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English Phrasebook: Common Phrases & Synonyms

and so on 等等 = and so forth
= and so like
as soon as 一...就...
= for sure
as to 關於;至於 = as for
= for certain
a couple of days 一或兩天
= and the like
= as regards
= surely
a great deal of 許多的 = a lot of
= and all that
= as respects
= certainly
= not a little
= and what not
= regarding
at best 充其量
= quite a little
= etc.
= concerning
at first 起初 = originally
answer for 對~負責 = be responsible for
= considering
= to begin with
abide by 服從;遵守 = go by
anything but 絕非
= about
= in the beginning
= obey
apart from 除...之外 = besides
= speaking of
= in the first place
= observe
apply for 應用於;申請
= in (with) regard to
= in the first instance
according to 依據 = in accordance with
argue with 爭辯 = quarrel with
= in (with) respect to
at first glance 第一眼
= in (with) relation to
at hand 手邊
= much
account for 解釋 = explain
= reason with
accuse of 控告
= have words with
as well as 和;不僅
at hand 臨近 = near
as yet 目前;迄今 = so far
= near at hand
acquaint 人 with 熟悉
as a matter of fact 事實上 = in fact
act on 遵照
= in truth
= by now
= around the corner
act out 實現
= in reality
= until now
at heart 心裡
adapt for 改編
= in practice
= up to now
at it were 所謂 = so to speak
add up to 總計達...
= in effect
= up to the present
agree to 事 同意 = consent to
= actually
associate with 參加;交際
= what is called
= approve of
= truly
at a loss 不知所措 = at sea
= what we call
= be in favor of
= really
= puzzled
= what you call
= be for
= practically
= confused
at large 逍遙法外 = free
after all 畢竟
= virtually
at a time 同時 = at the same time
at large 詳細地 = at length
aim at 針對目標;瞄準
= as it is
= in the meantime
= in detail
all (the) day long 整天 = the whole day
as a result 結果 = in consequence
= in the meanwhile
= with details
= the entire day
all at once 突然 = all of a sudden
= So
= Thus
= simultaneously
at all times 永遠 = for ever
= so-called
at last 最後 = at length
= after all
= suddenly
= Hence
= for good
= finally
= abruptly
= Therefore
= for keeps
= eventually
all but 幾乎 = almost
= Accordingly
= forever
= in the end
= nearly
= Consequently
= endlessly
= in the long run
= permanently
at least 至少
= next to
as a rule 通常 = as usual
= as good as
= usually
all ears 洗耳恭聽
as a whole 大概地說 = on the whole
= at any rate
at length 終於;詳細地
all in 疲倦 = extremely tired
= by and large
= at any events
at loose ends 在混亂中
= worn out
= generally (speaking)
= in any way
at odds with 衝突
= tired out
= in general
= in any case
at once 立刻 = right now
all in all 總而言之
= to speak generally
= in any event
= right away
all thumbs 笨手笨腳
as follows 如下
= by all means
= without delay
all wet 大錯特錯
as long as 祇要 = so long as
= by any means
= in no time
= under all circumstances
= immediately
along with 隨同
= in case
at all costs 一定 = at any cost
at leisure 空閒時 = in one's free time
at one time 從前 = once upon a time
= formerly
= owe A to B
as yet 迄今;尚未 = so far
at one's service 聽候吩咐
= have trust in
= be crowded with
= have belief in
be good at 擅於;精通 = be nice at
= be sure of
= be excellent at
= be certain of
= be at home in
at one's wit's end 黔驢技窮;無計可施
back and forth 來回地 = to and fro
at play 遊戲中
back up 支持
be compelled to 強迫
= be skilled in
at present 目前 = now
base on 以...為基礎;依賴 = depend on
be content with 滿意 = be contented with
= be versed in
be convinced of 被說服;使相信 = be persuaded of
be good for 對...有益 = do good to
= presently
= rely on
= temporarily
= count on
= at the moment
= stand on
= for the present
be devoted to 致力於;專注於 = be dedicated to
= do 受詞 good
be harmful for 對..有害 = be bad for
= be given to
= do harm to
= be (go) insane
= be absorbed in
= do damage to
at random 隨意地;無目的地
= go banana
= be engaged in
= do 受詞 harm
at sea 茫然的;不知所措 = at a loss
= be out of (one's) mind
= be occupied in
be honored with 獲得...榮譽
= be beside oneself
= be bent on
be mad about 為...而瘋狂 = be excited about
= for the time being
= confused
be (go) mad 發瘋 = be (go) crazy
= convince 人 of
= puzzled
be about to 即將 = be on the point of Ving
= devote oneself to
be mad at 對...發怒 = be angry at
= mixed
be absorb in 專心於
= dedicate oneself to
be notorious for 因...惡名昭彰 = be infamous for
at sixes and sevens 亂七八糟
be accustomed to 習慣於 = be used to
= abandon oneself to
be obliged to 感謝
at stake 瀕臨危險
be amazed at 驚訝 = be surprised at
= apply oneself to
be opposed to 反對 = oppose
at table 用餐中
be attributed to 被歸於
= give oneself to
= be against
at the cost of 以...的代價 = at the expense of
be aware of 知曉;瞭解 = be conscious of
= set oneself to
= object to
= at the sacrifice of
= catch on to
= busy oneself in
= have an objection to
at the risk of 冒...的危險
= make out
= occupy oneself in
be proud of 以...為榮 = take pride in
at times 偶爾 = sometimes
= figure out
= lose oneself in
= occasionally
= understand
be dressed in 穿著 = dress oneself in
be regarded as 被視為
= have on
be shy of 缺少;用盡 = be short of
= put on
= be out of
= wear
= run out of
= on occasion
= at whiles
= off and on
be bad at 不擅長 = be poor at
= be weak in
be bound for 前往 = leave for
= pride oneself on
= now and then
= head for
be due to 由於
= run short of
= every so often
= start for
be eager for 渴望 = be anxious for
= fall short of
= every now and then
= set out for
= long for
= lack (for)
= once in a while
= set forth for
= hunger for
be sick of 厭倦 = be tired of
= from time to time
= set forth on
= desire
be similar to 與...相似
at will 隨意 = at random
= at liberty
be bound to 一定 = be certain to
= be sure to
be entitled to 有...權利(資格)
be taken ill 生病
be familiar with 認識 = be acquainted with
be thankful to 因...感謝.. = be grateful to
= at pleasure
be charged with 被控以~罪名 = be accused of
at work 工作中
be composed of 組成 = be made up of
attend on 伺候 = wait on
= consist of
= be noted for
= be bored with
= contain
= be distinguished for
= be fed up with
= serve
attend to 注意 = see to
= pay attention to
attribute A to B 把 A 歸功於 B = ascribe A to B
= compose
= constitute
be confident of 有信心 = have confidence in
= acquaint oneself with
be famous for 以...聞名 = be well-known for
be forced to 被迫 = be compelled to
= be obliged to
be full of 充滿 = be filled with
= be obliged to
be tired of 厭惡 = be sick of
be to blame 應受責備的
be valid 有效 = hold good
= hold true
= in effect
= give rise to
= by reason of
carry off 劫持
be worthy to 值得
= be caused by
= by virtue of
carry on 繼續;經營 = go on
bear in mind 牢記在心
= result from
= thanks to
= keep on
beat one's brains out 絞盡腦汁
= arise from
= due to
= continue
bring out 使發生
= owing to
= maintain
= due to
bring to light 發現
= because of
carry out 執行;完成 = fulfill
= owing to
bring to 甦醒 = come to oneself = revive
= on account of
case after case 事件層出不窮
= thanks to
bring up 出版 = publish
= by reason that
cat get one's tongue 羞於啟齒;講不出話來
because of 因為 = on account of
cat has nine lives 九命貓(命大;吉人天相)
become of 發生 = happen to
bring up 養大;提議 = raise = rear
before long 不久 = very soon
build castles in the air 空中閣樓;不切實際
call a spade a spade
burn down 燒毀(房子)
call down 責備 = blame
catch fire 著火
behind bars 入獄;坐牢
burn one's bridges (boats) 破斧沈舟;切斷後路;背水一戰
= scold
catch on to 了解 = understand
beside oneself 激動異常
burn one's fingers 上一次當,學一次乖
= denounce
catch one's breath 屏息(因恐懼或興奮);喘口氣
beside the point 離題
burn out 燒盡(物)
= reprimand
catch one's death of 病入膏肓
between life and death 生死關頭
burn the midnight oil 挑燈夜戰;開夜車
= call 受詞 names
catch sight of 驚鴻一瞥
beyond one's reach 在...能力之外
burn up 燒光
call for 要求;需要 = ask for
catch up with 趕上 = overtake
beyond question 無庸置疑
but for 若非;要不是
= require
check in 登記住宿
blow up 爆炸;誇大渲染
buy off 賄賂 = bribe
= request
check out 結帳離開
boast of 自誇 = show off
buy out 買下所有權或股票
= demand
check up on 調查 = examine
= brag of
burst out crying 突然哭了起來 = burst into tears
call in (into) question 有待商確
cheer up 振作;使高興
= overstate
burst out laughing 突然笑了起來 = burst into laughter
call it a day 今天到此為止
chicken out 龜縮
= exaggerate
by and by 不久 = very soon
call off 取消 = cancel
children and fools speak the truth 童言無忌
= later on
catch cold 感冒
born yesterday 初出茅廬
= before long
call on 請求
close call 千鈞一髮
brain drain 人才外流
= later on
call on 拜訪 = visit
close down 休業
break away 逃脫
by all means 無論如何
= pay 人 a visit
cold shoulder 不友善
break down 損壞;拋錨 = out of order
by the by 順便提起 = by the way
= pay a visit to 人
come about 發生 = happen
break in 打岔 = cut in
by and large 大體上
call to order 會議開始;命令守秩序
come across 偶然發現;偶然遇到
= interrupt
by chance 偶然 = by accident
call up 打電話 = ring up
come by 獲得 = get
break in(to) 闖入
= accidentally
= telephone
= gain
break off 突然停止
= unexpectedly
= give 人 a call
= acquire
= give 人 a ring
= attain
break one's word 食言;背信 = break one's promise
by degrees 逐漸 = gradually
= go back on one's word
= little by little
can help 忍住;克制
= obtain
= go back on one's promise
= bit by bit
can not but 不得不;情不自盡 = can not help
come down to earth 面對現實
break out 爆發
= step by step
= can't help but
come down with 生病
break the ice 打破僵局
= stage by stage
= can't choose but
come in handy 派上用場
break through 突破
by heart 熟記
= have no choice but to
come into being 存在 = come into existence
bring about 引起;導致 = bring about
by means of 藉著
= have no alternative but to
= exist
= bring forth
by no means 決不
= can not stand
come into 繼承 = succeed to
= cause
by turns 輪流
= can not avoid
= result in
by way of 經由
carry (bear) one's cross 背負十字架
come to (one's senses) 恢復知覺
= lead to
by way of 藉著 = by means of
carry away 神魂顛倒
come to an end 結束
= inherit
= forever
come to light 真相大白
crack a book K書
due to 由於
come to nothing 徒勞無功
crack a joke 開玩笑
dwell on 詳論
come to terms 妥協
crack down 嚴加取締
come to the conclusion 得到以下結論
crave for 渴求;需求
each other 相互;彼此
for love or money 不惜一切代價
come to the point 說到要點
cross one's fingers 兩指交叉以求好運
eat one's heart out 痛不欲生
for the time being 暫時
come true 實現;美夢成真
cry over spilled milk 後悔無益
eat one's words 取消前言
for the sake of 為了...的緣故
come up to 符合;達到 = live up to
curl one's hair 毛骨悚然
end of one's rope (tether) 江郎才盡
from hand to mouth 僅能糊口
= reach
cut a poor figure 出洋相
end up 結束
come up with 趕上 = catch up with
cut corners 節省開支
ever since 以前到現在
get a move on 快點
= fetch up with
cut down 減少 = reduce
except for 除...之外 = but for
get across to 使人了解
= keep up with
cut in 插嘴 = interrupt
emerge from 從...出現
get ahead 成功
= keep pace with
cut out 除去;使適合
= keep abreast with
cut short 突然停止
= overtake
for instance 例如 = such as
= for example
get along 進步;和睦相處
face to face 面對面
get away 逃脫
fall behind 落後
get away with 逃避懲罰
come upon 不期而遇 = come across
day and night 日以繼夜
fall by the wayside 半途而廢
get behind 落後
= bump into
day in and day out 一貫不斷
fall off 遠離;叛離
get by 通過
= run upon
days are numbered 日薄西山;行將就木
fall on one's knees 跪下
get down to 開始行動
= run across
deal with 處理 = dispose of
fall out with 與...起糾紛
get even (with) 報仇
= run into
= cope with
fall short 無法達到;不足
get hold of 握有;持有
= encounter
= do with
fed up with 厭煩
get off on the wrong foot 出師不利
feel like 想要 = want to
get on one's nerves 使人不安
= fall across
deal out 分發;分配
= meet unexpectedly
deprive (人) of (物) 剝奪
= would like to
get over 恢復;復原 = recover from
comment on 評論
die away 漸漸消失;慢慢減弱
= should like to
get rid of 除去
compared to 比喻成
die from 因...死亡
fight for 為...而戰
get the ball rolling 開始(行動)
compared with 與...比較
die of 因...死亡
fight off 擊退(敵人);排除(困難)
get the better of 贏得;打敗
complain of 抱怨
die off 相繼死亡
figure out 解決;理解 = work out
get up on the wrong side of the bed (醒時)情緒不佳
comply with 順從;服從
die out 逐漸消失殆盡
fill in 填寫空白處
get wind of 聽到風聲
confer with 商量
differ from 相異;意見不同
fill out 填寫
give birth to 生產
consist in 在於
dispose of 解決掉
find fault with 吹毛求疵
give in 投降 = surrender
consist of 由...組成 = be composed of
do away with 去除
find out 發現 = discover
give off 發出;放出
= be made up of
do justice to 公平而論
first and foremost 最重要的
give rise to 引起 = cause
= contain
do one's best 盡全力
fish in troubled waters 混水摸魚;趁火打劫
give up 放棄 = abandon
= constitute
do over 重做;改裝
fish out of water 侷促不安
give way to 讓步 = yield to
= compose
do without 沒有也行
fit like a glove 完全適合
go astray 迷路
convert A into B 將...變成...
down and out 落魄到極點
flare up 死灰復燃
go down in history 永垂青史
cool down (off) 冷靜
down to earth 實際地
follow suit 如法沌製;有樣學樣
go (be) mad 發瘋 = go (be) crazy
cope with 克服;應付 = deal with
draw up 起草
fool around 虛擲光陰
= go insane
= do with
dress up 盛裝
for a while 暫時;一會兒
= go banana
correspond to 與...相符
drop a line 投寄信箋
for example 例如;譬如 = for instance
correspond with 與...通信
drop by 順道拜訪
for fear 惟恐
= follow
count on 依賴 = rely on
drop out 退出
for good 永遠地 = for ever
= obey
go by 遵守 = abide by
hear from 得到消息(來信)
= answer for
= especially
go off 離開;爆炸
here and now 當前
= vouch for
= above all
go on 繼續 = carry on
here and there 到處
= be responsible for
in peril of 冒著...的危險
hit the road 上路
in consequence of 由於...之故 = as a result of
in person 親自地
go over 重複
hit upon 發現 = find
in crowds 成群地
in place of 代替 = in one's place
go over 複習 = run over
hold forth 提出;建議
in danger 危險中 = at stake
= brush up
hold off 延遲 = delay
in defiance of 違抗;不服從
in print 出版
= review
hold on 緊握;等一下
in demand 需求
in private 私底下;秘密地 = in secret
go through with 完成 = complete = finish
hold on to 執著
in detail 仔細地 = with details
go to pieces 粉碎
hold one's breath 屏息
go with 相配;配合
hold one's tongue 住嘴
in despair 失望地;絕望地
in public 公開地
go without saying 自不待言
hold over 延長 = extend
in effect 實際上 = in fact
in question 有爭論的
green thumb 園藝高手
hunt down 追捕
in fact 實際上
in return 做為回報
in fashion 流行 = in season
in search of 尋找
idle away 浪費時間
in favor of 贊成
in short 總之 = in brief
ill at ease 焦慮不安
in full swing 樍極進行中
= in summary
hair stand on end 毛骨悚然
impose on 欺騙(人);利用
in general 通常 = usually
= in a word
hand down 傳給(繼承者)
in addition to 除外 = besides
= generally
= to be short
hand in 遞呈;提出 = submit
in (on) one's behalf 代表
= by and large
= to be brief
hand in hand 共同的
in (with) regard to 關於 = in (with) respect to
in honor of 為紀念..;對...表示敬意 = in memory of
= to sum up
hand out 分發 = distribute
in a body 一致地 = to a man
in never rains but it pours 禍不單行
in spite of 僅管 = in despite of
= observe
= keep on
had better 最好 = had best
= may as well
hand over 交出
= with one accord
hang on 堅持下去
= unanimously
= at length
= instead of
= privately
in proportion to 和...成比例
in no case 決不 = in no wise
= despite (of)
= in no way
= regardless of
hang around 遊蕩;鬼混;無所事事
in a family way 懷孕
= in no respect
= for all
hang together 團結一致
in a flash 突然地
= on no account
= with all
hang up 懸掛;掛斷電話
in a hurry 趕快;匆忙 = in haste
= for no reason
in terms of 以...之觀點或方式
hard up 窮困
in a nutshell 簡言之
= by no means
in that 因為
haul in 拘捕 = arrest
in a sense 多多少少
= under no circumstances
in the clouds 不切實際
have a hand in 參與;有影響力
in addition (to) 除外 = besides
= never
in the dark 不知情
have a way with 很有辦法
in advance 事先;預先 = previously
= far from
in the end 最後 = in the long run
have an edge on 佔優勢
= beforehand
= certainly not
in the future 未來
have an eye for 有眼光
in all respects 在各方面 = in all aspects
= anything but
in the near future 不久的未來
= not at all
in the long run 終於
have been around 見過世面
= in every respect
have confidence in 信任
in and out 忽隱忽現
in no time 立刻;馬上
in the same boat 同處困境
have eyes only for 情有獨鍾
in any case 無論如何 = in any event
in one's honor
in the same field 同一立場;範圍
have nothing to do with 與...無關
in brief 簡言之 = in short
in order to 為了
in the swim 跟隨潮流
in other words 換句話說 = namely
in the wake of 隨著...而至
have one's hands full 應接不暇;無法分身
= in a word
have one's own way 隨心所欲
in case 如果 = in case of
= that is (to say)
in the wrong 犯錯
have to do with 與...有關
= if (only)
= I mean
in touch with 保持連繫
head for 前往 = leave for
= as long as
in particular 尤其 = in especial
in trouble 處於困難之中
hear of 聽說
in charge of 負責;掌管;監督 = take charge of
= particularly
in tune 相處和睦;和諧
in turn 輪流
keep in mind 牢記在心
= blow up
= stand on
in vain 徒勞無功 = to no purpose
keep in touch with 在...保持接觸
= explode
= figure on
in virtue of 藉著
keep on 繼續
let on 洩露 = reveal
= be dependent on
in view of 因為;由於;鑒於
keep pace with 並駕齊驅
let one's hair down 輕鬆自在
look up 查出;檢查
in want of 缺少;需要 = in need of
keep track of 與...保持接觸;跟蹤
let up 減弱;停止
look up to 尊敬 = think much of
indulge in 耽溺於
keep up with 趕上;並駕齊驅
lie in 在於 = consist in
= make much of
insist on 堅持
kick the habit 除去這習慣
line up 排隊
= respect
instead of 而不是;代之
kill off 趕盡殺絕
lip service 口惠無實;空口的應酬話
= esteem
interfere with 打擾
kill time 消磨時間
listen in 偷聽 = overhear
long for 渴望 = hunger for
involved in 涉及
kill two birds with one stone 一石兩鳥
live and learn 活到老,學到老
= be eager for
it never occurred to 從未發生;從未想到
kind of 有一點;有幾分 = sort of
live and let live 各自生活不相擾
lose heart 氣餒
knock it off 閉嘴;停止
live from hand to mouth 僅足糊口
lose one's head 驚慌失措
judging from 由...判斷
knock out 擊倒;敲掉
live up to 遵守;達成
lose one's temper 發怒
look after 照料 = watch
lose sight of 看不見
jump at 欣然接受
jump on 責備 = scold
laid up 閒置
= take care of
lose track of 失去線索
jump to a conclusion 草率下結論
lash out 批評
= keep an eye on
love at first sight 一見鐘情
last word 決定性的話
look back on 回顧 = recall
keep company with 做朋友 = make friends with
later on 稍後
look down (up)on 輕視 = think little of
major in 主修;專攻 = specialize in
keep in touch with 與...聯絡 = communicate with
laugh at 嘲笑 = make fun of
= make little of
make good in 成功 = succeed in
= associate with
lay a finger on 欺負;染指
= despise
make a clean breast of 坦承不諱
keep one's promise 守信 = keep one's word
lay aside 儲蓄 = save
= belittle
make a face 扮鬼臉
= be as good as one's word
lay by 停止;放棄;保留
= disdain
make a fool of 愚弄 = deceive
= be a man of one's word
lay hold of 抓住
= scorn
make a fortune 發財
lay off 暫時解雇
= contempt
make a hit 很成功;博得好評
lay out 計劃;設計
look for 找尋 = search for
make a living 謀生 = earn a living
keep 人 from Ving ~ 阻止 = stop 人 from Ving ~
lay to rest 安葬
= seek
make a mountain out of a molehill 小題大作
= prevent 人 from Ving ~
lead an astray 誤入歧途
look forward to 期盼 = expect to
make a point of 強調
= prohibit 人 from Ving ~
lead to 引起;造成;導致;通到 = give rise to
= anticipate
make a phone call 打電話
= hinder 人 from Ving ~
= bring about
look into 調查 = see into
make allowance for
= deter 人 from Ving ~
lean on 依賴;依靠
= inquire into
= forbid 人 to VR....
leave off 停止 = stop
= investigate
make an attempt to 嘗試 = make an effort to
keep 物 in mind 記住 = remember
leave out 遺漏 = omit
= memorize
lend a hand 伸出援手
= learn ~ by heart
lest ... should ... 惟恐
look (up)on 認為;旁觀
= manage to
= learn ~ by memory
let alone 遑論;不用說 = not to mention
look out 小心 = be careful
= attempt to
keep up with 趕上 = keep pace with
= keep abreast with
look like 相似 = take after
= resemble
= try to
= not to speak of
look over 檢查 = examine
make an end of 使結束
keep after 重複談及;一再提醒
= to say nothing of
= inspect
make an example of 懲一警百
look to 依靠;倚賴 = depend on
make away with 偷走 = steal
let 人 down 使某人失望
keep body and soul together 生存
let go of 釋放 = release
= rely on
keep down 限制
let it all hang out 毫不掩飾;供出實情
= base on
keep from 遠離;禁止
let off 爆炸 = go off
= count on
= make some efforts to
keep abreast with 跟上時代
keep an eye on 小心看守
= take ~
make believe 假裝 = pretend
= put on
make both ends meet 使收支相抵
next to 幾乎 = almost
on paper 表面上;理論上
out of sorts 無精打采
= nearly
on pins and needles 如坐針氈
out of style 過時的
= as good as
on purpose 故意地
out of the question 不可能 = impossible
= laugh at
no longer 不再 = no more
on sale 廉價特賣
out of touch 失去聯絡
= mock at
= not any more
on schedule 準時;如期 = punctually
out of tune 不協調
= play tricks on
no more than 祇有 = only
on the air 廣播 = on the radio
out of work 失業
= play a trick on
no sweat 輕而易舉的
on the alert 保持警覺
over and over 再一次 = again and again
make one's bed and lie in it 自作自受
no wonder
on the basis of 以~為基礎
= over again
make one's way 自食其力
none the less 依然;然而 = nevertheless
on the contrary 相反地
= repeatedly
make oneself at home 別客氣;無拘無束;自在
not to mention 不用說
on the house 免費 = free
owing to 由於
make out 瞭解 = work out
nothing but 只不過
on the level 誠實公正;說實話
= figure out
now and then 偶然;有時 = once in a while
on the mend 改善中;痊癒
pass away 逝世 = die
on the other hand 另一方面
pass out 失去知覺;昏迷
on the point of 即將
pass over 忽略 = ignore
make clear 說明 = explain
= account for
make fun of 嘲笑 = ridicule
= catch on to
= occasionally
now that 既然 = since
= see
= know
on the spot 當場;立刻
= neglect
= understand
object to 反對 = be opposed to
on the verge of 瀕於...邊緣
= disregard
make progress 進步
of late 最近 = lately
on the way 在...途中
= pay no attention to
make room for 讓路 = give way to
= recently
on the whole 大體上 = generally
pass over 忽略 = disregard
make sense 合理;有意義 = be reasonable
of one's own accord 出於自願
on time 準時
patch up 修補
of one's own Ving 某人自己的
on trial 審判
pay a visit to 拜訪 = call on
make sure 確定 = be certain
off and on 斷斷續續地
once and for all 一勞永逸
= visit
make the most of 充分利用 = make the best of
off duty 不當班;下班
once in a while 偶爾;有時
pay for 付...的代價
make through 完成
off guard 不小心
once upon a time 從前;很久以前
pay the way for 為~鋪路
make up 化妝;和解;補償
off one's nut 發瘋
one another 相互
perform a trick 耍詐
make up one's mind 下決心 = decide
off spring 子孫
one foot in the grave 離死期不遠
persuade 人 into Ving ~ 說服 = reason 人 into Ving
= determine
on account of 因為 = because of
out of breath 上氣不接下氣
make up for 賠償 = compensate for
on behalf of 代表
out of business 失業
= argue 人 into Ving ~
make use of 利用 = take advantage of
on business 出公差
out of date 過時的 = old-fashioned
= talk 人 into Ving ~
on call 隨時待命
out of employment 失業的 = jobless
= persuade 人 to VR ~
= be logical
= utilize
on condition that 假使 = provided that
manage to 設法 = try to
on credit 賒帳
out of hand 失去控制 = out of control
on duty 值班
out of fashion 過時的
= argue 人 out of Ving ~
marry to 嫁給 = be married to
on edge 興奮或緊張
out of focus 模糊不清
= talk 人 out of Ving ~
may well 大有理由 = have good reason to
on guard 保持戒備
out of order 混亂;故障 = break down
= dissuade 人 from Ving ~
may as well 最好 = had better
on hand 手邊
out of (one's) mind 精神失常 = go mad
= advise 人 not to VR ~
on no account 決不 = by no means
out of place 不適合
pick out 選擇 = choose
meet up with 不期而遇
on occasion 偶爾
out of print 絕版
= select
mistake A for B 把 A 誤認為 B
on one's honor 人格擔保
out of question 無疑 = doubtless
pit against 對抗;與...競爭
more or less 多多少少 = somewhat
on one's mind 在心中
= undoubted
play cat and mouse with 欲擒故縱
on one's own 獨自做事
out of season 過時的
play on 影響
on one's way home 回家途中
out of sight 看不見的 = invisible
play on words 說雙關語
= attempt to
= had best
never mind 別在意
= unemployed
persuade 人 out of Ving ~ 勸告 = reason 人 out of
make way 讓路
Ving ~
plenty of 許多 = a lot of
= stand
rise to one's feet 站起來
set up 建立 = build up
point out 指出 = show
= bear
rub the wrong way 引起反感
= put up
= indicate
put up 建立 = set up
rule out 排除...之可能性 = exclude
= construct
= point to
= build up
rule over 統治
= establish
pop up 突然出現
= found
run a risk 挺而走險 = take a risk
= erect
prevent...from... 防止;阻止
= erect
run a temperature 發燒
settle down 定居
pride oneself on 以~為傲 = be proud of
= construct
run across 無意中遇見 = run into
short of 缺少
prior to 在...之前
= establish
run away 遠走高飛
show off 炫耀 = display
profit from 從...獲益
put 物 into practice 實施 = carry out
run away from 從...逃離
show up 出現 = appear
provide 物 to 人 提供
= fulfill
run down 衰弱;誹謗
shut off 關閉 = close
pull oneself together 恢復鎮靜
put 物 into words 描述 = describe
run for 競選
shut up 住嘴
run into 撞上;邂逅
shy away (from) 避開
run out (of) 用盡 = use up
side by side 肩並肩
pull over 靠路邊停下
pull strings 幕後操縱
qualify for 有資格
put an end to 中止
quite a few 相當多 = many
put aside 儲蓄 = save
= exhaust
run short (of) 不足
side with 同意;支持
silence gives consent 沈默代表應允
put down 鎮壓 = suppress
rack one's brain 絞盡腦汁
put into practice 實行
rain cats and dogs 傾盆大雨
safe and sound 安然無恙;安全的
= seat oneself
put off 延期 = postpone
rain or shine 風雨無阻
save face 保全面子
= be seated
put on 穿戴
rainy day 未雨綢繆;以備萬一
say uncle 認輸
sit up 熬夜 = stay up
put off 延誤 = delay
raise money 籌款 = raise funds for
search for 尋找 = in search of
slap in the face 侮辱
= defer
raise up 召集
second thought 深思熟慮
slid in 滑近
= postpone
read between the lines 從字裡行間讀出弦外之音
second to none 不亞於;獨一無二
slip of the pen 筆誤
put on airs 充氣派;裝腔作態
read one's mind 知人心意
see about 留心注意
slip of the tongue 說溜了嘴
put on the air 廣播
reckon with 將...加以考慮
see beyond one's nose 先見之明;遠見
slow down 慢下來
put oneself in another's place (shoes) 設身處地
refer to ...as ... 指...為... = regard....as ~
see eye to eye 完全同意;所見略同
small-time 不重要的 = unimportant
put one's heads together 商量
relieve 人 of 負擔 減輕(負擔)
see off 送行
snake in the grass 背信之人
put one's finger on 明確指出
remind 人 of ... 使想起....
see to 照料;負責;確定 = take care of
sneeze at 嗤之以鼻
put out 熄滅 = extinguish
repeatedly 一而再 = over and over
= pay attention to
sit down 坐下 = take a seat
so far 到目前為止
= quench
= again and again
seek after 追求
so far as I know 就我所知
put stress (up)on 強調 = lay stress (up)on
= over and over again
seize on one's chance 把握機會
so long 再見
= put emphasis (up)on
= over again
sell out 銷售一空
so much as 甚至 = even
= lay emphasis (up)on
= time after time
send for 延請(專家)
so to speak 可以說
= emphasize
= time and time again
separate A from B 把 A 和 B 分開
soak up 吸水
= stress
= once and again
set against 比照;對照
sooner or later 遲早
put their heads together 集思廣益
resort to 訴諸於;採用
set fire to 縱火
speak for 贊成;支持
put to bed 使就寢
result from 源自;由於 = be caused by
set foot 踏上
speak ill of 說壞話
set forth 詳細解釋
speak one's mind 直言無諱
put to death 處死
= arise from
put to shame 使蒙羞
result in 造成...結果
set free 釋放 = release
speak well of 說好話
put to use 派上用場
right away 立刻 = immediately
set off 出發 = start
specialize in 專攻 = major in
set one's heart on 渴望
speed up 加速
set out 出發
spell out 拼出
put up with 忍受 = tolerate
= endure
= right now
ring a bell 喚起記憶
spread out 展開
take a bow 站起來接受歡呼或讚譽
take over 接管
teach a lesson 教訓
square off 擺好打鬥姿勢
take a chance 冒險
take pains 費盡心思
tear up 撕成碎片
stab in the back 暗地中傷
take a seat 就座 = be seated
take part in 參加 = participate in
tell A from B 區別 A 與 B = distinguish A from B
stamp out 徹底消滅 = eradicate
take advantage of 善用;利用 = avail oneself of
stand by 支持 = support
= make good use of
take pity on 同情
tell a lie 說謊 = tell lies
stand for 代表 = represent
= make the best of
take place 舉行 = be held
tell apart 區別
stand in awe of 敬畏
= make the most of
take place 發生 = happen
tempest in a teapot 大驚小怪
stand in the way 妨礙
= use
= occur
ten to one 十之八九
stand on ceremony 拘泥於禮節
= utilize
= come about
tend to 傾向
stand out 傑出
= exploit
= break out
thanks to 由於... = owing to
stand to reason 顯然有理
take after 像;相似
stand up for 辯護;保衛 = defend
take after 相似 = look like
stare at 瞪著
= resemble
= attend
take pride in 以某人為榮 = pride oneself on
= be proud of
= know A from B
that is to say 換言之;那就是說
the standard of living 生活水準
take root 生根;固定
then and there 當下
stare in the face 迫在眉睫;顯而易見
take aim 瞄準
take shape 成形;漸具眉目
thing over 考慮再三
stave off 抵擋
take apart 拆開
take sides 加入某方
think A to be B 視 A 為 B = consider A to be B
stay put 原地不動
take at one's word 相信
take steps 逐步計劃
= consider A as B
steal the show (配角壓倒主角)搶盡風頭
take care of 照顧
take the part of 分演
= regard A as B
step by step 逐漸 = gradually
take charge of 管理
take the place of 代替 = replace
= treat A as B
step in 從事;擔任
take effect 奏效;有效;生效
= be in place of
step in one's shoes 繼承衣缽
take for granted 視為當然
take time off 休息
= view A as B
stick to it 堅持
take heed 注意;留心
take to 喜歡 = like
= think of A as B
stir up 促成;煽動
take hold of 抓住 = hold on to
= go in for
= look upon A as B
= refer to A as B
= see A as B
straighten out 改正錯誤
= grasp
= take delight in
strange to say 意外地
= seize
= be fond of
think a great deal of 評價甚高;重視
stretch out 伸出
take in 欺騙 = deceive
= take a fancy to
think little of 不重視
strive for 為~努力
take into account 列入考慮
= have a liking for
think much of 重視
subject to 有...之傾向;易於
take it easy 放輕鬆
take turns 輪流 = by turns
think nothing of 認為不足為奇
substitute for 代替
take it or leave it 要不要隨你
succeed in 成功於
take it out on 洩憤;出氣
take 物 for granted 視為理所當然 = be taken for granted
think on one's feet 當機立斷
succeed to 繼承
take leave of 放棄;離開
take 物 into account 考慮 = take 物 into consideration
think out 構思出
suffer from 遭受;受...痛苦
take my word for it 相信我的話
= consider
think over 考慮 = consider
sum up 簡言之
take note (notice) of 注意;留心
= think it over
think up 發明 = invent
supply 人 with 物 提供
take oath 發誓
= think about it
this and that 各式各樣
survival of the fittest 適者生存
take off 離開;起飛 = depart
= make allowance for
thrive on 以...繁榮;興旺
swallow one's pride 謙虛
take one's advice 接受某人忠告
take up 從事;佔據 = take possession of
through and through 全心全意地;完全地
swallow one's words 口齒不清
take one's breath away 瞠目結舌
swear by 發誓;宣誓
take one's leave 告辭
taken aback 猛然受驚
throw away 拋棄 = discard
swim against the current 逆水而行
take one's measure 判斷
talk about 討論
throw cold water on 澆冷水
switched on 合於潮流
take one's time 從容不迫
talk about pie in the sky 不切實際
throw out 丟棄
take one's word 相信某人的話
talk into 說服 = persuade
throw up 嘔吐 = vomit
take out of 取出 = extract
talk over 討論 = discuss
tick and choose 挑三揀四
take A for B 把 A 誤認為 B = mistake A for B
= alternately
= occupy
think of 想到
through the mill 歷盡滄桑
tie down 束縛;限制
trip up 使絆倒
ups and downs 人生之沉浮
without fail 務必;無誤
tie one's hands 束縛
trump up 編造;捏造
use up 用盡
without reserve 毫不保留
tie the knot 結婚
turn around 迴轉
used to 過去習慣於
without saying 不用說
tighten one's belt 束緊腰帶
turn out 結果;變成;生產
till the last gun is fired 直至最後
try on 試穿
vary from 與...不同
work on 從事...
time and again 一再;屢次
try one's hand 嘗試
vote against 投票反對
work one's way through college 半工半讀念完大學
time is ripe 時機成熟
try out 試驗
vote down 否決
work out 解決;成果 = figure out
time of one's life 最快樂的時光
tune in 收聽或收看
vote for 投票贊成
= make out
time out 暫停
turn around 變節;回轉
tired of 厭倦
turn away 避開
wait for 等候 = await
tired out 十分疲倦
turn down 關小聲
wait on 侍候
tired with 疲倦
turn down 拒絕 = refuse
wake up 醒來 = awake
yearn for 渴望
word for word 一字不改地;逐字 = literally
worry about 擔心 = be anxious about
= be worried about
to a degree 非常
= reject
walk away with 順手牽羊
yield to 屈服
to a fault 過份
= decline
walk of life 生活方式
you can say that again 完全同意
to a man 沒有例外
turn in 繳交 = hand in
waste away 日益消瘦
to and fro 來回地
= submit
waste one's breath 徒費唇舌
to be sure 無疑地
turn into 變成
watch one's step 小心走路
to death
turn off 關掉 = switch off
water down 沖淡;減弱
to no avail 無效;無用
turn on 打開 = switch on
wear away (off) 磨損
to one's face 當面
turn one's attention to 注意
wear down 疲乏;厭倦
to one's feet 站起來
turn one's back on 不伸出援手 = ignore
wear out 耗盡;穿壞
to one's heart's content 心滿意足
turn out 變成 = become
weed out 去蕪存菁
to the bitter end 堅持到底
turn out 熄滅 = put out
well-to-do 富有 = well off
to the bone 徹底地
= go out
= rich
to the contrary 相反地
= quench
= wealthy
to the full 十分地
= extinguish
what's up 發生什麼事
to the letter 百分之百地
turn over 翻轉
what if 如果...怎麼辦
to the point 切題 = relevant
turn over a new leaf 改過自新
what is more 更進一步
turn thumbs down 不贊同;拒絕
win over 贏得...好感
to the upmost 極力
turn to 求助於 = apply to
wind up 使緊張;結束 = terminate
to the wall 走投無路
turn up 開大聲
wipe out 消滅 = destroy
to sum up 總而言之
turn up 出現 = show up
with easy 輕易地 = easily
together with 連同
= appear
with draw 收回;退;提款
= pertinent
tone down 緩和;減輕
zeal for 熱衷於
with might and main 全力以赴
with regard to 為了;關於 = with respect to
too bad 可惜
under any circumstance 無論如何
touch off 觸發
under arrest 被逮捕
= with relation to
touch on 觸及
under no circumstances 決不
= as for
touch up 修整
under the weather 不適應;不舒服
= considering
track down 尋獲;追蹤
under the sun 在世上 = in the world
= concerning
trade in 以舊貨抵價購新物
= on earth
= regarding
trial and error 嘗試錯誤
under way 進行中
within an inch of one's life 幾乎喪命