30th International Conference on Lightning Protection - ICLP 2010 (Cagliari, Italy - September 13th -17th, 2010) ANALYTICAL STUDY ON LIGHTNING OVERVOLTAGES OF RAIL TRACK AND RAILWAY SIGNALLING EQUIPMENT 2 2 l l Hideki Arai , Ikuo Watanabe , Hideki Motoyama and Shigeru Yokoyama 2 I Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), Tokyo, Japan Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI), Kanagawa, Japan e-mail: poo@rtri. or.jp ABSTRACT The development of the effective and economical protection measures is vital for the railway signalling systems because the lightning damages cause the disruption of the railway transportation systems. In general, the railway signalling systems are set up at a wayside and directly connected to the rails through cables. The lightning surges can invade the railway signalling systems via the cables and cause damages to the systems. Accordingly, clarifying the propagation characteristics of lightning surges along the rails is essential to develop the lightning protection measures for the railway signalling systems. We have carried out the field tests to examine both surge impedance and surge propagation velocity of the rails. This paper proposes a calculation model of the surge propagation characteristics along the rails. The results of surge impedance and surge propagation velocity calculated by the proposed model almost agree with the experimental results. Moreover, this paper proposes a calculation model of the lightning overvoltages on the railway signalling equipment. The calculation model consists of the rail model and the equivalent circuit model of signalling equipment. We indicated the validation of the calculation model of the railway signalling equipment due to the comparison with the results of the field test. This model is applicable to the development of lightning protection measures for the railway signalling systems. 1 INTRODUCTION The railway signalling systems have made remarkable progress in recent years with their components becoming increasingly compact and multi-functional due to the adoption of microcomputers and other electronic devices in wide ranges. However, Iightning damages such as circuit burnout, system failure or malfunction have frequently occurred in the railway signalling systems because of the vulnerability of electronic devices to the lightning surges. Furthermore, the railway signalling systems are widely installed at a wayside and constitutes a network by being connected each other with rails and cables. Accordingly, there are a lot of parts that lightning surges can invade easily. In addition, troubles extend to wide ranges in case of occuring lightning damages on the railway signalling systems. Therefore, it is required to build up effective and economical countermeasures for preventing lightning damages on the railway signalling systems since suspension and delays of trains due to lightnings may cause social confusion. In general, the railway signalling systems are set up at a wayside and directly connected to the rails through cables. The rails can be one of the invasion routes of lightning surges to the railway signalling systems. Accordingly, clarifying the propagation characteristics of lightning surges along the rails is essential to develop the lightning protection measures for the railway signalling systems. We carried out field experiments on the following [1]. 1. Measurement of the surge impedance of the rail and the surge propagation velocity in the rail 2. Measurement of the surge attenuation ratio in the rail This paper proposes a calculation model of the surge propagation characteristics along the rails. Moreover, this paper proposes a calculation model of the lightning overvoltages on the railway signalling equipment. This paper describes the results of the field tests, the components of proposal calculation model, and the comparison between experimental results and calculated results. 2 OUTLINE OF FIELD TEST SECTION We selected a non-electrified and single track section as the test site because noises induced on rails could be reduced in the measurement. The line profile of the rail track at the test section is shown in Fig. 1. A rail track consists of rails, cross ties, a rail bed, and a track bed. The test section consists of timber cross ties and a ballast rail bed. The condition at the test section is shown in Table I. The ground resistivity in Table I was measured due to the 4 electrode methods of Wenner. The field tests were done on a [me day when both the rail and rail bed were dry. 1124-1 Receiving end / Insulated rail joint Sending end Induction Rail (No. 2) Track bed Figure I. Line profile of rail track at the test site. Table I: Ground resistivit 534 fl'm 3 3.1 Figure 2. Outline of measuring surge parameters of rail. Condition of test site. SURGE PARAMETERS OF THE RAIL Measuring methods The surge impedance and the surge propagation velocity are important parameters as the surge �haracteristics of a rail. We investigated the surge Impedance and the surge propagation velocity between the rail and the ground due to measure the injection current to the rail and the induced voltage on the rail when the steep-front current was injected into the rail. The outline of measuring method is shown in Fig. 2. Two measuring raits are insulated from adjacent raits by inserting insulated rail joints at both ends as shown in Fig. 2. A steep-front current generated by a pulse generator (PG) was injected into the sending end of one side rail (for example the rail No. 1 in Fig. 2). Then, the injected current waveform (I), voltage waveform of the rail No. 1 against the ground (Vs), and voltage waveform of the rail No. 2 against the ground (11,,,) were measured with an oscilloscope. The self surge impedance of the rail No. 1 (ZI/) and mutual surge impedance between rails No. 1 and No. 2 (Z2a were calculated from measured waveforms. In addition, the above-mentioned measurement was executed at the case of the open/short between the receiving end of the injection rail and ground respectively. �hlS. makes the measurement of round trip propagation tIme of the surge easy due to clear the difference of the reflec�ion at the receiving end. The surge propagation velocIty (ca between the rail No. 1 and the ground was calculated from the round trip propagation time of the surge which is obtained with the measurement and the length of test rail which is known. The measurement which is similar to description above was implemented with a steep-front current injected into the rail No. 2. The self surge impedance of the rail No. 2 (Z22), mutual surge impedance between rails No. 2 and No. 1 (Z12) and the surge propagation velocity (C2) between the rail No. 2 and the ground were calculated from measured waveforms. 3.2 Measured results Fig. 3 shows the waveforms of the injected current (I), the voltage of the injection rail against the ground (Vs), and the voltage of the induction rail against the ground (Vm) which was measured in the case of a steep-front current injected into the rail No. 1. Furthennore, the �oltage waveforms of the injection rail (Vs) and the mduction rail (Vm) in Fig. 3 is shown at the case that the receiving end of the injection rail was grounded or non­ grounded respectively. From Fig. 3, the round trip propagation time of the surge in the rail, the self surge impedance and the mutual surge impedance of the rail was calculated by the way mentioned below. As shown Fig. 3 (a), we can fmd that the voltage wavefonns of the injection rail (Vs) begin to divide from the time ß when the receiving end of the injection rait was opened or shorted against the ground. When the receiving end is grounded, negative reflection is shown when it is non-grounded, the positive reflection is shown : Namely, the time ß is the time that the reflected surge traveled back from the receiving end to the sending end of the r�il. �he time ß is defmed as the round trip propagatIOn time of the surge in this measurement. Furthennore, the surge propagation velocity is able to calculate by the length of the rail. In addition, we can see the period which the voltage and the current wavefonns stabilize between to the time ß. For example, the period is between the time a and the time ß in Fig. 3 (a). This period is not affected by the length of the rail because this period is before the round trip propagation time. The self surge impedance of the rail is defined those which the voltage of the injection rail (Vs) exclude by the injection current (I) in this period. In the same way, the mutual surge impedance of the rail is defined those which the voltage of the induction rail (Vm) exclude by the injection current (I) in this period. The surge impedance matrix of the rail and the surge propagation velocity between the rail and the ground calculated by above-mentioned methods are shown in Table 11. As shown in Table 11, the surge impedance matrix is symmetry and the surge propagation velocity against the ground is same between the rail No. 1 and No. 2. The measured results are valid in consideration of the 1124-2 geometry of two rails shown in Fig. u c: o .., 50 " 40 � 20 '2 � '::::.,'" ß 11 j 1 1 o -10 (Vr) was measured at the receiving end. ).- lI,a open - 30 10 l. 11, a short r-- ._..JA..-;-' -5 o I 10 15 I 20 � 0.8 � 1.0 0.6 .... � 0 c: 0 0.4 /I { 1.2 25 30 0.2 0.0 -0.2 � . :.5' Time [l1s] (a) Voltage waveforms of injection rail and injection current waveform. c: o .., " �� 15 -:;,.E g>" .l9 "0 > I I 50 40 30 Vm 20 10 I I I I I. .cl -5 0 10 15 20 Surge attenuation ratio = Vr 12Vs (I) Namely, eq. (l) indieates that this surge attenuation ratio beeomes lower as the attenuation of the surge voltage eaused by traveling along the rail inereases. The surge attenuation ratio in the rail was measured as parameters of the duration of wave front (Tc) and wave tail (TI) of the lightning surge voltage impressed to the rail. Receiving end Sending end / Insulated rail joint /I shol rm at ?pen o -10 Supposing that the impressed surge voltage reflects perfeetly on the insulated rail joint at the reeeiving end, we defined the surge attenuation ratio in the rail as eq. (l). Induction Rail f-25 30 Time [l1s] (b) Voltage waveforms of induction rail. Figure 3. Measured waveforms. Table 11: Surge impedance and surge propagation velocity of rai!. 28 (45 ) 28 43 4 (Q) 69. 8 (m/�s) (Round-trip time: 8. 4 �s ) SURGE ATTENUATION RATIO IN THE RAIL 4.1 Measuring methods The surge attenuation caused by traveling along the rail is important parameters as the surge characteristics of a rail. We investigated the lightning surge attenuation ratio due to measure the voltage waveforms between the rail and the ground at the sending end and the receiving end respectively when the lightning surge voltage of an arbitrary waveforrn was impressed to the sending end of the rail. The outline of measuring method is shown in Fig. 4. As shown in Fig. 4, insulated rail joints are inserted into the both ends of the test seetion. The lightning surge voltage of an arbitrary waveform generated by a PG was impressed to the sending end of one side rail as shown in Fig. 4. Then, the voltage waveform of the injection rail against the ground (Vs) was measured with an oscilloscope at the sending end. In the same way, the voltage waveforrn of the injection rail against the ground Figure 4.2 4. Outline of measuring surge attenuation ratio in rail. Measured results Fig. 5 shows the measured voltage waveforms of the injeetion rail at the sending end (Vs) and at the reeeiving end ( V r) when a 1/5 Ils lightning surge voltage was impressed to the rail. Fig. 5 indieates that the wave erest deereases and Tc beeomes longer as a lightning surge voltage travels along the rail. Fig. 6 shows the measured results of T.-dependenee of the surge attenuation ratio. From Figs. 6, the surge attenuation ratio depends on TI and inereases as Tt beeomes longer, beeause the wave erest is deeided at the wave tail in the ease of distorting the wave front of the voltage waveform at the reeeiving end. As a result, it is clarified that the attenuation of a lightning surge voltage eaused by traveling along the rail is extremely large eompared with that of an overhead line. Rails may have extremely high leakage eonduetanee against the ground in eomparison with overhead Iines. 90 2 :;.' 2' v " 60 � " 30 (5 > -30 90 -2 0 2 2 " 4 6 Time [flS] 2' v ..... 8 10 60 30 (5 > -30 If' ......� -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Time (a) Sending end. Figure :;.' 5. [flS] (b) Receiving end. Measured waveforms. 1124-3 0 � c 0 :p '" c :l " t:i '" � Cf) :l (4) 0.30 0.25 0.05 f...-" _.It , __ 0.15 0.10 where (S/m). -'" 0.20 • -. 0.00 10 100 1000 Duration of wave tail (Tt) of V, [Ilsl Figure 6. Tt-dependence of surge attenuation ratio. 5 THE RAlL Distributed parameters of the rail We studied calculation models used EMTP (Electro­ Magnetic Transients Program) for the surge propagation characteristics along the rail which can retlect experimental results, expressed in chapter 4 and 5. The electric circuit, which is fonned between sending end and receiving end of rail showing in Fig. 2, can be considered a two-port circuit composed from the distributed-parameter line such as rails. We investigated the frequency-dependent four-terminal parameters (resistance R, inductance L, conductance G and capacitance C) of the rails to estimate the distributed parameter adopted in the calculation model due to measure the open circuit impedance and the short circuit impedance by non-grounding or grounding at the receiving end of rail respectively. In the same way, we measured the open/short circuit impedance between rails. When the sine wave voltage of 1-100 kHz was impressed from the sending end of the rail against between one side rail and the ground or between rails, the voltage of the rail, the current through the rail, and those phase were measured. The measurement executed at the same test section shown in Fig. 2. Four-terminal parameters (R, L, G and C) of the distributed line can be derived from eq. (2)-(5). The open/short circuit impedance obtained with above­ mentioned measurement is inputted in eq. (2) and (3). (2) where Zk is the characteristic impedance of rail (Q), Zo is the open circuit impedance (Q) and Zs is the short circuit impedance (Q). r=tanh- l �ZoIZsll Y is the admittance R=ZcosBz L =ZsinBz 127if G =YcosBy C =YsinByI27if (5) where R is the resistance (n/m), L is the inductance (H/m), G is the conductance (S/m), C is the capacitance (F/m), ez is the phase of the impedance (rad), er is the phase of the admittance (rad) andfis the frequency (Hz). The calculated results of four-terminal parameters (R, G and C) of between the rail and the ground and between rails due to measure the open circuit impedance and the short circuit impedance by non-grounding or grounding at the receiving end of rail is shown in Fig. 7, respectively. L, CALCULATION MODEL FOR SURGE PROPAGATION CHARACTERISTICS OF 5.1 Z is the impedance (n/m) and (3) where r is the propagation constant (I/rn) and I is the length of rail (m). 1000 EE -'" -'" "- "u. I s,3 ...J ü E -'" E -'" "- "S!!!. c:: Cl 100 10 R =-z. 1 ...0.1 I G 0.01 100 10 Frequency [kHzl (a) Between rail and ground. 1000 EE -'" -'" "- "u. I E ...J � ::t � ü E -'" E -'" "- "S!!!. c:: Cl b' 100 10 ..- lt� L I I C" 0.1 G 0.01 10 100 Frequency [kHzl (b) Between rails. Figure 7. Distributed parameters of rail. As mentioned at section 4.2, rails are considered as a distributed line with extremely high leakage admittance, so we applied G and C to the calculation model. Furthermore, G and C where it exists between the rail and the ground and between rails shown in Fig. 7 are something for the kind of circuit which is shown in Fig. 8. We can calculate the true value of Ge and Ce which exist between the rail and the ground from the measured value of Ge meas and Ce meas which show in Fig. 7 due to eq. (6). _ _ In the same way, the true value of Gs and Cs which exist 1124-4 between rails can be derived from the measured value of Gs_meas and Cs_meas which show in Fig. 7 due to eq. (6). 2Ge meas · G s /IIeas 4G s _/lleas - Ge _ m eas length of 293 m. This reason is that when number of partitions is too few, the admittance component of the rail is added as concentrated constant against 1 place. Otherwise, when number of partitions is too multi, the model becomes troublesome. 2 Gs = Ce = 4G s meas - 2Ge /IIeas · G s meas 4G s - /lleas - Ge - meas 2Ce /IIeas . C s meas RailNo. (6) G,: 44.3 I1S/rn C: 0.03 nF/rn 4C s meas - 2Ce /IIeas , C s meas 4C s - /IIeas - Ce - meas where Ge is the conductance between the rail and the ground (S/m), Gs is the conductance between rails (S/m), Ge meas is the measured value of conductance between the rail and the ground (S/m), Gs_meas is the measured value of conductance between rails (S/m), Ce is the capacitance between the rail and the ground (F/m), Cs is the capacitance between rails (F/m), Ce_meas is the measured value of capacitance between the rail and the ground (F/m) and Cs meas is the measured value of capacitance between rails (F/m). G,_"oe",: G, II (G,+G,) G,_"".,: G, II (Gi2) MeasUling between rails Ce_",,",: C, II (C,+C,) C_"".,: C II (Ci2) Figure 8. Admittance between rail and ground and between rails. 5.2 RailNo. 2 Ce: 0.44 nF/rn 4C s /IIeas - Ce - meas 2 Cs = I G,: 166.7),S/rn Constitution of calculated model The calculation model of the surge propagation characteristics along the rails is constituted of the line model insulated from the ground, which is ep line model in EMTP, and the admittance component against the ground. The rail used for the field test, which is called the 50N rail, has the property that equivalent cylindrical body radius is 93.9 mm, specific resistance is 20.3xl0·s n'm, relative magnetic penneability is 70. These electric qualities above were made to retlect ep line model. In addition, the ep line model at 30 kHz was applied. Furthennore, Ge, Ce, Gs and Cs at 30 kHz derived from the measured value ( Ge mea" Ce mea" Gs-meas and Cs_meas) and eq. (6) were appliedto the model. The calculation model of the surge propagation characteristics along the rail is shown in Fig. 9. As shown in Fig. 9, the model forms 8 divisions of the rail with CP line model (36.625 midivision) Figure 9. Rail model for surge propagations. 5.3 Surge analysis by calculated model We simulated the current and voltage characteristics of the rail when the steep-front current was injected into the sending end of the rail by using the calculation model shown in Fig. 9. The simulation result which reproduces the experiment which is expressed in chapter 3 is shown in Fig. 10. Furthermore, at the time of analysis, the ground resistivity is 534 n'm, same as the condition of the field test section. When Fig. 10 which is the analytical result and Fig. 3 which is the experimental result is compared, the analytical result by the surge propagation model of the rail has become smaller than the experimental result about the voltages occurred between the rail and the ground with the steep-front current impression. While, the voltage waveform of analytical result almost agrees with the experimental result. In addition, the surge impedance calculated by the rail model for surge propagation analysis is smaller than that of experimental result shown in Table 11. On the other hand, the surge propagation velocity of analytical result calculated on Fig. 10 is about 70 m/Ils. It is similar to the experimental result shown in Table 11. From this, we can estimate that the admittance component between the rail and the ground which is applied to the surge propagation model of the rail is larger than the admittance component with the rail laid on the field. Next, we simulated the surge attenuation caused by traveling along the rail when a lightning surge voltage was impressed to the rail by using the calculation model shown in Fig. 9. The simulation result which reproduces the experiment 1124-5 which is expressed in chapter 4 is shown in Fig. 11. A lightning surge waveform impressed to the rail in the simulation is 1/5 �s, similar to the experiment. When Fig. 11 which is the analytical result and Fig. 5 which is the experimental result is compared, the surge attenuation and the strange stain which accompany the propagation of the surge along the rail can be confrrmed on the surge propagation model of the rail, similar to the experimental result. But, the analytical result with the model, the attenuation has become large. In regard to this, as above-mentioned, we can estimate that the admittance component between the rail and the ground which is applied to the surge propagation model of the rail is larger than the admittance component with the rail laid on the field. The results of surge impedance and surge propagation velocity calculated by the proposed model almost agree with the experimental results. Moreover, the proposed model can calculate the surge attenuation along the rails. But we need to discuss the admittance component applied to the surge propagation model of the rail. .� 60 50 o 40 'ß . � '> 30 . :: '---' 20 10 o -10 I, I I c I "L--i ---.-L- I I I v: at open I-- _ /1 V. at short -5 o 5 10 15 Time [Ils] 20 25 1.2 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0.0 -0.2 � ..... ... �" c () 0 c ..., () Q) g 30 (a) Voltage waveforms of injection rail and injection current waveform. .� 60 50 40 'ß '> -e 30 c � � ':,.� 20 Vm at short � l, 10 o I--I-- VI" a open "0 -10 > -5 0 5 10 15 20 90 2: � "bIl .s "0 > 90 '\ 60 r--. 30 2: ::,;- ..... 0 il'o .s "0 > -30 60 30 0 /r-- .... - 30 -2 0 2 4 6 8 10 -5 0 5 10 1520 2530 Time [Ils] nme [fls] (a) Sending end. (b) Receiving end. Figure 11. Simulation results about surge attenuation along the rail. 6 CALCULATION MODEL OF THE LIGHTNING OVERVOLTAGES ON THE RAILWAY SIGNALLING EQUIPMENT 6.1 Field test for validation of the model We propose the calculation model of the lightning overvoltages on the railway signalling equipment. The calculation model consists of the rail model above mentioned and the equivalent circuit model of signalling equipment. As shown in Fig. 12, we temporarily installed an actual railway level crossing equipment representing typical examples of wayside electronic signalling equipment for field lightning surge tests, and measured the lightning overvoltages on the level crossing equipment in case of a potential rise of the rail for the validation of the calculation model of the lightning overvoltages on the level crossing equipment [1]. A potential rise of the rail was caused by injecting a 11100 �s lightning surge current of 3 A generated with an IG. o c ! CLLrrent injection line { Time 25 30 [Ils] (b) Voltage waveforms of induction rail. Figure 10. Simulation result of the surge propagation characteristics. '--_--:-_--"'-' Contral cable to level erossing Potential referenee line -= Remote potential electrode Figure 12. Outline offield test. 1124-6 6.2 propagation velocity between the rail and the ground is about 70 m/Ils. In general, the surge impedance of the rail is much small and the surge propagation velocity of the rail is much slow compared to the over-head conductors. Comparison of the field test results and the calculation results Fig. 13 shows the comparison of the calculated results and the experimental results regarding the lightning overvoltages in case of the lightning surge current injection into the rait. From Fig. 13, the proposal model is almost correct because of agreement with the experimental results. The calculation model of the lightning overvoltages on railway signalling equipment is applicable to the development of lightning proteetion measures for the railway signalling systems. 100 � �. ," o -20 � '\ I I I I I I I--- j Experimental waveform � I � -5 I >- Calculated waveform o I 10 I 15 I 20 25 30 Time [Ilsl (a) Voltage wavefonns of terminal 'S-' connected to injection rail side. c 100 '" " re, 80 c 0 ß "0 � b1) .� e 0; > ..!1 � c "> ....0 "E 0 ' :; c � � " � CL b1) -'" E :J b1) "1ij c .� .1l 60 40 n ..... 20 I I I I IL L I -5 0 5 10 15 20 The attenuation of the surge propagating along the rail is large compared to the over-head conductors. The rail is the conductor which possesses the high admittance components against the ground. 3. We proposed a calculation model of the surge propagation characteristics along the rails. The results of surge impedance and surge propagation velocity ca1culated by the proposed model almost agree with the experimental results. Moreover, the proposed model can ca1culate the surge attenuation along the rails. 4. We propose the ca1culation model of the lightning overvoltages on the railway signalling equipment. The ca1culation model consists of the rail model above mentioned and the equivalent circuit model of signalling equipment. The ca1culation model is applicable to the development of lightning protection measures for the railway signalling systems. 8 [1] Experimental waveform \Calculated waveform 0 -20 I I 2. _ REFERENCES H. Arai, H. Matsubara, K. Miyajima, S. Yokoyama and K. Sato : "Experimental Study of Surge Propagation Characteristics of Rail and Lightning Overvoltages on 25 Level Crossing", IEEJ Trans. PE, Vo1.l23, No.ll, pp.1307-1312, November 2003 30 (b) Voltage waveforms of terminal 'S+' connected to induction rail side. Figure 13. Comparison of the calculated waveform and the experimental waveform regarding the lightning overvoltages. 7 CONCLUSIONS This paper describes the experimental results conceming to the surge propagation characteristics of the rail and the calculation model for surge analysis which can reflect the experimental result. Moreover, this paper proposes a Iightning surge calculation model of the level crossing equipment representing typical examples of wayside electronic railway signalling equipment. The main conclusions are summarized as folIows: 1. The self surge impedance between the rail and the ground is about 50 n, the mutual surge impedance between the rails is about 30 n, and the surge 1124-7