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Marketing Class XII Worksheets: Product, Price, & Distribution

Worksheet -1(a)
Topic: Components & Importance of Product, Product Levels and
Q1. Fill in the blanks
(a)Product is anything that can be offered to someone to satisfy a
______________ or a ______________.
(b)A ________________ is defined as a name, term, symbol, design or
a combination of them which is intended to identify the goods &
services of one seller and to differentiate them.
(c)Product is the _______________ and all the activities revolve
around it.
(d)________________ is unbranded and undifferentiated commodity.
(e)Products have their own _______________ or a ________________
Q2. What do you understand by product?
Q3. What are the components of a product? Explain them.
Q4. List down the characteristics of a product
Q5. Explain the importance of a product.
Q6. What are the product levels according to Theodore Levitt?
Q7. Elucidate the factors affecting product mix.
Q8. Explain the following terms related to product:
(a)Product Line
(b)Product Positioning
(c)Product Re- positioning
(d)Product Differentiation
(e)Product Diversification
(f)Product Modification
(g)Product Standardization
(h)Product Elimination
Q9. Define the term Branding.
Q10Explain any six type of brands with categorisation.
[Hint: Manufacturer’s Brand, Middleman’s Brand, Local Brand,
National Brand, Family Brand, Individual Brand]
Topic: Product Classification and Industrial Products
Q1. Fill in the blanks
(a) The Product used as inputs to produce consumer products are
known as ______________.
(b)Speciality products are goods with _____________ or __________
for which a sufficient number of buyers are willing to make a special
purchasing effort.
(c) ________________are those goods that the consumer purchases
without any planning or efforts.
(d)________________is involved if a company may purchase the raw
material from a company and may sell the finished product to the same
(e)________________ are the goods used in producing the finished
Q2. Explain the classification of consumer goods with diagram.
Q3. Explain the classification of Shopping goods with diagram.
Q4. Explain the classification of unsought goods with diagram.
Q5. Explain the meaning of speciality product and explain its features.
Q6. Explain the classification of Industrial product when diagram.
Q7. Write the marketing strategy (Product, Price, Place, Promotion)
for the following:
(a)Convenience Products
(b)Shopping Products
(c)Speciality Products
(d)Unsought Products
Q8. Differentiate between Consumer product and Industrial product stating
the basis.
Q9. “What is Convenience product for one person may be a shopping
product for another” Explain with the help of an example.
Q10. State the examples of Consumer, Shopping, unsought and speciality
Worksheet -1(c)
Topic: Product Life Cycle
Worksheet -1(d)
Topic: Packaging and Labelling
Q1. Fill in the blanks
(a)The ______________ indicates the sales and profit of the product
over a period of time.
(b)Product also follow the ‘ ________________ curve with certain
products deviating showing a sharp growth followed by a sharp decline.
(c)____________ and bands enter into decline stage while products
categories last longer.
(d)Products that withstand the heat of competition and customer’s
approval enter the_______________.
(e)In the growth stage the company faces a trade off between
___________ and _______________.
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
(a) Marketers define packages as the ______________ of
(b) Environmental awareness among the consumers has promoted
the introduction of________________ awarded on the basis of a
products environmental friendliness.
(c)A _______________is either for the consumer whose
consumption is large or is bought to save cost.
(d)Consumer packaging is also intended to offer better
convenience to the consumer and protect the product
(e)Attractive packaging is an also an efficient______________
Q2. Define Product Life Cycle.
Q3. Draw a graphical presentation of product life cycle representing sales
and profits clearly. Also highlight the point at which sales and profits
are maximum.
Q4. Explain the characteristics of all the four stages of PLC.
[Minimum three characteristics of each stage]
Q5. State the marketing strategies adopted by an organisation during the
following stages of product life cycle.
(a)Introduction Stage
(b)Growth Stage
(c)Maturity Stage
(d)Decline Stage.
Q6. Differentiate between the growth stage and Maturity stage stating the
basis. (Any 3)
Q7. Why do new product fails?
Q2. Define packaging.
Q3. What are the major functions performed by packaging? Explain
Q4. What are the qualities of a good packaging?
Q5. Define Labelling.
Q6. What are the requisite of a good label?
Q7. Explain the classification of label as stated by William J Stanton.
Q8. Explain the role of labelling.
Q9. Explain the various packaging decision in brief.
Q10. What are the different types of packaging?
Worksheet -2(a)
Topic: Objectives and Importance of Pricing
Worksheet -2(b)
Topic: Factors affecting Pricing
Q1. State whether the following statements are True / False:
(a)High priced commodities generally witness an increasing sales
(b)To flaunt their status consumer generally buy cheaper
(c)If prices are too high, the business is lost. If prices are too low,
the firm may be lost.
(d)Goods and Services offered by various producers at different
prices helps the consumer to make rational and informed buying
(e)The main elements of marketing mix are Price, Place,
Promotion and Product.
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
(a)Firms may pursue different objectives such as maximising
revenue,_______________ maximising market share or
maximising customer satisfaction.
(b)If the buyer are habitual of the product the price may be fixed
(c)Supportive government policies _______________ businesses
through healthy competition
(d)Favourable market conditions due to ______________ or
inflationary trend, encourages firms to fix higher prices of their
(e)If the demand for a product is inelastic firms fix a
___________ of the product.
Q2. Define the term ‘Price’.
Q3. What all aspect of production are to be considered before
deciding price of a product.
Q4. Explain the objectives of pricing?
Q5. Why pricing of a product is such an important decision for a firm.
Q6. What is the significance of pricing of a product from consumer’s
point of view?
Q7. Difference between Price and Pricing.
Q8. “If prices are too high, the business is lost. If prices are too low,
the firm may be lost”. Comment on the statement.
Q9. How does price determine firms competitive position and market
Q10. How does pricing help in improving company’s image?
Q11. How does pricing maximise social welfare in a society.
Q12. “Generally prices will be set relatively high by the firm if
manufacturing is expensive, distribution and promotion is
exclusive”. Explain the statement.
Q13.How does pricing helps in satisfaction of need
Q14. Differentiate between Cost and Price.
Q2. What do you mean by external and internal factors?
Q3. What internal factors are taken into consideration while
developing the price? Explain
Q4. Which external factors are taken into consideration while
developing the price? Explain
Q5. Discuss the role of role top management in price determination.
Q6. How does the market demand for a product has a direct impact on
its pricing?
Q7. Product differentiation causes price variation in firms products.
Explain the statement.
Q8. “Explain conditions and Government regulations play a vital role
in determination
Worksheet -2(c)
Topic: Factors affecting Pricing
Worksheet -3(a)
Topic: Meaning, Participants & Functions of Channel of Distribution
Q1. What are the different methods of pricing?
[Hint: Demand Oriented, Cost Oriented, Competition Oriented
and Value based pricing]
Q2. What is the difference between demand oriented and cost oriented
Q3. Under what circumstance would you recommend following:
(a)Skimming Pricing
(b)Penetration Pricing
(c)Negotiated Pricing
(d)Value based Pricing
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
(a)Buying, Selling and _____________ is a part of transactional
(b)Four participants of distribution system are manufacturer,
Intermediaries, facilitating agencies and _____________
(c)________________ is also known as channel of distribution or
(d)In _____________ middleman procure supplies or goods from
a variety of sources, which is often not of same quality, nature and
size and group them into homogeneous products.
(e)______________ refers to the process of keeping the goods
purchased from different places at a particular place.
Q4. Explain break even pricing.
Q5. Differentiate Leader pricing and Psychological pricing?
Q6. Explain the factors affecting the differential pricing method
Q7. Explain the three types of cost oriented pricing.
Q8. What are the advantages of Demand based pricing?
Q9. If fixed expenses in a production unit are Rs. 54,000. Variable
cost per unit is Rs. 15 and selling price per unit is Rs. 20. Find out
BEP quantity. What should be the selling price if break even point
is brought down to 6,000 units
[Ans. 10,800 units and Rs. 24 selling price per unit]
Q10. What is the other name of market driven pricing?
Q11. What are the common methods of competition oriented pricing?
[Hint: Going Rate Pricing and Sealed Bid Pricing]
Q12. Under what circumstances market driven policy is followed?
Q13. What are the reasons for price discrimination?
Q14. Explain the following pricing methods
(a)Resale Price Maintenance
(e)Premium Pricing
(b)Team Pricing
(f)Leader Pricing
(c)Everyday low Pricing
(g)Dual Pricing
(d)Psychological Pricing
(h)Price Lining
Q2. Define Place or Channel of distribution.
Q3. How many participants are there in channel of distribution? What
is their role in distribution system?
Q4. Explain three functions performed by Channel of Distribution.
Q5. Define the term Negotiation.
Worksheet -3(b)
Topic: Types of Distribution Channels
Q1. State whether the following statements are True / False:
(a)A distributor carries products from a single brand or company
(b)Wholesaler seldom sell directly to only end users.
(c)The middleman facilitates the distribution process through their
money and transportation
(d)Retailer perform set of activities that add value to the product.
(e)Distributor and Wholesaler performs the same activities in
exactly same manner to facilitate channel of distribution
Q2. Differentiate between Distributor and Wholesaler.
Q3. What are the two main types of distribution channels?
Q4. Explain three types of vertical marketing system.
Q5. What channel of distribution would you use for marketing the
(a)Soft Drinks
(b)Industrial Chemical
(c)Computer Software
Q6. Draw the channel of distribution for
(a)Consumer goods
(b)Industrial goods
Q7. Explain the role of following as intermediaries of channel of
Worksheet -3(c)
Topic: Function of Intermediaries (Wholesaler & Retailer), Factors
Affecting Channel of Distribution.
Q1. State whether the following statements are True / False:
(a)Big Bazaar and Spencer’s are big chain of retailers.
(b)Retailers do not provide after sale services while wholesalers
do so.
(c)Window display is equally important for wholesaler and
(d)Retailer is first point of contact in the chain of distribution.
(e)Wholesaler sells at a very low margin of profit as turnover is
very fast.
Q2. Mention three similarities between wholesaler and Retailers.
Q3. Differentiate between wholesaler and Retailer.
Q4. Who is a wholesaler?
Q5. What are the functions performed by Wholesaler?
Q6. Define the term ‘Retailer’.
Q7. What are the functions performed by a Retailer?
Q8. Explain the factors determining the choice of channel of
Discuss the factors affecting the selection of the channel of
Q9. Mention the services provided by retailer to consumer
Worksheet -4(a)
Topic: Importance and Role of promotion and Elements of promotion
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
(a)The promotion is to ______________ the customer to use one
particular brand in this brand cluttered world.
(b)Promotion has to continuously _____________ the customers
of the brand and enforce customer loyalty.
(c)Promotion is meant to create ___________ through constant
promotion and involvement of customers with the marketer so as
to create a lifetime relationship with them.
(d) Promotion creates________________ by influencing
customer perception.
(e)Promotion ______________ about product/ service/ Idea and
the place of availability.
Q2. Define the term ‘Promotion’.
Q3. What is promotion mix?
Q4. Write a short note on role of communication in promotion.
Q5. Explain the importance of promotion as an element of marketing
Q6. What are the elements of promotion mix? Explain all of them.
Q7. Write a short note on the following
(a)Public Relation
(c)Integrated Marketing Communication
Worksheet -4(b)
Topic: Modes of Advertising
Q1. Multiple choice questions:
(i)If the company’s focus is short term, it will concentrate on
(a)Consumer Promotion
(d)Personal Selling
(ii)You give your message depending upon individual customer.
It is known as:
(b)Personal Selling
(d)Trade Promotion
(iii)For small audience the most suitable promotion tool is:
(a)Trade Promotion
(b)Personal Selling
(iv)To increase impulsive buying the best suited promotion tool is
(a)Consumer Promotion
(d)Personal Selling
(v)If the communicator and the receiver both share the same
perception; the message is likely to be more effective in terms
(c)Noise Filtering
Q2. Write three advantages and three disadvantages of following
modes of advertising:
(a)Print Media
(d)Cinema Advertising
(e)Mobile and Telephone Advertising
Q3. Explain the Role/ Importance/ Objectives of Sales Promotion.
Q4. What are the different types of Sales promotion techniques or
Q5. Differentiate between price promotion and prize promotion
Q6. List down some of the leading off the shelf offers provided in
the market.
Q7. What do you mean by Premium promotion and Hybrid
Q8. What do you mean by cash Share out? Explain five more
promotional offers of same category.
Q9. Define Sweepstake? Explain two other offers of same category.
Q10. Differentiate between advertising and sales promotion stating
the basis. (Any 5)
Q11. Differentiate between sales promotion and personal selling
stating the basis. (Any 5)
Q12. What do you mean by Digital Dimension?
Q13. Define push and pull strategy.
Q14. What are the factors affecting the selection of promotion mix?
Q15. Suggest the promotion mix for the following:
(a)Cosmetics for men
(b)College Festival
(c)Multi grain biscuits
Q16. Diagrammatically explain the communication process used in
the promotion of goods.
Q17. If you happen to be promotional manager of Dabur India to
launch a new health drink in Indian metros (Metropolitan
cities). What factor will you keep in mind while setting the
promotion mix.
Q18. The maintenance of ethical standards in all forms of advertising
is essential if advertising is to fulfil its proper function as a
marketing tool’ Support this statement explaining five functions
of advertising.
Worksheet -5(a)
Topic: Characteristics, types and quality of services.
Q1. Fill in the blanks:
(a)Service is not a thing but a ______________
(b)No two services can be______________
(c)No services can be produced and ____________ before
(d)On the basis of customer-employee presence the services can
be ______________ and remote services.
(e)Competence, ______________, tangibles and communication
are qualitative features of services.
Q2. Define Services.
Q3. Write a short note on service sector in India.
Q4. What are the characteristics of services? Explain
Q5. State the types of services on the basis of:
(a)Service operations
(c)Customer Employee presence
(d)Customisation/ Empowerment
(e)Service dealing & Processing Focus
Q6. What are the parameters on which quality of service can be
Mention the criteria’s for judging a service. Explain with example.
Q7. Mention the two problems faced in service marketing.
Worksheet -5(b)
Topic: Online Marketing and Social Media Marketing
Q1. State whether the following statements are True / False:
(a)Full form of ICT is Information Communication Technique.
(b)Facebook has taken over WhatsApp in 2016.
(c)WhatsApp started as an alternative to SMS facility.
(d)Social Media marketing is the use of social media platforms
and websites to promote a product or service.
(e)Online marketing is broader aspect than social media
Q2. What do you mean by online marketing?
Q3. Differentiate between Online marketing and traditional
Q4. Outline any three companies that have started shifting to online
Q5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of online marketing?
Q6. Write the full form of
Q7. Name some of the online marketing tools used to build and
maintain an online marketing program.
Q8. What do you mean by Social Media Marketing?
Q9. Why companies are making use of social media platforms for
marketing of products or services? Give reasons.
Q10. What are the commonly used social media platforms in India?
Q11. Explain the advantages of Social Media Marketing.
Q12. Explain the concept of online marketing on the basis of
Q13. Explain the concept of social media marketing on the basis of:
Q14. One of your friends wants to buy a pair of shoes online. Explain
to him the procedure of doing so.