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Photojournalism Ethics & Practices Presentation

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Müəllim: Mirakif Babayev
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Photojournalist and Ethics
Code of Ethics in American. The Voluntary Society of Professional
Journalists of the United States has approved a code of ethics, with which every
member of society must agree. Execution is not controlled.
The Code contains four principles:
Cover the events truthfully;
Act independently;
Minimize damage;
Be responsible.
Norms of journalistic ethics. Sometimes they are called still unwritten,
because they are not legally approved, but can be recommended to a photojournalist
of any country. Check text under pictures. Sometimes in a newspaper under a picture
of Petrov may appear Sidorov's surname.
And this is not always the photographer's fault. But the editor has to apologize for this.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Photojournalist and Ethics
Do not take pictures without permission. In the West, there is a law
prohibiting taking pictures without permission. A photographer who does not
take into account other people's legal norms may suffer materially.
Observe the generally accepted norms of behavior in society.
Obliviousness does not adorn a person. However, some photo reporters use
a similar manner of behavior to establish a trusting relationship with the
target. In each case, the behavior must determine the circumstances.
Be sociable. To be able to inspire confidence in people, to have a
sense of humor, to tolerate other people's mistakes (and to their own
mistakes); Be hardy (stamina is not physical, but moral), persistent,
To be interested in the fate of previously photographed characters
during the publication of pictures from archives.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Photojournalist and Ethics
Argumented to prove their case when selecting illustrations and their
layout on the newspaper page. Here much depends on the authority of the
photo journalist, his ability to prove his own choice. Authority is not won by
manners of behavior or appearance, but by a long, successful work in the
reformation, victories in photo contests, participation in photo exhibitions.
A considerable role plays with the possession of oratory and the
power of persuasion. Seldom is used when a photo reporter has to refer to
the opinion of another authoritative person, sometimes even to the words of a
high-ranking official, who liked this particular photograph.
Do not embellish reality. The reader will find a false if in a picture
puddles and a dump disappear, and the dull background with the help of a
photoshop the author turns into a fragrant meadow. A little lie gives rise to
great mistrust.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Photojournalist and Ethics
Honestly serve your publication. Colleagues are jealous of the exit of
his comrade on the "alien" arena. It's not just patriotism. If the reporter is
published in a competing publication, he may be fired. To cherish personal
and professional reputation. A positive reputation includes many terms, and
sometimes negative one.
To calculate the consequences of the publication of a sensational
photograph. First of all, find out which photo can be considered sensational.
Do not intrude into privacy. Invasion must be legal and justified interest of the
Photography is not a means of blackmail. This technique is
repeatedly reflected in films, usually Western production. Blackmail usually
ends up badly. Always correct mistakes in the text, text, image. Even if the
mistake is not due to your fault. The main thing is to catch yourself in time
and promptly make an oral or written apology.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Features of the activity of the bild-editor
Bild-editor ( photo editor) is a specialist who is responsible for all the
photos posted in magazines and newspapers. Bild-editors are engaged in the
search and selection of photographic materials for each article or note.
Where do they get them?
Photobank. This is the name of extensive online archives, which
contain hundreds of thousands of photographs. From this great multitude, the
editor-editor selects the favors and orders them from the photobank.
Staff photographers. Bild-editor orders shooting of this or that event
with photographers, with whom the editorial staff cooperates. When the
photographer brings a ready shot, it's the bild decides - which photos will go
into action. Also, the editor-editor coordinates the work of all the
photographers of the editorial office.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Features of the activity of the bild-editor
Freelance photographers. They sometimes have interesting pictures
on the topic. The task of the bilda is to be aware of and in time to buy such
Free search. Very rarely, in a case where you can not find the right
image, the editor is looking for what you want on the Internet. After this, in
order not to violate the copyright law, the bild searches for the picture's author
and negotiates with him about using his work.
Archive. All the pictures that were once published in this publication
are stored in his photo archive. The editor should maintain this archive and
navigate it perfectly.
The work of the bild editor is not only in the selection of the best
photographs. It is desirable to explain clearly to both the photographer and
the designer the reason for their choice - so that in the future they better
understand what exactly is required of them.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
How to create a "Portfolio"
The photographer's portfolio is a collection of the best photographs or
photographs of a certain topic that can be presented to the public. For
different cases, you may need a different portfolio - for the exhibition,
thematic, and for a business meeting - the best photos. The main task is to
demonstrate your skills, both professional and artistic. Analyzing the portfolio
of the photographer, you can evaluate the creative and technical
achievements for a certain period of time.
Most often, the photographer needs to create a portfolio when selling
his services, as well as in collaboration with experienced models on TFPconditions. There is a task to collect such works, at a sight on which it would
be desirable to co-operate with this photographer.
The choice of works for the selling portfolio is a rather difficult stage,
because you need to think like a buyer, not as a photo artist. Photos should
be sharp, beautiful, simple and understandable, and this is not always the
photographer's favorite work.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Therefore, it is often necessary to contact friends for advice, which
photo should be included and which one should not be included. Better a few
excellent photos than a lot of good ones.
The photographer's portfolio can be either printed or digitized. You
need to have both kinds, because each has its own merits. The digital
portfolio of the photographer is generally available, it can be shown to anyone
anywhere in the world at any time. It is easy to edit and change, you can
capture any interesting information related to photography. It is easy to attach
it to the resume. All interested can see your photos and do not distract you.
To publish digital portfolio on the network there are special sites, for example,
500px, as well as social networks.
The portfolio of the photographer printed and photographed in the
photobook has a solid and refined appearance, it is suitable for presentations
and business meetings where you can showcase your photos in a format that
you can try to feel and feel.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Before publishing your photos, do not forget about the model release, which
is worth signing with each person, which is easily recognized in the photo. In the event
of a dispute with the model, this document can save a lot of time, money and nerves
to the photographer who published his works.
Requirements for photographer's portfolio
When drawing up any portfolio, it is desirable that it meets the following requirements:
The theme of the photographer's portfolio coincides with its purpose. For the
exhibition - a thematic series, for the seller - the best photos;
There is a sequence of photos - chronological or special, to create a certain
All photos are qualitatively retouched and processed;
It is desirable that all photos have their name and brief useful information;
the electronic portfolio is publicly available on the network;
The printed portfolio looks presentable and you are always ready to show it
to friends and colleagues.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Organization and planning of the work of a photojournalist
The main aspects of the profession
Photojournalist photographs interesting people, places and events for
newspapers, magazines and news portals.
The results of the work of a photojournalist are seen by many readers
of the periodical press and other mass media.
A photojournalist has a physically and psychologically hard work.
Nature of work
In search of new information for its subsequent transfer to the
readers, the photojournalist is directly present at the scene of events, so he
has a very exciting and full of events. The photographs taken by the
photojournalist give a direct and in many cases an emotional depiction of
events, in parallel being an important factor in the formation of public opinion.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Organization and planning of the work of a photojournalist
In this profession a very fast pace of work: magazines, newspapers
and news portals want to receive fresh, but carefully made photo reports.
Success accompanies the channels, which manage to quickly and accurately
inform people about the events the very first.
As a rule, the editor of the publication gives the photojournalist a specific
task. But the photojournalist decides how he will carry out this task and
through what channels he will receive the information.
Work environment
Although the main place of work of the photojournalist is in the
editorial office, his profession assumes constant readiness to work at any
time of the year both indoors and outdoors, in the evenings and on
weekends. As a rule, a photojournalist has an irregular working day - his work
depends on what is happening in the world, as well as on the production
cycle and the timing of the publication of the media channel.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Organization and planning of the work of a photojournalist
The basic means of labor of a photojournalist include a camera and
various accessories - tripods, flashes, studio lights, filters, equipment for
macro shooting and an exposure meter, as well as a computer, scanner,
telephone and voice recorder.
The photojournalist has a physically and psychologically hard work,
so he needs high stress resistance and a good physical shape. The big
loading falls on eyes, as in work the very exact eye is necessary.
Knowledge, skills and necessary conditions
A photojournalist must be able to use the means required for his
work, such as a camera, a dictaphone, etc. Since different reports are being
shot, knowing more information about the event or situation helps to improve
the quality of the work. For this reason, the photojournalist needs to do a lot
of research work and get acquainted with the facts.
Theme 8. The specifics of the photojournalist in the media
Organization and planning of the work of a photojournalist
The main personal qualities of a photojournalist:
Ability to work independently,
Ability to adapt,
Stress resistance,
communication skills,
a responsibility
In the work of the photojournalist, a special education in the field of
photography and knowledge of journalism are useful. The photo can be
studied both in professional and higher education institutions, and journalism
can be studied in higher educational institutions.