FILE: JLCE FIRST AID AND EMERGENCY MEDICAL CARE I. II. EMERGENCY PROCEDURES A. When a student injury or illness occurs, the school employee present will be expected to take whatever emergency steps he or she deems to be in the best interest of the child. B. Within 3 days of enrollment, each child’s parent or guardian will be required to complete and return an Emergency Procedure Card. Parents will be expected to notify the school of any changes necessary to keep the card up to date. C. When necessary to remove a sick or injured child from school for his welfare or that of others, the school will do so on the basis of the information provided on the Emergency Procedure Card. ACCIDENT REPORTS An accident report is to be completed in each instance of accidental injury. All information required by the form is to be provided. A copy is to be sent to the attention of the Superintendent of Schools. III. RECORD KEEPING The Principal will provide for the recording of all in-school injuries or illness which require treatment or referral by school personnel to the parent or other party. Adopted: Reviewed: Related Materials/Procedures: Statutory Reference: 5/23/78 4/7/97 Accident Report Form Student Emergency Procedure Card 20-A:4009(4)