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8-Mark Assessment Question Worksheet

WALKTHROUGH: Assess…/Assess this statement…/– 8 mark question
Q: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Look carefully at the question.
There is a debate within the question.
You will need to write about both sides.
What are the 2 sides of this debate?
1. On the one hand:
2. However, on the other hand:
1 For example,
1 This is shown through,
2 Also,
2 This is evident when,
3 Finally,
3 Finally,
3. Now build your arguments for both sides using detailed evidence:
Aim for 3 pieces of different evidence for each side
Use specific information: not ‘many people died in the earthquake’ but ‘309 people died in the
Say what your evidence means (explain) – how does this build to your argument?
4. Which piece of evidence is the most convincing to you? What is the most important point you’ve
written above?
Put a * by this or highlight it.
Where do you fit on this line between the two extremes of each side of the debate?
100% ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------100%
5. Your final sentence should have you saying which side of the debate you most believe in based on
the most convincing piece of evidence – no need to add anything new.
In summary,
This is because
TEMPLATE: Assess…/Assess this statement…/– 8 mark question
On the one hand:
However, on the other hand:
In summary,
EXAM ANSWER: Assess…/Assess this statement…/– 8 mark question
IMPROVED ANSWER: Assess…/Assess this statement…/– 8 mark question
Which level of answer did you get? _______________________
Level and marks bracket
What does this mean?
Write an example sentence from
your work to demonstrate this.
Level 3 – Detailed
You have explained both sides of the debate
using specific knowledge and have a
7-9 marks
conclusion which you explain based on
Level 2 – Clear
You have explained some knowledge for both
sides of the debate but you may have an
4-6 marks
unbalanced answer and/or not reached a
conclusion (which you have you explained).
Level 1 – Basic
You haven’t said a lot of specific knowledge or
answered the question. The question is not
1-3 marks
straight forward, it’s a debate, and you need
to explain evidence on both sides.
Level 0 – Not relevant
Nothing you have written bears any relation to
the question.
Now improve a section of your answer (eg one side of the debate or the conclusion)