NFS 1020 Exam 2 Study Guide *This is a general study guide for the exam, reviewing lectures, class notes, and assignments will be beneficial! ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Carbohydrates General: ○ AMDR/DRI ○ Primary functions ○ Food sources Complex CHO vs Simple CHO ○ Complex: ■ Starch: food sources, functions ■ Fiber: food sources, functions, benefits, recommendations, total fiber ■ Glycogen: what is it, make-up, where is it found? ■ Polysaccharides: what are they, make up ○ Simple: ■ Monosaccharides (made up of what, sources) ■ Disaccharides (make up of what, sources) Fiber ○ Soluble vs insoluble: (functions/process in the body) ○ Effects of fiber Grains ○ Enrichment process (pieces added/or removed) ○ Multi-grain vs whole grain CHO Digestion ○ Hormones and organs involved Lactose Intolerance ○ What is the cause? Symptoms? Treatment? Diabetes ○ Type 1 vs type 2: (prevention/treatment, Who is at risk) ○ Gestational: (what is this condition? Long term complications?) ○ Diet risks/other risks ○ Symptoms/warning signs Ketosis ○ What are ketone bodies/when are they formed ○ CHO needed a day to prevent ketosis (minimum for brain function) Fat ○ Functions/purposes ○ Food sources ○ Current recommendations for fat intake ○ Know the different types/general make up (hydrogen saturation of each) ■ Trans fatty acids (food sources, potential pros/cons) ■ Saturated fatty acids (food sources, potential pros/cons) ■ Monounsaturated (food sources, potential pros/cons) ■ Polyunsaturated (food sources, potential pros/cons) Cooking oils: ○ Saturated fat content (which has the most) ○ What are they like at room temp? ○ Are certain ones better? ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ Problems with liquid oils Omega 6 vs Omega 3 ○ Food sources of both ○ General pros/cons Cholesterol ○ HDL vs. LDL and their functions ○ What raises and lowers HDL and LDL Heart Disease/CVD ○ Risk factors (diet related, and in general) ○ DASH diet Protein ○ Groups that need more protein ○ Primary function of protein ○ DRI for healthy adults ○ Complete proteins ○ High quality protein (what makes them high quality? Food sources?) ○ Complementary protein ○ Risks of excess ○ Recommendation for processed meat Amino Acids ○ Supplement regulation and safety ○ Supplements and muscle building ○ Essential amino acids vs non-essential amino acids (how many) Vegetarianism ○ Benefits/risks of each type ○ Diet components of each type Cancer ○ Diet related risks ○ Prevention methods Illnesses Discussed this unit ○ Gout: what, cause, symptoms, (pop. affected) ○ PEM: what, cause, symptoms, (pop. affected) ○ Kwashiorkor: what, causes, symptoms, (pop. affected)