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Competency and Competency-Based Training Explained

What is Competency?
Competency refers to the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of
performance expected in the workplace. Competency requires the application of specified
knowledge, skills and attitudes relevant to effective participation, consistently over time and in
the workplace environment.
Knowledge identifies what a person needs to know to perform the work in an informed and
effective manner.
Skills describe the application of knowledge to situations where understanding is converted into
a workplace outcome.
Attitudes or behaviours describes the founding reasons behind the need for certain knowledge
or why skills are performed in a specified manner.
Competency covers all aspects of workplace performance and involves:
 Performing individual tasks
 Managing a range of different tasks
 Responding to contingencies or breakdowns
 Dealing with the responsibilities of the workplace
 Working with others.
A combination of skills, knowledge and attitude that enables an individual to perform a task to
the standards required for successful job performance.
Competency Based Training
The approach focuses on what the learner can do in the workplace rather than on what they
know. This dramatically shifts the focus of learning from completing a programme/course to
being able to demonstrate competency.
Competency based training or education:
It is an approach to vocational (work) education and training that places emphasis on what
a person can do or is required to do in the workplace.
It is not time based.
Participants’ achievements are measured against Competency Standards rather than
against the achievement of other learners
For a person to be assessed competent they need to demonstrate the ability to perform
tasks and duties to the standard expected in employment
CBT focuses on the development of skills, knowledge and attitudes required to achieve the
competency standard
It is industry relevant.