PRELIMINARY ACTIVITY FS PORTFOLIO TASK # 1 STARTING THIS JOURNEY RIGHT Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course/Yr./Sec: BTLEd HE 4 Signature: Date of Activity: September 26, 2022 INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this activity: 1. conceptualize your understanding and insights on the teaching profession base on your prior knowledge from the different Professional education courses; 2. discuss how the course helps in the realization of CTU’s VMGO particularly in this new normal; INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS PREPARATION: Read and understand the activity form provided for you to document your answers. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheet will yield congruent better learning results. PRESENTATION: Recall on your past lessons in the different Professional Educations subjects. PRACTICE: Conceptualize - Through a graphic organizer or a poster conceptualize your insights andunderstanding on the nature of the teaching profession. PERFORMANCE Share- Virtual sharing and processing of output will be done by group/team and by class. Task No. 1 Inside the box below, conceptualize your understanding and insights of your chosen This graphic organizer conceptualize my understanding and insights of my chosen profession which is teaching. For me, teaching means facilitating learning, inspiring and motivating learners, fulfilling, fun, purpose driven profession, a mission, vocation, and artist. These aspects of teaching is integral especially in the learning process. As a future educator, I must commit myself to these aspects in order for me to create a conducive environment for all. Task no. 2 Answer the following questions in relation to the CTU’S VMGO. 1. In your own understanding, how does this course/subject (FS 1) help in the attainment of the University’s vision which is CTU as a premier, inclusive, globally-recognized research and innovation, smart, community-responsive, and sustainable technological university? By applying ethic principles of the profession and critical thinking to guide my professional practice. Engage difference and diversity in practice and practice informed research. And by that, after achieving those goals, we can use those skills to help our university in attaining its vision. 2. As students in CTU, what CTU Core Values (Commitment, Transparency, Unity, Patriotism, Integrity, Excellence, Spirituality) (CTU PIES) do you need to acquire for the attainment of your VMGO in life as soon to be teacher? Why? Following the university's Core Values I need to acquire Excellence, aiming for academic excellence, being involved in extracurricular activities, modeling behavior for others, passingboard examinations, and undertaking research are all ways that we can help the VMGO be achieved as future teachers. ASSESSMENT: a) The individual output will be shared to the group. b) Group leader/representative from the group will present their unified output to the classvirtually. c) To rate the output of this task, use the rubrics for Creative Presentation provided. Seeappendices in page 67. EPISODE 1: THE TEACHER AS A PERSON Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course: BTLED HE Resource Teacher: Mrs. Charina Navarro Mata Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: 4 Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: - At the end of this episode, the FS student will clarify their values about teaching and in articulating and demonstrating one’s personal philosophy of teaching and craft their own mission statement as future teachers. INSTRUCTION PROCESS PREPARATION: For you to be an effective teacher in the future it is important to first start with an awareness of your values about teaching and then write your mission statement or philosophy that you will uphold with conviction. PRESENTATION: To reach your target, do the following TASKS STEP 4. Express these values and philosophy in your own mission statement STEP 3. Reflect about your own values and philosophy about teaching. STEP 1. You find a partner. Interview at least 3 teachers about their beliefs on the why, what and how of teaching. STEP 2. Analyze the values and philosophy behind the teachers’ beliefs PRACTICE: Use the ACTIVITY FORM provided for you to document your interview. A DETAILED GUIDE Read the following carefully before you begin to observe. Then write your observation report on the provided space. As you interview each teacher, ask each one to answer the three sentence completion items below: o My goal/s for my pupils / students is / are ______________a. This statement reflects the teacher’s values / philosophy about WHY one should teach. o What I really want to teach to my pupils / students is / are . This statement reflects the teacher’s values / philosophy about WHAT one should teach. o I will teach my pupils / students by . This statement reflects the teacher’s values / philosophy about HOW one should teach. Use the sentence completion form on the next page when you interview the teachers. Fill out the Teachers Values and Philosophy Matrix to document the teachers’ responses. Analyze the teachers’ responses by identifying the values and philosophies they reflect. You can use the book, The Teaching Profession (Bilbao, et al, 2006) as a guide. TEACHER INTERVIEW FORM Teacher’s Name: Ms. Cristina E. Enero Subject Taught: TLE Level: Junior High School o My goal/s for my pupils/students is/are to learn and excell on my class.I will motivate and encourage them to be a responsible student and always prioritize their studies. o What I really want to teach to my pupils or students is / are- I really want teach my students the good values in life. I want them to enjoy their life without hurting the people around them. I will also teach them my knowledge about my areas of specialization which is TLE. I believe this learning and experiences can be utilize someday. o I will teach my pupils / students by being a facilitator. As a facilitator, I will guide my students through the subject matter inorder to assist the students in their own discoveries. Teacher’s Name: Mr. Ferdinand G. Bayon-on Subject Taught: BEED Level: 6 o My goal/s for my pupils/students is/are to finish this year level with a powerful learning where they can be able acquire this knowledge in the future. I will ensure to support them with accurate information. o What I really want to teach to my pupils or students is / are the proper motivation and guidance, so that my students will engage activelyin the class and improve their innate talents. o I will presentcurriculum that involves the interests of the children and makelearning relevant to life. I will incorporate themes, integrated unitsand projects, group work, individual work, sports and culturaloriented and hands-on learning in order to make children active learners_ Teacher’s Name: Mrs. Jennifer B. Racaza Subject Taught: Mapeh Level: Junior High School o My goal/s for my pupils/students is/are to make a classroom environment productive and conducive where students have a safe place to learn, grow, and find love and support. Students are natural learners just waiting to have their potential realized. I should teach them with all my heart and use my qualities to be a good teacher in imparting my knowledge and skills to the students. o What I really want to teach to my pupils or students is / are- I want to teach my students the importance of learning. My parents taught me that it is important to finish your studies because in the future this education will help me to have a better life. I want to teach my students this kind of things and I hope as they grow, they will realize my words for them. o I will teach my pupils / students by allowing them to become responsible member of our classroom community by using strategies. I will install confidence in them and guide them in the right direction. PERFORMANCE Task no. 1. Analyse the answers of the three teachers that you interviewed and fill in the matrixbelow. TEACHERS’ VALUES AND PHILOSOPHY MATRIX Teacher’s Responses Your Analysis Values Reflected Your Analysis Your Reflection Philosophy Reflected Your Comments / reactions (Refer to pp. 6-10 of Bilbao, et (Do you agree / disagree with the al, The Teaching Profession) views of the teacher? Is it similar / different from your own view? Write your statements here.) TEACHER 1 A) WHY teach B) WHAT to To learn with excellence Progressivism I agree to the idea of the teacher. Because like her point view, I also believed that teaching is one of the important elements to mould one’s character as a person. One of the main goal of a teacher to beable her student to become successful someday and to become productive inthe future Concern and care for the students for them to become a productive and successful individual in the society Progressivism Being a facilitator and assisting students to achieve their goal Progressivism The emphasis is on the future, and onpreparing students to be independent-thinking adults. I might say that thisphilosophy of education strive forrelevant, hands-on learning. A) WHY teach Powerful belief in human free will, and the need for individuals to shape their own futures Existentialism Existentialism views the learner as the central focus of classroom activities. B) WHAT to They believe in astrong core curriculum and high academic standards. Essentialism Teachers give the power to choose the curriculum, organize the school day,and construct classroom activities. Focuses on the universal truths that have with stood there still of time. Perennialism As a future teacher I will make my students understand that all of the things here on earth were done by God. teach C) HOW to teach TEACHER 2 teach C) HOW to teach TEACHER 3 A) WHY teach B) WHAT to teach C) HOW to teach She also believedthat children learn by watching others.It is important forstudents andeducators to bemorally sound. Existentialism Teaching the students to value their education. Essentialism Participation isimportant because the extent to which a person is active in his own growth and development can positively or negatively affect the course of his life. Progressivism Existentialism brought about the ideas that people should be moral and that people should also explore inner selves.I think if schools would get back to the moral fibre that they use to have,children would retain more knowledge. As future teachers we should try to embed traditional moral values and virtues such as respect for authority, perseverance, fidelity to duty, consideration for others, and practicality and intellectual knowledge that students need to become model citizens. Every student is unique and learns in aspecific way, educational content should be presented in such a way that meets the needs of all students. Task No. 2. Base on the interview conducted with the three teachers, reflect on the following guidequestions: 1. Which views do you agree with? Disagree with? Expound. I agree on Teacher 1, because from the three teaches that I interviewed I think she is the one who touches my heart. She teaches with full of passion and dedication to educate her students and motivate them to study hard. She serves as a role model to every students and to other teachers as well, to teach not only to gain money but to teach with a pure intention. 2. This time, it’s your turn to answer the three sentence completion items. a. My goal/s for my pupils / students is / are Every teacher aims to the betterment of their students in thedifferent fields. My goals for my students are: to make ourstudents be fully prepared for the upcoming future, to help them realize that education is very significant in human life and to let them understand that the best way for a successful career is through education. b. What I really want to teach to my pupils / students is / are I want to teach them the value and significance of education for all, on how it an transform the life of every individual from a mere student into a productive individual in the future. I will inspire, motivate and encourage them to do their best to pursue their dreams and take important step in their lives. c. I will teach my pupils / students by Giving them a concrete ideas for every lesson that we havein order for them to clearly visualize and understand it. Moreover, we will teach them by the process of learning bydoing because this is more appropriate in the transferring of learning. d. What philosophy do you adhere to? Why? It is the progressivism that I want to adhere to because I believe on the progressivist’s point of view that the student’s world is the focus and starting point of education. I am a firm believer of the statement “Students are the key participants of education”. I will let my students construct new knowledge as they conduct experiment or during activities and my role is to facilitate and guide students in order to make learning active and democratic. ASSESSMENT: A mission statement is a clear and concise expression of your beliefs, values and philosophy. Writeyour own mission statement here. Below is a sample, but you are free to make your own format. Just K.I.S.S. it. Keep It Short and Simple, so that you can remember it by heart. Most importantly, that youwill live by it. My Mission Statement as a Future Teacher We Live Each Day As Future Educators.... Who are eager to compromise by Helping and Encouraging learners to Reach the peak O The individual output will be shared to the group. Group leader/representative from the group will present their unified output to the classvirtually. To rate the output of this task, rubrics is provided. See appendices in page …. EPISODE 2: HOME-SCHOOL LINK Name of FS Student: Course: Resource Teacher: Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME: - At the end of this activity, the FS students can identify the factors in the home environmentthat might affect learner’s behaviour and performance in the school by conducting an interviewwith the parent/s of the child INSTRUCTION PROCESS PREPARATION: To reach your TARGET, do the following tasks: Home and School You are supposed to select a learner from the class whom you have observed. Choose a learner,son/daughter of your friend or relative. Conduct a home visit to your selected learner. PRESENTATION: Describe the family in terms of number of siblings. Reflect on how the feelings of belongingness and acceptance and cooperation are emphasizedin the play. Interview the parents about the rules they implement at home concerning their child’s schooling,the learner’s activities and behaviour while at home. PRACTICE: Use the activity form provided for you to document your observations. AN OBSERVATION/INTERVIEW GUIDE FOR HOME-SCHOOL LINK Read the following carefully before you begin to observe/interview. Then write your observation reporton the provided space. THE LEARNER 3. Make a general observation of the learner. Describe him in each of the domains ofdevelopment: a. Physical-body built and height (thin, chubby, underweight, overweight), level of physicalactivity (fast, slow, lethargic, active,etc.) b. Social-interaction with teachers and classmates (loner, shy, sociable, friendly, gets intofights, liked by others, etc.) c. Emotional moods, temperament, cries easily, loses temper, happy, shows enthusiasm,excited, indifferent, etc.) d. Cognitive (appears to understand lessons, copes with the lessons, excels, lags behind,shows reasoning skills, turns in assignments and requirements, etc.) INTERVIEW WITH PARENTS 1. Conduct a home visit. Once there, observe the home set-up. (Home is orderly, family picturesin the living room. 2. Use the Interview Questions on the next page. Just ask the questions with which you feelcomfortable. SUGGESTED PARENT INTERVIEW GUIDE Your teacher may ask you to use a more detailed interview guide. Be free to translate the questions,if necessary. Name of Learner: Quenie J. Umbao Date of Birth: September 28, 2009 Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Age:13 Gender: Female Number of Siblings:5 Birth Order: 1st Parents: Mother: Rose Ann J. Umbao Age: 36 Occupation: None Elementary Level Educational Attainment: Father: Bernie T. Umbao Age: 37 Occupation: Painter Educational Attainment: High School Graduate LEARNER’S PHYSICAL ASPECT Health Mother’s Health during pregnancy with the learner: - The mother’s health during pregnancy is okay and not so complicated. Ailments or health problems of the learner as a child: - "My child grows up physically and mentally fit and she herself does not have any health problems ever since I delivered her in this world." Age of the learner when he started to walk/talk: - She started to walk and talk when she is still 1 year old. Food preferences of the learner as a child and at present: - "Her favorite food is fried chicken and siomai, until now it was her favorite." Who took care of him/her as a child? - "Ever since she was a child, I and my husband take good care of her. She is our first child so we have a lot of time to take care of her." LEARNER’S SOCIAL ASPECT Describe your child’s sociability (friendly, outgoing or shy, loner) - She is very friendly and lovely, I don't have any problem in socializing her with others. In fact, I am very thankful that I have a child like her who doesn't involve herself in any kind of trouble." Who were the learner’s playmates? - She is fond of playing with our neighbors who have the same age with her." As a child then was he/she allowed to play outside? - "Of course, our children needs to play outside so that they will not grow ignorant. I let her play outside as long as she is only in a distance where I could see her and a place where she is safe." Is he/she allowed to go out with friends? Do you have rules for him/her to follow regarding going out? What are these rules? - As of now, I don't allow her to go out as long as we are her companions. However, when it comes to her friend we do not allow her since she is only 13 years old she's still young for that thing. EMOTIONAL-MORAL What are your expectations of your child? - "I expect her to achieve her goals in life. She already knows her responsibilities and I expect that she will finish her studies someday. I believe in my child’s skills and capabilities so I know that she will succeed someday." How do you provide a nurturing environment for your child? - " I will let her feel that me and her father will be always here to support her and also I will not be firm/strict to her so that she will open up her problems if she had." Does your child go to you when she/he feels down or has a problem? What do you do to meet his/her emotional needs? - "Yes, my child goes to me when she feels down or has a problem. She shares it to me and we comfort her by using comforting words. We advice her something that could uplift her hurtful emotion" What do you do when he/she is not successful in something? - "If she fails in something, we are telling her not to mind the opportunity that she missed because there are a lot of chances to have it again. I always told her to never scared of trying and reminded her to face those challenges with full of dedication and perseverance." How do you discipline your children? - "When it comes to disciplined, I set rules that she must follow. And I try to impose discipline in a proper way. I set punishment with appropriate reason as long as she is learning from her mistakes." Do you have rules in the house? What are they? - " Yes, I have plenty of rules in the house, namely: o must be attentive in her studies o she must be at home before dinner o she must also do her assign household chore o do not use cellphone unless she is done with assignments/projects o Be respectful at all times. Though these is a lot, but she understand that I am doing this for her own sake." How do you impose the rules? - "I imposed these rules by reminding this to her always so she will not forget what I had say. She is not stubborn anyway and she really follows the rules." What are the consequences of breaking the rules? - " As what I have said earlier, I set her punishment when she break the rules." LEARNER’S COGNITIVE ASPECT What are the child’s interests? - " She is interested in dancing and she is also shows interest in her studies." What is he/she good at in school? - "She is not totally good in academic, but she is active in extra curricular activies." In what subject/s does he/she have difficulty? - " I think she has a difficulty in math subject, and I am happy that her aunt teach her if she has something that she don't understand." How do you monitor his/her performance in school? How do you motivate him/her? - " Since she was kindergarten, we ensure that she is studying well. And I always told her that she can do it as long as she gave all the best she could." Do you have rules at home to help him develop good study habits? What are these rules? How are they implemented? - " Yes, we do not allow her to play or use her cellphone unless she is done with her assignments or projects. We lay ensure that she studies her lesson.' PERFORMANCE Task No. 1. After you have gathered all the necessary data, write the Learner’s profile using the outline below. Type the profile in a separate sheet and attached it to this learning episode. THE LEARNER’S DEVELOPMENT PROFILE Name of the Learner: Quenie J. Umbao School: Marikaban Integrated School Date of Home Visit: October 26, 2022 Date of Birth: September 28, 2009 Age: 13 Grade/Year Level: Grade 8 Gender: Female Family Profile Number of Siblings: 5 (five) Birth Order: 1st (first) Parent Mother: Rose Ann J. Umbao Age: 36 Occupation: None Educational Attainment: Elementary Level Father: Bernie T. Umbao Age:37 Occupation: Painter Graduate Educational Attainment: High School PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT (In paragraph form, describe the physical development of the learner. Combine the parents’ responsesand your own observations.) The learner is physically normal without deficiency and she did not suffer from any ailments during her childhood. She is very active and alert not only in their home, but also in the school. As what I have observed, she moves deliberately smooth and shows care and accuracy in every tasks or chores to accomplish. SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT (In paragraph form, describe the social development of the learner. Combine the parents’ responsesand your own observations.) The learner is friendly to everyone. She can socialize without any fear and can mingle with friends happily as she loves to make new friends. She interacts well with others and with that she gains more confidence in herself. She is loved by the people around her as she is kind and respectful . EMOTIONAL-MORAL DEVELOPMENT (In paragraph form, describe the emotional-moral development of the learner. Combine the parents’responses and your own observations.) The learner is well-discplined and she can manage her emotions when it comes to her own troubles. She has self-control and can handle her temperament. She is very cheerful and blissful child. If there is something bothering to her, she doesn’t hesitate to go to her parents and tell them what it is. COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT (In paragraph form, describe the cognitive development of the learner. Combine the parents’ responsesand your own observations.) When it comes to her cognitive development, she performs well in the class. In fact, she is not the same as the love achievers learners. She learns fast and participate activelu during class activities and discussions. Her parents' concern and values towards education help her a lot in her cognitive development. She knows that it is her responsibility as a student to study her lessons and because of that she excels in the class. FINDINGS (Write here your salient findings about the learner.) The learner is intelligent and responsible in her studies. Her training at home is carried to school as displayed by her good performance and positive attitude towards learning. Being a firm yet loving parent to her as what her parents are portraying, it helps in balancing the learner's personality. They become more self-competent, selfreliant, and have a greater ability to show self-control. And mostly, the God-fearing beliefs and respect that her parents demonstrate towards her also develops her good social interaction to other and to her nurturing environment. CONCLUSIONS (Write your conclusions after you have analyzed the impact of the school and the home on the learner’s development. The questions in the YOUR ANALYSIS portion of this learning episode can help you.) The home-school connection of the learner contribute a great impact in her development, and so as to the total personality of the learners. At home she learns values, works and her cognition slowly develop. However, school plays a vital role in molding the learner. Since school is made for the purpose of developing physical, social, emotional, moral, psychological, spiritual, and mental or cognitive aspects of the learners. By this, she will be guided of her behaviors because what she learns in school is she can apply it to her home and also what she learned from home, she can applies it to school like the morals and values her parents taught her. RECOMMENDATIONS (Write your recommendations.) I do recommend to the the learner that she must be always compliant and dutiful. She must ensure to herself that she is motivated to learn and participate since she is responsible of her own learning. For the parents, they must be responsible in guiding and disciplining their children, they must be open with them. They should always ask them about their studies without any pressure and give encouragement to focus and study hard to become successful in their lives. Task No. 2 Your findings and recommendations in the Learner Development Profile will help you answerthe questions here. 1. From your home visit and interview, what do you think is the style of parenting experienced bythe learner? Explain your answer? The style of parenting experienced by the learner is authoritative. Her mother knows what she likes and what her favorite, which means that her mother is involved in the learner's interest. The use of non-physical punishment but of reasoning in disciplining them is also a characteristics of this parenting styles. Her parents are kind of firm but they’re loving. The rules are not so firm because they know that if they will be strict to their child, there’s a possibility that the child will turn against them. So they show support to the child in everything she do. 2. Relating your data with what you learned from child development, what family factors do youthink contribute in the development and overall adjustment of the learner in school? Parents is one of the main factors that will contribute to the development and over-all adjustment of the learner. Parents who's supportive to the child’s schooling, then the child will perform better than those who receive none. Learners are less influenced by peers or negative peer influence when they have a close and involving relationship with their parents. Authoritative parenting, as practice by the parents that I've interviewed, encourages learners to claim more responsibility and self-reliance towards their learning. Also this type of parenting encourages learners in school to be less susceptible to peer's bad influence. 3. Does the communication between the home-school have an effect on the learner? If yes, whatare these effects? Yes. What she did in school reflects how she is nurtured by her parents at home. And another is that, communication between home and school has an effect on the learner. Home-school communication is good because it can be a greater help in her schooling. The learner will be guided in her behavior both in school and home. If there are any problems in school or home, then the learner will be corrected or assist by her parents or teacher. The effects of this is thst learners will be monitored well whether she is in the school or home because school-home has a connection and the actions will be taken by her teachers or parents. Through this, both parties can monitor the learners progress and performance and can compare notes. EPISODE 3: SCHOOL AS A LEARNING ENVIRONMENT Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course: BTLED HE Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: 4 Resource Teacher: Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME: At the end of this activity, the FS student will be competent in describing the school environment that is conducive for learning and on how it affects the learners’ behavior INSTRUCTION PROCESS PREPARATION: A general observation of the campus and the classroom is an exciting way to start your observation. Your mission is to do the following tasks: 2. Accomplish the checklist as you move around the school premises. 1. Visit a school. Look into facilities and support learning areas in the campus, then in the classroom. 3. Based on your gathered data in the checklist, describe the school environment. PRESENTATION: As you move around the campus, activity forms are provided for you to document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet before proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results. PRACTICE: SCHOOL FACILITIES CHECKLIST Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available on the last column. Facilities Availabl e 1. Office of the Principal ✓ 2. Library ✓ 3. Counseling Room ✓ 4. Canteen / Cafeteria ✓ 5. Medical Clinic ✓ 6. Audio Visual / Media ✓ Center 7. Reading Center Not De scri Availab ptio le n The principal’s office is well manage, clean and orderliness.It is very spacious and is airconditioned; the staffs have their respective tables and computers At the upper part, it has books and is wellventilated; it is conducive for learning and studying. Located beside the principal’s office, it is well ventilated and provides a friendly environment To secure confidentiality, the inside of the office has a cubicle to protect the privacy of the individuals being counseled. The canteen is available although it doesn’t have a wide space. Less students are only accommodated but the place is clean and organized The room provides primary care through the availability of first aid kits, medicines, and other health equipment that may help students, teachers an other personnel for immediate treatment whenever an emergency occurs Right next to the principal’s office, it has sixteen units of personal computers that can be used by the students. ✓ Reading center is not available. 8. Speech Laboratory ✓ Speech laboratory is not available. 9. Science Laboratory ✓ Science laboratory is not available. 10. Gymnasium ✓ Gymnasium is not available 11. Auditorium ✓ Auditorium is not available. 12. Home Economics ✓ Room ✓ 13. Industrial Workshop Area 14. PTA Office 15. Comfort Room ✓ ✓ forBoys 16. Comfort Rooms ✓ forGirls Others (Pls. specify) Faculty Room Classroom Facilities At the front of the principal’s office, it is quite small but it has a lot of equipments used in cooking. Industrial Workshop Area is not available. There’s no available PTA office. However, parents-teachers meetings are most likely being held in a classroom. It is small that it can only be used one by one, it has enough water to wash and clean the comfort room after using. It is clean and provides privacy to the students who use it, it has a big mirror where students can tidy themselves up. ✓ Each teacher has his/her own tables. The faculty room is clean, wide in space and that would be easy for the faculty member to communicate with each other. CLASSROOM FACILITIES MATRIX Description (location, number, arrangement condition) 1. Wall Displays There are numerous wall displays placed in front and back of the wall which are all good. Each of them varies in size but the ones that are bigger are the ones in the front. They are arranged based on the level of importance. (e.g. the picture of the president is placed higher than the VMGO of the school). 2. Teacher’s Table There are 2 teacher's table located in the back and in the center front of the classroom. However, the teacher always use the table at the back than in the center front. 3. Learner’s Desks The learner’s desks are durable plastic in colors pink and pastel green. There are 8 desks in a room paired with a plastic chairs. The spaces between the chairs is about half a meter, which is enough for the students to feel comfortable sitting and writing. The blackboard is almost as long as the width of the wall. There are 4. Blackboard chalks and eraser placed in center. The board is good as new. 5. Learning Materials Learning materials are enough to the pupils for their learning. The teacher has visual aids to help her student assessment. There are Visual Aids many visual aids in the cabinet of the teacher that is related to their topic. 6. Bulletin boards Near the ceiling, a small blackboard but is barely noticeable because there are boxes covering it 7. A portrait of the Every room has the portrait of the President at the top of the President chalkboard. 8. Instructional Materials There are few reference books in the classroom. PERFORMANCE: Task No. 1. Base from your observations, answer the following analysis questions: 2. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular impact on the learning of the students going to school? What are your conclusions? The school campus and classroom in particular impact on the students going to school because when the student feel comfortable they can easily learn and they will have a good performance.For example, if the classroom is well-organized, warm and free from distractions, the students may learn better and yield positive results in their learning because there is a sense of peacefulness around them that gives them comfortable space to learn well. In contrast, a classroom that is unorganized may affect the students’ performance. In conclusion, the physical environment such as the school campus and the classroom are one of the factors that affect the students learning. Because of this, the school and the teachers must ensure that the these learning spaces are conducive to learning. 3. How does this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning? The idea of the school environment being one of the most important factors in the successfulness of student’s learning is correlated with the idea of “nature vs. nurture” in the child and adolescent development, particularly the principle about what the “nurture” wanted to emphasize about the child’s development. This principle believes that there are environmental factors such as the people and the environment around the child, social relationships, etc. that influence the students learning and development. This means that the school campus as the important facility where students learn must give positive input for students and must help the students in shaping their values and help them grow as a person. Task No. 2. Answer the following reflection questions. 1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why or why not? The school environment that I have observed was my alma mater. Ever since I studied here, I’ve dreamed of teaching in this school someday. It ay not have sophisticated buildings or facilities but what I admire here the most is that they ensure that the school environment is the most comfortable space for the students to learn. They allow students to access the learning facilities and resources that are significant for their learning and development. They create opportunities for students to develop excellent academic performance and to build professional growth among teachers. And lastly, they value the most the quality of education and services that they will provide for their students. 2. What kind of school campus is conducive to learning? A clean and green, well-organized and free from pollution school campus is conducive to learning. Complete facilities to offices, laboratories and every classroom can be also considered helpful in the learning of the students. 3. What kind of classroom is conducive to learning? A classroom is considered to be conducive to learning if it is clean, properly lighted and well ventilated. Also, completeness and proper organization of necessary facilities and equipment is helpful in maximizing the learning process of the students. It should not be too crowded that might affect the learning of every student 4. In the future, how can you accomplish your answer in number 3? As a future teacher of the next generation, if by God’s grace, my aspiration in becoming a teacher will be granted, I will do the same with all my efforts. I will make sure that my classroom is clean, properly lighted and well ventilated. I will also see to it that the furniture in my classroom is properly arranged so that students will be comfortable in moving around the room. 5. Write your additional learnings and insights here. This field of study is very important, for students like us, as future educators. It helped me open my mind in considering the environment such as the school campus, as a factor that would be very important in the learning of the students. I also learned that every classroom should be conducive for learning so that students will be encouraged to learn and feel comfortable in going to school. ASSESSMENT: Lay-out your personal illustration of an effective school environment. MY PERSONAL ILLUSTRATION OF AN EFFECTIVE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT The individual output will be shared to the group. Group leader/representative from the group will present their unified output to the class virtually. To rate the output of this task, rubrics is provided. See appendices in page …. TOPIC 2: THE LEARNER’S DEVELOPMENT AND ENVIRONMENT FS Portfolio Task # 2 LEARNERS WITH DISABILITIES, GIFTEDNESS AND TALENTS Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course/Yr./Sec: BTLED HE - 4 Signature: Date of Activity: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this activity: 1. observe how teachers use various strategies in teaching talented, exceptional or special students; 2. write a reflection paper about the film Every Child is Special. INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS PREPARATION: 1. As you accomplish this task, activity forms are provided for you to document your answers. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be accomplished in the activity sheets will yield congruent better learning results. PRESENTATION: 2. You are to watch a movie entitled “Every Child is Special”. PERFORMANCE 3. Make a reflection paper on the movie on how a teacher should handle special or exceptional learners. TITLE : Every Child is Special Every child is special. Every child has his own personality. Every child tries to endeavor and focus best in his life. Primarily, every child has his own dreams. But the main factor to ponder is, for us to understand his dreams. And the truth is, we lack stability, patience and understanding as far as the child is concern. This one holds true in the movie “Every Child is Special” which is about the boy, Ishaan Awasthi, an eight years old boy who suffers from dyslexia, a neurological disorder. Unlike other normal children, he has a learning disability; he has difficulty in reading and writing. The letters and numbers were written inverted and words are commonly misspelled. He cannot follow multiple instructions and has poor motor skills. Most of the people thought of him as dumb, idiot and lazy trouble maker but in fact his world is filled with wonders that no one else can appreciate. Ishaan loves painting and drawing, his mind is very creative and imaginative and his concept of art is truly remarkable. However because his parent’s gives tension to him, anyone did not try to understand him and anyone does not want to know what he wants that’s why he is always unhappy especially when he moved out to the boarding school. Ram Nikumbh is the new art teacher in the new school of Ishaan. Unlike other teacher who is strict and conserve to their thought that every child should compete, succeed and make a future, Ram is a teacher who appreciates and thinks that every child is special and must have a chance to enjoy his/her school days. Ishaan’s other teacher thought that he should be dealt in special education program not in the mainstream. But Ram insisted that even a special child has the right for formal education. Ram observes that Ishaan is unhappy and contribute little to class activities; he reviews all the class work of Ishaan and finds out the causes of his academic shortcomings is because he is having dyslexia. He attempts to help Ishaan, so in the class Ram shows different personalities like Einstein, Edison, Da Vinci and other personalities who struggle for recognizing letters and numbers. He shows to Ishaan that his case is not so different from other people; he just needs to appreciate and improve himself. Ram used remedial techniques to improve Ishaan’s reading and writing. Ishaan’s soon develop an interest to language and mathematics and his grades improve. Through Ram's efforts and patience, Ishaan develop gradually. ASSESSMENT: After watching the movie, complete the following: I realized that teacher shouldn’t conform to the standards in basing the worth of a student. We must know that despite every flaws they had, they also had a brilliant gem hidden in their interior. We should extend and offer our hands the farthest and the best we can to help and support them. It also important to remember that every student can learn, just not on the same day, or in the same way. That’s why we should incorporate different teaching strategies because every students had their own learning styles and multiple intelligences. I believe that teacher should open their eyes, observe, and search for those special characteristics. They should be patient, and understanding enough to encourage their student to discover their own talents and abilities. I feel that the teacher are obliged to pay attention to their students needs and bring out the best in their students. They will understand the students when she/he put herself in the situation that the students have been through. As a future educator, this is a challenging task and role for us to handle learners like Ishaan. Though it may be a hard task to us teachers but when we take every step to help them, all our efforts will be worth it. Our realizations after watching the film is every child has individual differences and needs. It is important for us to understand that our learners are diverse and some of them have special needs. It is our job to incorporate strategies and methods to help our learners to better understand the lessons. We should also be creative in our lessons in a way that will cater the needs of every learner. Understanding that every learner has different pace of learning and level of understanding is essential because this can make us sensitive and responsive to their special needs. In addition, criticisms and prejudices should be discouraged for the learners to overcome their difficulties. As a teacher, we should put in our mind that being a teacher is a mission not just a job. EPISODE 4: APPROPRIATENESS OF TEACHING Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course: BTLED HE Resource Teacher: Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: 4 Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME: - At the end of this activity, evaluate the appropriateness of the teaching approaches or methods used by the two teachers in the video INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS PREPARATION: Now work on your way towards a closer look at the methods, strategies and approaches of teachingand learning. PRESENTATION: To hit your Target, work your way through these steps: Step 1. Observe 2 classes and identify the teaching strategies or methods used by the teachers. Step 2. Interview the teachers on the reason behind the use of observed teaching strategies. Step 3. Reflect on the reasons given by the teachers interviewed. PRACTICE: For this video viewing, document your observations in the video using the activity forms provided foryou. Your Observation: A. Write your observations inside the table. Teachers Being Observed Strategies Used bythe Teacher Visualization Teacher 1 Description of the Teaching StrategiesUsed by the Teacher Visualization is very simply, the teacher ability to create mental images based on the words she hear or the text that she read. This strategy, if used well, can drastically help students focus on the concept or subject matter at hand. It brings concepts to life and encourages students to make connections to the real world. Teacher 2 Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is an instructional strategy in which the teacher form a small group of students collaboratively work on a given task together specifically short quiz and reporting. PERFORMANCE 1. Who do you think is more effective in his/her teaching strategy/method, teacher 1 or 2? Why? I think the most effective in her teaching strategy/method was teacher 2 as she uses the cooperative learning strategy in which the teacher form a small group of students collaboratively work on a given task together. I believe in such activities, students of different learning abilities come together and help maximize each other’s potential. It nurtures shouldering the responsibility to contribute to successfully finishing the task. It also encourages students to support one another and pitch in wherever required to achieve the end goal 2. Which strategy/method is more interactive? Less interactive? Support your answer. Of course the cooperative learning is the more interactive one because it involves every students to participate and interact with each other. They are more engage in their activities as it encourage learners to cooperate with their groups. They learn in a fun and enjoyable manner. 3. If you will be the teacher in one of the topics being discussed by the teacher you’veobserved, will you use the same strategy? Why or Why not? Yes. As what I have observed, students are more engage in their activities because they know that they have a specific task they should perform for the entire group to succeed. I like this strategy as it enhances students ability and knowledge. I believe this strategy will help me to become a better teacher someday. 4. In selecting a strategy in teaching a particular lesson, as a teacher what are the important factors that you have to consider? How does each factor affect the teaching and learning process? As a teacher, the important factors that I should consider in selecting a strategy in teaching a particular lesson are: first, is my instructional objectives. My aims should define what method to be used or what approach needed to be performed in order that my aims will be achieved. Second, I will consider my subject matter. Some teaching methods are applicable in TLE and Math like solving method and other. Next, I will also consider my learners. My learners’ age is very crucial. Say for example, some methods especially for those that require Higher-Order-Thinking- Skills (HOTS) are more suited to older learners. Then, the interest of my learners should not be forgotten. Learners learn best if their interests are met. And the teacher should choose appropriate teaching method to do this. Lastly, always consider time. Some teaching approaches/methods require plenty of time. These are some of the things I’ll consider in deciding my teaching ASSESSMENT: approach/method. But as teachers, we should always bear in mind that there is no perfect method. The best method is the one that works; the one that yields results. After going through the process of observation, thinking and reflection of your experiences, you surely have drawn some insights and new understanding of teaching and learning process. Please express your thoughts, feelings, insights or new understanding through an essay or a poem here. It was really a great help for me, not only the knowledge that I had from that subject, but also from the entire that I had in my life. From the observations that I had in FS, I had gone through the process of thinking, and had a several reflection about the thoughts and insights that I had observed. Actually before, these things are not really clear to me. But now that we had a Field Study those unclear things were change into understanding. What captured my attention most is how important your learning materials and resources would be. It’s because that having materials that is very “catchy” and interesting will surely get the attention of the learners especially those of the primary level. It is most important to have creative visual aids in dealing with the pupils. Also, it is very essential to prepare the learning activities and make sure that it’s just not only educational but fun in some ways, make it to a point that the pupils will enjoy these activities. As a futures educator to be, we should engage the students from the different principles and strategies in teaching that should help learners grow and develop their thinking skills. We should be aware of the seven principles in teaching that serves as our guide and a reminder for us as a future educator. EPISODE 5: ON LESSON DEVELOPMENT Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course: BTLED HE Resource Teacher: Ms. Cristina E. Enero Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: 4 Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOME - At the end of this activity, the FS students can determine the appropriateness of teaching aids to learning tasks (CLO 2) PREPARATION: INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS Using the same videos in your episode number no. 4, observe the two (2) teachers on how they gothrough their lessons. PRESENTATION: • Accomplish observation sheet. • Analyse your observation. • Reflect on your observations. OBSERVATION SHEET Description of the Resource Teachers Observed: Ms. Cristina E. Enero ( TLE Teacher) School Address: Marikaban, Santa Fe, Cebu Date: January 25, 2023 Grade/Year Level: BTLED HE Grade 7 Subject Areas: TLE PRACTICE: Answer the following questions: 1. Describe how the teacher began his/her lesson. Why do you think did she/he do that? During the class discussions, the teacher began her lesson by checking the attendance and giving a motivation. It is giving their ideas about Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). The teacher did this in order to catch the attention of her students and to ignite curiosity and willingness to learn among her students. 2. What activity/es did the teacher ask the learners to do after she/he introduced the lesson? After introducing her lesson, the Resource Teacher asked the learners to analyzed the importance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE). This activity is in connection with their topic “ Cookery”. The teacher did this in order to relate her topic and her motivation. Another reason is that, one of her lesson objectives is achievable through giving an activity like what she gave after introducing the topic . 3. What instructional materials did the teacher use in his/her discussion? Do you think these materials are appropriate in enhancing the discussion of the topic? Why or why not? The teacher used PowerPoint Presentation in delivering her lesson. I believe, this tool can be an effective tool to present material in the classroom and encourage student learning. This material are appropriate in enhancing instruction and engagement of the students. 4. How did she end her/his lesson? Why do you she/he did that? The teacher ended her lesson by giving a generalization about their topic. However, she did not state it directly, instead, she asked the students to summarize and expand their topic. The teacher did this in the sense that generalization is very important to learning. it summarizes everything. It gives the learners a clearer picture about the topic. These are the main reasons of giving generalization as done by the teacher. 5. Did you notice an assessment of learning in the process of teaching? If yes how was it done? Yes, there is an assessment of learning in the process of teaching that I had observed yesterday. It is in a form of quiz. The teacher posted sentences on the board. She also gave the instruction which is “put check (✓) if the sentence is expanded using subordination method and put X-mark (x) if not.” The quiz is 10 items. The teacher assigned them to have a notebook which will be use in their assessment. 6. Did you observe if the teacher checked learning at the end of her/his lesson? Yes, the teacher checked learning at the end of her lesson. Giving a quiz is one way of checking learning. Another is through giving an activity which is an application to the topic. By doing this, the teacher can verifywhether her learners really learn from the discussion. These are but some ways of checking learning. 1. Checklist: Of the following which did you observe? Please check if you observed the item. Teaching Behavior Check Here 1. Connecting lesson to past lesson. ✓ 2. Introducing the lesson for the day. ✓ 3. Sharing the lesson objective of the day. ✓ 4. Motivating the students. ✓ 5. Students doing learning activity. ✓ 6. Teacher giving lecture. ✓ 7. Teacher checking for understanding. ✓ 8. Teacher/students summarizing the lesson. ✓ PERFORMANCE Answer the following questions: 1. How should a lesson begin and end? There are many ways to begin and end a lesson. It depends upon the method of teaching used. But most commonly, lessons begin through checking of attendance and giving motivations to learners. This should be connected to the topic. In the end, generalization is given to summarize learning. 2. Did you observe any part of the lesson development to have been out of place? Explain youranswer. No, I have not seen any. It is because the discussion is planned and the teacher is very good in making the learners understand the lesson. Also, the lesson plan helped the teacher because it is her guide in the discussion. ASSESSMENT: “Tell them what you want to tell them; tell them what you told them”. Relate this statement to lessondevelopment. For me, the statement is all about the whole lesson development process. it portrays the beginning and the end of the lesson. The line “tell them what you want to tell them” is the beginning of the lesson. It is the giving of motivation and letting the learners know the objectives of the day. It is introducing the lesson or the topic. The other line “tell them” refers to the discussion. It is when the teacher deliberates his/her topic to the class. It is where comparison and abstraction is done in order that students will learn the needed information and of course, to achieve the objective of the day. The last line “tell them what you told them”is giving generalization to the topic. It is restating what you have discussed in a more simplified and generalized idea. It is the giving of summary to the topic discussed. EPISODE 6: MANAGING TIME, SPACE AND RESOURCES Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course: BTLED HE Resource Teacher: Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: 4 Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this activity, the FS students will be able to describe how the classroom is structured/designed to allow everyone to participate in the learning activities. (CLO 3) INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS PREPARATION: To reach your target, do the following tasks: 4. Watch a video from YouTube showing an actual classroom setting focusing on classroom management PRESENTATION: 5. Using a checklist, find out the evident classroom components. 6. Describe how the classroom is structured / designed to allow everyone to participate in thelearning activities. 7. Relate the data in your checklist to the learners’ behaviour. 8. Reflect on how classroom management affects learning. Use the activity form provided for you to document your observation. AN OBSERVATION GUIDE FOR THE LEARNERS’ CHARACTERISTICS Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on theprovided space. 1. As you observe the class, look into the characteristics of the learners. Note their ages. I've observed Grade 7 and Grade 10 and their ages ranges from 13-16 years old. 2. How many boys are there? How many girls? Grade 7 (Mercury) Boys- 23 Girls- 16 Grade 7 (Earth) Boys- 20 Girls - 24 Grade 10 (Uranus) Boys- 25 Girls- 19 1. Focus on their behaviour. Are they already able to manage their own behaviour? Some of the students in the class can control their own behavior at school. They may concentrate their minds and bodies on the lesson. Others, on the other hand, engage in inappropriate behavior in class, such as being unable to sit still and need commands. 2. Can the learners already work independently? Yes, I say that they are all capable of working independently at this stage. When they are given a task, the majority of them are able to complete it or accomplish the task because they are able to work on it as soon as it is given to them, but some are also being recognized for monitoring their backlogs, which is a good way for them to be aware. If things worsen, they will be contacted to determine which part was difficult for them and that they required assistance. 3. Describe their span of attention. I can see that they don't need much supervision because, as I previously stated, they are excellent at what they do and are very responsible with their own tasks. Some students merely require extra attention, to be observed and assisted with their concerns 4. Look into their listening skills and ability to concentrate. As what I have observed, some students do not gave their full attention to the Name of the school observed: Marikaban Integrated School Location of the School: Marikaban, Santa Fe, Cebu Date of Visit: January 3, 2023 teacher. However, those students who academically focus, are more engage in the discussion. They listened carefully to the teacher and gave their best to show their abilities in any activities. PRACTICE: There are different abilities of the learners are that I saw. First, there are Base learners on the video that easily you observed, fillthe in the matrix question on classroom that can understand teacher's while management the others arebelow. not, especially the CLASSROOM boys seated at the back, AnotherMATRIX is, when the teachers said MANAGEMENT that they need to be quiet, they follow their teacher. Description Effect on the Learners Aspect of The students in the front are more active than the students at the back (toquestion be filledthey up after Classroom though the students at the back can answer the teacher's needyou to be called first, while the students in the front raising their handsthe immediately answer analysis Management when their teacher give the question. questions) makeisthem feel protected and The classroom is or setboys up atThese 1. Specific Areas Based onintheir teacher, the student the back really naughtier at ease in their classrooms. modernly, with a table in than the students in front. The teacher really need to focus on them especially on theClassroom front paired plastic chairs their studies because among all with the students in that section, they are not totally for students and a reading fast learners. corner. Obviously, achieving are more class than in theto lowlearn rules instudents the classroom are active 2. Classroom Ruleshigh The Thisin allows student achieving students. On their group work, the high achieving learners finish well-established and effective. in a passive andcan comfortable manner. their work faster than in Low achieving learners. They also interact with their teacher often than in Low achieving learner. 3.Classroom Procedures 4. Daily Routines 5. Seating Arrangement 6. Handling misbehaviour / offtaskbehaviour The procedures in the This allows student to learn in a classroom are carefully taught passive and comfortable manner. and modeled. The daily routine has been set These ensure that standards are everyday, regardless of the maintained in order for the students changes. to be guided with the things they do everyday. This a teacher's essential way to As a result, they learn more and keep the class less from chaotic participate more actively in class. and for the students to get to know each other. The misbehavior is dealt with calmly and politely by the teacher about the behavior that ara inappropriate. This is all about giving 7.Reinforcement of Positive behaviour acknowledgement or any form of positive feedback to the students. This does not put the students in harm; rather, it inspires them to do better the next time. It increases their confidence, regulates their behavior, and reduces negative behavior. PERFORMANCE Answer the analysis questions comprehensively. 1. How did the classroom organization and routines affect the learners’ behaviour? Through classroom organization and routines, pupils/students actively participate in the classroom discussions. The lesson plan is carefully prepared such that all discussions are directed towards the achievement of its objectives which students could reach the goals of the teaching- learning process. 2. What should the teacher have in mind when he / she designs the classroom organization and routines? What theories and principles should you have in mind? Teacher should put in his/her mind that designing the classroom organization and routines that would avoid some of the distractions that keeps the students from functioning effectively and would affect the students behavior and learning. Behaviorist theory should be considered, that the teacher’s role is to establish rules and procedures and to communicate these rules clearly to students to implement appropriate reward and punishment for the compliance of the rules. 3. Which behaviour strategies were effective in managing the behaviour of the learners? In motivatingstudents? Why were they effective? The behavior strategy that is effective in managing the behavior of the learner is being a role model to the pupils, meaning to say that teachers should show that they are responsible if they want pupils to be responsible as well Student’s motivation is also effective through the use of appropriate instructional materials. ASSESSMENT: 1. Imagine yourself organizing your classroom in the future. In what grade / year level do you see yourself? What routines and procedures would you consider for this level? Why? I picture myself teaching in Grade 10 because at this stage, they are more mature than in lower grades. They are still manageable though they are independent, they can work in their own with out being told by the teacher. I would impose routines like cleaning inside and outside the classroom before and after the class, prayer and checking the attendance, and also the rules and regulations to be followed strictly so that there would be a smooth flow of teaching-learning process. It also in this stage that the quest to know more starts, paving the way for curiosity of the world outside the campus, opinions are high, and a deep search for identity is crucial. A mentor and someone to look up-to will be the key to uplift what they can do and will do in the future to enriched their lives. 2. Make a list of the rules you are likely to implement in this level. Why would you choose these rules? The following rules are: Avoid loitering during class hours Ask permission before leaving the classroom Respect yourself, others and environment Always maintain the cleanliness of the classroom I would choose theses rules because they are observable and achievable that would prevent the students from misbehaving. 3. Should learners be involved in making the class rules? Why? Why not? Of course, students should also be involved in making the class rules so that it would be clear to them and they will understand the importance of the rules and regulations that there is an appropriate reward and punishment for the compliance of these rules. The students discipline should start from them in following the rules and regulations. EPISODE 7: USING APPROPRIATE ASSESSMENT TOOLS Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course: BTLED HE Resource Teacher: Ms. Cristina E. Enero Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: 4 Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: After watching videos on YouTube on Assessment of Students learning, the FS students will be able to identify and name the different assessment methods used by the teacher in his/her topic; and analyse what assessment method is most appropriate to use in a particular lesson (CLO 4) INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS PREPARATION: For this process, go through the following steps: 1. Review appropriateness assessment tools in ASL 1 and 2 of 2. Observe three different classes, from YouTube and interview 3 resource teachers and request for documents from them 4. Guided by a question/question, reflect on your own experience then write down your reflection 3. Identify the proofs of the use of these assessment tools. PRESENTATION: While watching the videos, fill in the observation checklist that follows. PRACTICE: OBSERVATION CHECKLIST Which method was used? Please score. Assessment Method T a l l y Frequency 1. Written Response instruments a. Multiple choice I 1 b. True – False I 1 I 1 IIIII 5 I 1 math word problem) 4. Performance checklist IIIII 5 5. Oral Questioning IIIII 5 II 2 c. Matching Type d. Short Answer e. Completion Test 2. Product Rating Scales (for book reports, projects, other creative endeavours) 3. Performance tests (using a microscope, solving 6. Observation and self-reports Other methods…. PERFORMANCE Answer the following analyses questions: 1. What assessment method/s did you observe to be most often used? Least often used? Whatcould explain such observation? Based on my observation, the teacher used mostly on performance checklist, performance checklist, and oral questioning regarding on how she assess her students. During their second quarter examinations, most of the test papers administered using the multiplechoice. But there are still True or False or Fill in the blank type of test. On the other hand, the least assess methods used by the teacher is on the part of written exam instrument and product rating scales (for book reports, projects, other creative endeavours). 2. If you are to teach the same lesson would you assess learning in the same way as your Resourceteacher did? Explain. Yes, I would do the same like what my resource teacher did because the important thing to take for is the students learning and for the betterment of each student. As what I have observed the students really participated in the given activity which proves that the assessment method used was effective with the type of topic discussed. 3. Which of the assessment method are categorized as traditional assessment? Which ones areclassified as authentic assessment? Among the assessment methods, the written-response instrument were categorized as traditional assessment because it only measures the low level of learning as opposed to authentic assessment which measures actual performance of students. Written-response includes multiple-choice test, matching type test, short answer test and completion type test. On the other hand, product rating scales, performance test, oral questioning, performance checklist, portfolio assessment and observation and self-reports were classified as authentic assessment. 4. How does traditional assessment differ from authentic assessment? In traditional assessment, students (passive learners) are asked to select or supply a response to tests that are devised by the teacher. Only one correct answer is accepted like in paper and pencil test and objective type of test. However, in authentic assessment, students perform tasks which are devised actively by the teacher and students. Various answers were accepted and higher order thinking skills are improved in this assessment. ASSESSMENT: Write your personal reflections of thoughts and feelings about the importance in the used of appropriate assessment methods in the classroom, including what students and teachers can gain from appropriate assessment tools. Share your reflection with your FS facilitator and classmates. The appropriateness of assessment method is highly needed inside the classroom so as to find out what students know, what they can do, how students go about the task of doing their work and how they feel about their work. Both teachers and students can benefit upon their appropriateness of assessment method by assessing themselves that will provide information to be used as feedback to modify the teaching and learning activities in which they are engaged. I believe when these assessment methods will be utilized effectively, future teachers like me will have a basis or standards for the students’ ability that will enable us to act more appropriately and effectively promote learning. Peace Concept on Focus: APPROPRIATENESS Appropriateness in the use of any method of assessment is not just something that teachers wish to consider, but rather an indispensable principle of fair assessment practices. If taken for granted, our evaluation of students’ learning is erroneous, misleading,and unfair. EPISODE 8: WHAT’S NEW IN THE CURRICULUM? Name of FS Student: Julyne Jumawan Signature of FS Student: Course: Home Economics Year & Section: BTLED IV Resource Teacher: Mrs. Charina N. Navarro Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: - At the end of this episode, discuss the different curricular issues and concerns faced by the educator and administrator in DepEd reflect on the new innovations, issues, concerns and challenges in the DepEd curriculum especially in this new normal (CLO 1,2,3,4) INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS PREPARATION: Visit DepEd and interview school administrators (principal, teacher in charge, PRESENTATION: officer in charge and the like) on various curricular issues and concerns. PRACTICE: Interview faculty members on the merits and demerits on schools’ innovations. Interview school officials, faculty members and education students to complete the matrix below. Curricular Innovations Advantages Disadvantage Your Insights s Based on my insight Higher-level thinking, Conflicts between 1. Collaborative design as oral communication, group members can about this curricular innovation I think this self-management, and arise as a result of curricular innovation innovation will already leadership skills are all conflicting personalities and/or used in learning but it is developed. beliefs, which is one updated and developed by Encouragement of of the main curricularist and much student-faculty disadvantages. been improved in interaction. Student Conflicts can halt assessing students retention, self-esteem, learning. I think student and responsibility have work because members of the group more engage an active in all improved. no longer feel attaining this curricular comfortable working innovation. together. 2. Social Media for Collaborative Learning Students are more engaged in collaborative learning via social media perform better academically. It improves students' abilities, selfconfidence, and motivation. It can be used to make classroom lessons more enjoyable and to keep students entertained while they are learning. Video presentation is extremely useful for visual learners. 3. Use of video presentations I believe that this media Social media flatform is effective in platforms assessing students such as learning, because the life Facebook can of the students right now divert is revolved in social students' media. This new attention innovation might be away from helpful for them, since what is going social media is already on in the linked in their life. I think classroom, it’s a good innovation that affecting the students can utilized this learning platform in a purposive process. way and not in wasteful way. Video can I think this is an consume a interactive tool in lot of assessing the students bandwidth learning, since student and take a more engaged in visual long time to presentation. load. If the video produced does not meet the standards of a highquality video, it can be distracting rather than useful. PERFORMANCE Enriching Activities: Select one innovation and complete the discussion web below. Interview at least 5 co – educationstudents to get their ideas on curricular innovations YES NO Collaborative design as curricular innovation Conclusions In my conclusion all of their innovation is effective in assessing the students learning. All their new innovation and new platforms of learning will might be helpful in supporting the student needs and interest. But among the curricular innovation I think the most active and engaging in learning is collaborative design as new innovation, since all of my classmates compromised that this is an effective strategy in learning. ASSESSMENT: State your commitment as student regarding curricular innovations. PLEDGE OF COMMITMENT I Julyne Jumawan an education student of (Name) CTU BANTAYAN EXTENSION CAMPUS fully(University/College/School) commit myself to implement the curricular innovation on CTU BANTAYAN EXTENSION CAMPUS to the best of my ability. and that of my society. JULYNE JUMAWAN Name and Signature EPISODE NO. 9 “THE GLOBAL TEACHER” Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course: BTLED HE Resource Teacher: Ms. Cristina E. Enero Signature of FS Student: Year & Section: 4 Signature: INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: - At the end of this episode the FS students will be able to describe the characteristics of a global teacher; and assess themselves if they have possessed the characteristics of a global teacher. (CLO 1, 2, 3, 4) INSTRUCTIONAL PROCESS PREPARATION: The high speed advancement of technology has linked peoples of different nations ever closer. Wehave all become part of the global village. An effective teacher, therefore should be global. PRESENTATION: Step 1. Interview teachers about their ideas about the knowledge, skills and values that a globalteacher has. Step 2. Analyze and synthesize their responses. Step 3. Reflect on how you can become a global teacher in the future. PRACTICE: Read the following carefully before you begin to interview. 1. Interview 3 or more teachers. The three teachers can be any of the following: a) A cooperating teacher b) A master teacher c) A teacher who has experienced a teacher exchange program in another country d) A teacher who studied in another country e) A teacher who has taught in another country f) A teacher awarded as Outstanding Teacher or your school or city g) A metrobank Outstanding Teacher 2. Ask them about what makes a global teacher. Specifically ask about the knowledge, skills andvalues that a teacher should have to be considered a global teacher 3. Ask them about experiences and challenges they met and how they managed the situations 4. Use the global teacher matrix to present your interview data and your analysis and synthesis. Name of Teacher Teacher 1 Teacher 2 Teacher 3 Knowledge S Values ki ll s A global teacher Should always Must posses a must be apply new sense of justice knowledgeable techniques in so as to be about the teaching always fair with history,customs his/her students and traditions of a regardless of country he/she their social wants to work for. standing. A global teacher Must constantly Must have a must have a good keep up new good rapport command of the techniques in with people, be English language teaching to be it student’s, cobecause it makes always up to date workers or the communicating with the modern student’s with other world. parents. nationalities easy. Must be globally Should be Should be competitive and knowledgeable in responsible aware of the information about his/her educational technology so duties and system of other that he/she can obligations. countries. use it to improve his/her skills in teaching. Other Shared Experien ces The teacher should have a good relationship with his/her co- teachers and to his/her students. The teacher should be open to different changes in the society The teacher should be resourceful in terms of making instructional materials. PERFORMANCE Answer the following analysis questions promptly. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the knowledge thata global teacher should have? A teacher should be more knowledgeable, more skillful and and have a modern outlook in life to become a global teacher. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the skills that aglobal teacher should have? A teacher in order to be called a global teacher should be open minded, ready to accept new ideas, knowledgeable in broad topics, well read, and technologically knowledgeable. From the responses of the teacher, what conclusions can you make about the values that aglobal teacher should have? A global teacher must be knowledgeable of, respectful of and understands the history,customs and traditions of a country he/she wants to work for. Collect at least 2 articles/readings about global education and the global teacher. Enrich youranswers in 1-3 with these readings. Place the additional learnings/insights you got from your readings. (Paste/attach the articles that you’ve read in a short bond paper.) Your additional insights/learnings here: 1. Global Education and the Global teacher This article talks about how do teachers prepare themselves for a challenging task of making learners of today live meaningful on how teacher prepare children for their future. Teachers have to envision creative innovative ways to prepare diverse learners in their own cultural context without forgetting that they live in a global village. To compete globally simple mean to prepare teachers who are capable of changing lifelong education needs. 2. Global teacher education: Challenges and Possibilities Teacher’s educators, regardless of where they are in the worlds need the skills to instill compassion, understanding, a deep regard for humanity and human dignity and a respect for the differences that make us unique across the many identities that we possess. We must take time to listen to each other when working with others in global context. ASSESSMENT: You illustrate of figure out what a global teacher looks like. Think of a title for your drawing or illustration.What message does it convey? (Write down the message) Title: Are you a Global Teacher? Its message: The illustration or the clip art conveys that being a global teacher you should know everything oryou know every aspect of life. Like in the picture, you can see there is a computer and book, itmeans that a teacher should not just depend on books but, also he/she should get other opinions oradditional information from the computer and would not just stick in one information. Because aglobal teacher is not just concerned in imparting knowledge but, how much knowledge she couldshare to his/her pupils to make them knowledgeable one. Next is, being a global teacher we should always have the love in teaching as well as to our pupilsas we love our own child, relative or parents. That, we should know the strengths and weaknessesof each of our pupils/students.Another, to be considered as global teacher you should be useful in the community especially ifthere are activities in the said community and lastly, being a global teacher you should beinternationally and globally competent, that wherever you go you are always excelling in yourown way or through the skills, knowledge and values that you have. PORTFOLIO TASK # 3. MILA: VIEWING TEACHING AS A VOCATION Name of FS Student: Julyne L. Jumawan Course/Yr./Sec: BTLED HE 4 Signature: Date of Activity: January 16, 2023 INTENDED LEARNING OUTCOMES: At the end of this task, the FS students will be able to: - reflect on teaching in various situations as how it is viewed on the movie “MILA” make their own plan on how they can work towards becoming a global or a world class teacher (CLO 1,2,3,4) INSTRUCTION PROCESS PREPARATION: What makes teaching as a Vocation not just a mere profession? PRESENTATION: To fully understand the essence of teaching as your chosen vocation, you are to watch amovie “MILA” PRACTICE: While watching the movie you are to answer the following:COMPLETE THESE. How did Mila show her significance and make her difference to the following: ) Primo (Piolo Pascual) Mila met primo when she was sad and alone. They became lovers but unfortunately, they’d call it quits after primo being selfish and became addict to vices. Still Mila managed to keep strong as she is, and overcomes her life she had with Primo a) Linda (Princess Punzalan) Linda is a co-teacher of Mila. They were friends and have the same perspective about the strike they’ll do. Linda found Mila on Ermita she asked Mila to join them an offer a roof to stay for a night. She’s a kind hearted person that chooses to help even in her trying times. But she helped a person with a kind heart too, hence, Mila returned the money Linda gave which she said” ibigay mo itong per ana painapahawak ni Linda sa akin dahil kaliangan niya ito” Linda is a co-teacher of Mila. They were friends and have the same perspective about the strike they’ll do. Linda found Mila on Ermita she asked Mila to join them an offer a roof to stay for a night. She’s a kind hearted person that chooses to help even in her trying times. But she helped a person with a kind heart too, hence, Mila returned the money Linda gave which she said” ibigay mo itong per ana painapahawak ni Linda sa akin dahil kaliangan niya ito." b) Rona (Cherry Pie Picache) Mila helped Rona in her simple ways that actually change the life they use to live including the sending letters to the father of her daughter and defending her daughter’s life into a foreigner who’s trying to destroy the life of her daughter. c) Winona (Kaye Abad) Mila acted as a mother and a best friend of Wionna who is a prostitute for living. Mila found the reason why her life found in Ermita and it’s because of the people living there. They needed Mila more than they knew. d) Lani (Angelica Panganiban) Mila became close to his young lady who’s sweet and talkative. Mila changes her life after defending her to the user foreigner, also Lani got the chance to read and write because of Mila’s noble profession in teaching. e) Teresa (Kathleen Hermosa) Mila and Teresa have the same perspective about the nights of a teacher that should be treated and paid well. They both love teaching who loves to go back teaching. She’s a kind of a woman who listens to the rants of Mila. f) Mrs. Pangan ( Caridad Sanchez) Mila is always tested bey her principal Mrs. Pangan never considered the personal life of her teachers and yet she always works with standard even when she’s being passive by their opinions. Mila understands her principal but listens to what’s the best for teachers. g) Mr. de Castro (Tony Mabesa) An experienced teacher, who’s trying to work with the standard in the teaching-learning field. He and Mika got the same perspective about the love of teaching. Mr De Castro salutes Mila for she has no master degree yet she’s a kind teacher having the dedication for teaching. h) Popoy One of the student of Mila in Public school i) Jenny (Serena Dalrymple) A student of Teacher Mila who wants to be tutored even on the hunger strike but unfortunately, they were asked by their teacher in school to not to go and see Teacher Mila and all the teacher in hunger strike, for they are bad said the teacher. They were so sad to say goodbye. j) Peklat (Jiro Manio) A student of Teacher Mila who wants to be tutored even on the hunger strike but unfortunately, they were asked by their teacher in school to not to go and see Teacher Mila and all the teacher in hunger strike, for they are bad said the teacher. They were so sad to say goodbye. k) Rambo Mila helped his man in simple ways by giving him foods, towel to not to get wet and try to talk to him, like sharing her dark experiences and heavy feelings. Ramboo is an innocent man that you can actually talk when life gets miserable. PERFORMANCE Answer the following questions for your analysis: 1. Describe Mila as a person and as a teacher. Mila Cabangon is an extraordinary teacher. She is intelligent and she is ableto connect with her students. She expresses her genuine concern for her student’s welfare. Butmore than a teacher, Mila is a woman. She knows how to love and lose. She gets hurt and yet,she knows how to forgive. She stands on her own. Most importantly, like any other human being,she is not invincible, she’s weak. 2. What characteristics as a teacher does Mila possess that are worthy of emulation? Why? Mila is a hard-working, enduring and an energetic elementary teacher. She has an authentic concern for all her students. She unwearyingly tries to understand what her students experience, their agony, their troubles, and is constantly equipped to lend a listening ear for them. 3. Which part of the movie touches you most? Why? The part of the movie where student’s from Ermita message her during her burial mass. That touches my heart. She was able to accomplish her task as the daughter of God in her most precious way. She changes the life of the student’s in or out in the classroom. 4. If you are in Mila’s situation, will you do the same, to leave her co – workers in the street that arehaving their hunger strike? Why? Why not? It’s a yes for me because my life won’t revolve around having a hunger strike. Still, I need to look for a brighter side in my most challenging times. I need to find and seeks what God was destined for me it’s my job to accomplished it and do it in my way. 5. Which scene/s in the movie do you think violated the Code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?Why? I think it’s the article 3, section 3 where Mila drink beer but she was suspended at that time also, she handed money to her boyfriend Primo to buy drugs. She was being considerate in the bad doings of her boyfriend. 6. What realizations came to your mind after viewing the movie, in relation to the teaching vocation? I realized that a teacher should have a life lesson plan to direct the objectives what ever circumstances may bring in life. I admire Mila for being braved she never give up teaching and molding the young lives of the people in Ermita that is how a teacher must be. Learning does not confine, start nor end in the four walls of classroom. Learning is everywhere. Teaching is Power ASSESSMENT: Make your own game plan about you can work towards becoming a global teacher, a teacher with a mission and a vocation.. Write on the Future Global Teacher Life-Line the things you will work on to become a global teacher, starting NOW! GLOBAL TEACHER LIFE-LINE 10 years from now, I will… 5 years from now, I will 2 years from now, I will… Now, I will… Strive and study hard in order for me to pass this course. I will make sure to use my time wisely. I will be happily employed Hopefully in a school either public or private. Try best to get a master's degree on Education. Teaching in a college department preferably for teachers so I can also impart my knowledge to others. JULYNE L. JUMAWAN Signature Over Printed Name of FS Student