7 1 of 244 DESIGN CRITERIA 2 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Design Criteria and Assumptions Calculated by Checked by Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Date Date GFR JAL Basic Design Criteria and Assumptions Structural Design Criteria: Code: Site Coordinates: = 2014 OSSC = UFC 3-301-01 Latitude = 42°09'47.4"N Longitude = 121°44'34.3"W Risk Category: Wind: Earthquake: = II Basic Wind Speed, (3 Sec) V3S = 120 Exposure Category Enclosure Classification Wind Importance Factor, Iw = C = Partially Enclosed = 1.00 (UFC 3-301-01 Table 2-2) EQ Importance Factor, Ie = Spectral Accelerations: SS = 0.874g S1 = 0.347g Snow: Live: SDS = SD1 = mph 1.00 (Figure 1609A OSSC) (UFC 3-301-01 Table 2-2) 0.670g 0.395g (USGS Design Maps) (USGS Design Maps) Site Class Seismic Design Category Redundancy Factor, ρ = = = D D 1 Terrain Category Ground Snow Load, pg Snow Importance Factor, Is Exposure Factor, Ce Thermal Factor, Ct Slope Factor, Cs Flat Roof Snow Load, pf Roof Snow Load, ps = = = = = = = = Roof Slope Run, S Snow Density, γ = = 6 16 ror a rise of one pcf (Eq. 7.7-1 ASCE 7-10) Roof First Floor Mezzanine Room = = = 20 50 125 psf psf psf C 19 psf 1.00 0.9 1.0 1.0 20 psf 20 psf (Table 7-2 ASCE 7-10) (SEAO Oregon Snow Loading) (UFC 3-301-01 Table 2-2) (Table 7-2 ASCE 7-10) (Table 7-3 ASCE 7-10) (Figure 7-2a ASCE 7-10) (Eq. 7.3-1 ASCE 7-10) (Eq. 7.4-1 ASCE 7-10) (Table 1607.1 OSSC) (Table 1607.1 OSSC) (Table 1607.1 OSSC) X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 3 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name Mead & Hunt, Inc. of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Calculated by Checked by Sheet Design Criteria and Assumptions GFR JAL Date Date Soil: CGI Technical Services, Inc. Geotechnical Investigation Report Corrosion Control Facility Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, Oregon GCI Project No.: 11-1144.76 qall= 2000 psf Allowable soil bearing Coefficient of Friction Minimum Frost Depth µ= = (Table 1806.2 OSSC) 0.25 30" below lowest adjacent grade Material Properties CFS: Studs and Tracks (A653 Gr.50), Fy = CMU: Masonry Unit Compressive Strength, f'm = Reinforcement fy = Concrete: Footings f'c = Slabs f'c = Reinforcement fy = 50 ksi 1500 psi 60 ksi 3000 psi 3000 psi 60 ksi X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 4 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Seismic Loads Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Seismic Loads ASCE 7-10 Chapter 12 - Equivalent Lateral Force Procedure Risk Category = Site Classification = Importance Factor, IE = II D 1 Short Period Acceleration Parameter, Ss = 1-sec. Period Acceleration Parameter, S1 = 0.874 0.347 Short Period Site Coefficient, Fa = Long Period Site Coefficient, Fv = Seismic Design Category = 1.15 1.705 D Lateral Resisting System = Response Modification Coefficient, R = Overstrength Factor W = Special Reinforced Masonry Shear Walls 5 From ASCE 7-10: Table 12.2-1 2.5 From ASCE 7-10: Table 12.2-1 3.5 From ASCE 7-10: Table 12.2-1 0.02 From ASCE 7-10: Table 12.8-2 Deflection Amplification Factor, Cd = Building Period Coefficient, Ct = Period Parameter, x= 0.75 Upper Period Limit Coefficient, Cu= Total Building Height, H (feet) = Total Building Weight, W (kips) = 1.4 From ASCE 7-10: Table 12.8-1 25.83 ft 2135 kips From ASCE 7-10: Table 12.8-2 Calculate: SM1 = Fv S1 = SMS = Fa SS = 1.005 0.592 SDS = 2/3 SMS = 0.670 SD1 = 2/3 SM1 = 0.394 Approximate Fundamental Period, Ta= CT Hnx = 0.229s Period Based on Analysis, Tx= Period Based on Analysis, Ty= Long-Period Transition Period, TL = T, upper limit = Period Used, T= NA NA 16 s (Fig. 22-12 - 22-16 of ASCE 7-10) 0.321s 0.229s 0.134 <---GOVERNS not to exceede: 0.344 not to be less than: 0.044 0.01 0.029 Total Design Base Shear, V = Cs W = 0.134 W V = 286.1 kips X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 5 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Seismic Loads Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Total Design Base Shear Tributary to Diaphragm Assumes that the walls parallel to the direction under consideration are self-supporting. North South: Effective Seismic Weight = Total Design Base Shear, V = Cs W = 587 79 kips kips East West: Effective Seismic Weight = Total Design Base Shear, V = Cs W = 617 83 kips kips Total Design Base Shear at Elevated Equipment Room Assumes that the walls parallel to the direction under consideration are self-supporting. North South: Effective Seismic Weight = Total Design Base Shear, V = Cs W = 293 39 kips kips East West: Effective Seismic Weight = Total Design Base Shear, V = Cs W = 290 39 kips kips Seismic Out-of-Plane Forces ASCE 7-10: Section 12.11.1 Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = 0.4SDSIeW wall = 0.268 Wwall Min. Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = 0.10 Wwall Exterior Walls (with CMU veneer) Weight of wall = 90.0 psf Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = 24.1 psf 0.024 ksf Exterior Walls (with EIFS) Weight of wall = 130.0 psf Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = 34.8 psf 0.024 ksf Interior Walls Weight of wall = 85.0 Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = Out-of-Plane Force, Fp = 22.8 psf 0.024 ksf psf X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads <---GOVERNS 6 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name Seismic Loads Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Seismic Wall Anchorage Forces North - South Flexible Diaphragm Length, Lf = ASCE 7-10: Section 12.11.2 79 ft Amplification Factor, ka = Anchorage Forces, Fp = 0.4SDSkaIeW p = Min. Anchorage Forces, Fp = 0.2kaIeW p = 1.79 0.4784 Wp 0.36 Wp Exterior Walls (with CMU veneer) Weight of wall = Height of wall = 130.0 psf 14.0 ft Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = 435 plf 0.435 klf Exterior Walls (with EIFS) Weight of wall = Height of wall = 90.0 14.0 Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = 301 plf 0.301 klf Interior Walls Weight of wall = Height of wall = 85.0 14.0 Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = 285 plf 0.285 klf East - West Flexible Diaphragm Length, Lf = of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet 17 <---GOVERNS psf ft psf ft ft Amplification Factor, ka = Anchorage Forces, Fp = 0.4SDSkaIeW p = Min. Anchorage Forces, Fp = 0.2kaIeW p = 1.17 0.313 Wp 0.23 Wp Exterior Walls (with CMU veneer) Weight of wall = Height of wall = 130.0 psf 14.0 ft Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = 285 plf 0.285 klf X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads <---GOVERNS 7 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Seismic Loads Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Exterior Walls (with EIFS) Weight of wall = Height of wall = 90.0 14.0 Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = 197 plf 0.197 klf Interior Walls Weight of wall = Height of wall = 85.0 14.0 Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = Anchorage Forces at TOW, Fp = 186 plf 0.186 klf psf ft psf ft X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 8 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Vertical Loads Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Dead Loads (CMU Building) Roof Dead Load **Member self weight to be included in design Shop Area Roof member being evaluated: Beams Lateral (total) 22 GA. Standing Seam Metal Roofing Building paper 5/8" Coverboard 6" Rigid Insulation 18 GA. Steel Roof Deck Suspended Ceiling Mech./Elec (26 lb/ft @6' OC) Steel Framing Miscellaneous Steel Framing Miscellaneous Total Roof Weight: 2.0 0.2 2.8 9.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 psf psf psf psf psf psf psf 4.0 psf 28.0 psf 2.0 0.2 2.8 9.0 3.0 5.0 2.0 4.5 1.5 5.0 35.0 psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf Floor Dead Load **Member self weight to be included in design Elevated Equipment Room member being evaluated: Beams Lateral (total) 3-1/4" conc over 1-1/2" deck (5-1/2" total) Sprinklers Mech./Elec Floor Beams Housekeeping Pads Miscellaneous Total Roof Weight: 38.0 2.5 5.0 0.0 6.0 2.5 54.0 psf psf psf psf psf psf psf 38.0 2.5 5.0 6.0 6.0 2.5 60.0 Exterior Wall Dead Load 8" CMU Wall (with CMU veneer): 8" Solid Grouted CMU Moisture Barrier 2 1/2" Rigid Insulation 4" CMU Miscellaneous Total: X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 83.00 0.50 3.75 41.00 1.75 130.00 psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf 9 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Vertical Loads Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date 8" CMU Wall (with EIFS): 8" Solid Grouted CMU Moisture Barrier 3" EIFS Miscellaneous Total: 83.00 0.50 5.00 1.50 90.00 psf psf psf psf psf Total: 83.00 psf 2.00 psf 85.00 psf Interior Wall Dead Load 8" CMU Wall: 8" Solid Grouted CMU Miscellaneous CFS Partition Wall: Metal Stud @16" OC 5/8" Gypsum Board Insulation Miscellaneous Total: 1.00 5.50 0.50 1.00 8.00 psf psf psf psf psf Roof Live Loads Roof Live (ASCE 7-10 Table 4-1) 20 psf Roof Snow Loads Roof Snow X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 20 psf 10 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Vertical Loads Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Total Building Weight Roof and Floor: Tributary Roof Area Roof Dead Load Effective Seismic Weight From Roof 2 9984 ft 349 kips 349 kips Tributary Floor Area Floor Dead Load Effective Seismic Weight From Floor 2 3981 ft 239 kips 239 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) CMU Wall Dead Load Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 6455 3183 995 995 Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area CMU Wall Dead Load Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 6066 ft 516 kips 516 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area CFS Wall Dead Load Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 4581 ft 37 kips 37 kips Total Effective Seismic Weight 2135 kips Walls: X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads ft2 ft2 kips kips 11 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Vertical Loads Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date CMU Wall Weight Tributary to Roof Diaphragm: North South (Exterior) North South (Interior) CMU Wall Dead Load East West (Exterior) East West (Interior) CMU Wall Dead Load Partition Dead Load CMU Wall Weight Tributary to Floor Diaphragm: North South (Interior) CMU Wall Dead Load East West (Interior) CMU Wall Dead Load Partition Dead Load X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 2461 88 229 1314 1646 258 9 ft2 ft2 kips ft2 ft2 kips kips 533 45 498 42 9 ft2 kips ft2 kips kips 12 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name Mead & Hunt, Inc. Wind Enclosure Classification GFR JAL Date Date Wind Enclosure Classification Area of Openings North Elevation: of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Calculated by Checked by Sheet Window 1 = Window 2 = Window 3 = Door 1 = Door 2 = Door 3 = Door 4 = Door 5 = Door 6 = Total Area of Openings = 26.0 101.3 101.3 24.4 24.4 24.4 24.4 100.0 100.0 526.4 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 East Elevation: Door 1 = Door 2 = Door 3 = Total Area of Openings = 100.0 23.89 45.5 169.4 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 South Elevation: Window 1 = Door 1 = Door 2 = Door 3 = Door 4 = Door 5 = Total Area of Openings = 26.0 23.9 47.7 24.4 47.7 47.7 217.3 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 West Elevation: 2 Window 1 = 52.0 ft 2 Door 1 = 24.4 ft 2 Door 2 = 1566.0 ft 2 Total Area of Openings = 1642.4 ft X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 13 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name Mead & Hunt, Inc. of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Calculated by Checked by Sheet Wind Enclosure Classification GFR JAL Area of Walls North Elevation: East Elevation: South Elevation: West Elevation: Roof Area: 5031.5 3332.9 4753.6 4273.5 15796 Date Date ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 ft2 Check for West Elevation Ao = 1642 ft2 Aoi = 913 ft2 Ag = 4274 ft2 Agi = 28914 ft2 Check if Ao > 1.10Aoi: 2 Check if Ao > 4ft : Check if Ao > 0.01Ag: [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] Yes [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] Yes Yes [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] Check if Aoi/Agi ≤ 0.20: [ASCE 7-10 § 26.2] Yes Check Enclosure Classification: Partially Enclosed X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 3142200-121252.01 Job no. Start 1 14 of 244 of 5 Client Proje Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar FLB Calcs 6/28/2018 GFR 6/28/2018 Calcs by Checked by WIND LOADING (ASCE7-10) In accordance with ASCE7-10 incorporating Errata No. 1 and Errata No. 2 Using the envelope design method 25.7 ft 149.8 ft Tedds calculation version 2.0.20 88 ft 149.8 ft Plan Elevation Building data Type of roof; Gable Length of building; b = 88.00 ft Width of building; d = 149.75 ft Height to eaves; H = 13.25 ft Pitch of roof; α0 = 9.5 deg Mean height; h = 13.25 ft End zone width; a = max(min(0.1×min(b, d), 0.4×h), 0.04×min(b, d), 3ft) = 5.30 ft Plan length of Zone 2/2E when GCpf negative; LZ2 = min(0.5 × d, 2.5 × H) = 33.13 ft Plan length of Zone 3/3E encroachment on zone 2; LZ3 = max(0 ft,0.5 × d - LZ2) = 41.75 ft General wind load requirements Basic wind speed; Risk category; V = 120.0 mph II Velocity pressure exponent coeff (Table 26.6-1); Exposure category (cl.26.7.3); Kd = 0.85 C Enclosure classification (cl.26.10); Partially enclosed buildings Internal pressure coef +ve (Table 26.11-1); GCpi_p = 0.55 Internal pressure coef –ve (Table 26.11-1); GCpi_n = -0.55 Topography Topography factor not significant; Kzt = 1.0 Start 3142200-121252.01 Job no. 2 15 of 244 of Client Proje Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar FLB Calcs 6/28/2018 GFR 6/28/2018 Calcs by Checked by Velocity pressure Velocity pressure coefficient (T.28.3-1); Kz = 0.85 Velocity pressure; qh = 0.00256 × Kz × Kzt × Kd × V2 × 1psf/mph2 = 26.6 psf Design wind pressures p = qh × [(GCpf) - (GCpi)]; Design wind pressure equation; Design wind pressures – Loadcase A Zone GCpf p(+GCpi) (psf) p(-GCpi) (psf) Area (ft2) +Fwi (kips) -Fwi (kips) 1 0.44 -3.0 26.3 1026 -3.0 27.0 2 -0.69 -33.0 -3.7 2599 -85.8 -9.7 3a -0.40 -25.4 3.9 3276 -83.1 12.9 3 -0.40 -25.4 3.9 5875 -149.1 23.0 4 -0.33 -23.5 5.8 1026 -24.1 6.0 1E 0.67 3.1 32.4 140 0.4 4.6 2E -1.07 -43.1 -13.8 356 -15.4 -4.9 3Ea -0.58 -30.0 -0.7 449 -13.5 -0.3 3E -0.58 -30.0 -0.7 805 -24.2 -0.6 4E -0.49 -27.8 1.5 140 -3.9 0.2 4 4E ft 33 .1 3E 3a 3Ea 14 9 .8 ft 13.3 ft12.5 ft 41 .7 3 2 ft 1 2E .4 77 ft 1E 10 ft .6 Loadcase A Design wind pressures – Loadcase B Zone GCpf p(+GCpi) (psf) p(-GCpi) (psf) Area (ft2) +Fwi (kips) -Fwi (kips) 1 -0.45 -26.6 2.7 1026 -27.3 2.7 2 -0.69 -33.0 -3.7 5875 -194.0 -21.9 5 Start 3142200-121252.01 Job no. 3 16 of 244 of Client Proje Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar FLB Calcs 6/28/2018 GFR 6/28/2018 Calcs by Checked by 3 -0.37 -24.5 4.8 5875 -144.0 28.2 4 -0.45 -26.6 2.7 1026 -27.3 2.7 5 0.40 -4.0 25.3 2846 -11.4 72.0 6 -0.29 -22.4 6.9 2846 -63.7 19.7 1E -0.48 -27.4 1.9 140 -3.9 0.3 2E -1.07 -43.1 -13.8 805 -34.7 -11.1 3E -0.53 -28.8 0.5 805 -23.1 0.4 4E -0.48 -27.4 1.9 140 -3.9 0.3 5E 0.61 1.6 30.9 73 0.1 2.2 6E -0.43 -26.1 3.2 73 -1.9 0.2 4 3 3E 2 6E 5 14 4 .5 13.3 ft12.5 ft 6 4E 2E 1 ft .4 77 ft 5E 1E 10 ft .6 Loadcase B Design wind pressures – Loadcase AT Zone GCpf p(+GCpi) (psf) p(-GCpi) (psf) Area (ft2) +Fwi (kips) -Fwi (kips) 1 0.44 -3.0 26.3 443 -1.3 11.7 2 -0.69 -33.0 -3.7 1122 -37.0 -4.2 3a -0.40 -25.4 3.9 1414 -35.9 5.5 3 -0.40 -25.4 3.9 2535 -64.3 9.9 4 -0.33 -23.5 5.8 443 -10.4 2.6 1E 0.67 3.1 32.4 140 0.4 4.6 2E -1.07 -43.1 -13.8 356 -15.4 -4.9 3Ea -0.58 -30.0 -0.7 449 -13.5 -0.3 3E -0.58 -30.0 -0.7 805 -24.2 -0.6 5 Start 3142200-121252.01 Job no. 4 17 of 244 of Client Proje Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar FLB Calcs 6/28/2018 GFR 6/28/2018 Calcs by Checked by 4E -0.49 -27.8 1.5 140 -3.9 0.2 1T - -0.7 6.6 583 -0.4 3.8 2T - -8.3 -0.9 1478 -12.2 -1.4 3Ta -0.10 -17.3 12.0 1862 -32.3 22.3 3T - -6.3 1.0 3340 -21.2 3.3 4T - -5.9 1.5 583 -3.4 0.8 4T 41 .7 ft 3 4E 33 .1 3aT 3E 3a 2T 3Ea 14 9 .8 1T 2 ft ft 13.3 ft12.5 ft 3T ft 44 2E 1 1E 10 .4 33 ft ft .6 Loadcase AT Design wind pressures – Loadcase BT Zone GCpf p(+GCpi) (psf) p(-GCpi) (psf) Area (ft2) +Fwi (kips) -Fwi (kips) 1 -0.45 -26.6 2.7 1026 -27.3 2.7 2 -0.69 -33.0 -3.7 5875 -194.0 -21.9 3 -0.37 -24.5 4.8 5875 -144.0 28.2 4 -0.45 -26.6 2.7 1026 -27.3 2.7 5 0.40 -4.0 25.3 1422 -5.7 36.0 6 -0.29 -22.4 6.9 1422 -31.8 9.8 1E -0.48 -27.4 1.9 140 -3.9 0.3 2E -1.07 -43.1 -13.8 805 -34.7 -11.1 3E -0.53 -28.8 0.5 805 -23.1 0.4 4E -0.48 -27.4 1.9 140 -3.9 0.3 5E 0.61 1.6 30.9 37 0.1 1.2 6E -0.43 -26.1 3.2 73 -1.9 0.2 5T - -1.0 6.3 1459 -1.5 9.2 5 Start 3142200-121252.01 Job no. 5 18 of 244 of Client Proje Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Calcs by Checked by 6T - -5.6 FLB Calcs 6/28/2018 GFR 6/28/2018 1.7 4 1459 -8.2 2.5 6T 4E 3E 6 5T 2 74 6E .9 ft 2E 1 5 69 .6 ft .4 77 5E 1E 10 ft .6 Loadcase BT ft 13.3 ft12.5 ft 3 5 3142200-121252.01 Job no. Start 1 19 of 244 of 3 Client Proje Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar GFR Calcs by Checked by Calcs 6/29/2018 JAL SNOW LOADING (ASCE7-10) Tedds calculation version 1.0.06 Building details Roof type; Hip and gable Width of roof (left on elevation); b1 = 72.33 ft Width of roof (right on elevation); b2 = 72.33 ft Slope of roof (left on elevation); α1 = 9.46 deg Slope of roof (right on elevation); α2 = 9.46 deg Ground snow load Ground snow load; pg = 20.00 lb/ft2 Density of snow; γ = min(0.13 × pg / 1ft + 14lb/ft3, 30lb/ft3) = 16.60 lb/ft3 Terrain type; C Exposure condition (Table 7-2); Fully exposed Exposure factor (Table 7-2); Thermal condition (Table 7-3); Ce = 0.90 All Thermal factor (Table 7-3); Importance category (Table 1-1); Ct = 1.00 II Importance factor (Table 7-4); Is = 1.00 Min snow load for low slope roofs (Sect 7.3.4); pf_min = Is × pg = 20.00 lb/ft2 Flat roof snow load (Sect 7.3); pf = 0.7 × Ce × Ct × Is × pg = 12.60 lb/ft2 Warm roof slope factor (Ct <= 1.0) Roof surface type; Slippery Ventilation; Ventilated Thermal resistance (R-value); R = 30.00;oF h ft2 / Btu Roof slope factor - left Fig 7-2a (dashed line); Cs_l = 0.93 Roof slope factor - right Fig 7-2a (dashed line); Cs_r = 0.93 Hip and gable roof loads Balanced sloped snow load - left (Cl.7.4); ps_l = max(Cs_l × pf, pf_min) = 20.00 lb/ft2 Balanced sloped snow load - right (Cl.7.4); ps_r = max(Cs_r × pf, pf_min) = 20.00 lb/ft2 Slope of left roof; Sl = 1 / tan(α1) = 6.00 Slope of right roof; Sr = 1 / tan(α2) = 6.00 Unbalanced load - left roof windward; ps_lw = 0.3 × pf × Cs_l = 3.52 lb/ft2 Unbalanced load - right roof leeward; ps_rl = pf × Cs_r = 11.74 lb/ft2 Length eaves to ridge for drift height; lu_ww_l = b1 = 72.33 ft Drift height; hdr_r = 0.43 × (max(lu_ww_l, 20ft) × 1ft2)1/3 × (pg / 1 lb/ft2 + 10)1/4 - 1.5 × 1ft = 2.69 ft Rectangular surcharge to part leeward side; ps_rl_sur = hdr_r × γ / √(Sr) = 18.25 lb/ft2 Length of rectangular surcharge; lu_rl_sur = min(8 / 3 × hdr_r × √(Sr), b2) = 17.59 ft Unbalanced load - left roof leeward; ps_ll = pf × Cs_l = 11.74 lb/ft2 Unbalanced load - right roof windward; ps_rw = 0.3 × pf × Cs_r = 3.52 lb/ft2 Length eaves to ridge for drift height; lu_ww_r = b2 = 72.33 ft Start 3142200-121252.01 Job no. 2 20 of 244 of 3 Client Proje Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Calcs 6/29/2018 GFR Calcs by Checked by JAL hdr_l = 0.43 × (max(lu_ww_r, 20ft) × 1ft2)1/3 × (pg / 1 lb/ft2 + 10)1/4 - 1.5 × 1ft = Drift height; 2.69 ft Rectangular surcharge to part leeward side; ps_ll_sur = hdr_l × γ / √(Sl) = 18.25 lb/ft2 Length of rectangular surcharge; lu_ll_sur = min(8 / 3 × hdr_l × √(Sl), b1) = 17.59 ft 20.0 psf 20.0 psf Balanced load 17' 7.1" 18.2 psf 3.5 psf Unbalanced load 11.7 psf 17' 7.1" Unbalanced load 18.2 psf 11.7 psf 9.5 3.5 psf 0 9.5 0 72' 4" 72' 4" Roof elevation Drift calculations Balanced snow load height; hb = max(pf × Cs_l, pf × Cs_r) / γ = 0.71 ft Length of upper roof; lu = 32.33 ft Length of lower roof; ll = 78.67 ft Height diff between uppper and lower roofs; hdiff = 8.17 ft Height from balance load to top of upper roof; hc = hdiff - hb = 7.46 ft Drift height leeward drift; hd_l = 0.43 × (max(20 ft, lu) × 1ft2)1/3 × (pg / 1lb/ft2 + 10)1/4 - 1.5ft = 1.71 ft Drift height windward drift; hd_w = 0.75 × (0.43 × (max(20 ft, ll) × 1ft2)1/3 × (pg / 1lb/ft2 + 10)1/4 - 1.5ft) = 2.11 ft Maximum lw/ww drift height; hd_max = max(hd_w, hd_l) = 2.11 ft Drift height; hd = min(hd_max, hc) = 2.11 ft Drift width; W d = min(4 × hd, 8 × hc) = 8.44 ft Drift surcharge load; pd = hd × γ = 35.01 lb/ft2 3142200-121252.01 Job no. Start 3 21 of 244 of Client Proje Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Calcs 6/29/2018 GFR Calcs by Checked by JAL 46.7 psf 11.7 psf 8' 5.2" Elevation on snow drift 3 22 of 244 MASONRY BUILDING STRUCTURAL CALCULATIONS 23 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Lateral Design Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Lateral Design Seismic Cs = 0.134 Roof weight = Mezzanine Room Floor weight = 8" CMU Wall (with CMU veneer) weight = 8" CMU Wall (with EIFS) weight = Internal CMU wall weight = Internal CFS partition weight = 35 60 130 90 85 8 Weights psf psf psf psf psf psf North - South (Roof) Area A 2 2821 ft 99 kips Tributary Roof Area Effective Seismic Weight From Roof 2 483 ft 2 337 ft 87 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 88 ft 7 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 0 ft 0 kips V1 = W1 = 26 kips 564 plf Area B 2 4143 ft 145 kips Tributary Roof Area Effective Seismic Weight From Roof 2 729 ft 2 0 ft 66 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 0 ft 0 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1000 ft 8 kips V2 = W2 = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 29 kips 556 plf 24 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Job Name Lateral Design Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Lateral Design Area C 2 3036 ft 106 kips Tributary Roof Area Effective Seismic Weight From Roof 2 483 ft 2 337 ft 87 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 0 ft 0 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1200 ft 10 kips V3 = W3 = 27 kips 592 plf At SW1, R = At SW2, R = At SW3, R = At SW4, R = 13 28 28 14 Length of SW1 = Length of SW2 = Length of SW3 = Length of SW4 = 61.33 78.67 78.67 66.00 kips kips kips kips Roof Diaphragm Design Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Shear at SW1 = Shear at SW2 = Shear at SW3 = Shear at SW4 = 211 351 359 206 ft ft ft ft plf plf plf plf Maximum span = Try 18 GA Verco Deck PLB-36 with 36/5 Weld Pattern and Sidelaps at 12" OC qallowable at 6'-0" span = qallowable at 7'-0" span = 1701 plf 1750 plf qallowable at 6'-4" span1 = 1717 plf Check diaphragm shear: qallowable at 6'-4" span1 = 1717 plf ≥ qrequired = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 359 plf 6.33 ft (OK) 25 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Lateral Design Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Lateral Design East - West (Roof) Area 1 2 257 ft 9 kips Tributary Roof Area Effective Seismic Weight From Roof 2 56 ft 2 39 ft 10 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 0 ft 0 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 0 ft 0 kips V6 = W6 = 3 kips 481 plf Area 2 2 8873 ft 310 kips Tributary Roof Area Effective Seismic Weight From Roof 2 409 ft 2 450 ft 95 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1275 ft 108 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1200 ft 10 kips V4 = W4 = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 70 kips 1144 plf 26 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Lateral Design Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Lateral Design Area 3 Tributary Roof Area Effective Seismic Weight From Roof 2 913 ft 32 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 168 ft 2 0 ft 15 kips Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 0 ft 0 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 500 ft 4 kips V5 = W5 = At SW5, R = At SW6, R = At SW7, R = At SW8, R = At SW9, R = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 7 kips 394 plf 36 1 19 3 19 kips kips kips kips kips 27 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Job Name Lateral Design Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Lateral Design Roof Diaphragm Design Length of SW5 = Length of SW6 = Length of SW7 = Length of SW8 = Length of SW9 = Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Diaphragm Shear at SW5 = Shear at SW6 = Shear at SW7 = Shear at SW8 = Shear at SW9 = 98.67 46.00 46.00 52.67 46.00 368 28 418 65 418 ft ft ft ft ft plf plf plf plf plf Maximum span = Try 18 GA Verco Deck PLB-36 with 36/5 Weld Pattern and Sidelaps at 12" OC qallowable at 6'-0" span = qallowable at 7'-0" span = 1701 plf 1750 plf qallowable at 6'-4" span1 = 1717 plf Check diaphragm shear: qallowable at 6'-4" span1 = 1717 plf ≥ qrequired = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 418 plf 6.33 ft (OK) 28 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Job Name Lateral Design Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Lateral Design North - South (Mezzanine Floor) Area B Tributary Floor Area Effective Seismic Weight From Floor 2 4143 ft 249 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1179 ft 2 384 ft 156 kips Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 560 ft 48 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1200 ft 10 kips V7 = W7 = 62 kips 1175 plf At SW2, R = At SW3, R = 31 kips 31 kips Floor Diaphragm Design Length of SW2 = Length of SW3 = Diaphragm Shear at SW2 = Diaphragm Shear at SW3 = 78.67 ft 78.67 ft 393 plf 393 plf Maximum span = Try 18 GA Verco PLB Floor Deck with 4-3/4" Light Wt Conc (36/4 Weld Pattern) qallowable at 5'-0" span = qallowable at 6'-0" span = 2276 plf 2117 plf qallowable at 5'-8" span1 = 2170 plf Check diaphragm shear: qallowable at 5'-8" span1 = 2170 plf ≥ qrequired = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 393 plf 5.67 ft (OK) 29 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Job Name Lateral Design Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Lateral Design East - West (Mezzanine Floor) Area B 2 4143 ft 249 kips Tributary Floor Area Effective Seismic Weight From Floor 2 248 ft 2 127 ft 39 kips Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with EIFS) Tributary Exterior CMU Wall Area (with CMU veneer) Effective Seismic Weight From Walls Tributary Interior CMU Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1849 ft 157 kips Tributary Interior CFS Wall Area Effective Seismic Weight From Walls 2 1200 ft 10 kips V8 = W8 = 61 kips 774 plf At SW5, R = At SW8, R = 30 kips 30 kips Floor Diaphragm Design Length of SW2 = Length of SW3 = Diaphragm Shear at SW2 = Diaphragm Shear at SW3 = 52.67 ft 52.67 ft 578 plf 578 plf Maximum span = Try 18 GA Verco PLB Floor Deck with 4-3/4" Light Wt Conc (36/4 Weld Pattern) qallowable at 5'-0" span = qallowable at 6'-0" span = 2276 plf 2117 plf qallowable at 5'-8" span1 = 2170 plf Check diaphragm shear: qallowable at 5'-8" span1 = 2170 plf ≥ qrequired = Notes: 1. By linear interpolation. X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 578 plf 5.67 ft (OK) 30 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. of Sheet Gravity Design Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Gravity Design Roof Loads Load Combinations1 Roof Dead, D = Roof Live, Lr = Roof Snow, S = Roof Drift Snow, Sd = Wind Load, +W= Wind Load (uplift), -W = 35 20 20 47 36 -57 psf psf psf psf psf psf D + Lr = D+S= D + Sd = D + 0.6(+W) = D + 0.6(-W) = D + 0.75(0.6(+W)) + 0.75(0.6Lr) = D + 0.75(0.6(-W)) + 0.75(0.6Lr) = D + 0.75(0.6(+W)) + 0.75(0.6S) = D+ 0.75(0.6(-W)) + 0.75(0.6S) = 0.6D + 0.6(+W) = 0.6D + 0.6(-W) = 55 55 82 56 0.83 60 18 60 18 33 -22 psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf psf Roof Deck Gravity Maximum span = Try 18 GA Verco Deck PLB-36 with L/240 Allowable Uniform Load at 6'-0" span = Allowable Uniform Load at 6'-6" span = qallowable at 6'-4" span2 = Check diaphragm shear: Allowable UL at 6'-4" span = 150 psf ≥ Required UL = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 82 psf 6.33 ft 175 psf 138 psf 150 psf (OK) 31 of 244 Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Task Mead & Hunt, Inc. of Sheet Gravity Design Calculated by GFR Date Checked by JAL Date Gravity Design Mezzanine Floor Loads Floor Loads Floor Dead, D = Dead at AHU & Equipment Pad, DE3 = 60 psf 126 psf Floor Live, L = 125 psf Load Combinations1 D= D+L = D+.075L = DE = DE+L = DE+.075L = 60 185 154 126 251 220 psf psf psf psf psf psf Floor Deck Gravity Maximum span = Try 18 GA Verco PLB Floor Deck with 4-3/4" Light Wt Conc Allowable Uniform Load at 5'-0" span = Allowable Uniform Load at 6'-0" span = qallowable at 5'-8" span2 = Check diaphragm shear: Allowable UL at 5'-8" span = 400 psf ≥ Required UL = 251 psf 5.67 ft 400 psf 400 psf 400 psf (OK) Notes: 1. Per 2015 IBC Section 1605.3.1. 2. By linear interpolation. 3. This load condition checks the elevated slab for heaviest piece of mechanical equipment in the mezzanine area and it's 4" high concrete equipment pad. X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads 32 of 244 Type PLB™-36 or HSB®-36 Allowable Uniform Loads (psf) SPAN (ft-in.) DECK SPAN GAGE CRITERIA 2'-0" 3'-0" 4'-0" 5'-0" 5'-6" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-0" 7'-6" 8'-0" 8'-6" 9'-0" 9'-6" 10'-0" 11'-0" 12'-0" SINGLE 22 20 18 16 DOUBLE 22 20 18 16 TRIPLE 22 20 18 16 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 Stress L/360 L/240 L/180 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 287 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 220 121 182 ♦♦♦ 288 150 225 ♦♦♦ 300 207 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 261 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 235 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 296 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 294 247 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 298 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 141 62 93 124 184 77 115 153 251 106 159 212 300 133 200 267 150 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 190 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 265 258 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 188 127 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 237 152 229 ♦♦♦ 300 202 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 300 251 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 116 47 70 93 152 58 86 115 208 79 119 159 264 100 150 200 124 122 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 157 146 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 219 194 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 271 241 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 155 95 143 ♦♦♦ 196 115 172 ♦♦♦ 274 152 228 ♦♦♦ 300 189 283 ♦♦♦ 98 36 54 72 128 44 67 89 174 61 92 122 222 77 116 154 104 94 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 132 113 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 184 149 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 228 186 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 131 73 110 ♦♦♦ 165 88 132 ♦♦♦ 230 117 175 ♦♦♦ 285 145 218 ♦♦♦ 83 28 42 56 109 35 52 70 149 48 72 96 189 61 91 121 89 74 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 112 89 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 157 117 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 194 146 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 111 58 86 ♦♦♦ 140 69 104 139 196 92 138 184 243 114 172 229 72 23 34 45 94 28 42 56 128 39 58 77 163 49 73 97 77 59 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 97 71 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 135 94 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 167 117 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 96 46 69 92 121 56 83 111 169 74 110 147 209 92 137 183 63 18 28 37 82 23 34 45 112 31 47 63 142 40 59 79 67 48 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 84 58 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 118 76 115 ♦♦♦ 146 95 143 ♦♦♦ 84 38 56 75 105 45 68 90 147 60 90 120 182 74 112 149 55 15 23 30 72 19 28 37 98 26 39 52 125 33 49 65 59 40 ♦♦♦ ♦♦♦ 74 48 71 ♦♦♦ 103 63 94 ♦♦♦ 128 78 118 ♦♦♦ 73 31 46 62 93 37 56 74 129 49 74 99 160 61 92 123 49 13 19 25 64 16 23 31 87 22 32 43 110 27 41 54 52 33 49 ♦♦♦ 66 40 59 ♦♦♦ 92 53 79 ♦♦♦ 113 65 98 ♦♦♦ 65 26 39 52 82 31 47 62 115 41 62 82 142 51 77 102 43 11 16 21 57 13 20 26 78 18 27 36 99 23 34 46 46 28 42 ♦♦♦ 59 33 50 ♦♦♦ 82 44 66 ♦♦♦ 101 55 83 ♦♦♦ 58 22 33 43 73 26 39 52 102 35 52 69 127 43 65 86 39 9 14 18 51 11 17 22 70 15 23 31 88 19 29 39 42 24 35 ♦♦♦ 53 28 43 ♦♦♦ 73 38 56 ♦♦♦ 91 47 70 ♦♦♦ 52 18 28 37 66 22 33 44 92 29 44 59 114 37 55 73 35 8 12 15 46 10 14 19 63 13 20 26 80 17 25 33 38 20 30 ♦♦♦ 47 24 37 ♦♦♦ 66 32 48 64 82 40 60 80 47 16 24 32 59 19 29 38 83 25 38 50 103 31 47 63 29 6 9 12 38 7 11 14 52 10 15 20 66 13 19 25 31 15 23 30 39 18 27 37 55 24 36 48 68 30 45 60 39 12 18 24 49 14 21 29 68 19 28 38 85 24 35 47 24 4 7 9 32 6 8 11 44 8 11 15 55 10 14 19 26 12 18 23 33 14 21 28 46 19 28 37 57 23 35 46 33 9 14 18 41 11 17 22 57 15 22 29 71 18 27 36 See footnotes on page 27. www.vercodeck.com VERCO DECKING, INC. VR4 29 33 of 244 Type PLB™-36 36/5 Weld Pattern at Supports Sidelaps Connected with PunchLok II Tool Allowable Diaphragm Shear Strength, q (plf) and Flexibility Factors, F ((in./lb)x106 ) SPAN (ft-in.) DECK SIDELAP GAGE ATTACHMENT VSC2 @ 24" VSC2 @ 18" 22 VSC2 @ 12" VSC2 @ 8" VSC2 @ 6" VSC2 @ 4" VSC2 @ 24" VSC2 @ 18" 20 VSC2 @ 12" VSC2 @ 8" VSC2 @ 6" VSC2 @ 4" VSC2 @ 24" VSC2 @ 18" 18 VSC2 @ 12" VSC2 @ 8" VSC2 @ 6" VSC2 @ 4" VSC2 @ 24" VSC2 @ 18" 16 VSC2 @ 12" VSC2 @ 8" VSC2 @ 6" VSC2 @ 4" 4'-0" q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F q F 5'-0" 6'-0" 651 649 555 -1.1+189R 1.7+151R 4.6+125R 776 751 648 -2.1+190R 0.8+151R 3.6+125R 886 842 812 -2.8+190R 0.1+152R 2.1+126R 1060 1059 1006 -3.8+190R -1.3+152R 0.7+127R 1186 1163 1147 -4.5+191R -1.9+152R -0.2+127R 1344 1332 1323 -5.3+191R -2.8+153R -1.1+127R 896 893 766 1.4+119R 3.1+95R 5.2+79R 1063 1029 892 0.5+120R 2.3+96R 4.3+79R 1207 1150 1110 -0.2+120R 1.7+96R 3+80R 1431 1429 1362 -1+120R 0.5+96R 1.8+80R 1589 1560 1540 -1.6+121R 0+96R 1.1+80R 1781 1767 1756 -2.2+121R -0.7+97R 0.4+81R 1443 1429 1229 2.6+58R 3.3+46R 4.5+38R 1693 1634 1420 1.8+59R 2.6+47R 3.7+39R 1907 1815 1750 1.3+59R 2.2+47R 2.8+39R 2238 2231 2127 0.7+59R 1.4+47R 2+39R 2471 2425 2393 0.3+59R 1.1+47R 1.6+39R 2752 2729 2712 -0.1+59R 0.7+47R 1.2+39R 1864 1859 1603 3.1+33R 3.5+26R 4.4+22R 2196 2130 1856 2.4+33R 2.9+27R 3.7+22R 2474 2365 2288 2+33R 2.5+27R 2.9+22R 2895 2892 2768 1.5+34R 1.9+27R 2.3+22R 3182 3131 3095 1.1+34R 1.6+27R 1.9+22R 3518 3493 3475 0.8+34R 1.2+27R 1.5+22R 7'-0" 8'-0" 9'-0" 10'-0" 11'-0" 12'-0" 568 5.9+107R 647 4.9+107R 789 3.5+108R 1013 1.8+109R 1135 1.1+109R 1317 0+109R 784 5.9+67R 890 5.1+68R 1080 3.9+68R 1371 2.5+69R 1525 1.9+69R 1749 1.1+69R 1250 4.6+33R 1413 4+33R 1701 3.2+33R 2138 2.3+34R 2369 2+34R 2700 1.5+34R 1638 4.4+19R 1854 3.9+19R 2230 3.2+19R 2785 2.4+19R 3068 2.1+19R 3462 1.7+19R 501 7.9+93R 646 6+94R 772 4.6+94R 976 3+95R 1126 2+95R 1312 0.9+95R 697 7.4+58R 889 5.7+59R 1057 4.6+60R 1324 3.3+60R 1514 2.5+60R 1743 1.7+60R 1114 5.5+29R 1408 4.3+29R 1663 3.5+29R 2066 2.7+29R 2350 2.3+29R 2690 1.8+30R 1462 5.1+16R 1852 4+16R 2185 3.4+17R 2697 2.7+17R 3047 2.3+17R 3452 1.9+17R 520 8.6+82R 584 7.6+83R 758 5.5+84R 986 3.6+84R 1118 2.8+85R 1236 1.6+85R 719 7.7+52R 806 6.9+52R 1039 5.2+53R 1336 3.7+53R 1504 3+54R 1621 2.1+54R 1144 5.5+25R 1278 4.9+26R 1633 3.8+26R 2082 2.9+26R 2335 2.5+26R 2478 2+26R 1506 5+14R 1684 4.5+14R 2150 3.5+15R 2720 2.7+15R 3030 2.4+15R 3444 2+15R 470 10.2+74R 590 8.2+74R 747 6.2+75R 958 4.4+76R 1001 3.3+76R 1001 2.2+76R 654 8.9+46R 814 7.2+47R 1025 5.6+48R 1300 4.2+48R 1313 3.3+48R 1313 2.5+48R 1042 6.2+23R 1287 5+23R 1609 4+23R 2007 3.1+24R 2007 2.7+24R 2007 2.2+24R 1374 5.5+13R 1700 4.5+13R 2121 3.6+13R 2653 2.9+13R 2795 2.5+13R 2795 2.1+13R 677 9+42R 820 7.5+43R 1012 6+43R 1085 4.4+44R 1085 3.6+44R 1085 2.7+44R 1074 6.1+21R 1295 5.1+21R 1589 4.2+21R 1659 3.2+21R 1659 2.8+21R 1659 2.3+21R 1420 5.4+12R 1713 4.5+12R 2097 3.8+12R 2310 3+12R 2310 2.6+12R 2310 2.2+12R 625 10+38R 762 8.3+39R 912 6.3+40R 912 4.8+40R 912 3.9+40R 912 3+40R 994 6.6+19R 1203 5.5+19R 1394 4.3+19R 1394 3.4+20R 1394 2.9+20R 1394 2.4+20R 1315 5.8+11R 1594 4.9+11R 1941 3.8+11R 1941 3.1+11R 1941 2.7+11R 1941 2.3+11R See footnotes on page 28. www.vercodeck.com VERCO DECKING, INC. VR4 31 PLB™ or B FORMLOK™ 34 of 244 4¾ in. TOTAL SLAB DEPTH Light Weight Concrete 2 Hour Fire Rating Maximum Unshored Clear Span (ft-in.) Concrete Properties Number of Deck Spans Deck Gage 22 20 18 16 1 2 3 6'-4" 7'-5" 7'-6" 7'-7" 8'-10" 8'-11" 8'-8" 10'-5" 10'-8" 9'-3" 11'-6" 11'-5" Density (pcf) Uniform Weight (psf) Uniform Volume (yd3/100 ft2) Compressive Strength, f'c (psi) 110 34.7 1.167 3000 Notes: 1. Volumes and weights do not include allowance for deflection. 2. Weights are for concrete only and do not include weight of steel deck. 3. Total slab depth is nominal depth from top of concrete to bottom of steel deck. Shoring is required for spans greater than those shown above. See Footnote 1 on page 39 for required bearing. GREATER THAN MAXIMUM SPAN AT MEZZANINE FLOOR, MAX. SPAN = 5'-8 3/8" (OK) Allowable Superimposed Loads (psf) Deck Gage Span (ft-in.) Number of Deck Spans 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-0" 7'-6" 8'-0" 8'-6" 9'-0" 9'-6" 1 400 400 370 290 253 221 195 173 155 138 124 112 101 91 83 2 400 400 370 324 286 221 195 173 155 138 124 112 101 91 83 3 400 400 370 324 286 255 195 173 155 138 124 112 101 91 83 1 400 400 389 340 301 268 206 183 163 146 132 119 107 97 88 2 400 400 389 340 301 268 241 217 163 146 132 119 107 97 88 3 400 400 389 340 301 268 241 217 163 146 132 119 107 97 88 1 400 400 400 366 324 289 259 234 178 160 144 130 118 107 97 2 400 400 400 366 324 289 259 234 213 195 179 130 118 107 97 3 400 400 400 366 324 289 259 234 213 195 179 165 118 107 97 1 400 400 400 364 321 287 257 233 211 158 142 128 116 105 96 2 400 400 400 364 321 287 257 233 211 193 177 164 151 141 96 3 400 400 400 364 321 287 257 233 211 193 177 164 151 105 96 22 20 18 16 See footnotes on page 39. 10'-0" 10'-6" 11'-0" 11'-6" 12'-0" Shoring required in shaded areas to right of heavy line. Allowable Diaphragm Shear Strengths, q (plf) and Flexibility Factors, F (in./lb. x 106 ) Attachment Pattern Span (ft-in.) Deck Gage 22 20 36/4 18 16 22 20 36/7 18 16 4'-0" 5'-0" 6'-0" 6'-6" 7'-0" 7'-6" 8'-0" 8'-6" 9'-0" 9'-6" 10'-0" 10'-6" 11'-0" 11'-6" 12'-0" q 2145 1996 1896 1858 1825 1796 1771 1749 1730 1712 1697 1682 1669 1658 1647 F 0.38 0.41 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.46 0.47 0.47 0.48 0.48 0.49 0.49 0.49 0.50 0.50 1664 q 2263 2083 1963 1917 1878 1844 1814 1788 1764 1743 1724 1707 1692 1677 F 0.33 0.36 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.44 0.44 0.45 0.45 q 2515 2276 2117 2055 2003 1957 1917 1882 1851 1823 1798 1775 1755 1736 1718 F 0.26 0.29 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.35 0.36 0.36 0.37 0.37 0.38 0.38 q 2784 2485 2285 2209 2143 2086 2036 1992 1953 1918 1887 1858 1833 1809 1787 F 0.21 0.23 0.26 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.29 0.30 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.32 0.33 q 2459 2247 2105 2051 2004 1964 1929 1897 1870 1845 1822 1802 1784 1767 1752 F 0.34 0.37 0.39 0.40 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.43 0.44 0.45 0.45 0.46 0.46 0.47 0.47 q 2640 2385 2215 2150 2094 2045 2003 1965 1932 1902 1875 1851 1829 1809 1790 F 0.28 0.32 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.37 0.38 0.38 0.39 0.40 0.40 0.41 0.41 0.42 0.42 q 3017 2678 2452 2365 2290 2225 2169 2119 2074 2035 1999 1967 1937 1911 1886 F 0.22 0.24 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.30 0.31 0.31 0.32 0.33 0.33 0.34 0.34 0.35 q 3412 2988 2705 2596 2502 2421 2351 2288 2233 2183 2138 2098 2061 2028 1997 F 0.17 0.20 0.22 0.22 0.23 0.24 0.25 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.27 0.28 0.28 0.29 0.29 See footnotes on page 39. www.vercodeck.com VERCO DECKING, INC. VF5 47 35 of 244 Lateral Gravity Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 D E F 8 10 G 9 1 4 11 A 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Full Model Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Corrosion Control Hangar SK - 1 July 3, 2018 at 1:38 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 36 of 244 Lateral Gravity X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 G G W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 F W12x26 HSS6x6x6 W12x26 F W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 D W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 D C.5 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 C.5 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W12x26 W14x30 C B.2 W14x120 W14x30 E HSS6x6x6 W14x30 W12x26 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 E C B.2 W14x30 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Roof Framing Plan 1 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Roof Framing Member Shapes SK - 2 July 3, 2018 at 1:39 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 37 of 244 Lateral Gravity X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 G G M36 M38 M35 M4 F M37 (7.5-F)_L2 M5 F M16 M24 M42 M48 M15 M23 M41 D M46 M14 M22 M40 D C.5 M45 M13 M21 M39 C.5 M44 M12 M20 M34 M43 M11 M19 M33 M8 M29 C B.2 M3 M49 E (7.5-C)_L2 M30 M7 M51 M18 M26 M32 M50 M17 M25 M31 E C B.2 M28 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Roof Framing Plan 1 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Roof Framing Member Labels SK - 3 July 3, 2018 at 1:40 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 38 of 244 Area Load w/o Default X Y Office Storage Public Add Piping Roof 11 Snow Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 Lateral Gravity 10 G G W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 D W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 D C.5 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 C.5 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 F E C B.2 .012ksf W14x120 W12x26 F .047ksf B E C B.2 W14x30 B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Loads: SL - Snow Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Roof Framing Plan 1 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Roof Framing Area Loads SK - 5 July 3, 2018 at 1:48 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 39 of 244 Lateral Gravity X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 G G W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 D W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 D C.5 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 C.5 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 W14x30 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 F E C B.2 .012ksf W14x120 W12x26 F .047ksf B E C B.2 W14x30 B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Loads: SL - Snow Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Roof Framing Plan 1 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Drift Snow Load SK - 4 July 3, 2018 at 1:45 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 40 of 244 Code Check X Y No Calc > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 G G .293 .293 .293 .3 .3 .526 .31 .311 .735 .528 .315 .313 .735 D .83 .315 .315 .735 D C.5 .841 .315 .315 .735 C.5 .84 .313 .313 .735 .84 .31 .31 .735 .833 .305 .305 .73 .827 .303 .303 .725 .837 .303 .303 .725 F E C B.2 .621 .293 F E C B.2 .659 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Member Bending Check Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Roof Framing Plan 1 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Code Check (Bending Results) SK - 6 July 3, 2018 at 1:50 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 41 of 244 Defl Limit X Y No Calc > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 G G .37 .372 .37 .384 .381 .074 .387 .382 .882 .075 .382 .377 .882 D .144 .379 .373 .882 D C.5 .148 .379 .373 .882 C.5 .148 .382 .377 .882 .148 .386 .383 .882 .147 .392 .391 .873 .146 .384 .384 .863 .147 .383 .384 .863 F E C B.2 .348 .371 F E C B.2 .811 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Member Deflection Check Loads: DL PreComp - PreComposite Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Roof Framing Plan 1 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Deflection Check SK - 7 July 3, 2018 at 1:51 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 42 of 244 Lateral Gravity X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Wide Flange E W12x22 W12x22 F D C.5 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W10x22 W24x68 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W21x44 C.5 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 E W12x22 F D W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 G W12x22 G Wide Flange C W12x22 W10x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W10x22 B.2 W12x22 W12x22 C B.2 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Loads: DL PreComp - PreComposite Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Mezzanine Floor Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Mezzanine Framing Member Shapes SK - 8 July 3, 2018 at 1:55 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 43 of 244 Lateral Gravity X Y Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 M5 M35 M34 M33 M32 M9 M39 M38 M37 G M36 G M3 F F C.5 M27 M26 M25 M24 M8 M2 M13 M12 M11 M10 M31 D M1 C.5 M30 M29 M28 M7 M17 M16 D M15 E M14 E M4 C M6 M19 M23 M22 M21 M20 B.2 M40 M18 C B.2 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Loads: DL PreComp - PreComposite Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Mezzanine Floor Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Mezzanine Framing Member Labels SK - 9 July 3, 2018 at 1:56 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 44 of 244 Area Load w/ Default X Y Office Storage Public Add Piping Roof 11 Snow Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 Lateral Gravity 10 Wide Flange E W12x22 W12x22 F D C.5 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W10x22 W24x68 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W21x44 C.5 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 E W12x22 F D W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 G W12x22 G Wide Flange C W12x22 W10x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W10x22 B.2 W12x22 W12x22 C B.2 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Loads: DL PreComp - PreComposite Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Mezzanine Floor Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Mezzanine Framing Area Loads SK - 10 July 3, 2018 at 1:57 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 45 of 244 Code Check X Y No Calc > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 .539 .487 .487 .487 .487 .455 .723 .723 .723 G .723 G .002 F F .809 C.5 .67 .67 .67 .67 .705 .743 .581 .581 .581 .581 .809 D .793 C.5 .809 .809 .437 .406 .406 D .406 E .406 E .002 C .637 .718 .419 .571 .471 .531 B.2 .497 .428 C B.2 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Member Bending Check Loads: DL PreComp - PreComposite Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Mezzanine Floor Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Mezzanine Code Check (Bending Results) SK - 11 July 3, 2018 at 1:58 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 46 of 244 Defl Limit X Y No Calc > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 Z 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 .422 .382 .382 .382 .382 .356 .741 .741 .741 G .741 G .024 F F .816 C.5 .616 .616 .616 .616 .761 .463 .535 .535 .535 .535 .816 D .467 C.5 .816 .816 .336 .312 .312 D .312 E .312 E .024 C .518 .684 .341 .465 .384 .507 B.2 .405 .348 C B.2 B B A A 1 2 3 4 5 6 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 9 10 11 Member Deflection Check Loads: DL PreComp - PreComposite Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Dead Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 Mezzanine Floor Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Mezzanine Deflection Check SK - 12 July 3, 2018 at 1:59 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 47 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:01 P M Checked B y: JAL (Global) Model Settings F reeze Model Design? Merge Tolerance (in) Number of S ections Area Load Mesh (in^2) S lab Mesh (in) Internal S ections Include S hear Deformation? C olumn S kip Loading? C eiling Diaphragm? Use Columns S tiffness? Use Beams S tiffness? Move Invalid Joints on S loped Member? S olver No .12 5 144 60 97 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes S parse Acc elerated F loor Live Load Reduction R oof Live Load Reduction Joist G irder Load Tolerance (Kips) Hot R olled S teel C ode R IS AC onnection Code C old F ormed S teel C ode Wood Code Wood Temperature C oncrete C ode Masonry C ode Beam Vibrations Vibration Damping R atio IB C IB C .2 AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD AIS I S 100-12: AS D AWC NDS -12: AS D < 100F AC I 318-14 TMS 402-16: S trength AIS C DG 11 .03 Use Non-Composite Beam if O ptimum? Use Minimum S tuds if Non-C omposite? E ffective W idth E nd Offset (% Length) O rthogonal Beam Angle (degrees) Beam / Dec k P arallel Angle (degrees) F actor Applied to I-equiv (percent) Minimum P ercent Composite Maximum P ercent C omposite Maximum S tud S pacing (in) Minimum S tud S pacing (in) S tud E nd O ffset (in) Min. Width for 2 S tud R ows (in) Min. Width for 3 S tud R ows (in) S tud Layout S tud P osition in Rib Yes No 10% 45 10 75% 25% 100% 36 4.5 0 5.5 8.5 S egmented Weak C onservative R IS AF loor Version 12.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 1 48 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:01 P M Checked B y: JAL (Global) Model Settings , C ontinued Wind Code Wind Base E levation (ft) Wind S peed (mph) AS C E 7-10 0 120 E xposure C ategory Topographic M ultiplier K1 Topographic M ultiplier K2 Topographic M ultiplier K3 Directionality F actor Kd G ust S tiffness F undamental F requency G ust Factor S how Wind Dialog if Loads Change? G enerate Roof Wind Loads? C 0 0 0 .85 R igid >1 .85 Yes Yes Number of S hear R egions R egion S pacing Increment (in) Biaxial C olumn Method P arme Beta Factor (P CA) C oncrete S tress Block Use Cracked S ections? Use Cracked S ections S lab? Unused F orce Warning? Min 1 Bar Diam. S pacing? C oncrete R ebar S et Min % S teel for C olumn Max % S teel for C olumn 4 4 E xact Integration .65 R ectangular Yes I cracked/E lastic Yes No R E BAR _S E T_AS TMA615 1 8 S eismic C ode AS C E 7-10 S eismic Base E levation (ft) 0 Ct X .02 Ct Z .02 T X (sec) .229 T Z (sec) .229 RX 5 RZ 5 C t E xp. X .75 C t E xp. Z .75 S D1 .394 S DS .67 S1 .347 TL (sec) 16 R isk C at I or II Drift C at O ther Add Base W eight? Yes S how S eismic Dialog when Loads C hange? Yes Use Gravity S elf Wt in Diaphragm Mass? Yes Use Deck S elf Wt in Diaphragm Mass? Yes Use Lateral S elf Wt in Diaphragm Mass? Yes Om X 2.5 Om Z 2.5 Cd X 3.5 Cd Z 3.5 R ho X 1 R IS AF loor Version 12.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 2 R ho Z 1 49 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:01 P M Checked B y: JAL Uniform A rea Loads Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 Additive O ffice S torage P ublic Add P iping R oof S now P reD L[ksf] Yes P ostDL [ksf] LL [ksf] LL Type V L[ksf] Dyn Load[ksf] .01 .016 .01 .02 .01 .05 .125 .1 LL-R educe LLS -Non LL-Non LL-Non R LL-R educe SL .011 .011 .004 .011 .011 .01 .05 .01 .02 .01 Yes .02 .02 C ombinations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Label S ol...Cat... Fac...C at... Fac...C at... Fac...C at... Fac...C at... Fact...Cat... Fact...Cat... Fact...Cat... Fact...Cat... Fact...Cat... Fact... S ervice ... Yes DL 1 S ervice ... Yes DL 1 LL 1 LLS 1 S trength...Yes DL 1.4 S trength...Yes DL 1.2 LL 1.6 LLS 1.6 IBC 16-1...Y es DL P... 1.4 IBC 16-2...Y es DL P... 1.2 LL C... 1.6 IBC 16-1...Y es DL 1.4 IBC 16-2...Y es DL 1.2 LL 1.6 LLS 1.6 R LL .5 IBC 16-2...Y es DL 1.2 LL 1.6 LLS 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 IBC 16-2...Y es DL 1.2 LL 1.6 LLS 1.6 IBC 16-3...Y es DL 1.2 R LL 1.6 LL .5 LLS 1 IBC 16-3...Y es DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 LL .5 LLS 1 IBC 16-3...Y es DL 1.2 LL .5 LLS 1 B eam C ode S ummary for Hot Rolled : Roof F raming Plan 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Label S ize M3 M4 M5 M7 M8 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M35 M36 M37 M38 M28 W14x120 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W12x26 W14x30 E xplicit S tuds Camb...Material B endin... Loc[ft] R IS AF loor Version 12.0.3 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 .621 .3 .3 .305 .305 .31 .313 .315 .315 .315 .31 .303 .303 .31 .313 .315 .315 .313 .311 .303 .303 .293 .293 .293 .293 .659 17.875 13.454 12.63 12.905 12.905 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 23 LC Defl Check Loc[ft] 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 .348 .384 .381 .392 .391 .386 .382 .379 .379 .382 .387 .383 .384 .383 .377 .373 .373 .377 .382 .384 .384 .372 .371 .37 .37 .811 39 13.454 13.454 12.905 12.905 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 13.179 23 Cat S hear ... Loc[ft] DL +... .142 60.1... DL +... .075 26.3... DL +... .075 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 26.3... DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 26.3... DL +... .077 26.3... DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .076 0 DL +... .076 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .077 0 DL +... .076 0 DL +... .076 0 DL +... .074 0 DL +... .074 0 DL +... .074 0 DL +... .074 0 DL +... .091 0 LC 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 3 50 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:01 P M Checked B y: JAL B eam C ode S ummary for Hot Rolled : Roof F raming Plan 1 (C ontinued) 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 Label S ize M29 M30 M31 M32 M33 M34 M39 M40 M41 M42 M43 M44 M45 M46 M48 M49 M50 M51 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 W14x30 E xplicit S tuds Camb...Material B endin... Loc[ft] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 1.75 0 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.75 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 .73 .833 .725 .725 .735 .735 .735 .735 .735 .735 .84 .84 .841 .83 .528 .526 .837 .827 23 25.875 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 20.125 20.125 20.125 20.125 25.875 25.875 20.125 20.125 LC Defl Check Loc[ft] 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 .873 .147 .863 .863 .882 .882 .882 .882 .882 .882 .148 .148 .148 .144 .075 .074 .147 .146 23 11.5 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 23 34.5 34.5 34.5 34.5 36.896 36.896 34.5 34.5 LC Defl Check Loc[ft] 8 8 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 .467 .463 .024 .024 .422 .518 .336 .761 .356 .535 .535 .535 .535 .312 .312 .312 .312 .348 .684 .507 .384 .465 .341 .616 .616 .616 .616 .816 .816 .816 10.292 12.708 0 0 8.667 9 8.5 10.167 8.667 10.167 10.167 10.167 10.167 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 9 9 9 9 9 9 10.167 10.167 10.167 10.167 11.167 11.167 11.167 Cat S hear ... Loc[ft] DL +... .101 0 DL +... .068 25.3... DL +... .1 0 DL +... .1 0 DL +... .101 0 DL +... .101 0 DL +... .101 0 DL +... .101 0 DL +... .101 0 DL +... .101 0 DL +... .069 20.6... DL +... .069 20.6... DL +... .069 20.6... DL +... .062 20.6... DL +... .052 26.3... DL +... .052 26.3... DL +... .069 20.6... DL +... .068 20.6... LC Cat S hear ... Loc[ft] DL +... .223 20.5... DL +... .285 25.4... LC 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 11 B eam C ode S ummary for Hot Rolled : Mezzanine F loor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Label S ize M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M16 M17 M18 M19 M20 M21 M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 W21x44 W24x68 W10x12 W10x12 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W10x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W10x22 W10x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 E xplicit S tuds Camb...Material B endin... Loc[ft] R IS AF loor Version 12.0.3 Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 .793 .743 .002 .002 .539 .637 .437 .705 .455 .581 .581 .581 .581 .406 .406 .406 .406 .428 .718 .531 .471 .571 .419 .67 .67 .67 .67 .809 .809 .809 8.576 14.562 3 3 8.667 9 8.5 10.167 8.667 10.167 10.167 10.167 10.167 8.5 8.5 8.5 8.5 9 9 9 9 9 9 10.167 10.167 10.167 10.167 11.167 11.167 11.167 LL LL DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... DL +... 0 0 .142 .162 .118 .184 .12 .131 .131 .131 .131 .11 .11 .11 .11 .109 .212 .157 .12 .145 .107 .151 .151 .151 .151 .166 .166 .166 0 0 0 0 0 20.3... 0 20.3... 20.3... 20.3... 20.3... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20.3... 20.3... 20.3... 20.3... 0 0 0 8 8 5 5 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 4 51 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:01 P M Checked B y: JAL B eam C ode S ummary for Hot Rolled : Mezzanine F loor (C ontinued) 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Label S ize M31 M32 M33 M34 M35 M36 M37 M38 M39 M40 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 W12x22 E xplicit S tuds Camb...Material B endin... Loc[ft] Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 A992 .809 .487 .487 .487 .487 .723 .723 .723 .723 .497 LC Defl Check Loc[ft] .816 .382 .382 .382 .382 .741 .741 .741 .741 .405 11.167 8.667 8.667 8.667 8.667 11.333 11.333 11.333 11.333 9 Cat S hear ... Loc[ft] DL +... .166 0 DL +... .129 0 DL +... .129 0 DL +... .129 0 DL +... .129 0 DL +... .146 0 DL +... .146 0 DL +... .146 0 DL +... .146 0 DL +... .127 0 LC 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Defl Check Loc[ft] Cat S hear ... Loc[ft] LC 11.167 8.667 8.667 8.667 8.667 11.333 11.333 11.333 11.333 9 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 B eam C ode S ummary for Hot Rolled : Roof F raming Plan 2 Label S ize E xplicit S tuds Camb...Material B endin... Loc[ft] LC No Data to P rint ... Wall Panel Mas onry C ode C hec ks for Wall Regions (TMS 402-16: Strength) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Wall Panel Region Des ign Rule Axial U C LC P n*phi[k/ft] WP 1 WP 3 WP 7 WP 10 WP 11 WP 12 WP 13 WP 14 WP 15 WP 17 WP 20 WP 19 WP 19A WP 20A WP 22A WP 22B WP 23A WP 24 WP 25 WP 21 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R3 R2 R3 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 .046 .043 .043 .048 .052 .041 .068 .097 .074 .074 .036 .042 .063 .039 .042 .171 .141 .106 .129 .081 .021 .079 .021 .068 .019 .017 .075 .02 .019 .074 .03 .031 .056 .024 7 7 7 7 11 7 11 8 8 8 8 7 7 8 7 11 8 8 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 7 8 7 7 8 6 6 11 11 55.181 55.181 55.181 55.181 55.181 55.181 55.181 61.462 61.462 61.462 61.462 55.181 55.181 61.462 55.181 61.462 61.462 61.462 61.462 61.462 67.569 61.462 67.569 61.462 78.374 71.757 61.462 78.374 71.757 61.462 78.374 71.757 61.462 78.374 WP 22 WP 24A WP 25A WP 24B WP 25B R IS AF loor Version 12.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 5 52 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:01 P M Checked B y: JAL Wall Panel Mas onry C ode C hec ks for Wall Regions (TMS 402-16: Strength) (C ontinued) Wall Panel 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 WP 26 WP 27 WP 28 Region Des ign Rule Axial U C LC P n*phi[k/ft] R4 R2 R3 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 .023 .054 .022 .081 .042 .043 .059 .024 .023 11 7 11 11 6 6 11 11 11 71.757 55.181 71.757 61.462 78.374 71.757 61.462 78.374 71.757 53 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 D E F 8 10 G 9 1 4 11 A 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 6.2 6 SK - 13 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Lateral Shear Walls July 3, 2018 at 2:03 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 54 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 8 10 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 626.587k D E G 15.806k 9 1 4 11 A F 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 8, Wind Load X Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 14 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Wind Load, x July 3, 2018 at 2:04 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 55 of 244 Y Z X A 1 3 B B.2 2 C 4 19.94k C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 E G 9 1 4 11 A F 11.854k 8 10 D 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 9, Partial X Wind Load 1 Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 15 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Wind Load, X minus Z Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:07 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 56 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 8 10 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 19.94k 9 6 D E G 11.854k 1 4 11 A F 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 10, Partial X Wind Load 2 Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 16 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Wind Load, X plus Z Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:08 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 57 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 E 11.929k G 9 1 4 11 A F 25.815k 8 10 D 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 11, Wind Load Z Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 17 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Wind Load, Z July 3, 2018 at 2:41 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 58 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 8.947k D E 19.361k F 8 10 G 9 1 4 11 A 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 12, Partial Z Wind Load 1 Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 18 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Wind Load, Z minus X Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:42 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 59 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 E G 19.361k 9 1 4 11 A F 8.947k 8 10 D 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 13, Partial Z Wind Load 2 Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 19 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Wind Load, Z plus X Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:43 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 60 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 2 C C.5 5 125.538k 6 6.2 8 10 3 B D E G 74.054k 9 1 4 11 A F 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 14, Earthquake Load X Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 20 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Seismic Load, X July 3, 2018 at 2:45 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 61 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 6 125.538k 6.2 6.9 7 7.5 8 10 D E G 74.054k 9 1 4 11 A F 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 15, Earthquake Load X Plus Z Eccentr Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 21 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Seismic Load, X plus Z Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:46 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 62 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 125.538k 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 8 10 6 D E 74.054k G 9 1 4 11 A F 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 16, Earthquake Load X Minus Z Eccent Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 22 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Seismic Load, X minus Z Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:47 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 63 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B.2 2 C C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 125.538k 6 D E 8 10 B G 74.054k 9 1 4 11 A F 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 17, Earthquake Load Z Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 23 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Seismic Load, Z July 3, 2018 at 2:47 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 64 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 3 B B.2 2 C C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 125.538k D E F 8 10 G 74.054k 9 1 4 11 A 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 18, Earthquake Load Z Plus X Eccentr Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 24 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Seismic Load, Z plus X Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:48 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 65 of 244 Y Z X A 1 4 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 B.2 2 C C.5 125.538k D E 8 10 3 B 74.054k G 9 1 4 11 A F 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 6.2 6 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Loads: BLC 19, Earthquake Load Z Minus X Eccent Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 SK - 25 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Seismic Load, Z minus X Eccentricity July 3, 2018 at 2:49 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl 66 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:52 P M Checked B y: JAL (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Include S hear Deformation? Increase Nailing C apacity for Wind? Include W arping? Trans Load Btwn Intersecting Wood Wall? Area Load Mesh (in^2) Merge Tolerance (in) P -Delta Analysis Tolerance Include P -Delta for Walls? Automatically Iterate S tiffness for Walls? Max Iterations for Wall S tiffness G ravity Acceleration (ft/sec^2) Wall Mesh S ize (in) E igensolution C onvergence Tol. (1.E -) Vertical Axis G lobal Member Orientation P lane S tatic S olver Dynamic S olver 5 97 Yes Yes Yes Yes 144 .12 0.50% Yes Yes 3 32.2 24 4 Y XZ S parse Acc elerated Accelerated S olver Hot R olled S teel C ode Adjust S tiffness? R IS AC onnection Code C old F ormed S teel C ode Wood Code Wood Temperature C oncrete C ode Masonry C ode Aluminum C ode AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD Yes(Iterative) AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD AIS I S 100-12: AS D AWC NDS -12: AS D < 100F AC I 318-14 TMS 402-16: S trength AA ADM 1-10: A S D - Building AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD Number of S hear R egions R egion S pacing Increment (in) Biaxial C olumn Method P arme Beta Factor (P CA) C oncrete S tress Block Use Cracked S ections? Use Cracked S ections S lab? Bad Framing Warnings? Unused F orce Warnings? Min 1 Bar Diam. S pacing? C oncrete R ebar S et Min % S teel for C olumn Max % S teel for C olumn 4 4 E xact Integration .65 R ectangular Yes Yes No Yes No R E BAR _S E T_AS TMA615 1 8 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 1 67 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:52 P M Checked B y: JAL (Global) Model Settings , C ontinued S eismic C ode S eismic Base E levation (ft) Add Base W eight? Ct X Ct Z T X (sec) T Z (sec) RX RZ C t E xp. X C t E xp. Z S D1 S DS S1 TL (sec) R isk C at Drift C at Use Gravity S elf Wt in Diaphragm Mass? Use Deck S elf Wt in Diaphragm Mass? Use Lateral S elf Wt in Diaphragm Mass? Om Z Om X Cd Z Cd X R ho Z R ho X AS C E 7-10 0 Yes .02 .02 .229 .229 5 5 .75 .75 .394 .67 .347 16 I or II O ther Yes Yes Yes 2.5 2.5 3.5 3.5 1 1 F ooting Overturning S afety F actor O ptimize for OTM/S liding C heck Concrete Bearing F ooting C oncrete Weight (k/ft^3) F ooting C oncrete f'c (ksi) F ooting C oncrete E c (ksi) Lambda F ooting S teel fy (ksi) Minimum S teel Maximum S teel F ooting Top Bar F ooting Top Bar C over (in) F ooting Bottom Bar F ooting Bottom Bar C over (in) P edestal Bar P edestal Bar Cover (in) P edestal Ties 1 No No .145 4 3644 1 60 0.0018 0.0075 #6 1.5 #6 3 #6 1.5 #4 B as ic Load C ases 1 2 3 4 B LC Description Category X GravityY GravityZ G ravity Dead Load Live Load DL LL LLS R LL -1 Live Load Specia... Roof L ive Load R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 Joint P oint Distributed 153 105 60 86 18 87 Area(M...S urface(Pla... [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 2 68 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:52 P M Checked B y: JAL B as ic Load C ases (C ontinued) 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 B LC Description Category S now Load SL S LN RL WLX WLXP 1 WLXP 2 WLZ WLZP 1 WLZP 2 E LX E LX+Z E LX-Z E LZ E LZ+X E LZ-X O L1 O L2 O L3 O L4 WLX+R WLX-R WLZ+R WLZ-R S now L oad Nons... R ain Load Wind Load X P artial X Wind L ... P artial X Wind L ... Wind Load Z P artial Z W ind L... P artial Z W ind L... E arthquake L oad... E arthquake L oad... E arthquake L oad... E arthquake L oad... E arthquake L oad... E arthquake L oad... O ther O ther O ther O ther Load 1 Load 2 Load 3 Load 4 Wind L oad Wind L oad Wind L oad Wind L oad Roof ... Roof ... Roof ... Roof ... X GravityY GravityZ G ravity Joint P oint Distributed 25 27 Area(M...S urface(Pla... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Load C ombinations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Des cription Deflection 1 Deflection 2 Deflection 3 S o...P De...S R... Y es Y Y es Y Y es Y IB C 16-1 Y es Y IBC 16-2 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-2 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-2 (c) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (c) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (d) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (f) Y es Y IBC 16-4 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-4 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-4 (c) Y es Y IB C 16-6 Y es Y IBC 16-5 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-5 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-7 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-7 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (...Y es Y IBC 16-3 (...Y es Y IBC 16-3 (...Y es Y IBC 16-3 (...Y es Y R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 B LC Fac... B LC DL LL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1 1 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 .9 1.2 1.2 .9 .9 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 Fac... B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac... LL 1 LL LL LL R LL SL R LL SL WL WL WL WL WL EL EL EL EL R LL R LL SL SL 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 .5 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 -1 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 LLS LLS LLS LL S LN WL S LN 1.6 1.6 1.6 .5 1.6 .5 1.6 RL L .5 S L .5 S LN .5 LL S 1 LL .5 LL S 1 WL .5 LL LL LL .5 LL S 1 RL L .5 .5 LL S 1 S L .5 S LN .5 .5 LL S 1 LL LL .5 LL S 1 S L .2 S LN .7 .5 LL S 1 S L .2 S LN .7 WL WL S LN S LN .5 -.5 1.6 WL .5 1.6 WL -.5 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 3 69 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:52 P M Checked B y: JAL Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Des cription S o...P De...S R... IBC 16-3 (...Y es Y IBC 16-3 (...Y es Y IBC 16-4 (...Y es Y IBC 16-4 (...Y es Y IBC 16-4 (...Y es Y IBC 16-4 (...Y es Y IBC 16-4 (...Y es Y IBC 16-4 (...Y es Y IBC 16-6 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-6 (b) Y es Y B LC Fac... B LC DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 .9 .9 WL WL WL WL WL WL WL WL WL WL Fac... B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac... .5 -.5 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 1 -1 LL LL LL LL LL LL .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 .5 LL S LL S LL S LL S LL S LL S 1 1 1 1 1 1 RL L .5 RL L .5 S L .5 S LN .5 S L .5 S LN .5 Mas onry Wall Panel In P lane Parameters 1 2 Label V ert B ar S ize Typical S W08 #5 #5 B ars P er Cell Min Bound Zon...Max B ound Zon... Horz Bar S ize 1 1 8 8 40 40 #5 #5 1.5x S hear Inc Transfer Load Yes Yes Mas onry Wall Panel Out of Plane Parameters 1 2 Label B ar S ize Typical S W08 #5 #5 B ar S pace Min B ar S pace Max B ar P lacement 8" 8" 16" 16" C enter C enter Cover[in] Min Min Mortar T ype Cement Type Transfer Load Type M or S P ortland, L im... Type M or S P ortland, L im... Wall Panel TMS 402-16: Strength Mas onry C ode C hec ks for Wall Regions (In Plane) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 Wall Pa... Region Des ign ... Axial U C LC B ending UC LC S hear UC LC WP 1 WP 3 WP 7 WP 10 WP 11 WP 12 WP 13 WP 14 WP 15 WP 17 WP 20 WP 19 4 4 4 4 4 8 10 5 5 5 5 4 22 5 4 8 5 5 5 5 4 5 4 5 .012 .046 .05 .035 .032 .007 .026 .045 .072 .024 .056 .013 .009 .043 .025 .713 .448 .447 .459 .04 .033 .067 .039 .086 9 5 5 8 10 4 8 6 10 5 5 10 8 7 6 10 10 10 10 6 4 6 4 7 0 .008 .007 .009 .004 0 .005 .023 .102 .007 .015 0 0 .012 .014 .717 .207 .158 .195 .029 .017 .031 .016 .02 N/A 8 5 8 8 4 8 5 10 5 5 4 N/A 7 8 8 8 8 10 5 5 6 5 7 WP 19A WP 20A WP 22A WP 22B WP 23A WP 24 WP 25 WP 21 WP 22 WP 24A R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R3 R2 R3 R2 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 .051 .05 .047 .053 .054 .063 .07 .095 .12 .077 .058 .05 .068 .052 .051 .193 .124 .107 .106 .082 .022 .076 .022 .065 P n*phi[k] Mn*phi[k-ft] V n*phi[k] 3356.071 2872.7 2544.716 2169.414 2544.716 1978.284 885.119 568.576 885.119 576.969 516.317 274.371 2470.952 3507.323 1314.499 1467.257 328.623 97.165 2628.998 3380.563 1109.11 747.306 2544.716 3127.869 3614.233 5898.863 1109.11 498.805 2544.716 1712.656 287.549 155.481 1232.345 969.899 1602.048 1361.162 1232.345 923.479 1602.048 1746.981 1761.229 575.905 1602.048 1457.9 1761.229 577.134 1602.048 1333.611 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] 0 418.901 382.732 111.054 110.773 65.972 319.578 203.744 57.36 364.359 167.935 483.364 0 146.157 531.254 44.355 192.331 218.242 179.47 293.992 282.272 280.353 300.257 186.387 P age 4 70 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:52 P M Checked B y: JAL Wall Panel TMS 402-16: Strength Mas onry C ode C hec ks for Wall Regions (In Plane) (C ontinued) Wall Pa... Region Des ign ... Axial U C 25 26 27 WP 25A 28 29 30 WP 24B 31 32 33 WP 25B 34 35 36 WP 26 37 38 WP 27 39 40 41 WP 28 42 43 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 .02 .019 .067 .022 .021 .074 .034 .034 .058 .025 .024 .066 .026 .084 .046 .048 .058 .024 .023 LC B ending UC LC S hear UC LC 4 4 5 4 10 5 22 22 5 8 8 8 8 8 22 22 8 8 8 .037 .037 .032 .023 .027 .062 .017 .034 .03 .015 .038 .038 .105 .009 .013 .015 .028 .021 .022 9 4 6 6 10 7 9 9 7 10 10 10 8 8 5 8 10 10 10 .02 .014 .026 .019 .015 .013 .003 .002 .025 .009 .008 .075 .05 .012 .004 .005 .031 .01 .008 7 7 6 6 6 5 10 6 5 10 6 8 8 5 5 8 8 10 8 P n*phi[k] Mn*phi[k-ft] V n*phi[k] 2042.861 847.789 1870.383 573.572 1602.048 1370.721 2042.861 771.852 1870.383 636.565 3738.109 6133.958 4766.671 3889.924 4364.222 2892.997 1068.036 729.377 1361.913 495.432 1246.927 414.579 258.161 100.149 335.712 79.164 3738.109 7614.596 4766.671 5270.932 4364.222 5474.208 1068.036 599.201 1361.913 489.77 1246.927 407.855 277.275 276.668 302.255 289.971 279.171 428.15 492.618 626.644 197.673 188.169 198.571 50.991 54.479 690.504 559.765 605.213 205.408 176.737 173.452 Wall Panel TMS 402-16: Strength Mas onry C ode C hec ks for Wall Regions (Out of Plane) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Wall Panel Region Des ign Rule Axial U C LC B ending UC LC P n*phi[k-ft] Mn*phi[k-ft] WP 1 WP 3 WP 7 WP 10 WP 11 WP 12 WP 13 WP 14 WP 15 WP 17 WP 20 WP 19 WP 19A WP 20A WP 22A WP 22B WP 23A WP 24 WP 25 WP 21 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R1 R2 R3 R2 R3 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 .089 .083 .03 .094 .095 .07 .123 .165 .118 .147 .08 .076 .118 .095 .085 .356 .272 .232 .226 .147 .045 .13 .052 .1 .052 .038 .108 .062 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 4 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 9 9 10 8 8 0 .002 0 .002 .002 .004 0 .004 .01 .002 .002 .002 0 .002 .002 .005 .002 0 0 .003 .004 .003 .003 .002 .003 .001 .002 .002 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5 8 8 4 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 8 9 9 10 8 8 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 4.029 3.715 3.839 3.804 3.852 3.914 4.096 4.287 4.262 4.389 3.987 3.967 4.205 4.071 3.716 5.364 5.05 4.747 4.804 4.357 3.563 4.261 3.588 4.079 3.714 3.707 4.129 3.777 WP 22 WP 24A WP 25A R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 5 71 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 2:52 P M Checked B y: JAL Wall Panel TMS 402-16: Strength Mas onry C ode C hec ks for Wall Regions (Out of Plane) (C ontinued) Wall Panel 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 WP 24B WP 25B WP 26 WP 27 WP 28 Region Des ign Rule Axial U C LC B ending UC LC P n*phi[k-ft] Mn*phi[k-ft] R4 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R2 R3 R4 R2 R3 R4 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 S W08 .055 .137 .096 .066 .074 .07 .049 .075 .045 .155 .131 .092 .102 .069 .046 10 5 10 6 10 10 8 8 10 5 10 5 5 10 8 .001 .003 .001 0 .003 .003 .001 .003 .002 0 0 0 .002 0 .001 10 5 10 6 10 10 8 8 10 5 10 5 5 10 8 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 27.45 3.619 4.315 3.997 3.711 3.92 3.834 3.692 3.953 3.669 4.414 4.213 4.044 4.104 3.824 3.755 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Kingsley ANG Corrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl] P age 6 72 of 244 Z X 1 4 3 A B B.2 2 C C.5 5 6.9 7 7.5 6.2 6 D E F 8 10 G 9 1 4 11 A 3 2 5 B 6.9 7 7.5 B.2 8 C C.5 10 9 D E F G 11 Mead & Hunt, Inc GFR 3142200-121252.01 6.2 6 SK - 26 Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar Foundations July 3, 2018 at 2:59 PM Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 73 of 244 July 3, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 Sketch 3.5 ft 3.5 ft A x B 24 in z 8 ft 12 in 12 in D D C C 8 ft Details B 8 ft 1.5 in #5@7 in z D 24 in x 1.5 in A Footing Elevation C #5@7 in D C 8 ft 2 (14 #5) 2 (14 #5) x Dir. Steel: 4.3 in z Dir. Steel: 4.3 in Bottom Rebar Plan RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 USE (8) #5 TOP AND BOTTOM, EACH WAY [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 1 CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 74 of 244 July 3, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 12 in B 0#6 8 ft 1.5 in 12 in A Pedestal Rebar Plan D C 8 ft 2 (0 #5) 2 (0 #5) x Dir. Steel: 0 in z Dir. Steel: 0 in Top Rebar Plan Geometry, Materials and Criteria Length Width Thickness Height Rot. Angle : 8 ft : 8 ft : 24 in : 0 in : 0 deg eX eZ pX pZ : 0 in : 0 in : 12 in : 12 in Footing Top Bar Cover : 1.5 in Footing Bottom Bar Cover : 1.5 in Pedestal Longitudinal Bar Cover : 1.5 in Gross Allow. Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete f'c Design Code : 2 ksf (gross) : .145 k/ft^3 : 3 ksi : ACI 318-14 Overturning / Sliding SF Coefficient of Friction Passive Resistance of Soil Steel fy : 60 ksi Minimum Steel : .0018 Maximum Steel : .0075 :1 : 0.3 :0 k Phi for Flexure : 0.9 Phi for Shear : 0.75 Phi for Bearing : 0.65 Loads DL LLS P (k) 35.332 56.588 +P Vx (k) Vz (k) +Vx A Mx (k-ft) Mz (k-ft) +Mx +Mz +Vz D D C D C A Overburden (ksf) 0 +Over D Soil Bearing Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Gross Allow.(ksf) Max Bearing (ksf) 2 .842 (A) Max/Allowable Ratio .421 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 2 CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 A B D C 75 of 244 July 3, 2018 Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 Checked By:_____ 1DL+1LL+1HL QA: .842 ksf QB: .842 ksf QC: .842 ksf QD: .842 ksf NAZ: -1 in NAX: -1 in RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 3 76 of 244 CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 3, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 Footing Flexure Design (Bottom Bars) As-min x-dir (Top Flexure): As-min z-dir (Top Flexure): As-min x-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min z-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min x-dir (T & S) : 4.147 in^2 As-min z-dir (T & S) : 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 Description Categories and Factors Strength 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL IBC 16-1 1.4DL IBC 16-2 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-3 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (e.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. 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Mu-xx UC Max .07867 .09178 .24666 .24666 .24666 .18367 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .18367 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .18367 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .18367 .18367 .18367 RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Mu-xx (k-ft) 32.46 37.87 101.78 101.78 101.78 75.79 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 75.79 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 75.79 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 75.79 75.79 75.79 z-Dir As z-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) .33 4.295 .386 4.295 1.04 4.295 1.04 4.295 1.04 4.295 .773 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .773 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .773 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .773 4.295 .773 4.295 .773 4.295 Mu-zz UC Max .07867 .09178 .24666 .24666 .24666 .18367 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .18367 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .18367 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .07867 .18367 .18367 .18367 Mu-zz (k-ft) 32.46 37.87 101.78 101.78 101.78 75.79 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 75.79 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 75.79 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 32.46 75.79 75.79 75.79 x-Dir As x-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) .33 4.295 .386 4.295 1.04 4.295 1.04 4.295 1.04 4.295 .773 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .773 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .773 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .33 4.295 .773 4.295 .773 4.295 .773 4.295 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 4 CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 IBC 16-4 (a.. 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IBC 16-7 (b.. .9DL+1WLX+.9HL .9DL+1WLXP1+.9H.. .9DL+1WLXP2+.9H.. .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL .9DL+1WLZP1+.9H.. .9DL+1WLZP2+.9H.. .9DL-1WLX+.9HL .9DL-1WLXP1+.9H.. .9DL-1WLXP2+.9H.. .9DL-1WLZ+.9HL .9DL-1WLZP1+.9H.. .9DL-1WLZP2+.9H.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLXP1+1.6H.. .9DL+1WLXP2+1.6H.. .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZP1+1.6H.. .9DL+1WLZP2+1.6H.. .9DL-1WLX+1.6HL .9DL-1WLXP1+1.6H.. .9DL-1WLXP2+1.6H.. .9DL-1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZP1+1.6H.. .9DL-1WLZP2+1.6H.. .9DL+1ELX+.9HL .9DL+1ELX+Z+.9H.. .9DL+1ELX-Z+.9H.. .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+X+.9H.. .9DL+1ELZ-X+.9H.. .9DL-1ELX+.9HL .9DL-1ELX+Z+.9H.. .9DL-1ELX-Z+.9H.. .9DL-1ELZ+.9HL .9DL-1ELZ+X+.9H.. .9DL-1ELZ-X+.9H.. July 3, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 .059 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 24.35 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 .248 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 4.295 Footing Flexure Design (Top Bars) 2 2 Description Categories and Factors Mu-xx (k-ft) z Dir As (in ) Mu-zz (k-ft) x Dir As (in ) SW+OB 1SW+1OB-(Service,Service) 0 0 0 0 Moment Capacity of Plain Concrete Section Along xx and zz= 106.039k-ft,106.039k-ft Per Chapter 22 of ACI 318. RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 6 CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 79 of 244 July 3, 2018 Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 Checked By:_____ Footing Shear Check Two Way (Punching) Vc: 649.394 k Description Strength IBC 16-1 IBC 16-2 (a) IBC 16-2 (b) IBC 16-2 (c) IBC 16-3 (a) IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (c) IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (e) IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. 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Cut) Vc 230.043 k Categories and Factors 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL 1.4DL 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5L.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5LL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLXP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLXP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZP2+.5LL+1LLS.. RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Punching Vu(k) Vu/ Vc 37.119 .076 43.305 .089 116.386 .239 116.386 .239 116.386 .239 86.661 .178 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 86.661 .178 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 86.661 .178 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 37.119 .076 86.661 .178 86.661 .178 86.661 .178 86.661 .178 86.661 .178 86.661 .178 One Way (z Dir. Cut) Vc: x Dir. Cut Vu(k) Vu/ Vc 8.888 .052 10.369 .06 27.869 .162 27.869 .162 27.869 .162 20.751 .12 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 20.751 .12 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 20.751 .12 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 8.888 .052 20.751 .12 20.751 .12 20.751 .12 20.751 .12 20.751 .12 20.751 .12 230.043 k z Dir. 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July 3, 2018 .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL .9DL+1WLZP1+.9HL .9DL+1WLZP2+.9HL .9DL-1WLX+.9HL .9DL-1WLXP1+.9HL .9DL-1WLXP2+.9HL .9DL-1WLZ+.9HL .9DL-1WLZP1+.9HL .9DL-1WLZP2+.9HL .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLXP1+1.6HL .9DL+1WLXP2+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZP1+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZP2+1.6HL .9DL-1WLX+1.6HL .9DL-1WLXP1+1.6HL .9DL-1WLXP2+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZP1+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZP2+1.6HL .9DL+1ELX+.9HL .9DL+1ELX+Z+.9HL .9DL+1ELX-Z+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+X+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ-X+.9HL .9DL-1ELX+.9HL .9DL-1ELX+Z+.9HL .9DL-1ELX-Z+.9HL .9DL-1ELZ+.9HL .9DL-1ELZ+X+.9HL .9DL-1ELZ-X+.9HL RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 27.839 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 .057 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 6.666 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 .039 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 9 Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 CENTER FOOTING 82 of 244 July 3, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 Concrete Bearing Check (Vertical Loads Only) Bearing Bc : 734.4 k Description Strength IBC 16-1 IBC 16-2 (a) IBC 16-2 (b) IBC 16-2 (c) IBC 16-3 (a) IBC 16-3 (b) .. 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Categories and Factors 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL 1.4DL 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5L.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL-.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5LL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL-.5WL.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLXP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLXP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Bearing Bu (k) 42.398 49.464 132.938 132.938 132.938 98.986 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 98.986 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 98.986 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 42.398 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 Bearing Bu/ Bc .089 .104 .278 .278 .278 .207 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .207 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .207 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .089 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 10 CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. 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July 3, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 1.2DL-1WLXP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLXP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL-1WLZP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLZP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLXP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLXP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL-1WLXP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLXP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL-1WLZP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLZP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLXP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLXP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1WLZP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL-1WLXP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLXP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL-1WLZP1+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1WLZP2+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1ELX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELX+Z+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1ELX-Z+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+X+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL+1ELZ-X+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1ELX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL-1ELX+Z+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1ELX-Z+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1ELZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL-1ELZ+X+.5LL+1LLS.. 1.2DL-1ELZ-X+.5LL+1LLS.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLXP1+1.6HL .9DL+1WLXP2+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZP1+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZP2+1.6HL .9DL-1WLX+1.6HL .9DL-1WLXP1+1.6HL .9DL-1WLXP2+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZP1+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZP2+1.6HL .9DL+1WLX+.9HL .9DL+1WLXP1+.9HL .9DL+1WLXP2+.9HL .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 83 of 244 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 98.986 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .207 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 11 CENTER FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. 84 of 244 July 3, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - FLR_2_N44 .9DL+1WLZP1+.9HL .9DL+1WLZP2+.9HL .9DL-1WLX+.9HL .9DL-1WLXP1+.9HL .9DL-1WLXP2+.9HL .9DL-1WLZ+.9HL .9DL-1WLZP1+.9HL .9DL-1WLZP2+.9HL .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLXP1+1.6HL .9DL+1WLXP2+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZP1+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZP2+1.6HL .9DL-1WLX+1.6HL .9DL-1WLXP1+1.6HL .9DL-1WLXP2+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZP1+1.6HL .9DL-1WLZP2+1.6HL .9DL+1ELX+.9HL .9DL+1ELX+Z+.9HL .9DL+1ELX-Z+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+X+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ-X+.9HL .9DL-1ELX+.9HL .9DL-1ELX+Z+.9HL .9DL-1ELX-Z+.9HL .9DL-1ELZ+.9HL .9DL-1ELZ+X+.9HL .9DL-1ELZ-X+.9HL 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 31.798 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 .067 Overturning Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Mo-xx (k-ft) 0 Ms-xx (k-ft) 215.566 Mo-zz (k-ft) 0 Ms-zz (k-ft) 215.566 Vr-xx (k) 16.167 Va-zz (k) 0 Vr-zz (k) 16.167 OSF-xx OSF-zz NA NA Mo-xx: Governing Overturning Moment about AD or BC Ms-xx: Governing Stablizing Moment about AD or BC OSF-xx: Ratio of Ms-xx to Mo-xx Sliding Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Va-xx (k) 0 SR-xx NA SR-zz NA Va-xx: Applied Lateral Force to Cause Sliding Along xx Axis Vr-xx: Resisting Lateral Force Against Sliding Along xx Axis SR-xx: Ratio of Vr-xx to Va-xx RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 12 85 of 244 EXTERIOR WALL FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 3, 2018 Checked By: JAL Wall Footing : WF4 Sketch 1.5 in 16 in 3 in #5 @ 18in oc 2.8 ft 2.8 ft 2.8 ft #5 @ 18in oc .8 ft .8 ft #5 @ 15in oc 3 in 18 in #5 @ 18in oc #5 @ 18in oc #5 @ 18in oc 3 in RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 1 EXTERIOR WALL FOOTING 86 of 244 Loading Diagram 2.65 k/ft .02 k/ft .34 ksf .34 ksf 1.42 ksf 1.53 ksf RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 2 EXTERIOR WALL FOOTING 87 of 244 Geometry, Materials and Criteria Start Point End Point : R3D_N98 : R3D_N100 Design Code Wall Material : ACI 318-14 : Concrete Wall Length Wall Height Wall Thickness Wall Int Cover Wall Ext Cover : : : : : 52 ft 2.833 ft 16 in 3 in 1.5 in Foot Toe Len. Foot Heel Len. Foot Thickness Foot Top Cover Foot Bot Cover : : : : : .833 ft .833 ft 18 in 3 in 3 in Wall Weight Wall Conc f'c Wall Steel fy Foot Weight Foot Conc f'c Foot Steel fy Soil Height : : : : : : : .145 k/ft^3 3 ksi 60 ksi .145 k/ft^3 3 ksi 60 ksi 2.833 ft Wall Ext Bar Wall Int Bar Wall Horz Bar Wall Bar Location Wall Outer Bar : : : : : #5@18 in #5@18 in #5@18 in Each Face Vertical Foot Top Bar Foot Bot Bar Foot Long Bar Foot bar Location : : : : #5@18 in #5@18 in #5@15 in Each Face Wall Design LC 1 DIAGRAMS Min: 2.778 at 2.833 ft k/ft k/ft Min: -.101 at 0 ft k-ft/ft ACI 318-14 Code Check AXIAL/BENDING DETAILS UC Max Int(+z) : .018 Location : 0 ft Gov Pu Int(+z) phi *Pn Int(+z) : 0 k/ft : 0 k/ft Gov Mu Int(+z) phi *Mn Int(+z) : -.227 k-ft/ft : 12.721 k-ft/ft phi eff. Int(+z) Gov LC Int(+z) : .9 : 84 UC Max Ext(-z) : .021 Location : 0 ft Gov Pu Ext(-z) phi *Pn Ext(-z) : 5.728 k/ft : 266.93 k/ft Gov Mu Ext(-z) : .049 k-ft/ft phi *Mn Ext(-z) : 3.835 k-ft/ft P Max: 3.325 at 0 ft V Max: .036 at 1.417 ft RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 M Max: 0 at 2.833 ft phi eff. Ext(-z) Gov LC Ext(-z) : .65 :4 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 3 EXTERIOR WALL FOOTING RESULTS FOR FULL WALL As Provided(H) : 1.227 in^2 (4 #5) Rho Provided(H) : .0023 As min(H) : 1.088 in^2 Rho min(H) : .002 SHEAR DETAILS UC Max : .006 Location : 1.133 ft Gov Vu phi*Vn Gov LC : .08 k/ft : 12.509 k/ft : 141 UC Max Dowel A vf Dowel Bars : : : : 88 of 244 Int As Provided(V) : 10.738 in^2 (35 #5) Int rho Provided(V) : .0011 .004 1 .409 in^2/ft #5@18in Int #5@18inExt Ext As Provided(V) : 10.738 in^2 (35 #5) Ext rho Provided(V) : .0011 ENVELOPED WALL FORCES (NOT USED FOR DESIGN) M in Plane : 91.237 k-ft (LCV: in Plane : 32.202 k (LC : 140) 140) As min(V) rho min(V) : 11.981 in^2 : .0012 Footing Design As-min z-dir (Top Flexure): .389 in^2/ft As-min z-dir (Bot Flexure) : .389 in^2/ft z-dir (T & S) : .389 in^2/ft x-dir Long. (T & S) : 1.166 in^2 Bottom Bar Design (Toe) : Shear (Toe) Mu UC Gov Mu Max Mu Phi*Mn Max LC (k-ft/ft) (k-ft/ft) .045 4 .598 13.334 As Req'd (in^2/ft) .009 As Prov'd (in^2/ft) .205 Vu UC Max 0 Gov Vu LC 4 Vu (k/ft) 0 Phi*Vn (k/ft) 14.48 Top Bar Design (Toe) : Shear (Heel) Mu UC Gov Mu Max Mu Phi*Mn Max LC (k-ft/ft) (k-ft/ft) 0 NC 0 13.334 As Req'd (in^2/ft) 0 As Prov'd (in^2/ft) .205 Vu UC Max 0 Gov Vu LC 4 Vu (k/ft) 0 Phi*Vn (k/ft) 14.48 Overturning Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Moverturn (k-ft/ft) .155 Mresist (k-ft/ft) 6.817 SF 44.09 SF Min 1 SF Min/SF .023 Vsliding (k/ft) .018 Vresist (k/ft) 1.326 SF 72.234 SF Min 1 SF Min/SF .014 Sliding Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Soil Bearing Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Max Bearing (ksf) 1.526 Bearing Allowed (ksf) 2 Bearing UC .763 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 4 89 of 244 INTERIOR WALL FOOTING Company : Mead & Hunt, Inc Designer : GFR Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 3, 2018 Checked By: JAL Wall Footing : WF15 Sketch .8 ft .8 ft 16oc in #5 @ 15in 3 in 18 in 3 in 1.5 in #5 @ 18in oc #5 @ 18in oc 3 in RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 1 INTERIOR WALL FOOTING 90 of 244 Loading Diagram 2.71 k/ft .01 k/ft 1.13 ksf 1.11 ksf Geometry, Materials and Criteria Start Point End Point : R3D_N74 : R3D_N94 Design Code Wall Material : ACI 318-14 : Concrete Wall Length Wall Height Wall Thickness Wall Int Cover Wall Ext Cover : : : : : 60.667 ft 0 ft 16 in 3 in 1.5 in Foot Toe Len. Foot Heel Len. Foot Thickness Foot Top Cover Foot Bot Cover : : : : : .833 ft .833 ft 18 in 3 in 3 in Wall Weight Wall Conc f'c Wall Steel fy Foot Weight Foot Conc f'c Foot Steel fy Soil Height : : : : : : : RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 .145 k/ft^3 3 ksi 60 ksi .145 k/ft^3 3 ksi 60 ksi 0 ft Wall Ext Bar Wall Int Bar Wall Horz Bar Wall Bar Location Wall Outer Bar : : : : : #5@18 in #5@18 in #5@0 in Each Face Vertical Foot Top Bar Foot Bot Bar Foot Long Bar Foot bar Location : : : : #5@18 in #5@18 in #5@15 in Each Face [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 2 INTERIOR WALL FOOTING 91 of 244 Footing Design As-min z-dir (Top Flexure): .389 in^2/ft As-min z-dir (Bot Flexure) : .389 in^2/ft z-dir (T & S) : .389 in^2/ft x-dir Long. (T & S) : 1.166 in^2 Bottom Bar Design (Heel) : Shear (Toe) Mu UC Gov Mu Max Mu Phi*Mn Max LC (k-ft/ft) (k-ft/ft) .04 4 .533 13.334 As Req'd (in^2/ft) .008 As Prov'd (in^2/ft) .205 Vu UC Max 0 Gov Vu LC 4 Vu (k/ft) 0 Phi*Vn (k/ft) 14.48 Top Bar Design (Toe) : Shear (Heel) Mu UC Gov Mu Max Mu Phi*Mn Max LC (k-ft/ft) (k-ft/ft) 0 NC 0 13.334 As Req'd (in^2/ft) 0 As Prov'd (in^2/ft) .205 Vu UC Max 0 Gov Vu LC 4 Vu (k/ft) 0 Phi*Vn (k/ft) 14.48 Overturning Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Moverturn (k-ft/ft) .028 Mresist (k-ft/ft) 5.489 SF 194.368 SF Min 1 SF Min/SF .005 Vsliding (k/ft) .012 Vresist (k/ft) 1.009 SF 83.531 SF Min 1 SF Min/SF .012 Sliding Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Soil Bearing Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Max Bearing (ksf) 1.134 Bearing Allowed (ksf) 2 Bearing UC .567 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar.rfl] Page 3 92 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 3:57 P M Checked B y: JAL (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Mesh S ize (in) Max Iterations Merge Tolerance (in) S olver C oefficient of F riction 5 100 24 10 .12 S parse Acc elerated .3 No. of S hear Regions S hear Region S pacing Increment (in) Min 1 Bar Dia S pacing for Beams? O ptimize footings for OTM / S liding? P arme Beta Factor P ile S afety F actor C oncrete S tress Block C oncrete R ebar S et C oncrete C ode HR S teel P ile C ode Wood P ile Code 4 4 No No .65 3 R ectangular AS TM A615 AC I 318-14 AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD AWC NDS -12: AS D Load C ategories 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Category P oint L oads DL SL R LL LLS E LX E LZ WLX WLZ WLXP 1 WLXP 2 WLZP 1 WLZP 2 E LX+Z E LX-Z E LZ+X E LZ-X WLZ+R WLZ-R 963 524 850 747 836 841 802 776 797 799 757 763 834 837 842 842 697 709 Line L oads Area L oads Load C ombinations Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... S ervice Yes S trength Yes IBC 16-1 Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes Yes R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 LL 1 HL 1 LL 1.6 HL 1.6 LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 HL HL HL LL 1.6 1.6 1.6 .5 RL L .5 S L .5 S LN .5 R L .5 LL S 1 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG C orrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl]P age 1 93 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 3:57 P M Checked B y: JAL Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Label IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z -.5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z -.5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z -.5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... -.5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG C orrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl]P age 2 94 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 3:57 P M Checked B y: JAL Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 Label IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 E LX 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LZ 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LX -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LZ -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E L... -1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... -1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... -1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... -1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z -1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... -1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... -1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 [\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Kingsley ANG C orrosion C ontrol Hangar.rfl]P age 3 95 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt, Inc G FR 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley ANG C orrosion Control Hangar July 3, 2018 3:57 P M Checked B y: JAL Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 Label IBC 16-... 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Default 86.4 2 None Yes Wall Footing C ode C hec k Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 WF 1 WF 2 WF 3 WF 4 WF 5 WF 6 WF 7 WF 8 WF 9 WF 10 WF 11 WF 12 WF 13 WF 14 Top Flex...Top Flex...B ot Flex ...B ot Flex ...Heel She... Heel She... 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SMOOTH SURFACE 9-3/4" x 30" SERRATED SURFACE 9-3/4" x 36" SMOOTH SURFACE 9-3/4" x 36" SERRATED SURFACE 10-15/16" x 30" SMOOTH SURFACE 10-15/16" x 30" SERRATED SURFACE 10-15/16" x 36" SMOOTH SURFACE 10-15/16" x 36" SERRATED SURFACE 12-1/8" x 36" SMOOTH SURFACE 12-1/8" x 48" SERRATED SURFACE 12-1/8" x 36" SMOOTH SURFACE 12-1/8" x 36" SMOOTH SURFACE 9-1/2" x 30" SERRATED SURFACE (14 GAUGE) 9-1/2" x 30" SERRATED SURFACE (12 GAUGE) 10" x 36" SERRATED SURFACE (1-1/2" DEPTH) 10" x 36" SERRATED SURFACE (2" DEPTH) 10-1/2" x 120" STAIR TREAD PLANK 7" x 144" EXTRUDED STAIR TREAD PLANK 9" x 144" EXTRUDED STAIR TREAD PLANK 12-1/8" x 30" HD EXTRUDED STAIR TREAD 9" x 144" STAIR TREAD COVER PANEL 10" x 144" STAIR TREAD COVER PANEL 22-1/2" x 120" STAIR TREAD PANEL 22-1/2" x 120" STAIR TREAD PANEL 11" x 144" STAIR TREAD PANEL 11" x 144" STAIR TREAD PANEL PRODUCT WEIGHT UNIT OF MEASURE 19.9 19.2 23.2 22.1 21.3 25.9 24.9 31.0 29.7 22.9 22.0 26.9 25.9 25.6 24.6 30.1 28.9 33.2 47.5 35.4 10.4 9.7 13.2 13.0 13.5 4.6 1.7 2.6 10.7 1.1 1.2 3.2 3.2 1.6 1.6 EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH EACH #/LF #/LF #/LF EACH #/LF #/LF #/SF #/SF #/SF #/SF Superior Service, Quality and Performance ... That’s The Hole Story®! 800.237.3820 sales@mcnichols.com mcnichols.com 101 of 244 20 140 BAR GRATING 102 244 W of ELDED GW & GW-2 SERIES | 19-W-4 & 19-W-2 (1-3/16" ON CENTER) SPACING | RECTANGULAR BAR SERIES TYPE & NAME #/SF BB HEIGHT & THICKNESS 19-W-4 19-W-2 LOAD GW-75-A 3/4" x 1/8" 4.1 5.0 GW-75 3/4" x 3/16" 5.8 6.7 GW-100-A 1" x 1/8" 5.2 6.1 GW-100 1" x 3/16" 7.5 8.4 GW-125-A 1-1/4" x 1/8" 6.3 7.2 GW-125 1-1/4" x 3/16" 9.1 10.0 GW-150-A 1-1/2" x 1/8" 7.4 8.3 GW-150 1-1/2" x 3/16" 10.8 11.7 GW-175 1-3/4" x 3/16" 12.5 13.4 GW-200 2" x 3/16" 14.1 15.0 GW-225 2-1/4" x 3/16" 15.8 16.7 GW-250 2-1/2" x 3/16" 17.4 18.3 U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D U D C D CARBON & GALVANIZED STEEL LOAD TABLE CLEAR SPAN 12" 18" 24" 30" 36" 42" 48" 54" 60" 66" 72" 78" 84" 90" 96" 102" 108" 114" 120" 1421 0.025 710 0.020 2131 0.025 1066 0.020 2526 0.019 1263 0.015 3790 0.019 1895 0.015 3947 0.015 1973 0.012 5921 0.015 2960 0.012 5684 0.012 2842 0.010 8526 0.012 4263 0.010 11605 0.011 5803 0.009 15158 0.009 7579 0.007 19184 0.008 9592 0.007 23684 0.007 11842 0.006 631 0.056 474 0.045 947 0.056 710 0.045 1123 0.042 842 0.034 1684 0.042 1263 0.034 1754 0.034 1316 0.027 2631 0.034 1974 0.027 2526 0.028 1895 0.022 3789 0.028 2842 0.022 5158 0.024 3868 0.019 6737 0.021 5053 0.017 8526 0.019 6395 0.015 10526 0.017 7895 0.013 355 0.099 355 0.079 533 0.099 533 0.079 632 0.075 632 0.060 947 0.074 947 0.060 987 0.060 987 0.048 1480 0.060 1480 0.048 1421 0.050 1421 0.040 2132 0.050 2132 0.040 2901 0.043 2901 0.034 3790 0.037 3790 0.030 4796 0.033 4796 0.026 5921 0.030 5921 0.024 227 0.155 284 0.124 341 0.155 426 0.124 404 0.116 505 0.093 606 0.116 758 0.093 631 0.093 789 0.074 947 0.093 1184 0.074 910 0.078 1137 0.062 1364 0.078 1705 0.062 1857 0.067 2321 0.053 2425 0.058 3032 0.047 3070 0.052 3837 0.041 3790 0.047 4737 0.037 158 0.224 237 0.179 237 0.224 355 0.179 281 0.168 421 0.134 421 0.168 632 0.134 439 0.134 658 0.107 658 0.134 987 0.107 632 0.112 947 0.089 947 0.112 1421 0.089 1289 0.096 1934 0.077 1684 0.084 2526 0.067 2132 0.074 3197 0.060 2632 0.067 3947 0.054 116 0.304 203 0.243 174 0.304 304 0.243 206 0.228 361 0.182 309 0.228 541 0.182 322 0.182 564 0.146 483 0.182 846 0.146 464 0.152 812 0.122 696 0.152 1218 0.122 947 0.130 1658 0.104 1237 0.114 2165 0.091 1566 0.101 2741 0.081 1933 0.091 3383 0.073 89 0.398 178 0.319 133 0.397 266 0.317 158 0.298 316 0.238 237 0.298 474 0.238 247 0.239 493 0.191 370 0.238 740 0.191 355 0.198 711 0.159 533 0.199 1066 0.159 725 0.170 1451 0.136 947 0.149 1895 0.119 1199 0.132 2398 0.106 1480 0.119 2961 0.095 70 0.502 158 0.403 105 0.502 237 0.403 125 0.378 281 0.302 187 0.377 421 0.302 195 0.302 439 0.242 292 0.301 658 0.241 281 0.252 632 0.201 421 0.251 947 0.201 573 0.215 1289 0.172 749 0.189 1684 0.151 947 0.168 2132 0.134 1170 0.151 2632 0.121 57 0.623 142 0.496 85 0.619 213 0.496 101 0.465 253 0.373 152 0.467 379 0.372 158 0.373 395 0.298 237 0.373 592 0.298 227 0.310 568 0.248 341 0.310 853 0.248 464 0.266 1161 0.213 606 0.233 1516 0.186 767 0.207 1918 0.165 947 0.186 2368 0.149 47 0.752 129 0.600 70 0.746 194 0.602 84 0.566 230 0.451 125 0.562 345 0.451 130 0.449 359 0.361 196 0.451 538 0.360 188 0.376 517 0.301 282 0.376 775 0.300 384 0.322 1055 0.257 501 0.282 1378 0.225 634 0.250 1744 0.200 783 0.225 2153 0.180 39 0.883 118 0.713 59 0.891 178 0.717 70 0.668 211 0.537 105 0.669 316 0.537 110 0.538 329 0.429 164 0.535 493 0.429 158 0.447 474 0.358 237 0.447 711 0.358 322 0.383 967 0.306 421 0.335 1263 0.268 533 0.298 1599 0.238 658 0.268 1974 0.215 34 1.061 109 0.837 50 1.040 164 0.839 60 0.789 194 0.628 90 0.789 292 0.630 93 0.626 304 0.504 140 0.629 455 0.503 135 0.526 437 0.419 202 0.525 656 0.420 275 0.450 893 0.360 359 0.394 1166 0.315 454 0.350 1476 0.280 561 0.315 1822 0.252 29 1.217 101 0.969 43 1.203 152 0.972 52 0.920 180 0.728 77 0.908 271 0.731 81 0.734 282 0.584 121 0.731 423 0.584 116 0.608 406 0.487 174 0.608 609 0.487 237 0.522 829 0.417 309 0.456 1083 0.365 392 0.406 1370 0.324 483 0.365 1692 0.292 25 1.382 95 1.121 38 1.401 142 1.117 45 1.049 168 0.836 67 1.042 253 0.839 70 0.836 263 0.670 105 0.836 395 0.671 101 0.698 379 0.559 152 0.700 568 0.558 206 0.598 774 0.479 269 0.523 1011 0.419 341 0.465 1279 0.372 421 0.419 1579 0.335 22 1.575 89 1.274 33 1.575 133 1.269 39 1.177 158 0.954 59 1.187 237 0.954 62 0.958 247 0.764 93 0.958 370 0.763 89 0.796 355 0.635 133 0.793 533 0.636 181 0.680 725 0.545 237 0.596 947 0.476 300 0.530 1199 0.424 370 0.477 1480 0.381 20 1.824 84 1.442 29 1.764 125 1.431 35 1.346 149 1.079 52 1.334 223 1.077 55 1.083 232 0.860 82 1.077 348 0.860 79 0.901 334 0.717 118 0.897 502 0.718 161 0.771 683 0.615 210 0.673 892 0.538 266 0.599 1128 0.478 328 0.538 1393 0.430 18 2.064 79 1.610 26 1.987 118 1.603 31 1.499 140 1.203 47 1.515 211 1.209 49 1.213 219 0.964 73 1.205 329 0.965 70 1.003 316 0.805 105 1.003 474 0.805 143 0.860 645 0.690 187 0.754 842 0.603 237 0.671 1066 0.536 292 0.602 1316 0.483 16 2.277 75 1.798 24 2.277 112 1.790 28 1.680 133 1.344 42 1.681 199 1.341 44 1.352 208 1.077 66 1.352 312 1.077 63 1.121 299 0.896 94 1.115 449 0.897 129 0.963 611 0.768 168 0.840 798 0.672 213 0.748 1010 0.598 262 0.671 1247 0.538 14 2.446 71 1.985 21 2.446 107 1.994 25 1.842 126 1.485 38 1.867 189 1.486 39 1.472 197 1.189 59 1.484 296 1.191 57 1.245 284 0.992 85 1.238 426 0.992 116 1.064 580 0.851 152 0.934 758 0.745 192 0.828 959 0.662 237 0.745 1184 0.596 U - Uniform Load - Lbs. per Square Foot ■■ D - Deflection - in Inches Spans and loading values to the left of the bolded black line produce a deflection of 1/4" or less under a uniform load of 100 lbs. per square foot, allowing for safe pedestrian comfort. Span and loading values to the right of the bolded black line are applicable to other types of loads at the discretion of a licensed engineer. ■■ C - Concentrated Load - Lbs. per Square Foot of Width at Mid Span For Grating with a serrated surface (1" bearing bar height or taller), subtract 1/4" from the bearing bar height requirement and reference that loading information listed in the table. For example, a 1-1/2" x 3/16" serrated bearing bar height and thickness would have the same strength and loading values as a 1-1/4" x 3/16" smooth (non-serrated) bearing bar height and thickness. ■■ Loading and deflection values are theoretical and based on a maximum allowable fiber stress of 18,000 PSI, E = 29,000,000 PSI. ■■ Technical information provided is theoretical and for evaluation by technically skilled persons only, with any use thereof to be at their independent discretion and risk. McNICHOLS shall have no responsibility or liability for results obtained or damages resulting from improper evaluation or use of Grating. Superior Service, Quality and Performance ... That’s The Hole Story®! 800.237.3820 sales@mcnichols.com mcnichols.com 103 of 244 Y Z X N6 6 M1 M4 N10 N5 M1 0 5A M1 M3 N11 N8 M9 M6 N4 M8 M7 N2 N7 M13 N17 1 M1 N9 N15 1 M M1 4 2 M 2 M1 N16 N14 M15 N1 N3 Envelope Only Solution Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 1 Exterior Stairs Member Labels June 27, 2018 at 8:17 AM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 104 of 244 Y Z X N6 x4 x4 S6 S H N10 x4 x4 S6 S H HS S8 x3 x5 HS S1 2x 3x 5 N5 x5 x3 12 S HS N11 HS S1 2x 3x 5 x5 x3 N4 12 S HS N7 x4 x4 S6 S H N2 HSS6x6x8 N8 4 L3x3x N17 x4 x3 L3 N9 S1 HS N15 x3 S1 HS x4 5 3x 2x L3 5 3x 2x x4 x3 L3 N16 N14 4 L3x3x N1 N3 Envelope Only Solution Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 Exterior Stairs Member Shapes June 29, 2018 at 1:24 PM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 105 of 244 Y Z X N6 -.02ksf N10 N5 N11 N2 N8 N4 N7 N17 N9 N15 N16 N14 -.026k/ft N1 -.026k/ft N3 Loads: BLC 1, Dead Load Envelope Only Solution Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 Exterior Stairs Dead Load June 27, 2018 at 8:18 AM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 106 of 244 Y Z X -.1ksf N6 -.1ksf N10 N5 N11 N2 N8 N4 N7 N17 N9 N15 N16 N14 -.2k/ft N1 -.2k/ft N3 Loads: BLC 2, Live Load Envelope Only Solution Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 4 Exterior Stairs Live Load June 29, 2018 at 1:22 PM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 107 of 244 Y Z X -.02ksf N6 -.02ksf N10 N5 N11 N2 N8 N4 N7 N17 N9 N15 N16 N14 -.04k/ft N1 -.04k/ft N3 Loads: BLC 7, Snow Load Envelope Only Solution Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 5 Exterior Stairs Snow Load June 29, 2018 at 1:23 PM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 108 of 244 Code Check ( Env ) Y Z No Calc > 1.0 .90-1.0 .75-.90 .50-.75 0.-.50 X N6 .68 .09 N10 N5 .27 .69 .33 N11 N8 .04 .38 N4 .41 .17 N2 N7 .03 N17 .01 N9 N15 3 .2 .06 3 .2 .01 N16 N14 .14 N1 N3 Member Code Checks Displayed (Enveloped) Envelope Only Solution Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 6 Exterior Stairs Unity Check (Bending) June 29, 2018 at 1:24 PM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 109 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : K ingsley Corros ion Control Hangar FL B 3142200-121252.01 E xterior S tairs June 29, 2018 1:25 P M Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Include S hear Deformation? Increase Nailing C apacity for Wind? Include W arping? Trans Load Btwn Intersecting Wood Wall? Area Load Mesh (in^2) Merge Tolerance (in) P -Delta Analysis Tolerance Include P -Delta for Walls? Automatically Iterate S tiffness for Walls? Max Iterations for Wall S tiffness G ravity Acceleration (ft/sec^2) Wall Mesh S ize (in) E igensolution C onvergence Tol. (1.E -) Vertical Axis G lobal Member Orientation P lane S tatic S olver Dynamic S olver 5 97 Yes Yes Yes Yes 144 .12 0.50% Yes Yes 3 32.2 24 4 Y XZ S parse Acc elerated Accelerated S olver Hot R olled S teel C ode Adjust S tiffness? R IS AC onnection Code C old F ormed S teel C ode Wood Code Wood Temperature C oncrete C ode Masonry C ode Aluminum C ode AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD Yes(Iterative) AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D AIS I S 100-12: AS D AWC NDS -15: AS D < 100F AC I 318-14 AC I 530-13: AS D AA ADM 1-10: A S D - Building AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D Number of S hear R egions R egion S pacing Increment (in) Biaxial C olumn Method P arme Beta Factor (P CA) C oncrete S tress Block Use Cracked S ections? Use Cracked S ections S lab? Bad Framing Warnings? Unused F orce Warnings? Min 1 Bar Diam. S pacing? C oncrete R ebar S et Min % S teel for C olumn Max % S teel for C olumn 4 4 E xact Integration .65 R ectangular Yes Yes No Yes No R E BAR _S E T_AS TMA615 1 8 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\E xterior S tairs\working\E xterior S tairs_HS S rev1.r3d] P age 1 110 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : K ingsley Corros ion Control Hangar FL B 3142200-121252.01 E xterior S tairs June 29, 2018 1:25 P M Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings , C ontinued S eismic C ode S eismic Base E levation (ft) Add Base W eight? Ct X Ct Z T X (sec) T Z (sec) RX RZ C t E xp. X C t E xp. Z S D1 S DS S1 TL (sec) R isk C at Drift C at Om Z Om X Cd Z Cd X R ho Z R ho X AS C E 7-10 Not E ntered Yes .02 .02 Not E ntered Not E ntered 3 3 .75 .75 1 1 1 5 I or II O ther 1 1 1 1 1 1 F ooting Overturning S afety F actor O ptimize for OTM/S liding C heck Concrete Bearing F ooting C oncrete Weight (k/ft^3) F ooting C oncrete f'c (ksi) F ooting C oncrete E c (ksi) Lambda F ooting S teel fy (ksi) Minimum S teel Maximum S teel F ooting Top Bar F ooting Top Bar C over (in) F ooting Bottom Bar F ooting Bottom Bar C over (in) P edestal Bar P edestal Bar Cover (in) P edestal Ties 1 No No .145 43 3644 1 60 0.0018 0.0075 #6 1.5 #6 3 #6 1.5 #4 B as ic Load C ases 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B LC Description Category X GravityY GravityZ G ravity Dead Load Live Load DL LL E LX E LZ None None SL -1 S eismic Load, x S eismic Load, z B LC 1 Transient ... B LC 2 Transient ... S now Load R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 Joint P oint Distributed Area(M...S urface(Pla... 2 2 2 2 16 16 2 2 .134 .134 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\E xterior S tairs\working\E xterior S tairs_HS S rev1.r3d] P age 2 111 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : K ingsley Corros ion Control Hangar FL B 3142200-121252.01 E xterior S tairs June 29, 2018 1:25 P M Checked B y:_____ B as ic Load C ases (C ontinued) 8 B LC Description B LC 7 Transient ... Category X GravityY GravityZ G ravity Joint P oint None Distributed Area(M...S urface(Pla... 16 Load C ombinations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Des cription S o...P De...S R... Dead Load Y es Y Live Load Y es Y Deflection 3 Y es Y IB C 16-1 Y es Y IBC 16-2 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-2 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (c) Y es Y IBC 16-5 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-5 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-7 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-7 (b) Y es Y S now L oad Y S eismic Lo... Y S eismic Lo... Y B LC Fac... B LC DL LL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL SL 1 1 1 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 .9 .9 1 E LX 1 E LZ 1 Fac... B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac... LL 1 LL LL SL E LX E LZ E LX E LZ 1.6 LLS 1.6 1.6 LLS 1.6 S L .5 S LN 1.6 S LN 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 LL .5 LL S 1 S L 1 LL .5 LL S 1 S L 1 1 .5 1 .2 S LN .7 .2 S LN .7 Envelope J oint Reactions Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 N7 N8 N6 N3 N1 N9 N10 Totals: max min max min max min max min max min max min max min max min X [k ] LC Y [k ] LC Z [k] LC -.021 -.456 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 .299 -.019 0 0 0 -.382 11 8 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 10 1 1 11 8 8.66 1.226 -.025 -.603 -.295 -2.39 4.433 .551 4.497 .555 7.908 1.42 10.712 1.337 33.217 4.847 6 11 10 6 1 6 6 10 6 10 6 11 6 10 6 10 0 0 -.117 -1.134 .164 -.035 -.094 -.638 .011 -.012 2.052 .218 -.039 -.456 0 -.382 1 1 10 6 6 11 1 6 6 11 6 11 10 6 6 11 MX [k-ft] LC MY [k-ft] LC MZ [k-ft] 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 USED1TO DESIGN 0 STRINGER 1 0 ANCHORAGE 1 0 HILTI 1 IN 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 LC 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Envelope A ISC 14th(360-10): LR FD Steel C ode C hecks Member 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 M1 M2 M3 M4 M6 M7 M8 S hape HS S 12x3x5 HS S 12x3x5 HS S 12x3x5 HS S 12x3x5 HS S 12x3x5 HS S 12x3x5 HS S 6x6x8 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 Code Check .227 .235 .332 .091 .378 .167 .411 Loc[ft] 11.1... 12.7... 6.583 5.583 0 1.917 0 LC 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 S hear Check Loc[ft] Dir LC phi*P nc...phi*P nt...phi*Mn ...phi*Mn ... Cb 21.8... y 6 237.941 338.238 28.824 96.255 1.137 .024 14.5... z 6 237.941 338.238 28.824 96.255 1.14 .027 .097 0 z 6 252.022 338.238 28.824 96.255 1.907 .183 0 z 6 270.394 338.238 28.824 96.255 1.161 .348 0 z 6 270.394 338.238 28.824 96.255 1.58 .068 0 z 6 316.998 338.238 28.824 96.255 2.002 .019 0 z 6 310.272 403.236 68.31 68.31 1.667 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\E xterior S tairs\working\E xterior S tairs_HS S rev1.r3d] E qn H1-1b H1-1b H1-1b H1-1b H3-6 H1-1b H1-1b P age 3 112 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : K ingsley Corros ion Control Hangar FL B 3142200-121252.01 E xterior S tairs June 29, 2018 1:25 P M Checked B y:_____ Envelope A ISC 14th(360-10): LR FD Steel C ode C hecks (C ontinued) Member 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 M9 M10 M11 M12 M13 M14 M15 M15A M16 S hape HS S 6x4x4 HS S 8x3x5 L3x3x4 L3x3x4 L3x3x4 L3x3x4 L3x3x4 HS S 6x4x4 HS S 6x4x4 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 Code Check .038 .268 .011 .014 .035 .064 .142 .687 .680 Loc[ft] LC 2 0 2 2 4.162 4.162 4.248 0 0 6 6 6 6 4 6 6 6 6 S hear Check Loc[ft] Dir LC phi*P nc...phi*P nt...phi*Mn ...phi*Mn ... Cb E qn .067 4 y 6 167.646 178.02 22.252 29.428 1.107 H1-1b .213 0 z 6 198.192 242.19 23.598 47.955 1.693 H1-1b .007 .008 .057 .052 .057 .210 .287 0 0 0 z z z 8.323 z 0 z 7.58 y 0 y 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 32.733 32.733 11.16 11.16 11.16 46.656 46.656 46.656 46.656 46.656 143.494 178.02 162.562 178.02 1.688 1.688 1.688 1.688 1.688 22.252 22.252 3.537 1.136 3.537 1.136 2.975 1.136 2.975 1.136 2.975 1.136 29.428 1.615 29.428 2.475 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\E xterior S tairs\working\E xterior S tairs_HS S rev1.r3d] H2-1 H2-1 H2-1 H2-1 H2-1 H1-1b H3-6 P age 4 113 of 244 Z X .652k -.002k .647k .109k N4 N5 N9 N8 N7 N6 Loads: DL - Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 1 Exterior Stairs Dead Load June 28, 2018 at 7:50 AM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 114 of 244 Z X 2.196k -.006k 2.157k .333k N4 N5 N9 N8 N7 N6 Loads: LL - Live Load Results for LC 1, Service Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 Exterior Stairs Live Load June 28, 2018 at 7:50 AM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 115 of 244 Z X .437k .433k .061k N4 N9 N7 N5 N8 N6 Loads: SL - Snow Load Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 Exterior Stairs Snow Load June 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 116 of 244 Z Soil Pressure ksf .99 .88 .77 .66 .55 .44 .33 .22 .11 .001 0 X N4 N9 N7 N5 N8 N6 Results for LC 1, Service Kingsley Corrosion Contro... SK - 4 FLB Exterior Stairs June 29, 2018 at 1:27 PM 3142200-121252.01 Soil Pressure Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 117 of 244 Z X N4 N5 #6 ( T) @ 18 18in @in #6 (T) @ #6 #6 @ 14 in N9 in 18 (B) (B) N8 N7 N6 Results for LC 1, Service Kingsley Corrosion Contro... FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 5 Exterior Stairs Reinforcement in Footing June 28, 2018 at 7:54 AM Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d 118 of 244 Company Designer Job Number Model Name : : : : Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar FLB 3142200-121252.01 Exterior Stairs Cut: Material: Start: End: DS2-X26 Conc4000NW 3000NW (-1.5 , 18.6) ft (5.5 , 18.6) ft June 28, 2018 7:55 AM Checked By:_____ Max Top bar Spac.: Min Top bar Spac.: Max Bot bar Spac.: Min Bot bar Spac.: 18 in 6 in 18 in 6 in Stress Block: Rectangular Rebar Spacing Inc: Design Rule: 1 in Typical ACI 318-14 Code Check Top Bending Check Gov Mu Top phi*Mn Top Governing LC 0.000 0 k-ft 0 k-ft N/A Bot Bending Check Gov Mu Bot phi*Mn Bot Governing LC 0.012 -2.535 k-ft 219.879 k-ft 2 1 Way Shear Check Gov Vu phi*Vn Governing LC 0.020 2.588 k 128.499 k 2 Tension Bar Fy Shear Bar Fy F'c Flex. Rebar Set 60 ksi 60 ksi 43 ksi ASTM A615 Concrete Weight E_Concrete .145 k/ft^3 1 3644 ksi Top Cover Bottom Cover 1.5 in 1.5 in Top As Reqd: Analysis 4/3 Min Flex NA NA 2.722 in^2 Bot As Reqd: Analysis 4/3 Min Flex .035 in^2 NA 2.722 in^2 As Reqd(T/S) Rho Reqd(T/S) 2.72160 0.00180 Top As Prvd NA Bot As Prvd 3.093 in^2 Rho Prvd(Gross) 0.00205 Cross Section Detailing(All Bars Equally Spaced, Units: in) RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 1.9 #6@14 1.9 18 84 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\Exterior Stairs\working\Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d] Page 1 119 of 244 Pedestal: Shape: Material: Height: Location: N8 CRECT18X12 3000NW Conc4000NW 42 in (4 , 4) ft Tension Bar Fy: Shear Bar Fy: Pedestal Cover: Rebar Set: 60 ksi 60 ksi 1.5 in ASTM A615 Stress Block: Design Rule: Design Code: Rectangular Typical ACI 318-14 12 in 1.5 in 18 in 18 in 4#6 42 in #4@12 in Design Results Shear Check Results (Envelope) Along xx Vcx 23.717 k Along zz Vcz 21.915 k Shear Ties #4 @ 12 in Bending Check Results Unity Check .059 Pu 0k Pn 667.536 k Gov LC 2 Long. Bars 4 #6 Vsx 30.68 k Vsz 18.899 k Vux/ Vuz/ Vnx 0 Vnz .022 Gov LC NC Gov LC 2 .9 2.323 k-ft 44.035 k-ft NA .818 Parme Beta Muz Mnz Mnoz .65 0 k-ft NA NA Compression Development Length for Longitudinal Bars Lrequired Lprovided 14.23 in 14.25 in Lreq./Lpro. .999 Punching Shear Check Results Punching Shear Values Unity Check .014 Location CORNER Gov LC 2 Vuy Mux Muz 0k 2.82 k-ft 0 k-ft Total Stress vny .003 ksi .19 ksi Punching Shear Geometries Effective depth 16.125 in L1 along zz 32.063 in L2 along xx 29.063 in Polar Moment Ixx 1.571e+5 in^4 Polar Moment Izz 2.477e+5 in^4 Gamma xx Gamma zz .412 .461 RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Phi Mux Mnx Mnox % Steel Vux 0 k Vuz .664 k [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\Exterior Stairs\working\Exterior Stairs_HSS rev1.r3d] Page 1 120 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : K ingsley Corros ion Control Hangar FL B 3142200-121252.01 E xterior S tairs June 28, 2018 7:58 AM Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Mesh S ize (in) Max Iterations Merge Tolerance (in) S olver C oefficient of F riction 5 100 24 10 .12 S parse Acc elerated .3 No. of S hear Regions S hear Region S pacing Increment (in) Min 1 Bar Dia S pacing for Beams? O ptimize footings for OTM / S liding? P arme Beta Factor P ile S afety F actor C oncrete S tress Block C oncrete R ebar S et C oncrete C ode HR S teel P ile C ode Wood P ile Code 4 4 No No .65 3 R ectangular AS TM A615 AC I 318-14 AIS C 14th(360-10): LR FD AWC NDS -15: AS D Load C ombinations Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... S ervice Yes S trength Yes IBC 16-1 Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes Yes R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 .9 .9 LL 1 HL 1 LL 1.6 HL 1.6 LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S RL L 1.6 HL S L 1.6 S LN R L 1.6 HL E LX 1 LL E LZ 1 LL E LX 1 HL E LZ 1 HL 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 .5 .5 .9 .9 HL HL HL LL HL LL 1.6 1.6 1.6 .5 1.6 .5 LL S 1 LL S 1 RL L .5 S L .5 R L .5 LL S 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 HL 1.6 S LN .5 LL S 1 S L .2 S LN .7 S L .2 S LN .7 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\working\E xterior S tairs_HS S rev1.r3d] P age 1 121 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Mead & Hunt FLB | Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 1 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 3/4 (3 3/4) Effective embedment depth: hef,act = 3.750 in., hnom = 4.313 in. Material: Carbon Steel Evaluation Service Report: ESR-1917 Issued I Valid: 5/1/2017 | 5/1/2019 Proof: Design method ACI 318-14 / Mech. Stand-off installation: eb = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.500 in. Anchor plate: lx x ly x t = 4.000 in. x 4.000 in. x 0.500 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Profile: S shape (AISC); (L x W x T x FT) = 3.000 in. x 2.330 in. x 0.170 in. x 0.260 in. Base material: cracked concrete, 4000, 3000 fc' = 4,000 3000 psi; h = 24.000 in. Installation: hammer drilled hole, Installation condition: Dry Reinforcement: tension: condition B, shear: condition B; no supplemental splitting reinforcement present Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Tension load: yes ( (b)) Shear load: yes ( (a)) Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, in.lb] Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB | 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force 1 0 651 Shear force x 651 Shear force y 0 max. concrete compressive strain: 0.01 [‰] max. concrete compressive stress: 34 [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 552 [lb] Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 2 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 123 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: | 3 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 4 Shear load Load Vua [lb] 651 Capacity f Vn [lb] 7,634 Utilization bV = Vua/f Vn 9 Status OK Steel failure (with lever arm)* N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength** 651 10,931 6 OK Concrete edge failure in direction x+** 651 3,265 20 OK Steel Strength* * anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength Vsa,eq = ESR value f Vsteel ≥ Vua refer to ICC-ES ESR-1917 ACI 318-14 Table Variables Ase,V [in.2] 0.24 futa [psi] 106,000 Calculations Vsa,eq [lb] 11,745 Results f steel 0.650 Vsa,eq [lb] 11,745 f nonductile 1.000 f Vsa [lb] 7,634 Vua [lb] 651 4.2 Pryout Strength Vcp = kcp [(AA ) y Nc Nc0 ed,N ] y c,N y cp,N Nb ACI 318-14 Eq. ( f Vcp ≥ Vua ANc see ACI 318-14, Section, Fig. R ANc0 = 9 h2ef 1 2 e'N ≤ 1.0 y ec,N = 1+ 3 hef ca,min ≤ 1.0 y ed,N = 0.7 + 0.3 1.5hef ca,min 1.5hef , ≤ 1.0 y cp,N = MAX cac cac 1.5 ' Nb = kc l a √fc hef ) ( ( ( ) ) ACI 318-14 Table ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Variables kcp 2 hef [in.] 3.750 ec1,N [in.] 0.000 ec2,N [in.] 0.000 ca,min [in.] 6.000 y c,N 1.000 cac [in.] 8.000 kc 17 la 1.000 f'c [psi] 4,000 ANc0 [in.2] 126.56 y ec1,N 1.000 y ec2,N 1.000 y ed,N 1.000 y cp,N 1.000 f concrete 0.700 f seismic 1.000 f nonductile 1.000 f Vcp [lb] 10,931 Vua [lb] 651 Calculations ANc [in.2] 126.56 Results Vcp [lb] 15,615 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Nb [lb] 7,808 124 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: | 4 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction x+ Vcb = (AA ) y Vc Vc0 ed,V y c,V y h,V y parallel,V Vb ACI 318-14 Eq. ( f Vcb ≥ Vua AVc see ACI 318-14, Section, Fig. R AVc0 = 4.5 c2a1 1 2e'v ≤ 1.0 y ec,V = 1+ 3ca1 ca2 ≤ 1.0 y ed,V = 0.7 + 0.3 1.5ca1 1.5ca1 ≥ 1.0 y h,V = ha 0.2 l 1.5 Vb = 7 e √da l a √f'c ca1 da ( ) ( ) √ (( ) ) ACI 318-14 Table ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Variables ca1 [in.] 6.000 ca2 [in.] 6.000 ecV [in.] 0.000 y c,V 1.000 ha [in.] 24.000 le [in.] 3.750 la 1.000 da [in.] 0.750 f'c [psi] 4,000 y parallel,V 1.000 AVc0 [in.2] 162.00 y ec,V 1.000 y ed,V 0.900 y h,V 1.000 Vb [lb] 7,775 f concrete 0.700 f seismic 1.000 f nonductile 1.000 f Vcb [lb] 3,265 Vua [lb] 651 Calculations AVc [in.2] 108.00 Results Vcb [lb] 4,665 5 Warnings • The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! • Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The Φ factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. • Refer to the manufacturer's product literature for cleaning and installation instructions. • Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! • An anchor design approach for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F is given in ACI 318-14, Chapter 17, Section (a) that requires the governing design strength of an anchor or group of anchors be limited by ductile steel failure. If this is NOT the case, the connection design (tension) shall satisfy the provisions of Section (b), Section (c), or Section (d). The connection design (shear) shall satisfy the provisions of Section (a), Section (b), or Section (c). • Section (b) / Section (a) require the attachment the anchors are connecting to the structure be designed to undergo ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces no greater than the controlling design strength. Section (c) / Section (b) waive the ductility requirements and require the anchors to be designed for the maximum tension / shear that can be transmitted to the anchors by a non-yielding attachment. Section (d) / Section (c) waive the ductility requirements and require the design strength of the anchors to equal or exceed the maximum tension / shear obtained from design load combinations that include E, with E increased by w0. • Hilti post-installed anchors shall be installed in accordance with the Hilti Manufacturer's Printed Installation Instructions (MPII). Reference ACI 318-14, Section 17.8.1. Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 125 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: | 5 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 6 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: Anchor type and diameter: Kwik Bolt TZ - CS 3/4 (3 3/4) Profile: S shape (AISC); 3.000 x 2.330 x 0.170 x 0.260 in. Installation torque: 1,320.002 in.lb Hole diameter in the fixture: df = 0.813 in. Hole diameter in the base material: 0.750 in. Plate thickness (input): 0.500 in. Hole depth in the base material: 4.500 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Minimum thickness of the base material: 8.000 in. Drilling method: Hammer drilled Cleaning: Manual cleaning of the drilled hole according to instructions for use is required. 6.1 Recommended accessories Drilling • Suitable Rotary Hammer • Properly sized drill bit Cleaning • Manual blow-out pump Setting • Torque controlled cordless impact tool (Hilti Safeset System) • Torque wrench • Hammer y 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor x 1 0.000 y 0.000 c-x 6.000 c+x 6.000 c-y 6.000 c+y 6.000 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 2.000 x 2.000 1 126 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Mead & Hunt FLB | Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 6 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 7 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties • Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 127 of 244 0.045K 0.148K -0.019K -1.588K 0.299K -3.513K 0.981K -0.701K 0.195K 0.009K -0.051K 128 of 244 File = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\WJ4NPI~S\E6UQUW~Z\working\E6UQUW~Z.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: General Footing Licensee : mead & hunt inc. Lic. # : KW-06001634 HSS Support Footing Description : Code References Calculations per ACI 318-14, IBC 2015, CBC 2016, ASCE 7-10 Load Combinations Used : IBC 2015 General Information Material Properties f'c : Concrete 28 day strength fy : Rebar Yield Ec : Concrete Elastic Modulus Concrete Density Values Flexure Shear Analysis Settings Min Steel % Bending Reinf. Min Allow % Temp Reinf. Min. Overturning Safety Factor Min. Sliding Safety Factor Add Ftg Wt for Soil Pressure Use ftg wt for stability, moments & shears Add Pedestal Wt for Soil Pressure Use Pedestal wt for stability, mom & shear = = = = = = 3.0 4.0 60.0 3,605.0 150.0 0.90 0.750 = = = = : : : : ksi ksi ksi pcf Soil Design Values Allowable Soil Bearing Increase Bearing By Footing Weight Soil Passive Resistance (for Sliding) Soil/Concrete Friction Coeff. = = = = 2.0 ksf No 250.0 pcf 0.30 Increases based on footing Depth Footing base depth below soil surface Allow press. increase per foot of depth when footing base is below = = = 5.0 ft ksf ft = ksf = ft 0.00180 1.0 : 1 1.0 : 1 Increases based on footing plan dimension Allowable pressure increase per foot of depth Yes Yes when max. length or width is greater than No No Dimensions Width parallel to X-X Axis Length parallel to Z-Z Axis Footing Thickness = = = 3.50 ft 3.50 ft 18.0 in Z 1'-6" 3.0 in 1'-9" Reinforcing 3'-6" Z # 3.0 5 = = # 3.0 5 Bandwidth Distribution Check (ACI Direction Requiring Closer Separation # Bars required within zone # Bars required on each side of zone n/a n/a n/a 3 - # 5 Bars 3 - # 5 Bars 3" = = 3" Bars parallel to X-X Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size Bars parallel to Z-Z Axis Number of Bars Reinforcing Bar Size X Edge Dist. = 3" 1'-9" 18.0 in 18.0 in 42.0 in 1'-6" 3'-6" X Pedestal dimensions... = px : parallel to X-X Axis = pz : parallel to Z-Z Axis = Height Rebar Centerline to Edge of Concrete... at Bottom of footing = X-X Section Looking to +Z Z-Z Section Looking to +X Applied Loads P : Column Load OB : Overburden = = M-xx M-zz V-x V-z = = = = D 1.588 0.0450 0.2990 Lr L 3.513 0.1480 0.9810 S 0.7010 0.0280 0.1950 W E -0.0090 -0.0190 -0.0510 H k ksf k-ft k-ft k k 129 of 244 File = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\WJ4NPI~S\E6UQUW~Z\working\E6UQUW~Z.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: General Footing Licensee : mead & hunt inc. Lic. # : KW-06001634 HSS Support Footing Description : DESIGN SUMMARY Min. Ratio PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS FAIL FAIL FAIL FAIL PASS PASS PASS PASS PASS 0.9325 3.297 21.865 47.644 7.184 813.74 As < Min As < Min As < Min As < Min n/a 0.0 n/a n/a n/a Design N.G. Item Soil Bearing Overturning - X-X Overturning - Z-Z Sliding - X-X Sliding - Z-Z Uplift Z Flexure (+X) Z Flexure (-X) X Flexure (+Z) X Flexure (-Z) 1-way Shear (+X) 1-way Shear (-X) 1-way Shear (+Z) 1-way Shear (-Z) 2-way Punching Applied 1.865 6.40 0.9650 0.1930 1.280 -0.00630 0.05458 0.01891 0.1552 0.08176 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.233 Capacity ksf k-ft k-ft k k k k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft psi psi psi psi psi 2.0 21.10 21.10 9.195 9.195 5.127 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 94.868 0.0 94.868 94.868 94.868 Governing Load Combination ksf k-ft k-ft k k k k-ft k-ft k-ft k-ft psi psi psi psi psi +D+L+H about X-X axis +D+L+H +D+L+H +D+L+H +D+L+H +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H +1.40D+1.60H +1.40D+1.60H +1.40D+1.60H +1.40D+1.60H n/a n/a n/a n/a +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H Detailed Results Soil Bearing Rotation Axis & Gross Allowable Load Combination... X-X, +D+H 2.0 X-X, +D+L+H 2.0 X-X, +D+Lr+H 2.0 X-X, +D+S+H 2.0 X-X, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 2.0 X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 2.0 X-X, +D+0.60W+H 2.0 X-X, +D+0.70E+H 2.0 X-X, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 2.0 X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H 2.0 X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 2.0 X-X, +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 2.0 X-X, +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+L+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+Lr+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+S+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.60W+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.70E+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H 2.0 Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H 2.0 Z-Z, +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H 2.0 Z-Z, +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H 2.0 Overturning Stability Rotation Axis & Load Combination... X-X, +D+H X-X, +D+L+H X-X, +D+Lr+H X-X, +D+S+H X-X, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+H X-X, +D+0.60W+H X-X, +D+0.70E+H X-X, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H Xecc n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.3160 0.9604 0.3160 0.4738 0.8373 0.9073 0.3160 0.2228 0.8373 0.9073 0.8565 0.3160 0.1605 Zecc (in) 2.10 6.370 2.10 3.206 5.554 6.054 2.10 1.850 5.554 6.054 5.919 2.10 1.684 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Overturning Moment 1.495 k-ft 6.40 k-ft 1.495 k-ft 2.470 k-ft 5.174 k-ft 5.905 k-ft 1.495 k-ft 1.506 k-ft 5.174 k-ft 5.905 k-ft Actual Soil Bearing Stress @ Location Bottom, -Z Top, +Z Left, -X Right, +X 0.4918 0.1036 0.4918 0.4148 0.2006 0.1429 0.4918 0.5158 0.2006 0.1429 0.1609 0.2951 0.3191 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.9032 1.865 0.9032 1.095 1.625 1.768 0.9032 0.8781 1.625 1.768 1.749 0.5419 0.5169 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Resisting Moment 14.952 k-ft 21.10 k-ft 14.952 k-ft 16.179 k-ft 19.563 k-ft 20.483 k-ft 14.952 k-ft 15.131 k-ft 19.563 k-ft 20.483 k-ft n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.6665 0.8515 0.6665 0.7045 0.8052 0.8337 0.6665 0.6752 0.8052 0.8337 0.8402 0.3999 0.4086 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 0.7285 1.117 0.7285 0.8049 1.020 1.077 0.7285 0.7188 1.020 1.077 1.070 0.4371 0.4274 Stability Ratio 10.002 3.297 10.002 6.550 3.781 3.469 10.002 10.047 3.781 3.469 Actual / Allow Ratio 0.452 0.933 0.452 0.548 0.813 0.884 0.452 0.439 0.813 0.884 0.875 0.271 0.259 0.364 0.559 0.364 0.403 0.510 0.539 0.364 0.359 0.510 0.539 0.535 0.219 0.214 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 130 of 244 File = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\WJ4NPI~S\E6UQUW~Z\working\E6UQUW~Z.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: General Footing Licensee : mead & hunt inc. Lic. # : KW-06001634 HSS Support Footing Description : Overturning Stability Rotation Axis & Load Combination... X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H X-X, +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H X-X, +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Z-Z, +D+H Z-Z, +D+L+H Z-Z, +D+Lr+H Z-Z, +D+S+H Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+H Z-Z, +D+0.60W+H Z-Z, +D+0.70E+H Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H Z-Z, +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H Z-Z, +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Overturning Moment 5.913 k-ft 0.8970 k-ft 0.9080 k-ft 0.2250 k-ft 0.9650 k-ft 0.2250 k-ft 0.3650 k-ft 0.780 k-ft 0.8850 k-ft 0.2250 k-ft 0.2360 k-ft 0.780 k-ft 0.8850 k-ft 0.8933 k-ft 0.1350 k-ft 0.1460 k-ft Resisting Moment 20.617 k-ft 8.971 k-ft 9.150 k-ft 14.952 k-ft 21.10 k-ft 14.952 k-ft 16.179 k-ft 19.563 k-ft 20.483 k-ft 14.952 k-ft 15.019 k-ft 19.563 k-ft 20.483 k-ft 20.533 k-ft 8.971 k-ft 9.038 k-ft Stability Ratio 3.487 10.002 10.077 66.455 21.865 66.455 44.327 25.081 23.145 66.455 63.633 25.081 23.145 22.987 66.455 61.893 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK All units k Resisting Force 8.141 k 9.195 k 8.141 k 8.352 k 8.932 k 9.090 k 8.141 k 8.140 k 8.932 k 9.090 k 9.088 k 7.116 k 7.114 k 8.141 k 9.195 k 8.141 k 8.352 k 8.932 k 9.090 k 9.090 k 9.088 k 7.116 k 7.114 k 8.141 k 8.140 k 8.932 k Stability Ratio 180.920 47.644 180.920 114.407 57.255 51.353 180.920 256.767 57.255 51.353 54.412 263.559 519.28 27.229 7.184 27.229 16.906 8.632 7.696 7.696 7.874 39.666 49.507 27.229 30.913 8.632 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Sliding Stability Force Application Axis Load Combination... X-X, +D+H X-X, +D+L+H X-X, +D+Lr+H X-X, +D+S+H X-X, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+H X-X, +D+0.60W+H X-X, +D+0.70E+H X-X, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H X-X, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H X-X, +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H X-X, +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Z-Z, +D+H Z-Z, +D+L+H Z-Z, +D+Lr+H Z-Z, +D+S+H Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+H Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H Z-Z, +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H Z-Z, +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H Z-Z, +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H Z-Z, +D+0.60W+H Z-Z, +D+0.70E+H Z-Z, +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H Footing Flexure Flexure Axis & Load Combination X-X, +1.40D+1.60H X-X, +1.40D+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50L+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50L+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H Sliding Force 0.0450 k 0.1930 k 0.0450 k 0.0730 k 0.1560 k 0.1770 k 0.0450 k 0.03170 k 0.1560 k 0.1770 k 0.1670 k 0.0270 k 0.01370 k 0.2990 k 1.280 k 0.2990 k 0.4940 k 1.035 k 1.181 k 1.181 k 1.154 k 0.1794 k 0.1437 k 0.2990 k 0.2633 k 1.035 k Mu k-ft 0.1552 0.08176 0.8072 0.2841 0.8499 0.2954 0.3436 0.1373 0.1331 0.07008 0.4777 0.1798 Side +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z Tension Surface Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top As Req'd in^2 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 Gvrn. As in^2 Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Actual As in^2 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 Phi*Mn k-ft 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 131 of 244 File = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\WJ4NPI~S\E6UQUW~Z\working\E6UQUW~Z.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: General Footing Licensee : mead & hunt inc. Lic. # : KW-06001634 HSS Support Footing Description : Footing Flexure Flexure Axis & Load Combination X-X, +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50L+0.70S+E+1.60H X-X, +1.20D+0.50L+0.70S+E+1.60H X-X, +0.90D+W+0.90H X-X, +0.90D+W+0.90H X-X, +0.90D+E+0.90H X-X, +0.90D+E+0.90H Z-Z, +1.40D+1.60H Z-Z, +1.40D+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50L+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50L+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50L+0.70S+E+1.60H Z-Z, +1.20D+0.50L+0.70S+E+1.60H Z-Z, +0.90D+W+0.90H Z-Z, +0.90D+W+0.90H Z-Z, +0.90D+E+0.90H Z-Z, +0.90D+E+0.90H One Way Shear Load Combination... +1.40D+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50L+1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50L+0.70S+E+1.60H +0.90D+W+0.90H +0.90D+E+0.90H Two-Way "Punching" Shear Load Combination... +1.40D+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50L+1.60H +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H Mu k-ft Side 0.2672 0.1126 0.3436 0.1373 0.3855 0.1505 0.3875 0.1418 0.09980 0.05256 0.08499 0.03849 0.01891 0.05458 0.1786 0.3432 0.1889 0.3615 0.06695 0.1394 0.01621 0.04678 0.10 0.1979 0.04930 0.1052 0.06695 0.1394 0.07729 0.1577 0.08644 0.1592 0.01215 0.03508 0.01717 0.02934 Vu @ -X 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z +Z -Z -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X -X +X Tension Surface Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Top Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom Bottom As Req'd in^2 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 0.3888 Gvrn. As in^2 Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Min Temp % Actual As in^2 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 0.2657 Phi*Mn k-ft 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 17.702 Status OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Vu @ +X Vu @ -Z Vu @ +Z Vu:Max Phi Vn Vu / Phi*Vn Status 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 0.00 psi 94.87 psi 0.00 0.00 All units k Vu 0.16 1.16 1.23 0.46 0.14 0.66 0.34 0.46 psi psi psi psi psi psi psi psi Phi*Vn 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi Vu / Phi*Vn Status 0.000863 0.006137 0.006498 0.002423 0.000739 0.003497 0.001814 0.002423 OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 132 of 244 File = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\WJ4NPI~S\E6UQUW~Z\working\E6UQUW~Z.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: General Footing Licensee : mead & hunt inc. Lic. # : KW-06001634 HSS Support Footing Description : Two-Way "Punching" Shear Load Combination... +1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H +1.20D+0.50L+0.70S+E+1.60H +0.90D+W+0.90H +0.90D+E+0.90H All units k Vu 0.52 0.55 0.11 0.10 psi psi psi psi Phi*Vn 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi 189.74 psi Vu / Phi*Vn Status 0.002758 0.002884 0.000555 0.000546 OK OK OK OK 133 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Mead & Hunt FLB | Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 1 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 Specifier's comments: 1 Input data Anchor type and diameter: Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 36 1 Effective embedment depth: hef = 15.000 in. Material: ASTM F 1554 Proof: Design method ACI 318-14 / CIP Stand-off installation: eb = 0.000 in. (no stand-off); t = 0.500 in. Anchor plate: lx x ly x t = 14.000 in. x 14.000 in. x 0.500 in.; (Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Profile: Square HSS (AISC); (L x W x T) = 6.000 in. x 6.000 in. x 0.250 in. Base material: cracked concrete, 3000 4000, fc' = 4,000 3000 psi; h = 30.000 in. Reinforcement: tension: condition B, shear: condition B; Seismic loads (cat. C, D, E, or F) edge reinforcement: none or < No. 4 bar Tension load: yes ( (b)) Shear load: yes ( (a)) Geometry [in.] & Loading [lb, in.lb] Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB | 2 Load case/Resulting anchor forces Load case: Design loads Anchor reactions [lb] Tension force: (+Tension, -Compression) Anchor Tension force Shear force 1 0 523 2 0 523 3 0 523 4 0 523 Shear force x 517 517 517 517 Shear force y 78 78 78 78 max. concrete compressive strain: 0.00 [‰] max. concrete compressive stress: 7 [psi] resulting tension force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 0 [lb] resulting compression force in (x/y)=(0.000/0.000): 1,464 [lb] Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 2 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 135 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: | 3 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 4 Shear load Load Vua [lb] 523 Capacity f Vn [lb] 13,708 Utilization bV = Vua/f Vn 4 Status OK N/A N/A N/A N/A Pryout Strength** 2,091 29,135 8 OK Concrete edge failure in direction x+** 2,091 3,106 68 OK Steel Strength* Steel failure (with lever arm)* * anchor having the highest loading **anchor group (relevant anchors) 4.1 Steel Strength Vsa = 0.6 Ase,V futa f Vsteel ≥ Vua ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Table Variables Ase,V [in.2] 0.61 futa [psi] 58,000 Calculations Vsa [lb] 21,089 Results f steel 0.650 Vsa [lb] 21,089 f Vsa [lb] 13,708 Vua [lb] 523 4.2 Pryout Strength Vcpg = kcp [(AA ) y Nc Nc0 ec,N ] y ed,N y c,N y cp,N Nb ACI 318-14 Eq. ( f Vcpg ≥ Vua ANc see ACI 318-14, Section, Fig. R ANc0 = 9 h2ef 1 2 e'N ≤ 1.0 y ec,N = 1+ 3 hef ca,min ≤ 1.0 y ed,N = 0.7 + 0.3 1.5hef ca,min 1.5hef , ≤ 1.0 y cp,N = MAX cac cac 1.5 ' Nb = kc l a √fc hef ) ( ( ( ) ) ACI 318-14 Table ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Variables kcp 2 hef [in.] 3.333 ec1,N [in.] 0.000 ec2,N [in.] 0.000 ca,min [in.] 3.000 y c,N 1.000 cac [in.] - kc 24 la 1.000 f'c [psi] 4,000 ANc0 [in.2] 100.00 y ec1,N 1.000 y ec2,N 1.000 y ed,N 0.880 y cp,N 1.000 f concrete 0.700 f seismic 1.000 f nonductile 1.000 f Vcpg [lb] 29,135 Vua [lb] 2,091 Calculations ANc [in.2] 256.00 Results Vcpg [lb] 41,621 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan Nb [lb] 9,238 136 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: | 4 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 4.3 Concrete edge failure in direction x+ Vcbg = (AA ) y Vc Vc0 ec,V y ed,V y c,V y h,V y parallel,V Vb f Vcbg ≥ Vua AVc see ACI 318-14, Section, Fig. R AVc0 = 4.5 c2a1 1 2e'v ≤ 1.0 y ec,V = 1+ 3ca1 ca2 ≤ 1.0 y ed,V = 0.7 + 0.3 1.5ca1 1.5ca1 ≥ 1.0 y h,V = ha ' 1.5 Vb = 9 l a √fc ca1 ( ) ( ) √ ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Table ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( ACI 318-14 Eq. ( Variables ca1 [in.] 3.000 ca2 [in.] 3.000 ecV [in.] 0.000 y c,V 1.000 ha [in.] 30.000 le [in.] 8.000 la 1.000 da [in.] 1.000 f'c [psi] 4,000 y parallel,V 1.000 AVc0 [in.2] 40.50 y ec,V 1.000 y ed,V 0.900 y h,V 1.000 Vb [lb] 2,958 f concrete 0.700 f seismic 1.000 f nonductile 1.000 f Vcbg [lb] 3,106 Vua [lb] 2,091 Calculations AVc [in.2] 67.50 Results Vcbg [lb] 4,437 5 Warnings • The anchor design methods in PROFIS Anchor require rigid anchor plates per current regulations (ETAG 001/Annex C, EOTA TR029, etc.). This means load re-distribution on the anchors due to elastic deformations of the anchor plate are not considered - the anchor plate is assumed to be sufficiently stiff, in order not to be deformed when subjected to the design loading. PROFIS Anchor calculates the minimum required anchor plate thickness with FEM to limit the stress of the anchor plate based on the assumptions explained above. The proof if the rigid base plate assumption is valid is not carried out by PROFIS Anchor. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! • Condition A applies when supplementary reinforcement is used. The Φ factor is increased for non-steel Design Strengths except Pullout Strength and Pryout strength. Condition B applies when supplementary reinforcement is not used and for Pullout Strength and Pryout Strength. Refer to your local standard. • Checking the transfer of loads into the base material and the shear resistance are required in accordance with ACI 318 or the relevant standard! • An anchor design approach for structures assigned to Seismic Design Category C, D, E or F is given in ACI 318-14, Chapter 17, Section (a) that requires the governing design strength of an anchor or group of anchors be limited by ductile steel failure. If this is NOT the case, the connection design (tension) shall satisfy the provisions of Section (b), Section (c), or Section (d). The connection design (shear) shall satisfy the provisions of Section (a), Section (b), or Section (c). • Section (b) / Section (a) require the attachment the anchors are connecting to the structure be designed to undergo ductile yielding at a load level corresponding to anchor forces no greater than the controlling design strength. Section (c) / Section (b) waive the ductility requirements and require the anchors to be designed for the maximum tension / shear that can be transmitted to the anchors by a non-yielding attachment. Section (d) / Section (c) waive the ductility requirements and require the design strength of the anchors to equal or exceed the maximum tension / shear obtained from design load combinations that include E, with E increased by w0. Fastening meets the design criteria! Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 137 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us 5 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: Mead & Hunt FLB Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: | 6 Installation data Anchor plate, steel: Profile: Square HSS (AISC); 6.000 x 6.000 x 0.250 in. Hole diameter in the fixture: df = 1.063 in. Plate thickness (input): 0.500 in. Recommended plate thickness: not calculated Drilling method: Cleaning: No cleaning of the drilled hole is required Anchor type and diameter: Hex Head ASTM F 1554 GR. 36 1 Installation torque: Hole diameter in the base material: - in. Hole depth in the base material: 15.000 in. Minimum thickness of the base material: 16.172 in. y 7.000 2.000 7.000 4 10.000 7.000 3 7.000 x 2 2.000 1 2.000 10.000 Coordinates Anchor in. Anchor x 1 -5.000 2 5.000 3 -5.000 4 5.000 y -5.000 -5.000 5.000 5.000 c-x c+x c-y c+y 3.000 13.000 3.000 13.000 13.000 3.000 3.000 13.000 3.000 13.000 13.000 3.000 13.000 3.000 13.000 3.000 Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 2.000 138 of 244 Profis Anchor 2.7.6 www.hilti.us Company: Specifier: Address: Phone I Fax: E-Mail: Mead & Hunt FLB | Page: Project: Sub-Project I Pos. No.: Date: 6 Kingsley 3142200-121252.01 6/27/2018 7 Remarks; Your Cooperation Duties • Any and all information and data contained in the Software concern solely the use of Hilti products and are based on the principles, formulas and security regulations in accordance with Hilti's technical directions and operating, mounting and assembly instructions, etc., that must be strictly complied with by the user. All figures contained therein are average figures, and therefore use-specific tests are to be conducted prior to using the relevant Hilti product. The results of the calculations carried out by means of the Software are based essentially on the data you put in. Therefore, you bear the sole responsibility for the absence of errors, the completeness and the relevance of the data to be put in by you. Moreover, you bear sole responsibility for having the results of the calculation checked and cleared by an expert, particularly with regard to compliance with applicable norms and permits, prior to using them for your specific facility. The Software serves only as an aid to interpret norms and permits without any guarantee as to the absence of errors, the correctness and the relevance of the results or suitability for a specific application. • You must take all necessary and reasonable steps to prevent or limit damage caused by the Software. In particular, you must arrange for the regular backup of programs and data and, if applicable, carry out the updates of the Software offered by Hilti on a regular basis. If you do not use the AutoUpdate function of the Software, you must ensure that you are using the current and thus up-to-date version of the Software in each case by carrying out manual updates via the Hilti Website. Hilti will not be liable for consequences, such as the recovery of lost or damaged data or programs, arising from a culpable breach of duty by you. Input data and results must be checked for agreement with the existing conditions and for plausibility! PROFIS Anchor ( c ) 2003-2009 Hilti AG, FL-9494 Schaan Hilti is a registered Trademark of Hilti AG, Schaan 139 of 244 SUPPORT ANGLE 140 of 244 SUPPORT ANGLE 141 of 244 File = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\WJ4NPI~S\E6UQUW~Z\working\E6UQUW~Z.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: Steel Beam Licensee : mead & hunt inc. Lic. # : KW-06001634 Platform Support Angle Description : CODE REFERENCES Calculations per AISC 360-10, IBC 2015, ASCE 7-10 Load Combination Set : IBC 2015 Material Properties Analysis Method : Load Resistance Factor Design Beam Bracing : Beam is Fully Braced against lateral-torsional buckling Major Axis Bending Bending Axis : Fy : Steel Yield : E: Modulus : 36.0 ksi 29,000.0 ksi D(0.056) L(0.28) S(0.034) Span = 7.580 ft L4x3x5/16 Service loads entered. Load Factors will be applied for calculations. . Applied Loads Beam self weight NOT internally calculated and added Uniform Load : D = 0.0560, L = 0.280, S = 0.0340 k/ft, Tributary Width = 1.0 ft DESIGN SUMMARY Maximum Bending Stress Ratio = Section used for this span Mu : Applied Mn * Phi : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs 0.772 : 1 L4x3x5/16 3.822 k-ft 4.948 k-ft +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H 3.790ft Span # 1 Maximum Deflection Max Downward Transient Deflection Max Upward Transient Deflection Max Downward Total Deflection Max Upward Total Deflection 0.214 0.000 0.257 0.000 in in in in Maximum Shear Stress Ratio = Ratio = Ratio = Ratio = Ratio = Section used for this span Vu : Applied Vn * Phi : Allowable Load Combination Location of maximum on span Span # where maximum occurs Design OK 0.083 : 1 L4x3x5/16 2.017 k 24.339 k +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H 7.580 ft Span # 1 424 >=360 0 <360 354 >=180 0 <180 . Maximum Forces & Stresses for Load Combinations Load Combination Segment Length Span # +1.40D+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+0.50Lr+1.60L+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+1.60L+0.50S+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50L+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+1.60Lr+0.50W+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+0.50L+1.60S+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+1.60S+0.50W+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+0.50Lr+0.50L+W+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+0.50L+0.50S+W+1.60H Max Stress Ratios M V max Mu + . Summary of Moment Values max Mu Mu Max Mnx Phi*Mnx Cb Rm Summary of Shear Values VuMax Vnx Phi*Vnx 0.114 0.001 0.012 0.012 0.56 0.01 0.56 0.01 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.30 0.30 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.748 0.009 0.080 0.080 3.70 0.04 3.70 0.04 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.95 1.95 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.772 0.009 0.083 0.083 3.82 0.04 3.82 0.04 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.02 2.02 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.301 0.003 0.032 0.032 1.49 0.02 1.49 0.02 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.79 0.79 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.098 0.001 0.010 0.010 0.48 0.01 0.48 0.01 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.25 0.25 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.380 0.004 0.041 0.041 1.88 0.02 1.88 0.02 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.99 0.99 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.176 0.002 0.019 0.019 0.87 0.01 0.87 0.01 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.46 0.46 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.301 0.003 0.032 0.032 1.49 0.02 1.49 0.02 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.79 0.79 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 142 of 244 File = X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\WJ4NPI~S\E6UQUW~Z\working\E6UQUW~Z.EC6 ENERCALC, INC. 1983-2017, Build:, Ver: Steel Beam Licensee : mead & hunt inc. Lic. # : KW-06001634 Platform Support Angle Description : Load Combination Segment Length Span # Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +1.20D+0.50L+0.70S+E+1.60H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +0.90D+W+0.90H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 +0.90D+E+0.90H Dsgn. L = 7.56 ft 1 Dsgn. L = 0.02 ft 1 Max Stress Ratios M V 0.325 0.035 0.004 0.035 max Mu + 1.61 0.02 max Mu - Summary of Moment Values Mu Max Mnx Phi*Mnx 1.61 5.50 4.95 0.02 5.50 4.95 Cb Rm 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 Summary of Shear Values VuMax Vnx Phi*Vnx 0.85 27.04 24.34 0.85 27.04 24.34 0.335 0.004 0.036 0.036 1.66 0.02 1.66 0.02 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.88 0.88 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.073 0.001 0.008 0.008 0.36 0.00 0.36 0.00 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.19 0.19 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 0.073 0.001 0.008 0.008 0.36 0.00 0.36 0.00 5.50 5.50 4.95 4.95 1.14 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.19 0.19 27.04 27.04 24.34 24.34 . Overall Maximum Deflections Load Combination +D+L+H Span 1 Max. "-" Defl 0.2573 Load Combination 3.812 Support notation : Far left is #1 Vertical Reactions Load Combination Overall MAXimum Overall MINimum +D+H +D+L+H +D+Lr+H +D+S+H +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+H +D+0.750L+0.750S+H +D+0.60W+H +D+0.70E+H +D+0.750Lr+0.750L+0.450W+H +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.450W+H +D+0.750L+0.750S+0.5250E+H +0.60D+0.60W+0.60H +0.60D+0.70E+0.60H D Only Lr Only L Only S Only W Only E Only H Only Location in Span Support 1 1.273 0.127 0.212 1.273 0.212 0.341 1.008 1.105 0.212 0.212 1.008 1.105 1.105 0.127 0.127 0.212 Support 2 1.273 0.127 0.212 1.273 0.212 0.341 1.008 1.105 0.212 0.212 1.008 1.105 1.105 0.127 0.127 0.212 1.061 0.129 1.061 0.129 Max. "+" Defl 0.0000 Values in KIPS Location in Span 0.000 . 143 of 244 10.71K VARIES SEE NEXT PAGE FOR CALCULATIONS 144 of 244 10.71K 2678# 2678# 0.55 145 of 244 146 of 244 Column: M8 Shape: HSS6x6x8 Material: A500 Gr.B Rect Length: 11.583 ft I Joint: N5 J Joint: N9 Envelope Code Check: 0.440 (LC 6) Report Based On 97 Sections .201 at 5.792 ft .342 at 0 ft Dz Dy in in -.246 at 0 ft TOTAL VERTICAL LOAD TO HSS COLUMN 8.003 at 11.583 ft 2.168 at 0 ft .356 at 0 ft Vy k -.011 at 11.583 ft A Vz k .255 at 11.583 ft k 1.053 at 0 ft My 4.125 at 0 ft T k-ft Mz k-ft k-ft -.011 at 8.687 ft -25.107 at 0 ft 18.714 at 0 ft 3.074 at 0 ft .822 at 11.583 ft ksi f(y) fa .108 at 0 ft ksi f(z) ksi -3.074 at 0 ft -18.714 at 0 ft AISC 14th(360-10): LRFD Code Check Direct Analysis Method Max Bending Check Location Equation 0.440 (LC 6) 0 ft H1-1b Max Shear Check Location Max Defl Ratio Bending Flange Bending Web Compact Compact Compression Flange Non-Slender Compression Web Non-Slender Fy phi*Pnc phi*Pnt phi*Mny phi*Mnz phi*Vny phi*Vnz phi*Tn Cb 46 ksi 310.272 k 403.236 k 68.31 k-ft 68.31 k-ft 106.381 k 106.381 k 58.174 k-ft 1.667 Lb KL/r y-y 11.583 ft 62.418 L Comp Flange L-torque Tau_b z-z 11.583 ft 62.418 11.583 ft 11.583 ft 1 0.020 (z) (LC 6) 0 ft L/10000 147 of 244 CANOPY DESIGN 148 of 244 GFR Job No. 3142200-121252.01 Job Name Mead & Hunt, Inc. Checked by of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Vertical Loads Task Calculated by 149 of 244 Sheet FLB GFR Date 6/20/2018 Date Dead Loads (Canopy) Roof Dead Load **Member self weight to be included in design Office Area Roof member being evaluated: Beams Lateral (total) 1 1/2" 16 Ga Metal Roof Deck C12x25 Steel Purlins Miscellaneous Total Roof Weight: 3.5 psf 4.5 psf 8.0 psf 3.5 12.4 5.1 5.0 26.0 psf psf psf psf psf Roof Live Loads Roof Live (ASCE 7-10 Table 4-1) N/A psf Roof Snow Loads Roof Snow Drift Snow 20 psf 15 psf Total Building Weight Tributary Roof Area Roof Dead Load Effective Seismic Weight From Roof Total Effective Seismic Weight 2 33 ft 1 kips 1 kips 1 kips X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Exterior Stairs\working\Copy of Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads.xlsx Job No. 3142200-121252.01 150 of 244 of Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Job Name Seismic Loads Task FLB GFR Calculated by Mead & Hunt, Inc. Sheet Checked by Date 6/20/2018 Date Seismic Loads ASCE 7-10 Chapter 13 - Nonstructural Components Risk Category = Site Classification = Importance Factor, Ip = Component Amplification Factor, ap = Short Period Acceleration Parameter, SDS = Component Response Modification Factor, Rp = II D 1 2.5 0.67 g 2.5 Height in Structure of Point of Attachment, z = = Average Roof Height of Structure, h = 8.8333 27 Calculate: 0.4 ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ 1 2 0.443 Wp not to exceede: 1.6 ∗ ∗ ∗ 1.072 Wp not to be less than: 0.3 ∗ ∗ ∗ 0.201 Wp Seismic Design Force, Fp = Fp = 0.443 Wp 0.4 kips X:\3142200\121252.01\TECH\disc\struct\working calcs\Exterior Stairs\working\Copy of Corrosion Control_Design Criteria+Loads.xlsx 151 of 244 GFR 400# 57 57 3&ÿ !"#ÿ64ÿ $% !"# 152 of 244 '((60)*(3ÿ+,-.649ÿ6)7/ÿ0/.1ÿÿ %'ÿ0.2!-,11 ÿ %' ' ' 3!45 "3!45 3!45 63!45 63!#5 #3!45 #3!#5 73!45 73!#5 83!45 83!#5 3!45 3!#5943!45993!4593!45 + % :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :;<=>> IJ?D@ IJAC@ IJBF@ :==ÿMNN;ON;=>ÿNOÿPQR=AGS 4 98 9# 4 98 9# 4 98 9# 00012345673581569 ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ AFG KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK AA@ BAB BFA KKK AFF BH@ AAH KKK ?@@ A@G KKK KKK ?@@ ADB KKK KKK A?H KKK KKK KKK AED KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK AEC ACG KKK KKK ?@@ AEF KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK BCB DA E? BAC BFC GG BBH BH? AHB B@D BHE ABA ?@@ B?? A@@ ADG BH@ KKK KKK KKK BE@ KKK KKK KKK ADH AHF KKK KKK ?@@ KKK KKK KKK BFF BAG KKK KKK A?G BHA AAE KKK ?@@ A@A KKK KKK ?@@ AHB KKK KKK BBD CG G@ E? BHA HF FD BBH A@F GE BBE BHE ADC B@@ BH@ A@@ BAC BAA KKK KKK BHG BCD KKK KKK ABE BEC KKK KKK AGB ACB KKK KKK BHH EH BC? KKK BED BBH BGA KKK AGC BHA AAF KKK ?@@ BFE AF? KKK EF ?D HC GA BAF CC DG FE BGC DB EA BAA AAA GG BBD BHC B@C EC KKK KKK B?A BB? KKK KKK BFC BCE KKK KKK AAF BFD KKK KKK B?B G? BB@ KKK BDH FF B?A KKK A?@ BBG BGH KKK AFH BCH ABF KKK F? AF CA HD B@E ?H HA G@ BCE CF GA ED BFE DB EB BAB FE GC KKK KKK BBA FE KKK KKK BHG BBG KKK KKK BEC BCD KKK KKK BBB HF FD KKK BC@ DE B@C B?E BED EA B?F BFC AC? BBC BGA AAE GA A? ?C CH EC AF CA HD BAF ?E HF GG BD? CE G? EG GG HE KKK KKK EG GB KKK KKK B?H EC KKK KKK BDG BBG KKK KKK ED CD DE EA BAB HD F? BBB BDE GC BB@ BCG A@E EA B?G BF? D? BF AF ?G FA A? ?C CH BBA ?B CG D? BCA C@ HE GE DG CF KKK KKK FC HF KKK KKK BBF GD BBH KKK BCD EH BC? KKK FC ?F HD GH B@H CH DF E@ BCG D@ E@ BA@ BFA GC BBA BCE ÿ ÿ 1 HH CE C? ?E ?H BH B? BB E F A? BE BD BC BA ?@ AH AB BF BH GA DC HG HB CD BE BD B? BB B@ AF A? A@ BG BC ?G ?B AD AA BE ALLOWABLE EF FG GFGRAVITY G@ D? LOADS AD AA BF BH B? ?E ?A AG A? A@ HA C? ?D ?B AD BAH BB@ EE FF F@ ?? AG A? BE BG CE CB ?C AE AH DH HC CD ?E ?? HE HA CD CA ?F C@ ?? AF AC A@ KKK CE CA ?H ?@ KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK GC DD HE H? CG CF C@ ?? AF AC GB HE H@ C? ?G KKK KKK KKK KKK KKK B@? EA FA G? DD D? H? CC ?F ?A EC GE DD HD CF KKK KKK KKK KKK DC BAF BB? B@B EB FA GF DH HH CG C@ BBF EF F? G@ D@ KKK KKK KKK KKK F@ G? DH HF HA CG ?B AD AA BF BD CD ?E ?? AF AC DA HA C? ?G ?A E? FA G? DD HE ?G ?B AD AA BE HD CG ?E ?? AE GC DA HA CC ?F BAE BBH B@A EA F? CE CB ?H AE AH GC DA HA CC ?F EE FA DE HE H@ BD@ BCA BAG BBC B@? DB HB C? ?G ?B EA GG DH HH CG BA? B@A FD G? D? AE D E BA ?F G BB BC HA B@ BH A@ DD B? BE AH ?B BH A? ?@ ?E BF AG ?G HH AC ?D CF DF ?@ CH D@ ?E BA BF AC CE BC AB AE DF BE AF ?F FH AC ?H CG AC C G E ?A D F BB CC F BB BH HH B@ BC BE AD BA BF A? ?? BC AB AF CD BE AF ?G HG A? ?H CD ?? 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Monoslope free Length of building; b = 7.00 ft Width of building; d = 4.75 ft Height to eaves; H = 8.83 ft Pitch of roof; 0 = 1.2 deg Mean height; h = 8.88 ft Wind flow; Obstructed General wind load requirements Basic wind speed; V = 120.0 mph Risk category; II Velocity pressure exponent coeff (Table 26.6-1); Kd = 0.85 Exposure category (cl.26.7.3); C Enclosure classification (cl.26.10); Open buildings Internal pressure coef +ve (Table 26.11-1); GCpi_p = 0.00 Internal pressure coef –ve (Table 26.11-1); GCpi_n = 0.00 Gust effect factor; Gf = 0.85 Topography Topography factor not significant; Kzt = 1.0 Velocity pressure Velocity pressure coefficient (T.27.3-1); Kz = 0.85 Velocity pressure; qh = 0.00256 Kz Kzt Kd V2 1psf/mph2 = 26.6 psf 155 of 244 Peak velocity pressure for internal pressure Peak velocity pressure – internal (as roof press.); qi = 26.63 psf Pressures and forces p = qh G CN; Net pressure; Net force; Fw = p Aref; Minimum design wind loading (cl.27.4.7); pmin_r = 16 lb/ft2 Roof load case 1 - Wind 0 - Loadcase A Zone Ref. height (ft) Ext pressure coefficient cN Peak velocity pressure qh (psf) Net pressure p (psf) Area Aref (ft2) Net force Fw (kips) 1 (+ve) 8.88 -0.50 26.63 -11.32 16.63 -0.19 2 (+ve) 8.88 -1.20 26.63 -27.17 16.63 -0.45 Total vertical net force; Fw,v = -0.64 kips Total horizontal net force; Fw,h = -0.01 kips Minimum loading WIND UPLIFT ON CANOPY Avert_r_0 = b d tan(0) = Projected vertical area of roof; 0.70 ft2 Fw,total_min = pmin_r Avert_r_0 = 0.01 kips Minimum overall horizontal loading; Roof load case 2 - Wind 0 - Loadcase B Zone Ref. height (ft) Ext pressure coefficient cN Peak velocity pressure qh (psf) Net pressure p (psf) Area Aref (ft2) Net force Fw (kips) 1 (+ve) 8.88 -1.10 26.63 -24.90 16.63 -0.41 2 (+ve) 8.88 -0.60 26.63 -13.58 16.63 -0.23 Total vertical net force; Fw,v = -0.64 kips Total horizontal net force; Fw,h = -0.01 kips Minimum loading Avert_r_0 = b d tan(0) = Projected vertical area of roof; 0.70 ft2 Fw,total_min = pmin_r Avert_r_0 = 0.01 kips Minimum overall horizontal loading; Roof load case 3 - Wind 90 - Loadcase A Zone Ref. height (ft) Ext pressure coefficient cN Peak velocity pressure qh (psf) Net pressure p (psf) Area Aref (ft2) Net force Fw (kips) 1 (+ve) 8.88 -1.20 26.63 -27.17 33.26 -0.90 Total vertical net force; Fw,v = -0.90 kips Total horizontal net force; Fw,h = 0.00 kips Minimum loading Projected vertical area of roof; Avert_r_90 = 0.00 ft2 Minimum overall horizontal loading; Fw,total_min = pmin_r Avert_r_90 = 0.00 kips Roof load case 4 - Wind 90 - Loadcase B 156 of 244 SNOW LOADING (ASCE7-10) Tedds calculation version 1.0.06 Building details Roof type; Monopitch Width of roof; b = 4.50 ft Slope of roof 1; = 0.00 deg Ground snow load Ground snow load; pg = 19.00 lb/ft2 Density of snow; = min(0.13 pg / 1ft + 14lb/ft3, 30lb/ft3) = 16.47 lb/ft3 Terrain type; C Exposure condition (Table 7-2); Partially exposed Exposure factor (Table 7-2); Ce = 1.00 Thermal condition (Table 7-3); Unheated structures Thermal factor (Table 7-3); Ct = 1.20 Importance category (Table 1-1); II Importance factor (Table 7-4); Is = 1.00 Min snow load for low slope roofs (Sect 7.3.4); pf_min = Is pg = 19.00 lb/ft2 Rain on snow surcharge (Sect 7.10); pf_sur = 5.00 lb/ft2 Flat roof snow load (Sect 7.3); pf = 0.7 Ce Ct Is pg + pf_sur = 20.96 lb/ft2 Unbalanced flat roof snow load (Sect 7.3); pf_unbal = max(0.7 Ce Ct Is pg, pf_min) = 19.00 lb/ft2 Cold roof slope factor (Ct > 1.0) Roof surface type; Slippery Ventilation; Ventilated Thermal resistance (R-value); R = 30.00;oF h ft2 / Btu Roof slope factor; Cs = 1.00 Monoslope Sloped roof snow load (Cl.7.4); ps = max(Cs pf, pf_min) = 20.96 lb/ft2 Left parapet Balanced snow load height; hb = pf Cs / = 1.27 ft Height of left parapet; hpptL = 6.00 ft Height from balance load to top of left parapet; hc_pptL = hpptL - hb = 4.73 ft Length of roof - left parapet; lu_pptL = b1 = 4.50 ft Drift height windward drift - left parpet; hd_l_pptL = 0.75 (0.43 (max(20 ft, lu_pptL) 1ft2)1/3 (pg / 1lb/ft2 + 10)1/4 - 1.5ft) = 0.91 ft Drift height - left parapet; hd_pptL = min(hd_l_pptL, hpptL - hb) = 0.91 ft Drift width; Wd_pptL = min(4 hd_pptL, 8 (hpptL - hb)) = 3.63 ft Drift surcharge load - left parapet; pd_pptL = hd_pptL = 14.93 lb/ft2 157 of 244 158 of 244 Zone Ref. height (ft) Ext pressure coefficient cN Peak velocity pressure qh (psf) Net pressure p (psf) Area Aref (ft2) Net force Fw (kips) 1 (+ve) 8.88 0.50 26.63 11.32 33.26 0.38 Total vertical net force; Fw,v = 0.38 kips Total horizontal net force; Fw,h = 0.00 kips Minimum loading Projected vertical area of roof; Avert_r_90 = 0.00 ft2 Minimum overall horizontal loading; Fw,total_min = pmin_r Avert_r_90 = 0.00 kips 159 of 244 Y Z X N1 M2 M31 N5 N3 N2 M5 M4 N6 N4 Envelope Only Solution Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 1 Kingsley Corrosion Control - Canopy Design Member Labels June 25, 2018 at 1:23 PM Canopy Check.r3d 160 of 244 Y Z X 25 2x C1 C1 2x 25 HS S1 2x 2x 5 25 2x C1 Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 Kingsley Corrosion Control - Canopy Design Member Shapes July 2, 2018 at 11:42 AM Canopy Check.r3d 161 of 244 Y Z X N1 -.015ksf N5 N3 N2 N6 N4 Loads: BLC 1, Dead Load Envelope Only Solution Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 Kingsley Corrosion Control - Canopy Design Dead Load June 25, 2018 at 1:24 PM Canopy Check.r3d 162 of 244 Y Z X N1 N7 -.02ksf N5 N3 N2 N8 N6 N4 Loads: BLC 5, Snow Load Envelope Only Solution Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 4 Kingsley Corrosion Control - Canopy Design Snow Load June 29, 2018 at 12:17 PM Canopy Check.r3d 163 of 244 Y Z X N1 0k/ft N7 -.052k/ft N5 N3 N2 0k/ft N8 -.052k/ft N6 N4 Loads: BLC 6, Drift Snow Envelope Only Solution Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 5 Kingsley Corrosion Control - Canopy Design Drift Snow Load June 29, 2018 at 12:18 PM Canopy Check.r3d 164 of 244 Y Z X N1 N5 N3 .027ksf N2 N6 N4 Loads: BLC 2, Wind Load Envelope Only Solution Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 5 Kingsley Corrosion Control - Canopy Design Wind Load June 25, 2018 at 1:26 PM Canopy Check.r3d 165 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley Corros ion Control - Canopy D esign June 29, 2018 12:21 PM Checked B y: JAL (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Include S hear Deformation? Increase Nailing C apacity for Wind? Include W arping? Trans Load Btwn Intersecting Wood Wall? Area Load Mesh (in^2) Merge Tolerance (in) P -Delta Analysis Tolerance Include P -Delta for Walls? Automatically Iterate S tiffness for Walls? Max Iterations for Wall S tiffness G ravity Acceleration (ft/sec^2) Wall Mesh S ize (in) E igensolution C onvergence Tol. (1.E -) Vertical Axis G lobal Member Orientation P lane S tatic S olver Dynamic S olver 5 97 Yes Yes Yes Yes 144 .12 0.50% Yes Yes 3 32.2 24 4 Y XZ S parse Acc elerated Accelerated S olver Hot R olled S teel C ode Adjust S tiffness? R IS AC onnection Code C old F ormed S teel C ode Wood Code Wood Temperature C oncrete C ode Masonry C ode Aluminum C ode AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D Yes(Iterative) AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D AIS I S 100-12: AS D AWC NDS -15: AS D < 100F AC I 318-14 AC I 530-13: AS D AA ADM 1-10: A S D - Building AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D Number of S hear R egions R egion S pacing Increment (in) Biaxial C olumn Method P arme Beta Factor (P CA) C oncrete S tress Block Use Cracked S ections? Use Cracked S ections S lab? Bad Framing Warnings? Unused F orce Warnings? Min 1 Bar Diam. S pacing? C oncrete R ebar S et Min % S teel for C olumn Max % S teel for C olumn 4 4 E xact Integration .65 R ectangular Yes Yes No Yes No R E BAR _S E T_AS TMA615 1 8 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Canopy Design\working\C anopy Check.r3d] P age 1 166 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley Corros ion Control - Canopy D esign June 29, 2018 12:21 PM Checked B y: JAL (Global) Model Settings , C ontinued S eismic C ode S eismic Base E levation (ft) Add Base W eight? Ct X Ct Z T X (sec) T Z (sec) RX RZ C t E xp. X C t E xp. Z S D1 S DS S1 TL (sec) R isk C at Drift C at Om Z Om X Cd Z Cd X R ho Z R ho X AS C E 7-10 Not E ntered Yes .02 .02 Not E ntered Not E ntered 3 3 .75 .75 1 1 1 5 I or II O ther 1 1 1 1 1 1 F ooting Overturning S afety F actor O ptimize for OTM/S liding C heck Concrete Bearing F ooting C oncrete Weight (k/ft^3) F ooting C oncrete f'c (ksi) F ooting C oncrete E c (ksi) Lambda F ooting S teel fy (ksi) Minimum S teel Maximum S teel F ooting Top Bar F ooting Top Bar C over (in) F ooting Bottom Bar F ooting Bottom Bar C over (in) P edestal Bar P edestal Bar Cover (in) P edestal Ties 1 No No .145 4 3644 1 60 0.0018 0.0075 #6 1.5 #6 3 #6 1.5 #4 B as ic Load C ases 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B LC Description Category Dead Load Wind Load DL WL E LX E LZ SL O L1 None S eismic Load, x S eismic Load, z S now Load Drift S now B LC 1 Transient ... R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 X GravityY GravityZ G ravity Joint P oint Distributed Area(M...S urface(Pla... 1 1 .443 .443 1 2 10 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Canopy Design\working\C anopy Check.r3d] P age 2 167 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 K ingsley Corros ion Control - Canopy D esign June 29, 2018 12:21 PM Checked B y: JAL B as ic Load C ases (C ontinued) 8 9 B LC Description B LC 5 Transient ... B LC 2 Transient ... Category X GravityY GravityZ G ravity Joint P oint Distributed None None Area(M...S urface(Pla... 10 10 Load C ombinations 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Des cription Deflection 1 Deflection 2 Deflection 3 S o...P De...S R... Y es Y Y es Y Y es Y IB C 16-1 Y es Y IBC 16-2 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-2 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (c) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-3 (d) Y es Y IBC 16-4 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-4 (b) Y es Y IB C 16-6 Y es Y IBC 16-5 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-5 (b) Y es Y IBC 16-7 (a) Y es Y IBC 16-7 (b) Y es Y B LC Fac... B LC DL LL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1 1 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 .9 1.2 1.2 .9 .9 Fac... B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac...B LC Fac... LL 1 LL LL SL WL SL WL WL WL E LX E LZ E LX E LZ 1.6 1.6 1.6 .5 1.6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 LLS 1.6 LLS 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 OL1 .5 S LN 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 OL1 1.6 S LN 1.6 WL .5 OL1 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 LL .5 LL S 1 S L .5 S LN .5 OL1 .5 .5 LL S 1 S L .2 S LN .7 OL1 .2 .5 LL S 1 S L .2 S LN .7 OL1 .2 LL LL Envelope J oint Reactions Joint 1 2 3 4 5 6 N3 N4 Totals: max min max min max min X [k ] LC Y [k ] LC Z [k] LC MX [k-ft] LC MY [k-ft] LC MZ [k-ft] LC .054 -.137 0 -.137 0 -.275 14 13 1 13 1 13 .962 -.222 .982 -.227 1.943 -.449 7 12 7 12 7 12 .071 -.137 0 -.137 0 -.275 13 14 1 14 1 14 2.096 -.504 2.13 -.513 7 12 7 12 .146 -.003 .146 0 13 14 13 1 0 0 0 0 7 12 7 12 Envelope A ISC 14th(360-10): A SD S teel C ode C hec ks 1 2 3 4 5 Member S hape Code Check M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 C 10x15.3 C 10x15.3 C 12x25 C 10x15.3 .016 .075 .019 .075 .008 HS S 10x2x6 R IS A-3D Version 16.0.3 Loc[ft] LC 7 .544 7 .544 7 13 13 13 13 13 REACTIONS USED TO DESIGN ANCHORAGE TO CMU WALL S hear Check Loc[ft] Dir LC P nc/om...P nt/om ...Mnyy/o...Mnzz/o... Cb .001 7 z 14 46.396 96.575 3.319 22.717 1 .031 .001 .032 .004 0 7 0 7 y 7 68.907 z 14 85.741 y 7 68.907 z 14 97.11 E qn H1-1b 96.575 3.319 28.563 2.388 H1-1b 158.228 5.383 44.458 1 H1-1b 96.575 3.319 28.563 2.406 H1-1b 208.79 13.222 46.597 1 H1-1b [X:\...\...\...\...\...\working calcs\Canopy Design\working\C anopy Check.r3d] P age 3 168 of 244 1704 1704 1'-3" 1'-3" 1704 1704 1704 852 852 0.08 169 of 244 GFR 170 of 244 PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING FOUNDATIONS 171 of 244 172 of 244 PEMB POCKET DOOR FOUNDATION 173 of 244 174 of 244 175 of 244 Z X N7 N12 N15 N11 N14 G3 N13 N10 F1 N8 N6 H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 1 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket PEMB Pocket Door Foundation July 2, 2018 at 9:01 AM Foundation at front.fnd 176 of 244 Z X 11k 4k N7 .51 7k 1.25 /ft /ft k/f .25k N11 1t G3 N10 5k t k/f .65N12 k/ft 5 .6N15 N14 t k/f 25 t1. f / 5k 1.2 F1 3k N13 N8 1k /ft 5k 1.2 N6 1.2 5k /ft H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Loads: DL - Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Dead Load July 2, 2018 at 9:02 AM Foundation at front.fnd 177 of 244 Z X 10k 3k N7 4k N12 N15 N11 N14 G3 N13 N10 F1 1k N6 N8 -1k H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Loads: RLL - Roof Live Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Roof Live Load July 2, 2018 at 9:13 AM Foundation at front.fnd 178 of 244 Z X 24k 7k N7 6k N12 N15 N11 N14 G3 N13 N10 F1 1k N6 N8 -1k H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Loads: SL - Snow Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Snow Load July 2, 2018 at 9:03 AM Foundation at front.fnd 179 of 244 Z X .42ksf N7 N12 N15 N11 N14 G3 N13 N10 F1 N8 N6 H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Loads: HL - Hydrostatic Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 4 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Overburden Soil Load July 2, 2018 at 9:14 AM Foundation at front.fnd 180 of 244 Z X 1k N7 -20k 13k N12 -8k N15 N14 N11 G3 N13 N10 24k F1 4k N8 123k -81k 32k N6 H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Loads: WLX - Wind Load X Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 4 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Wind Load, x July 2, 2018 at 9:04 AM Foundation at front.fnd 181 of 244 Z X -11k N7 -25k N12 -8k N15 N14 N11 -2k G3 N13 N10 F1 N8 -1k 4k N6 H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Loads: WLZ - Wind Load Z Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 5 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Wind Load, z July 2, 2018 at 9:04 AM Foundation at front.fnd 182 of 244 Z X N7 -4k -2k N12 N15 -5k N11 N14 -4k G3 N13 N10 F1 N8 4k N6 H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Loads: ELZ - Earthquake Load Z Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 6 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Earthquake Load, z July 2, 2018 at 9:05 AM Foundation at front.fnd 183 of 244 Z X N7 N12 N15 N11 N14 G3 N13 N10 F1 #5 @ @ #5 T) in( 12 N6 12 in( N8 T) #5 @ (B) in 12in 12 (B) @ #5 H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 7 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Reinforcement in Foundation July 2, 2018 at 9:06 AM Foundation at front.fnd 184 of 244 Pedestal: Shape: Material: Height: Location: H2 CRECT24X18 3000 3000NW Conc4000NW 42 in (21.17 , 21.17) ft 3000 Tension Bar Fy: Shear Bar Fy: Pedestal Cover: Rebar Set: 60 ksi 60 ksi 1.5 in ASTM A615 Stress Block: Design Rule: Design Code: Rectangular Typical ACI 318-14 18 in #4@7 in 42 in 8#6 1.5 in 24 in 24 in THEREFORE, USE #4 @6" Design Results Shear Check Results (Envelope) Along xx Vcx 0 k Along zz Vcz 0 k Shear Ties #4 @ 7 in Bending Check Results Unity Check .752 Pu -72.95 k Pn -81.055 k Gov LC 26 Long. Bars 8 #6 Vsx 72.79 k Vsz 52.594 k Vux/ Vuz/ Vnx .44 Vnz .101 Gov LC 16 Gov LC 16 .9 14 k-ft 15.556 k-ft 87.878 k-ft .818 Parme Beta Muz Mnz Mnoz .65 84 k-ft 93.333 k-ft 117.494 k-ft Compression Development Length for Longitudinal Bars Lrequired Lprovided 14.23 in 19 in Lreq./Lpro. .749 Punching Shear Check Results Punching Shear Values Unity Check .082 Location EDGE Gov LC 16 Vuy Mux Muz 0k 18 k-ft 108 k-ft Total Stress vny .016 ksi .19 ksi Punching Shear Geometries Effective depth 20.688 in L1 along zz 41.343 in L2 along xx 44.688 in Polar Moment Ixx 5.611e+5 in^4 Polar Moment Izz 1.041e+6 in^4 Gamma xx Gamma zz .391 .409 RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Phi Mux Mnx Mnox % Steel Vux 24 k Vuz 4 k [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\PEMB Foundations\Foundation at front.fnd] Page 1 185 of 244 Pedestal: Shape: Material: Height: Location: G3 CRECT24X24 Conc4000NW 3000NW 42 in (10 , 10) ft Tension Bar Fy: Shear Bar Fy: Pedestal Cover: Rebar Set: 60 ksi 60 ksi 1.5 in ASTM A615 Stress Block: Design Rule: Design Code: Rectangular Typical ACI 318-14 24 in 42 in #4@10 in 1.5 in 24 in 24 in 8#6 Design Results Shear Check Results (Envelope) Along xx Vcx 0 k Along zz Vcz 0 k Shear Ties #4 @ 10 in Bending Check Results Unity Check .153 Pu 0k Pn -212.058 k Gov LC 25 Long. Bars 8 #6 Vsx 50.953 k Vsz 50.953 k Vux/ Vuz/ Vnx .026 Vnz .419 Gov LC 16 Gov LC 10 .9 -25.9 k-ft 188.133 k-ft NA .614 Parme Beta Muz Mnz Mnoz .65 0 k-ft NA NA Compression Development Length for Longitudinal Bars Lrequired Lprovided 14.23 in 19 in Lreq./Lpro. .749 Punching Shear Check Results Punching Shear Values Unity Check .122 Location EDGE Gov LC 11 Vuy Mux Muz 34.351 k 72 k-ft 2.25 k-ft Total Stress vny .023 ksi .19 ksi Punching Shear Geometries Effective depth 20.688 in L1 along zz 44.688 in L2 along xx 44.844 in Polar Moment Ixx 1.113e+6 in^4 Polar Moment Izz 6.873e+5 in^4 Gamma xx Gamma zz .4 .4 RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Phi Mux Mnx Mnox % Steel Vux 1 k Vuz 16 k [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\PEMB Foundations\Foundation at front.fnd] Page 1 186 of 244 Z Soil Pressure ksf 1.44 1.28 1.12 .96 .8 .64 .48 .32 .16 .001 0 X N7 N12 N15 N11 N14 G3 N13 N10 F1 N8 N6 H2 N17 N16 H1 N9 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 8 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Pocket Soil Pressure July 2, 2018 at 9:11 AM Foundation at front.fnd 187 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at Hangar Door Poc ket July 2, 2018 9:30 AM Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Mesh S ize (in) Max Iterations Merge Tolerance (in) S olver C oefficient of F riction 5 100 24 10 .12 S parse Acc elerated .3 No. of S hear Regions S hear Region S pacing Increment (in) Min 1 Bar Dia S pacing for Beams? O ptimize footings for OTM / S liding? P arme Beta Factor P ile S afety F actor C oncrete S tress Block C oncrete R ebar S et C oncrete C ode HR S teel P ile C ode Wood P ile Code 4 4 No No .65 3 R ectangular AS TM A615 AC I 318-14 AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D AWC NDS -15: AS D Soil Definitions 1 Label S ubgrade M odulus [k/ft^3] Allowable B earing[k sf] Depth P roperties Default? Default 86.4 2 None Yes Load C ategories Category P oint L oads Line L oads DL SL R LL HL E LZ WLX WLZ 6 5 5 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Area L oads 1 5 13 6 Load C ombinations Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... S ervice Yes S trength Yes IBC 16-1 Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes Yes R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 LL 1 HL 1 LL 1.6 HL 1.6 LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S RL L 1.6 HL RL L 1.6 HL RL L 1.6 HL S L 1.6 S LN S L 1.6 S LN S L 1.6 S LN R L 1.6 HL 1.6 HL 1.6 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 S L 1.6 HL 1.6 R L 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1.6 W... .5 1.6 WL Z .5 1.6 HL 1.6 LL 1.6 HL 1.6 W... 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z 1.6 LL .5 LL S .5 .5 S LN .5 .5 1 .5 LL S 1 .5 .5 1 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\P E MB Foundations\F oundation at front.fnd] P age 1 188 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at Hangar Door Poc ket July 2, 2018 9:30 AM Checked B y:_____ Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Label IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 E LX 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LZ 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 E LX 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 E LZ 1 HL .9 189 of 244 PEMB HANGAR DOOR FOUNDATION 190 of 244 191 of 244 Z X N7N10 N5N8 N13 N15 N14 N16 N6N12 N11 N9 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 1 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door PEMB Door Foundation July 2, 2018 at 9:23 AM Foundation at Door.fnd 192 of 244 Z X t k/f .49 N7N10 t k/f .66 N5N8 N13 N15 t k/f .63 N14 t k/f .666k/ft .4 N16 N6N12 N11 N9 Loads: DL - Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Dead Load due to Doors, Door Framing July 2, 2018 at 9:23 AM Foundation at Door.fnd 193 of 244 Shear Z k per ft Z MAX3.1 2.48 1.86 1.24 .62 0 -.62 -1.24 -1.86 -2.48 MIN -3.1 X .2ksf N7N10 N5N8 N13 N15 N14 N16 N6N12 N11 N9 Loads: HL - Hydrostatic Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Overburden Load due to Soil July 2, 2018 at 9:27 AM Foundation at Door.fnd 194 of 244 Z X N7N10 N5N8 N13 ( T) ) 2in (B #5 @ 5@1 12in 12# @ in#(5 T) #5 @ 12 in N15 (B) N14 N16 N6N12 N11 N9 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Door Foundation Reinforcement July 2, 2018 at 9:24 AM Foundation at Door.fnd 195 of 244 Z Soil Pressure ksf .891 .792 .693 .594 .495 .396 .297 .198 .099 .001 0 X N7N10 N5N8 N13 N15 N14 N16 N6N12 N11 N9 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 4 PEMB Foundation at Hangar Door Soil Pressure July 2, 2018 at 9:28 AM Foundation at Door.fnd 196 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at Hangar Door July 2, 2018 9:29 AM Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Mesh S ize (in) Max Iterations Merge Tolerance (in) S olver C oefficient of F riction 5 100 24 10 .12 S parse Acc elerated .3 No. of S hear Regions S hear Region S pacing Increment (in) Min 1 Bar Dia S pacing for Beams? O ptimize footings for OTM / S liding? P arme Beta Factor P ile S afety F actor C oncrete S tress Block C oncrete R ebar S et C oncrete C ode HR S teel P ile C ode Wood P ile Code 4 4 No No .65 3 R ectangular AS TM A615 AC I 318-14 AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D AWC NDS -15: AS D Soil Definitions 1 Label S ubgrade M odulus [k/ft^3] Allowable B earing[k sf] Depth P roperties Default? Default 86.4 2 None Yes Load C ategories Category 1 2 P oint L oads Line L oads DL HL Area L oads 8 1 Load C ombinations Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... S ervice Yes S trength Yes IBC 16-1 Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes Yes R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 LL 1 1.2 LL 1.6 1.4 1.2 LL 1.6 1.2 LL 1.6 1.2 LL 1.6 1.2 RL L 1.6 1.2 RL L 1.6 1.2 RL L 1.6 1.2 S L 1.6 1.2 S L 1.6 1.2 S L 1.6 1.2 R L 1.6 1.2 R L 1.6 1.2 R L 1.6 1.2 W... 1 1.2 WL Z 1 1.2 W... 1 HL 1 HL 1.6 LL S 1.6 HL 1.6 RL L .5 LL S 1.6 HL 1.6 S L .5 LL S 1.6 HL 1.6 R L .5 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 W... .5 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 W... .5 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S LN .5 LL S 1 RL L .5 RL L .5 S L .5 S LN .5 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\P E MB Foundations\F oundation at Door.fnd] P age 1 197 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at Hangar Door July 2, 2018 9:29 AM Checked B y:_____ Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Label IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 E LX 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LZ 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 E LX 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 E LZ 1 HL .9 198 of 244 PEMB F8 COLUMN FOUNDATION 199 of 244 Z X N1 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 1 PEMB Foundation at 3-M PEMB Foundation F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:33 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 200 of 244 Z X 11k 4k N1 Loads: DL - Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Dead Load to F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:34 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 201 of 244 Z X 10k 3k N1 Loads: RLL - Roof Live Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Roof Live Load to F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:35 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 202 of 244 Z X 24k 7k N1 Loads: SL - Snow Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 4 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Snow Load to F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:36 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 203 of 244 Z X -11k -25k N1 Loads: WLX - Wind Load X Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 5 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Wind Load, x to F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:37 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 204 of 244 Z X 22k 1k N1 Loads: WLZ - Wind Load Z Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 6 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Wind Load, z to F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:38 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 205 of 244 Z X -4k -5k N1 Loads: ELX - Earthquake Load X Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 7 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Seismic Load, x to F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:38 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 206 of 244 Z X 10k -18k N1 Loads: ELZ - Earthquake Load Z Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 8 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Seismic Load, z to F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:39 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 207 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Sketch 3 ft A x B D 42 in 24 in z 8 ft 24 in 3 ft 24 in D C 8 ft C Details A B x #4@10 in 3 in z #5@6 in D D C 8 ft 2 (14 #5) 2 (14 #5) x Dir. Steel: 4.3 in z Dir. Steel: 4.3 in 24 in 8 ft 1.5 in 42 in #5@6 in Footing Elevation C USE #5 @12" OC EACH WAY TOP AND BOTTOM Bottom Rebar Plan RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 3-M.fnd] Page 1 208 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 24 in B 8#6 8 ft 1.5 in 24 in A Pedestal Rebar Plan D C 8 ft 2 (0 #5) 2 (0 #5) x Dir. Steel: 0 in z Dir. Steel: 0 in Top Rebar Plan Geometry, Materials and Criteria Length Width Thickness Height Rot. Angle : 8 ft : 8 ft : 24 in : 42 in : 0 deg eX eZ pX pZ : 0 in : 0 in : 24 in : 24 in Footing Top Bar Cover : 1.5 in Footing Bottom Bar Cover : 3 in Pedestal Longitudinal Bar Cover : 1.5 in Gross Allow. Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete f'c Design Code : 2 ksf (gross) : .145 k/ft^3 : 43 ksi : ACI 318-14 Overturning / Sliding SF Coefficient of Friction Passive Resistance of Soil Steel fy : 60 ksi Minimum Steel : .0018 Maximum Steel : .0075 :1 : 0.3 :0 k Phi for Flexure : 0.9 Phi for Shear : 0.75 Phi for Bearing : 0.65 Loads DL SL RLL ELX ELZ WLX WLZ P (k) 11 24 10 -5 -18 -25 22 +P Vx (k) 4 7 3 -4 Vz (k) Mx (k-ft) Mz (k-ft) +Mx +Mz Overburden (ksf) .42 -10 -11 -1 +Vz +Vx A D D C D C A +Over D Soil Bearing Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Gross Allow.(ksf) Max Bearing (ksf) 2 1.145 (A) [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 3-M.fnd] Max/Allowable Ratio .573 Page 2 209 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 A B D C July 2, 2018 Footing 1 - N1 Checked By:_____ 1DL+1LL+1HL QA: 1.145 ksf QB: 1.145 ksf QC: .63 ksf QD: .63 ksf NAZ: -1 in NAX: 213.207 in RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 3-M.fnd] Page 3 210 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Footing Flexure Design (Bottom Bars) As-min x-dir (Top Flexure): As-min z-dir (Top Flexure): As-min x-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min z-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min x-dir (T & S) : 4.147 in^2 As-min z-dir (T & S) : 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 4.147 in^2 Description Categories and Factors Strength 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL IBC 16-1 1.4DL IBC 16-2 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-3 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (e.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-3 (f.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-3 (f.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-4 (a.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (a.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (b.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (b.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (c.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (c.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-5 (a.. 1.2DL+1ELX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-5 (b.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-6 (a.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL IBC 16-6 (a.. .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL IBC 16-6 (b.. .9DL+1WLX+.9HL IBC 16-6 (b.. .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL IBC 16-7 (a.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL IBC 16-7 (a.. .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL IBC 16-7 (b.. .9DL+1ELX+.9HL IBC 16-7 (b.. .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL Mu-xx UC Max .01984 .02314 .02712 .03732 .01984 .04314 .02494 .06142 .07577 .05756 .09405 .01984 .00163 .03811 0 .06367 .0009 .07387 0 .05639 .01955 .04579 0 .05143 0 .05143 0 .05143 .0076 .03573 Mu-xx (k-ft) 7.66 8.94 10.47 14.41 7.66 16.66 9.63 23.72 29.26 22.23 36.32 7.66 .63 14.72 0 24.59 .35 28.53 0 21.78 7.55 17.68 0 19.86 0 19.86 0 19.86 2.93 13.8 z-Dir As z-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) .084 4.295 .098 4.295 .114 4.295 .157 4.295 .084 4.295 .182 4.295 .105 4.295 .259 4.295 .32 4.295 .243 4.295 .397 4.295 .084 4.295 .007 4.295 .161 4.295 0 4.295 .269 4.295 .004 4.295 .312 4.295 0 4.295 .238 4.295 .082 4.295 .193 4.295 0 4.295 .217 4.295 0 4.295 .217 4.295 0 4.295 .217 4.295 .032 4.295 .151 4.295 Mu-zz UC Max .04147 .04838 .05551 .07472 .04147 .0864 .04341 .10243 .14787 .10488 .16389 .04147 .00479 .05749 .01189 .08756 .01307 .10676 .01136 .07351 .02946 .02866 .01218 .06315 .01218 .06315 .01218 .06315 .0094 .00552 Mu-zz (k-ft) 16.01 18.68 21.44 28.86 16.01 33.37 16.76 39.55 57.11 40.5 63.29 16.01 1.85 22.2 4.59 33.81 5.05 41.23 4.39 28.39 11.38 11.07 4.7 24.39 4.7 24.39 4.7 24.39 3.63 2.13 x-Dir As x-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) .175 4.295 .204 4.295 .234 4.295 .315 4.295 .175 4.295 .365 4.295 .183 4.295 .432 4.295 .625 4.295 .443 4.295 .692 4.295 .175 4.295 .02 4.295 .242 4.295 .05 4.295 .369 4.295 .055 4.295 .451 4.295 .048 4.295 .31 4.295 .124 4.295 .121 4.295 .051 4.295 .266 4.295 .051 4.295 .266 4.295 .051 4.295 .266 4.295 .04 4.295 .023 4.295 Footing Flexure Design (Top Bars) 2 2 Description Categories and Factors Mu-xx (k-ft) z Dir As (in ) Mu-zz (k-ft) x Dir As (in ) SW+OB 1SW+1OB-(IBC 16-7..,IBC 16-6..) 23.216 0 23.524 0 Moment Capacity of Plain Concrete Section Along xx and zz= 122.443k-ft,122.443k-ft Per Chapter 22 of ACI 318. RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 3-M.fnd] Page 4 211 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Footing Shear Check Two Way (Punching) Vc: 914.926 k Description Strength IBC 16-1 IBC 16-2 (a) IBC 16-2 (b) IBC 16-2 (c) IBC 16-3 (a) IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (c) IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (e) IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (c) .. IBC 16-4 (c) .. IBC 16-5 (a) IBC 16-5 (b) IBC 16-6 (a) .. IBC 16-6 (a) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. One Way (x Dir. Cut) Vc 247.417 k Categories and Factors 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL 1.4DL 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5L.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5LL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1WLX+.9HL .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1ELX+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL One Way (z Dir. Cut) Vc: Punching Vu(k) Vu/ Vc 10.71 .016 12.495 .018 14.642 .021 20.146 .029 10.71 .016 23.291 .034 13.462 .02 31.941 .047 40.905 .06 31.076 .045 49.555 .072 10.71 .016 .881 .001 19.36 .028 NA NA 31.941 .047 .488 0 37.445 .055 NA NA 28.009 .041 10.553 .015 .346 0 NA NA 25.332 .037 NA NA 25.332 .037 NA NA 25.332 .037 4.101 .006 NA NA x Dir. Cut Vu(k) Vu/ Vc 2.217 .012 2.586 .014 3.031 .016 4.17 .022 2.217 .012 4.821 .026 2.786 .015 6.892 .037 8.467 .046 6.432 .035 10.538 .057 2.217 .012 .182 0 4.288 .023 1.038 .006 7.173 .039 .101 0 8.313 .045 1.852 .01 6.36 .034 2.184 .012 5.705 .031 2.406 .013 5.805 .031 2.406 .013 5.805 .031 2.406 .013 5.805 .031 .849 .005 6.325 .034 247.417 k z Dir. Cut Vu(k) Vu/ Vc 4.915 .026 5.734 .031 6.572 .035 8.835 .048 4.915 .026 10.217 .055 5.091 .027 12.008 .065 17.461 .094 12.334 .066 19.251 .104 4.915 .026 .576 .003 6.705 .036 3.68 .02 10.153 .055 1.619 .009 12.416 .067 5.337 .029 8.496 .046 3.421 .018 3.568 .019 6.466 .035 7.267 .039 6.466 .035 7.267 .039 6.466 .035 7.267 .039 1.074 .006 3.187 .017 Pedestal Design Shear Check Results (Envelope): Vc (k) Shear Along x Direction: 0 Shear Along z Direction: 0 Pedestal Ties : #4 @ 10 in Vs (k) 50.953 50.953 Vu (k) 16 10 Vu/phi*Vn .419 .262 Bending Check Results (Envelope): PCA Load Contour Method (for biaxial) Unity Check : .153 Phi : .9 Parme Beta Pu : 0k Mux : 0 k-ft Muz Pn : -212.058 k Mnx : NC Mnz Governing LC : 24 Mnox : NC Mnoz Pedestal Bars : 8 #6 % Steel : .6136 RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 3-M.fnd] phi .75 .75 : : : : Gov LC 16 16 .65 -25.9 k-ft 188.133 k-ft NC Page 5 212 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Overturning Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Mo-xx (k-ft) 0 Ms-xx (k-ft) 227.16 Mo-zz (k-ft) 22 Ms-zz (k-ft) 227.16 Vr-xx (k) 17.037 Va-zz (k) 0 Vr-zz (k) 17.037 OSF-xx OSF-zz NA 10.325 Mo-xx: Governing Overturning Moment about AD or BC Ms-xx: Governing Stablizing Moment about AD or BC OSF-xx: Ratio of Ms-xx to Mo-xx Sliding Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Va-xx (k) 4 SR-xx 4.259 SR-zz NA Va-xx: Applied Lateral Force to Cause Sliding Along xx Axis Vr-xx: Resisting Lateral Force Against Sliding Along xx Axis SR-xx: Ratio of Vr-xx to Va-xx RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 3-M.fnd] Page 6 213 of 244 Footing Sets Footing 1 Z X Soil Pressure ksf 1.17 1.04 .91 .78 .65 .52 .39 .26 .13 .001 0 D N1 A C B Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 9 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Soil Pressure at F8 July 2, 2018 at 9:42 AM Foundation at 3-M.fnd 214 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at 3-M July 2, 2018 9:36 AM Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Mesh S ize (in) Max Iterations Merge Tolerance (in) S olver C oefficient of F riction 5 100 24 10 .12 S parse Acc elerated .3 No. of S hear Regions S hear Region S pacing Increment (in) Min 1 Bar Dia S pacing for Beams? O ptimize footings for OTM / S liding? P arme Beta Factor P ile S afety F actor C oncrete S tress Block C oncrete R ebar S et C oncrete C ode HR S teel P ile C ode Wood P ile Code 4 4 No No .65 3 R ectangular AS TM A615 AC I 318-14 AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D AWC NDS -15: AS D Soil Definitions 1 Label S ubgrade M odulus [k/ft^3] Allowable B earing[k sf] Depth P roperties Default? Default 86.4 2 None Yes Soil Properties 1 Label Overburden[ksf] P assive[k] Friction Coefficient G ros s/Net F ooting 1 .42 0 .3 G ross Load C ategories Category P oint L oads DL SL R LL E LX E LZ WLX WLZ 3 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Line L oads Area L oads Load C ombinations Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... S ervice Yes S trength Yes IBC 16-1 Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes Yes R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 LL 1 HL 1 LL 1.6 HL 1.6 LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S RL L 1.6 HL RL L 1.6 HL RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 HL 1.6 1.6 HL 1.6 1.6 HL 1.6 1.6 LL .5 1.6 W... .5 1.6 WL Z .5 RL L .5 S L .5 S LN .5 R L .5 LL S 1 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\P E MB Foundations\F oundation at 3-M .fnd] P age 1 215 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at 3-M July 2, 2018 9:36 AM Checked B y:_____ Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Label IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 E LX 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LZ 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 E LX 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 E LZ 1 HL .9 216 of 244 PEMB F6 COLUMN FOUNDATION 217 of 244 Z X N1 Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 1 PEMB Foundation at 3-M PEMB Foundation F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:45 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 218 of 244 Z X 11k 4k N1 Loads: DL - Dead Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Dead Load to F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:45 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 219 of 244 Z X 10k 3k N1 Loads: RLL - Roof Live Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Roof Live Load to F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:46 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 220 of 244 Z X 24k 7k N1 Loads: SL - Snow Load Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 4 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Snow Load to F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:46 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 221 of 244 Z X -11k -25k N1 Loads: WLX - Wind Load X Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 5 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Wind Load, x to F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:47 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 222 of 244 Z X 25k -62k N1 Loads: WLZ - Wind Load Z Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 6 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Wind Load, z to F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:48 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 223 of 244 Z X -4k -5k N1 Loads: ELX - Earthquake Load X Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 7 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Seismic Load, x to F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:48 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 224 of 244 Z X 10k -18k N1 Loads: ELZ - Earthquake Load Z Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 8 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Seismic Load, z to F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:49 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 225 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Sketch 2 ft A x B 42 in 24 in z 6 ft 24 in 2 ft 24 in D C 6 ft D C Details A B x #4@10 in 3 in z #5@6 in D D C 6 ft 2 (11 #5) 2 (11 #5) x Dir. Steel: 3.37 in z Dir. Steel: 3.37 in 24 in 6 ft 1.5 in 42 in #5@6 in Footing Elevation C USE #5 @12" OC EACH WAY TOP AND BOTTOM Bottom Rebar Plan RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 4-M.fnd] Page 1 226 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 24 in A B 8#6 6 ft 1.5 in 24 in #5@16 in Pedestal Rebar Plan #5@16 in D C 6 ft 2 (5 #5) 2 (5 #5) x Dir. Steel: 1.53 in z Dir. Steel: 1.53 in USE #5 @12" OC EACH WAY TOP AND BOTTOM Top Rebar Plan Geometry, Materials and Criteria Length Width Thickness Height Rot. Angle : 6 ft : 6 ft : 24 in : 42 in : 0 deg eX eZ pX pZ : 0 in : 0 in : 24 in : 24 in Footing Top Bar Cover : 1.5 in Footing Bottom Bar Cover : 3 in Pedestal Longitudinal Bar Cover : 1.5 in Gross Allow. Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete f'c Design Code : 2 ksf (gross) : .145 k/ft^3 :4 3 ksi : ACI 318-14 Overturning / Sliding SF Coefficient of Friction Passive Resistance of Soil Steel fy : 60 ksi Minimum Steel : .0018 Maximum Steel : .0075 :1 : 0.3 :0 k Phi for Flexure : 0.9 Phi for Shear : 0.75 Phi for Bearing : 0.65 Loads DL SL RLL ELX ELZ WLX WLZ P (k) 11 24 10 -5 -18 -25 -62 +P Vx (k) 4 7 3 -4 Vz (k) Mx (k-ft) Mz (k-ft) +Mx +Mz Overburden (ksf) .42 -10 -11 -25 +Vz +Vx A D D C D C A +Over D Soil Bearing Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 Gross Allow.(ksf) Max Bearing (ksf) 2 1.636 (A) [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 4-M.fnd] Max/Allowable Ratio .818 Page 2 227 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 A B D C July 2, 2018 Footing 1 - N1 Checked By:_____ 1DL+1LL+1HL QA: 1.636 ksf QB: 1.636 ksf QC: .414 ksf QD: .414 ksf NAZ: -1 in NAX: 96.398 in RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 4-M.fnd] Page 3 228 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Footing Flexure Design (Bottom Bars) As-min x-dir (Top Flexure): As-min z-dir (Top Flexure): As-min x-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min z-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min x-dir (T & S) : 3.11 in^2 As-min z-dir (T & S) : 3.11 in^2 3.11 in^2 3.11 in^2 3.11 in^2 3.11 in^2 Description Categories and Factors Strength 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL IBC 16-1 1.4DL IBC 16-2 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-3 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (e.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-3 (f.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-3 (f.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-4 (a.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (a.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (b.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (b.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (c.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (c.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-5 (a.. 1.2DL+1ELX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-5 (b.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-6 (a.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL IBC 16-6 (a.. .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL IBC 16-6 (b.. .9DL+1WLX+.9HL IBC 16-6 (b.. .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL IBC 16-7 (a.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL IBC 16-7 (a.. .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL IBC 16-7 (b.. .9DL+1ELX+.9HL IBC 16-7 (b.. .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL Mu-xx UC Max .01498 .01747 .02047 .02817 .01498 .03257 .01883 .09663 .0572 .04346 .09099 .01498 .00123 .14922 0 .45358 .00068 .45358 0 .45358 .01476 .06046 0 .45358 0 .45358 0 .45358 .00573 .10593 Mu-xx (k-ft) 4.54 5.3 6.21 8.54 4.54 9.87 5.71 29.29 17.34 13.17 27.58 4.54 .37 45.23 0 137.5 .21 137.5 0 137.5 4.47 18.33 0 137.5 0 137.5 0 137.5 1.74 32.11 z-Dir As z-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) .05 3.375 .058 3.375 .068 3.375 .093 3.375 .05 3.375 .108 3.375 .062 3.375 .32 3.375 .189 3.375 .144 3.375 .301 3.375 .05 3.375 .004 3.375 .495 3.375 0 3.375 1.513 3.375 .002 3.375 1.513 3.375 0 3.375 1.513 3.375 .049 3.375 .2 3.375 0 3.375 1.513 3.375 0 3.375 1.513 3.375 0 3.375 1.513 3.375 .019 3.375 .351 3.375 Mu-zz UC Max .03755 .04381 .05011 .06721 .03755 .07773 .03811 .05714 .13259 .09285 .11755 .03755 .00452 .00951 .01513 .1143 .01338 .15059 .02271 .08709 .0251 .03306 .08185 .06532 .08185 .06532 .08185 .06532 .00762 .01018 Mu-zz (k-ft) 11.38 13.28 15.19 20.38 11.38 23.56 11.55 17.32 40.19 28.15 35.64 11.38 1.37 2.88 4.59 34.65 4.06 45.65 6.88 26.4 7.61 10.02 24.81 19.8 24.81 19.8 24.81 19.8 2.31 3.09 x-Dir As x-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) .124 3.375 .145 3.375 .166 3.375 .223 3.375 .124 3.375 .257 3.375 .126 3.375 .189 3.375 .44 3.375 .308 3.375 .39 3.375 .124 3.375 .015 3.375 .031 3.375 .05 3.375 .379 3.375 .044 3.375 .499 3.375 .075 3.375 .288 3.375 .083 3.375 .109 3.375 .271 3.375 .216 3.375 .271 3.375 .216 3.375 .271 3.375 .216 3.375 .025 3.375 .034 3.375 Footing Flexure Design (Top Bars) 2 2 Description Categories and Factors Mu-xx (k-ft) z Dir As (in ) Mu-zz (k-ft) x Dir As (in ) SW+OB 1SW+1OB-(IBC 16-3..,IBC 16-3..) 8.52 0 8.52 0 Moment Capacity of Plain Concrete Section Along xx and zz= 91.833k-ft,91.833k-ft Per Chapter 22 of ACI 318. RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 4-M.fnd] Page 4 229 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Footing Shear Check Two Way (Punching) Vc: 914.926 k Description Strength IBC 16-1 IBC 16-2 (a) IBC 16-2 (b) IBC 16-2 (c) IBC 16-3 (a) IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (c) IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (e) IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (c) .. IBC 16-4 (c) .. IBC 16-5 (a) IBC 16-5 (b) IBC 16-6 (a) .. IBC 16-6 (a) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. One Way (x Dir. Cut) Vc 185.562 k Categories and Factors 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL 1.4DL 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5L.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5LL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1WLX+.9HL .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1ELX+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL One Way (z Dir. Cut) Vc: Punching Vu(k) Vu/ Vc 8.446 .012 9.854 .014 11.547 .017 15.888 .023 8.446 .012 18.369 .027 10.617 .015 9.32 .014 32.295 .047 24.508 .036 21.149 .031 8.446 .012 .695 .001 NA NA NA NA NA NA .384 0 NA NA NA NA NA NA 8.322 .012 4.759 .007 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 3.234 .005 .953 .001 x Dir. Cut Vu(k) Vu/ Vc .686 .005 .8 .006 .937 .007 1.29 .009 .686 .005 1.491 .011 .862 .006 7.489 .054 2.619 .019 1.99 .014 5.144 .037 .686 .005 .056 0 11.748 .084 .321 .002 1.544 .011 .031 0 1.544 .011 .573 .004 1.544 .011 .676 .005 3.71 .027 0 0 1.158 .008 0 0 1.158 .008 0 0 1.158 .008 .263 .002 14.061 .101 185.562 k z Dir. Cut Vu(k) Vu/ Vc 1.948 .014 2.273 .016 2.594 .019 3.473 .025 1.948 .014 4.016 .029 1.94 .014 3.656 .026 6.835 .049 4.751 .034 6.93 .05 1.948 .014 .24 .002 11.748 .084 1.536 .011 1.544 .011 .741 .005 1.544 .011 1.544 .011 1.544 .011 1.254 .009 1.954 .014 7.061 .051 1.158 .008 7.061 .051 1.158 .008 7.061 .051 1.158 .008 .368 .003 14.061 .101 Pedestal Design Shear Check Results (Envelope): Vc (k) Shear Along x Direction: 0 Shear Along z Direction: 0 Pedestal Ties : #4 @ 10 in Vs (k) 50.953 50.953 Vu (k) 16 25 Vu/phi*Vn .419 .654 Bending Check Results (Envelope): PCA Load Contour Method (for biaxial) Unity Check : .57 Phi : .9 Parme Beta Pu : -50.273 k Mux : 87.5 k-ft Muz Pn : -55.859 k Mnx : 97.222 k-ft Mnz Governing LC : 25 Mnox : 141.67 k-ft Mnoz Pedestal Bars : 8 #6 % Steel : .6136 RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 4-M.fnd] phi .75 .75 : : : : Gov LC 16 16 .65 12.6 k-ft 14 k-ft 141.67 k-ft Page 5 230 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Overturning Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Mo-xx (k-ft) 0 Ms-xx (k-ft) 110.73 Mo-zz (k-ft) 22 Ms-zz (k-ft) 110.73 Vr-xx (k) 11.073 Va-zz (k) 0 Vr-zz (k) 11.073 OSF-xx OSF-zz NA 5.033 Mo-xx: Governing Overturning Moment about AD or BC Ms-xx: Governing Stablizing Moment about AD or BC OSF-xx: Ratio of Ms-xx to Mo-xx Sliding Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Va-xx (k) 4 SR-xx 2.768 SR-zz NA Va-xx: Applied Lateral Force to Cause Sliding Along xx Axis Vr-xx: Resisting Lateral Force Against Sliding Along xx Axis SR-xx: Ratio of Vr-xx to Va-xx RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Foundation at 4-M.fnd] Page 6 231 of 244 Footing Sets Footing 1 Z X Soil Pressure ksf 1.71 1.52 1.33 1.14 .95 .76 .57 .38 .19 .001 0 D N1 A C B Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 9 PEMB Foundation at 3-M Soil Pressure at F6 July 2, 2018 at 9:51 AM Foundation at 4-M.fnd 232 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at 3-M July 2, 2018 9:51 AM Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Mesh S ize (in) Max Iterations Merge Tolerance (in) S olver C oefficient of F riction 5 100 24 10 .12 S parse Acc elerated .3 No. of S hear Regions S hear Region S pacing Increment (in) Min 1 Bar Dia S pacing for Beams? O ptimize footings for OTM / S liding? P arme Beta Factor P ile S afety F actor C oncrete S tress Block C oncrete R ebar S et C oncrete C ode HR S teel P ile C ode Wood P ile Code 4 4 No No .65 3 R ectangular AS TM A615 AC I 318-14 AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D AWC NDS -15: AS D Soil Definitions 1 Label S ubgrade M odulus [k/ft^3] Allowable B earing[k sf] Depth P roperties Default? Default 86.4 2 None Yes Soil Properties 1 Label Overburden[ksf] P assive[k] Friction Coefficient G ros s/Net F ooting 1 .42 0 .3 G ross Load C ategories Category P oint L oads DL SL R LL E LX E LZ WLX WLZ 3 2 2 2 2 2 4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Line L oads Area L oads Load C ombinations Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... S ervice Yes S trength Yes IBC 16-1 Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes Yes R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 LL 1 HL 1 LL 1.6 HL 1.6 LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S LL 1.6 LL S RL L 1.6 HL RL L 1.6 HL RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 HL 1.6 1.6 HL 1.6 1.6 HL 1.6 1.6 LL .5 1.6 W... .5 1.6 WL Z .5 RL L .5 S L .5 S LN .5 R L .5 LL S 1 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\P E MB Foundations\F oundation at 4-M .fnd] P age 1 233 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at 3-M July 2, 2018 9:51 AM Checked B y:_____ Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Label IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S 1 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 Yes DL 1.2 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 E LX 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LZ 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 E LX 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 E LZ 1 HL .9 234 of 244 PEMB WIND COLUMN FOUNDATION 235 of 244 Z X 18"x18" PIER N1 Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 18"X24" GRADE BEAM (NOTE: ONLY 2' SECTION INCLUDED IN MODEL. IN REALITY, GRADE BEAM SPANS THE WIDTH OF THE PEMB BUILDING) SK - 1 PEMB Foundation at Wind Column Wind Column Foundation July 2, 2018 at 11:11 AM Wind Column Foundation.fnd 236 of 244 Z X 13k N1 Loads: WL - Wind Load Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 2 PEMB Foundation at Wind Column Wind Load to Wind Column Foundation July 2, 2018 at 11:14 AM Wind Column Foundation.fnd 237 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 x .25 ft B 18 in 18 in 2.167 ft z D 24 in A 18 in 1.667e‐5 ft Sketch C 2 ft D C Details A B x 24 in #5@10 in D D C Footing Elevation C 2 ft #3@12 in 18 in (4) #4 TOP AND BOTTOM MIN 3 in z 1.5 in 2.167 ft #5@18 in #4 STIRRUPS AT 12"OC MIN 2 (2 #5) 2 (3 #5) x Dir. Steel: .61 in z Dir. Steel: .92 in Bottom Rebar Plan B 4#6 2.167 ft 18 in #5@18 in 1.5 in A 18 in (4) #4 TOP AND BOTTOM MIN Pedestal Rebar Plan #5@10 in D C 2 ft #4 STIRRUPS AT 12"OC MIN 2 (2 #5) 2 (3 #5) x Dir. Steel: .61 in z Dir. Steel: .92 in Top Rebar Plan RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Wind Column Foundation.fnd] Page 1 238 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Geometry, Materials and Criteria Length Width Thickness Height Rot. Angle : 2 ft : 2.167 ft : 18 in : 24 in : 0 deg eX eZ pX pZ : 4 in : 0 in : 18 in : 18 in Footing Top Bar Cover : 1.5 in Footing Bottom Bar Cover : 3 in Pedestal Longitudinal Bar Cover : 1.5 in Gross Allow. Bearing Concrete Weight Concrete f'c Design Code : 2 ksf (gross) : .145 k/ft^3 :4 3 ksi : ACI 318-14 Overturning / Sliding SF Coefficient of Friction Passive Resistance of Soil Steel fy : 60 ksi Minimum Steel : .0018 Maximum Steel : .0075 :1 : 0.3 :0 k Phi for Flexure : 0.9 Phi for Shear : 0.75 Phi for Bearing : 0.65 Loads P (k) Vx (k) Vz (k) Mx (k-ft) Mz (k-ft) +Mx +Mz DL +P +Vx A +Vz D D C D C A Overburden (ksf) .42 +Over D Soil Bearing Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL A B D C Gross Allow.(ksf) Max Bearing (ksf) 2 .632 (C) Max/Allowable Ratio .316 1DL+1LL+1HL QA: .508 ksf QB: .508 ksf QC: .632 ksf QD: .632 ksf NAZ: -1 in NAX: 131.932 in RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Wind Column Foundation.fnd] Page 2 239 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Footing Flexure Design (Bottom Bars) As-min x-dir (Top Flexure): As-min z-dir (Top Flexure): As-min x-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min z-dir (Bot Flexure) : As-min x-dir (T & S) : .778 in^2 As-min z-dir (T & S) : .842 in^2 .778 in^2 .842 in^2 .778 in^2 .842 in^2 Description Categories and Factors Strength 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL IBC 16-1 1.4DL IBC 16-2 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-2 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LL.. IBC 16-3 (a.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (b.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6H.. IBC 16-3 (c.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (d.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SL.. IBC 16-3 (e.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-3 (f.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-3 (f.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL.. IBC 16-4 (a.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (a.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (b.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (b.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (c.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-4 (c.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-5 (a.. 1.2DL+1ELX+.5LL+.. IBC 16-5 (b.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+.5LL+.. IBC 16-6 (a.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL IBC 16-6 (a.. .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL IBC 16-6 (b.. .9DL+1WLX+.9HL IBC 16-6 (b.. .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL IBC 16-7 (a.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL IBC 16-7 (a.. .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL IBC 16-7 (b.. .9DL+1ELX+.9HL IBC 16-7 (b.. .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL Mu-xx UC Max 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mu-xx (k-ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 z-Dir As z-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 0 .92 Mu-zz UC Max 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mu-zz (k-ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 x-Dir As x-Dir As Required Provided (in^2) (in^2) 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 0 .614 Footing Flexure Design (Top Bars) 2 2 Description Categories and Factors Mu-xx (k-ft) z Dir As (in ) Mu-zz (k-ft) x Dir As (in ) SW+OB 1SW+1OB-(IBC 16-6..,IBC 16-6..) .008 0 .036 0 Moment Capacity of Plain Concrete Section Along xx and zz= 17.54k-ft,16.191k-ft Per Chapter 22 of ACI 318. RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Wind Column Foundation.fnd] Page 3 240 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Footing Shear Check Two Way (Punching) Vc: NA Description Strength IBC 16-1 IBC 16-2 (a) IBC 16-2 (b) IBC 16-2 (c) IBC 16-3 (a) IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (b) .. IBC 16-3 (c) IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (d) .. IBC 16-3 (e) IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-3 (f) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (a) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (b) .. IBC 16-4 (c) .. IBC 16-4 (c) .. IBC 16-5 (a) IBC 16-5 (b) IBC 16-6 (a) .. IBC 16-6 (a) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-6 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (a) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. IBC 16-7 (b) .. One Way (x Dir. Cut) Vc 47.277 k Categories and Factors 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6HL 1.4DL 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6LL+1.6LLS+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5L.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6RLL+1.6HL+.5W.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6SL+1.6SLN+1.6H.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5LL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1.6RL+1.6HL+.5WL.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1WLZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELX+.5LL+1LLS+1.. 1.2DL+1ELZ+.5LL+1LLS+1.. .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1WLX+.9HL .9DL+1WLZ+.9HL .9DL+1WLX+1.6HL .9DL+1WLZ+1.6HL .9DL+1ELX+.9HL .9DL+1ELZ+.9HL One Way (z Dir. Cut) Vc: Punching Vu(k) Vu/ Vc NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA 43.639 k x Dir. Cut z Dir. Cut Vu(k) Vu/ Vc Vu(k) Vu/ Vc .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0002048 0 .0003937 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001755 0 .0003374 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 .0001316 0 .0002531 0 Pedestal Design Shear Check Results (Envelope): Vc (k) Shear Along x Direction: 35.86 Shear Along z Direction: 35.86 Pedestal Ties : #3 @ 12 in Vs (k) 17.395 17.395 Vu (k) 0 0 Vu/phi*Vn 0 0 Bending Check Results (Envelope): PCA Load Contour Method (for biaxial) Unity Check : .001 Phi : .65 Parme Beta Pu : .913 k Mux : 0 k-ft Muz Pn : 961.296 k Mnx : NC Mnz Governing LC : 3 Mnox : NC Mnoz Pedestal Bars : 4 #6 % Steel : .5454 RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 phi .75 .75 : : : : Gov LC NC NC .65 0 k-ft NC NC [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Wind Column Foundation.fnd] Page 4 241 of 244 Company : Mead & Hunt Designer : FLB Job Number : 3142200-121252.01 July 2, 2018 Checked By:_____ Footing 1 - N1 Overturning Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Mo-xx (k-ft) .292 Ms-xx (k-ft) 2.763 Mo-zz (k-ft) .414 Ms-zz (k-ft) 2.993 Vr-xx (k) .741 Va-zz (k) 0 Vr-zz (k) .741 OSF-xx OSF-zz 9.445 7.222 Mo-xx: Governing Overturning Moment about AD or BC Ms-xx: Governing Stablizing Moment about AD or BC OSF-xx: Ratio of Ms-xx to Mo-xx Sliding Check (Service) Description Service Categories and Factors 1DL+1LL+1HL Va-xx (k) 0 SR-xx NA SR-zz NA Va-xx: Applied Lateral Force to Cause Sliding Along xx Axis Vr-xx: Resisting Lateral Force Against Sliding Along xx Axis SR-xx: Ratio of Vr-xx to Va-xx RISAFoundation Version 10.0.3 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\...\Wind Column Foundation.fnd] Page 5 242 of 244 Footing Sets Footing 1 Z X Soil Pressure ksf .639 .568 .497 .426 .355 .284 .213 .142 .071 .001 0 N1 D C A B Results for LC 1, Service Mead & Hunt FLB 3142200-121252.01 SK - 3 PEMB Foundation at Wind Column Soil Pressure July 2, 2018 at 11:20 AM Wind Column Foundation.fnd 243 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at Wind Column July 2, 2018 11:21 AM Checked B y:_____ (Global) Model Settings Display S ections for Member Calcs Max Internal S ections for Member C alcs Mesh S ize (in) Max Iterations Merge Tolerance (in) S olver C oefficient of F riction 5 100 24 10 .12 S parse Acc elerated .3 No. of S hear Regions S hear Region S pacing Increment (in) Min 1 Bar Dia S pacing for Beams? O ptimize footings for OTM / S liding? P arme Beta Factor P ile S afety F actor C oncrete S tress Block C oncrete R ebar S et C oncrete C ode HR S teel P ile C ode Wood P ile Code 4 4 No No .65 3 R ectangular AS TM A615 AC I 318-14 AIS C 14th(360-10): A S D AWC NDS -15: AS D Soil Definitions 1 Label S ubgrade M odulus [k/ft^3] Allowable B earing[k sf] Depth P roperties Default? Default 86.4 2 None Yes Soil Properties 1 Label Overburden[ksf] P assive[k] Friction Coefficient G ros s/Net F ooting 1 .42 0 .3 G ross Load C ategories Category P oint L oads WL 1 1 Line L oads Area L oads Load C ombinations Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... S ervice Yes S trength Yes IBC 16-1 Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes IBC 16-... Yes Yes R IS AF oundation Version 10.0.3 DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL DL 1 1.2 1.4 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 1.2 LL 1 HL 1 LL 1.6 HL 1.6 LL 1.6 LL S 1.6 HL 1.6 RL L LL 1.6 LL S 1.6 HL 1.6 S L LL 1.6 LL S 1.6 HL 1.6 R L RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 RL L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 LL S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 W... S L 1.6 S LN 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z R L 1.6 HL 1.6 LL .5 LL S R L 1.6 HL 1.6 W... .5 R L 1.6 HL 1.6 WL Z .5 .5 .5 S LN .5 .5 1 .5 LL S 1 .5 .5 1 [X:\...\...\...\...\...\...\P E MB Foundations\Wind C olumn F oundation.fnd] P age 1 244 of 244 Company Des igner Job Number Model Name : : : : Mead & Hunt FL B 3142200-121252.01 P EM B Foundation at Wind Column July 2, 2018 11:21 AM Checked B y:_____ Load C ombinations (C ontinued) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Label IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... IBC 16-... S olve S ervice A... S F Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Cat...F a... Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 RL L .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .5 S LN .5 Yes DL 1.2 W... 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 WL Z 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 R L .5 Yes DL 1.2 E LX 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL 1.2 E LZ 1 LL .5 LL S 1 HL 1.6 S L .2 S LN .7 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 W... 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 WL Z 1 HL 1.6 Yes DL .9 E LX 1 HL .9 Yes DL .9 E LZ 1 HL .9 A1 of A7 APPENDIX A PRELIMINARY PRE-ENGINEERED METAL BUILDING REACTIONS A2 of A7 1050 North Watery Lane Brigham City, UT 84302 Ph: (435) 919‐3100 Fax: (435) 919‐3101 PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Page: Date: R1 of 12/19/2017 GENERAL INFORMATION FOR COLUMN BASE REACTIONS FOR REVIEW Project Name: NBS Project Number: Customer: Nucor Engineer: FOR CONSTRUCTION KINGSLEY HANGAR U20‐17131 Column base reactions are included in this packet for a building designed by Nucor Building Systems. These reactions result from frame analysis done by a Nucor Engineer for this specific job. They reflect all loading to which the building may be subject, per the appropriate building code and loading information provided to Nucor Building Systems at the date of design. Reaction packets marked "FOR REVIEW" are subject to change and are usually provided at the request of the customer, although the Nucor Engineer believes he/she is working with undefined, incomplete or assumed information. Reactions are provided by load case in order to aid the foundation engineer in determining the appropriate load factors and combinations to be used with either Working Stress or Ultimate Strength design methods. Wind load cases are given for each primary wind direction. Sign conventions for computer generated frame reactions are as follows and should be taken in the sense of the frame sketch given on the reactions sheets. GLOBAL X ( + to right) GLOBAL Y ( + upward) +X +Y GLOBAL Z ( + counter‐clockwise) +Z Anchor bolt diameter, grade, location and projection is provided on the Anchor Bolt Plan. Anchor bolt embedment lengths and types are not provided by Nucor Building Systems. This Information is closely related to the complete foundation design which should be done by a Registered Professional Engineer familiar with the local site conditions and construction practices. Excellence from the Ground Up A3 of A7 NUCOR BUILDINGS GROUP Job #: U20-17131 Frame : Frame @ Line(s) 1 ' Frame Name By: Job Name: Kingsley Hangar Page: _____ Date: 01-05-18 File: E22 *** DESIGN SUMMARY - FRAME REACTIONS BY LOAD CASE *** PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION X Y Z X Y Z Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) | Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 1 - DEAD | LOAD CASE 8 - WIND CASE 2 TO RIGHT COL01 0 1 0 | COL01 -2 -4 0 COL02 0 4 0 | COL02 0 -4 0 COL03 0 4 0 | COL03 -2 -8 0 COL04 0 1 0 | COL04 0 4 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 2 - COLLATERAL | LOAD CASE 9 - WIND CASE 2 TO LEFT COL01 0 0 0 | COL01 0 4 0 COL02 0 1 0 | COL02 2 -8 0 COL03 0 1 0 | COL03 0 -4 0 COL04 0 0 0 | COL04 2 -4 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 3 - ROOF LIVE | LOAD CASE 10 - LONG. WIND 1 TO BACK COL01 0 -1 0 | COL01 -4 1 0 COL02 0 4 0 | COL02 -12 -8 0 COL03 0 4 0 | COL03 -12 -7 0 COL04 0 -1 0 | COL04 -4 -1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 4 - SNOW | LOAD CASE 11 - LONG. WIND 1 TO FRONT COL01 0 -1 0 | COL01 4 -1 0 COL02 0 5 0 | COL02 13 -7 0 COL03 0 5 0 | COL03 13 -8 0 COL04 0 -1 0 | COL04 4 1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 5 - USER OVERRIDE SNOW | LOAD CASE 12 - SEISMIC TO RIGHT COL01 0 -1 0 | COL01 -2 -4 0 COL02 0 6 0 | COL02 0 4 0 COL03 0 6 0 | COL03 -2 -4 0 COL04 0 -1 0 | COL04 0 4 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 6 - WIND CASE 1 TO RIGHT | LOAD CASE 13 - SEISMIC TO LEFT COL01 -2 -4 0 | COL01 0 4 0 COL02 0 -2 0 | COL02 2 -4 0 COL03 -2 -6 0 | COL03 0 4 0 COL04 0 4 0 | COL04 2 -4 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 7 - WIND CASE 1 TO LEFT | COL01 0 4 0 | COL02 2 -6 0 | COL03 0 -2 0 | COL04 2 -4 0 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A4 of A7 NUCOR BUILDINGS GROUP Job #: U20-17131 Frame : Frame @ Line(s) 2 ' Frame Name By: Job Name: Kingsley Hangar Page: _____ Date: 12-19-17 File: E21 *** DESIGN SUMMARY - FRAME REACTIONS BY LOAD CASE *** PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION X Y Z X Y Z Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) | Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 1 - DEAD | LOAD CASE 7 - WIND CASE 1 TO LEFT COL01 0 2 0 | COL01 0 -1 0 COL06 0 2 0 | COL06 0 -1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 2 - COLLATERAL | LOAD CASE 8 - WIND CASE 2 TO RIGHT COL01 0 1 0 | COL01 0 -1 0 COL06 0 1 0 | COL06 0 -1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 3 - ROOF LIVE | LOAD CASE 9 - WIND CASE 2 TO LEFT COL01 0 1 0 | COL01 0 -1 0 COL06 0 1 0 | COL06 0 -1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 4 - SNOW | LOAD CASE 10 - LONG. WIND 1 TO BACK COL01 0 1 0 | COL01 -3 -1 0 COL06 0 1 0 | COL06 -3 -1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 5 - USER OVERRIDE SNOW | LOAD CASE 11 - LONG. WIND 1 TO FRONT COL01 0 1 0 | COL01 4 -1 0 COL06 0 1 0 | COL06 4 -1 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 6 - WIND CASE 1 TO RIGHT | LOAD CASE 12 - SEISMIC TO RIGHT COL01 0 -1 0 | COL01 0 0 0 COL06 0 -1 0 | COL06 0 0 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A5 of A7 NUCOR BUILDINGS GROUP Job #: U20-17131 Frame : Frame @ Line(s) 2 ' Frame Name By: Job Name: Kingsley Hangar Page: _____ Date: 12-19-17 File: E21 *** DESIGN SUMMARY - FRAME REACTIONS BY LOAD CASE *** PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION X Y Z X Y Z Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) | Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 13 - SEISMIC TO LEFT | COL01 0 0 0 | COL06 0 0 0 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A6 of A7 NUCOR BUILDINGS GROUP Frame : FRAME LINES 2-6 Job Name: Kingsley Hangar Job #: U20-17131 By: Page: _____ Date: 01-05-18 File: F11 *** DESIGN SUMMARY - FRAME REACTIONS BY LOAD CASE *** PRELIMINARY NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION X Y Z X Y Z Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) | Member (kips) (kips) (kip-ft) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 1 - DEAD | LOAD CASE 10 - LONG. WIND 1 TO BACK COL01 2 7 0 | COL01 1 -11 0 COL02 -2 7 0 | COL02 1 -8 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 2 - COLLATERAL | LOAD CASE 11 - LONG. WIND 1 TO FRONT COL01 2 4 0 | COL01 -1 -8 0 COL02 -2 4 0 | COL02 -1 -11 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 3 - ROOF LIVE | LOAD CASE 12 - LONG. WIND 2 TO BACK COL01 3 10 0 | COL01 1 -20 0 COL02 -3 10 0 | COL02 1 -17 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 4 - SNOW | LOAD CASE 13 - LONG. WIND 2 TO FRONT COL01 4 16 0 | COL01 -1 -17 0 COL02 -4 16 0 | COL02 -1 -20 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 5 - USER OVERRIDE SNOW | LOAD CASE 14 - SEISMIC TO RIGHT COL01 7 24 0 | COL01 -4 -5 0 COL02 -7 24 0 | COL02 -4 5 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 6 - WIND CASE 1 TO RIGHT | LOAD CASE 15 - SEISMIC TO LEFT COL01 -12 -16 0 | COL01 4 5 0 COL02 -4 -3 0 | COL02 4 -5 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 7 - WIND CASE 1 TO LEFT | LOAD CASE 16 - ALTERNATE SNOW 1 COL01 4 -3 0 | COL01 4 16 0 COL02 12 -16 0 | COL02 -4 9 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 8 - WIND CASE 2 TO RIGHT | LOAD CASE 17 - ALTERNATE SNOW 2 COL01 -11 -25 0 | COL01 4 9 0 COL02 -4 -12 0 | COL02 -4 16 0 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------LOAD CASE 9 - WIND CASE 2 TO LEFT | COL01 4 -12 0 | COL02 11 -25 0 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A7 of A7 PRELIMINARY, NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION OVDPS!CVJMEJOHT!HSPVQ JOB NAME: JOB NUMBER: ENGINEER: MJS LONGITUDINAL X-BRACING REACTIONS (These reactions must be combined with the appropriate longitudinal frame reactions) Frame Line: Grid Line: H (KIPS) V (KIPS) Case 1-2 2-3 3-4 A&N D J 28 24 24 122 42 42 WIND WIND WIND 1-2 2-3 3-4 A&N D J 4 10 10 20 18 18 SEISMIC SEISMIC SEISMIC Frame Line: Grid Line: H (KIPS) V (KIPS) Case 6 E&J 13 H* V V * - Horizontal bracing reactions are orthogonal to horizontal frame reactions. WIND COLUMN REACTIONS H V 12/19/2017 WIND Appendix F Mechanical Calculations Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar Location Building owner Program user Company Comments Klamath Falls, OR Oregon Air National Guard M&H Mead & Hunt By Dataset name Mead & Hunt C:\Users\2016adk\Documents\Trace 700\Kingsley ANG Corrosion Control Hangar\B2\KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC Calculation time TRACE® 700 version 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 6.3.4 Location Latitude Longitude Time Zone Elevation Barometric pressure Kingsley AFB, Oregon 42.0 deg 121.0 deg 8 4,091 ft in. Hg 25.6 Air density Air specific heat Density-specific heat product Latent heat factor Enthalpy factor 0.0648 0.2444 0.9511 4,186.5 3.8908 lb/cu ft Btu/lb·°F Btu/h·cfm·°F Btu·min/h·cu ft lb·min/hr·cu ft Summer design dry bulb Summer design wet bulb Winter design dry bulb Summer clearness number Winter clearness number Summer ground reflectance Winter ground reflectance Carbon Dioxide Level 88.1 62.2 6.1 1.05 0.95 0.20 0.20 400 °F °F °F Design simulation period Cooling load methodology Heating load methodology ppm January - December CLTD-CLF (ASHRAE TFM) UATD System Checksums By Mead & Hunt A/C Incremental Heat Pump COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: Space Plenum Sens. + Lat. Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 16 OADB/WB/HR: 87 / 62 / 55 0 0 2,218 0 169 -91 0 0 0.00 0 2,296 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net Percent Total Of Total Btu/h (%) Space Percent Sensible Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 0.00 0 7 0 0 2,218 0 169 -91 0 0.00 0.00 0 2,296 0 0 7 0 1 0 0 0 0.00 0 8 1,720 900 25,802 28,422 430 0 0 430 2,150 900 25,802 28,852 7 3 83 93 1,720 500 25,802 28,022 6 2 85 92 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 430 31,149 100.00 30,319 Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -1,814 0 -1,267 -2,662 0 -644 0.00 -14,777 -21,164 0 0.00 0 0.00 -1,814 8.57 0 0.00 -1,267 5.99 -2,662 12.58 0 0.00 -644 3.04 0.00 0.00 -14,777 69.82 -21,164 100.00 Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 30,719 Grand Total ==> 0 Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat Main Clg Aux Clg Opt Vent 2.6 0.0 0.0 31.2 0.0 0.0 Total 2.6 31.2 1,484 0 0 Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC 76.8 0.0 0.0 58.8 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 Grand Total ==> -21,164 -21,164 100.00 AREAS Sens Cap. Coil Airflow Enter DB/WB/HR MBh cfm °F °F gr/lb 30.8 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Project Name: Dataset Name: TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 6 0 0 2,218 0 169 -91 0 0 0.00 0 2,296 0.00 HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: Sum of OADB: Peaks 58.1 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 55.0 50.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 57.6 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Floor Part Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall Ext Door 792 0 0 20 792 531 42 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Cooling Heating 55.0 83.0 76.0 68.0 76.8 68.0 76.8 68.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Diffuser Terminal Main Fan Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups Cooling Heating 1,484 1,484 1,484 1,484 1,484 1,484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 251 0 0 1,735 1,484 251 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling Heating 0.0 0.0 1.87 1.87 571.72 305.12 39.33 -26.72 2 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 CapacityCoil Airflow MBh cfm Ent °F Lvg °F Main Htg Aux Htg Preheat -21.2 0.0 0.0 1,484 68.0 0 0.0 0 0.0 83.0 0.0 0.0 Humidif Opt Vent Total 0.0 0.0 -21.2 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 1 of 5 System Checksums By Mead & Hunt AHU-1 Variable Volume Reheat (30% Min Flow Default) COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: Space Plenum Sens. + Lat. Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 16 OADB/WB/HR: 87 / 62 / 55 0 0 6,980 5,439 1,175 574 566 0 0.00 0 14,734 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net Percent Total Of Total Btu/h (%) Space Percent Sensible Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 0 5 4 1 0 0 0 0.00 0 11 0 0 6,980 5,439 1,175 574 566 0.00 0.00 0 14,734 0 0 6 5 1 0 0 0 0.00 0 13 10,605 20,706 80,012 111,322 2,651 0 0 2,651 13,256 20,706 80,012 113,973 10 16 62 89 10,605 11,503 80,012 102,119 9 10 68 87 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,651 128,707 100.00 116,853 Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> 0 0 -6,838 0 -9,656 -11,870 -5,403 -7,838 0.00 -48,333 -89,939 0 0 -6,838 0 -9,656 -11,870 -5,403 -7,838 0.00 -48,333 -89,939 0.00 0.00 6.18 0.00 8.73 10.73 4.88 7.09 0.00 43.69 81.31 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -20,679 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 18.69 0 0 0.00 0.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 126,056 Grand Total ==> 0 Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 100.00 Grand Total ==> -89,939 COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Main Clg Aux Clg Opt Vent 10.7 0.0 0.0 128.7 0.0 0.0 Total 10.7 128.7 Project Name: Dataset Name: TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 6 0 0 6,980 5,439 1,175 574 566 0 0.00 0 14,734 0.00 HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 16 OADB: 87 AREAS Sens Cap. Coil Airflow Enter DB/WB/HR MBh cfm °F °F gr/lb 119.5 0.0 0.0 5,496 0 0 Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC 77.9 0.0 0.0 60.6 0.0 0.0 -110,618 100.00 65.2 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 55.0 51.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 62.4 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Floor Part Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall Ext Door 6,030 225 0 244 2,986 2,598 126 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Cooling Heating 55.0 124.5 78.0 68.0 77.9 68.0 77.9 68.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Diffuser Terminal Main Fan Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups Cooling Heating 5,496 1,673 5,496 1,673 5,496 1,673 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 821 1,673 1,673 2,494 5,496 821 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling Heating 0.0 0.0 0.91 0.28 512.44 562.18 21.35 -18.35 46 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) 0 230 0 0 9 0 CapacityCoil Airflow MBh cfm Main Htg Aux Htg Preheat Reheat Humidif Opt Vent Total -110.6 0.0 0.0 -20.7 0.0 0.0 -110.6 Ent °F Lvg °F 1,673 55.0 124.5 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 1,673 55.0 68.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 2 of 5 System Checksums By Mead & Hunt AHU-2 Single Zone COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: Space Plenum Sens. + Lat. Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 7 / 17 OADB/WB/HR: 85 / 60 / 51 0 0 7,757 0 683 -251 0 0 0.00 0 8,189 0 0 0 0 0 0 Net Percent Total Of Total Btu/h (%) Space Percent Sensible Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 0 30 0 3 -1 0 0 0.00 0 32 0 0 7,757 0 683 -251 0 0.00 0.00 0 8,189 0 0 33 0 3 -1 0 0 0.00 0 35 3,713 2,700 10,215 16,628 928 0 0 928 4,642 2,700 10,215 17,557 18 10 40 68 3,713 1,500 10,215 15,428 16 6 43 65 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 928 25,746 100.00 23,617 Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> 0 0 -6,315 0 -7,605 -6,925 0 -3,430 0.00 -45,591 -69,865 0 0 -6,315 0 -7,605 -6,925 0 -3,430 0.00 -45,591 -69,865 0.00 0.00 9.04 0.00 10.88 9.91 0.00 4.91 0.00 65.23 99.97 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -24 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 24,817 Grand Total ==> 0 Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 100.00 Grand Total ==> -69,865 COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Main Clg Aux Clg Opt Vent 2.1 0.0 0.0 25.4 0.0 0.0 Total 2.1 25.4 Project Name: Dataset Name: TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 6 0 0 7,757 0 683 -251 0 0 0.00 0 8,189 0.00 HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: Sum of OADB: Peaks AREAS Sens Cap. Coil Airflow Enter DB/WB/HR MBh cfm °F °F gr/lb 24.2 0.0 0.0 1,698 0 0 Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC 78.5 0.0 0.0 64.2 0.0 0.0 -69,889 100.00 82.5 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 63.5 59.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 81.5 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Floor Part Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall Ext Door 2,764 0 0 107 2,764 1,385 252 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Cooling Heating 63.5 110.4 76.0 68.0 78.5 68.0 78.5 68.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Diffuser Terminal Main Fan Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups Cooling Heating 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 1,698 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 775 0 0 2,473 1,698 775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling Heating 0.0 0.0 0.61 0.61 802.40 1,306.10 9.19 -24.75 6 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 CapacityCoil Airflow MBh cfm Main Htg Aux Htg Preheat -68.4 0.0 0.0 Humidif Opt Vent Total 0.0 0.0 -68.4 Ent °F Lvg °F 1,698 68.0 110.4 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 3 of 5 System Checksums By Mead & Hunt MAU-1 Ventilation and Heating COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: Space Plenum Sens. + Lat. Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 0 / 0 OADB/WB/HR: 0 / 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 Net Percent Total Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 0 / 0 OADB: 0 Space Percent Sensible Of Total Btu/h (%) Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -14,416 0 -57,372 -21,759 0 -8,455 0.00 -38,006 -140,008 0 0.00 0 0.00 -14,416 10.30 0 0.00 -57,372 40.98 -21,759 15.54 0 0.00 -8,455 6.04 0.00 0.00 -38,006 27.15 -140,008 100.00 Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 100.00 0 0.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Main Clg Aux Clg Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 0.0 0.0 Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 Grand Total ==> -140,008 0.0 0.0 0.0 -140,008 100.00 AREAS Sens Cap. Coil Airflow Enter DB/WB/HR MBh cfm °F °F gr/lb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Project Name: Dataset Name: TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Floor Part Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall Ext Door 5,655 0 0 236 5,655 6,316 1,708 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Cooling Heating 0.0 125.0 0.0 75.0 0.0 75.0 0.0 75.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Diffuser Terminal Main Fan Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups Cooling Heating 0 2,944 0 2,944 0 2,944 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 580 0 0 3,524 0 580 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling Heating 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.52 0.00 0.00 0.00 -24.76 48 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 CapacityCoil Airflow MBh cfm Main Htg Aux Htg Preheat -140.0 0.0 0.0 Humidif Opt Vent Total 0.0 0.0 -140.0 Ent °F Lvg °F 2,944 75.0 125.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 4 of 5 System Checksums By Mead & Hunt Unit Heaters Unit Heaters COOLING COIL PEAK Peaked at Time: Outside Air: Space Plenum Sens. + Lat. Sens. + Lat Btu/h Btu/h Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> CLG SPACE PEAK Mo/Hr: 0 / 0 OADB/WB/HR: 0 / 0 / 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 Net Percent Total Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 0 0 0 0 HEATING COIL PEAK Mo/Hr: 0 / 0 OADB: 0 Space Percent Sensible Of Total Btu/h (%) Space Peak Space Sens Btu/h Coil Peak Percent Tot Sens Of Total Btu/h (%) 0 0 -9,228 0 -2,473 -8,983 0 -582 0.00 -27,448 -48,713 0 0.00 0 0.00 -9,228 18.94 0 0.00 -2,473 5.08 -8,983 18.44 0 0.00 -582 1.19 0.00 0.00 -27,448 56.35 -48,713 100.00 Envelope Loads Skylite Solar Skylite Cond Roof Cond Glass Solar Glass/Door Cond Wall Cond Partition/Door Floor Adjacent Floor Infiltration Sub Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load Ventilation Load Adj Air Trans Heat Dehumid. Ov Sizing Ov/Undr Sizing Exhaust Heat Sup. Fan Heat Ret. Fan Heat Duct Heat Pkup Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ceiling Load 0 Ventilation Load 0 Adj Air Trans Heat Ov/Undr Sizing 0 Exhaust Heat OA Preheat Diff. RA Preheat Diff. Additional Reheat 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Grand Total ==> 0 0 0 100.00 0 0.00 Internal Loads Internal Loads Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> 0 0 0 0 0 Lights People Misc Sub Total ==> Main Clg Aux Clg Opt Vent 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Total 0.0 0.0 Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0.00 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0 0 0.00 0.00 100.00 Grand Total ==> -48,713 0.0 0.0 0.0 -48,713 100.00 AREAS Sens Cap. Coil Airflow Enter DB/WB/HR MBh cfm °F °F gr/lb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0 0 Underflr Sup Ht Pkup Supply Air Leakage COOLING COIL SELECTION Total Capacity ton MBh Project Name: Dataset Name: TEMPERATURES Mo/Hr: Heating Design OADB: 6 0.0 0.0 0.0 Leave DB/WB/HR °F °F gr/lb 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Gross Total Floor Part Int Door ExFlr Roof Wall Ext Door 4,131 0 0 19 4,029 1,632 84 SADB Ra Plenum Return Ret/OA Fn MtrTD Fn BldTD Fn Frict Cooling Heating 0.0 125.0 0.0 64.0 0.0 67.2 0.0 68.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 AIRFLOWS Diffuser Terminal Main Fan Sec Fan Nom Vent AHU Vent Infil MinStop/Rh Return Exhaust Rm Exh Auxiliary Leakage Dwn Leakage Ups Cooling Heating 0 637 0 637 0 637 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 480 0 0 1,117 0 480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ENGINEERING CKS % OA cfm/ft² cfm/ton ft²/ton Btu/hr·ft² No. People Cooling Heating 0.0 0.0 0.00 0.15 0.00 0.00 0.00 -8.36 0 HEATING COIL SELECTION Glass ft² (%) 0 0 21 0 0 25 CapacityCoil Airflow MBh cfm Main Htg Aux Htg Preheat -34.6 0.0 0.0 Humidif Opt Vent Total 0.0 0.0 -34.6 Ent °F Lvg °F 637 68.0 125.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0.0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Alternative - 1 System Checksums Report Page 5 of 5 SYSTEM SUMMARY DESIGN AIRFLOW QUANTITIES By Mead & Hunt MAIN SYSTEM System Description System Type Outside Airflow cfm Auxiliary System Supply Airflow cfm Room Exhaust Airflow cfm Cooling Airflow cfm Heating Airflow cfm Return Airflow cfm Exhaust Airflow cfm 0 0 0 0 0 5,496 0 0 1,484 1,698 1,673 2,944 637 1,484 1,698 6,317 0 0 1,735 2,473 5,496 580 480 251 775 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,678 8,436 10,525 7,582 0 0 Alternative 1 AHU-1 MAU-1 Unit Heaters A/C AHU-2 Variable Volume Reheat (30% Min Flow Default) Ventilation and Heating Unit Heaters Incremental Heat Pump Single Zone Totals Note: Airflows on this report are not additive because they are each taken at the time of their respective peaks. To view the balanced system design airflows, see the appropriate Checksums report (Airflows section). Project Name: Dataset Name: Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Design Airflow Quantities Report Page 1 of 1 SYSTEM SUMMARY DESIGN COOLING CAPACITIES By Mead & Hunt Alternative 1 Building Airside Systems and Plant Capacities Peak Plant Loads Aux Opt Vent Misc Main Coil Coil Coil Load ton ton ton ton 12.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 15.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 Building peak load is 15.4 tons. Plant System Chiller AHU-1 AHU-2 Split System A/C Building totals Project Name: Dataset Name: Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC Stg 1 Stg 2 Desic Desic Cond Cond ton ton 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Block Plant Loads Base Utility ton 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Peak Total ton 12.8 10.7 2.1 2.6 2.6 15.4 Time Stg 1 Stg 2 Aux Opt Vent Misc Desic Desic Base Of Main Block Peak Coil Coil Coil Load Cond Cond Utility Total ton ton ton ton ton ton ton mo/hr ton 7/16 12.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12.3 7/16 10.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.2 7/16 2.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 7/17 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 7/17 2.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.6 14.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14.9 Building maximum block load of 14.8 tons occurs in July at hour 16 based on system simulation. TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Design Capacity Quantities report Page 1 of 1 SYSTEM SUMMARY DESIGN HEATING CAPACITIES By Mead & Hunt Alternative 1 System Coil Capacities System Description AHU-1 MAU-1 Unit Heaters A/C AHU-2 Totals Main System Btu/h System Type Variable Volume Reheat (30% Min Flow Default) -110,617 Ventilation and Heating -140,008 Unit Heaters -34,545 Incremental Heat Pump -21,164 Single Zone -68,414 -374,748 Aux System Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 Preheat Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 Reheat Btu/h -20,679 0 0 0 0 -20,679 Stg 1 Desic Regen Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 Optional Vent Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 Humid. Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stg 2 Stg 1 Stg 2 Desic Frost Frost Regen Prevention Prevention Btu/h Btu/h Btu/h 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Heating Totals Btu/h -110,617 -140,008 -34,545 -21,164 -68,414 -374,748 Building Plant Capacities Peak Loads Plant Main Coil MBh System Boilers AHU-1 MAU-1 Unit Heaters AHU-2 Heat Pump A/C Project Name: Dataset Name: Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC Preheat Coil MBh Reheat Coil MBh 354 0 0 111 0 0 140 0 0 35 0 0 68 0 0 21 0 0 21 0 0 Building peak load is 374.7 MBh. Humid. Coil MBh Aux Coil MBh Opt Vent Coil MBh Misc Load MBh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stg 1 Stg 2 Desic. Desic. Regen. Regen. MBh MBh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Stg 1 Frost Prev. MBh Stg 2 Frost Prev. MBh Base Utility MBh Absorption Load MBh 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Design Capacity Quantities report Page 1 of 1 Load / Airflow Summary By Mead & Hunt System Zone Room ** Floor Area ft² People # 468 234 90 792 792 358 228 586 586 491 491 491 211 472 213 165 90 1,151 1,151 110 110 110 706 706 706 279 110 220 609 609 310 55 161 161 687 2.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 0.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 26.0 26.0 26.0 3.0 2.0 0.0 5.0 5.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 2.0 Coil Cooling Sensible Btu/h Coil Cooling Total Btu/h 22,816 5,764 2,169 30,749 30,712 1,308 5,883 7,190 7,097 2,429 2,429 2,429 0 0 0 0 1,536 1,536 1,536 1,988 1,988 1,988 22,190 22,190 22,190 3,025 2,263 8,325 13,613 13,592 2,889 476 1,329 1,579 6,273 23,216 5,764 2,169 31,149 31,112 1,308 6,483 7,790 7,697 3,031 3,031 3,031 0 0 0 0 1,536 1,536 1,536 2,388 2,388 2,388 27,390 27,390 27,390 3,625 2,663 8,325 14,613 14,592 3,089 476 1,329 1,779 6,673 Space Design Max SA cfm Air Changes ach/hr VAV Minimum SA cfm 12.03 7.40 7.24 0 0 0 0 0 0 1.12 8.38 16 86 1.60 31 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5.47 0 0 0 0 22 5.80 29 10.15 322 3.20 6.64 11.43 40 33 113 2.74 2.52 2.41 2.89 38 6 17 21 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 VAV Minimum % Main Coil Heating Sensible Btu/h Heating Fan Max SA cfm Percent OA Clg Htg Alternative 1 122 - Fire Protection Room 202 - Electrical 203 - IT A/C A/C 102 - Hallway 121 - Stencil Room Zone - 001 Zone - 001 120 - PPE Clean Room/Circulator Zone - 002 Zone - 002 114 - Mens Restroom 115 - Mens Locker 117 - Womens Restroom 118 - Womens Locker 119 - Laundry Room Zone - 003 Zone - 003 112 - Office Zone - 004 Zone - 004 113 - Training/Break Room Zone - 005 Zone - 005 108 - Oil Analysis Room 109 - Office 110 - Equipment Room Zone - 006 Zone - 006 104 - X-Ray Vault Room 105 - X-Ray CR 106 - Film Production Room 107 - Film Viewing Room Zone - 007 Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Sys Peak Sys Block Rm Peak Rm Peak Zn Peak Zn Block Rm Peak Zn Peak Zn Block Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Zn Peak Zn Block Rm Peak Zn Peak Zn Block Rm Peak Zn Peak Zn Block Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Zn Peak Zn Block Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Zn Peak 1,126 260 98 1,484 1,484 53 287 340 335 105 105 105 0 0 0 0 74 74 74 96 96 96 1,075 1,075 1,075 134 110 377 621 620 127 21 58 70 276 -16,574 -3,344 -1,246 -21,164 -21,164 -989 -3,786 -4,775 -4,775 -389 -389 -389 0 0 0 0 -274 -274 -274 -2,665 -2,665 -2,665 -21,596 -21,596 -21,596 -11,923 -8,090 -4,763 -24,776 -24,776 -15,655 -1,066 -2,167 -2,239 -21,127 1,126 260 98 1,484 1,484 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * This report does not display heating only systems. Project Name: Dataset Name: Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Load/Airflow Summary Report Page 1 of 2 System Zone Room ** Zone - 007 103 - Inspection Bay Zone - 008 Zone - 008 AHU-1 AHU-1 124 - Air Lock 125 - Paint Booth 126 - Paint Mixing/Hazmat Storage 127 - Bead Booth AHU-2 AHU-2 Zn Block Rm Peak Zn Peak Zn Block Sys Peak Sys Block Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Rm Peak Sys Peak Sys Block Floor Area ft² 687 1,690 1,690 1,690 6,030 6,030 91 1,422 135 1,116 2,764 2,764 People # 2.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 46.0 46.0 0.0 4.0 0.0 2.0 6.0 6.0 Coil Cooling Sensible Btu/h 6,264 65,965 65,965 65,965 121,184 119,504 2,131 12,609 0 9,455 24,195 24,502 Coil Cooling Total Btu/h 6,664 66,965 66,965 66,965 130,387 128,707 2,131 13,409 0 9,855 25,395 25,702 Space Design Air Max SA Changes cfm ach/hr 276 2,989 5.06 2,989 2,989 5,575 5,496 104 8.03 893 1.79 0 0.00 701 2.22 1,698 1,698 VAV Minimum SA cfm 897 0 0 0 0 VAV Minimum % 30 30 30 30 0 0 0 0 Main Coil Heating Sensible Btu/h -21,127 -35,015 -35,015 -35,015 -110,616 -110,617 -208 -32,714 0 -35,491 -68,414 -69,889 Heating Fan Max SA cfm 0 0 0 0 0 0 104 893 0 701 1,698 1,698 Percent OA Clg Htg 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 * This report does not display heating only systems. Project Name: Dataset Name: Kingsley Corrosion Control Hangar KINGSLEYCCF-AK.TRC TRACE® 700 v6.3.4 calculated at 10:51 AM on 05/30/2018 Load/Airflow Summary Report Page 2 of 2 Multiple zone AHU-1 Show simple view System name and number AHU-1 Condition analyzed (impacts Ez, Vdz, Vpz and Vps) Cooling All zones are included in the VRP calculation Yes Zone Name and Number Occupancy Category Zone Floor Area Are you using default value for zone population? Az (sq ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 Hallway 103 Inspection Bay 104 X-Ray Vault 105 X-Ray Center 106 Film Processing Room 107 Film Viewing Room 108 Oil Analysis Room 109 Office 110 Equipment Room 112 Office 113 Training/Break Room 119 Laundry Room 120 PPE Clean Room/Circulatory 121 Stencil Room As (sq ft) 4,969 System population Ps (people) 48.00 (people) 48.00 Sum of zone population sum of Pz Occupant diversity D Uncorrected outdoor air intake Vou (cfm) 843.72 System primary airflow (at condition analyzed) Vps (cfm) 6,000 Average outdoor air fraction Xs 1.00 Which method from ASHRAE 62.1 is being used to determine system ventilation efficiency (Ev)? Ventilation efficiency Ev Outdoor air intake flow (required by 62.1) Vot Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Zone Outdoor Airflow Zone Discharge Airflow Zone Primary Airflow Zone Secondary Recirculation Fraction Zone Primary Air Fraction Ez Voz (cfm) Vdz (cfm) Vpz (cfm) Er Ep Pz (people) Corridors 358 No General manufacturing (excludes heavy industrial and processes using 1,690 No chemicals) Computer (not printing ) 310 No Computer (not printing ) 55 No Computer lab 161 No Media center 161 No Computer lab 279 No Office space 110 No Art classroom 220 No Office space 110 No Break rooms (general) 706 No Laundry rooms, central 90 No Corridors 491 No Office space 228 No System area Outdoor air intake flow provided (measured or design) Zone Population 0.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 26.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 Net occupiable floor area served by the ventilation system ∑Pz Ps / ∑Pz D ∑ (Rp Pz) + ∑(Ra Az) 0.14 Vou / Vps 0.57 Ventilation efficiency from critical zone Appendix A (cfm) 1,480 (cfm) 1,800 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 Vou / Ev 21.48 354.11 23.60 8.31 29.32 29.32 63.48 16.60 39.60 16.60 172.36 10.80 29.46 28.68 55 3,000 125 50 75 75 200 110 400 100 1,100 75 400 290 17 900 38 15 23 23 60 33 120 30 330 23 120 87 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Multiple zone AHU-1 (Heating) Show simple view System name and number AHU-1 (Heating) Condition analyzed (impacts Ez, Vdz, Vpz and Vps) Heating All zones are included in the VRP calculation Yes Zone Name and Number Occupancy Category Zone Floor Area Are you using default value for zone population? Az (sq ft) 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 102 Hallway 103 Inspection Bay 104 X-Ray Vault 105 X-Ray Center 106 Film Processing Room 107 Film Viewing Room 108 Oil Analysis Room 109 Office 110 Equipment Room 112 Office 113 Training/Break Room 119 Laundry Room 120 PPE Clean Room/Circulatory 121 Stencil Room As (sq ft) 4,969 System population Ps (people) 48.00 (people) 48.00 Sum of zone population sum of Pz Occupant diversity D Uncorrected outdoor air intake Vou (cfm) 843.72 System primary airflow (at condition analyzed) Vps (cfm) 6,000 Average outdoor air fraction Xs 1.00 Which method from ASHRAE 62.1 is being used to determine system ventilation efficiency (Ev)? Ventilation efficiency Ev Outdoor air intake flow (required by 62.1) Vot Zone Air Distribution Effectiveness Zone Outdoor Airflow Zone Discharge Airflow Zone Primary Airflow Zone Secondary Recirculation Fraction Zone Primary Air Fraction Ez Voz (cfm) Vdz (cfm) Vpz (cfm) Er Ep Pz (people) Corridors 358 No using General manufacturing (excludes heavy industrial and processes 1,690 No chemicals) Computer (not printing ) 310 No Computer (not printing ) 55 No Computer lab 161 No Media center 161 No Computer lab 279 No Office space 110 No Art classroom 220 No Office space 110 No Break rooms (general) 706 No Laundry rooms, central 90 No Corridors 491 No Office space 228 No System area Outdoor air intake flow provided (measured or design) Zone Population 0.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 3.00 2.00 0.00 2.00 26.00 0.00 3.00 3.00 Net occupiable floor area served by the ventilation system ∑Pz Ps / ∑Pz D ∑ (Rp Pz) + ∑(Ra Az) 0.14 Vou / Vps 0.47 Ventilation efficiency from critical zone Appendix A (cfm) 1,795 (cfm) 1,800 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 0.80 Vou / Ev 26.85 442.64 29.50 10.39 36.65 36.65 79.35 20.75 49.50 20.75 215.45 13.50 36.83 35.85 55 3,000 125 50 75 75 200 110 400 100 1,100 75 400 290 17 900 38 15 23 23 60 33 120 30 330 23 120 87 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 Appendix G High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calculations Jensen Hughes Prepared by: Jim Zimmerman, P.E. Data Prepared for Mead & Hunt 1JAZ17001 11/9/2018 Page 1 High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calcs Corrosion Control Hangar ORANG Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR Hangar Building Data ** Hangar Top of Steel Area TOS ft2 feet 5,300 35.0 Bottom Steel BOS feet 30.0 Sprinkler Density gpm/ft2 0.20 Mead & Hunt Project No. KJAQ119006 Type B3 4-211-01 Criteria 30% penalty is NOT applicable * Sprinkler Sprinkler Sprinkler Design Area Imbalance Flow (approx.) ft2 dimensionless gpm 5,000 1.40 1,400 m2 meters meters lpm/m2 m2 dimensionless 492 10.7 9.1 8.15 465 1.40 5,299 * For roof/ceiling slopes of 2 on 12 or greater, increase the Sprinkler Design Area of 5,000 ft2 by 30% per NFPA 13 (2013 Edition) section, Roof deck slope is less than 2 on 12 for this project. HEF Foam Discharge Capacity Calculation per UFC 4-211-01 Foam Foam Discharge Sprinkler Breakdown Depth Volume Time Factor RS feet 3.28 ft3 17,388 minutes 4 RS = (S * Q) = (10 * Flow) 10,000 Shrinkage Factor CN ** Leakage Factor CL dimensionless dimensionless 1.15 2.00 meters m3 minutes RS = (S * Q) = (0.0748 * Flow) dimensionless dimensionless 1.0 492 4 283.2 1.15 2.00 For hangar bay areas < 15,000 ft2, use CL = 2.0, per UFC 4-211-01, section 3-6.18.1 For hangar bay areas 15,000 ft2 < 30,000 ft2, use CL = 2.5 For hangar bay areas 30,000 ft2 and greater, use CL = 3.0 ** (CL is not a true leakage factor, rather it's used to compensates for effect of sprinkler breakdown relative to hangar size. Consider using next high CL value if area is close to the limit). HEF Discharge Rate = ((Volume/Time) + RS Sprinkler Breakdown Rate) x CN(shrinkage) x CL(leakage) cfm which is HEF Discharge Rate (cfm) = 32,998 6.2 cfm/ft2 HEF Discharge Rate = ((Volume/Time) + RS Sprinkler Breakdown Rate) x CN(shrinkage) x CL(leakage) HEF Discharge Rate (m3/m)= 934 m3/min which is 1.9 m3/min/m2 Note: UFC 4-211-01, Section 3-6.18.1 calls for discharge rates of 2.6 cfm/ft2 or greater. The calculated rate is above 2.6 cfm/ft2 For comparison purposes, an NFPA 409 calculation would require a rate of 29,785 843 cfm m3/min Jensen Hughes Prepared by: Jim Zimmerman, P.E. Data Prepared for Mead & Hunt 1JAZ17001 11/9/2018 Page 2 High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calcs Corrosion Control Hangar ORANG Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR Mead & Hunt Project No. KJAQ119006 Type B3 4-211-01 Criteria Sprinkler Flow Water Pressure Analysis (K = 5.6, Area/Sprinkler = 130 ft2) Sprinkler Sprinkler Pipe Sprinkler Backflow Pressure Elevation Friction Riser Preventer psi feet to psi psi psi psi 22 15 40 3 12 bar 1.49 feet to bar 1.02 bar 2.76 bar 0.21 bar 0.83 10% Safety Factor psi 9 Sum of Pressures psi 100 bar 0.63 bar 6.92 HEF Pressure Analysis, Ansul Foam Generators - 40 psi Operating Pressure (Min. Allowable 2.0%) Generator Generator Pipe HEF Inductor Backflow Flow Control Sum of Pressure Elevation Friction Proportioning & Strainer Valve Pressures psi feet to psi psi psi psi psi psi 40 13 30 40 17 20 160 bar 2.76 feet to bar 0.87 bar 2.07 nar 2.76 bar 1.17 bar 1.38 HEF Pressure Analysis, Ansul Foam Generators - 50 psi Operating Pressure Generator Generator Pipe HEF Inductor Backflow Flow Control Pressure Elevation Friction Proportioning & Strainer Valve psi feet to psi psi psi psi psi 50 13 30 40 17 20 bar 3.45 feet to bar 0.87 bar 2.07 bar 2.76 bar 1.17 bar 1.38 HEF Pressure Analysis, Ansul Foam Generators - 55 psi Operating Pressure Generator Generator Pipe HEF Inductor Backflow Flow Control Pressure Elevation Friction Proportioning & Strainer Valve psi feet to psi psi psi psi psi 55.0 13 30 60 12 20 bar 3.79 feet to bar 0.87 bar 2.07 bar 4.14 bar 0.83 bar 1.38 Note: HEF generator elevation is 1 ft below BOS-ridge to ensure clearance is not compromised. bar 11.00 Sum of Pressures psi 170 bar 11.69 Sum of Pressures psi 190 bar 13.07 Jensen Hughes Prepared by: Jim Zimmerman, P.E. Data Prepared for Mead & Hunt 1JAZ17001 11/9/2018 Page 3 High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calcs Corrosion Control Hangar ORANG Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR Gen. Model: JetX-15A Generators Ansul Jet X-15A (UL) Capacity Solution per Unit Flow/Unit Mead & Hunt Project No. KJAQ119006 Type B3 4-211-01 Criteria Min. Operating Pressure: Water gpm Total HEF Flow/Unit Flow Provided gpm cfm 106 36,363 40 psi (2.76 bar) Total HEF Required Flow Minimum (minimum) Capacity Met? cfm >req'd cfm? 32,998 Yes quantity 3 cfm 12,121 gpm 108 quantity 3 m3/min 343 lpm 409 lpm 401 m3/min 1,030 m3/min 934 > req'd m3/m? Yes JetX-15A Generators Proportioning % Concentrate Solution Flow/Unit Water gpm Flow/Unit HEF Conc. Flow/Unit quantity 3 % 2.00% gpm 108 gpm 105.84 gpm 2.16 Total HEF Conc. Flow (minimum) gpm 6.48 Total Water Flow with 15% Imbalance gpm 365 quantity 3 % 2.00% lpm 409 lpm 401 lpm 8.2 lpm 25 lpm 1,382 HEF Piping Zone Volume Approximation (schedule 40 black steel) 4.026 " Pipe (100) 3.068 " Pipe (80) 2.469 " Pipe (65) Pipe Length Pipe Volume Pipe Length Pipe Volume Pipe Length Pipe Volume lineal ft gal lineal ft gal lineal ft gal 77 51 60 23 53 13 lineal meters 26.2 liters 192 lineal meters 20.4 liters 87 HEF Response Time Approximation HEF HEF HEF Zone HEF Zone Deluge Generator Design Volume Risers per Zone Flow w/Imblanace quantity quantity gpm gallons 1 3 365 87 lineal meters 18.2 HEF Zone Fill Time seconds 14 liters 50 System Volume gallons 87 liters 600 Time Available Approx. Cover for HEF 1 Min. Diameter Response manual lookup seconds ft 46 62 quantity quantity lpm liters seconds seconds meters 1 3 1,382 330 14 46 21.0 * HEF concentrate must provide for minimum of 15 minutes of discharge - UFC 4-211-01, Section 3-6.11.3 (no reserve capacity required if refill can occur within 24 hours). HEF Concentrate Tank Sizing JetX-15A HEF Conc. Generators Flow/Unit quantity 3 gpm 2.16 HEF Flow Duration minutes 15 Distribution Proportioning Minimum Imbalance Inaccuracy Tank Volume Allowance Allowance Req'd dimensionless dimensionless gallons 1.15 1.30 145 * HEF Tank Size Selected gallons 200 quantity lpm minutes dimensionless dimensionless liters liters 3 8.18 15 1.15 1.30 550 757 * HEF concentrate must provide for minimum of 15 minutes of discharge (no reserve capacity required). Water Flow & Pressure Requirement Summary Sprinkler HEF Total System Total Water Water Flow Water Flow Water Flow Water Flow (Rounded Up) gpm gpm gpm gpm 1,400 365 1,765 1,800 lpm 5,299 lpm 1,382 lpm 6,681 lpm 6,813 Values are approximations to predict total water demand, and to size water supply. Pressure Required (40 psi HEF) psi 160 Pressure requirement taken from prior page. bar 11.00 Jensen Hughes Prepared by: Jim Zimmerman, P.E. Data Prepared for Mead & Hunt 1JAZ17001 11/9/2018 Page 4 High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calcs Corrosion Control Hangar ORANG Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR Mead & Hunt Project No. KJAQ119006 Type B3 4-211-01 Criteria Water Supply Test: 14 Dec 2017 Test Hyd: FH-202 near Bldg 219 pump house Flow Hyd: FH-302 near Bldg 232 Static psi 62 Residual psi 60 Residual psi Flow Hydrants Orifice Size(in) FH-302 2.5 FH-302 2.5 Coefficient 0.90 0.90 Pitot (psi) 26 26 Flow (gpm) 856 856 =29.83*E18*(D18^2)*(F18^ Lowest flow result Test #1 Existing Water Supply Static Residual Pressure Pressure psi psi 62 60 bar 4.27 bar 4.14 1,711 Calc'd Available Capacities w/500 gpm Outside Hose Stream Allowance At a Design Avaiable Flow Available Flow of Pressure at 20 psi gpm psi gpm 2,300 59 8,857 At a Flow of gpm 1,711 lpm 6,477 lpm 8,706 bar 4.04 lpm 33,524 Water Service Line Fire Pump Discharge to Hangar: Sizing C900 Pipe is anticipated Total Water 10 " Pipe 12 " Pipe 14 " Pipe Demand Velocity Press. Drop * Velocity Press. Drop * Velocity Press. Drop * gpm ft/sec psi per 100 ft ft/sec psi per 100 ft ft/sec psi per 100 ft 1,800 10.9 0.67 7.7 0.29 6.4 0.14 lpm 6,813 m/sec 3.7 bar per 100m 0.152 m/sec 2.6 Total Water Demand for HEF System & Sprinklers Total Water Pressure Backflow Total Pressure Water Flow Required Preventer Required (Rounded) (40 psi HEF) Pressure Loss gpm psi psi psi 1,800 160 N/A 160 lpm 6,813 bar 11.00 bar 0.00 bar 11.00 bar per 100m 0.065 m/sec 2.2 bar per 100m 0.032 Analysis: The existing water supply does not provide sufficient pressure, but does provide sufficient volume at a pressure of 20 psi. Therefore fire pumps are required, and water storage tanks are not required. Jensen Hughes Prepared by: Jim Zimmerman, P.E. Data Prepared for Mead & Hunt 1JAZ17001 11/9/2018 Page 5 High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calcs Corrosion Control Hangar ORANG Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR Mead & Hunt Project No. KJAQ119006 Type B3 4-211-01 Criteria Fire Pumps: Qty and Flow of Fire Pumps (2,500 GPM limit, 1 hangar, no redundant supply req'd) Req'd Flow Fire Pump Quantity Nom. Cap. Allowable % Flow at Provided Flow Worst Case Nominal # of Operation 120% ≥ Than Capacity Flow Fire Pumps Above Nom. Out On Curve Req'd Flow? gpm gpm quantity gpm dimensionless gpm ≥ Req'd Flow 1,800 2,000 1 2,000 120% 2,400 OK lpm 6,813 lpm 7,570 quantity 1 lpm 7,570 dimensionless 120% Fire Pump (Electric) Selection - Determine Pressure Rating Req'd Residual Fire Pump Total Pressure Design Static Press. Pressure at Nom. Press. at Design Flow Pressure Max.* Design Flow.* Rating w/RPZ Rqm'ts Met? psi psi psi psi > Req' psi 62 59 105 164 OK lpm 9,084 ≥ Req'd Flow OK Total Churn (Flow = 0) Pressure ** psi 182 Churn Press. > Than Pipe Rating? > 175 psi Too High bar bar bar bar > Req'd bar bar > 12.07 bar 4.3 4.0 7.2 11.3 OK 12.5 Too High Use variable speed electric motor driven fire pumps per NFPA 20, & New: Aurora Model 6-481-18C - 2,000 gpm at 105 psi with max BHP of 200 HP = 200 HP VFD motor Water Storage Tanks - NOT USED Fire Pump (Electric) Selection - Determine Pressure Rating Req'd - Suction From Water Tanks Fire Pump Disch. Press. Disch. Press. Design Total Churn Churn Press. Static Press. Nom. Press. Fire Pump at Design Flow Pressure (Flow = 0) > Than Max.* Rating Nominal w/Low Tank Rqm'ts Met? Pressure ** Pipe Rating? psi psi psi psi > Req' psi psi > 175 psi 17 245 154 221 OK 292 Too High bar 1.2 bar 16.9 bar 10.6 bar 15.2 > Req'd bar OK bar 20.1 > 12.07 bar Too High * Height of water in tank approx. 40 feet. Residual tank pressure assumed = 0 (no contribution at design). Jensen Hughes Prepared by: Jim Zimmerman, P.E. Data Prepared for Mead & Hunt 1JAZ17001 11/9/2018 Page 6 High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calcs Corrosion Control Hangar ORANG Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR Mead & Hunt Project No. KJAQ119006 Type B3 4-211-01 Criteria Water Storage Tanks Capacity - NOT USED Provide two water tanks for Divided Supply Demand Min. Flow Req'd Flow Min. Tank Size Nominal Flow Duration x Duration Required Tank Selection gpm minutes gallons gallons gallons 2,800 45 126,000 63,000 70,000 lpm 10,598 minutes 45 liters 476,910 liters 238,455 liters 238,455 Water Line to Fire Pumps: Check for Pump Suction Line (NFPA 20, 2010 Ed. Fire Pump(s) Inner Diam: 10.0 " Pipe Length of Equiv. Length Suction Line at 150% Flow Velocity < 15 ft/sec? Press. Drop * Suction Line With Fittings Pressure Drop gpm ft/sec ft/sec psi per ft feet feet psi 3,000 12.3 Velocity OK 0.016 120 240 3.73 lpm 20,685 m/sec 4.2 < 4.5 m/sec? Velocity OK bar per m 0.0035 meters 37 Water Service Line Fire Pump Discharge to Hangar: Sizing Total Water 8 " Pipe 10 " Pipe Demand Velocity Press. Drop * Velocity Press. Drop * gpm ft/sec psi per 100 ft ft/sec psi per 100 ft 2,300 14.7 2.82 9.4 0.95 lpm 8,706 m/sec 5.0 bar per 100m 0.638 m/sec 3.2 bar per 100m 0.215 meters 73 Velocity ft/sec 6.5 m/sec 2.2 bar 0.258 12 " Pipe Press. Drop * psi per 100 ft 0.39 bar per 100m 0.089 * At a "C factor" of 150 for new C900 underground piping. Water velocity in service line is limited to 10 ft/sec (3 m/sec) by Air Force ETL 02-15, section A1. Jensen Hughes Prepared by: Jim Zimmerman, P.E. Data Prepared for Mead & Hunt 1JAZ17001 11/9/2018 Page 7 High Expansion Foam & Water Supply Calcs Corrosion Control Hangar ORANG Kingsley Field, Klamath Falls, OR Mead & Hunt Project No. KJAQ119006 Type B3 4-211-01 Criteria Foam Waste Generation Data - Assumption: Total Design Flow Until HEF Tank is Exhausted Minutes of Sprinkler Total Sprinkler HEF Total HEF Total Total Amount Flow Provided Water Water Solution Solution Discharge of HEF Conc. By Actual Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge (Rounded Up Contained In HEF Tank Size Rate (Rounded Up) Rate (Rounded Up) to next 000) Discharge minutes gpm gallons gpm gallons gallons gallons 20.64 1,400 29,000 0 0 29,000 200 minutes 20.64 lpm 5,299 liters 109,765 lpm 0 liters 0 liters 109,765 liters 757 This calculation estimates the total amount of fire suppression waste water and foam concentrate (in solution), which could potentially be discharged if both the sprinkler system and the HEF system activate to their full design flow, and this flow continues untill the HEF concentrate tank is exhausted. It should also be understood that these systems have no provision for automatic shut down. HEF concentrate is generally considered to be acceptable for processing at waste water treatment plants when diluted to a level of 50 ppm or less. UFC 4-211-01, section 6-2.2 states that HEF foam waste is not required to be included in the suppression waste containment Foam Test Waste Generation Data - Assumption: HEF Design for 3.5 Minutes, No Sprinkler Flow Minutes of Sprinkler Total Sprinkler HEF Total HEF Total Flow Provided Water Water Solution Solution Discharge to Pass Discharge Discharge Discharge Discharge (Rounded Up Foam Test Rate (Rounded Up) Rate (Rounded Up) to next 000) minutes gpm gallons gpm gallons gallons 4.00 0 0 0 0 0 minutes 4.00 lpm 0 liters 0 lpm 0 liters 0 liters 0 This calculation estimates the total amount of HEF foam waste water discharged during system acceptance testing. This waste will be contained on the hangar floor, as the automatic Foam Waste Valve to their full design flow, and this flow continues untill the HEF concentrate tank is exhausted. It should also be understood that these systems have no provision for automatic shut down. HEF concentrate is generally considered to be acceptable for processing at waste water treatment plants when diluted to a level of 50 ppm or less. CONSTRUCT CORROSION CONTROL HANGAR BASIS OF DESIGN PART II – PROJECT NARRATIVE Project Number: KJAQ119006 Contract Number: W9133L-16-D-0007 Mead & Hunt project no.: 3142200-121252.01 Prepared by 9600 NE Cascades Parkway, Ste. 100 Portland, Oregon 97220 (503) 548-1494