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Majorproject Report

A Report of Majorproject On
A Project Report Submitted to the
University of Mumbai, Mumbai
In partial fulfillment of the course work leading to
Semester VII
Bachelor of Engineering
Computer Engineering
Prachi Gondhali
Urmila Salgar
Sarthak Talekar
Riddhi Thale
Roll No.
Under Supervision of
Prof. Pallavi Mangrulkar
Department of Computer Engineering Vishwaniketan’s
Institute of Management Entrepreneurship and Engineering
Technology, Khalapur, Raigad 2022-2023
This is to certify that the project report titled, “Accident Location Detection and
Emergency Help Android App”, submitted by,
Roll No.
Prachi Gondhali
Urmila Salgar
Sarthak Talekar
Riddhi Thale
students of “Department Of Computer Engineering” is a record of bonafide work carried
out of them. This Project is done as the part of syllabus of Fourth Year Computer Engineering,
for partial fulfillment of obtaining “Bachelor of Computer Engineering” degree to be
awarded by “Vishwaniketan’s Institute of Management, Entrepreneurship and
Engineering Technology, University of Mumbai”.
Prof.Pallavi Mangrulkar
(Project Guide)
Dr. B. R. Patil
Prof. Charusheela Pandit
(Head of Department)
The Project Report Titled “Accident Location Detection and Emergency Help”submitted by the
Roll No.
Prachi Gondhali
Urmila Salgar
Sarthak Talekar
Riddhi Thale
Is examined by the board of examiners and approved for further perusal.
(Examiner- I)
(Examiner- II)
We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and where
others’ ideas or words have been included, we have adequately cited and referenced theoriginal
sources. We also declare that we have adhered to all principles of academic honesty and
integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or falsified any idea/data/fact/source inmy
submission. We understand that any violation of the above will be cause for disciplinary action
by the institute and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been
properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.
Prachi Gondhali
Urmila Salgar
Sarthak Talekar
Riddhi Thale
We are profoundly grateful to Prof. Pallavi Mangrulkar for her expert guidance and
continuous encouragement throughout to see that this project rights its target since its
commencement toits completion.
I would like to express a deepest appreciation towards Dr. B.R. Patil (Principal, ViMEET)
and Prof. Charusheela Pandit, (Head, Department of Computer Engineering, ViMEET)
whose invaluable guidance and support in completing this project.
We express our sincere gratitude to all the staff members of computer engineering department
who helped us directly or indirectly during this course of work.
Table of Contents
Literature Survey
Increasing the use of vehicles on the roads can now pose several challenges in providing
emergency assistance during an accident that could seriously threaten human lives.
During the accident, many people may lose their lives due to delayed medical services or
the ambulance may be stuck in traffic jams, and victims of accidents may die while waiting
for first aid kits and medical help. Hence deaths from road accidents are very common.
There are many accident prevention systems that prevent accidents to some extent, but they
have no type of facility to communicate with or contact relatives ,friends in the event of an
accident. An automated mechanism of accident detection that initiates itself and alerts the
registered contacts if an accident occurs, and also provides the victim’s live location. An
android application is developed which detects and sends alerts to the emergency contacts
Road accidents are a serious threat to human lives. Speed is the key factor liable for many
of the accidents. The statistics which have been formed according to the recent surveys
are really horrific. According to a survey conducted in 2013 by Hindustan Times in India
in every three minutes, there is one death due to the road accidents in which 77% of
accidents are due to manual mistakes.
According to a recent survey by WHO published in Times of India, India is on 1st position
globally in terms of casualties due to road accidents, Despite many safety measures and
programs launched by the government as well as nongovernmental organizations to make
people aware of safe driving concepts, life claimed by these accidents are increasing at
an alarming rate. In a study it has been uncovered that fifty percent of casualties occurred
due to road accidents could have been stopped if they received immediate medical help.
As in most of the cases the accidents result into casualties not because of the seriousness
of the accident but due to the lack of immediate medical attention, delay in getting the
medical help is one the major and reasons for the casualties, Hence, it's the essential need
of this scenario to develop some technologies in order that tracking of the accident cases
becomes easier which successively will further lower down the death rate .
1: This gives the Introduction to the topic and the need of the project highlighting the
main objectives and the scope of the project.
2: It is the Literature Survey which gives a brief description of the similar works
performed in the same domain or investigation. It presents a critical appraisal of the
previous work published in the literature pertaining to the topic of the investigation.
3: Gives a brief explanation about the existing system and proposed model along with
the requirements for the project.
4: This Chapter includes and Explains the Technology used along with a brief
implementation of the Project.
5: It is the chapter that includes a thorough evaluation of the investigation carried out
and bring out the contributions from the study. It mentions the Conclusion regarding the
implementation details and the analysis of the performance measures.
6 : The References used for the entire project are mentioned in this Chapter
Prashant Kapri, Shubham Patane, Arul Shalom [4] proposed a system which states that
an accident might occur at an isolated area where humans are absent to report any mishap.
Inbuilt hardware modules in luxury vehicles have recently been developed to detect and
report accidents. Unfortunately, such devices are both costly and immobile. They
proposed a system in which the accidents are detected with the help of in-built sensors in
the smartphone and physical context information. The system comprises of the a server
and the software. The software acts as a sensing device as well as an interface for the
third-party observers to contribute 3 information to the accident report. The software also
uses Google maps on the smartphone for mapping purposes. The map will allow other
drivers to plan their route intelligently around an accident, hereby reducing the congestion
around that road via live update on map about accident. The client software can access
the data from phone database such as a contact list to inform emergency contacts. The
software will be installed in smartphone and will perform the task of detecting the
accident and also exchanging information with server. The detection will completely
depend on the sensors built in the phone which includes accelerometer sensor, GPS
receiver, and microphone. Although in-vehicle detection system provides essential
information very quickly but unavailability of this system are restricted by their nonportability and costs, whereas smartphone provides a promising platform with same
sensors at cheap price and portability benefits. The functionality of a smartphone will
outperform that of a traditional in-vehicle accident detection device. Whilst the idea of
adding a smartphone was great but the major drawback of this would be if the battery of
the smartphone ran out or if Bluetooth on the smartphone was disabled during the time of
the accident, then this system fails. Hence, we decided to not implement application
software as it could potentially fail in major accidents which are the main reason for the
implementation of this project. Furthermore, if the device itself is damaged in a major
accident, then there would be no detection making this implementation useless.
According to research paper A survey on Road Accident Detection and reporting tells us
Due to higher accident rates vehicle tracking is very important now days. This can be done
easily by the use of the GPS technology. Various other applications can also be used to do
so [1]. These applications are also used in fleet management, anti-theft vehicle systems and
accident recovery [2].
A. Vehicle Tracking:
The vehicle tracking technology uses the GPS systems via many applications. These
applications are very helpful as the track the vehicles and their partner web applications
also monitor the vehicles continuously [1]. There are various ways to track a vehicle.
Larger organizations use web services to tract large number of vehicles whereas small scale
industries can use various mobile apps. To find exact location, distance and estimating time
to reach particular destination an android app is developed [3]. Theoretical it is easy to say
we can get the exact location of a vehicle, but practically sometimes it is next to impossible.
Even though we have advanced technology it is very difficult to actually obtain the
geographical coordinates correct all the time. Use Kalman filter can be done, to get an
exact longitude and latitude position[9].
B. Location Identifier and immediate recovery of accident:
As we already know there are numerous ways to track the location of an vehicle which has
already met with an accident. We also know that there are ways where we can notify the
authorized person tabout the mishap that has happened. When accidents happen it becomes
very difficult to send help to the victims as no notification the accident has the reached the
hospitals, police or the family members of the victim. Thus resulting in a huge lose of life.
To avoid such situations we can send an automated SMS to the predefined numbers in the
system. Bluetooth Technology is used as a medium to activate the GPS by the sensors. It is
an intermediate between the sensors and the GPS. But now not only Bluetooth technology
can be used but also MESA technology can be used to activate GPS and send the location
coordinates to the predefined numbers[10]
By Clicking on the Start Location button it enables the location from your phone and fetch
your coordinates and update the coordinates to your database
You can add information by clicking on Add Information button and you can see it by
clicking on Get Information because the information of the victim is also updated to your
The Emergency App fetches the data from the database from the database and sends
the notification that driver has met with an accident also the app can locate the accident
victim and also view the address of the given coordinates
Our project presents the accident detection system. The android application is for the
citizens, ambulance drivers, and policemen. Here police and the Ambulance driver can
also register and can make use of the application as a common citizen. This makes one
understand the wide range usability of the accident detection application. we provide a
realistic solution for the problem of saving lives that's there in risk because of accidents.
This application can be enhanced by including a camera and microphone hardware.
Using a camera, the application can capture the accident scene which will be a major
witness of the accident. And also with the microphone, audio around. the location can
be recorded. Thus, the victims get justice by providing the necessary proof in front of
the court Pedestrians witnessing the accident can save the life of then victims by sending
SMS to police or hospital. Usually they are involved in the accident case as a witness.
So, we can have an Anonymous message that will be sent from the pedestrians to police.
Thereby this approach would give more efficient application.
• https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/abstract/document/8117791.
• Prashant Kapri, Shubham Patane, Arul Shalom A, “Accident Detection & Alert
System”, IEEE, 2018 Bruno Fernandes, Vitor Gomes, Joaquim Ferreira and
Arnaldo Oliveira, “Mobile Application for Automatic Accident Detection and
Multimodal Alert”, IEEE, 2015
• https://www.ijser.org › A survey on Road Accident Detection and Reporting