. .:. {l$i1 uls"l.ift.ijl ..' -#M^ w,." *w ti{el t;l r'}fi {3{ 't"\':ti"..' {L)"ir,.) tl; uul (.tttrt) f.tATiOf'lAL if,lSTlTt"iT[ CIF T[e rif'iOLOGY l-iAMIRPUR 1rr!|1qq %.?u,*-W etulw HAMIRITUR {H.P.} -177 005 {lHDlAl wWl* clW* WW r1\rl i ril i!r!f' l;i iiriitlirll lttrlr':'r';'ll'i::t't irrr'lt' l'1i1r:rif'- D: i liii-rl f',::]fli$T#fl" #X. ;T fur fft $;$ T"i'r OFFICE ORDER pursuant to the approval of the Competent Authority. the following action plan has been made for (CovlD-19), for information preventive and precautionary measures to contain the spread of Novel Coronavirus and necessary comPliance: - 1. quarantine/isolate for Students who will come to the lnstitute in future will have to make themselves of these students list provide the aleast 07 days in respective hostels Concerned Warden will the Chief Warden of (mentioning name, roll No, branch, mobile number etc) immediately to office (Hostels) z. ai well as Medical Officer, Health Centre for their record and appropriate action. intimation is to be given by lf during the quarantine/isolation period any symptoms occur to any students, per the situation in order to offlcer immediately over phone/e-mail as concerned warden to Medical contact and coordination with Medical Officer Medical College Hamirpur 3. and hygiene will be maintained Concerned wardens are required to ensure that proper social distancing in mess area of their respective hostel. 4" procure N-95 mask & Hand Sanitizers as Chief Warden (Hostels)/concerned Wardens are required to 5. 15 days. Automatic Hand Sanitizer machine is to be installed in each hostelwithin 6. within 15 days. Medical officer is advised to initiate the procurement case for the following 7 . g. and when required along with pulse oximeter for the respective hostels. Medicines which are essentrally/urgently required under coVlD-'19 Oxygen CYlinder Central Oxygen Pipeline suction setup Auto Analyzer for basic lab test may be engaged ln order to perform the lab test experience Lab Technician on outsource basis (a) (b) (c) (d) Medical officer should ensure that all the patients to be entertained as and when required (Telephonically/Physically) as the case may be' g. students, faculty & staff from lnstitute Doctor (s) must be available for pre-screening of all outside visitors, 9 00 AM to 5:30 PM \9 NIT/HMRiAdmn/COVID-19 (Vol-ll)/2020/ q,\tB * L\ .r Dated:- h-l:_^ z_o2O Copy to"- '1, 2. 3. 4 Director for kind information, please All Deans/HODs for information Chief Warden (Hostels) for information All Branch Officers for information I 5.Facultyln-charge(CC)forinformationandnecessaryaction, 6. Medical Officer for information and necessary action' ffiMYr" I' KAK "I u:st9' '