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NESID-23 Conference Program: Bio-Economy & Sustainable Development

National Conference on
North East Sustainable and Inclusive Development (NESID)-23
Bio-Economy for Climate Resilient, Sustainable and Inclusive Development
Organized by
The Assam Kaziranga University (KU) & Institute of Frontier Science and Application (IFSA)
April 10-12, 2023
Background: Although Bioeconomy is a relatively recent concept, it is gaining acceptance fast. Its adoption by
the European Union and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) as a framework for the
use of biotechnology to develop new products and markets led to its global popularity. A bioeconomy may be
characterized as one in which the basic building blocks for materials, chemicals, and energy are derived from renewable
biological resources. As per UN FAO, Bioeconomy is a knowledge-based production and the use of biological resources,
processes and methods to provide goods and services in a sustainable manner in all economic sectors.
Nationally, India has emerged as a leader in biotechnology and bio-economy, being among the top 12 destinations for
biotechnology in the world, with approximately a 3% share in the global biotechnology industry. The number of Biotech
start-ups in the country is now over 5,000. However, despite the efforts by the government, through initiatives like NEBIRAC, its growth in the North-East has been much below its potential. The NESID-23 will examine closely at various
issues related to a Bio-Economy in the north-east to develop implementable policy recommendations. NESID-23 is the
fourth edition in the NESID series initiated by the organizers in 2017 to develop solutions and policies for sustainable and
inclusive development of North-East.
Thematic Technical Sessions:
• Case for a Bio-Economy for North-East
• Bio-economy, Bio-Diversity and Sustainable Development
• Technology Interventions for Bio-Economy
• Allied Agricultural Products and Sustainable Bio-Economy
• Economics of Sustainable Bio-Economy and Bio-Economy Start-Ups
• Policy and Regulatory Issues
• Keynote Addresses and Invited presentations
• Panel discussions
• Poster presentation by students, researchers, and young Scientists
• Exhibition by institutions and industries
Structure: The issues identified above will be addressed in six thematic Technical Sessions and a Plenary Session
leading to a synthesis and recommendations with a roadmap (please see the tentative programme below). Each
Technical Session will have Lead Talks as well as the Invited Talks, delivered by renowned experts from different
organization in India. In addition, several Poster Sessions will be organized for inclusive inputs.
Exhibition Theme: An exhibition on products and solutions available on the theme Bio-Economy for Sustainable and
Inclusive Development of North-East is being planned.
Dissemination: The primary product of NESID-23 will be a Policy Document to be shared with various agencies. Efforts
will be also made to publish the manuscripts as Proceedings by a reputed publisher.
Registration: A web registration is mandatory for all participants. Please note that web submission of complete paper is
necessary to complete the registration process. The registered participants will be provided free transport to and from the
place of stay to the venue of NESID-23, free lunch and tea/coffee during the Conference timings. The organisers will also
provide support in booking accommodation in selected hotels. The last date of Registration is March 10, 2023.
Venue: Greenwood Resort, Guwahati
Invitees: The list of Dignitaries, Lead and Invited Speakers will be available in the next version of the Brochure and the
NESID website.
Technical Programme Summary
Day 1 (10.04.23)
10:00 -11:00 Inaugural Function
11:30-13:00 Technical Session I (Case for a Bio-Economy North-East)
14:00-15:30 Technical Session II (Bio-economy, Bio-Diversity and Sustainable Development)
15:30-15:55: Lunch, Exhibition and Poster Session
16:00-17:30: Technical Session III (Technology Interventions for Bio-Economy)
Day 2 (11.04.23)
09:30 -11:00: Technical Session IV (Allied Agricultural Products and Sustainable Bio-Economy)
11:30-13:00 Technical Session V (Bio-Economy, Bio-Technology and Bio Start-Ups)
14:00-15:30 Technical Session VI (Policy and regulatory Issues in Bio-Economy)
16:00-17:30: NESID-23 Plenary (Synthesis and Roadmap)
Day 3 (12.04.23)
10:00 -13:00: Industry-Academia-Energy Conclave-23: Bio-Economy and Renewable Energy in the North-East
11:35-13:00: Exhibition and Poster Session (parallel)
14:00- 15:30: North-East Climate Consortium (NECC) Meeting
16:00-17:30: Valedictory
Day 4: Cultural/Nature Tour/Cruise to places of natural/historical/religious interest (Optional)
Detailed programme will be communicated/uploaded subsequently.
Organizing Committees: NESID-23 will be planned and implemented through two Committees: national and Local.
National Organizing Committee (NOC): A National Organizing Committee will advise on the overall structure, themes
and selection of speakers for NESID.
Chairman, NOC: Dr. Prashant Goswami, Chairman, Institute of Frontier Science and Application (IFSA)
Co-Chairman, NOC: Dr. P. K. Mishra, Vice Chancellor, KU
1. Dr G N Sastry, Director, CSIR NEIST
2. Prof. Damodaran, Prof. (Retd), IIM, Bangalore
3. Dr E V S Prakasa Rao, Head (Retd), CSIR CIMAP Research Centre, Bengaluru
4. Dr G.A.Ravishankar, Vice President(R&D) (Life Sciences), Dayanand Sagar Institutions, Bengaluru
5. Dr T.Ramakrishna, IP Chair Professor,National Law School of India University(NLSIU), Bengaluru
6. Representative, DBT
7. Director, ASTEC, Assam
Local Organizing Committee (LOC): The Local Organizing Committee will be responsible for the local organization of
the event with participation from The Assam Kaziranga University. The detailed list of composition of the LOC will be
available on NESID-23 website.
About the Organizers: Situated in the Knowledge City” Jorhat, The Assam Kaziranga University is a private university
having six different academic schools covering a range of. Since its establishment, the university has been involved in
different academic, research and skill development programmes designed to achieve sustainable development and
empowerment of people of North-East by tapping best available opportunities in the rapidly evolving global world. The
Institute of Frontier Science and Application (IFSA) is an organization under Science for Inclusive Development Trust
(SIID), a public interest charitable Trust. IFSA is devoted to multidisciplinary research that relies on an Information
Technology enabled global virtual platform comprising scientists, scholars and thought leaders.
About the Location: Guwahati, the capital city of Assam, is well connected by road, rail and air; the climate in April is
pleasant. With its earlier name Pragjyotishpur, it is a historic city, with many monuments of historical cultural and
religious interests in and around it; several famous wildlife parks are also within driving distances.
Accommodation: Accommodation can be booked at or near the venue; a list will be provided in the Conference website.
Updates: Please visit www.kazirangauniversity.in/nesid regularly for further information and updates
Contact: nesid@kazirangauniversity.in