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School's Role in Community: Social Studies Module Assignment

Biclar, Rhena Grace
BSED Social Studies 2B
1. Make a reflection paper about your previous schools (from K to 12). Which of your
school is a successful school and justify based on its contributions to your community.
High-quality services and supports must always be provided to students in order for them to reach
their full potential in the classroom. Equity does not imply equality in these schools, and some
students will need more resources to achieve the same level of success as their classmates. I had
firsthand experience of a similar circumstance at a previous school. Both teachers and students
admire Pontevedra National High School’s dedication to academic excellence and emphasis on
individual attention. What criteria do I employ to assess the success of this school? Consequently,
I am able to mentally picture the outcome clearly. Because I went to this school, I was able to
develop a strong character and perspective. For many years, I have been plagued by my inability
to step outside of my comfort zone. My fear is preventing me from developing as a person because
I cannot conquer it. In contrast, I've learned a lot since I started attending this college on the first
day of class. As a result of their influence, I was filled with gratitude for humanitarian efforts and
an understanding of the necessity of providing presents to those in need. Consequently, I view
myself as a diligent learner who is driven to succeed in the community.
Make a concept map and think at least 5 words that best describe the role of the school in
the community. Elucidate each role and its significance in building good community.
Major roles of the school in the community
1. Provider of or vital sources of knowledge and innovations (warehouse of information).
School is where we began to put into practice the knowledge that had been built up in our
developing minds. As a result, school sharpens our knowledge while also allowing us to experiment and
innovate. It is a place where we can find certainty in the midst of uncertainty, and where every part of a
whole comes together.
2. Contributors to economic development.
The importance of education and schooling in economic development cannot be overstated. For
many years, the modern way of life has been raising the living standards of its inhabitants. Students who
are produced by schools can therefore meet those standards and contribute to the improvement of the
economy as well as the school's output. It all starts with a few simple steps. It is important to support schools
that provide a source of income for the community especially to those who are needy.
1. Agents of social and cultural development (develop manpower and serve as repository of the
people’s history and culture).
We've inherited a rich heritage of customs and literature. It is the school's role to serve as a
repository of knowledge that is assisting the community achieves these goals. Changing the social order in
a community means altering social institutions, behavior, and relationships in various ways. Societal
changes to long-standing social standards are a crucial part of this process of social evolution. We can
engage the community in the preservation of development by utilizing the school's function.
For George Counts, schools and teachers should be agents of change where schools are considered
instruments for social improvement rather than agencies for preserving the status quo (change for the
Schools and teachers are way better agents of change. Since they are already part of the school’s
function, it would be easy to preserve the status quo and or social improvements. Agencies could still take
part of this as a guide and a helping hand on the school’s vision, mission and goals.
For Theodore Brameld (social reconstructionist), present culture should be examined to resolve
inconsistencies, controversies, and conflicts to build a new society not just change society and so, education
must be international in scope for global citizenship.
School is a tool for resolving social issues. Brameld views the classroom as a venue committed to
quantitative and active societal change. Believing that the school is a space where all leaders are products
of schools that provide developmentally appropriate curricula.