EPISTASIS GROUP 3 Epistasis in Greek word meaning standing over. Epistasis is a phenomenon where the effect of one gene (Locus) is dependent on the presence of one or more “modifier genes” An interaction between a pair of loci, in which the phenotypic effect of one locus depends on the genotype at the second locus. Genes whose phenotype are Expressed – EPISTATIC Suppressed - HYPOSTATIC DOMINANT DUPLICATE DUPLICATE RECESSIVE RECESSIVE EPISTASIS EPISTASIS (COMPLEMEN (COMPLEMENTARY TARY GENES) GENES) RECESSIVE EPISTASIS DUPLICATE DOMINANT EPISTASIS (DUPLICATE GENES) DOMINANT AND RECESSIVE EPISTASIS (SUPPRESSOR GENES) DUPLICATE GENES WITH CUMULATIVE EFFECTS 12:3:1 DUPLICATE RECESSIVE EPISTASIS (COMPLEMEN TARY GENES) 9:7 9:3:4 EPISTASIS 15:1 9:6:1 13:3GEN ES) EPISTASIS Epistasis takes place when the action of one gene is modified by one or several other genes, which are sometimes called modifier genes. CONT… The gene whose phenotype is expressed is said to be Epistatic, while the phenotype altered or suppressed is said to be Hypostatic. DOMINANT EPISTASIS 12:3:1 A dominant epistasis is when the dominant allele of one gene hides the expression of all alleles of another gene. RECESSIVE EPISTASIS (9:3:4) A recessive epistasis is when the recessive allele of one gene hides the expression of all alleles of another gene. Here the homozygous recessive allele (bb) for a gene masks the expression of the dominant allele (A-) for another gene ("bb" suppress "A") DOMINANT AND RECESSIVE EPISTASIS (SUPPRESSOR GENES) (9:3:4) The dominant form of a gene inhibits the expression of another gene This socalled suppressor genes. A dihybrid cross between two heterozygous parents will produce an F2 ratio of 13:3. DUPLICATE RECESSIVE EPISTASIS (COMPLEMENTARY GENES) (9:3:4) Involves two pairs of non-allelic genes. When dominant forms of both the genes involved in complementary gene interaction are alone have same phenotypic expression. But, if they are present in combination, yield different phenotypic effect and the results in a ratio of ( 9:7) DUPLICATE DOMINANT EPISTASIS (DUPLICATE GENES) (15:1) When a dominant allele at either of two loci can mask the expression of recessive alleles at the two loci, it is known as duplicate dominant epistasis. In rice awn character is controlled by two dominant duplicate genes (A and B). Presence of any of these two alleles can produce awn. ● When a dominant allele at either of two loci can mask the expression of recessive alleles at the two loci, it is known as duplicate dominant epistasis. In rice awn character is controlled by two dominant duplicate genes (A and B). Presence of any of these two alleles can produce awn. The awnless condition develops only when both these genes are in homozygous recessive state (aabb). A cross between awned and awnless strains produced awned plants in F1. Intermating of F1 plants produced awned and awnless plants in 15:1 ratio in F2 generation. The allele A is epistatic to a/b alleles and all plants having allele A will develop awn. Another dominant allele B is epistatic to alleles a/b. An individual with these allele also develop awn character. DUPLICATE GENES WITH CUMULATIVE EFFECTS (9:6:1) ● Both the dominant non allelic alleles, when present together, give a new phenotype, but when allowed to express independently, they give their own phenotypic expression separately. ● ` In the absence of any dominant allele, the recessive allele is expressed. In pigs 5 and s are allelic genes; S - giving sandy colour ss - giving white colour. ● ● A non-allelic gene R also gives sandy colour (same as S) but when both the dominant genes interact together, they give red colour. P: F1: F2: SSrr (sandy) x ssRR (red) SR SsRr (red) Sr sR sr SSRr (red) SsRR (red) SsRr (red) SsRr (red) Ssrr (red) SR SSRR (red) Sr SSRr (red) SSrr (sandy) sR SsRR (red) SsRr (red) sr SsRr (red) ssRr Ssrr (sandy) (sandy) ssRr ssRR (sandy) (sandy) ssrr (white) EPISTASIS IN HUMANS HAIR COLOR Eumelanin: Blonde, brown, black hair Pheomelanin: Red Hair MCR1 gene: converts pheomelanin to eumelanin The genes of pheomelanin and MCR1 interact with each other to produce one single phenotype. THANK YOU!