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FANUC Robot IO Mapping & Configuration Tutorial

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Mapping and
By Niall Henry
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In this tutorial, we will cover the types of IO
connections available in a Fanuc robot and the
mapping and configuration of the IO points. This
knowledge is necessary for most if not all robot
applications as it is needed for the robot to
communicate with internal and external devices.
This includes but is not limited to other robots,
PLCs or other controllers, internal IO, and end-ofarm tooling (EOAT).
Pre Requisites
To follow this tutorial, you will need:
Familiarity with FANUC programming basics.
Access to a FANUC robot or RoboGuide
offline programming software.
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Digital I/O
Digital I/O (DI and DO) are Boolean values
representing "0" OFF and "1" ON. These Boolean
values are voltage values with 0V representing
Boolean "0" and the high-level voltage (typically
24V) representing Boolean "1".
Analog I/O
Analog I/O (AI and AO) are real numbers that
represent a value within the voltage range of the
input or output module.
Group I/O
Group I/O (GI and GO) groups input or output
bits together. This grouping allows you to
interpret this binary group as an integer
Robot I/O
Robot I/O (RI and RO) are the inputs and outputs
between the robot and the controller. Physical
access to these signals is via the End Effector
connector on the robot. RI and RO signals get
used for IO between the controller and end
effector and any other peripherals on that area
of the robot arm.
User Operator Panel I/O
(UI and UO) They are used to give status or
control the robot's operation. The user operator
panel provides 18 input signals and up to 24
output signals that can be connected to a
remote device to control the robot.
Standard Operator Panel I/O
Standard operator panel I/O (SI and SO) are
internal controller digital input and output
signals for controlling the operator panel on the
controller. These are pre-assigned and are
typically only used for displaying information.
I/O Configuration
Racks, Slots, Channel, and
Starting Point
When mapping IO in a FANUC device, the
programmer must understand specific terms
before moving forward. These terms are
"Racks," "Slots," "Channel," and "Starting Point."
These legacy terms have been carried forward
from when every single I/O point was physically
hardwired. These terms are apparent when
dealing with hardwired physical input and output
cards. The terms are also for communications
handled over ethernet, which is less intuitive.
Figure 1 Fanuc IO Rack
Figure 2 Chassis Representation
The "Rack" is the physical chassis where the I/O
module is mounted when using I/O modules.
The term "Rack" also defines the specific type of
I/O and interface used for communication, with
each "Rack" representing a different interface
type even if there is no physical "Rack" interface.
For example:
Rack 0: Process I/O boards
Rack 66: Profibus DP master
Rack 81: DeviceNet
Rack 85: ControlNet
Rack 89: EthernetIP
Rack 106: EtherCat
The "Slot" is the location on the "Rack" where
the I/O is connected. For standard I/O, it is the
connection point of the module to the "Rack."
The "Slot" is similar to the "Rack" in that
meaning can vary depending on the type of I/O.
For example:
Modular I/O: "Slot" refers to the space on the
"Rack" where the I/O module is connected.
Distributed I/O: "Slot" refers to the DIP switch
settings on the unit.
DeviceNet: "Slot" number refers to the MAC
When referring to analog I/O only, FANUC uses
the term "Channel." This "Channel" is the
terminal number on the I/O module where the
I/O point is connected. The "Starting Point" is
only used when referring to Digital, Group, and
UOP I/O. The "Starting Point" is also used to
refer to the terminal number on the I/O module.
Figure 4 Chassis with Slot and I/O point representation
Configuring Fanuc Robot I/O
With the hardware installed and with all the I/O
points wired, the I/O needs to be configured.
The configuration of analog and digital I/O can
be done automatically by the System under
certain conditions but let's take an example of
the manual configuration of a set of Digital IO.
We do this by following the below steps:
Take the Teach Pendant and ensure the key
is in the "On" position.
Press Menu
Figure 5 TP Menu screen 1
Select 5: I/O
Select 3: Digital
Figure 6 TP I/O Menu screen 1
You will see a screen similar to the one
shown below. The I/O points are currently
unavailable since the configuration still
needs to be completed.
Figure 7 TP Digital I/O screen
To configure the I/O, press the "CONFIG"
button, which will bring you to the
configuration screen. As standard, there are
512 points available for configuration.
Pressing the IN/OUT button will change the
screen between inputs and outputs. Since
we have not configured anything, the
System's status is "UNASG" (Unassigned).
Figure 8 TP Digital Output Config screen
Figure 9 TP Digital Input config screen
There are four possible statuses for the System.
These are:
ACTIV (Active): Assignment is valid and
INVAL (Invalid): The assignment is invalid
and incorrect based on the hardware
PEND (Pending): The assignment is valid but
needs a system restart before taking effect
UNASG (Unassigned): No assignment has
been made
We will assign two 16-channel I/O modules
to the "Rack" (Rack 1). These will be a 16channel input card and a 16-channel output
card. You start by configuring the range; in
this case, since our cards are 16 channel,
the range value is 1-16. Our input card is in
"Slot" 1 of our "Rack." Our output card is in
"Slot" 2 of our Rack, so these values get set
respectively. Since we have no other I/O
assigned to the terminal of these modules,
we will set our "Start" value at 1. Therefore
DI[1] = Input 1, DI[2] = Input 2 and so on.
The same goes for the output assignment.
Figure 10 Digital input config screen with status change 1
Figure 11 Digital output config screen with status change
Once we make the changes, the system
"Status" will change to "PEND" (Pending).
We must reboot the controller at this point.
After the restart, our system status will now
be "ACTIV" (Active), meaning that our I/O
configuration was correct and successful.
Figure 12 Digital input config screen with status change 2
Figure 13 Digital output config screen with status change
Moving back to the "Monitor" page, the
individual I/O points status gets shown.
Currently, all statuses are "OFF." When input
arrives on the input module's terminal or
when we set output from the robot, these
statuses' will get updated to "ON."
Figure 14 Digital output monitor
The I/O can now be configured further by
going into each I/O point "Detail" sub-menu.
Items include:
Adding a comment to describe the signal.
Setting the polarity of the signal.
Setting a complementary pair.
Figure 15 Digital output monitor page with descriptors
Figure 16 Digital output descriptor configuration
Simulateing I/O
Simulating I/O values is helpful for testing
software and fault finding. It allows the user to
simulate an input or output value without
sending or receiving the signal. Both inputs and
outputs can be simulated in the “OFF” state and
the “ON” state. Digital, analog, robot I/O and
group signals can be simulated but not SOP or
UOP signals.
To simulate a signal, the I/O needs to first be
configured correctly. Once configured, enter the
I/O monitoring page of the signal which is
intended to be simulated. On the top of this
page is a column named “SIM”.
Figure 17 I/O Monitoring page with Simulation
The I/O point can then be simulated by moving
to the intended location on this column and
pressing the “SIMULATE” button. The “SIM”
column status will change from “U” for
unstimulated to “S” for simulated to indicate the
Figure 18 Monitoring page with simulated value
Once set to simulate the “STATUS” value can
then be changed to either “ON” or “OFF”,
allowing the user to then use this feature in the
robot software.
Configuring I/O is crucial knowledge required
for robotics programming. It is how the robot
communicates with its environment during
This tutorial covered the types of I/O signals
available to the robot programmer in a FANUC
robot. We have also covered how to configure
standard Digital input and Output points and
how to simulate these signals for use in the
robot software. Finally, regardless of the type of
I/O used, the configuration in a FANUC robot
follows the same if not a similar procedure but
requires correct assignment of the "RACK,"
"SLOT," "CHANNEL," and "START" parameters.
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