Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 - Second Edition Conversations and additional listening activities: Audioscript Unit 1: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 1: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG Meeting someone for the first time. Make sure you have read the instructions before taking part in the conversation. [pause] Now take part in the conversation, following my prompts. You’ll hear me giving the Arabic after the pause, but remember your version will be different. Ready? You’ll hear your new acquaintance speak first. F2 ?∂nª°SG Ée .ÒÿG AÉ°ùe M1 Give your name, and ask ‘And you, what’s your name?’. [Pause] M1 ?∂pª°SG Ée ,âfCGƒ .Qƒf ódÉN »ª°SG ÉfCG F2 .óªM øH á«eÉ°S »ª°SG ÉfCG M1 Ask Samya ‘where are you from?’. [Pause] M1 ?øjCG øe pâfCG F2 ?nâfCGh .äQõæH áæjóe øe Ó°UCG ,áq«°ùfƒJ ÉfCG M1 Tell Samya where you’re from. [Pause] M1 .ô°üe ‘ •ƒ«°SCG áæjóe øe Ó°UCG ÉfCG M1 And say where you are living now. [Pause] M1 .ô£b ‘ ¿B’G º«bCG F2 ?∑Éæg ∂∏ªY Ée !º«¶Y M1 Tell her what your occupation is, then ask ‘And you, what’s your occupation?’. [Pause] M1 ?∂p∏ªY Ée âfCGh .∑Éæg π°SGôe ÉfCG F2 .Üô¨ŸG ‘ á°Sóæ¡e ÉfCG M1 Say ‘Great! Pleased to meet you’. [Pause] M1 .Éæaqô°ûJ !º«¶Y [Pause] M1 How did you do? Don’t forget you can try these conversations as many times as you like. Change your name, nationality and occupation if you want to vary the exercise. © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 1 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 2: Exercise 1 F1 Exercise 1 An estate agent is showing you around an apartment. Put the places in the order that he shows them. M1 Úª«dG ≈∏Y Éægh [FX footsteps]... GóL á©°SGh ...ádÉ°üdÉH GC óÑf ...Gƒ∏°†ØJ [FX front door opening] .IôØ°ùdG óLƒJ ïÑ£ŸG ÖfÉéH Éægh [FX footsteps] .IÒÑc áLÓKh ᫵jôeCG ádÉ°ùZ ...ïÑ£ŸG [FX balcony door opening] ...á≤jó◊G ≈∏Y πq £J áaô°ûH ... ¢Sƒ∏÷G áaôZ ¤EG [FX footsteps] IôØ°ùdG øeh §≤a IóMGh Ωƒf áaôZ É¡«a áq≤°ûdG .QÉ°ù«dG ≈∏Y ∑Éæg ΩƒædG áaôZ [FX footsteps/door] .Ó©a π«ªL ô¶æe ... »µjôeCG ôNÉa ΩɪM Éægh [FX footsteps/door] ...IÒÑc É¡æµdh .áæjóŸG §°Sh øe áÑjôbh á©°SGh á≤°T Unit 2: Exercise 5 F1 Exercise 5 Listen to Sherif telling us who lives on the other floors of his apartment block, and write the correct names on the name plates. M2 .IóMGh á≤°T ¬«a ≥HÉW πc ,IQɪ©dG ‘ ≥HGƒW á°ùªN ∑Éæg .¢ùeÉÿG ≥HÉ£dG ‘ »bƒa ÚeGC »eÉ°S ó«q°ùdG øµ°ùjh ™HGôdG ≥HÉ£dG ‘ øµ°SGC ÉfGC ..Ò¡°ûdG ¿Éæ°S’CG Ö«ÑW ,Qƒf »Ø£d QƒàcódG á∏FÉY É¡«a øµ°ùJ »°VQ’CG ≥HÉ£dG ‘ á≤°T ∫hGC ‘ øµ°ùj óeÉM ó«°ùdG ÉgƒNGCh ÊÉãdG ≥HÉ£dG ‘ ÉgóMƒd ÊGƒ°S’CG áªWÉa Ió«°ùdG øµ°ùJ .¬à∏FÉY ™e ådÉãdG ≥HÉ£dG © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 2 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 2: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 2: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG Describe your new apartment. Prepare the Arabic to describe the features first. [pause] Now take part in the conversation where you are being asked about your apartment. You’ll hear me giving a model Arabic response after the pause. Ready? F2 ?á≤°T ‘ hCG â«H ‘ øµ°ùJ πg M1 Say I live in an apartment on the 3rd floor. [Pause] M1 .ådÉãdG ≥HÉ£dG ‘ áq≤°T ‘ øµ°SCG F2 ?ó©°üe ∑Éæg πg M1 Say, ‘No, there isn’t a lift’. [Pause] M1 .ó©°üe ∑Éæg ¢ù«d ,’ F2 ?IÒÑc á≤°ûdG πg M1 Say ‘The apartment consists of a large hall and a spacious living room...’. [Pause] M1 ....á©°SGh á°û«©e áaôZh IÒÑc ádÉ°U øe á≤°ûdG ¿ƒµàJ M1 ... and there are three bedrooms and two bathrooms. [Pause] M1 .¿ÉeɪMh Ωƒf ±ôZ 3 ∑Éægh M1 Add ‘As for the kitchen, it’s small but it’s modern’. [Pause] M1 .åjóM ¬æµdh Ò¨°U ƒ¡a ,ïÑ£ŸG ÉeCG F2 ?áaô°T óLƒJ πg M1 Say ‘Yes, the balcony overlooks the street’. [Pause] M1 .´QÉ°ûdG ≈∏Y qπ£J áaô°ûdG .º©f F2 ?ºµd áÑ°SÉæe á≤°ûdGh M1 Say ‘yes, the apartment is modern and comfortable’. [Pause] M1 .áëjôeh áãjóM á≤°ûdG .º©f [Pause] M1 How did you do? Keep practising this conversation until you can join in fluently. © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 3 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 2: Exercise 9 F1 Exercise 9 Here’s Samya describing where she lives. Listen to her and put a tick next to the features of her home. F2 .᪰UÉ©dG øe áÑjôb IójóL áæjóe ‘ Óq∏«a ‘ º«bGC ™°SGh ïÑ£e ,Ωƒf ±ôZ çÓK ,¢Sƒ∏L áaôZ ,ádÉ°U øe ¿ƒqµàJh ∫ÉÑ÷G ≈∏Y πq£J Óq∏«ØdG .Ö°ûY hGC OQh ∑Éæg ¢ù«d øµdh ¿ƒª«d ôé°T É¡«a á°qUÉN á≤jóM É¡d Ó∏«ØdG .ÚeɪqMh óLƒj áµjQ’CG AGQhh ... »eqGC øe ájópgn ...áÁób áµjQGCh áëjôe »°SGôc É¡«a ¢Sƒ∏÷G áaôZ .q…ó«∏≤J RGô£H »¡a ádÉ°üdG ÉeGC .»æH’ ôJƒ«Ñªc ¬«∏Y Öàµe © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 4 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 3: Exercise 9 F1 Exercise 9 Listen to Dina who’s talking to her manager, Mr Farouk, about a CV that arrived this morning. Fill in the details of the job candidate on his CV. [pause] F2 .GóL RÉà‡ ÜÉ°ûdG Gòg ¿CG ó≤àYCG .Ωƒ«dG ìÉÑ°U â∏°Uh á«JGòdG IÒ°ùdG √òg ,¥hQÉa PÉà°SCG Éj M1 .∂∏°†a øe ‹ É¡«FôbGh ÉæjO Éj »°ù∏LG F2 .äQƒØµfGôa ‘ øµ°ùjh 1995 ƒjÉe 5 √OÓ«e ïjQÉJh ó«©°S º°TÉg ¬ª°SG M1 ?ÊÉŸCG ƒg πg ?äQƒØµfGôa F2 .äQƒØµfGôa á©eÉL ‘ ôJƒ«ÑªµdÉH º«ª°üàdG ¿ƒæa ¢SQO ¬æµdh .»Hô¨e .’ F2 .É©ÑW á«°ùfôØdGh ábÓ£H á«fÉŸC’G º∏µàjh .GóL ó«L ôjó≤àH êôîJh M1 .Éæd Ió«Øe ¬Jɨdh áÑ°SÉæe ¬JÓgDƒe .º«¶Y F2 .܃°TƒJƒØdGh º«ª°üàdG èeGôH ó«éj ¬fCG ܃àµe M1 ?É°†jCG á«∏ªY IÈN √óæY πg F2 ?É¡aô©J πg ''¢SÈ°ùcG ¿Éeƒjó«a'' É¡ª°SG ÜÉÑ°û∏d á∏› ‘ ºª°üªc πª©j ¬fCG Éæg ܃àµe M1 ?܃àµe ¬fGƒæY πg .»JCÉ«d ádÉ°SQ ¬d »ã©HG .âÑ°S Ωƒj πc ÉgCGô≤j »æHG !É©ÑW F2 ...É«fÉŸCG ,äQƒØµfGôa ,õæjÉe ´QÉ°T 78 ,16 ºbQ á≤°T :º©f © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 5 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 3: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 3: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG Prepare the information about your daily routine and then come back to the recording to take part in the interview. [pause] You are being interviewed about your daily routine. Answer the questions using the information you have prepared. This time you won’t hear prompts telling you what to say, but you will hear model responses after the pauses. Your responses will depend on your individual circumstances. Ready to take part? F2 ?kIOÉY ß≤«à°ùJ≈àe [Pause] M1 .∞°üfdGh á©HÉ°ùdG áYÉ°ùdG ß≤«à°ùCG kIOÉY F2 ?QÉ£aE’G ó©H π©ØJ GPÉeh [Pause] M1 .QÉ£≤dÉH »Ñàµe ¤EG ÖgPCGh πª©dG ¥GQhCG qóYCG F2 ?QÉ¡ædG ‘ π©ØJ GPÉeh [Pause] M1 .äÉYɪàLG ô°†MCG kÉfÉ«MCGh .äÉHÉ£N ÖàcCGh πjÉÁE’G CGôbCG kIOÉY ?â«ÑdG ∫ɪYCG ‘ óYÉ°ùJ πg ,AÉ°ùŸG ‘h F2 [Pause] M1 .kGóHCG ¢ùHÓŸG …ƒcCG ’ »qæµdh ïÑ£dG ‘ óYÉ°SCG kɪFGO ÉfCG F2 ?kIOÉY ΩÉæJ ≈àeh [Pause] M1 .∞°üfdGh Iô°TÉ©dG hCG Iô°TÉ©dG áYÉ°ùdG ΩÉæCG kIOÉY [Pause] M1 How did you do? If you repeat this open-ended exercise a few times, you will find you can respond fluently. © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 6 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 4: Exercise 2 F1 Exercise 2 Listen to two friends, Jamal and Nura, discussing what sports they like. Fill in the chart depending on whether they are positive, negative or neutral about each sport. M1 F2 M1 F2 M1 F2 M1 F2 M1 F2 M1 F2 M1 ?IQƒf Éj ¢ùæàdG ÚÑ– πg .GóZ CGóÑà°S ¿hó∏ÑÁh ádƒ£H ?¢ùæàdÉH qºà¡J âfCG πg .kGÒãc ¢ùæàdG ÖMCG ’ ∫ɪL Éj á≤«≤◊G ‘ !Góq L IÒãe áÑ©d - Ωó≤dG Iôc π°†aCG »æµdh ™à‡ ¢ùæàdG ,º©f .kÉbÓWEG É¡æe IóFÉa ’ ... áÑ©∏dG √òg √ôcCG ÉfCG .’ !?Ωó≤dG Iôc ?GPEG ÚÑ– á°VÉjQ …CG !⁄É©dG ‘ á°VÉjQ ø°ùMCG É¡fEG ! IQƒf Éj Údƒ≤J GPÉe .kGóL á«∏°ùe É¡fC’ iƒ≤dG ÜÉ©dCG ÖMCG !ÉeÉ“ á∏ªŸG á°VÉjôdG »g √òg ?iƒ≤dG ÜÉ©dCG .ádhÉ£dG ¢ùæJh áMÉÑ°ùdG IógÉ°ûe kÉ°†jCG qÖMCGh .¿B’G áÑ©∏dG √òg º∏©JCG ÉfCG ?∞dƒ÷G ÚÑ– πg .ádhÉ£dG ¢ùæJ ’h áMÉÑ°ùdG ógÉ°TCG ’ ÉfCG !GóL IÒ¨°U IôµdGh, áq∏‡h á∏jƒW áÑ©d ....∞dƒ÷G ógÉ°TCG ’ ?áªcÓŸG ‘ ∂jCGQ Éeh !∞æ©dG ÖÑ°ùH áªcÓŸG √ôcCG .kÉ°†jCG ÉfCGh Unit 4: Exercise 8 Exercise 8 F1 Listen to eight people talking about what they like to do in their spare time. Write the correct number next to each illustration. M1 .IAGô≤dG ÖMCG 1 F2 M2 F1 M1 M2 F2 F1 .ìô°ùŸG ¤EG ÜÉgòdG π°†aCG 2 . ¿ƒjõØ«∏àdG ‘ á«°VÉjôdG èeGÈdG ógÉ°ûf ¿CG qÖëf 3 .∂ª°ùdG ó«°ü »g »àjGƒg ¿EG 4 .ÅWÉ°ûdG ≈∏Y ºq«îf ¿CG π°†Øf 5 .π«ÿG ܃cQ kGÒãc ÖMCG 6 .¢ùæàdG Ö©dd …OÉædG ¤EG ÜÉgòdG qÖëf 7 .ôjƒ°üàdG »g ÉæàjGƒg ¿EG 8 © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 7 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 4: Exercise 10 F1 Exercise 10 Listen to two sets of friends arranging where to meet, and make notes about when and where they decide to meet and what they will be doing. Here are the first two friends. [pause] [FX mobile phone ringtone] M2 ?ƒdBG M1 [FX over telephone] .Oƒªfi M2 ?âæc øjCG ?∂dÉM ∞«c !Oƒªfi [FX over telephone] ?…OÉædG ¤EG Ögòf πg .ᩪ÷G Ωƒj OƒLƒe »æµdh kGóL ∫ƒ¨°ûe ?¢TGƒµ°SEG Ö©∏f πg !Ióq«L Iôµa [FX over telephone] ?ºc áYÉ°ùdG »≤à∏f .RÉà‡ Gòg ?∂d Ö°SÉæe 4 áYÉ°ùdG [FX over telephone] !AÉ≤∏dG ¤EG .ᩪ÷G Ωƒj 4 áYÉ°ùdG ,º©f .AÉ≤∏dG ¤EG M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 ÉfCG ∑ÉL Éj ÓgCG [pause] F1 And now the second couple of friends... [FX (different) mobile phone ringtone] F2 ?áÑ«‚ F1 [FX over telephone] ?»°Sƒd F2 .É«Ÿ »à≤jó°U óæY ÉfCG F1 [FX over telephone] ?Ωƒ«dG F2 F1 F2 F1 F2 F1 F2 Éj pâfCG øjCG .º©f Éæ©e π«ÿG ܃cô øjójôJ πg .É«Ÿ OÓ«e ó«Y Ωƒ«dG ... ™«£à°SCG ’ ,áÑ«‚ Éj áØ°SBG [FX over telephone] ?kGPEG ∂Ñ°SÉæj ≈àe .√BG ?óMC’G Ωƒj Ögòf πg [FX over telephone] ?πÑ£°SE’G ‘ »≤à∏f πg .RÉà‡ óMC’G Ωƒj ?∞°üfh 5 áYÉ°ùdG .Öq«W [FX over telephone] .πÑ£°SE’G ‘ ∞°üfh 5 áYÉ°ùdG ,óMC’G ∑GQBG !º«¶Y .AÉ≤∏dG ¤EG © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 8 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 4: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 4: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You are going to invite a friend to the club. Prepare the Arabic you need first. [short pause] Now take part in the conversation, following my prompts. You’ll hear me giving a model after the pause. Ready? M2 .ÒÿG ìÉÑ°U M1 Say ‘Good morning. How are you?’. [Pause] M1 ?∫É◊G ∞«c .QƒædG ìÉÑ°U M2 .¬∏dG óª◊G ,ÒîH M1 Ask ‘Do you want to go to the club on Friday?’. [Pause] M1 ?ᩪ÷G Ωƒj …OÉædG ¤EG ÜÉgòdG ójôJ πg M2 .ᩪ÷G ∫ƒ¨°ûne ÉfCG M1 Ask ‘Does Thursday suit you?’ [Pause] M1 ?¢ù«ªÿG ∂Ñ°SÉæj M2 .»æÑ°SÉæj ¢ù«ªÿG ,º©f M1 Ask ‘Shall we play golf?’. [Pause] M1 ?∞dƒL Ö©∏f πg M2 !Ióu«nL Iôµpa M1 Say ‘Shall we meet at my house at six o’clock?’. [Pause] M1 ?6 áYÉ°ùdG »à«H ‘ »≤à∏f πg M2 .ø°ùMCG …OÉædG ‘ 6 áYÉ°ùdG M1 Say ‘Good idea - six o’clock Thursday at the club’. [Pause] M1 .…OÉædG ‘ ¢ù«ªÿG Ωƒj 6 áYÉ°ùdG !Ióu«nL Iôµpa M1 Add ‘Goodbye. See you’. [Pause] M1 .AÉ≤∏dG ¤EG .áeÓ°ùdG ™e M2 .AÉ≤∏dG ¤EG © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 9 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 5: Exercise 4 F1 Exercise 4 Listen to five people asking for directions and decide what the numbered features are on the map. [FX: street background noise] M1 ?ójÈdG Öàµe ¤EG π°UCG ∞«c ,∂p∏°†a øe .ÚÁdG ≈∏Y ójÈdG Öàµe .QhôŸG IQÉ°TEG óæY QÉ°ù« ´QÉ°T ∫hCG òNh ∫ƒW ≈∏Y ÖgPG ?ójÈdG Öàµe F2 [Pause] [FX: street background noise] M2 F2 ?¥ƒ°ùàdG õcôe øjCG ,...ΩGóe Éj .á«°UÉædG óæY Úª«dG ≈∏Y ¥ƒ°ùàdG õcôeh .¿Gó«ŸG ÈYGh QhôŸG IQÉ°TEG ó©H ∫ƒW ≈∏Y [FX: car pulling up - female driver asks pedestrian] F1 M2 ?øjõæH á£fi ÜôbCG øjCG ,...PÉà°SCG Éj .¿Gó«ŸG ó©H QÉ°ù«dG ≈∏Y ´QÉ°T ∫hCG …òNh ∫ƒW ≈∏Y .áWô°ûdG õcôe ó©H QÉ°ù«dG ≈∏Y øjõæHdG á£fi [FX: street background noise] F2 M1 ?á°VÉjôdG õcôe ¤EG ≥jô£dG ƒg Gòg πg .áMÉ«°ùdG Öàµe ΩÉeCG á«°UÉædG ≈∏Y á°VÉjôdG õcôe .¿Gó«ŸG ‘ ÚÁ »¡ŒGh ∫ƒW ≈∏Y .ΩGóe Éj º©f [FX: car pulling up - male driver asks pedestrian] M2 M1 ?øjCG øe ¢UÉÑdG á£fi !â몰S ƒd. .QÉ°ù«dG ≈∏Y ´QÉ°T ÊÉK òN ∂dP ó©Hh QhôŸG IQÉ°TEG óæY QÉ°ùj ¬ŒG .QÉ£≤dG á£fi πÑb ∑Éæg ¢UÉÑdG á£fi © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 10 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 5: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 5: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You are going to direct a man to the cinema and a woman to the nearest hotel. Prepare the Arabic you need first. [short pause] Now take part in the first conversation, following my prompts. You’ll hear me giving a model Arabic response after the pause. The man starts the conversation. M2 !∂n∏°†a øe M1 Say ‘Yes, sir’. [Pause] M1 .PÉà°SCG Éj ,º©f M2 ?ɪ櫰ùdG ¤EG π°UCG ∞«c M1 Say ‘Go straight on after the traffic lights…’. [Pause] M1 .QhôŸG IQÉ°TEG ó©H ∫ƒW ≈∏Y ÖgPG M1 ‘… and after that head right at the square’ [Pause] M1 .¿Gó«ŸG ‘ ÚÁ ¬ŒG ∂dP ó©Hh M2 [repeating quietly] ..¿Gó«ŸG ‘ ÚÁ …QhôŸG IQÉ°TEG ó©H ∫ƒW ≈∏Y M1 Say ‘Yes, the cinema is on the corner… . [Pause] M1 á«°UÉædG ≈∏Y ɪ櫰ùdG .º©f M1 ‘…opposite the beauty centre’. [Pause] M1 .أﻣﺎم ﻣرﻛز اﻟﺟﻣﺎل M2 .áeÓ°ùdG [Pause] ™e .Gôµ°T M1 How did you get on directing the man? Ready for another request? This time it’s a woman who asks. F2 ?¥óæa ÜôbCG øjCG !â몰S ƒd. M1 Say ‘Head left at the traffic lights…’. [Pause] M1 .QhôŸG IQÉ°TEG óæY QÉ°ùj »¡ŒG M1 ‘… then take the second street on the left’ [Pause] © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 11 Additional audio transcripts M1 F2 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) .QÉ°ù«dG ≈∏Y ´QÉ°T ÊÉK …òN qºK [repeating quietly] .QÉ°ù«dG ≈∏Y ´QÉ°T ÊÉK …QhôŸG IQÉ°TEG óæY QÉ°ùj M1 Say ‘Yes, there’s a hotel on the right… . [Pause] M1 ...Úª«dG ≈∏Y ¥óæa ∑Éæg .º©f M1 ‘…after the train station’. [Pause] M1 .QÉ£≤dG á£fi ó©H... F2 .áeÓ°ùdG [Pause] ™e .Gôµ°T © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 12 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 6: Conversation (1) áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 6: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG Leila has asked you to go back to the grocer. Check with the list and prepare what you need to say first. [pause] Now take part in the conversation, following my prompts. You’ll hear me giving a model Arabic response after the pause. Start by saying ‘Good morning. I forgot some things’ [Pause] M1 .AÉ«°TC’G M2 ¢†©nH oâ«°ùf ...ÒÿG ìÉÑ°U !âbnh q…CG ‘ ∂H ÓgCG M1 Say ‘I’d like a large box of eggs…’. [Pause] M1 ...IÒÑc ¢†«H áÑ∏Y ójQCG M1 ‘… and a bottle of water, please’ [Pause] M1 .∂∏°†a øe ,√É«e áLÉLRh M2 ?ÊÉK A»°T .∑ôeCG â– M1 Say ‘Yes, I need a packet of biscuits’ [Pause] M1 ?âjƒµ°ùH áÑ∏Y êÉàMCG .º©f M2 ?ÚàdÉH hCG áJ’ƒcƒ°ûdÉH âjƒµ°ùH M1 Ask ‘How much are the fig biscuits?’ [Pause] M1 ?ÚàdG âjƒµ°ùH ºµH M2 .Iô°û©H áÑ∏©dG M1 Say ‘OK. I’ll take that packet’ [Pause] M1 .áÑ∏©dG √òg òNBÉ°S .Öq«W M2 .πq°†ØJ M1 And ask ‘How much is the bill?’ [Pause] M1 ?ÜÉ°ù◊G ºµ [Pause] M1 How did you manage the first time around? Challenge yourself to see how long it takes you to be word perfect in your part without using any notes! © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 13 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 6: Exercise 8 Reserving the table IóFÉŸG õénM, Exercise 8 Listen to three people telephoning the Nujoum restaurant and fill in the chart with the details of their reservations. [FX phone ringing - restaurant picks up] F1 M2 M2 . ÒÿG AÉ°ùe ΩƒéædG º©£e [FX over telephone] .∂∏°†a øe ,Ú°üî°ûd IóFÉe õéMCG ¿CG ójQCG .QƒædG AÉ°ùe ?Ωƒj …C’ M1 [FX over telephone] ᩪ÷G Ωƒj M2 ?AÉ°û©∏d hCG AGó¨∏d .PÉà°SCG Éj ∑ôeCG â– [FX over telephone] .™HôdGh 8 áYÉ°ùdG .AÉ°û©∏d ?º°S’Gh .™HôdGh 8 áYÉ°ùdG ᩪ÷G ÚæK’ IóFÉe [FX over telephone] .AÉ≤∏dG ¤EG .Gôµ°T .äÉcôH .äÉcôH PÉà°SCG Éj AÉ≤∏dG ¤EG M1 M1 M2 M1 M2 [Pause] [FX phone rings again - restaurant picks up] M2 .ΩƒéædG º©£e ,ƒdBG F1 [FX over telephone] M2 F1 M2 F1 M2 F1 ?âÑ°ùdG ,kGóZ AGó¨∏d á©HQC’ IóFÉe ºcóæY .ÒÿG AÉ°ùe ?¿hójôJ áYÉ°S …CG .k .Éfƒaô°ûJ .ó«cCG [FX over telephone] ?∞°üædGh IóMGhdG áYÉ°ùdG ... ...∞°üædGh IóMGhdG [FX over telephone] .º«¡a IQƒf »ª°SG ÉfCG .º«¡a IQƒf ΩGóe º°SÉH ∞°üædGh IóMGhdG áYÉ°ùdG kGóZ á©HQC’ IóFÉe ... [FX over telephone] .áeÓ°ùdG ™e .Iôµ°ûàe .áeÓ°ùdG ™e M2 [Pause] [FX phone rings a third time - restaurant picks up] M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 .ΩƒéædG º©£e ,ÒÿG AÉ°ùe [FX over telephone] .óMC’G Ωƒj IóFÉe õéMCG ¿CG ójQCG .QƒædG AÉ°ùe ?ΩGóe Éj ºc áYÉ°ùdG ?óMC’G Ωƒj [FX over telephone] .OÓ«e ó«Y .¢UÉî°TCG á©°ùJ øëf . nÉÑjô≤J 7 áYÉ°ùdG ?øµ‡ 6 áYÉ°ùdG - 7 áYÉ°ùdG IÒÑc IóFÉe ∑Éæg ¢ù«d .∞°SBG ÉfCG ?á©°ùJ [FX over telephone] .6 áYÉ°ùdG øµ‡ .º©f ?º°S’G ƒg Éeh .6 áYÉ°ùdG óMC’G Ωƒj á©°ùàd IóFÉe ...Éfƒaô°ûJ [FX over telephone] .¢SQÉa ΩGóe ...¢SQÉa .¢SQÉa ΩGóe Éj óMC’G Ωƒj ¤EG © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 14 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 6: Conversation (2) áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 6: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You are going to telephone the Nujoum restaurant to make a booking. Prepare what you need to say first. [pause] Now take part in the conversation on the recording, following my prompts. As usual, you’ll hear me giving a model Arabic response after the pause. Ready? [Pause] [FX phone dials - hear ringing down line and then restaurant picks up] M2 [FX over telephone] .ΩƒéædG º©£e ,ÒÿG AÉ°ùe M1 Reply to the greeting and say you’d like to reserve a table . [Pause] M1 .∂∏°†a øe ,IóFÉe õéMCG ¿CG ójQCG .QƒædG AÉ°ùe M2 [FX over telephone] ?¢üN°T ºµd M1 Tell him how many people [Pause] M1 .¢UÉî°TCG á°ùªÿ M2 [FX over telephone] ?ºc áYÉ°ùdGh Ωƒj …C’ M1 Tell him which day and time [Pause] M1 .∂∏°†a øe ,∞°üædGh 8 áYÉ°ùdG ¢ù«ªÿG M2 Ωƒj [FX over telephone]?º°S’G Ée .»°TÉe ... á°ùªÿ ∞°üædGh 8 áYÉ°ùdG ¢ù«ªÿG M1 Give him your name [Pause] M1 .Qƒf ódÉN M2 [FX over telephone] .¢ù«ªÿG Ωƒj ¤EG .Ö«W M1 Thank him and say goodbye [Pause] M1 .áeÓ°ùdG ™e .Gôµ°T [FX telephone click being put down] © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 15 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 7: Exercise 1 F1 Exercise 1 Listen to Najiba introducing herself. Write down her details on the form. [Pause] F2 áæjóe ‘ 1986 ΩÉY ôjGÈa 6 Ωƒj oäódpho .¿GQóH áÑ«‚ »ª°SG ÉfGC Ó°UGC ,á«æ«£°ù∏a »¡a »eqGC ÉeGC .Ék°†jGC …Qƒ°S »HGCh ájQƒ°S ÉfÉCa Ö∏M ,áãjóM IQɪY ‘ á≤q°T ÉfóæY .≥°ûeO ‘ ¿’BG º«≤fo .íaQ áæjóe øe äÉ©«Ñe áHhóæe πªYGC .≥°ûeO ,IRôH ,Ú°ù◊G ´QÉ°T 18 ¿Gƒæ©dG .zá«bô°ûdG áªéædG ácô°T{ É¡ª°SG ᪰UÉ©dG §°Sh ‘ á«dhO ácô°ûd © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 16 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 7: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 7: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You have just entered a restaurant with two friends. Prepare what you want to order first. [pause] Now take part in the conversation, following my prompts. You’ll hear me giving a model Arabic response after the pause. Ready? [Pause] F2 .ÒÿG AÉ°ùe M1 Reply to the greeting, then say ‘we’ve reserved a table for three people’ . [Pause] M1 .¢UÉî°TCG áKÓãd IóFÉe Éfõéë .QƒædG AÉ°ùe F2 ?∂∏°†a øe º°S’G M1 Give your name [Pause] M1 .äÉcôH F2 .á©°ùJ ºbQ IóFÉe .Gƒ∏°†ØJ .Ó¡°Sh ÓgCG M1 Say ‘thank you’. [Pause] M1 .nGôµ°T M1 Now you’re seated, say ‘We’d like the grilled kofta, please’ [Pause] M1 .∂p∏°†a øe ,ájƒ°ûŸG áàصdG ójôf F2 ?ÊÉK A»°T .∑ôeCG â– M1 Tell her ‘with rice and salad’ [Pause] M1 .áWÓ°Sh RQCG ™e M1 Ask ‘do you have any pickled cucumber?’ [Pause] M1 ?π∏fl QÉ«N ºcóæY πg F2 .π∏fl ¿ƒª«dh QõL ÉfóæY øµdh QÉ«N ÉfóæY ¢ù«d .áØ°SBG ÉfCG M1 Say ‘Lovely, we’ll take a plate of pickled carrot’ [Pause] M1 .π∏fl QõL ≥ÑW òNBÉæ°S ,π«ªL F2 ?äÉHhô°ûŸGh .ô°VÉM M1 Say ‘a mint tea and bottle of water, please’ [Pause] M1 .∂p∏°†a øe √É«e áLÉLRh ´Éæ©æH …É°T © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 17 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) [Pause] Unit 8: Exercise 3 F1 Exercise 3 Listen to these four descriptions and write the correct number next to the pictures. [Pause] M2 .ÉkHÉéMh IRƒ∏Hh á∏jƒW IQƒqæJ ¢ùÑ∏J »g 1 .¢†«HCG ¢ü«ªb ™e ≥æY á£HQh ádóH ¢ùÑ∏j ƒg 2 .ó∏L ∫óæ°U ™e äÒ°T-»Jh äQƒ°T ¢ùÑ∏J »g 3 .kGÒÑc kÉØ£©eh Îjƒ°Sh ¿ƒ∏£æH ¢ùÑ∏j ƒg 4 © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 18 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 8: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 8: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You need some new jeans and a shirt. Prepare your role first. Then take part in the conversation. [pause] M1 Start by asking “Do you have jeans?”. [pause] M1 F2 ?õæ«L ºcóæY πg ?∂°SÉ≤e ºc .º©f M1 Give the shop assistant your waist size. [pause] M1 F2 34 »°SÉ≤e ?øcGódG ¥QRC’G ?õæ«÷G Gòg ‘ ∂jCGQ Ée M1 Say “No. The colour is very dark. I prefer the light blue one(s).” [pause] M1 F2 .—ÉØdG ¥QRC’G πq°†aCG ÉfCG .kGqóL øcGO ¿ƒ∏dG .’ .∂°SÉ≤e Gòg M1 Say “Yes, these jeans are comfortable.” [pause] M1 F2 .íjôe õæ«÷G Gòg .º©f ?ÊÉK A»°T M1 Say “Yes, I need a short-sleeved shirt.” [pause] M1 F2 .qºc ∞°üæH ¢ü«ªb ¤EG êÉàMCG .º©f ?ʃª«∏dG M1 Say “This shirt is tight. Can I try the orange one with the green collar?” [pause] M1 F2 ?AGô°†ÿG ábÉ«dÉH ‹É≤JÈdG ÜuônLoCG øµ‡ .≥q«°V ¢ü«ªbdG Gòg !Ó©a ≥«fCG º≤W .πq°†ØJ © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 19 )Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500 Additional audio transcripts Unit 8: Exercise 8 Exercise 8 Samya is showing a friend a picture she took on a recent family walk. Follow the instructions. ][pause أﻧظر ﯾﺎ ﺧﻠﯾل .ھذه ﺻورة أﺧذ ُﺗﮭﺎ ﺣدﯾﺛﺎً. ﺻورة ﺟﻣﯾﻠﺔ! و َﻣن ھﻲ اﻟﻣرأة اﻟﺗﻲ ﺗﻠﺑس اﻟﻔﺳﺗﺎن اﻷﺳود واﻟﻣﻌطف اﻷﺑﯾض? .ھﻲ زﯾﻧب ،زوﺟﺔ أﺧﻲ .وﻣﯾدو ،اﺑن أﺧﻲ ،ﺑﺟﺎﻧﺑﮭﺎ ﻋﻠﻰ اﻟﯾﺳﺎر. اﻟوﻟد اﻟﺻﻐﯾر اﻟذي ﯾﺑﺗﺳم? ﻧﻌم! اﻟوﻟد اﻟذي ﯾﻠﺑس اﻟﺗﻲ-ﺷﯾرت اﻷزرق واﻷﺧﺿر. وﻣن ھذه اﻟﺷﺎ ّﺑﺔ ﻓﻲ وﺳط اﻟﺻورة اﻟﺗﻲ ﺗﻠﺑس اﻟﺣﺟﺎب اﻟورديّ? ھذه أﺧﺗﻲ أﻣل. F1 F2 M1 F2 M1 F2 M1 F2 آه .أﺧﺗك اﻟﺻﻐﯾرة أﻣل! M1 ﻧﻌم .وھﻧﺎ ھﯾﻠﯾﻧﺎ ،ﺻﺎﺣﺑﺔ أﺧﺗﻲ اﻟﺗﻲ ﺗﻠﺑس اﻟﺟﯾﻧز واﻟﻘ ّﺑﻌﺔ ﻣن اﻟﺻوف. واﻟﻘﺑﻌﺔ ﻣن اﻟﺻوف. ھذا طﻘم ﻣرﯾﺢ وﻣﻧﺎﺳب ﻟﻠطﻘس اﻟﺑﺎرد .اﻟﺟﯾﻧز ﻣﻊ اﻟﻣﻌطف ﺑﻼ أﻛﻣﺎم ّ ﻛﺎﻧت ﻧزھﺔ ﺟﻣﯾﻠﺔ ﻓﻌﻼً! 20 F2 M1 F2 © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 8: Exercise 11 F1 M1 Exercise 11 An Iraqi fashion designer, Hakima Zakariya, is showcasing her latest designs. The show’s commentator is introducing four models who are wearing the new outfits. [pause] [FX through public address system] ,»JOÉ°S »JÉ°ùfBG »JGó«°S ...ójó÷G º°SƒŸG äBÉLÉØeh ﺣﻛﯾﻣﺔ زﻛرﯾﺎ،ﻣرﺣﺑﺎ ً ﺑﻛم ﻓﻲ ﻋرض أزﯾﺎء اﻟﻣﺻﻣﻣﺔ اﻟﻌراﻗﯾﺔ اﻟﺷﮭﯾرة »ÑgP AGòM ...IÒÑc QGQRGCh ...¢†jôY ΩGõM ™e …OQh...ìÉÑ°ü∏d ≥«bQ ¿Éà°ùa ...á∏«ªL ¿’BG iôf .á∏«ªL Gôµ°T ...ìÉÑ°ü∏d ™FGQ º≤W ...á«ÑgP ój áÑ«≤M ™e ¿ƒ∏dG äGó«°ùd Ö°SÉæe ..≥«fCGh º°ûàfi .πª©dG äÉYɪàL’ hGC Ö൪∏d º≤W ...ájOÉ°T iôf ¿’BGh Gôµ°T ...»°UÉ°UQ É¡fƒd »©«Ñ£dG ó∏÷G øe ∫ɪYGC áÑ«≤M ™e íjôe …OÉeQ AGòM ...∫ɪY’CG .ájOÉ°T Ö«÷G ≈∏Y õjô£J ™e ...ábÉ«dG ∫ƒ£H á«gGR ¿GƒdGC ...ó«dÉH ∫ƒ¨°ûe ..q…ó«∏≤J º≤W ...ôª°S √ògh .ôª°S Éj Gôµ°T ,,,äGô¡°ùdG hGC ±ÉaõdG äÓØ◊ Ö°SÉæe º≤W ...π«ªL øcGO ôªMGC ôjôM ΩGõM ...ºqµdGh IOÓb ...Ú©∏d áëjôe øµdh IójÉfi ¿GƒdGC ...äÉÑéëª∏d º≤W ...Éfƒëf ¬éàJ »gh óæg iôf ¿’BGh !™FGQ º≤W ...¿ƒ∏dG ¢ùØæH ¥QRGC AGòMh ...AÉbQõdG äƒbÉ«dG ¢Uƒ°üa ™e IÒÑc á«ÑgP [FX: applause] ﺗﺣﯾﻲ اﻟﺟﻣﮭور... ﺣﻛﯾﻣﺔ زﻛرﯾﺎ...واﻵن اﻟﻣﺻﻣﻣﺔ © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 21 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 9: Exercise 2 F1 Exercise 2 Listen to Mrs Mabrouk talking about her five children. Fill in the chart with their details, as in the example. [pause] F2 ‘ ƒgh áæ°S 19 √ôªY .ó«©°S »æHG ƒg º¡æe Èc’CG .¿ÉàæHh O’hGC áKÓK :∫ÉØWGC á°ùªN …óæY ÉfGC áæ°ùdG ‘ ,ájƒfÉãdG á°SQóŸG ‘ »gh áæ°S 17 ÉgôªY IÒæe »àæH .á©eÉ÷G øe ¤h’CG áæ°ùdG ,ÊÉãdG q∞°üdG - ájqOGóY’EG á∏MôŸG ‘ ∫ɪc .´ƒÑ°SGC ó©H kGóqL áªq¡e äÉfÉëàeG ÉgóæY - áãdÉãdG ,ô¨°U’CG .Úæ°S 10 √ôªY h á«FGóàH’G á°ùeÉÿG áæ°ùdG ‘ - ódÉN - ódh …óæYh .ΩÉY 13 √ôªYh .á°VhôdG øe ¤h’CG áæ°ùdG änGCóàHGh §≤a Úæ°S 4 ÉgôªY ,IQÉ°S »àÑ«ÑM Unit 9: Exercise 5 Exercise 5 Listen to Munira and her friend, Akmal, talking about how they think they’ll do in their final examinations. Note which subjects they are feeling positive or negative about. [pause] M1 ?ΩOÉ≤dG ´ƒÑ°SCC’G äÉfÉëàeÓd Iqó©à°ùe pâfCG ,IÒæe Éj F1 F1 .ájõ«∏‚E’G ‘ áØ«©°V ÊEG ∫Éb ºq∏©ŸG ¿C’ áØFÉN ÉfCG πªcCG Éj á≤«≤◊G ‘ M1 .Ωƒ∏©dGh äÉ«°VÉjôdG ‘ áqjƒb ∂qæµdh F1 .kGqóL áqª¡e ájõ«∏‚E’G á¨∏dG øµdh OGƒŸG √òg ‘ ó«LCG º©f M1 !kGóHCG ¢SQóŸG ΩÓc º¡aCG ’ .AÉjõ«ØdG º∏Yh È÷Gh äÉ«°VÉjôdG ‘ GqóL ∞«©°V ÉfCG .IÒæe Éj á«cP ∂qæµdh F1 .º°SôdGh ≈≤«°SƒŸG ‘ ܃gƒe ∂qæµdh M1 !º°SôdGh ≈≤«°SƒŸG ‘ äÉfÉëàeG ÉfóæY ¢ù«d F1 .¬«a ¥qƒØàe âfCG ∂æµdh kÉbÓWEG ïjQÉàdG qÖMCG ’ ?ïjQÉàdGh M1 .»∏°ùe ïjQÉàdG ,º©f F1 ?äÉfÉëàe’G ‘ í‚CÉ°S ∞«c .kÉ°†jCG áq«Hô©dGh ájõ«∏‚E’G ‘ áØ«©°V ÉfCG ?äɨ∏dGh M1 .ºq∏©àdG áÑ©°U â°ù«d äɨ∏dG F1 !Ωƒ∏©dG ¢ShQO ∂d ìô°TCÉ°S ÉfCGh äɨ∏dG ‘ ÊóYÉ°ùJ pâfCG !Iôµa …óæY © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 22 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 9: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 9: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You are going to take part in a conversation with Munira about which subjects you enjoy. Prepare what you want to say first and then join in the conversation. [pause] Are you ready? I’ll give an example response after the pause, but remember that your responses could be different depending on your personal preferences. [pause] F1 .ájõ«∏‚E’G ‘ áØ«©°V ÊC’ áØFÉN ÉfCG M1 Say ‘English isn’t difficult to learn’. [pause] M1 .ºq∏©àdG áÑ©°U â°ù«d ájõ«∏‚E’G M1 Now give a subject that you think is difficult to learn. [pause] M1 F1 .ºq∏©àdG Ö©°U È÷G ¿CG qøXCG øµdh ?∑óæY á∏°†ØŸG OGƒŸG »g Ée .ºªg M1 Tell Munira one subject that you do well in... [pause] M1 .ïjQÉàdG ‘ ó«LCG ÉfCG M1 ... and one you excel in [pause] M1 .º°SôdG ‘ ¥ƒØàeh M1 Now ask Munira what her favourite subjects are. [pause] M1 F1 ?IÒæe Éj ∑óæY á∏°†ØŸG OGƒŸG »g Éeh .kÉbÓWEG ïjQÉàdG ÖMCG ’ »æµdh Ωƒ∏©dGh äÉ«°VÉjôdG ‘ ójLCG M1 Tell Munira about a subject you don’t like. [pause] M1 .AÉjõØdG º∏Y ÖMCG ’ ÉfCG M1 and one you are weak in. [pause] M1 F1 .äÉ«°VÉjôdG ‘ kGqóL ∞«©°V ÉfCGh !IOÉe π¡°SCG √òg øµdh © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 23 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 11: Exercise 1 F1 Exercise 1 Listen to the weather forecast and put a tick next to the features mentioned. [pause] kÉMÉÑ°U QqÉMh ¢ùª°ûe Ωƒ«dG ¢ù≤£dG .ájqƒ÷G Iô°ûædG ‘ ºµH kÉÑMôe ¿ƒ©ªà°ùŸG IOÉ°ùdG É¡jGC ¢†©H ô¡¶à°S ,AÉ°ùŸG ‘h .ájƒÄe áLQO ÚKÓKh á°ùªNh ÚKÓK ÚH IQGô◊G áLQO ìhGÎà°Sh .äÉ¡÷G á«≤H ‘ kGƒë°U 𶫰S ƒ÷G øµdh ,πMGƒ°ùdG Üôbh ∫ɪ°ûdG ‘ á°†ØîæŸG Öë°ùdG .áYÉ°ùdG ‘ Îeƒ∏«c 18 íjôdG áYô°Sh á«HôZ á«dɪ°T ìÉjôdG √ÉŒG .ô¡¶dG ó©H QÉ£e’CG •ƒ≤°S ∫ɪàMG ™e kɪFÉZ ¢ù≤£dG ¿ƒµ«°ùa kGóZ ÉeGC Unit 11: Exercise 3 F1 Exercise 3 Zeinah is talking about the climate in Lebanon. Listen and choose the correct answer. [pause] F2 .kGóL kGô£‡ ¢ù«dh kGóqL kÉaqÉL ¢ù«d ,∫óà©e kÉeƒªYo Éæg ñÉæŸG .¿ÉæÑd ‘ ähÒH øe ÉfGC .ÉkeƒªY á°†Øîæe »¡a áHƒWôdG áÑ°ùf ÉeGC ™«HôdG ‘ kÉfÉ«MCGh .∫ÉÑ÷G »∏Y è∏K óLƒj AÉà°ûdG ‘ qøµdh ¢ùª°ûeh ± q ÉL ∞«°üdG ‘ ƒ÷G .∞°UGƒYh Iójó°T ìÉjQ ∑Éæg ÚH IQGô◊G áLQOh ¢ùª°ûeh π«ªL ¢ù≤£dG .º°Sƒe ø°ùMGC »jGCQ ‘ ƒ¡a ,¿ÉæÑd ‘ ∞jôÿG ÉeGC .áLQO 30h 25 © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 24 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 11: Exercise 5 F1 Exercise 5 Maha and her husband are discussing whether to go on holiday to the coast or to the desert. Listen to the discussion and make notes about the advantages and disadvantages of each destination as you hear about them. [pause] M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 F2 M2 ?ó«©dG ‘ AGôë°üdG ¤EG Ögòf ,É¡e Éj ∂jCGQ Ée .A»°T É¡«a ¢ù«dh ÉæY Ió«©H AGôë°üdG ?GPÉŸ ?AGôë°üdG .IÒãc äÉMGh iÔ°ùa ,AGôë°üdG ¤EG ÉæÑgP GPEG .»àÑ«ÑM Éj ¢ùµ©dÉH .RÉà‡ πcCGh IôNÉa ¥OÉæa óLƒà .πMÉ°ùdG πq°†aCG ÉfCG ?äÉMGh .IRƒéfi ¿ƒµà°ù ±ô¨dG πc .ó«©dG ‘ ¥óæa …CG ‘ áaôZ óéæ ød ?∑Éæg ΩÉææ°S øjCG ,AGôë°üdG ‘h ºMóõe πMÉ°ùdG øµdh qGóL áFOÉg AGôë°üdG .ΩƒéædG â– ¿ÉÑãµdG ÚH ΩÉæfh ᪫N òNCÉæ°S .OÉ«YC’G AÉæKCG ká°UÉN ?Ögòæ°S ∞«ch !π«∏dÉH á°†Øîæe IQGô◊G áLQO ¿ƒµà°S !᪫N ‘ ΩÉfCG ød .IQÉ«°ùdÉH kÉ©ÑW .á©°SÉàdG áYÉ°ùdG πÑb π°üæ ødh kGqóL ¿ÉÑ©J ¿ƒµà°ùa IQÉq«°ùdG näóob GPEG .’ ,’ ?ôÄÑdG øe ‘É°üdG AÉŸG »Hô°ûJ ¿CG ¿jójôJ ’CG .Ωƒj qπc kɵª°S πcCÉæ°S`a ,πMÉ°ùdG ¤EG ÉæÑgP GPEG !ɵª°S πcBGh ’ƒc Üô°TCG ¿CG π°†aCG .ô¡¶dG πÑb π°üæ°S .IÒ°üb á∏MôdGh ?áaôZ óéæ°S ∞«c ?áaô¨dGh .áq≤°T Éæd ¿hóé«°S .∑Éæg ¿ƒæµ°ùj AÉbó°UCG ÉfóæY (sighing) .πMÉ°ùdG ¬qfEG .»àÑ«ÑM Éj º©f © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 25 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 12: Exercise 2 F1 Exercise 2 Listen to the patients describing their ailments and match them with the pictures. [pause] F2 .´Gó°U …óæY 1 [pause] M1 .¿Éæ°SC’G ‘ ójó°T [pause] M2 .»∏LQ [pause] ‘ ⁄CÉH ô©°TCG ÉfCG 3 .∂ª°ùdG F1 [pause] .OôH M1 [pause] M2 øe á«°SÉ°ùM …óæY 4 …óæY 5 .…Qó°U F2 [pause] .ÊPCG F1 [pause] ⁄CG …óæY 2 ‘ ⁄C’ÉH ô©°TCG 6 ‘ ⁄CÉH ô©°TCG ÉfCG 7 .≈qªM …óæY 8 © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 26 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 12: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 12: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You’re at the pharmacy. Prepare your role first. Then take part in the conversation. [pause] F2 ?∑nópYÉ°SoCG øµ‡ .ÒÿG ìÉÑ°U M1 Say “I feel unwell”. [pause] M1 F2 .¢VôŸÉH ô©°TCG ÉfCG ?´Góo°U ∑óæY πg ?§Ñn°†dÉH ∂H GPÉe M1 Say ‘Yes, and I also have pains in my stomach. [pause] M1 F2 »æ£H‘ Ω’BG …óæY kÉ°†jCGh ,º©f ?iôNCG ¢VGôYCÉH ô©°ûJ πg M1 Say “I have a fever...” [pause] M1 ...≈ªM …óæY M1 “... and a bad pain in my ear” [pause] M1 F2 .ÊPCG ‘ ójó°T ⁄CGh . kGÒãc kAÉe Üô°TGh ,AGhnódG Gòg øe áÑ∏Y ÜuônL M1 Say “I have an allergy to penicillin” [pause] M1 .Ú∏«°ù«æÑdG øe á«°SÉ°ùM …óæY ÉfCG M1 And ask “Is this penicillin?” [pause] M1 F2 ?Ú∏«°ù«æÑ Gòg πg .§≤a øjOƒch ∫ƒªÉà«°SGôH Gòg .’ M1 Say “Thank you. I’ll take the box.” [pause] M1 .áÑ∏©dG òNBÉ°S .Gôµ°T © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 27 Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Additional audio transcripts Unit 13: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG M1 Unit 13: Conversation áKOÉëª`dG You’re going to talk to an Arabic friend about what kind of cultural activities you enjoy. Prepare your role first. Then take part in the conversation. You’ll hear some model answers after the pause but remember that yours will depend on your personal preferences. [pause] F1 ?IAGô≤dG Ö– πg M1 Say ‘Yes’, then tell your friend what type of literature you enjoy reading: [pause] M1 .äÉjGhôdG IAGô≤H ™àªà°SCG ,º©f M1 And a type of literature you don’t enjoy. [pause] M1 F1 .äÉ«Mô°ùŸG IAGô≤H ™àªà°SCG ’ »æµdh ?π°†ØŸG ∂ØdDƒe ƒg øeh M1 Answer her question. [pause] M1 F1 .õæµjO õdQÉ°ûJ ƒg π°†ØŸG »ØdDƒe ?ÆGôØdG âbh ‘ π©ØJ ¿CG Ö– GPÉeh M1 Give one activity you like to do... [pause] M1 .¿ƒjõØ«∏àdG IógÉ°ûe ÖMCG M1 ...and something you don’t do very often. [pause] M1 F1 .kGÒãc ɪ櫰ùdG ¤EG ÖgòCG ’ »æµdh ?¿ƒqÑëj GPÉe ?∂à∏FÉYh M1 Give an activity someone in your family likes... [pause] M1 ...ÜÉÑ°ûdG ÊÉZCCÉH »àæH ™àªà°ùJ M1 ... and what you prefer [pause] M1 .GôHhC’G [pause] πq°†aCG »æµdh Try that a few times, changing the information each time so that you review all the vocabulary you have met so far in this unit. © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 28 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 13: Exercise 5 Exercise 5 Listen to two friends, Othman and Nadim, talking about which film to see at the cinema. Write down the times of the film showings, as in the example. [pause] F1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 M2 M1 ?âÑ°ùdG hCG ᩪ÷G Ωƒj »©e ɪ櫰ùdG ¤EG ÜÉgòdG ójôJ πg ,Ëóf Éj ?ΩÓaC’G ó«YGƒe ±ô©J πg .Ióq«L Iôµa á©HÉ°ùdG áYÉ°ùdG CGóÑj ”ìÉÑ°TC’G ô°ünb ‘ á∏«d” º∏«a ....Iójô÷G ‘ áHƒàµe ó«YGƒŸG .º©f .âÑ°ùdG Ωƒj á°SOÉ°ùdG áYÉ°ùdGh ,ᩪ÷G Ωƒj ∞°üædGh .kGÒãc ÖYôdG ΩÓaCG ÖMCG ’ .ÖYôdG ΩÓaCG qÖ– nâæc nâfCG ...øµdh !áæ°S 14 …ôªY ¿Éc ÉŸ É¡H ™àªà°SCG oâæc !º©f á©°SÉàdG áYÉ°ùdG ᩪ÷G ¢VôY ∑Éæg .”QÉædG ôëH ¥ƒa ácpô©ne” :ÜôM º∏«a óLƒj kGPEG .™HôdGh áæeÉãdG áYÉ°ùdG âÑ°ùdGh ?”äôHÉfƒH ¿ƒ«∏HÉf” º∏«a ‘ ∂jCGQ Ée ...áq«∏«é°ùàdG hCG áq«îjôÉàdG ΩÓaC’G πq°†aCG .kÉ°†jCG âÑ°ùdGh ᩪ÷G ∞°üædGh Iô°TÉ©dG áYÉ°ùdG CGóÑj º∏«ØdG ,IôNCÉàe ¢Vhô©dG øµdh º©f á°ùeÉÿG áYÉ°ùdG .”Oƒ°SC’G …OGh ‘ ¢ûª°ûe” ...‹õ¡dG º∏«ØdG Gòg ’G ôNBG º∏«a ∑Éæg ¢ù«d GPEG ?áq«dõ¡dG ΩÓaC’ÉH ™àªà°ùJ πg .§≤a ᩪ÷G ™HôdGh .QÉàîf qºK âfÎf’G ‘ ΩÓaC’G √òg øY ܃ൟG kÉ©e CGô≤f ÉæH É«g .kÉfÉ«MCG ?ôJƒ«ÑªµdG øjCG .Ióq«L Iôµa .º©f © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 29 Additional audio transcripts Mastering Arabic 2 (ISBN: 978-1352008500) Unit 14: Exercise 3 F1 Exercise 3 Farida is at ‘Lost and Found’ reporting the contents of her small suitcase which has been lost by the airline. Listen to the conversation and note the details of the lost items. [FX: background airport noise] M .äGOƒ≤ØŸÉH áªFÉb ¿’ B G Öàµæ°S .ΩGóe Éj ÓgGC F 1M M F M AGòMh Oƒ°SGC ¬fƒd ±ƒ°U ∞£©e Ék°†jGC É¡«ah .ôjô◊G øe ôªMGC Iô¡°S ¿Éà°ùa É¡«a áÑ«≤◊G .º©f ,º©f .øcGO »æH ¬fƒd ó∏÷G øe äƒH ?ôNGB A»°T …GC .á°†ØdG øe IOÓb ¬«ah ºé◊G §°Sƒàe ¥hóæ°U É¡«a ¿Éc .º©f .ΩGóe Éj áÑ«≤◊G óéæ°S ¬∏dG AÉ°T ¿GE F .ø£≤dG øe AGôØ°U IRƒ∏H Ék°†jGC É¡«a ¿Éch M .Égóéæ°S ¬∏dG AÉ°T ¿GE .ΩGóe Éj ,º©f ,º©f F !áYô°ùH áÑ«≤◊G øY åëHG ∑ƒLQGC .—Éa ¥QRGC õæ«L ¿ƒ∏£æH Ék°†jGC É¡«a ¿Éch M .ΩGóe Éj ¬∏dG AÉ°T ¿GE © Jane Wightwick and Mahmoud Gaafar 30