Laboratory work №3 Formatting of a font and paragraph Perfomed by Name :Suleimen Akhmet Group:Ээк 21-12 Step 1. From the first I opened the notepad by clicking from the left on the desktop "createdocument textiles" and I opened the notepad. Then I clicked "save as" on the notepad and saved the notepad 1.Akhmet.html Step 2. I wrote the HTML code in brauser. <html> <head> <title>Suleimen Akhmet</title> </head> <body> I welcome you on my first web page! </body> </html> Step 3. I turn the result Step 4 I wrote cod and turn result <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Suleimen Akhmet</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <h1>I welcome you on my first web page! </h1> <h6> Student of the Ээк 21-12group Suleimen Akhmet </h6> </BODY> <BR> <h4> Suleimen Akhmet </h4> </HTML> Step 5. I wrote cod and Turn the result <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Suleimen Akhmet </TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> <h1>I welcome you on my first web page! </h1> <BR> <h6><font size="+2"> Student of the Ээк 21-12 group Suleimen Akhmet <i> </h6> </BODY> <h4> 1.Suleimen Akhmet </h4> <b><del>Нас</del><font color="red">y</font><font color="green">т</font><font color="blue">р</font><font color="yellow">о</font> <ins>встречает</ins><font color="red">про</font><font size"=3">хлад<font color="blue">ой</font></b> </HTML> Step 6 I opened the notepad by clicking from the left on the desktop "create-document textiles" and I opened the notepad. Then I clicked "save as" on the notepad and saved the notepad 2.Akhmet.html I wrote kod <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Suleimen</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Приветсвую Вас на моей второй web-страничке! <BR> Монолог Гамлета <HR> <center> <br> To be or not to be-here in what a question <br> That it is more noble : to take down blows <br> Violent destiny_ or against the sea <br> Adversitiesto arm,engage <br> An aall to finish at once... <center> <hr> </BODY> </HTML> Step 7 I wrote kod <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE>Suleimen.A</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Welcome to my third page! <br><dr> Я знаю,как учится <br> <ol> <li>Шрифты</li> <ul>Размер</ul> <ul>Цвет</ul> <ul>К набору</ul> <ul>Индексы</ul> <li>Рубрики</li> <ul>С 1 го по 6 й уровень</ul> <li>Параграфы</li> <ul>Выровнивание</ul> <ul>Разрыв строк в параграфе</u> <ul>При использовании переформатиравания.</ul> </BODY> </HTML> And I turn result Step 8 I drew a table and filled it out Purpose Tag types Note Bold <B> text </B> <B>Жирный</B> Italic <I> text </I> Underlined <U> text </U> Crossed <S> text </S> Bigger text size <BIG> text </BIG > Smaller text size <SMALL> text </SMALL> Upper index <SUP> text </SUP> Lower index <SUB> text </SUB> paragraphs Font <I> Курсив </I> <U> Подчеркнутый </U> <S> Перечеркнутый</S> <SUP> Верхний индекс </SUP> <SUB> Нижний индекс </SUB> Font size <FONT SIZE=«?»> текст </FONT> Basefont size Font color <BASEFONT SIZE=«?»> <FONT COLOR=”$$$$$$”> text </FONT> Single tag The color is specified either by a keyword or by a hexadecimal code with the # symbol RED - red, # FF0000 hexadecimal code - red List making Numered list <OL>list element</OL> <OL> Markered list <UL> list element </UL> list element <LI> list element </LI> <LI> list element 1 </LI> <LI> list element 2</LI> <LI> list element 3</LI> </OL> General structure of HTML document Document type <HTML></HTML> Beginning and end of document Document name <HEAD></HEAD> Not shown in browser Title <TITLE></TITLE> Browser window’s title string’s content Document body <BODY></BODY> WEB-page’s content Document content’s structure Inner heads of different levels <H№> text </H№> Head with align <H1 ALIGN=”LEFT| CENTER| RIGHT”> text </H№> Where № is a number of level of headline (from 1 to 6) Форматирование абзацев Paragraph making <P> text </P> Paragraphs are divided by double line spacing New line inside paragraph <BR> Single tag Paragraph align <P ALIGN=”LEFT”>text </P> <P ALIGN= ”CENTER”> text </ P> <P ALIGN=”RIGHT”> text </P> <P ALIGN=”JUSTIFY”> text </P> Dividing horizontal line between <HR SIZE=«?»> LEFT - по левому краю CENTER - по центру RIGHT - по правому краю JUSTIFY – по ширине Single tag. «?» - is a line’s thickness in px. Table of primary colors Color's name Color’s hexadecimal code Red Green Blue black 00 00 00 navy 00 00 80 blue 00 00 FF green 00 80 00 teal 00 80 80 lime 00 FF 00 aqua 00 FF FF maroon 80 00 00 purple 80 00 80 olive 80 80 00 gray 80 80 80 silver C0 C0 C0 red FF 00 00 fushsia FF 00 FF yellow FF FF 00 white FF FF FF Step 10 I wrote cod <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> Suleimen </TITLE> <HEAD> <BODY> Приветствую Вас на моей третьей web-страничке! br> монолог гамлета center>To be or not to be-here in what a question br>That it is mjre noble: to take down blows br>Violent destiny or against the sea br>Adversitiesto arm, engage br>An all to finish at once... center> hr> img scr="Arrows1.wmf" width='50" height='50" /BODY> </HTML> Step 11 I wrote cod <HTML> <HEAD> <TITLE> suleimen</TITLE> </HEAD> <BODY> Приветствую Вас на моей третьей web-страничке! <BR> I how to make out: <br> 1.<a href="1_Akhmet.htm>Fonts</a> <br> <ul> <li>Size </li> <li>Color</li> <li>To a set</li> <li>Indexes</LI> </ul> 2.<a href="1_Akhmet.htm>Headings</a> <ul> <li>From 1st to 6th level</li> </ul> <br> 3.<a href="2_Akhmet.htm>Paragraphs</a> <ul> <li>Alignment</li> <li>A rupture of lines if the paragraph</li> <li>With reformatting use</li> </ul> </BODY> </HTML>